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The Grapes of Death edition
Previous: >>203714508
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First for Cycnipir
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Portrait of God - Edition*
Is this similar to kino?
Based, Re-Animator is awesome
Check out From Beyond too, it's just as good and has the same lead actor and actress
The sequels, Bride of Re-Animator and Beyond Re-Animator are okay but nothing amazing
>enlarge [pic rel]
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does a lady turn into grapes and/or get squeezed to death in this feature film because that is what this poster implies
Gonna download it now. Already got Dagon loaded up for another time as well. Idk when or if I’ll bother with the sequels anytime soon. This didn’t really feel like a movie that needed sequels. Herbert was the best part of the movie anyway
Yep. Only the soundtrack though:
No. It's about infected people/"zombies."
The sequels are worth checking if you can't find anything else to watch, Herbert is still kino in both of them
Though yeah, don't rush to watch, From Beyond and Dagon are better
That is false advertising, I will not watch this.
Why did she turn into a grape and why is she being squeezed like that? Does this have something to do with Kolobos?
>google "cycnipir"
>first result is this thread
The pesticides the farmers use on grapes turn the villagers into decomposing zombies.
I always knew Kolobos was a stealth zombie film.
Okay but why is she being squeezed to death by a giant hand? Where does the hand come from? Who's hand is it? Why is her body turned into grapes?
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She does not turn into grapes in the movie.
Lame and gay, not watching it now
Hope this movie is good and not a troll, I will watch it tonight if I can find it.
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It's great.
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Is Mia the best scream queen of the 20s?
did they release this in ukraine?
No they just made a poster in Ukrainian for fun.
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>mfw I just realised in a few months we'll be half way through the decade
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Just finished trap. my face looked like pic related the entire. thank you shlmamylanm
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Should drop 20 bucks to see the saw unrated 20th anniversary in movie theaters?
suspiria 2018 would have been better with mia as susie instead of dakota.
Didn't need to exist
Everything would be better with Mia as the main character.
Nothing women make needs to exist.
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Near dark was pretty kino
>Nothing women make needs to exist
So you don't think you need to exist? That's a bit edgy and gay honestly
Recc me some weird sexy stuff
Kill yourself
lmao btfo
Holy kino
You kill yourself James
The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge
The Hitcher
Hellraiser (and anything else from the twisted mind of Clive Barker)
>anything else from the twisted mind of Clive Barker)
Even posting this ironically is embarrassing.
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Hellraiser 3 is hot.
the title literally translates to: I Turned Myself Into a Raisin Morti!"
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100%. Also bring Huppert back and make Harper a main character
Just no blacks.
>Isabelle Fuhrman
Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time.
Hollow (2021), aka Wyvern Hill. This was definitely different. They should've stuck with the original title though.
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Based Trap.
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I will never pass up a chance to recommend Dead Pit
Can’t find Raisin of Death so just put on Subservience
Beautiful, eccentric movie. Kinda like a dreamy precursor to natural eco-horror.
I noticed the first characters in the movies are pajeets.
It was 2012 so she was still hot off Farmigakino.
The issue might be that the movie is not named "Raisin of Death". If you searched for that you wouldn't find it.
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>Satanism is sexy
No, it's gay, literally
M3gan got a lot of attention but Subservience didn’t. Why is that?
any decent anthology series 2020+?

been working backwards on inside no.9
I haven't seen Subvervience but maybe it's not as good. M3gan being surprisingly good got it a lot of positive word of mouth. Never heard of Subservience before now.
it doesn't star a 12 year old girl
did you catch Nightmare Cinema? I quite liked it.
There's that Del Taco Cabinet one.
> Never heard of Subservience before now.
thanks ill check them out
Pirahna 3d has lots of boobies and fish eating people
No, you meant to say Sarah Gadon.
O I see..
don't bother
it takes more than an hour for the Death Raisin to show up and he doesn't even crush anybody with his giant hands like the poster implies; totally typical bullshit all hype no substance flick
it has no intrinsic filmic value and is merely a receptacle for pretentiousness people to project their own aggrandizement onto
Why are you Indian
good evening sir! at least i am no low caste paki like you haha white women love me and you are stinky and brown and not an aryan god like me
Cuckoo's an odd movie with a pointless woke ending - le tranny looking girl-- who IS a tranny in real life-- allies herself with the chink stepsister against le evil white men and a dyke helps them out.
Not worth paying for but worth watching since its grainy cinematography's really good, as are the settings and the way the plot zigzags (without being that unpredictable) is ok. Its biggest formal issue is the repetition of some scenes/takes which belabors the point.
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Dario Argento is the only Italian that can make a genuinely good movie and not just fall back on the special effects.
If that's incorrect, explain why.
Mia absolutely MOGGING.
Die, monster! You don't belong in this world!
Several great Italian movies from the Fifth Cord to Kill Baby Kill among many others do not rely on special effects.
my favorite CV. legendary soundtrack
it's wrong because you don't "fall back" on special effects in horror films.
Of course you do. Many do that. That's part of the exploitation nature of the genre.
Tits don't count as a special effects no matter what Corman said
Choosing anyone but Jessica would be sacrilegious but those legs are fucking insane! Look at her face, she knows she’s mogging everyone.
Put some clothes on ffs. Why is she so desperate
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I've got your halloween reboot right here
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nick frost kino incoming
That’s the first one I’ve ever finished, which game is it where Dracula turns into a demon beast as his “final form” during the fight? I thought that was about to happen but he just died and I was let down
Crash (Cronenberg's ofc)
Sister of Ursula
Cemetery Man
it's in Dracula X/ Rondo of Blood
gay + retarded
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Just admit you don’t find hot girls kissing sexy.
