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Are zoomers really attracted to the xanax stare phenotype?
yeah, faux-i-don't-give-a-fuck-yeah-whatever core is considered cool in the age of extreme neuroticism
why do you think billy eilish is so popular?
>why do you think billy eilish is so popular?

Because she likes Blacked.com porn :)
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It's Billie.
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She is so cringe. I wanna see her character get beheaded
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Wednesday and Enid would make cute girlfriends.
Everyone born after 2000 is Billie Eilish in disguise.
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>Are zoomers really attracted to the xanax stare phenotype?

Why not? It's like us Millennials and girls with the strung out junkie stare.
wtf I love Billie Eilish now?
She must have a lot of time on her hands to be able to pull that off.
Considering the whales, browns, and uglies they normally get?
She's one of the best option.
But she's ugly too.
Ugh I can just hear the rasp in her voice.
>muh Xanax
Fuck off asshole. My sister would have offed herself without that stuff. Don’t stigmatize it
why is the cinematography of this scene so fucking bad? i just want to see the dance
No, she's very average. Which is quite the improvement from what Zoomers are normally getting.
She should have.
>Disney dropped her like a rock
lol her career is already dead.
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rightwingers really do be like dat tho
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What pleasure do you derive from spamming this over and over?
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>She will never be my wife
your seethe
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She just became my fav waifu
BNWO chads we win again
I'll not give it to you that easily.
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you just know...
Dude is a hero
But which one is the top?
Zoomers and tv in general lost their minds over this. We have daily threads about this creatura. Very annoying
Enid just for the 'you thought it would be Wednesday' value. A big thing in the Wednesday/Enid fanfic community is kind of having Wednesday act a little more like Gomez when she falls for Enid.
I sorry if you are a faggot dude...
>Grammy-winning singer Billie Eilish has spoken about an addiction to watching pornography, starting at age 11, and how it gave her nightmares and messed her up when she started dating. Eilish, who turns 20 on Saturday, was speaking on the Howard Stern Show on Sirius XM radio on Monday. “I think porn is a disgrace
What a fucking crybaby. I've been destroying my dick since I was a little kid and I feel great
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they mostly just scissor
She's such a pickme
Tries way too hard
Just fucking kiss already jfc they're so gay for each other
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How come Snood gets more love?
Because Emma is a sweetheart
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Mental illness.
I mean yeah, you’re constantly stalking someone for posting a meme pic. There’s something very wrong with you.
most of the people I know my age (including myself) aren't really that neurotic. I'm older though
I still can't decide if she's hot or not.
She is but not as much as dudes here make her out to be
Moner is a superior latinxa
she's the self-insert character for depressed bitches
Nta but it makes me chuckle every time
>omg I had no idea you did it!
>ya so I saw you doing it and it was amazing

is this... is this what 40 year old women actually do? Lie and then catch themselves out within seconds?
We prefer the Kamy phenotype
Thanks, I need this.
Jenna's straight
Straight in love with Emma
Truly, Madly, Built For BBC
and my brother almost did because of them
most of those areas are predominantly Black
Didn't know it's this cringe. The meme made her more mysterious
She could've remembered. Maybe Jenna is low on B12.
Billie's dad spent a lot of money on her daughter's "career"
But you guys told me lesbians were mentally ill women and they all look like that Australian comedian who get mad when people laugh
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you mean hill-Billie?
kek this is me every time
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She's a great hentai beauty, what's not to like.
Jenna lost in Emma's eyes the whole time making Emma blush
The bond song is seriously impressive, but waffles on too long too. She did get the essence of Bond more than radiohead
all women do is lie. how new are you?
this just explains that you would need to live in a backwater to still use the term shemale in current year
this became weird phrenology black trans discussion for some reason but this is the best version of this scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54OhtURwAiw
Women purposefully looking away from the camera when they show off is so infuriating.
You may not like it, but this is what peak female performance looks like.
This. OP is a disingenuous attention grifting fag. Can even go back to "heroin chic" of the 90s
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>xanax stare phenotype

