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The Raped edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen has has gained 1 pound and has taken up drinking again
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Ariel (also known as Betty) will be Markyposting live on Sam's comedy set tonight in Colchester, CT
• Insider info alludes that S3 will have a "Military bootcamp week" with Sgt. Pendleton as the drill instructor

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203679657
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abi fisting claire
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This image is unedited
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the beautiful and eloquent ck
I'm gonna be normal today
lmfao--this low-effort hoe is already broke, huh?
of course he's too retarded to use adblock
so beautiful. he did NOT deserve her
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yeah right
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thank you for your service
i didn't know she was based like that
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>cute monkey
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is the least you fuckers can do to support her after harassing her and spamming pictures of her loved ones
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Name something she is inherently wrong about

inb4 crotchet shit, your just parroting your daddy Sam
i dont owe tayleugh anything
isn’t there a fan on twitter who made these months ago?

this bitch be TRIPPIN
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my hero
It's disturbing how people are posting pictures of the man she's fucking and cockbuddy
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The princesses of /ftl/
When the fishtrannies realize that this is how every person involved with fishtank feels about the audience, it's gonna be jonestown 2.0.
Imagine this with Abi as well.
Whatever happened to "I don't wanna charge my fans too much?" Fucking lol.

Unsurprising if true. She's so lazy.
taylor has man hands
what thielbux does to a nigga
where can i see footage of sams elena velez dj set
most of the contestants are fans who, themselves, are part of the audience
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here's the good part
TJ loves and appreciates me
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sick bro
TJ is really thankful for everything
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Sam's first love mogs
i feel the same way about the audience it's okay
taste of a 15 year old from five years ago
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Still using bant edits kek
remember when jet said soon during the cell
i have some insanely important things to do right now so i definitely won't be making multiple funny posts over the next hours
that's literally from here
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'fraid so
fucking fould LMAO
yeah not really, most of them are posers trying to get into sam's orbit for clout/ to get paid by him to live the wigger lifestyle.
i think the oddball iceberg stream displayed it pretty well.
which sex toys would claire like?
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no i’m talking about the fish keychains. pretty sure there’s a fan who crochets them already
Goosmus went viral! And hes siding with the people making fun of his wife because at least they arent libtards!
abi's arm
Sam just has something inherently off about him, when people who knew serial killers/school shooters talk about how they were “off”, this is what I imagine they feel
god damn you nigger i spit coffee all over my desk
I don't think he can process empathy desu
imagine being so ugly that you become a viral meme. I would unironically neck.
terrible existence
that's fucked
Beautiful work m8
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if taylo did such a number on him abi will absolutely destroy this man down to nothing.
It's insane to speak about the mother of your children like that
what a shit eating cringe faggot
good thing taylo didn't do shit to him
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Taylor looks radiant and beautiful as ever after the breakup
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If this is how he refers to his wife imagine what she calls him
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Absolutely blessed and thankfulpilled
TJ lost and Jimmy won btw
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I'll have that for a dollar!
did tayleigh kill herself
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In awe of this lad
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It's time to stop spreading that edit of Ben in drag, it's fucked up and it's an attack on his character. He hasn't left his room since he saw it, I've been hearing him intermittently sobbing and screaming. He deserves an apology.
most vile shit i've ever seen
>those karaoke streams
he's clearly hurt but he will get over it
Unfortunately not yet
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this shit right there is why im an incel
>Shitty edit of Abi without feet
Also TJ is looking at Letty in that pic.
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Allah wills it
why does singing mean sad? i only ever sing when I'm feeling joy. people sing when they feel joy. it's fun to sing. never understood this take. braindead take if you ask me.
...sorry ben i didnt know
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Mein Fuhrer
>if taylo did such a number on him
He's become a funny confident guy that embraces the kino and doesn't let Keegan get under his skin
Thank you for being my everything, Alessandra. It's so much easier to wake up when I have a reason.
Ben needs to come out and be the princess he always deserved to be.
sorry to ruin your jeopardy game ben
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Even though Ben looked sexy as fuck in the edit, I understand it was just an edit. I'm sorry, Ben.
yeah bro everybody gets piss drunk and shouts breakup songs down from his lungs for fun because of joy.
autistic fuck
Does she only brush her two front teeth?
saying "erm" lmao brutal
cope and seethe
TJ got the toothbrush in the breakup
>Sams going to Connecticut on his comedy tour
>bbc b*tty bought a ticket right when they dropped

