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Jonsie edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Aperture is a fat disgusting freak (to no ones surprise)

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203718355
first for bussyleaks
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what do you think Alex was thinking during this moment?
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35 year old khhvs think Jordan didn't win LOOOOOOOL
keep saying he has gay face or whatever the fuck while he fucks your dream girl
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You guys that want TJ and Abi to be a thing don't remember when Abi, Trish, and Tayleigh were lined up and TJ said Tayleigh was the most attractive of the three. If a man picks Tayleigh over you, it's not looking good. Also Abi is a loser stoner that got beaned.
holy fuck lol
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>Bex is currently spending her time in the wilderness enjoying the Oregonian scenery

Why does she enjoy being outdoors and with friends so much? Is she autistic?
who is that
jet really set a little studio for letty. them niggas WHIPPED
>Letty really is the prettiest and most perfect princess!
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Letty in shambles
Probably just wondering how she got such big bruises
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>35 year old khhvs think Jordan didn't win LOOOOOOOL
>keep saying he has gay face or whatever the fuck while he fucks your dream girl
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probably about banks or insurance or media
retarded if true
oh man
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>TJ said tayleigh was the most attractive fish in the tank
only OG's remember TayJ
>Abi, Trish, and Tayleigh were lined up and TJ said Tayleigh was the most attractive of the three
Grim taste
Ok i'll admit it, she IS brat
Jon doesn't appreciate Letty even though she's the only one who's been upfront and real with him about everything. Jon only likes it when men are honest not women.
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Abi suggested not once, not twice, but THREE times that she and Letty should rub their armpits together
make of this what you will
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40 days and I miss you
I'm so high that I've lost my mind
TJ does empty compliments like that to not be mean towards the other person
he's genuinely a nice guy and that's why they come off as serious, possibly what ticked taylor off because she's a dumb fat cunt who is incapable of getting in his sort of mindset but willingly ruins her life over her simp editor's (he does it for free) lies
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>Why does she enjoy being outdoors and with friends so much?
You wouldn't get it
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tj is a chud and taylor saw the red flags
she also suggested using her tongue to clean letty's butthole
she has lots of ideas
the red hair was a good look for him honestly
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i think you got it all mixed up anon, thats what non autistic people do
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Scottyrockers, what's happening tonight
Letty is a swut
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this didn't happen, you're thinking of day 1
oh naaaur
Smoking some girls
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Betty posted a video about her time at the comedy show last night!
She teared up a little bit over how nice everyone was to her...

The uh beautiful.. t-taylor?

It's giving grim
many are saying this
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the wife's cooking guatemalan food for dinner
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TJabi will take over the world
she sucked
official bextace theme song
Pretty wholesome but lets be real she wanted people to treat her like shit that night.
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would not be surprised if he has a kekistan flag
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does she regret being a cunt to letty?
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meme war veterans
post tay cringe gogogogogog
now the bantvirgins wanna pretend they didnt think tay was hot as fuck for 6 months LOLOLOL sorry you guys are ugly as fuck and cant get a girl like tay
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>Sodama'am has a gf
This happened but Abi wasn't there yet. Shinji picked Tayleigh too and was told he had to pick someone else cause she was TJ's
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Can't wait to waste my friday posting here all night!!
what a freak
Did she manage to not cut herself or piss on the floor at the venue? She's so fucking gross & subhuman
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remember when sam said that TJ would ruin his life over taylor? massive coronal projection from the sun that endlessly shines on the spotless mind.
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>but only if she would do it back
i hadn't seen that one yet (imagine)
Aww, happy Betty
remember when I asked... oh wait
blacked queen ariel is going through bbc withdrawals :(
for sure. if anything they were sad tears because nobody did
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i look like this and say this
Anyone have a picture of the shield?
i dont, mind sharing the clip where he said this?
How long until this dumb bitch finally kills herself?
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Fucked up, grim, and too abstract
Sam gives lots of advice and considers himself a mentor. His advice sucks and is based on his own insecurities and most people ignore it completely. He really thinks buying crypto at a decent time makes him a guru.
i don't remember who you are
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and the opposite happened actually, taylor is getting fat and gambling her life saving away while our boy is thriving
lmao I didn't even notice this uh guy
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Check the name lil nigga
Nta, but yes, it did happen again when Abi was there, and everyone in the threads facepalmed over it since Tay was already being two-faced to him.
The Betty war has been ended
Is this fag finally dead or did the Indian medical system save his life?
It absolutely did happens, here's proof you fucking idiots (6:55)
What compels dozens of people to post about z-list ecelebs all day and night forever?
who's going to tell xim?
>spending her time in the wilderness enjoying the Oregonian scenery
she threw a cigarette butt into the water. i deleted my bex folder
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the letty dance!
>still blacklisted
She or her simps will inevitably do something to start it again. Bettyfags are the ones who originally would start shit for no reason other than fun.
What compels dozens of people to post about a-list celebs all day and night forever?
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>the letty dance!
Hey guys JET HERE