I don't do drugs and I'm not getting too much information on this when I google it, other than recommendations for rehabs and resources for people looking for help with their substance abuses. What is the "Xanax Stare"? Also, could someone be nice enough to perhaps show me some examples? I'm a little out of the loop. I've always heard people talking about "xanax this" and "xanax that" and it's been in a bunch of movies, but I don't know anything about it.
isn't that just the classic zoomer "thousand cock stare"?
and the "i am so le quirky" bitches
Zoomers aren't attracted to anything real because of hentai and social atomization
>Billy likes Blacked.com porn
I wish your whore sister did.
She looks like a 35 year old wine aunt. This bitch is in her early 20's.
cry jenna
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you zoomers and your precious feelings. Fuck off back to red dit you insufferable cunt
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I will never understand drug addiction, or why people let it get to this point. Why put something into your body "to feel good" even though you KNOW it's addicting, and the more you do it, the more you'll need it. It's like instead of saying to yourself: "ah yes! I'm taking this pill to feel good!" you should really be saying "I'm taking this pill in order to quench the craving for an addiction that I not only created but am actively choosing to maintain and make worse by taking this pill since as soon as it wears off I will need more pills, so in a way I'm taking this pill so I can eventually feel worse so I can feel better by taking another pill that'll make me feel bad again when it wears off...."

Are drug addicts retarded? I've always held the theory that people who allow themselves to get addicted to anything aren't very good at math. And don't even get me started on the ones that claim "I can't stop!" Like WTF? Just have a bad week...I mean, I get it if the withdrawals are lethal, like with alcohol, but then in that case just go to the hospital. I've never understood how some people feel that they're entitled to feeling good all the time. Life is supposed to be hard and suck sometimes....fucking grow a pair.
Lol is this real
Oh snap
Ironic considering there's a 99% chance you're addicted to browsing 4chan.
Brother or father incest is like one of the most common kinks for women.
>average spic's hate act
Because whites never chimped out eh
yes eyecontact is attractive to every normal person

are boomers really so scared of looking people in the eyes? lmao autism generation
women who actually take xanax and enjoy it recreationally are vapid histrionic cunts. It's the personality-coded version of having tattoos all over your body
Basically just another corny fucking "not like the other girls" Lisa Simpson
> I've never understood how some people feel that they're entitled to feeling good all the time.

I do drugs solely to feel worse.

Why are trannies like this?
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>it's the trannies fault that white women watch interracial porn
This and it's hilarious how in denial everyone is about it. Everytime someone tries to find an alternative to 4chan they get mocked and ridiculed and everyone gets pissy trying to gaslight them into being here "forever". Literal cult behaviour lmao.
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Remember when she liked a Blacked.com clip on instagram/twitter but removed the like a few hours later but not before people screencapped the evidence?
They're severely autistic discord raiders or just your garden variety Indian spammers
One reason more to say fuck xanax
>random anon making a low effort shitpost has to be some grand conspiracy of coordinated raiding parties on other websites

You need to lighten the fuck up.
How can you be histrionic if you're mellowed out on xanax?
Absolutely based

I get pleasure from seeing it every time. It's comforting to know it's always in these threads.
They're histrionic when they're OFF of it, hence the need to take it
Cute Wednesday-chan.
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>calls others autistic
>too autistic to differenciate meme from reality
They see themselves as "activists"
>addicted to browsing 4chan.
That's like saying video games and coffee is addicting...habit forming, sure, but not addicting. I enjoy coming on here and shitposting, and I enjoy playing video games...like A LOT; I also probably drink too much coffee, but when I was trying to save my grandfather's business during the pandemic....which I was sadly unable to do, I didn't come on here once; I didn't play video games once, and coffee was stressing me out so I didn't touch it for like 3 years.

You can't compare hobbies to drugs. If there's someone sucking a dick out there so they can spend 10 more minutes on 4chan, or play COD for a little bit longer, then I would sure LOVE to meet that retard. But! That's not to say that there aren't people out there that overdo it and ruin their lives. I mean, there's people that eat themselves to death, and I'm sure there's a ton of divorces and job losses due to people that play too many video games and don't tend to their responsibilities. Sure I could be at the gym right now instead of on here...but difference is I could shut off the computer right now and go, and I'd feel better and not worse. It's not the same.
The irony of your post, freak
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>ywn have a porn addicted goonette gf to goon yourself stupid with after work
for you
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>he's doubling down

lol have sex
one shitpost is a joke
a million shitposts is a pattern
Yepp, you're addicted to 4chan.

