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>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen has has gained 1 pound and has taken up drinking again
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Fishtank is proud to announce its newest sponsor: Galaxy Gas!
• Josie has been caught running an illegal child grooming discord server.

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Prev: >>203666973
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Manifesting true love.
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Jon is the tallest fish
Keegan is the newest KAWB club member
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>mfw I realized josiepedos escaped their containment thread
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Jimmy bogarts the luxury family vacation home all summer. He refuses to leave, even when his sister makes plans to go with her friends for a nice private weekend. Jimmy insists on staying. He hovers over them. Jimmy is a selfish, privileged, creepy sperg. He still hasn't addressed these allegations.
I want to manifest too but I know its over. There is no coming back from this unless Tj goes to FL
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…Marriageable Creature
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anyone want to come over and play beyblade with me? I got some of the cool new X ones
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>mfw i realized josiepedos escaped their containment thread
Why should TJ be the one to do the fixing? He's done nothing wrong. At least nothing serious.
Taylor's the one with the snake whispering in her ear making her do worse decisions.
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only if you divorce her and replace her with the superior, skinnier, sexier Kenna 'Minion' Hines
Her husband will inevitably replace her with minion
wow, she's beautiful
hit em with the change up sarge
can anyone confirm keegan still following taylor?
He shouldn't have too but that's the only way they get back together. I don't see any other way for it to happen. Do you honestly think Taylor will ever be 1st one to make the move to try and reconcile?
Actually gorgeous.
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Eww she looks Thiel coded. Creature serves no man but her other half bonded by the sacredness of rough sex. Also creature needs a new job. Pleasure forward her any leads.
yeah he does
If she doesn't get her shit together Abi's gonna snatch him up.
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>she looks Thiel coded
AKA not obese, not covered in tattoos, white and actually attractive
We need this in the news
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TJ is a nigger
How does TJ have better audio then taylor?
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The Beautiful CK has Peter on the mind
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>Josie fans throw a mutiny on her birthday stream
>steinful leaks Josie's intersex genitals on /bant/
>ab/Lance exposes the Josie pedocord leaks
WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
did none of you see that markypost lol
dude randomly popped up started talking about sam hyde dating a 16 yr old
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That Kato tattoo on her abortion spot is insane
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Hawk Tuah Girl and Sgt. Pen confirmed for S3 needs to be in the news section next thread
I had a feeling he'd be singing tonight
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I fucking love TJ brehs
Hehe my baby girl took my photos for me. She's smart as a whip, valedictorian in her class of 20 in Texas. That's my baby girl ha.

