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Valley edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Aperture is a fat disgusting freak (to no ones surprise)

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203707467
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get a job bitch
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lubecooch won
quit being a narc
which of those pedos do you self insert as, pedo apologist?
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Bighead mode princess of /ftl/
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The eggs represent TJ and the cheese represent Taylor.

The ice are TJ Maxxer homolusting.
wish this fucking shit was purged from /tv
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claire swole mode
thanks for clearing this up
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Chat look at this
Look at this chat
Chat what's he doing?
Chat are those eggs?
Chat is that cheese?
In some kind of ice chest
Waht are they doing in there, Chat?
Chat this is mental
Chat is this a W?
Ok Ws in the Chat if you like the eggs and cheese
Ws in the Chat if you like this, chat
>sure i watched some of the sam interview, but im not really watching sam lately
Turkey tom just said this on his recent matan evens video. What did he mean by this? Uploaded to the tomdarklive channel yesterday.
Im doing TJs so called best bit

(the painting appreciation/critique)
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filter it
sam pepper >>> sam hyde
damn wasnt Zoltar funny as shit wish he was a sexy swarthy twink like tj thouuu
Why doesn't Zoltar stream on the site
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imagine the grip
the tightness
the wetness
the warmth
I'm not going to do that
what would he stream?
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TJ got to breed that before and after each stream
not worth sleeping your whole life with one eye open incase she decides today is the day she knifes your penis off
Aperture is a Peter Thiel psyop. 100%
she’s ugly tho, at least get a pretty bitch
youre a nigger
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probably still trying to get paid for brotank
Caress TJs balls
Welcome TJs penis with your anus
Shit out TJs cum on the toiled while yelling across the room VERTICAL BAR
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feet cam
what's your point?
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Dance tutorials
yeah my name is laker brady and im from the valley
I know
that is FUCKED
need to see that huge fucking massive head bobbing up and down on my dick
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Claire's stream today was entertaining, maybe one of her three best, but she shouldn't have called Hagley "Letty-tier". That's not even funny as a shit test.
I don't have sexual thoughts about any of these women
Damn Claire's tits are great
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Yeah, yeah
I'm in my Balmains
Yeah, yeah
I'm in my Balmains
Yeah, yeah
I'm in my Balmains
Yeah, yeah
I'm in my Balmains
all white people summed up in a couple, adam & eve head ahh
this aint it keegster
back to the drawing board
You fishtank fags are so cringe
>bu-bu-but mah e-ecelebs.
LOL @ you
that's shopped but her milkers are still great
he doesn’t win until he designs better artwork cuz that shits horrendous
manipulative cunt
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that's fair
take the goddamn durag off jackass
He's trying to appeal to Abi, gotta be a monkey boy
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stop cuckposting
Self report
Steinful breeding Josie rn
TJ breeding Abi rn
and what are YOU doing?
Not breeding #volcel #sigma
what? stop cuckposting
Claire is embarrassing.
based desu
abi deserves better
they're not even e-celebs lul
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What would Taylor have to do to earn your forgiveness?
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Evil Kevin may have been the most enigmatic character of season two point five
Bring back Kevin for season three point O
inb4 tj cuckpost
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have you seen his twitter?
Apologize for overreacting and slandering TJ and for helping dox his friend, I don't give a shit if they get back together or not.
stop drinking so much, maybe lay off the gambling a little
wow she's so beautiful
Imagine being obsessed and mindraped by TJ. Get a grip, cunt.
give my (You) next time bitch. your e-daddy is a neet pedophile
Dallas on stream
Not a shop. It's real.
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She’s has literal bratz doll proportions
she would have to suck my 4 incher in disgust and then let me cream her while those fat thighs get plapped
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stop being a slut which is retroactively impossible
you are literally blind and retarded
Tayleigh never recovered from this
Imagine responding to every TJ post within seconds to seethe. Definitely not indicative of a complete loser. Get back to your uber deliveries, pajeet.