>That's like saying video games and coffee is addicting
Because they ARE addictive. If you can stop drinking coffee with no withdrawal symptoms then we can talk about not being addicted but I'd like to see you stay off coffee for just one week, cold turkey. Even if the headaches won't get to you the craving will.
Most people on 4chan are addicted to this place without even realizing it. If you told them to not check the /tv/ catalog for one week straight, I'd bet all my money they couldn't do it.
You sound extremely neurotic.
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Saying your addicted to 4chan is like saying you're addicted to writing to pen pals. You can enjoy something a lot and not be addicted to it. Or fuck it, maybe you guys are addicted. Let me ask: so then when you're NOT on here do you feel a burning desire to come on here??? The fuck? I get a lot of downtime at work and this place is like the greatest time killer and the typing sounds make people think I'm answering emails. If I have options I'll watch tv/movies or play video games, spend time with my family, read, clean my house....you know, normal people shit.
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I wish you were around when tumblr trans, who were ousted by regular gays literally invented this and the pronoun meta. it literally all stems from tumblr fanfiction.
no he doesn't
everyone there is a systematic psyops to spam trannies and blacked porn to ruin 4chan ever since 2016 election
These days it's impossible to tell if it's the trannies projecting their fetishes or if it's chinese, Indian or blackcels spamming all the blacked porn for demoralization purposes out of insecurity. They're all the same
>If you can stop drinking coffee with no withdrawal symptoms then we can talk about not being addicted
> I'd like to see you stay off coffee for just one week, cold turkey.

Bro are you retarded? I literally mentioned in the post you responded to that I did indeed quit coffee for 3 years, and yes it was absolutely cold turkey....COFFEE IS NOT FUCKING ADDICTING! Pisses me off when people claim that it is, and I'm sure it's a slap in the face to people that are taking it in the ass so they can afford to buy more opiates....because they're addicted.
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Sex and transness itself is an addiction, you know this.
That's not the xanax stare, retard.
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Is this the Xanax stare? What is it then? Post examples.
No, because it only happened in your mind.
Mostly brainwashed white troons/fags, probably with some help from jews.
Maybe on 4chan it's some nonwhite seethers too but generally this shit comes from western freaks.
Retards, unless actors are together in a scene (being filmed by the camera at the same time) they aren't together on set.
All the werewolf stuff happens without Wednesday in it, or is CGI or whatever.
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>regimented and strategic combat is "chimping out"
whew anon, next level cope.
honestly, this map doesn't closely follow any clearly discernable political, racial, or cultural set of regions that i know of

basically the only thing this shows is that mormons don't look at tranny porn
BTW most of those areas in the South are Black
Its not a real thing
what's the deal with nevada then?
no, that's really only a strip of the middle of the deep south belt there. most of that red area is white
Whats this from
t. Glib
This, we had the drugged out coke look and zoomers now have the fake "i dont give a fuck about anything" 1000 yard stare.
In real life? No. I think Jenna is cute tho
this is extremely cringe
Jenna herself is very cute. I don't think Wednesday is. Espechially after the time skip.
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y every case when someone accusing some faggot for being an spic never miss? at this point america should nuke them for being an violent monkeys, all in their head is killing rape skinalive behead
Lady ballers
Every person I've met who takes Xanax have been brain dead retards. They genuinely seem lobotomized. I really don't understand why anyone likes that shit.
Only zoomer I like is Joey King
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I find it extremely unattractive. Looking at dead vacant eyes just makes me sad. No one should look like this.
And it's not a 'poor puppy' kind of sad and more a 'I am not qualified to fix this' kind of sad.
This whole sequence looks retarded. But it might be the point, idk, I haven't watched the show.
You retards will get mad at Twitter fujos saying Sam and Frodo are gay but then call these two lesbians. Just means none of you have ever seen women interact with each other outside of porn.
yaoi is gross
yuri is cute
They're both things that are disgusting IRL and should stay fictional fetishes. Man and woman are made for each other and no one else.
Call me old fashioned but I just don't like cock involved in these things
Just be careful not to cut off your own.
Because she’s a nepo baby
I love my cock
Except those areas have the most black ppl
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Bucks got their homosexuality from all the buckbreaking by right wing conservatives.
That area of nevada is so barren just 5 five guys looking up tranny porn can skew the demo. I cant explain the upstate shit though.
See, I knew what you were all along
It's always funny when they play a character who pulls the "not like the other girls shit", meanwhile the real life actress acts like a fucking whore that the character would hate.
Her eyes look hot af in the beginning of this.
Then she looks mad retarded for the rest of it but those eyes were sexy.
>They're both things that are disgusting IRL

t. has never seen two hot girls making out
Cutest couple
I would murder for her
>I can STILL hear the rasp in her voice
QRD on Xanax?
Fuck, i'm hard!
What the actual fuck...
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From what I've heard, it's a drug prescribed to pussies who have "anxiety" and don't know that there's this thing called alcohol which works wonders. Or you know, not being a bitch.