b*tty finally has a chance to explain everything to sam! shes definitely gonna convince sam to let her on S3 as production! Sam will understand EVERYTHING when he hears her side of things. She was trying to SAVE letty and jet by airing out there private interactions. Sam will surely understand! Shes gonna be best friends with sam just like letty and everyone will call her the princess of /ftl/ like letty and Claire! Blacklisted? Not for long!
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cant believe they arrested Josie after she conspired with Taylor to crash TJ and Abi's wedding on the anniversary of S3 (6 weeks of uninterrupted feed of Jet getting berated by Sam without a way out)
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"errm, I'm stuff"
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Goosmus and his gorgeous bitch will be on season 3 and there's nothing you can do about it
Soviet style edit and demand
I think the two front teeth are caps, She had a tooth gap in older photos.
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jet neptune dies today
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she was dripping from start to finish
Two disgusting fat slops
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I hope the little monkey's okay, singing at the top of his lungs on a Wednesday night ain't exactly normal
Why did you post a picture of Jet getting fucked again?
Insider here
Turkeytom is very close to pulling out after being confronted with the markystuff, Jet is trying to salvage it but Bex is currently seeing about either Chills (yes the top 15 guy) or even possibly Tobuscus (if he can control his drug shit) as backups.
Jimmy hogs the luxury family vacation home all summer. He doesn't allow his sister to have the house with her friends. He insists on staying in the house when she plans her trips. He takes it over for the whole summer cause hes a selfish, privileged sperg
Oh please. You people talk the same way about Creature
Yeah you’re probably right, he has to either have NPD or be a diagnosable sociopath
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Relatively speaking
>bliccy fucked tristan tate
She needs my beaner cock
Oh its damn true...
Did her belly jiggle?
humiliation ritual
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k...keep me posted
who is she...
i think people just forgot what he’s like
we might be lucky and he wanted to fuck pariah the tranny instead
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>Streams on a platform with very little censorship and answers questions related to the sensitive topic