-Sent from iPhone with Tapatalk
Thinking of tj singing to a laughing smiley Taylor makes me smile but feel so sad. How could she give this king up?
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He really is Da Man
He cheated
If you're not watching TJ right now you're retarded
TJ and Taylor never had chemistry. He was probably weirded out when she went all the way to Michigan
Kek this!
for me, it's thinking about how awkward and sad Taylor's stream was then Teejster comes in all goofy singing and everyone is cheering him on in chat
the contrast is fucking insane
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Taylor left this gem of a guy?
She claims it’s not an abortion. She just calls herself ghost baby because she had several family members die in her early teens
The TJ cockriding has officially gone too far, never coming back to these threads ever again
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good riddance bitch
Its fitting that creature works with dogs, because she is a dog. Creature is obese and she was replaced by minion cause sam thought she was gross.
that's why we do it, to get rid of you specifically
not even when they get hawk tuah girl?
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>I want a nasty little Jewish Princess
I don’t think that happened…
ok acade47
whatever you say acade47
dont let the door hit you
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Hairy Little Jewish Princess
it's from a c section
He's singing about BEN
Going from watching the Taylor snooze fest to Tj karaoke kino is something else.
Hi Keegan
the whiplash is intense
Claire is the princess of /ftl/
letty isnt jewish
>mfw I see josie working at a walmart 40 pounds heavier with an indescribable sadness in her eyes a year from now
Everyone loves TJ get over it fag
Stay and fuck with them its not hard
I wonder if she kept the child
She passes
cl*irepedos are not welcome here
she doesnt
This. You won't be missed anon.
I love that TJ and Justin Jefferson have pretty much the same facial hair, must be something about it that makes you a beast
can’t watch rn is tj taking requests
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Clairepedos love this picture
theyre so delusional that nothing gets to them
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It's brown enough.
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Josie and TJ karaoke collab stream when?
Tbf this is the only place that actually dick rides him, everywhere else gets mad at him so just go somewhere else for the moment.
Claire is these threads tard. There are no /ftl/ threads without Claire. She is the princess of /ftl/. Seeth more.
nah he's just goofing off rn keegan changed his name to acade47 and he's seething again lol
That looks like a gelfling
it's hot as fuck, why does it make you seethe so much?
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feed the delusions
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not again
doesnt make her jewish
josie x steinful sleepover stream when
You just know Taylor is watching TJ right now smiling almost forgetting she left him thinking what if…
TJ carrying FishTank rn
Hi Mike
when benleaks likes it, that makes it cringe
even in that hypothetical scenario you invented to make yourself feel good she will still have infinitely better and richer life than you.
rope yourself RV jeet
This is advancing the culture
>having baby Claire saved ready to post at a moments notice
Clairebears never post this pic. Its only been posted 10 other times. You're the creep that has it saved to his phone or computer.
guys sargeposting stopped being funny a long time ago, give it up you fat cringelord virgins
Some guy named Renowned has more viewers than TJ
Nigga, Taylor's smilin at a toilet lined with cookies
lmao he's getting into it
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sing your heart out TJ
Try making your projection not so obvious next time
he's doing a fishtank in gmod with fishtank twitter orbiters
tj loves music
put the fries in the bag Jordan
He may be cringe, but he's free
Trvth nvke
Damn that's messed up I can't believe Josie is a SIZE QUEEN

(I just took two flights today each time it descended to land all the sinus pressure drained from the side of my mouth it was like instant dry socket wtf it hurt so bad)

