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HOH: Leah
POV: Angela, Leah (Jankie POV)
NOMS: T'Kor, Rubina

previously on /bb/: >>203666724
tkor and her bf apparently don't even hug or kiss
no wonder she loves femcel so much
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Oh fuck off discord zoomies stop spamming this shit.
Leah will win
leah's going home next week
How does she even have a boyfriend? She’s not allowed to leave her house at 23 years old. She needs her moms permission to go outside.
She a lesbo
discord zoomers watch Big Brother?
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this has been a /bb/ board for over a decade bitch
Zoomies don't know what CBS is letalone Big Brother
someone asked if she ever gets massages from her bf and she said no because she'd feel bad that he was pampering her
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What are you guys watching while waiting for Big Brother. Besides survivor.
imagine being T'Kor's bf and not being able to grope and play with her titties
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that was only until high school she lives in Atlanta with her bf now
but how the fuck they're together god only knows
I wonder if Kyle still lives with his mom.
Survivor and reading through 4chan threads while petting my cat.
>Imagine the bored weak wristed hand jobs from Leah in the HOH bedroom
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Do you not know how to read?
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i watch football and some new show called English Teacher
nah little leah is definitely the type of girl to really get into it
What do you mean? I'm watching 4chan.
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mak and leah cuddling on the couch eating snacks <3
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I'm watching the last episode of The Anonymous.
I hope the final is Leah and Angela so tkor and Chelsies heads explode
NFL tommorow and whatever TV Shows I have downloaded
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done tomorrow ;)
remember when shitty screenshot guy said he drank a poisoned beer? i wonder if he's alive...
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I can’t fucking wait that long I’m so sick of it
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you arent ready for kimo and cam to be swayed by muh purpose epic speech by the QUEEN tkor and stay in the house
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the challenge
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>epic speech
>posting mak despite the fact she was won over by kimos le diversity speech
the difference is that kimo can actually speak though
kimo is politician tier speech compared to ttwit though
I'm convinced she would've lost f2 over it
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fr fr no cap
Leah for talk tuah podcast. Giv qrd on dubai turkey and fake gyatt allegations.
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snack queens
The wasp poisoned me with its stinger twice. The beer had extra aluminum in which I ate raw garlic to counteract although countermeasures towards degraded unknown can liners are unknown to me.
A girl at work was telling me to watch that
You laugh but T'kor was a speech & debate nerd like Cory in high school and won awards for her delivery of dramatic speeches while being black.
is leah making a bowl to eat more food?
over 60 days in and she hasn’t shown an ounce of that
Leah should be fatter
>how to eat fried worms
kek i like this dude
Good, I needed another person to put on the block this week.
was thinking the same with the way she eats
I was looking forward to her blowing up throughout the season
maybe she has a fast metabolism
Rubina feels like she's "brewing" a poop
they're putting it on the mallow burner to melt shit. i think they're trying to make hot chocolate. surprised production didn't shut it down
her speech pattern is so fucked up, it's like they kept her in a cage until she was 5 before she was taught to speak.
kek i completely forgot about angela's punishment. that was fucked up
so she is making it to eat more food like i said
last night of outside feeds. i'm going to miss them
same desu
bb did a good job for once
i was just saying what it was for. it's a drink
chelsie really working on angela incase she wins hoh
Chelsie working on Angela's jury vote or making sure that she doesn't put her up next week
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>thinking they can control angela ever
leah does this best and still got fucked by her last week
split hairs all you want the end goal is to consume more calories
she’s glazing hard
Please do
she's a master of innovation
didnt mak tell chelsie to get closer to angela?
she didnt need to make it that thicc. she could have used like one layer of foil and her chocolate would be melted by now
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>Sometimes I feel like you don’t like me
god I love this schizo
She’s gotta be a bit special needs right? Someone said it seems more like a speech impediment than an accent and that seems to add up. Crocheting is definitely a special thing to do in your 20s
kek the way tkor throws
big mak has a good arm
mak manbeck throwing balls
They added Jankie World shirts to the official shop. Will I look cool if I get one?
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even cam is just sorta limp wristing it. mak wound up and let it go hard
mak has the best score on knock em down
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>get one
>go to cast event
>leah notices and immediately takes a shine to you
>fall in love
>win amazing race together
>have kids
>grow a big gut
>put on a jankie shirt that’s a size too small
>go to cast event with leah
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Reminder that Kyle did nothing wrong
witches coven
I’m surprised they’re actually letting them do this
>cooking aluminum
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does anyone know the name of the song used when jankie tells them to dance on the dance floor ? I unironically like that song. please respond
sleestack hiding among us
they're saying joseph was probably the one clipping his toenails in the DR. chelsie said she thought it was Quinn at first but saw he had great feet and knew it wasn't him kek
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It’s aluminum foil anon
There are people on this very board who think the nogs and her pet hawaiian won't vote together and save T-Boon