>Maintains a corporate level censorship with her army of simps to avoid any controversial topic to be even mentioned in chat
must suck to be you
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Bliccy is fucking ugly
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I can't tell if Vance is being sincere or not, it would be nice to see him be known for something other than 'Yeah' thoughbeit.
misinformation is illegal in california, i have contacted the authorities
She is a mongrel
Goosemus is so fucked up, I hope his wife kills him in his sleep.
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I only know him from this
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TJ and Josie karaoke stream when
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was it that funny anon?
Sick we're gonna get so many thirst shots of him
>half nigger reposted it
What's his endgame?
Her engagement is dead on twitter she now has to resort to crypto shills for engagement lol
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clabihouse when????
what is courting
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He is not being sincere
i think taylors fucked up yellow disgusting rotting teeth are pretty funny yea
How it feels reading these threads every day:
Vance has never been sincere for one single moment in his entire life
Creature was replaced by minion for being obese. That doesn't make her a fat disgusting cheeseburger gut slop like these two. That fat fuck can barely sit on a plane.
Hi Mike
>I can't tell if Vance is being sincere or not
Ian and his whore wife/boss literally spent thousands of dollars on security specifically to keep Sam from attending and you think think they're gonna let a Sam orbiter on, let alone actively seek him out?
i wish this were real so fucking bad
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taylor teeth asset if anyone else wants
yeah i'm good man but thanks
almost 50% of americans are obese
Who the fuck would risk a serious head injury in a charity event when there is no guarantee if any many goes to the charity
abi is clearly asking for consent
people who want attention on the computer
Babydoll can eat as much as she wants, I can't believe TJ fumbled this girl before she was able to properly puff up. Fumble of the century.
Reminder steinful is breeding josie before her stream and is going to breed her after her stream.
The Marky stuff needs to be spammed in his live stream more. He needs to be called out for his hypocrite coverage of drama. He recently brought up worldcop without mentioning jet cause he knows we're talking about his hypocrisy in these threads and its starting to spread all over.
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>jimmy was the only fishtank person to publicly wish josie happy birthday
they must all really loathe her
do you have other teeth
he unironically needs to man up and put sam on cc3, or other controversial figures. no one is going to watch some nobody basedlebrities throwing punches around like faggots
fuck off josiepedo
She’s getting bred faggot
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BWC and CAM (cute Abi mouth)
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When do any of them wish each other a happy birthday publicly? Stop being retarded.
Did he make it jiggle? We need an update on that belly
so youre gonna spend another day doing this?
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gonna give you some terrible thrills
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>now Jimmy is fucking her
Are you gonna spend another night seething in TJs chat keegan?
This! Remember the blood soaked uggs. Her toe nails constantly falling off. Her self described shotgun wound pussy. Her psych ward hospital bracelet in her first mde appearance.
Season 3 Hard Reset. I have been saying this, hope this is true, this is the best thing that could happen for S3, otherwise burnout will be real.
Hi Mike.
stop jerking off to jet.
>and now, betty
DaAidsRapist just went live
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shes literally in romania at his compound, he fucked her, cuck
announcement 7pm est
Tayleigh was clearly cringing at what Jimmy said
Sam was being a faggot about this and Tay was right to call him in fail RP
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>>now Jimmy is fucking her
steinful made Josie pregnant
yeah no it's just like why is it that all i enjoy in life is censored by parasites? nice job. fucking faggots.
if it's another hawk-tuah type announcement then you can keep it
Piggy piggy oink oink
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Property of the Tates.
Your life seems very fulfilling
if you don't like hawk tuah then i dont wanna talk tuah
>its real
how the fuck does she have these connections?
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we already know
*breathes heavy* hey im a big fan oink oink. Can I get a picture? Oink oink. *Wheezes* oh that'll do well on twitter *breathes heavy*
Why would I be? I have 20 minutes to kill before I go out. You'll be here all day, and tomorrow, and the next.
the tranny is the hottest one here sadly
In another universe octavious stayed on for the rest of season 2, bloodgames, and bitchtank. and we'd be octaviusposting instead of scottposting
Thats a man. Imagine spending all that money on ffs to still look like a man.
In that universe Sam allows someone the same height or taller than him to be on the show.
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Ok well it really seems like you're bothered! Cheer up anon!
pariah hasn't had any surgery besides having his balls removed.
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ha am i doing this right
Weird cope but you do the same homie
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it's up!
She is not trans thoughbeit.
Unless I see her boyclitty, she's cis.
Hes no Sayuri that's for sure. I like my traps natural. This guys to tall and obviously made of plastic and ozempic.
Nobody knows who Josie is
You still responding just to essentially say nothing says everything, pretty pathetic anon. Don't you have places to be?
Its an openly self loathing eunuch.
Taylor owes Jimmy sex but she's gotten too fat for him
pariah is natty
guess their ethnicities
>central asian mixed with caucasus
>south european meditteranian with some anglo-saxon
>half polish, half north baltic/finnish
>Brazilian mutt fuck half black mutt
None of my business, I don't care.
Kek keep telling yourself that. That's a plastic man that lost his balls.
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Miles just lost a lot of weight. he hasn't had surgery. hold up let me find the pic of him as a kid
I think it's the other way around.
Imagine James' mantits by now...
props to him for not hooking up with someone the same size
>ren donating 500 dollars while she is getting plapped by steinful
Maybe after he started overdosing on ozempic. We have lots of fat pariah pics on /snow/. Hes bulky big!
showing some skin damn
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first is too modified to be able to tell, youre probably right about bliccy and pariah is anglo and jewish (1/4 iirc)
hey that's so nice from taylo-
TJ getting with Abi will 100% make Taylor reach out to him and apologize