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shes way too wide and fat to have doll proportions
Is TJ really a pedophile?
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Yeah, that's right. Say anything nice about TJ and I'll fill out a captcha to out myself as a cuck >:)
i demand my (You) next time. imagine worshipping a neet pedo because he fucked a girl out of you league l0000000000000l
Honestly if she just talked about it a little bit I think people would let off her a bit. She just acts weird about it so people make crazy conclusions. I think she had a reason to be upset but it did not justify what she did.
Human slutipede
niggas are tweaking
It still pisses me off that they got JC and Summers positions wrong
Hi Claire.
laker is my favorite fruitcake from the valley
For sure tight and warm but there’s no way she’d be wet
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The Trader Alliance stands with TJ.
Get married with TJ and having his baby.
based and cooch pilled
>Gemma had to nuke her entire online presence over a nothing burger
She NEEDS to come back
letty has doll proportions til u reach her face
Make the call Jet
she could’ve been a star…
the seethers would probably stalk and murder her
shes cute. fags like you think shes ugly because sam hyde told you so in s1
why is his face a triangle
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we geekin out here nigga
Claire stream gofile?
>shes cute. fags like you think shes ugly because sam hyde told you so in s1
zoomers have never seen a woman without instagram filters and other stupid shit fucking their face up.
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i missed claire's stream, did anyone record it?
imagine being jealous of the trader
Post Claire vod asap.
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They bonded in the Gooncave https://www.fishtank.live/clip/130387
im not, im wondering why you edited his face to make him look all weird like that
literally impossible to hate this man
not my edit? he's handsome
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jet neptune dies today
stop posting erotic jets
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announcement today
2 little monkeys
Are you threatened by a humble merchant's chiseled jawline? Weirdpilled
Is it related to TankClash?
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We are going to do things to Jet that have never been done before.
Is Letty traveling to Oktoberfest?
Not been here in two weeks what was the most interesting thing that happened in that time
Literally nothing has happened
I'm uploading it rn. It's at 70%
Funny because Sam's outfit looked like the guy from Curious George
Jet died
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josie had a birthday
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The manifesting marriage with creature faggot, now’s your chance.
her legs are like pencils
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Tj crooning fairly obscure boomer music and driving Abi wild with lust
This brown bitch needs to make a fansly already I need to see that hole
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Oh boy are you in for a treat.
she's so fucking nasty dude. Anyone who wants her deserves her.
excellent thank you
Triangle face
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This is Meg
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>Fire keegan
>Admit she had a woman moment
>Get back together with TJ
>winner gets a discord date
Yea no
hawk tuah
he literally has no jaw in that edit
Let's start being a little more normal in here, ok?
yes, go meet her
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nothing but this pic makes me laugh
taylor telling him too much and him trying to guess what he did wrong
Hideous jew tranny. If she wasn't a hambeast she'd probably rival Tayleigh in raw ugliness, but she just gave up to die of a heart attack at 30 and take BBC in the meantime.
What happened to the Keegan dox being a flop? Its been almost two weeks and people still talk about it.
My wife
I know just the guy, he's married but that's never stopped him before
Faceblind autist is that you?
>first time we see Scott's wife is her accidentally walking in on Scott's discord date with Creature
Funny how she looks better fatter lol. Literally had a Roblox streaming career ready and threw it all away
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I'm calmly enjoying a cup of coffee as I'm scrolling through /ftl/, as well as listening to some pleasant music.
he literally has no jaw, you dont know the difference between a chin and a jaw, he literally has no visible gonions
A faggot flopped his dick balls and asshole on stream, calbi broke up with their boyfriends and are figuring out how to go on a roadtrip but have no money
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she literally stole the fit of the blonde bratz doll here
Who is that autismposting?
