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HOH: Makensy

previously on /bb/: >>203703719
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what's little leah making with the salmon?
i wonder why they aren't allowed to use the back burners. don't want the heat too close to the windows?
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running from garrett with big mak
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>those hip bones
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>>Leah will never cook for you.
t’kor was the heart and soul of the season and you guys cheered at her being evicted, unbelievable.
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ironic taylor posting was more fun than ironic tkor posting
Taylor was a queen too, she ate lays! That’s so cool!
when she said mhmm, I cheered
I wonder if big mak flicked the bean last night
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She basically said it was her night alone in hoh so if she wanted to that was the time
I really hope the rest of the season isn't a chelsie/cam/big mak steamroll. I need mak to wake up and target the buddies.
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Best case scenario Leah wins POV takes Angela off and convinces Big Retard to backdoor Chealsie.
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Anyone have the screenshot of all the mak's from that same veto competition? Thought I had one saved but apparently not.
Big Retard always had Chelsie as her blindspot.
It would be easier to convince to put Rubina as renom.
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big mak won
welcome to big maks world
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cody is hosting the roundtable confirmed

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me on the bottom right
Everyone wanted Cody
fucking kek

except for that one singular taylor fag
i thought he was being cheeky but julie reposted it on her instagram so i guess it's real
there's that guy and the bush fag too
I wanted chicken george
it should have been janelle or dan just to make will seethe
>chicken george
was just remembering his weird fight with howie
the roundtable is pointless anyway. it's like a 10 minute segment at most. glad it's not taylor though.
thanks but this screenshot looks like complete ass
aliens dont have the same sense of time us humans do
rapid fire like a submachine gun
feeds are back btw
angela said quinn was a fairy
>all four cameras on kubina
rubina kimo realizing the only one they can beat is cam
Cody outclassed Taylor on that extended recap ep w/ Jag
good choice
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why does rubina care, she was willing to fall on a knife for t'kor
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Cam would beat MJ and Leah in a Final 2
sex with seven big maks
She was so boring, even her eviction episode didn't show her at all
if angela isnt salty and cam/chelsie take out leah, mak can beat him esp if he takes chelsie out too

leah can def beat him. she already has angela and quinns votes and she will get maks if cc take mak out.

rubina and tkor want a woman to win
There are too many buddies in jury for him to get second.
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T'Kor, Kimo, Rubina, and Chelsie are not voting for a WHITE BITCH
Expound plz
She had a fucking higher purpose ok?
Leah was talking about the foster care system abusing children so they cut back to kimo and rubina
he talked like a normal person while Taylor gushed like a twitter retard about things the tv audience would never care about
Potential winners ranked:
this isnt as dumb or bad a move as the seethers are painting it as. mak doesnt have a duo, taking out angela will make leah her duo by default. angela will always choose leah over her. this way the duos think she is riding with them and will target each other or leah first.
big mak has the best story
God and Grod are on her side
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the house just ain't the same ever since Sweet Kenney K went away
>best story
Within the actual game? I'd say Angela has that. Even Leah. Heck, I'd even say Kimo
Potential winners ranked:
this is a good list desu
any of the top four could switch around and still be alright
Potential winners ranked:
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I think I would be happiest that Kimo won 750k out of everyone left but he's not necessarily the top person i'd want to win the season, if that makes sense. Probably Angela
People forgetting Tkor in jury means unless it's two white people at the end a minority is winning. Some combo of Leah Mak and Big Ang need to be the final 2 for any of them to win.
potential winners ranked:
>not t'kor
>not t'snore
>not t'bore
>not t'tard
>not t'twit
>not t'boon
>not t'shit
tkor has no power she can't even hold a conversation
the jury is going to vote how they want
luckily for us big retard is setting up an all buddy final 2 this week
I don't give a rats ass about the "integrity of the game" or whatever, I just like when the winners are the best characters.
Why I think a Kimo or Angela win would be satisfying. I'm also starting to like Chelsea due to her femcel arc
do they have a movie night every season? i think they let them watch a new Exorcist movie last season
yeah, you're probably right. i just think Kimo is a really nice guy and probably needs the money the most out of all of them. Quinn probably did the most out of the entire house though
from bottom to top of course
she just led the vote to send t’kor to jury, try not seething for one day
wow getting get rid of the big bad fearsome T'Kor what a legend
big mak is hella tanned
>pretending you wouldn’t be crying about her still being in the house if she voted out rubina instead
get a grip pal
honestly i thought it was pretty cute when T'Kor stopped and took a look at everyone before she went into the house
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comp wins this season
Why do I get the vibe that if Chelsie wins she won't do many BB appearances or a lot of stuff related to it again?
she’s gonna give all the money to her church
It's bb26, everyone's a minority lmao
based queen of slay
I don't get this kimo love. His entire character is that he is gay and pacific islander but he's like the low functioning outcast gays that don't bathe instead of the high maintenance femme drama gays thar wear their hearts on their sleeves
I hope he goes to jury because I don't want him getting any more screentime
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>3 way tie between Mak, Leah and Angela.