I think if you take a lot of that Xanax stuff you get some sort of high similar to being drunk only less fun. I knew a girl once that said she got raped on some drug that was similar to Xanax and that she was awake for the whole thing but that she just didn't care enough to stop it...so why anyone would put that shit into their bloodstream is beyond me. I'll take a shot of whiskey after a long day, thank you very much. I don't know what's wrong with you zoomers.
>I don't know what's wrong with you zoomers.
their music is exclusively nigger rap about depression and doing drugs.
Belly almost as big as her tits.
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It's better when they purposely look at the camera
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>a 6/10 Mexican fivehead slut is the sex symbol that zoomers/genA get
No wonder so many of you are gay
that's cringe
>just in case someone needs to carry on the torch
Has anyone posted this to her Twitter yet?
My brother almost did because of it.works for some doesnt work for others simple as
I have never seen a Brittany Murphy poster on anyone's wall ever. It was always Brittany spears/Aguilara/Jolie/Pam Anderson/WWF slags
>so you're both wrong and a faggot
If he doesn't post it I will. It makes me laugh. Fuck you
>posting on the last free speech forum on earth makes you an addict
Project much faggot? Get boosted.
BTW all soldiers in WWII took copious amounts of meth to fight
Boomerfag we can't afford housing, food beyond slop, have no employment or career advancement opportunities, and live in a society that will alienate and shun you for saying or doing completely innocuous things or even juts pointing out that things are shit. There's a lot of weak fags out there but there's also a lot of good reason why we're such a fucked up generation.
>'I'm not qualified to fix this' type of sad
Lmao, about sums it up. So many zoomers are fatherless mindbroken sluts it's crazy
Nah its the boomers that hire the actors that are. If you want to see what zoomers are attracted to just look at the popular high school tiktokers that aren't astroturfed celebs but have large enough following by just showing their face on tiktok, or you can wait 20-40 years until they're old enough to cast girls that remind them of the ones they haven't moved on from.
nuHollywood only allows nepo babies/DEI hires/studio couch sluts to be cast. No 10/10 zoomette is gonna let some ugly jew molest them for a shitty role when they can make $$$$ selling feet pics and bathwater
>seen a 19yr old bitch sell her used underwear for 25k on insta
Why do I work
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Be kind, guys
>when jaw surgery and Photoshop still can't make you a 10/10
There are hotter spics at the local getty mart
>xanax stare
Shes just depressed, but zoomers did adapt to be attracted to SSReyes since most women are on them
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>have no employment or career advancement opportunities

I'm so fucking sick and tired of hearing this excuse. I worked 16 hour days in a food distribution center moving product from reefer trucks to freezer storage just so I could save enough money to start my own business...which failed, and then I went back and did it again; failed again, once again went back, and business is a little slow right now.....so I might go back to warehouse work so I can pour more money into my mortuary sales business, which is not a fun job at all.

Just admit you don't want to put in the work. I've met female truckers that fend off rapists at truck stops just so they can put food on the table. It's okay to admit that your lazy, just stop complaining.