Who's excited?
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The lore runs as deep as the mariana's trench. You wouldn't get it
Betty grows stronger & wiser each day that passes, i love her so..!
did she finally stop peeing on her floors and trampoline or is that still a problem?
why the fuck does this guy post images of himself
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time to lock in
today i learned claire actually likes haley and really hates tayleigh for real. girls don't like girls who hate girls in general.
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he mogs you
Look at last night for example
she spent last year shit talking everyone (including that ogre sam) and now she just kisses ass
what a pathetic attention-starved hoe kek
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To the future Betty
humiliation fetish
any pics from betty's time at sam's show?
>Bettyfags are the ones who originally would start shit for no reason other than fun
They're a different breed
same weird fat narcissism thing that cryo has
I bet this shirt made a healthy crack sound when he squeezed his massive fat body into it
her and cryokeen are the same person in different bodies
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I'll fly a starship
Across the Universe divide
And when I reach the other side
I'll find a place to rest my spirit if I can
Perhaps I may become a highwayman again
Or I may simply be a single drop of rain
But I will remain
And I'll be back again, and again and again and again and again...
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>today i learned claire actually likes haley
She also said her top five fish include Mauro and Meg (twice). Do not believe her lies.
cryoGODS will not stand for such slander
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Bro don't call them bitches!
fat people think being fat is inherently funny, see: sam hyde, frank hassle, black lucas or whatever his name is
Jimmy hogs the luxury family vacation home all summer. He refuses to leave, even when his sister makes plans to go with her friends for a nice private weekend. Jimmy insists on staying. He hovers over them. Jimmy is a selfish, privileged, creepy sperg.
Sam isnt fat
is she just making fun of us for holding on to her every single word?
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>black lucas
See taylor
Betty is just mentally ill, confused, & stupid
she belongs in a psych ward, that's it
Bettypedos on the other hand should all be executed
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he was walking over 2 another girl before getting peer pressured into doing it thoughbeit
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>Sam isnt fat
it's more like haley is a kind of jon character which is great to laugh at as part of a show but extremely tiresome to deal with irl
she's fine with supervision. her mom is her caretaker.
tj has weird taste, he chose that lightskin alien looking bitch over taylor
no proof of this either
it’s this
Tay does look like one of those horse dicks TJ loves so much
none of you are funny
betty belongs in my loving embrace
hi mike
Your tweets SUCK, Steinful
>her mom is her caretaker.
Is she the cameraman for her piss fetish videos? Wholesome. Warms the heart.
you aren't funny either cunt
tay is chillin hard rn meanwhile yall are still mad as fuck
Yes she is and yes it is wholesome
Hello butterscotch
you think mental illness is a joke?
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Reminder to all Josiecucks in these threads that she will be using your donation money to buy steinful whatever he wants at the mall and will proceed to breed her right up until she has to stream Monday.
Should have put out if she wants to keep a man. No one is giving a ring to a gambling addict just because she's a virgin
he was just negging abi
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take it back
Tayleigh leaves a fucking snail trail
enough about shadi
I thought that was a good thing
Zoltar's presence dominating the frame effortlessly
This is what the kids are talking about with their aura memes
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its called a wet pussy fat virgin, not that you'd know
>the long pause after "i was..."
i really thought she was gonna say raped. missed opportunity. or maybe she did that on purpose idk
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What's Vance been up to?
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>chunky vaginal discharge
Vaginal discharge is more than just a "wet" pussy.
enough about >>203723128
yum yum eat it up Jordan, KFC needs a night shift worker tonight
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GF sent this
didn’t he say he was gonna stream a couple nights ago?
Send it back.
You have a Letty gf?
fuck you lauren
am i supposed to know who this is?
fuck her pussy
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yeah, anon is dating lauren mayberry from chvrches
>S3 leak
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qrd on this guy?
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peter thiel funded reactionary
the transition into a jewish grandfather on a 90s sitcom is almost complete
I’ve been here over a year THO
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, 2014-era /mu/ is ten boards down.
stalin sent the nkvd to assassinate him
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if there was a s2 version