Comp beasts. Our girls are making final 2.
I like kimo cause I think he seems like a good time to hang out with but his game is basically nonexistent besides the cedric flip so he’s at the bottom of potential winners with rubina for me
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mak has two more than them actually and is one win away from tying tucker
She’s going to be called out for gaslighting even herself with her endless lying and it’ll mindbreak her
Like she is not going to handle the Cam stuff well postseason
kind of helps when you're in the game a lot longer with fewer opponents to be fair
yeah she’s better at the game than tuck
what the fuck is that filter they’re doing on kimo
It was uncomfortable watching him be so depressed in real time
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I can't count apparently.
Rubina looked extra gross in last nights episode.
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the house used to be so loud :(
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Cedric needs to worry about them sex videos of him bustin open yt bitches assholes and not tryin to play make believe with his T’Kor bullshit emotions. That girl don’t need his Uncle Tom ass. He can play in the yt’s bootyholes.
the wind down is always rough. going to be even worse after the double
yeah it always makes me sad when the house gets quiet
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Fuuuuuuck is that lisabee id fuck her but she not a skinny white slut
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going back and remembering all the comps and im laughing at the AI arena chelsie won where they literally put the answers on the board and they still couldnt figure it out
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I feel a similar way about Cam. Hopefully they throw him a physical comp before the end. He's been so bad in the others.
Is Cam Chelsie real or is it just a showmance? They're framing Chelsie as really attached to Cam.
Yeah Cam played in that one, iirc
It is a one sided delusion on Chelsie’s part
They’re not in a relationship at all except in Chelsie’s head
we are the boys in motion
lol Funny femcel storyline. It'd be really trippy if Cam gave her the boot for Big Mak but I don't think Mak could break the conditioning on T'Kor's minions even if she could sway Cam.
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I just finished watching another survivor south africa season, and Cedric looks like a lil bro to this guy and yes I tried finding the most zesty pic to match Cedric's freak
Kimo: If I were a professional athlete, what sport do you think i'd be in?
Angela: Cornhole
Kimo: ........wait, what?
Angela: Chess.
sex with large macintosh
searching 'zesty' should just bring up this picture holy smokes
very slick angela
Will Chelsie be the first femcel to win BB? She controls most of the votes left in the game (4-5/7 including herself if Mak doesn't take the shot). Even better, most of her allies give her favorable jury matchups. She should beat Rubina and Kimo, and Cam should be safe for a final 2 as well. She beats Angela and should have the votes against Leah, only Mak has a chance against her. I'd call it brilliance if she didn't literally inherit her army from T'Kor.