Rent is pretty high though. I'll fucking give you that one.
Who would be the first to rim the other realistically?
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I love her, bros...
Post it every time you see her fugly face.
God I want a disgusting white bitch like this so badly.
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Racism is real. I don't know who told me she was Columbian, and ever since I always thought she was ugly until just the other day when I found out she was Sinaloan (Mexican) and Puerto Rican (but like barely) and now I think she's beautiful. It's like when I think a woman looks ugly but then I find out they're Armenian or Greek and now suddenly they're gorgeous to me. Very very strange. I don't think there's anything much sadder than a racist who doesn't want to be a racist.
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I don't abhor her ass.
dedicated legendary anon
yeah lol you gay or something?
They literally don't hire White men in most white-collar jobs anymore whilst blue collar or rural jobs are disappearing due to offshoring or being snatched up by illegals and Jeets.
>I worked 16 hour days in a food distribution center moving product from reefer trucks to freezer storage just so I could save enough money to start my own business...which failed, and then I went back and did it again; failed again, once again went back, and business is a little slow right now
>so I might go back to warehouse work so I can pour more money into my mortuary sales business, which is not a fun job at all.
Your job has already been replaced by some spic or jeet.
>I've met female truckers that fend off rapists at truck stops just so they can put food on the table.
If you're a woman doing a job like that you're an idiot, hiring overwhelmingly favors them and has for a while now. Also lol at "fending off rapists" like male truckers aren't the ones who have to fend off lounge lizards with blackjacks. My Grandpa was a trucker for his entire adult life along with most of my Mom's male family, so don't try and lecture me about shit related to trucking.
>Just admit you don't want to put in the work.
lucky bastard, imagine fucking your Billie Eillish sister.
>Flat ass and granny panties
I'm sorry you had to find out this way but
>you're gay, anon
Don't you know, low effort is attractive to zoomers
Snood initiates rimming
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We're all Joseph in this thread
I bet she eats ass sloppily and passionately, but Jenna's much better with her fingers regarding the puss.
checked trips of destiny
You guys are disgusting
Snood is the one that started licking other girl's buttholes
Where do you think we are?
Snood and Jenna have only gone to 2nd base (unprotected handholding)
Excuses excuses.
Yeah or, more likely, you're suffering from schizophrenia and delusions and you think everyone's out to get you lol.
>it's da JOOZ
>no it's da POOS
>no no, it's A TROONS
>wait no it's KEKS
>no count argument
>just memes and deflects immediately

Billie is a dyke. She LARPed a relationship with a black guy to satisfy the (((record company))).
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I love how much seethe this caused. Why are chuds so fucking fragile?
>Heh we beat the nazis and defeated evil!
Also boomers::
>Wait, why are Western countries collapsing? Why are the Jews winning? What could've possibly caused this!?
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>They literally don't hire White men
You fuckers don't WANT to work? What the fuck do you expect employers to do? They need someone that can show up and do shit work for shit pay; they don't give a fuck what you look like or what language you speak. Don't lecture ME about that. I live in Mexico—sorry, Los Angeles, and there's like thousands of job listings for warehouse work and they're all in English. Yeah I've seen very few white guys in those warehouses...but it's not because they're not hiring them. You faggots just want to play video games and masturbate all day, and that's fine but don't blame the world for YOUR choices.

And fuck your grandfather. Why aren't YOU a trucker?
Western Countries aren't collpasing, lol. The US and France have never been stronger. The UK is having issues because they rejected globalism and fucked up their economy because of it.
White fertility rates say otherwise lol.
>judging a population by fertility rates
Tell me you don't have sex without telling me you're an incel lol
>Why aren't YOU a trucker?
>the US and France have never been stronger
What proof do you have of this? The U.S lost Afghanistan, France lost the Sahel, and Ukraine has somehow not already ended with Russians being curbstomped into dust. The U.S is also on the verge of suicide due to the mentally disabled economic policies being pushed by the two candidates dooming the country and world at large.
So I guess all the white children that were born after Gen Z are just going to disappear? lmao
>The U.S is also on the verge of suicide due to the mentally disabled economic policies being pushed by the two candidates dooming the country and world at large.
Retarded comment, desu.
Both economies are on the top right now, the dollar has never been stronger, it's shown to be a much more serious military threat than both Russia (who failed at a simple invasion) and China (who's own economy is falling apart due to a middle class living in a shithole country). France similarly has shown its strength thru the Olympics and the fact Macron put his dick out on the table and the population cheered thru the election. If Biden can get Kamala in office to continue his infrastructure investment, the US should theoretically recapture a good size of the tech marketshare China currently dominates in.
He doesn't have sex so he assumes everyone doesn't.
sounds like some bs from tenet media, I hope to god Anon got some serious rubles for that shitpost lol
>countries should be run for the benefit of big business and cheap foreign labor instead of the native population

Bootlicking retard, why do you care more about corporate profits than your own people?
How is that working out for England?
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Aw damn, it's that weird time where everyone worth talking to in Europe is blacked out drunk by now, and everyone on the east coast of the US is getting there. West coast is buzzed.