simon would be tj
yoko littner would be trish
kamina would be brian
Isn't that the bracelet rainsfx made? Big sammy misses his boi.
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Anonymous having a melty
a mexican rocking the bolts, interesting
ew is that lavren?
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Door's open now that pdiddy and epstein are out of the picture
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Manifesting Creg
Stunning and brave
Tayleigh is an immensely unlikeable and grating person. Same thing with Haley, who adds lower intelligence to the mix, but one could make the case Bitchtank needed a character like her for friction.
Delete this
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Sexy and attractive
>eyebrows are shaped
I knew he was a little twink boy at heart
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Was he joking?
Manifesting Sam redemption arc
not at all
trish did this
You can tell Sam lost all respect for Shingo when he heard about letting a salaryman rim him
>starts the stream
>messy hair
>one single pube hair sticking to her face
>visible used condoms in the background
>"what's up brosies"
just like my NTR mangas!
did what?
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Council of Traders would run a train on this bitch js
Sam is a phoenix, we're witnessing him rise from the ashes.
the rape
Dude why did you make this hahahaha
What did this man ever do to deserve this
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TJ just loves his huge horse cocks heh
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never seen this guy before
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manifesting #cumsquad for season 3
Steinful then goes on Twitter and shows off his “haul” with a caption of “fun weekend”
what’s that big, purple thing?
Has anyone written fishtank smut if so where can i find it
why does everything from fashion week, make sam seem like such a good person, he genuinely seems likable
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abi when she sees my twp
Ask in the Josie thread. They love that stuff over there.
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Evil Kevin may have been the most enigmatic character of season two point five
Bring back Kevin for season three point O
why thank you for asking....
thats average
Me on the right
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in zimbabwe
the lore behind that hat is crazy
Skinny Mauro
damn, taylor used to stuff herself with that every night
1) he's soft
2) he's a grower not a shower
3) would
>I started focusing more on the kids
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He's wet and cold leave ben alone :(
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Did Jet really grow up a suburban kid with no bros?
you people make me sick
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remember when jimmy was trying to accuse claire of lying about being from kansas
probably because he was happy and not miserable. sam is the kind of guy who will make it everyone's problem if he's in a bad mood, but that doesn't mean he's a weird asshole 100% of the time.
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He's a sociopath dude. That's how they work, on the surface they seem like the greatest people.
no in the US
thank you doctors of chatgpt
I wonder if Sam is like his daddy
>Did Jet really grow up a suburban kid
>with no bros
He grew up with r9k
you're such a male betty
>I wonder if Sam is like his daddy
He's worse, so much worse
no wonder why his a lolcow
Dr. Fred Hyde is a respected member of the community don't soil his name by associating him with his shitty son
Why can't you people just be normal for once?
you people make me laugh and enjoy the discussion
this isn't normal?
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>want to smoke weed and play elden ring?
you people make me
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I don't really feel like it tbqh
Looks like the coworker my old boss was fucking
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P. Diddy also had PR photographs taken of him to make him look cool.
you people make
You're mentally unstable and the perfect target for people like Sam.
Y'all just love to hate
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>smack smack smack
just like get out of my ear with that shit man
>exaggerated chomping and gulping noises
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>Tayleigh had a panic attack over this jovial innocent sensitive young man
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she looks like the fridge and the milk gallons
what if he was making those noises and he said get out of my
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no she doesnt
>comparing comedian with a weird history to popular rapper running a sex trafficking pedophile ring and forcing artists 2 have sex with him
:|, sam haters
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>It's another benleaks baiting anons with xher shitty takes thread
weird history is crazy
please just leave her alone go make fun of someone else
weird history of rape
shut up leaf
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>The weird history in question
why would you wish that on others
Jet owes the fishtank women a new season just so the psychos and stalkers have a distraction and can focus their pathologies away from the existing waifus, these threads are as grim as any bant ones now.
who is bro quoting?
go make fun of claire how about that
Yet you're still here.
not believing chat gpt is the right place 2 try and learn/Diagnose someone with something is a shitty take??
Still dont understand how Jon became friends with Roger Stone
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>its not pink
Uh oh i saw jezza cock again >_<
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totally normal behavior for a 30yo man
Betty mogs her in this domain I cannot lie
marky still doesn't make sam even comparable 2 p diddy, sorry
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>Jet... you ruined my life... fishtank ruined my life.. jet respond please... jet... help.. JC save me...
now the dust has settled, what the fuck was his problem?
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what if it came out he raped Marlon?
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If you didn't feel like I was talking about you, you wouldn't have replied.
Quitter syndrome
>She teared up a little bit over how nice everyone was to her...
She knows that she's a shitty & disgusting person and doesn't deserve kindness, good on her for being self-aware and learning that others aren't as horrible as she is.
Maybe she'll get better..
Mostly autism but also being a quitter
The Jews.
seconding this
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I tried but she mogged me
Channing wrote that and pretends Sam did
>refused to return to bloodgames
he quit
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You're in denial.
Jet crushed his sensitive young man spirit and also as that other anon said, the jews
Lol the Takerposting makes me wonder what a Fishtank ran by Vince McMahon would look like
dont care post more letty & betty fag
Sorry faggots. If Josie ever spoke to me the first thing would be talking about how you are occult psychopaths. I won't lie about my opinions. You've soured me on the idea of life. No point in trying for anything if you're going to hire people to manipulate me or threaten to murder me.