Lmao I'm surprised they didn't cut away
it's hers or mak's game to lose right now, I do think she loses to mak though
the double will be either Rubina or Leah winning hoh imo
Rubina does surprisingly well in most comps and MJ is out of the running for this one
it would be nice to have a legitimate black female winner
i think if Leah somehow survives the double eviction that probably means she won HOH and takes a shot at Chelsie. probably doesn't have the votes to get her out though if Angela leaves first sooo
it will be leah and she won't be getting her hoh perks once again
I'm not getting my hopes up, prepping for the worst hoping for the best has served me well in life.
that said she would get a real basket though unlike jankie week she just wouldn't get the room or music
Once she's out of the house and clears her head I think she'll feel really embarrassed about it all
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I’m manifesting Leah winning the double HOH
if Angela gets evicted first would she even have the numbers to vote Chelsie out? Mak might do it but who else would
I think Kimo or Rubina would do it to save the other if you put them next to her
so long as she did chelsie and one of rubina/kimo yes
big ange melty in hoh alone
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she's always making sauces with like 20 ingredients
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manifest it sister
chelsie said earlier it took leah over an hour to make a salad
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says the bitch that almost never cooks kek
i don't know why i'm the same way. i've worked in restaurants where i have to be fast as fuck but when i'm at home i take fucking forever to do anything.
I'd be okay if she wins
I don't think Mak can swing enough votes against Chelsie, she'd basically have to pull all the noncommitted ones and flip Rubina.
Yeah I don't think Leah of all people could convince them. Their conditioning is strong but also they don't seem to see Chelsie as a threat.
She has ADHD so that's fine. Leave her alone. Also, what else is there to do?
yeah exactly why it's so important for Angela or Leah to win veto to take her down. but that also means that Leah could be a renom if Chelsie convinces Mak
tkor basically said if mak makes it to the end she wins and while she'd vote for chelsie she's right
mak did far more this season than chelsie and climbed her way from obvious boot to frontrunner alongside angela and leah
Mak winning 750k when she has 50 dollars to her name would be pretty funny. Somehow she owns her own house though
How do I watch the feeds for free in canada
pluto.tv with a vpn probably
Pluto detects vpns fug
try the VLC + playlist.m3u thingy, id be curious to see if that works for outside of usa. i think it does.
see >>203673974
what did they make for dinner? i missed it and now leah is gone
Where is the channels admin page?
ok, i dont have channels, that seems to be a crucial step lmao
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Big Brother coomer subreddit:
>confusing perspective? in this picture her foot looks way too small for her height - like that could be leah’s foot
I don't have the sociology background, but I think race will win out in the end and TKor doesn't want to jinx it. We saw this in season 24 where Taylor, a relatively despised comp-light finalist, beat a comp-heavy king because she bled more than any other contestant in BB history. Think of the votes in a Mak-Chelsie matchup.
Quinn appreciates a strong social game, he will choose herstory and lean Chelsie.
TKor is solid Chelsie.
Depending on how they get there, Kimo and Rubina should be safe Chelsie.
Cam should lean Chelsie but may go Mak. Even if she knifes him, I still think race will win out.
Who does that leave? Leah (lol) and Angela (BIG LOL).
Makensy has to get all noncommitted votes and possibly flip Rubina to win. >>203730764
It looks smaller than her hand lmao
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Leah was probably the best cook this season, right? Only others that i've seen consistently cook were Tucker, Leah, and Brooklyn.