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hawk tuah andy
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greenshark, taylor’s editor, lashing out at TJ
they gooned each other
>all the twitter fags who genuinely thought this was real
erm sweaty that's Taylor's fiancee not editor
honestly wouldn’t have mattered if he didn’t sperg out at 4am. he would’ve just been dismissed as a freak but he’s on another level now
You are criticizing someone's shitty face edit for not being hyperrealistic, where are you going with this? Apologize to the trader.
Open this and scroll to the bottom / oldest video with chats
open wat
dude fishtank fans are retarded. yeah the normie girl who’s seeing mainstream success is going to go on sam hyde’s show for 1000 viewers
she's legitimately the only s2 fish i was genuinely looking forward to streaming. truly a shame.
I still believe that was a tv anon and not Keegan, but him suddenly being MIA is kinda odd.
Very nice, I’m rewatching the broadcast scenes from dawn of the dead. What’re you listening to?
oops this link https://gofile.io/d/abqdbO
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I wish I was friends with TJ he seems genuinely nice to hang around
yeah i would’ve believed it was the posting questions nonstop but that was probably just him the whole time
Great movie. I'm listening to Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works Volume 2.
it's obviously a /tv/ anon but does it even matter? the deed is done.
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TJ should be thinking about starting his own family tree with Abi
idk if you’re the guy recording these but you should make an unofficial Tj stream archive on youtube. I think the ones with copyrighted music can stay if they aren’t monetized but maybe i’m wrong about that.
would've been believable if the TJseething in his chat and in here didn't immediately stop the moment nwis was exposed as greenshark
the fact both words are bannable in Taylor's empty stream reinforces this idea
There were some startling revelations between Tayleigh and Sarge
Manifesting this post. Based and true, all agreed.
tell him that next time he streams lol
Some of his finest work. Not many albums are perfect to listen to while doing literally anything but that’s one of them imo.
There's proof it was Greenshark you just have to know who to ask
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no more video edits and no more watching her streams. took down his job listing and everything. hopefully keegan got actual work and tried to go scorched earth on tj as a send off.
thanks that helps a lot
this, do it thru TTS so he doesn't ignore it
I heard Betty went to Sam’s comedy show is it real?
why would greenshark disappear from taylor's streams if it wasn't true? he could use his fishtank account in chat to dispel the rumors.
Keegan sperged out on tj at 4am, keegan got fired, bliccy visit my village, Jimmy hogs the luxury family vacation home, Ben wore lingerie at a Peter Thiel party, claireseething bettycuck pretends he doesn't know who Betty is.
if you call him an pajeet uber driver, he disappears. It’s the same iD hopping faggot from /bant/ iykyk
He sat on her mom
She posted a pic and she was smiling and happy
The quality and quantity of work that he's put out is amazing, truly one of the best artists of all time.
>reeee you're a bad person
>reeeee you're a fraud
is there bound to be a designated bad ideas in every single community?
Can't wait for the winner to inevitably replace her with minion
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>It's [ ]
Are TJfags the new Josiefags?
who is making fanart of a fake sponsorship
apparently he was never in her streams. also why would the fake account in chat dispel it if they wanted people to think they were greenshark? you guys should send gay dudes to his house or something good. taylorseethers so docile.
I will never stop enthusiastically supporting Taylor and taking down all pathetic attempts at slander against her with my intellect and reasoning abilities.
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> I will never stop enthusiastically supporting Taylor and taking down all pathetic attempts at slander against her with my intellect and reasoning abilities.
>apparently he was never in her streams
he didnt show up a lot. biff is the one who is in every stream but not greenshark.
Post pic
greenshark has a fishtank site account. if the nwis account isn't him, he should use his actual account in chat so people know that nwis is someone else.
because youre supposed to edit someone to make them look better
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the beautiful... uhhh... ughh... what was her name again?
keegan is the faggiest name of all time
Do you know where you are right now
Josie and Steinful are dating and he’s flying out to Phoenix this weekend, that is the reason why the episodes aren’t coming out.
she's so tight
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>And you could have it all
>My empire of dirt
Why are you still responding lmao
How many people does that anon talk to lmao..