You've proven there is no point in life. If I liked Josie or not, it doesn't matter. Josie your bait isn't relevant to the situation. You will hack my accounts, break into my house, harass me, hire people to entrap me, or kill me if none of it works. All of it has already happened multiple times except the murder.

There is no point in the genuine interaction with people I've met or known. You've proven it yourself. I will drink and play video games until the freemasons murder me. You proved life is fake and you will manipulate anyone to do anything.

If the masons wanted Josie to be an informant for me they would brainwash her into loving me and drop her on my doorstep. They have always had my dox and me pretending to be secure is LARPing anyways.

At this point it's too late. You've proven life is fake. I will do nothing. You will get zero help from me to further humanity. Zero medical hardware development. Zero romance. Zero friends. Zero kids. I will drink and play video games just as you have instructed me to do!

Thank you psychopaths for proving life truly has no meaning! Can you complete your previous murder threats already?
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We've been down this road.
>openly a gooner
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if channing wrote it she'd be larping Sam as a closeted gay guy who's giving up marky to pursue men
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>now the dust has settled, what the fuck was his problem?
being a bitchmade baby
Perfect example of >>203722771 Betty fags just can't help themselves.
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you guys ready for shoenice for season3??
It's called being kino you dumb fucking neurotypical nigger bitch
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Sam's got a good decade and a half left to catch up to Diddy. He clearly has similar impulses.
Sam just needs to cash in on their past and reconnect with Marky and get back with her. It'd be funny as hell
niggas posting essays in here
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>Homework: start reading reddit RedPillWomen ... read every link on the side bar.
I ain't reading allat
the fuck did chris do?
gallery link?
Lose weight
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>gallery link?
she looks like those twins from How to train your dragon
>the gamer rage hole in the drywall
Not happening
and kenny vs spenny and turkeytom and kingcobrajfs and chrischan and
Still having a melty, huh?
Isn't this CP? Hope you get a perma ban for posting if so.
melty welty
Bust through my crust, and you're to blame
You give crust a bad name (Bad name)
I part my cheeks without much shame
You give crust a bad name (Bad name)
Yeah, you give crust a bad name
...jailb8 m8
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>sure I watched some of the same interview, but im not really watching sam lately.
What did turkey tom mean when he said this? He just said it in his new matan evens vid. Are the rumors about his distancing from fishtank and Sam true?
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Sam Hyde having sex with whatever gender he pleases will never end his career
Its literally when shes 23+ years old unless you think this is a 10 year old video lmfao
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Name something Cleh did today
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Ella bobella
I love this one
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She admitted herself that some of the nudes being shared online was of her when she was underage. She even got banned for it.
Muted chatters
lol just realized I have Marky's email from when I corresponded with her 8 years ago
Anything you guys want me to say to her?
No she didnt that was a desperate whores attempt to stop getting the porn (that she posted) spread around. Shes a 27 year old hag, the video would have to be 10+ years old for it to be from when she was underage
said something ironic than said something 2 make everyone mad
that’s just what you do
for sure
bullied greg
Take another break & eat something you fat ass
Good luck using that as an argument idgaf. You fuckers have a thread all to yourselves yet still feel the need to post her cp nudes here.
don't we all, i don't think I'm worse than claire
is it a god given miracle that this unwell woman can't have children whose lives she'd inevitably ruin?
works every time
It's extremely obvious you're the one posting them retard.
Do you ever get tired of talking to yourself? lay off the meth
that’s fair
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have you stopped stealing from mommy and cutting yourself?
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damn bro you got the whole thread puking
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hes alive....unfortunately
what happened to Lupka my beloved
pepperseethers have no soul
Accusing samefaggotry while samefagging kek.
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Patrick lost
Shes so horrible she makes a huge juicy angus look lame as hell
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Lois Taylor is sexy and attractive
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I remember when this first was found. Even on this degenerate board the general reaction was
>please don't post that ever again
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You're on another meth bender aren't you that or your psychosis is acting up
yeah thats not what happened lmao
this is a different person
yoooooooo why did everyone instantly get turned off do you really find her that disgusting
Obese women are not attractive
Fair enough but the Bettypedo got banned/posts deleted yet I'm still here so you fags were wrong.
> • S2 episodes coming someday

Is this confirmed? They will be free? I am a ftl newfag and S1 was really fun to watch.