I thought Cory had said that Mama Dud's food was the best last season but he said last night that Blue was the best cook
if we put big mak feet anon up against the fat leah poster, who would get evicted from /bb/?
that legit looks like Leah could be lying down next to her and resting her leg on Mak's knee. it would make more sense
Leah is definitely the top
I think MJ cooks quite a bit and they usually like it
Brooklyn and Tucker cooked but they were out early enough it's hard to rate
Brooklyn? I never paid much attention to the food
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shitty screenshotter would get backdoored
Tucker seemed like he lost complete interest in cooking once Lisa was voted out kek. he really is a petty motherfucker
Lisa hogging the kitchen because she was a "chef" was one of the things that got her evicted
Kenney was the best cook this season. He just forgot to help out sometimes or was missing his wife too much
I wonder how big their folder is at this point
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>t-the food on my truck was p-precooked
Kek what a dumb ass. He should just said his wife's job
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open with VLC -> playlist
i think they even asked him to just make hot dogs and sweet potato fries in the airfryer once and he didn't even do that lol
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even worse it was just the fries and kencuck still didn't bother lmao
custodian or something like that would have been such a better cover story. unironically what was he thinking
this isn't old 4chan where people knew how to use computers. i quit trying to talk people through things on here.
swingers are usually absolute retards
He was an undercover cop. It has to be hubris because I don't get how a profession based around lying and tricking suspects didn't prepare him for the show, especially being an undercover cop.
>you know...my wife just loves sweet potato fries so much. it's like her favorite dish back home and i don't think i could handle making those right now
I’m going to an island and I’m bringing an iPhone charger
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>it's a game night episode
there's no way he made many big arrests, or his targets were actual retards. I've dabbled in some illicit substances over the years and I would have instantly clocked that he's a cop.
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being expressive with big mak
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thanks for still taking caps
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if Kimo wasn't gay Leah would be all up in that shit
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I love when girls with dyed hair have their roots grown out like leah right now
chelsie would've seethed so hard at that skipping if she was out there kek
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wait fuck me she is out there lmao
never watch feeds drunk kids
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mak is gassed from skipping
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big mak and cam are alone in the hoh room
leah joined
but they're sitting next to each other while she's on the other couch kek
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m&m taste testing with coomer cam and big mak
i like peanut butter m&ms
I like peanut m&ms
if Cam and Mak fucked on her HOH it would be kino. i wonder how they could even pull it off without Chelsie figuring it out
they should just be straight up and say they’re locking the hoh room for an hour because they want to have sex
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chelsie crying
that zing living in her head kek
i think i'm just a big pussy but i pity chelsie a bit. she seems like a genuinely sad and lonely person and tries to hide it with her "tough girl" persona
it said something about her liking cam right? that’s based if so cause she’s been lying in the dr pretending that’s not way she was mad during the cot fight
no i agree, she's like tkor in a way, she just doesn't know any better
we're unclear of the exact wording but that seemed to be part of it based on their convos earlier
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she's definitely got a bitter cunt side but that seems very upbringing related
I don't think anyone is there giving her the hard truths of life and she needs it
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mama dud thinks that angela and leah are going this week
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is mak drunk
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i don't think so but they really should have given them booze tonight
she got beers in her fridge
assuming this isn't over some shit about her family like dud had to go through this aint a good look for femcel
Mak just implied that Leah is going home this week
>Cedric needs to worry about them sex videos of him bustin open yt bitches assholes
there's two of him jacking off and one of him fucking some white thot doggy on twitter from one user
either check the archive of these threads to find em or I'll upload them tomorrow
Mak seems to legit be more team Chelsie than team Leah. always talks way more shit about Leah than Chelsie, and now implying Leah will go home in the double
why can’t the two cute white girls work together
I hate Makensy so much it's unreal
i've always had this strange feeling of competition between them. but i'm sure the last straw was her trying to protect angela
Upload em please, I cant browse twitter because Im a macaco and checking every archive would take time
maktard really gonna tank her game at the finish line lmao
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somehow the cute white girls always get divided
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it sucks cause the first half of the season mak wanted to work with leah and leah would never commit and was always throwing her under the bus and now it’s like roles have reversed.
I miss Brooklyn
since this site loves to think these are spam replace the @ with an a
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alright, Angela and Leah are absolutely FUCKED if they don't win veto and/or HOH in the double. They just had the other five in the HOH room and they basically all agreed that they're the targets
