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Friday lager special
Everyone in my family is an alcoholic except for me. The thing is, I know my father didn't start drinking heavily until he was in his 30s (I'm in my 20s), and many other family members also become alcoholics when they were in their 40s. How do I avoid following in their footsteps?
>bro just don't drink
I know that that's "technically" it, but I'm trying to understand why everyone in my family suddenly seems to a hardcore drinker in their 30s or 40s after -- like me -- not particularly caring earlier on.
yeah it's happening tonight.
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>12 weeks sober
I’ve been waiting for you lads
I get to around 2 weeks and that's enough. 12 weeks is a good effort. .
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Is this the thread?
Hell yeah we’re doing this
>Finish work
>an hour of carbs to fill stomach
>let it sit with a liter of water
we are here
nearly time druk kings
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Finishing grading papers then I'll be joining you lads
Planning on getting a 6 pack of these no-sugar ciders a place near my apartment brews in-house. They're really good, actually. And I feel like less of a fat fuck because they're all low carb
What are we drinking tonight boyos? Report in
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Oktoberfest beer at my local brewery they only do it once a year and I steal the mugs. Pretty kino tbdesu. The only thing that sucks is the millennial trash brings their toddlers- which is cool I love kids but at a brewery? Trash behavior
I always need 5/6 shits during druk fridays. It's like my body is filling space for the hammering it's about to take.
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I’m drinking right now.
I got my job as a bartender by stealing their mugs and showing my collection at the interview kek
Kino. You banging any of the chicks you work with? I’m talking penis cock in the vagina hole. I know you get what I’m talking about Mr. Moe. That drinks not the only thing flaming amirite?
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G-guys, maybe we should be more subtle with this kind of threads. Cause of the jannies. I'm just saying, don't @ me
Jannies, Trannies that’s what I always say
No, I am very autistic, but my boomerboss loves me
Same. Boomerboss bros are the best
They’re generally more lenient on the weekends.
They are very based and easy to get along with
Have gone out drinking with him and was one of my best nights
If they keep the drukthread then everyone stays here
If they don’t we shit down the entire board so better to just leave us alone
druk KINGS
post music bros
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Any sauternes enjoyers? I am 30 years old. Just tried Rieussec 2009, it was not good.
Druk queens... Its over
we're just getting started baby
some of us haven't start yet. Relax
This . We re just warming up
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Here's to another friday night of drinking vodka with blackcurrant juice and watching star trek
drukbros not like that
20 mins til go times lads
working the bar tonight so cant get too druk ;)
>ywn have a drukbro bartender
for me it's my 5th oktoberfest
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maybe it's just me but i always know my druk level
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ever since going on my psych meds (actual schizo here kek) I no longer feel the pleasant buzz of alcohol. I do miss the druk times
How the fuck is a low-sugar cider possible?
Fructose instead of sucrose probably
He fell for the aspartame meme
It's called dry wrought cider--they say it's sugar free and I believe them because it tastes good and they sell it for half off on Fridays :)
I want to quit drinking so I can justify going back on medical. Both at the same time was zombie mode though
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>Catch fever
>Get druk anyways
>Sweating like a pig in Tehran all evening
Lol I miss this though pretty sure it'd kill me now. Back in the 90s I was sick and just took E and went out anyway. Felt great.
come on
>First swig of can
>First link I see
it's gonna be a good night bros
my hair has the same frizziness and thinning. is it the alcohol?
Genes I guess/ You a smoker?
had a click/pop noise near my ear/outer jaw for days when i clench and eat. Kinda freaking me out
1.5 days for me.

>had two 6.9% ciders
>get home an hour later, decide to take a few pulls of some nice rum
>feel really fucking drunk but not the good kind
>decide to nurse a couple Coors Banquet Beers until bedtime
>wake up with the worse hangover since my college days