Ring ding ding ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
Ring ding ding ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding baa baa
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it’s pretty up there
youre not getting it, he actually thought thats what chads look like but he made him have no mandible or cheekbones
Prove they aren't saggy
how many shadow tjmaxxers are there?
some natural sag is good
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welcome to fishtank.live
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>she gives you this look
>calls you little monkey boy
So you're just imagining someone's opinion who isn't even here and getting mad about it
Old lubecooch truthers discord
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I want her to grow as a person and have a good life but a lot of her behavior is impossible to defend unless worm tongue Keegan really has fed her lies. Lies she wanted to hear
Princess Ben did that?
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there’s posters here that seem to know way more than they let on
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today i opened the big brother thread for the first time in my life and.. it clicked. i get it. it's superior to fishtank in every way.
her little bubble butt needs to be plapped doggy
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i hate this pick me bitch
stroke my twp through my shorts
woah, is this real
Incredible synchronicity. Love this little brat.
this but claire
Hot unobtainable well educated girls are unattractive
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start doing monkey noises and actions for uncomfortably too long then saw haha naw im just messing around then look at the ground
can you please stop talking about your small dick man
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Keegan is based I don’t care I don’t even like Taylor
it’s making me uncomfortable
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whats a queen without her knights?
do they have proof it was greenshark too?
i cant believe keegan got to meet tom holland hes so lucky
Tight piece
would you been more comfortable if i had a hung schlong instead?
Has Taylor owned up to her mistakes and apologized to TJ yet? I've been out for a few days but saw that she has streamed some recently
we've posted it like twice already in this thread already you obtuse faggot
Some is ok like Claire. I will judge for myself when she presents the evidence. Dallas? Ethan? this will win people back
please continue talking about your pecker
Can we shorten his name to keeg like we did with Teej. I think that would be funny
look at the first and last words in your post
i would be more understanding of you calling attention to it but still uncomfortable nonetheless
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what was with taylor’s eyed last night. they were red now her pupils arent the same size as each other
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>when she sees how small it is
what would you like to know about it?
that's fair
no shes buying solana and nfts now. shes retarded
keegay = teejay
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Just showed this image to my psychologist, BPD diagnosis confirmed
appreciate it man glad we got that cleared up
just general updates on it and whats going on around it
next show it to your gynecologist
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I know Taylor has only been attractive for like 1.5 years of her life, but can someone tell her the truth?

Like can someone (dallas) take her aside and tell her that guys do editing work for free and watch her shitty boring streams and buy her shitty art because they want to fuck her? Does she understand this concept?
i watched a few criminal psychology videos on youtube and can confirm she's BPD
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>TJ pulled these 2
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Doesn't seem too phased. Already on knees. I'm in >:)
I don't watch fishtank for the women
Taylor was elite when she was this skinny while still having bouncy boobies
>implying women don't
no more brother wars
Based homo
she 100% understands this from comments alone. she is not completely innocent
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she looks the same
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what the fuck went wrong
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hnngnggghhhhhghghg Taytay's taytays....
i hope one day fishtank gets popular enough to reach the eyes of transvestigators
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she rejects it
well its pretty small, a tiny bit bellow average and dry due to being circumcised
I need a side by side of skinny and fat taylor
her job is leading guys on. this is why i don’t get the outburst over whatever tj did
I only watch fish tank for Ben
100% certain abi bumps this in the background while she watches TJ stream and goons herself to sleep
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Abi is literally an upgraded version of Taylor
Just a few too many cookies...
more realistically her meds probably changed
try coconut oil if you're not allergic, safe to help moisturize the glans
The evidence that it's Keegan is admittedly circumstantial, but between it and his disappearing act since, it's pretty decent.