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i wanted to see her villain arc
Mak always making the worst moves possible
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unlike cuntsy she was a villain and not afraid to show it
what could've been bros...
straight out of desperate housewives
they need to cast more of her type
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i wonder if brooklyn watched these
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angela sometimes reminds me of jeff daniels in dumb and dumber
cute toesies
wallace and gromit feet
looks like it was ran through the claymation filter
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the fuckin filter lmao
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holy kek they made the wallace and gromit comparison too
Thank you!
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will angeler go out with a bang or a whimper
Who is winning this season
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not tkor
Makensy, she will fuck things up for now but it will ultimately reward her at the end, specially when she wins all the last comps
fucking things up for now but ultimately rewarding yourself at the end by comping out with big mak
Chelsie has the highest odds right now. She’s going to make the final five unless Angela and Leah survive the week somehow and then it’s smooth sailing
I’m gonna cum
Chelsie said she doesn’t like the name Shelby
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>You don’t have to tell us every time you’re going to cum. Just do it.
personally, i would appreciate warning
mak save angela with the veto 12 days ago. what kind of sick game is she playing
she just wanted screen time because Tucker made it the norm to always use the veto this season
a bad one. everyone this season has played like tards except chelsie and brooklyn. chelsie's femcel arc almost tanked her game though
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big mak needs a bbl
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>Leah wins veto
>takes Angela down
>Rubina goes up
>Kimo gets evicted
>Leah wins HOH
>Nominates Chelsie and Cam
>noms stay the same
>Chelsie gets evicted
wouldn't cam get evicted? or would makensy really vote her out
i think it could be pointed out that cam has barely won shit comp wise and that chelsie would have the jury votes to win
rubina wouldnt vote out chelsie over cam either
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yeah but it would be angela and mak vs rubina in that circumstance
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mak heel turn is amongst us. it's over, bros...
A recurring theme this season seems to be making all the wrong choices and somehow ending up at the correct answer anyhow. So there's still hope that Mak's schizo math will pay off in the end.
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dark mak had risen
mak would vote her out imo
but I think she's too pussy to try to BD her this week
leah scrambling saying she was out of her element in jankie world and made a schizo decision
no she's basically hinting she wanted to target chelsie but she didn't think the votes were there
called getting tkor out a safe move instead of a me move
she literally said "i was out of my element" but ok
we're both right which was what I was about to write to correct that desu
she had a plan of targeting chelsie but the bullshit of jankie week led her to play it safe is the gist of this
so whats the plan right now? keep noms the same and boot angela? if angela/kimo wins put up leah?
she's blabbing about her original grand plan to get out chelsie which would've been tkor/chelsie noms
while I'm happy ttwit is gone we lost some kino noms over the jankie twist
probably rubina as renom, mak said she doesn’t wanna be the one to take the shot at leah
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getting bored reading the bible with big mak
the current plan is angela boot but renom is questionable
mak was adamant she wouldn't put up/evict leah on her hoh so presumably renom would have to be rubina, cam, or chelsie
but she's also joking to literally everyone in the house that leah is going home this week. maybe she's just hoping they put her up in the double
thanks. hopefully leah or angela can win double HoH to keep the final leg spicy
the house assumption is 100% leah going on the double so yeah I'm sure it's that
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>and god said the jealous woman must be evicted from the house
I know it will do jack shit but I do wish Leah can ruin the chelsie mist on rubina tkor planted on the way out
you really aren't close with chelsie goblina there's no need to give up your game for her
it’s for the higher purpose anon
leah not just coming out and talking about how ready chelsie was to evict tkunt is so dumb
even if she doesn't believe it you have to try
its futile i think. tkor gave kimo and rubina their marching orders to work and protect chelsie. thats going to hold solid till final 5. they might start thinking about taking a shot at that point but probably not
futile probably yes, but that doesn't mean she shouldnt try
i think it comes down to people in the house just not knowing all the things we do. like they know chelsie and t'kor were tight but not enough to string along kimo and rubina so much that they will literally do what t'kor said
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for sure. i forget that sometimes and realize im getting to caught up in moves that shouldnt be made and all that jazz. just gotta let jesus take the wheel
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goodnight to big mak
Who was it? I’m guessing Angela
Kimo or Angela. I don’t know anyone else that would be dropping those gas nuggets
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Good morning ladies

busy morning, early post
Morning Hogg!
1743 schreenshots 6657 in the /bb/ 26 folder. I also have a folder on my old laptop with bb16-bb19 caps.
Enjoy the morning maks
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morning big hogg
later /bb/

I made a thread but you lot will have to bump because I'm off to bed myself

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