Well, it's been fun everyone but I guess it's time for me to gamble away 15-90% of my paycheck at the slaphouse down the street. This was one of the more interesting threads, and to think I was the 10th poster close to this time yesterday.
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If you win, go pay a woman so you can finally have sex. Maybe then you won't be an insufferable cunt. :)
what does xanax do? Makes you happy?
Please tell me she’s a virgin
Yeah it's also a brothel and I'm thinking I might just do that instead. There's this new black chick working there who's pretty cute.
Are you retarded or can you simply not do simple math? Other races have quadruple the amount of offspring on average. Oh wait, you're a /pol/chud, of course you can't use your brain.
she fucked a pajeet, sorry
Lmao anon she's just a junkie.
Trump wants tarriffs and devaluation of the currency that will result in the U.S descending into serfdom while Kamala wants to slap tight price controls on everything which would turn us into Venezuela while both sides would do nothing to stem immigration. They say this shit on their campaign websites.
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Black girls are so fucking Kino. If you never fucked one, I suggest it. Aggressive to a point, then 100% submissive.
you need to be 18 to post here
>fucking black girls
>fucking black hookers
Blacks, or niggers as I like to call them, have the highest rate of STDs. It's like a 70% chance you'll catch something from fucking them, so be sure to wrap up.

t. a man who got genital warts from a hot nigger
The rulers of England did not 'reject globalism'. The government is still importing millions of foreigners a year and every year we have more taxes and more laws so you should be happy.
>Kamala wants to slap tight price controls
Inaccurate. She wants to ramp up enforcement on existing legistlation to prosecute price gouging. The real test would be either deciding to go against monopolies. Everyone sperged out over Bud Light and dropped their Market Share, yet the replacement everyone picked was just another InBev brand lol That's America rn

A Xanax stare is not like that. Usually if it starts to droop your eyes a little you're about to fall asleep. I've got plenty of experience, one time I took like 15mg and I got a bit hungry, started eating a banana and woke up the next day at 6AM with the banana still in my mouth. Could've choked on that lol. Xanax just hits fucking HARD.
I couldn't handle the smell. Black people stink.
>all the downsides without the benefits

What the fuck were those island monkeys thinking? LMFAO
there are no benefits retard
if you wouldnt, youre a fag.
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They actually DON'T. That's why I like black girls so much; they can go weeks without showering and smell like nothing. I skip a day and smell like an onion and garlic farmer.....those who know, know what I'm talking about.
You should visit a nose doctor
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>on the top right now, the dollar has never been stronger
>despite the fact that adjusted for inflation median income has stagnated since the 70s when adjusted for inflation
>despite housing and rent being through the roof
>despite the fact that prices for fucking FOOD has exploded and remained higher than since WWII adjusted for inflation
>despite the fact that the U.S and West literally builds its identity around social atomization and cultural self-hatred
>despite the native populations (both White and Indigineous) of these Western countries trooning out, drinking themselves to death, taking opioids, or becoming terminally online to cope with how shit their lives are
>despite once-great cities being hollowed out and filled with recent arrivals fresh off the boat
>despite the fact that half the population of any given Western country are now open tankies due to their lives being so shit they shill for the worst regimes on the planet due to a grass being greener complex
But hey, at least the population, stock market, and gdp lines are going up.
Do you believe lesbians can lose their virginity?
These white copers are the worst. Every girl got introduced to bbc porn in the iphone era. tumblr was a big part of it too cuz so much of it was spmmed there. Billie herself admitted to it and yet these retards pretend its all troonposting.
Face, girls like watching giant cocks stretch out white pussies. If you ever get a gf, ask her about her porn habbits
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computer, enhance.
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They prefer cunts that don't remember being raped. Kinda makes sense.
Holy cringe.
Do you faggots even like women? Everytime you people post one is just to say she has a fetal alcohol syndrome face or her ass isn't big enough.
>They need someone that can show up and do shit work for shit pay
They don't need this. They want this, and because a plethora of people just like you believe that it's okay, they can get away with having it.
Let's not act like the edgy "too cool for school" twat is exclusive to zoomers. Hollywood has pushed this product for ages.
Plus she has a smokin' hot bod
yea it's cheaper to import immigrants to work for peanuts than pay citizens a salary that would enable them a decent and honest life. Oh wait immigrants are violent and dangerous and don't care about the culture and wombs of countries they infest? HOW COULD THAT BE!?
But Daddy ZionDom will definitely save the west because he's /ourguy/! Can't wait for him to send more trillions of aid to Israel. :)
I have no fucking idea what you're talking about because those bitches smell really bad
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DId he overdose on Super Male VItality?
>She wants to ramp up enforcement on existing legistlation to prosecute price gouging
Uh-huh. And how does that legislation work? By putting price controls and ceilings on stuff, which creates shortages due to it creating perverse market incentives.
>go against monopolies
You and I both know this will never happen given those monopolies are funding her campaign and Trump's as well.
>doesn't into statistics
Oh I see you're just Black
This stupid fucking mutt cunt wants to play Joan of Arc, by the way.
>He doesn't know society stigmatizes pill heads.