Anyway where's the new cast leaks I only saw 2 people so far was there more
literally just waiting until he sees her name pop up
Why do u have it saved if u dislike her u fucking creep kek
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>Claire is these threads tard
Don't destroy the part of yourself that is cringe, destroy the part that cringes
is TJ drunk
can we pressure him to drunk dial taylor
no he doesnt, he listens to cringe boomer trash
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>saves your site
did Kato leave her child?
So i can post how much i hate her
kys claire you dog faced cunt
Unironically, I wish I could sing like this without getting kicked out of my apartment lol
Common TJ W
you are a miserable man
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more of a youtube recommendations music type of guy?
I don't think its cringe to be person you want to be. Tj would be a fun guy to be around when acts like this.
sold it
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Good show TJ old boy
Don’t know if you saw S2 but you can get him to do a lot with TTS
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The beautiful Mary
TJ :)
Claire is the princess of /ftl/ and the picture of her with the pacifier and hugging the plushie is hot as fuck. Get over it, jealous troons
she said last stream she got charged over 1k for replacing an alternator and battery, and that her car is still fucked. Kek.
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No way is this bitch only 5'8 god damn look at this manly shoulders what a freak
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Only the realest fishtank niggas remember this
the happier TJ is the more Keegan seethes, this is an absolute win
Same dude, I sing to myself/my cat but I wanna be able to completely belt like this
>oddbod, jimmy, and a hambeast on screen
yeah... no.
women do be getting scammed at mechanic shops
>s3 in a couple weeks
>zero hype
>zero announcements
doomed to fail if it actually starts on time
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post that pic of her at 20
no I listen to good shit like lazerdim and opium
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>See Bloodgames soundtrack folder
>Listen to first song
I miss it and it saddens me that there aren't any archives for it...
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>TJ singing
scrabble kino
Steinful is gonna want a pack of condoms for this weekend
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they just announced hawk tuah girl and jet said there will be more teasers incoming. the hawk tuah post is the most engagement a fishtank post has gotten in months
They did an epic trololol about getting the freakin Hawk Tuah girl on bro she's from that one video
Coomer dyke. Lesbos are just coomers that use other girls as silicone sex toys to goon.
When Hawk Tuah saves the show, how will you cope
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Name something Cleh did today.
Mofos complain about Letty being hairy but this bitches level of hairy matches their reactions far better.
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her toes are also freakishly long thats why shes so adamant on hiding her feet
sorry i saw a 40 year old man's baldspot and thought it was jimmy. honest mistake
who's the one giving him the succ
jet teased more teasers don’t worry
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Moved her stuff from Isaac's apartment to her parents' house.
>Saving a picture of an egirl you hate
>posting it to own her fans
>its a picture of her eating a lollipop with a weird handle
>It was given to her by production
>the picture was posted 10 times total before he saved it
You're creepier than any of the simps anon. Thats just weird behavior.
TJ going crazy lmao
I love when he picks up the camera and goes freehand, really elevates the cinematography to a whole new level
He's always with us
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that's the thread from last night when the bettypedos started posting, which is probably you you sick fuck. that file was posted for the first time last night, along with bettypedo trash like this
This weekend
Why the fuck is TJ so chill now this nigga seems to genuinely have fun streaming now
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Is this the hairy jewish girl he was singing about
Holy meds please take them now or better yet stop visiting these threads. They aren't doing your brain any good
he gets off on Taylor's misery
Get it because they said that a lot on bitchtank. I love these inside jokes for fans that’s what makes this community like best!
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>Clairepedos doing unironic hashposting
didn't think it could get any worse than this
literally eat my ass i'm fine
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I still like Taylo!
>telling someone to take there meds
>calling someone a schizo
Those are bbc betty fans favorite responses.
she's boring and fat
she should've retired and let tj do the streaming when they were together
Was on discord with Abi and briefly went on stream to get epic trolled by orbiters
thanks for the update TJ!
Does Tj go to karaoke bars?
taylo is great :)
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Well I don't!
You people really need to stop treating the bettyfags as some sort of boogeyman it's sad
I love feeling like I'm a part of something, Jet's awesome gaslights feel like we're just buddies messing around :)
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No u don't nigga
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>Get it because they said that a lot on bitchtank
No its because everyone is talking about it and memeing the girl because of her podcast and just the general absurdity of it all
Cope you're the fucking weirdo saving pictures of egirls you hate. That some straight incel shit.
I get a feeling the TJ drought was because of her good riddance I say
I still like Taylor milkers too but not Taylor
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TJ and Shinji going on a drunken karaoke bar binge in Japan and then going to soapland.
Make it happen.
There's literally nothing wrong with being a Claire fan
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Because all of his competition gave up months ago so there is zero pressure to be interesting.
she's fat and cheated on TJ
Reminder that Taylor robbed us of TJ streaming in Japan with Oliver and Joeyy (She ate his passport)
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It's funny you keep exhorting us to go there, and censoring her name to make her feel less appreciated. Claire is the glitter bomb that you will never get rid of.
sucks that she stopped, they were cozy streams
This! That one creepy hater needs to stop seething and saving her photos. Its unhealthy.
Fucking cunt!!!
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Why is he so obsessed with removing bike lanes? Why does he care about faggot firefighters and EMT niggers who steal taxpayer dollars to watch sports all day?
Tj getting the liquor out
Not really but you should be as flippant about it as she is.
chuds are anti bikes for some reason
i hate the word clairebear, should have used claire fans this whole time
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TJ my nigger
this needs to happen at some point
Only a b*tty fag would do that. Its his pathetic retaliation for doing it to her.
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This bitch down baddddd
Bacardi Kino inbound let's fuckin go
i love tj
odds this goes emotional by the end of the stream?
no dad
You sound like you’re forcing yourself to be mad about it desu
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Liking Claire doesn't make me a fucking pedophile. Where did such an absurd assertion come from?
get a grip cunt
TJ is the prince of Ftl
>Sams going to Connecticut on his comedy tour
>bbc b*tty bought a ticket the moment they were available