Not paying for a membership though.

Anyone got links that work?
that's my recollection. people kept posting and looking for more kato porn but the shadi shit was dropped immediately. it's fucking gross. there's probably more of it out there that no one bothered to dig up
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we're so back
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>yoooooooo why did everyone instantly get turned off do you really find her that disgusting
Before the demons got her. she was so pretty in Michigan. Dumb fuckin bitch.
we were all asking for more
all "porn" made by Fishtank girls is gross
any fishtank sightings at twitchcon?
if they’re not free there will be a link here when they’re out. they’ve been coming out “soon” for a couple months now btw
Jacob is there
that's not what you said about betty bbc content
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>_ ___ _____ __ ______ ____.
aren't you homosexual
Mike is actively samefagging in this thread right now
realizing she had been plotting to leave TJ already for weeks before she was at blood games makes all her smiles and attempts at being cute seem so sinister. she's a monster
fishtankcon when?
it's grim
SHAMU SHAMU *whale fin dance* SHAMU SHAMU *whale fin dance* SHAMU SHAMU
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he was in his element with homosexual "artists"
Whats Michigan climate like?

Imagine living there with nothing to do plus a special needs kid to take care of nigga Id go back to the meth benders ASAP
I've been against all betty porn content
She really is evil.
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I was asking for less. I continue to ask for less. Shadi is disgusting.
why are you even continuing this conversation
thanks fren
he should come out than, he has nothing 2 lose
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sam had his way
>totally doesn't get under my skin btw
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scam pepper has no soul
my fault
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Sam Pepper is the best
Kek cope more you fucking pig. Nobody mentions you positively around here. Nobody mentions you at all unless you drag your fat ass in here with self posts. You are a fat black lolcow.
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Its a trip how Shadi doesnt get the hate she deserves around here

i mean she killed bitchtank twice
Imagine degrading yourself in front of a few hundred people to NOT be on production for season 3. Great job, Shadi you fucking hog
>• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
>• S2 episodes coming someday
>• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
>• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
>• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
>• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
>• Jacob accused Kato of rape
>• Summer is being groomed by Januki
>• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
>• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
>• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
>• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
>• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
>• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
>• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
>• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
>• Aperture is a fat disgusting freak (to no ones surprise)
Get a fucking life man
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we love shadi, she's the star that keeps shining
get a grip cunt
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Pepper Pals run these threads
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They will be done when Steinful is done fucking Josie this weekend
he's a rockstar
want a new gambling reel !
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>Season 2 finally comes out
>Season 2 is the name of Josie's first born child
*breathes heavy* imma need bouta hour or two ta make my black hair smoof like a white gurls *breathes heavy* is dat bacon cookin?
he actually has a really pretty face desu
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It dont be gettin under ma skin oink oink snort. Oink oink piggy piggy oink oink piggy piggy oink oink.
a fat dildo in Cole's anus
sure whatever
patrick lost
>we love shamu
Self posting won't make this a reality.
this letty looks stupid
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you can kill the man, but not the idea
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>must not to share
>please contact us in by email
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shame no one sees it
i mean she is
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how does /ftl/ post so good?
i didn't look at the thread today, kinda cooling off on /ftl/
all those guys left, jordan
Jacob, go live nigga
yeah but she looks especially stupid there, like a real idiot
im so bored
no thoughts, empty head
Nah these threads have genuinely devolved into bant
Play Doom
imagine neotenous 20-year-old Javier gooning in his deep voice like AH AH AH AH AH like Diddy into Meek as he slams into the Valley. imagine getting a thing past the security at one of the events and unloading a fat nut into Javier’s wet body like AH AH AH AH AH AH AH
new >>203725171
Why did Tai stop doing Open Mic Streams
That was the only kino filling the offseason autism void
great stream today, Claire! it was nice to hear you actually enjoying yourself. that last buzzfeed quiz stream was fucking grim.
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no one who thought tayleigh was attractive is still around or posts about it, that includes me. only those two schizos from /bant/ that had 80 PTIDs per thread give a shit.
i think he's renting his house out.
>no one who thought tayleigh was attractive is still around or posts about it
nice cope
>losing !! ! :3
She honestly looks the same it’s just that lighting on her stream now is very bad.

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