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Alex Jones fucked Blair White.
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I'm talking about regular black girls here, not lot lizards or crackheads. Think more librarian and less that one time you stood behind a homeless woman on the bus. Fuck men, go outside and touch the grass real quick.
They are using xanax as scapegoat to the thousand cock stare
Blaire White turned Alex "Super Masculinity" Jones into a chaser. She got him hooked on bussy, and not even 10.000 dead globalists could keep him from plowing her sweet tranny ass.
I'd fuck him too
>that succubus smirk of hers knowing she's converted yet another

Holy fucking kino
I vastly prefer white girls, but Jenna Ortega has a certain charm as Wednesday and other characters. She's light skinned enough for me to overlook her being Latina and non-white women actually do appreciate a white man. They know we're still the most desired marriage partners (and not just fuckboys who will pump & dump their asses with kids or abuse the fuck out of them).
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i'm a gun toting hard right bodybuilding racist, and i'm very open about my love of trannies and femboys. the left fears me. the right fears me. feminized men want me. chuds want to be me. i go to this gay club that's fairly new and aiming for a developing market, straight or "straight" guys that are curious about the safest homosexuality around, twinks and femboys. this place only has twink and femboy dancers, and getting two little cuties on your lap sends my boner into the next dimension. it's time for chuds to steal the fag market from the left.
It do be like dat
A good brother would fuck her pain away.
Its relatable to them so yes, even more so when its accompanied by non-white ancestry like the latinx female in question.
and that's a good thing
How do I get a femboy boyfriend?
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High testosterone post.
be a muscular chud. 99% of femboys crave the battered wife life. the trick is to only really batter them sexually. the hardest femboy to find is one that tops. being an aggressive top every day of your life is tiresome, and the forbidden fruit of bottoming to a cute little feminized fail male is akin to tasting ambrosia. nothing is better, but you can't indulge too much.
this picture could only be better if she was completely bricked up. a cute little red dress is always better with a nice big tent.
Bulk up. Most of them want a daddy boyfriend.
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Most based post I've seen on this site in weeks.
Gotta need a name
Came here to make sure it was posted. Keep doing God's work, anon.
she is so unattractive to me.

-pug nose

they should have casted a white goth.
with a strong jaw and sharp white nose and tall.
Jewish producers prefer traumatized rape victim looks for obvious reasons
this post is evil and sodomite.
you're not right wing, you're LGBTQ
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>this post is evil and sodomite.
i don't partake in abrahamic doctrine. abrahamics belong in the desert in a quarantine zone, that is regularly bombed on a daily basis.
What you partake in, does not change the truth.

You are not treating others as you'd like to be treated.

Imagine if your Son became one of the 'feminized men' that you speak of?

You'd be angry right? But you want to disrespect other men's sons.

You are acting like a dog without morals and you are marching to the drum of the satanic order.
furthermore, fags are scat fetishists.

You are not a role model for the coming generation with your demonic beliefs.

You dishonor your fellow man. And man needs proper role model and leadership right now. Not debauched sodomites.