b*tty finally has a chance to explain everything to sam! shes definitely gonna convince sam to let her on S3 as production! Sam will understand EVERYTHING when he hears her side of things. She was trying to SAVE letty and jet by airing out there private interactions. Sam will surely understand! Shes gonna be best friends with sam just like letty and everyone will call her the princess of /ftl/ like letty and Claire! Blacklisted? Not for long!
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the craziest part is all of 2023 he solely traveled by e bike
Why is Tj just singing songs about girls and drinking? Its a sad boy night :(
he is right and if you ride a bike in america instead of a car like a normal person you should be thrown in a woodchipper
Clairebear who can't stand that whore B*tty here. I posted that perch picture and stand by it.
This is my waifu btw

I claimed her first
>guys watch tj the real content is here
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No one actually likes TJ right? its like being a fan of PewDiePew, just lusting for a twink right?
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*jewish girls
and because its kino and a good time
you don't like pewdiepie?
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on feet
>Abi making fun of teej in the chat
Bad Abi, stop being evil.
he is celebrating
bend is literally known for its biking, and being mad at bike lanes because muh firetrucks is literally a subhuman tier opinion
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Abi’s got her panties off throwing them at tj on her screen. He’s driving her mad
get a job bitch
Unironic negging
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And the most surprising leak of all
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>sucks that she stopped, they were cozy streams
the moment trish crashed out of austin it was over for her, she lost access to an interesting area to do irl streams which was her best option as a streamer since she was a magnet for weirdos approaching her, the alex stein afterparty stream was one fucking weirdo after another with her pulling the content spray out because some dude was talking about throwing roofies into drinks.
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no she's not
anyone got a rep plug for these balencis?
wow this guy is so cool
physically a bit
I need a nice country girl wearing some tight bootcut jeans with some nice thighs and a nice ass.
Dubs of truth! Its just one hater claiming the pacy photo proves it. The pacy photo was only posted like 10 times in the million of threads. Its just candy that production gave her. Its a scorn b*tty fag trying to get revenge.
Imagine engorging Benny’s bitchtits and massaging his sensitive nipples wider and wider until you can fit your rock hard pecker filling them up with juicy mancum
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>I need a nice country girl wearing some tight bootcut jeans with some nice thighs and a nice ass.
if they don't let tj walk upstairs randomly and sing... season 3 will fail
can't wait for him to try to keep up the illusion that this is a normal show to the fish while he's dressed like this
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on feet
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>Imagine engorging Benny’s bitchtits and massaging his sensitive nipples wider and wider until you can fit your rock hard pecker filling them up with juicy mancum
>Cavities or dental work
>If you have cavities or dental work like fillings or crowns that don't fit perfectly, air can get trapped in your teeth. When the air pressure changes, these air pockets can expand and cause pain.