I just know you’re fat
>this is why i don’t get the outburst over whatever tj did
good point
You get it
im not
been asking this for days but no1 will post it
same. i watch for the challenges.
yeah she obviously doesn’t want these freaks around but she’s fine with the same guys complimenting her shitty art or buying her tights thinking that they’ll get laid
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Literally this. Need a Ben stream before s3
I only watched S2 to see Tayleigh get rekt
Damn right
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>imagine the grip
>the tightness
>the wetness
>the warmth
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facts tayleigh sucks also stupid name
He's been in streams a good deal. Until the last two, he's been in her chats for her streams since she went back to Florida, even the ones that ended after a few minutes, and before all this, he was observed dipping out during streams TJ was present for.
>people still pretending that isn't shadi
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I meant every word of what I said. Hot is not hot if it’s unobtainable. Give me creature any day over those hoes.
man, s2 was so shit. watching tay get tortured was not enough. wish meg didn't get scared off by the dead animals, she could've been great in the second half of the show
it's clearly the trader from bloodgames
This is true most streams he just lurked but was in the viewer list. Saying he didn't watch most of them just isn't true.
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Damn... I didn't know she had nudes what the actual fuck
You've been acting pretty restless, dancing like the young and reckless. And I'm obsessed with it. Candy necklaces.
The first 2 weeks of S2 were better than the entirety of S1. S2 suffers from the Game of Thrones effect. The ending was so bad it ruined the whole show.
real. mid cuties mog so called "hot" girls all fucking day.
ahh, so hot attainable uneducated girls are more your thing. based.
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Taylor riding you and giving you this look
>The first 2 weeks of S2 were better than the entirety of S1
Has Jet said anything about delaying s3 yet
jesus christ i fucking hate tayleigh
if a fat nasty Florida swamp creature is your ideal gf them go ahead man
week 4 was peak
>FTL trending on twitter
>there's only been a couple posts with the hashtag over a couple of days
Does Sam have a direct line to Elon now through Peter Thiel or something?
God, tay's beat dyke vocal cords hurt my fucking soul. stfu bitch
god this sucks
Not my ideal but still way hotter than big brother bitches
Still better than S1. Makes sense that you post a webm from S2 for your argument and not from S1, that is how shit S1 was.
This moment is good only because it made the crew not want to do the cringe shark shit anymore
Tayleigh soijacking the entire season is miserable
Just saw that myself. Probably paid advertising
I groan just seeing the url of this webm at this point
I guarantee both that she gets that's why some people watch her, and that she's in total denial that's why Greensimp edits for free
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some get sweaty just thinking about it
S1 had the added benefit of not having a cast with a bunch of fags who were in on the joke.
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in another timeline, the shark took out a revolver and shot jimmy and tayleigh in the stomach
This is lost on so many S2 dick riders
shes higher smv than 99% of guys on 4chan
You hate yourself because S2 was mirror to who you are as fan. S2 had far more entertaining moments packed into the first 2 weeks than the entirety of S1.
It’s not a real trend it’s just X giving you stuff through the algorithm that you’ve clicked on before
It was part good, part bad.
>They won't let me wear le hecking menacing costume and take it seriously?
>Fuck it; let's take their food away and keep them pressed with conflictive messages and change the rules on the fly and...
Jet is so petty. Like a little child without his toys.
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everything before this point in S2 (the first 4 days) was better than S1 though. The highs of the first 10 days of S2 were significantly higher than the highs of S1 but overall S2 was a much worse season
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>wish meg didn't get scared off by the dead animals, she could've been great in the second half of the show
They were all ACTING. What don't you fucking get?
I'm torn between praising this decision or cursing it. yeah it seems like the best thing to do when you have people like tayleigh soifacing about it but people like her are only like that superficially. deep down it does get to them and i would've liked to see the small shark shit accumulate and slowly bread them down over time after being there and having to deal with it for so long.