Holy fuck no wonder I never do liquor after beer. Never again.
Stopped drinking 2 months ago. Used to be a bottle of wine and 4-5 beers a night. Gained 45 lbs. Ever since i stopped I've lost 25 lbs so far. My shits went from runny 5 times a day to 1 or 2 times solid, i feel better. Yet, when night comes and i sit in front of desktop i still want it, even though it does nothing good for me.
How do I consistently hit the Ballmer peak?
Got druk today with some beers and fell asleep in 30 minutes.
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>Got druk today with some beers and fell asleep in 30 minutes.
check your liver enzymes mate
I'll probably never get pussy again. 7 years and counting.
Literally same.
Looks like all the hardcore druk bros took the soberpill and we're the remaining assholes too far gone to put in the effort to make the thread entertaining
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New druk kino with Saoirse coming soon boys!
Nah we're still lurking
That’s pretty sad
Putting barely effort into my appearance doesn't help but it's not like i'm actively looking. I had plenty in my late teens/early 20's but as soon as I turned 30 the trough was empty
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Cute freckly sersh.
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1 year and 2 months, and zero energy to pursue it.
Same if you're excluding men
Sucking on a bottle of Four Roses Single Barrel while working on my werewolf kino. Its a good day.
God you're all a bunch of whiny faggots. Go be with your kind on /r9k/ and stop shitting up this board.
Just had a shot of gin (it was disgusting) but I feel pretty buzzed now. Time to watch something but idk what.
11pm and finally behind my pc after my sis bday party where i drank 4ltrs beer, what are we drinking?
Just on the white claws pal how was your night didn't make at wat out of yourself did ye?
How do you get that drunk from so little alcohol over such a long period of time?
d defiancy
Just a warning from a 4 months sober bro, if you are a serious drukker and start getting wasted off what used to barely get you buzzed or having insane hangovers off a couple of beers, stop and go to the hospital because you have hit the end game
just means your tolerance is low
It’s in his use of language, notice the word nurse, he takes things slowly and while can can put them back quicker, it is a strategic decision not so much tactical.
I love gin but you don't fucking shoot it.
this is groovy anon
you must be norweigan or finish
I'm talking about it you have a long history of hardcore daily drinking. I was a bottle of whiskey a day drinker and tried to "tough out" what I thought was a really bad hangover to take a few days off before I started hallucinating and fainting repeatedly, went to ER and they said I could have died. Sobered up a few months then tried to have one night where I had three beers, ended up going back straight away the next day. Don't want to ruin anyone's fun, I wish I was still drukking , just you guys who drink heavily should do yourselves a favour and read about kindling
or greek
LMAO swear i posted that the other week
based taste anon
checkout >>203721276 for similar vibes
How do you even get to a bottle a day, 750ml?? I pass out being super dunk after like a quarter or a third of a 750ml, anything after that 1/4 or so is literally too much
I don't get how you can reset your liver basically healing the damage and then a small amount will cause you to become sick. This goes against everything I've learned about alcoholics.
Try to keep it that way, those were the fun days. Now I'm probably a sober fag for good and it sucks, I hate weed too so it's just pure sobriety
tried to give up all alcohol and replace it by a once-a-week cigar habit.

I do feel a bit empty
try cigarellos
I don’t think his liver reset in so much as it just simply tries to work better with time and damage as a necessity.
I'm going to play fifa for two hours
keep the thread alive niggers
I'm slowly beating the habit and take 2 or 3 days off a week now. No withdrawal in years but can't put it down because I live in a dystopian hellworld
That kind of effect isn't about the liver, it's about your brain being permanently damaged from heavy alcohol abuse to the point that drinking again slams you right back into withdrawal mode.
I got me some tall boys and Shogun to watch
I got you
why do you recommend them over cigars? price?
9 pints of weissbier, gotta keep soldiering on
Interesting but I'm still calling bullshit on it

Your brain heals and so does your liver
be like Chandler Bing and cycle through all the drugs
IMO Cigars are laid back and cigarellos can be smoked directly more hence you get a better buzz compared to cigars which can be expensive and tedious.
truth be told, i'm actually listening to abba right now, again
Read up on kindling effect with sedative/hypnotic drugs. Or don't I don't really mind, I'm not trying to scare the majority of guys in these threads who don't need to think of something like that, but I know there are people here too who are at or near the bottle of liquor a day level
Read up on deez nutz
Sounds like you had other vices you're not disclosing but that's ok fren
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I had been a cokehead years ago but kicked it, it didn't relate to the kindling shit beyond multiplying the damage I was doing to my liver when I'd do blow and drink constantly.
Funny because the last time I got pussy [7 years ago anon] was when I was big into my sniff and would binge for days. Ended up in Vegas one weekend in a stretch limo huffing lines off 2 black hookers asses with a bunch of wall street first year types. Even now when I get to around 10 beers I want that coke hit lined up with the booze for a pick-me-up. I suspect the coke did more damage to the liver as it's cut with all types of shit.
If you were doing it with booze the damage gets exponentially worse. I'm glad I stay away now, too many guys in my city seem to die with bad shit
odds druk
evens sober
You guys that are sober and come to this thread are more pathetic than the alcoholic Europeans. You recognized you have an issue, worked to fix it but come here and cheer on the pathetic alchys that are killing themselves. It's bizarre how both alcoholics and alcoholics that got sober are both garbage human beings.
I'm happy you don't need those vices anymore pal.
disregard this tranny >>203722324
Even when you get clean you have nothing to do, no where to go. You work, you have a routine. You come home and you're reminded what you did during those quiet evenings, you try and fill those hours with consumerism, you work out, you diet. You're bored. You come back to this thread. You're reminded how fun it was.
>I stay away now
>still goes to a thread filled with alcoholics supporting them as they kill themselves
What level of sociopath is this?
See this post >>203722407
and develop some critical thinking skills other than ''I am a narcissist and better than you''
You get a hobby. You get a girlfriend. You quit alcohol which left a hole but never did anything to fill it. So instead you go to a thread of alcoholics who you know aren't going to realize what you realized and are going to eventually kill themselves and you support it just because you are bored and selfish. You are legit a garbage human being.
Jump on in, the water's fine.
>You get a girlfriend.
Stop trolling. No one here has a girlfriend.
Never supported anyone killing tbemselves with it here. All my posts itt have been about recognising when you've pushed it too far and have to stop and the risks you might not foresee. I definitely wish I knew about the kindling effect when I first turned into a severe alcoholic.
>I am a loser thus everyone else is a loser
Please drink more anon so your liver fails faster.