no one cares if someone was fat 5 years ago
Get a grip on TJs cock, cunt
Who was in the wrong here?
Jewish test tube monsters. All three. Nasty, bogged up, gang green ozempic whores.
Drugs are expensive
the beautiful CK is always right
Did you know Josie is a beautiful angel
It matters when he will inflate the second he stops his ozempic shots! Hopefully it doesn't stop working. U know that can happen? Self post more.
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Kitty wasn't his first case of yellow fever?
We do care. Especially if he lost the weight with ozempic. That makes it temporary. His thyroid is fucked from donating his balls to Jewish science. He will never be small and cute like Sayuri.
>pariah had an onlyfans when he was fat
>tradcath now that he is skinny and against sex work
Do I have to move to Japan to never see fat people again? God they're so disgusting
bliccy is live on instagram
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better than tayleigh
being skinny makes you a better person
Extreme need to breed Abi and see her breasts and thighs get tastefully bigger throughout the pregnancy... just sayin
time to goon
vinny ramos confirmed for season 3
i want to kiss that exposed patch of skin on her chest
True! That delusional eunuch will saying anything to maintain and grow a micro following. Hes a demon that believes in nothing. He will say anything to look cool to his peers. He's changed identities countless times. Fake fat boy.
Thank fucking god.
Go for it TJ!
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same <3
It smells like a foot
>this stream is probably just to make money to fly out steinful for tommorow
drop his cash app homie ?
Cope hes not real skinny. He didn't loose his weight at the gym. He lost his weight with a prescription from dr. jewstien. His thyroid is destroyed. Its only a matter of time till he re inflates.
>Tay uses those teeth when blowing her dad
good, finally it will make all you josiepedos commit seppuku
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not again
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You guys want me to stick with steinfulposting or switch it up with groomerposting too?
its the sargers citrusy acidic loads fault that they look like that in the first place
Nah, she'd just go harder on thinking she was right to make him unfollow her
>fucking steinful instead of jet
what the fuck did that piece of shit editor have that i didn't fuck, JET MOGS STEINFUL
dumb whore jet gave her a career what the fuck and she pays him back like this? dumb ho fuck, wont even stream on the site that made her
i want you to go bother the josie thread because nobody here gives a shit
I want you to go back >>>/bant/
what would you do if you told taylor "i love you" but then she just stared at you for a second, said "ding ding" and started riding away on her invisible motorcycle?
I want you to do something interesting or productive in your life away from here.
i want you to kys you absolute shit stain on any community unlucky enough to have you pestering it like an unwanted cockroach
do whatever you want man its your life
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Hi Miles.
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Why are you faggots posting about a Thiel troon? Can you find your own thread, please?
I guess I'd have to talk with my six-inch clone of Hitler to work through it, he usually gives good advice
You are in a general about a Theil funded show
just kill yourself now, stop dragging it out
You can't even spell his name correctly, anon. Perhaps you should keep your thoughts to yourself.
go back to bant nigger
would you rather talk to jimmy or give me a rimmy?
go back to your groomer discord you fucking pedo
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Lol forgot she made him unfollow her
Fat, coal burning, liberal cut his nuts off! Now he wants to larp as a trad catholic. I wonder what he'll pretend to be next?
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Too pussy to post on the tag or in her prestream I see.
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no one outside of these threads cares, even when the tayleigh/jordan stuff happened it was all concentrated here and leaked out by the few faggots from here with twitter accounts.
Josies prestream is up, let it rip
Would you rather huff gas with Jet, or let Frank make you wet?
hes right
>basedlebrities throwing punches around like faggots
This is literally what Sam does
you retards aren't gonna convince us to watch a josie stream try harder
fuck off with your pedo content
claire spotted in chat
thats not what bogged means, you josieniggers ruin everything, terminally downstream
You guys watch more abysmal shit than that get off your high horse lol
you watch a grown woman act like a toddler
Post on #fishtanklive twitter this needs more traction and it’s not getting enough. Josie needs to be exposed
shut up tayleigh
you ugly methdyke with fucked up teeth
You won't do shit. Even if you did she'd laugh it off. You can't do anything to her. You don't matter. Keep rotting in your rv, faggot. :)
The discord josiepedos are shitting their pants for what is about to happen
I've seen a handful of her streams. It's high art cinema compared to some of the retards you niggers obsess over.
wait...does this make steinful a pedo now?
yes everyone that has ever spoken to josie is a pedo
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Do it yourself bum
stop one man spamming
of course
Did Pariah get his cock and ball removed?
It's two men now
niggerlips, get over it, it's been over a year
Not your personal army.
There is none.
No it isn't
thats pathetic I didnt know that
using the wrong tag lmao
When will Jimmy address these allegations? Its believed that his sister drunk posted this. Why won't Jimmy talk about it?
>realizes nobody cares about his gay spam larp
>runs to /bant/ and still gets ignored
When will you learn? What did she even do to you you Canadian faggot?
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Thats why her streaming carreer is going so well nowadays!
nothing, he just likes collecting dicks
Crusty crust, flakey like rust, the bits that are white occurred when mans bust, and from this bust a layer of white, chalky once dried from holed on tight, he came like a lion crusty like lamb, a warm moist hole tis better than hand; A warm wet hole crusted and gaped, hitting the walls of smelly and great.
Everyone outside of 4chan already hated Tayleigh, the jordan thing only ensured her last remaining simps hated her too.
Didn't this copypasta include him being weird around his sisters friends at some point?
Don't lump the rest of us in with the Gaytriots
has bbc queen blacked betty finally stopped harassing black men online?
Will chris lynch ever lose his virginity?
this was me i was hacked wtf
he saves it for marriage like a true christian king
anyone got the screenshot of chat calling TJ weird only when Taylor isn't around? need it for something
hes a satanist
ok who is streaming rn ?
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Reminder production are Freemasons running faggot social manipulation games, which is why they give money to fish after the show ends, and keep tabs on the fish through alts like benleaks, mr heck, Q4L, or ren.