LOL! LMAO even!
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i'm surprised anons haven't bought this yet. they have stickers too
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imagine big mak winning you a giant teddy bear at the carnival
nice, thanks
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no handle, no buy
how come female characters can't have tits and a waist anymore
I gotta get it now, the plan is in motion
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kyle was shaping up to be a great player too until michael jewed him
Aluminum foil is made out of aluminum in which they are cooking the foil made out of aluminum ergo they are cooking aluminum.
are leahs parents separated? she seems to talk about her dad singularly
The point is that you can cook in it anon
Well not in the microwave though
I don’t like your gimmick
>chemo promised rubina his vote to stay
>angela wants t'snore out
>mak does too

that's 3 votes
you drank from an aluminum can earlier that was probably cooking in the sun for months
yep she has a Japanese stepdad too
Angela's plan, as she told Leah last night, is to nom Chelsie and tell her "it's OK to be a pawn. Some people have won that way"
mak also demisted cam earlier and got him on board
which one? the shitty screenshots or wilderness man? or the eating poop one
we're going to finally break the streak of no unanimous votes sadly, but if it's to get tkunt out I'm happy
aluminum melts at like 1200 degrees, those little smores stoves max out at like 400
angela won't win HOH and it'll be a brutal week with the double eviction. i don't see a way where Leah doesn't go home
the whole package
angela just said the DR told her they wont get the yard for a long time after tomorrow.

double eviction confirmed next week
I’m not predicting anything because I have zero clue what Rubina and Kimo will do game wise without Tkor
Neither is close to Chelsie though Rubina is far closer than Kimo
What do you mean by gimmick?
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little leah will win veto and then double eviction hoh
if angela and leah both leave the same week, will the rest of the season be any good?
surely chelsie will throw her a pity vote?
oh, i forgot asking stupid questions as one too. you responded to the wrong person though
I hope so to break the record but she keeps saying she’ll vote with the house
i'm assuming she will to lock up the jury vote. even though i think she could spit in t'kor's face on the way out and still get her vote
im here till big mak and little leah are evicted
Clarifying questions are not stupid questions.
yeah that's a shame. it's been great though

yeah there is no way tkor doesn't vote for chelsie
It depends on the "clarifying" questions, which are always stupid
rupauls drag race unironically
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The question is why are some of the aspects of some of my posts considered gimmicks?
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feeding little leah
if zubina wins hoh are they going to give her a letter from tucker?
yeah, and i told you you asked the wrong anon, dummy
I can't imagine t'snore speaking in front of a big crowd for speech and debate at all. I googled her name and didn't see shit besides some crochet articles and her asking michelle obama a question.
Do people even read the threads?
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i'd be pissed getting a letter from a houseguest, even if they were as hot as reilly
>hey babe I finally got to see ziggy! I'm totally not banging my ex and all the fans I'm meeting either I promise! ;)
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Mak just said that her toes are making a profit for some people right now kek
Redditsisters we're winning
leah said she’s gonna read the big brother reddit, we gotta get her here instead
thank another anon for finding this
it says nothing about debates but she did dabble in communication jobs
theyre all having fun while tkor is seething off cam somewhere
big mak said she’s gonna read the /bb/ threads on 4plebs
wow shes just like me
Will not hosting jury roundtable this year. please anybody buy taylor
surprised they let rubina stand on the table
dan would do it if he wasn't busy streaming elden ring
big mak playing catch with ange is cute
>chelsie teaching ratios
explaining simple math with big mak
learning unit conversions with big mak
>big mak teaching ratios
i think someone posted a link saying xavier is doing it
unfortunately he's doing better than ever on twitch and doesn't seem to care about the show any more. we're about to be stuck with taylor I think.
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You fucking chuds cheered for this. You disgust me. Some things are bigger than the game.
is leah doing her make up for tomorrow already or something?
autist t'kor automatically knew there are 3600 seconds in a hour, which makes her better at math than like 99% of everybody who's ever been on bb
leah piling on makeup at 10:20pm so she can do her goodbye messages
>tuckor teaching ratios
means nothing if you dont know how to add, subtract, multiply or divide. its just one of those things people memorize to make people say WOW I CANT BELIEVE YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE SO UNIQUE
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yeah, big mak
It is not worth arguing with people who do not know how to integrate.
no one is confirmed yet, him and tiff were just attention whoring after the announcement. she will unironically lose her shit if the job does end up going to taylor though kek
ah ok thanks, i obviously never followed the link
they should let kaysar do it
What kind of person is looking for that? It’s 6 squared times 10 squared. It’s not that tough anon. Memorize all squares to 100, it’s not hard
big T was dope. i remember after that whole race bomb thing he was in the back with alyssa and someone else. they were both kinda shook at the implication of the whole thing and big T laid it out saying kyle isnt a racist person. saying how from experience being a bus driver and dealing with people everyday, that kyle was the furthest thing from that
>leah: i miss quin sometimesssss
>rubina: he loved u sooo mucchh. he loved everyone so much
>leah: we're friennddss
>rubina: just friends? just friends is okay... also not just friends is okay also..