>"Hey /druk/ bros even though I realized I was consuming literal poison and had to stop to save my life, you guys have fun and consume that same literal poison and slowly kill yourselves"
It's like a ex crackhead who realized his addiction was killing him going to a crack den and chilling with crack heads that are slowly dying because he is bored. Literal sociopath.
Been since August 2016 for me, I actually don't even care anymore.
I'm stoned on vape juice. Can I join the thread?
You're an idiot. There's no such thing as casual crack smokers. I'm not going to proselytize to every single person who has a beer. Anyway you clearly aren't sure which posts itt are mine or someone else's so I'll leave you to it.
You're so far below the intelligence you think you have it's amazing to see it in action. and Yes I know you're baiting. You're still hiding behind 7 layers of irony and it's cracking me up to see you attempt the midwit shit you're doing. Anyway carry on druk bros.
Just fuckin smoke it wtf I hate zoomers so fuckin much
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Just got off work - are we still doing it?
of course bro i'm arguing in about 9 different threads all i want is my druk bros to be ok
No, I don't like the aroma.
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Got 2 1L bottles of vodka plus an ol' fifth of Jim Beam to get druk this weekend, broskis. Nothing beats playing vidya and watching kinos while druk. (Just kidding, having a qt gf to get druk with would be better but since tfw no gf this is the next best thing)
Gj, four here. Got me a sixer of Corona Cero tonight
Since this is a thread for the discussion of television shows and films, I watched Ford v Ferrari last night and I have some thoughts.

1. The weird fight between Damon and Bale outside Bale's house - did they not actually want to hurt each other or did the director not want them to throw punches because both their noses are insured for 200 million?

2. Ferrari is basically making art - make great cars and the money will work itself out. Ford is a bunch of chickenshit middle managers kneecapping engineering. That definitely tracks. But what was the point? The ending is pretty depressing. Bale loses on a technicality, then dies in a test run accident. The takeaway for me seemed to be "everything sucks but there's nothing you can do about it". Par for the course from Hollywood bootlickers but still.
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Based. Got my tall boy steel next to me and Shogun in the tv
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I never mentioned anything about smoking. I am just saying you are a sociopath for recognizing what a poison alcohol is and coming to a thread filled with alcoholics and cheering them on because you are lonely. How is this confusing to you?

Yes carry on cirrhosis of the liver awaits. Once you get it you are dead and those paints in your gut means it is close.
Do me a favor and slurp my cock tranny. I'm in better shape than you. I'm better looking than you, faggot. Post physique and I'll post mine.
Whatever happened to that anon that did all the paintings?
No, because mine is this way and I don't drink that much. Just genetics + vitamin deficiency. It looks best swept back or jell'd back btw
watching Jonny Quest and land of the lost, straight whiskey and no complaints
kek i knew that would scare that balding tranny off. Fucking pussy
what vidya are you playing?
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tfw the kino hits
are death row inmates allowed to get druk during their last meal?
bought some DUDE WEED and Jamaican whisky.
>you will never be a drunk middle aged japanese salaryman
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I'll settle for a drunk white salaryman
Is jamaican whisky an actual thing or a just a coolfag way to say rum
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My taste is very eclectic so I go from playing Half Life multiplayer to Touhou games, but tonight I'm thinking I'll play real time tactics like Desperados 3 or Shadow Tactics. Very comfy and based games. Hbu anon
Anyway bros im going to bartend for 4 hours. I'm currently drunk but not drunk enough to have typoes.

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