They also astoturf both sides of the threads, and do manipulations like name accounts "50 cent applejack fan" to manipulate into being friends with Josie, or make nordic flags her staunch defenders because she has a white guy fetish.

It's all fake gay and lame, and they will either ruin Josie's life to make her kill herself as a sacrifice, use her as a future handler, or keep her around as a groupie.

Jet is Q4L, Mr Heck, theman, ren, and probably a few others.
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Shes currently to busy planning out her epic Marky post at the sam hyde Connecticut show. She plotting on discord with her cucks.
This bitch is all of the negative things people claim Josie and Tayleigh are but she gets none of the hate they get.
Too boring to hate but I try
whats ftl listenin to
Tayleigh the fugly junkie is a lot worse than little Mexican boy Josie and and that fat pig Taylor
Are you out of your fuckin mind?
[SHIT] [WHO?] [WHO?]
The hate Josie gets is just a singular faggot Canadian who has a bone to pick with her for some reason. He replies to himself and never answers questions.
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it's kino, you're both misinterpreting jet's creative vision
taylor is just boring
I called it months ago that she was a fake pick me. Say what you want about Tayleigh and Josie, but they're genuine spazzes.
by far the most mentally ill person here
Tayleigh is genuinely a bad person
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>do i buy solana?
but all three of them are mentally handicapped
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she's easily the worst of the bunch
I'm the sanest man here
That cunt falsely claimed that Mr. Rogers is a pedophile
and you’re genuinely a stupid faggot
Genuinely a stupid faggot!!
You have a little smooth brain
Explain it then. What's your beef with Josie? Why do you spend all day very day spamming the same low-effort pastas?
Not now, Molesto
Go get a job
lmfao I totally forgot about that. She really is the worst

Hi Wes
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>and you’re genuinely a stupid faggot
>Genuinely a stupid faggot!!
>You have a little smooth brain
don't engage with him
It's that same deranged loser who is still upset he didn't get an invite to the helluva boss watch party lol

Literally didn't get in to a discord server for half an hour to chat about a faggy cartoon and now his life is rage posting and schizo obsession. Let that be a lesson to us all.
Hi Mike!
Shes watched criminal psychology dude. That makes her an expert on these matters.
sarge status?
It's quite simple

I promised a josiecock jihad months ago

And now I'm delivering
Bad Ideas isn't Canadian, though.
tayleigh is hell
Imagine being Sarge coming home from a long deployment with no bunkerbunnies and you see beautiful tayleigh waiting for you at the door.
The leaf is Taiwanese and Bad Ideas is a smelly jeet, two different people
>I promised a josiecock jihad months ago
That's not an explanation. Why? To who? Who cares? To what end?
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Only returning face I want to see in season 3
Streams a handful of times then quits. I kinda feel bad for the gaytriots they deserve how she treated them but at the same time they kinda didn't
his "house" is on wheels bud
a true patriot's dream...
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so it is production
hi notch
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Aperture clicked Fishtoys on Funyung's stream and it gave him the option to create new ones. Did anyone else catch that?
>people actually use the fishtank website on default zoom
psychotic behavior
hi notch
she's genuinely a horrible person because she got a boyfriend and it wasn't ME
taylor doesnt do anything intentionally funny. she doesnt engage with anyone in an entertaining way. shes boring. everything surronding her is more amusing than her
what should it be on?
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NO BITCH you should be a dutiful wife to TJ and work an honest girl job like doing manicures or something. But it’s too late for that Abi is claiming the cute monkey boy for herself
i saw it too, now he's pretending to not know the website layout kek
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>people actually use the fishtank website and watch fishtank
The mystery is more fun if you don't know
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That's God looking out for you
i love the slime guy :D
the stream is much bigger and better looking if you zoom out
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anon... the accident was months ago, it's time to let go
WeBM related is the first girl he was in love with and why he hates chinese ppl so much, she was before the girl he talks about in wp
you forgot the webm, stupid fucking fat swarthoid
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She’s just going to sit in the audience with a friend and not even talk to him
Yeah... NO.
total Josie death in 3h30min
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Does Sam even remember her?
That you're a gay retard?
Replying to yourself all day? Get a hobby. Once I stop replying to you you'll go another week without human contact. Better fess up this is your only opportunity to make a point for the foreseeable future.
Theres a non 0 chance that the canadian poster is winston himself
i'm sorry for my retarded outburst, it wont happen again
Balenciaga josie looks too Asian

Balenciaga Vance is just creepy
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the beautiful jn
Doubt it. Don’t think he even met her.
Are people actually interested in all the right wing Twitter affiliated stuff for the politics or do they just enjoy high school gossip?
You're actually deranged and obsessed. What'd she do, ban you or something?
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it's ok , i love u <3
normal vance is creepier imo
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It's just a copypasta mocking bbc betty and she gets turned on when she gets abused online
benji bake already baka
What's that? Speak up.
If Sam spots her in the audience she's getting picked on for sure.