this is all going down in baby voice by the way
>It’s not that tough anon
Only about a 1/3 of all Americans have a 4-year or better college degree, and, of those, I'd guess at most half have any mathematical concept of what you're talking about. So less than 20% of the total population would find it "not that tough."
Baby voices are sooooo kawaiiii :3
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T'tard being a tard again
Holy fuck
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bro what the fuck
comfy last night of jankie world
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this girl is 23 fucking christ
I want to sniff the ass part of Leah's dirty thongs from the washroom clothes bin while eeking out a shameful fap as she prepares breakfast for me.
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avg modern survivor players be like
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you did good little leah!
But it’s not just a memorization party trick. You can do it if you aren’t retarded
Poor Quinn imagine being locked in a house with t’kor
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its so cute seeing aliens learn how to operate the human vessel
where 2 watch streams as a leaf
I don't like her or have any respect for her gameplay but I do get sick joy out of these autistic moments
I enjoy the seethe Angela causes by just existing, and it'll be a season ender for me. Although the remaining cast members are actually tolerable compared to the last couple seasons I have watched, so maybe I'll stick with it.
Once T’kor is gone I’m actually ok with anyone left winning except maybe Chelsie.
they should make them cast their votes to evict in the porta potty
through US Pluto
see if the playlists work from https://nocords.xyz/
Does Pluto TV work with a VPN? If so, there.
i wish she would just be like this all the time instead of pretending to be something she will never be
Very telling MJ started bringing up Matt and the dumb fuckbuddy at home right after all the Chelsie gaslighting kek
Download the Pluto Playlist.m3u from NoCords and open it in VLC - Go to View - Playlist and search Big Brother for the feeds.
i'll okay with everyone including chelsie
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femcelcon 1
cam gonna sleepwalk his way to f2
He or Rubina are perfect goats. They’ve got zero to pitch at the end right now
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zubina looks cute tonight
her hair is really pretty i'll give her that
i'm pissed they didn't get booze. it was fucking hilarious how horny they all got the last time they got it. cam was legit talking to mak about whips and handcuffs during sex
BB Sisters I know I'm a season late but I think I'm in love with Luke
yeah she looks like the typical hipster type girl i'd fall in love with ten years ago
bring handcuffed by big mak
Chelsie talks a lot like she didn't have a lot of friends growing up. Honestly it makes sense and she seems like a genuinely lonely person
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keep pumping anon
angela said cam’s skin is beautiful
kek i think i took that cap last night and almost thought it wasn't worth posting but now you made it funny
ever since I saw the troll picture I can't see anything else
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>Cam sits between Angela and Chelsie
>sits right next to Angela while leaving a gap between him and Chelsie
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lil leah is going home next week :(
always good to see a fellow cheese room connoisseur
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girl, same
i loved his body
she should've called him a dark chocolate king
pluto is fucking me hard non-consensually with these ads
every time i switch cams i see zach braff's fucking face
imagine what we could have had if he didn't tard out with a soft -a
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the retarded button boy who was working that morning might be the biggest reason we have such awful feed cuts this year
would Leah ever do another show? i'm guessing not and this was mostly to help her business.
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her BB impression was actually pretty good. i remember they were all hanging out together and attempting to do it and she hung back until the end while also not knowing they were using it constantly in promos. kino
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>literally identical
Petition for her new nick name to be Trollbina.
the cool thing about Rubina though is that I think she would be confused but laugh her ass off at this
big mak rebelling against jankie
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bullying jankie with big mak
cam had to try so hard to not look like he was looking at leah's ass kek
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one of the last dance parties
welp I thought I was recording that but I guess I fucked up and wasn’t, big mak standing in front of jankie was a kino shot
Amazing body
Cutest dimples
Webcomic nerd
Says the n word
He's perfect
kimo and leah want to keep ghostpepper for the backyard
imagine how insufferable jankie's world would be if quinn had survived. all the screaming and the ick. tkor wouldn't even be otb right now because the trio would already be broken up. quinn is the jesus christ of the season.
he wouldn't give you much "ick" because he would rarely have alone time with leah. he was often pretty damn quiet in a group setting when uncomfortable too
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He didn't even say it in a mean way. Modern BB is so gay
kek they're all pretending to eat ice cream
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was it this?
you can tell cam and chelsie to a lesser extent are struggling with evicting tkor. they are both super awkward around her tonight
nah there was a shot from behind mak looking at jankie, blade runner 2049 esque
It's finally time for "Midnight Hour"
25 days left :(
tkor is making herstory. she will be the first and only black women evicted from the big brother back yard and nobody can ever take that away from her. in a word, iconic.
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cam is really good at improv
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thank you anon
you vil not talk about ze vagina rejuvenazation
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holy shit angela is calling out the whole house and threatening to kill rubina
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they have to do a live show and hoh tomorrow
russian mob boss ange
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little leah loved jankie world
that shot of T'Kor staring at Leah trying to do improv on the stage
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leah just spoiled the secret of how to attract lard asses.
happiest i've seen an HG during a single week ever
>i switch cams to cap
>zach braff's fuckin face
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>OOOOH OooOOoooH Oooohh oOOohhhh!
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bless her
imagine just randomly flipping through the pluto channels right now and landing on this, not knowing what bb is
Rubina kinda killing this
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<3 Chels
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fucking what is going on
the late night show
jankie world broke them
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Everyone is looking for some tenderness
No one's going to live his life alone
Everybody's special, special, in their own way