Fug that's probably it
actual clown shoes
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you will never be white or asian BITCH
yeah and they should have spongebob and peter griffin and spiderman too they're my favorites i love seeing familiar faces on the screen that i know from the internet
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>reality tv showrunners are never eccentric and never dress weirdly
Someone worm sam and jet that b*tty is threatening to loudly Marky post if sam doesn't grant her an audience. She wants to state her case. Shes threatening to scream about Marky if she can't. She should be banned.
this doesn't make sense in the context of tj being on the show
Jimmy wearing the ankle weights is one of the cringiest shit I've ever seen irl.
Abi legion is in contwol now
I look like this and say this
>it's ok when they do it for people i like >:(
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She should just stream soph's vid on it on loop lol
PLEASE God let TJ sing freebird
Sounds kino. If she records this I will take I will never call her a goofy ho ever again.
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Jon is being discriminated against!
she tries so hard to be white it's pathetic
you mean the winner of literally the last season?
She wants to "be cool" and "shit test production" cause she thinks it will get her more fans like letty and Claire. Ban her from the comedy show. Shes threatening to make a scene.
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Steinful just posted a pic with Josie. It's over josiepedos.
she streamed like twice a month ago, once at her parents and then again a week or so later when she went camping with them but disappeared after that. Letty allegedly claimed that Trish is done streaming but who knows if that's true.
Spam it more, cum
bitchtank was the last season actually
Is the production headquarters gonna be in the shed? They're gonna take even longer to break up fights if so lol
that's cryokeen
Jon thinks the city council (that hes running to work with) is reporting his social media accounts
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based abi
Shes needs to get banned from the comedy show or sam will regret it. She wants to prove herself. She thinks it will make her seem cool. Shes planning to loudly Marky post and make a scene if sam doesn't embrace her positively.
Shes not even going, the ticket tweet is fake
I wonder who this song goes out to lol
i keep seeing abi's icon and think it's actually taylor cheering on TJ and then I remember and I get sad
If Jet can actually get them on I'll kneel
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She’s crushing past the point of no return. Ftl right again
Steinful will give her the white babies she wants
Its real she deleted it out of embarrassment cause anons kept making fun of her for looking desperate.
i think that’s the intended effect
How low will Meg stoop. We could have a nice clean race but no
Abi trying to swoop in little monkey boy
why would abi go out of her way to inconvenience me specifically
thats mean
its not real, I asked the bettypedos and none of them even knew about it and they have bots that save all her posts instantly
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Is Jon actually autistic or just low IQ? Also how is building a bridge and adding bike lanes putting local businesses out of work again? Idgi
B*tty fag running damage control after there discord plan to Marky post at the comedy show was leaked.
kys goosemus
>bbc b*tty cuck doing damage control
>Is Jon actually autistic or just low IQ?
Hes both, which is a lot more common that people think, people think autism = genius for some reason
>Also how is building a bridge and adding bike lanes putting local businesses out of work again?
I have no idea, doesnt make sense to me
The bridge will connect the nice part of town with the ghetto and when the nogs invade local foot traffic will decrease causing businesses to shutter.

Also cyclists suck this is just so he can shut them down
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Josie has been arrested
Your children are now safe from harm
meant for tj
how is it damage control? I want her to go to the show but shes just not
The Bend City Council continues to harm local business owners by adding bike lanes that no one is using, costing millions of dollars. For example, the Wilson project cost over $34 million and removed parking spots on Green Road, affecting business owners and creating a choke point for emergency vehicles. Now, they are planning to spend over $40 million on a bridge at Hawthorne. I've spoken with various business owners downtown and at Hawthorne, and all of them are concerned that they might go out of business due to the actions of the City Council.

Additionally, the City Council is discriminating against me because of my disabilities, including autism and a speech impediment. At the last meeting I attended, they mass reported my social media accounts immediately after, likely in an attempt to silence me as I defend the city of Bend and its business owners.

The bike lane they created on Green Road isn't even being used—cyclists are still riding on the sidewalk.

I'll link a document that explains everything they are doing here in Bend, Oregon, and how they are mismanaging funds and damaging the city.

My name is Jonathan Curtis, and I'm running for City Council, Position 1.

Mayor Melanie Kebler
Megan Perkins, Bend City Councilor
Anthony Broadman for Oregon
@megan Norris
@mike riley

You're going down Meg
Kek delusional schizo b*tty cuck
Throw away the key!
34 mil for bike lanes....

Maybe Jon would be an improvement
There is no ghetto in Bend, its an ultra rich 90% white town
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Think of the kickbacks, If Jon loses his morals, couple mil easy
you know what, maybe they would be a nice couple
34 mil is crazy
So Jon is against free market capitalism and supports huge government spending on useless shit like fire departments
Proof for the /bant/ leaks?