No it was garbage, the best part of s2 was when frank came in
sorry clairebears, nigger gofile fucked up and I had to restart the upload. ETA 15 minutes
Opinion disregarded.
they were terrible actors. The shit with Brian yelling at Summer was fake as fuck, but genuine moments like TJ getting super drunk on night 3 and Cole "acting" like a schizo autist were really great
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I want to watch the first few days of s2 back right now while drinking a hot beverage while being snuggled up in a blanket while it’s raining outside
The face of the man she calls Daddy on discord
cringe but also overhated, season 2 was still geat after this
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>They were all ACTING.
Summer wasn't.
Yes, Brian was obviously in on it as a last minute replacement and that is why I am glad he was voted off. Should have been kicked after Gator Squats when he got mogged by Cole.
I want to snuggle up in a blanket with Ben right now
after bloodgames it does seem more likely this would have been the case, at least in tay and jimmy's case since they freaked out and still cried over the obvious production bits in 2.5 (xavier teabagging jimmy, trixie existing, entire q drama etc)
all good thx for uploading in the first place
>claire vs greg
who will be the victor
Doomposting began when Cole left and it turned into the Brian and CK show for a few days
i firmly believe this and stand by it. she was the only one to naturally try and stir shit with the other fishes by having the mystery piss cup and she seemed to be the only one to call jimmy out on his bullshit and actively antagonize and elevate his tard rage. just can't help but wonder how things might've played out if she stayed even just a week longer.
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here it is without the watermark lol
Sharks have always been gay. There is no real threat. Maybe if they shot the contestants with paintballs or locked them in small closets for days at a time.

these videos(7 to 8 hours) are long enough where it fills the itch
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claire hit an runs are deadly, you simply cannot defeat the claire insurgency
sounds like hell. I'd never vet through it knowing now that they all thought they were the plant. I'd be cringing too hard at their shitty attempts to seem normal and clueless.
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Thank you daddy ben
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Have a bad ass weekend bros from Tay's Dad mmmmmmm
>I'd never vet through it knowing now that they all thought they were the plant
Major production L. What a useless fucking "gaslight"
You are underhated.
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>Maybe if they shot the contestants with paintballs or locked them in small closets for days at a time.
Homer Simpson mouth ass bitch
they were only really good when jon would get pissed at them. after a while contestants realize it’s better for them to just not react
>Sorry Dickbuddy
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i actually agree now that you put it that way, but i also remember her last big moment is acting like JC raped and violated her when she took her chips and her crying during karate and them giving her a sympathy black belt, she had potential i guess but there was also downsides
>they were only really good when jon would get pissed at them
Because Jon is a generational reality show contestant. If you need the Jontent for your idea to work, your idea sucks.
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135 IQ will always defeat itself if you simply allow it
Greg won before it began, just as Sun Ta Zu predicted
How would taytriots have reacted to Tay shouting out her "cockbuddy" if the Jordan stuff was never discovered?
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i don't think it was ever about them being a "threat." it's like i said, they just do small shit that irks and eats away at the fish over time. it undeniably adds up.
They call me cowboy, the boomer in black
So throw a finger in the air and let me fuck Tay's ass
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They are gay. Unless they are going to do shit that will actively make the fish sperg out, it is just more of the wiggers trying to put themselves in the limelight.

Most often, they would be better just letting the fish marinate in TTS. If they are constantly waiting for a wigger or shark to show up, the rest of the show sucks.
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best production bit, they knocked it out of the park with Q
Unironically this.
They should have stated from the start that talking about S1 would be a punishable offense while shit-testing them with references they couldn't react to.
Making them all spies and forcing them to find who was the only one doing it was such a fucking dumb idea, plus dropping everything when they began baseding instead of punishing them, whether as a gaslight or in true fashion by reducing the prize money, for example.
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>grown ass men watching wrestling
It was so good people still think he was being genuine
I don't honestly think Richard was Q but if he was imagining him trying to fit his fat bloated face into this mask and him being very uncomfortable wearing it is very funny to me.
Did Jon/one of his handlers delete the "I steal food when I want and you look like a female" tweet? Anyone have a screenshot of it?
They are too dumb for that.
QnA was a lightning in a bottle done by a single sperg all alone.