Everyone is for waiting for a guiding hand,
'cause we all need love to stay alive
Everybody's digging for the diamond inside

Live, cause we're living today
Feel the thrill of life
And don't be afraid

Live, be a part of a chain
The chain that can tie us,
together again

Everyone's the center of their universe
Everyone is born a lonely star
And no one can be perfect,
we can only be who we are


We criticize each other,
when we should be building bridges
We are so judgmental,
to the people on the street

Life is not worth living,
when there's no one you can turn to
So we should be building bridges,
for the sake of you and me


[chorus x2]

Everyone is looking for some tenderness...
imagine joseph having to endure this. he caught a break
if they had a bar i'd become the biggest booze bag in the house but it would only make me play the game better
nice, thanks
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us,
above us only sky

Imagine all the people,
living for today
this is so weird
he would've self evicted tonight
Jankie's World turned into Jankie's Cult
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are you illiterate?
is that sots sotsposting
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my dawg joe
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scaring cam with big mak
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time for SEETHE
is cam mak and chelsie not talking about the vote mean they are set on voting tkor out?
They were about to but Leah came over
MJ is set on it but Cam is waffling and Chelsie would ideally like to keep Tkor but isn’t pushing super hard
if i was leah, id be sus'd the fuck out with them not telling me what they are doing tomorrow
ok now they just told leah that tkor is going
>leah: quinn is going to be shook
based Mak forced their hand essentially kek
assuming Tkunt goes it's 100% because Mak constantly tard wrangled Cam and Chelsie the past few days
they shitting on SotS
>he was dirty
>i dont think i ever saw joseph do a load of laundry
>he didnt
>he washed his pants sometimes
>switch cams
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look away joe
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thank you big mak
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>cam asking where small chicken wings come from
>Cam says what is an American food? Camm says burgers are not. Cam says burgers are from Germany. Cam says Pizza is from Italy. Makensy says french fries are American. Cam says Irish. Cam says Oreos are the only american food.
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they're debating what americans make food wise. their original food. cam says american's don't have original foods

mak thinks french fries were made by americans. leah suggested shepherds pie.

chelsie got cut off when she suggested barbecue but she was spot on there
this house is too much
little early but new
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