The bike land idea seems pretty retarded. He has my vote
Fire Department bros our response?
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keep manifesting TJabi bros
>abi liked the song
Jon needs to go harder on the homeless camps being shutdown and made illegal. That’s what most of the other speakers at the council meeting were most concerned about
stop responding to interesting posts with bs to try and divert to your tjtroon nonsense
are these songs meant for taylor or what the fuck
We will send them to Powtland
this songs about Taylor
im starting to think these songs TJ is picking have a meaning to his good mood....
This Kanye song TJ is singing is directed at Taylor
I can't tell if these song choices are ironic or he is trying to get her back too
Why was TJ never this happy or energetic in his streams with Taylor?
he's drunk atm
and obviously heartbroken
>Theres no doubt the bicycles the bicyclist are the most powerful Lobby in Bend

I love this retard
not watching, but i'm guessing gold digger?
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Damn Tj I thought you were okay.. I guess the joking was just his way of coping :(
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this nigga tweakin
how could she be so heartless
The next auto play song is kino too LUL
*starts dryhumping you*
>Heartless next
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TJ kanye streams are peak fishtank
>how is it damage control?
You're scared she will get banned from the comedy show, so you're running damage control by saying the tweet is fake, and saying she not actually going as a way to try and stop anons from talking about it and potentially getting her banned for exposing her nefarious plot to Marky post.
I listened to Heartless on repeat when my first middle school gf dumped me, someone gives this nigga a hug for real
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dw abi's gonna take real reel good care of him after the stream is done ;)
stage 3...
why is he showing off his cock?
why is everyone spamming Go Green?
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to cock mogg the council
are you black?
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Why do I get the feeling this was the first time anyone ever put Jon in his place?
Tj needs a friend right now ngl
i'm not clicking that
i have an awful feeling they are going to get back together
It's meant to mess with TJ not (you), tho.
>Im thinking of you

hes not ok
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Make the call, Abi
>stake.com betting odds
i forgot you could bet on it lmao
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It's unironically a healthier way to go through a breakup than what Taylor's doing
I'm a white boy from the suburbs, the archetypal Kanye fan
Why is Abi trolling him so hard?
I'm feeling that too, if they get back together I hope he still streams.
wdym? she's clearly into him
or at least encouraging it
shes not
Whats Taylor doing?
tj has music in his soul that needs to be released we are witnessing some real human emotion
she in the threads figure it out
Taylor is probably at the bar and doesn't even know this is happening
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nazi larpers want more blacked content from that bbc addict and jew betty
>if they get back together I hope he still streams.