Change your ways. All of us have been included in Christ, and we can all still realize the Divine within us.
Very accurate. The “cold serious intelligent” woman attitude is very popular now. I think it’s in contrast with the broccoli hair over energized zoomer boys. The boys go harder because they feel the need to break through the tough girl stare and make them happy. It’s like a challenge.
if my son became a feminized male, i'd make sure he's with a good man, and if the man doesn't treat him right, i'd simply kill him. i don't disrespect other men's sons, i make love to them. god wasn't mad about cain murdering abel, his own brother, in cold blood, he was mad that cain lied. i would never lie to a god that's ok with cold blooded murder, i'd tell him to his face that his son deserved to be crucified, not that the old sky wizard has the balls to come down and face me. if your god is ok with muslims blowing up children in schools, but gets his panties in a twist over me making other men cum, his priorities are twisted.
>this shit again
What part of "thou shalt not kill" don't you understand you retarded pagan
killing and murder are very clearly defined in every iteration of the jewish fantasy novel. righteous killing is always ok, cold blooded murder is not. at least read the fiction you preach.
>killing and murder are very clearly defined in every iteration of the jewish fantasy novel
You've never touched the New Testament if you seriously believe this, Varg
>the new testament
look at how neutered christians are after that jewish edit. literally aren't even allowed to cry about getting murdered by mumbaptu, and achmed mohammed in your own countries. if you're going to be a christ cuck, at least be orthodox.
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She still valid?
xanax stare and tattoos = mountains of pussy
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Hunter Schafer. She's cute and sexy.
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No I'm actually extremely smart.
>be rich
>have horrible bolt ons
amazing. really.
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They look amazing.
Went from
>Abrahamic religions bad because I want to kill people and stick my dick in everything
>Abrahamic religions bad because it's arbitrary about violence and non-violence
>Christianity bad because it's le weak and pacifist
You're a sociopath using esoteric, pedantric nonsense to post-hoc justify your own degeneracy, faggot.
>Abrahamic religions bad because I want to kill people and stick my dick in everything
>instantly incorrect
hey, at least you tried.
fuck off christcuck, you've ruined the west.
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for me, it's the "my eyes are up here" phenotype
cuck religion.
This you? >>203752296
Christianity is why there was ever a "west" in the first place.
i give natsocs and other scum heartburn so it's a-okay
>posting a pedo to own the christcucks
Lousy job... I don't even know who would post this one actually.
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>and if the man doesn't treat him right, i'd simply kill him
>and if the man doesn't treat him right
i'm him. if you think it's not righteous to kill someone that's harming your offspring, you don't deserve the dirt you walk on.
K, so going by your logic if I take your posts in this thread as "mistreating" me, then I have the right to kill you?
You're a faggot.
obviously i mean enough harm that a righteous kill is not only necessary, but kosher in your jewish novel. imagine how many jew on a stick enjoyers were wasted in the streets and sent to the pearly gates over the course of 2000 years, waiting for the righteous wrath god talked about, only for all of their lands to be overtaken by their killers progeny, whose own book preaches their death. "Idle hands are the devil’s workshop; idle lips are his mouthpiece". indeed. doing nothing, and saying nothing sure is ending christianity at a rapid rate. in a hundred years, there might be a couple dozen christ cucks left.
The moment i watched this faggot larper christcuck ruin a couple of threads i 100% knew he would start doing it non-stop.
Hail Satan, you degenerated larping pedophile.
what did the director mean by this shot?
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simply put, in a single image;
>(((Data finds)))
sure thing sweetie
Troons fuck niggers exclusively
I watch a lot of troon porn
>doing nothing, and saying nothing sure is ending christianity at a rapid rate
"Do nothing. Win." was how Christianity took over Europe during the Roman era. Much like Buddhism (which you or some other anon shilled in this thread), Christianity is a religion whose power is inherent in its philosophical, moral, and structural strengths; not its ability to cultivate brute force like Islam or folk religions.
>obviously i mean enough harm that a righteous kill is not only necessary, but kosher
So your own weird neo-pagan larp is still dependent on a Christian/Abrahamic framework to exist in the first place. I'm under the assumption you're some Black Sun esoteric Nazi tard who worships and deliberately misunderstands Phinehas.
Have fun in hell with all the other sodomites and murderers, you'll be in good company.
>"Do nothing. Win." was how Christianity took over Europe during the Roman era
which caused the roman empire to collapse in 96 years. under christianity, the most mighty empire on earth couldn't last the lifespan of one human.
>not loving jewish novels means you must be a tree licking barbarian
actual retard. this is your brain on religious dogma, unable to comprehend a complete lack of religion. atheism is a religion too, as far as i'm concerned. i don't care about dunking on brain rotted cultists, they're just the most fun to punch because they literally aren't allowed to fight back because of their jewish book.
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