She'll love it, of course.
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weird ass nigga
Are people actually interested in all the fishtank.live stuff for the actual show or do they just enjoy high school gossip?
only ppl i follow from it r dasha,sam, and anna. but i don't know anything far from that i still have no idea who peter thiel is desu
high school gossip is all we have during the off-season
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For the politics and memes
just 2 more pages and a few more images
Hopefully she'll be banned. We all know she's trying to Marky post so she can try to gain a bigger following. She wants to shit test mde, but she wants to do the ultimate shit test since she's already blacklisted. Someone should worn jet, Chris Lynch, alex, or Sam.
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>these people are so excited that they are paying for steinfuls flight LOL
Bust through my crust, and you're to blame
You give crust a bad name (Bad name)
I part my cheeks without much shame
You give crust a bad name (Bad name)
Yeah, you give crust a bad name
Has she mentioned marky before? I’d assume she doesn’t care because she’s a twisted fucked up individual.
Your window is closing, buddy. We all know you crave attention, you're losing mine. What did the big bad Josie do to you?
Delusional. First you guys claimed the tweet was fake and Betty isn't going, now you're saying she is going and she will sit quietly and not approach sam, you cucks are running damage control cause your plan to Marky post got exposed. Someone should remind sam who she is and ban her.
Bro who tf are you lol what is your problem?
Have it your way anon. Expect the first ghost tonight when the bell tolls one.
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>h-have fun wosie
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The fight
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So many Fishtank orbiters oscillate between begging to be on the show and threatening to sue, expose, or commit violence
>benleaks pretending he's not a Peter Thiel funded jeet with the sole purpose of baking these threads and getting people to argue in them
cordniggers doing overtime shifts today
I'm thielcoded?
This! Someone worn sam and chris that this bitch is threatening to loudly Marky post at the show if she doesn't get her way. Shes still seething about being blacklisted.
Pic not related
Your just as bad for being in the discord with them desu
Betty is just a comedy fan where did all this nonsense about her markyposting or stalking Sam come from?
pretty sure all the streamers can make custom ones
kys bettypedo
ftl is a peter thiel psyop and im the target, everyone else here is fake
>only ppl i follow from it r
Your mother is markyposting on my cock right now lol
>>only ppl i follow from it r
Don't ever post this again or we restart the chemtrailing over your house.
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literally me
I'm pointing out that you type like a faggy teenage girl for absolutely no reason
stop resisting and take the gaypills already
TJ powering up
The gloves come off
Reminder that Benleaks is a discord with 5 indian men taking turns epicly trolling /ftl/ under the name.
she looks like schoolboy9 here
u jst noticed?
Quiet, mongrel ogre
She was blacklisted for exposing jet and lettys private affairs. Shes fucking weird and obsessed with the show even after being blacklisted. Shell still comments in chat and no life seasons pretending not to. I just warned Sam about her intentions. She fucking weird for trying to expose people's private business.
Benleaks is a faggot.
Kissing Benleaks
Stop resisting!
peter, leave me the fuck alone. what are you trying to get me to do?
what a vibe this was
A mixture of seething and schizophrenia
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>he’s gonna gamble all of Josie’s donations

This nigga is a super villain
Still less obsessed than the average ftl poster like you lol
>private affairs
you mean the rampant whippet usage which everyone knew about already
>all funded by big thiel himself
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Petew Thiel hit me up
>She was blacklisted for exposing jet and lettys private affairs.
Even after Jet and Letty were nice to her, she also did same to Josie, Chip, and Ben. She also talked a lot shit about Jet and Letty but now she sucks up to them and neither even acknowledge her. Why did she do any of this in the first place?
I just wanna say this, guys, Tayleigh's pussy is so fucking NASTY man, that damn snail trail is fucking DIS-GUST-ING. damn Sarge why you gotta raise a nasty lady?

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