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Bored n evil.
Holy shit I’m too high right now for wah wah. TJ has soul….
Jimmy was right about that one
mike hit it
I want this to happen too, but I have this growing feeling that I want him to move on, or at least not fall for her if she tries crawling back to him.
Partly because she fucked up big time and it's clearly messing him up, and partly because heartbroken drunk Teej is fucking funny.
Betty is a retarded whore
Dejectual should have raped her
hell yeah
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>airsoftfatty becomes airsoftskinny
>his replacement immediately steps up
i was looking forward to hear him screaming heartless but it's probably for the best that he skipped it
shut the fuck up abi
crumbl cookies
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jet dies today
Why is the site chat spamming go green?
neither of them are nazi larpers, idk why theyre entertaining her but they have good motives unironically
It’s beautiful
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>be internet nazi
>see pictures of a girl fucking black dildos and reposting interracial porn
>"uhh we should talk privately, can i message you?"
damn he getting that good good head
i'm being 100% genuine this is why i love fishtank, it's raw and real and beautiful
>neither of them are nazi larpers
>they have good motives unironically
cope, they want dms from a coal burner
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Cope, Zolt is based
This is the song
Someone should edit some clips for Tj... He'd get views.
This! Kek
it funny when you guys falseflag as clairecels but can you stop doing it for tj? you're making him look bad.
"in our ranks" is a funny way to talk about a discord server
You're the one coping, man.
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holy shit he is going for it
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I'm not actually, Zolt is cool he translates Gentile and Freda to English and is a smart, principled, well read guy
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>You seem mentally hurt to me
>We should fuck
wtf is he singing?
Especially that NIN track, he was screaming his heart out
he looks like a fag and youre a fag too for being a computer nazi
Holy shit TJ….
Taylor fucked up
Which one was he singing? Trent reznor has some good break up songs
He's a pseud and has no principles given that he wants to mingle with blacked B*tty lmao
what's up with the green thing i just started watching
nice try but I'm not a nazi
has he been singing breakup songs? i just got on
Nog was doing nog things. unruly creatures
Forced paypig meme
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That dude has been exposing weird accounts pretending to white and right-wing/"based" that like or post blacked shit while actually being some kind of non-white or jew for a while now so I'm not surprised he's set his sights on her.
>looks like a sped
whatever weird right wing name you have for you and your friends is gay too
the new hobbyhorse cringe
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Jon's a nog too
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wait hawk tuah andy is going to be on fishtank!!!
im not rw
i'm an ethical nazi, actually
Nah Jon was actually the one chimping out here
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Expert cup holding technique
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>poker ad
oh boy
I can't not smile watching tj sometimes
What song nigger
Oh look a manlet
I know this sounds extreme but all the fishtank orbiters should be killed for just for pushing that alone.
that's fair
why does he want private dms with a gross whore who's a jewish mudshark then? why not just leave things at "exposing" her?
>only argument is attacking looks and height
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>why doesn't she love me, man?
because they dont know who she is and thinks they can help her, youre thinking they have the same knowledge of betty that you have
he has to be 5'5 at the most, at least grow to 5'10 to be taken seriously
It's just funny Josie hold herself in such high regard when running a discord escor t server, hanging out with littering drunk driving trash humans. Catfishing women for beer money.

It's pathetic and Josie is too stupid understand how pathetic it makes her look.

It was ok, some high points but overall a completely pathetic display from Josie, Jon, and Van. Jon and Van are trash people and Josie is ok hanging out with them
Based and Truthpilled
bad timing on the tts he's gotta let his voice rest
megcord finally awake
I picked a good night to smoke, TJ singing all the hits. Smoked too much tho and got anxiety but TJ helped out a lot.
they can't even help themselves desu
Somewhat Damaged
The Dark TJ Era
Creature should do heroin
I like Taylor and still don't see a valid reason to dislike Greenshark!
He's going through it rn.
theres nothing wrong with themselves though
tj bladee cover when?
that depends on their bmi and 1 rep max
damn lubegooch was this based all along?
This boy's been drinking lmao. 3rd piss in an hour
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TJabi bros...
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>Cute monkey
Tru, Abi :D
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Creature is my heroine. What’s everyone’s favorite creature feature? For me it’s her voice. It can be so feminine and sweet sometimes and other so wild and silly.
guarantee you she's spamming refresh waiting to see her chats posted here
It's so insane how much Taylor fucked up by leaving this man
what are her snake's names?
>What’s everyone’s favorite creature feature?
Her nudes from 6 years ago
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I have a valid reason
did you guys know that shinji wears an XTC shirt in evangelion
her obese thighs
should've asked him to sing heartless
she checks archives on 4plebs, she doesn't check the actual site
You guys missed your chance to ask him about the breakup lol
that would be too much for him right now
gonna let him chill tonight lol
waiting for him to cool down a little
anyone have the link to maejok tools for removing the scanlines?
kek, look at my boy go
we're not paypigs and we want to see him happy right now
you can chat in his twitch he checks it https://www.twitch.tv/bossneighborteejay
Nah, don't want to kill the mood.
Lonely Abi crushing over a grieving TJ is breaking my heart. I feel more for Abi. She’s really isolated.
Ctrl f abi abbi abigail abby
thank you
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once you install it on tampermonkey or whatever the setting on the site are in the little face at the bottom of the chat. it took me way to long to find it.
careful it tracks your browsing, your tabs & can send you maleware
Would Jon call her a pig like Sylvia
i only use this computer for vidya and watching BBC i'll be fine
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Abi smash

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