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You're in my yard now chink, and I'll make you famous
>just as Sun Ta Zu predicted
i don't know why but this made me laugh
i think that this is how production thinks it will go, but in both seasons after a certain point fish just get numb to it all. after seeing the guy in a costume that looks and acts like jet come in with a bag of trash you just accept what’s going to happen
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ok here's the Claire VOD. Her mic is right ear only at the start but she fixes it
learn and do better always cracks me up
Thank you king, everything from Jon's face in the greentext post to "all good bro learn and do better" is so fucking funny
They would have still dredged through the stream chatlogs and connected the dots; the problem there was Jordie's poor opsec.
It all would have been the same, but delayed by five or six days.
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>learn and do better
Move in move out
Hands up now hands down
Back up back up
Now let me fuck Tay's ass now
did anyone else even back the sodaman slander on jon? wouldn't any of this shit have been caught on cams? i know jon barely slept at camp but i would think he would have been caught wandering around schitty or something if he was actually doing any of this morning activity
Jon is, by far, the best thing to happen to fishtank
badass brother
keep plowin' plowin' plowin' (YEAH!)
lol sodaman is such a fag
this literally is his handler tweeting
It wasn't his handler that was stealing and annoying sodaman, also the tweet was funny who gives a shit
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40 boys are jon by extension
Appreciate it, thank you
Things like that don't matter.
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Two of the Season 3 cast members got leaked by Wes
Jet definitely confirmed the phone thing and Jon in general being a PIA, and I think possibly the food stuff.
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cope, that shit is embarrassing and lame. he’s incapable of typing at a third grade level so he needs his babysitters to help him out kek
yeah that is true, just also seems like sodaman's version is really playing it up but who knows. i just don't trust anything that gayboy says after his "coincidence" explanation on q and jimmy orbiting
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Cole and Jimmy?
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Don't care Jon is funny
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Ok Sodama'am.
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This anon is refusing to learn and do better.
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ab is that you?
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This one too
He’s an asshole. Most people think that and no amount of forcing him on here will change that. The only thing people collectively like about him is when he’s sticking up for himself but only until he starts bothering other people about it.
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you're actually a rockstar, thank you
>Unless they are going to do shit that will actively make the fish sperg out
you can find multiple instances in season 1 where, a well placed "shark attack" would really fuck with the fish, like in this clip for example
maybe what you're looking for is something more explosive directly from the sharks but this kind of shit will really get to folks and keep the anxiety and stress high which will help naturally cause more conflict within themselves.
>it's just more the wiggers trying to put themselves in the limelight
couldn't disagree more. that was more of season 2 and on. the sharks were anonymous and were only there to complete a task and quickly gtfo. no bits or shit like that. much like how in a theater play, the crew would dress in a black bodysuit to bring in or take away a set piece without breaking the suspension of disbelief, they were there to do what they were gonna do and that's it.
Abi’s mom??
yeah it’s funny i agree
I’m Sammy actually.
He's not a part of my personal life, I don't care that he's an asshole and neither should you. We don't know him
Hi sodama'am!
You're a rock star.
Cry more AB you fat hoe
Fake never happened
That’s ridiculous. You didn’t know Hitler either but I’m sure you think he’s either cool or an asshole.
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Exhibit #22 in Claire being a fashion icon.
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lol truuuuuuuu
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more proof of pedobaiting, well done
Insane comparison that I'm not gonna dignify with a response other than suck my dick
tight fucking pussy
u talking about pedos so much makes me think youre one
brave take
There’s no comparison, numbskull. It’s an example of what you’re trying to say to me.
king shit
lmfao she's seething so hard
claire is so bratz
watching an asshole with a speech impediment is entertaining
i could make tj cum without touching his cock
he's not an asshole. he's a dick.
Q did say he started to look like cole
hi mike
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hi abi
After noticing her head size, I can no longer tell if you guys are editing the images to inflate her cranium or not.

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