No, I'm not a Satanist or Atheist, and thus, not a faggot and not somebody who supports faggots
It makes me think of jewish people.
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What horror movies do you even enjoy, then?
The Conjuring, Annabelle
Notice how their feet are side by side and pointing forward. In video games, the ugly female characters stand like men, feet pointing out. So gross.
Ah ok I see. Isnt Rondo better? I might play one of those next
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Wait you don’t like The Conjuring AND Alucarda?
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I don't usually come here to bash movies but god damn this is one of the biggest pieces of shit I've ever seen in my life. Everyone involved with this movie should have their entire families executed. Made me want to cancel my Shudder subscription and I only watched 20 minutes of it.
It’s called posing for a picture you silly fuck.
She not mogging anyone.
i don't know about better(taste all that) but it's harder
You’re an idiot. Men and girls stand differently. Men stand with feet side by side and men with feet pointed out. It’s 100% always like that. Look it up.
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i think the logic is this
Struck a nerve huh, Pissman? Obviously you’ve never posed for a picture in your life.
> I only watched 20 minutes of it
so how can you form an opinion of it
>Men stand with feet side by side and men with feet pointed out.
You seem to be thinking way too much about men
They're a staple not special
>In video games
back to >>>/v/
Why don't you watch it and tell me
sorry meant for >>203733434
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>how about you stay for dinner?
nice try pissman
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Shut the fuck up, Pissman
Want me to post all the threads filled with proof of your samefagging again?
Discuss horror, or fuck off
Some confirmed TBR 2024 horror releases that might be worth taking a look:
Estacion Rocafort
Terrifier 3
VHS Beyond
Salem's Lot remake
Monster's Summer
Smile 2
None of that is worth a look, especially that Salem's Lot remake. Who the fuck would even watch that?
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>None of that is worth a look
Do I have to tell you that's not something you can rationally state? We know you're trolling/trying to sow discord, but why embarrass yourself like that?
Why are you calling me Pissman?
/v/ is unironically unusable
That shithole of a board barely even talks about video games. It's all just a bunch of third-world retards shit flinging over politics and waifu fagging.
Pissman would fit in nicely over there, he should go there and stay there
Pissman, nobody believes your samefaggotry.
Kek. This like 96% of hor
Pissman, didn't you just read what I said about you?
Fuck off already you subhuman faggot
That game was hard as fuck, I ain’t hiding nothing
can't wait to watch it
You seem to be thinking way too much about 80’s actresses.
Go the fuck back, Pissman
Literally just go to one of these boards and stay there. This is a general for horror films, not your off-topic autism
so what's the story about this cabin guy spamming about this "pissman"? some sort of dissociative identity disorder?
speaking of which i never watched m night shamalamadingdong's movie split
>He doesn't know about Pissman
You new here by chance? It's our resident spammer faggot
Recently the jannies banned him and 80+ post of his spam was deleted. Look at the image here >>203734065
Those are screenshots of some of his posts
I am NPM, I love my 80s scream queens and other 80s actresses. JConn herself -- one of the prettiest actresses of all time-- did 2 horror movies, Phenomena and Dark Water
Cabin Anon is legit, NPM is the resident weirdo
The cabin guy likes to eat chicken nuggets and fries and post here while watching movies. And a long with a few other anons, they call anyone that doesn’t agree with what they say the “pissman.” Welcome to hor, we only discuss 80’s horror movies here.
Here's Pissman attempting to shift the blame
Notice how he brings up the 80s again? He's obsessed with hating them
He post like this all the time
Anyone that doesn’t join the 80’s circlejerk is called the Pissman, as in he can piss off.
you spam a lot. what movies do you like
Pissman, why are you so obsessed with this imaginary "80s circlejerk"? Nobody does this, yet you literally cannot stop saying this phrase
We discuss modern films all the time, somebody earlier was talking about Trap you fucking idiot
>Ignore the proof that Pissman is an actual spammer
>"No u"
gremlins 2
season of the witch
army of darkness
it comes at night
the lighthouse
beau is afraid
final summer
the mouse trap
to name a few
Oops this was for you >>203734414
oh and martyrs
but that's more of a 'film' than a 'horror movie'
it's quite philosophical
Stop doing this retarded shit, faggot
Discuss horror or fuck off already >>>/b/
this is a good chart, faggot
Wait why did you tag me?
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I am the king of /hor/
jordan peele is the king of horror you are just some nerd
quite literally haven't seen a single one of those
>He's repeating another one of his usual phrases
Are you a literal bot? You have posted this exact fucking reply every thread for at least a week or so now
>to name a few
haven't seen this one
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Also here's proof he keeps re-posting this phrase
Kek you’re the spammer tagging random anons
>Has no argument
>Starts posting random retard babble
It's hilarious how mad the archive makes you, as you have no counter arguments when somebody uses it to call you out
Maybe next time don't repeat the same phrase every time?
For me, it's Crackcoon.
Besides waifufagging, hor likes to simp for mid D grade 80’s actresses. Did I miss anything?
And while we're at it here's NPM favorite horror movies list from letterboxd:
The Canal (2014)
Night of the Living Dead (68)
Get Out
Candyman sequel
Jacob's Ladder (remake)
We’re All Going to the World’s Fair
I Saw the TV Glow
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>Beau starts raping faster than Eminem
disturbing behavior itt
Not him but it just looks like an anon is always accusing other anons of stuff or tagging the wrong person.
>Lost the argument
>Goes back to obsessing over his hatred for the 80s again
Holy shit, you actually act like a bot
How many times times will you mention your hatred for the 80s ITT?
>Inb4 why are you tagging me
>Not him
Lmao, you have tried this already
No need to act like another person if you're only going to repeat the same phrases again
I could give it a watch depending on how entertaining it is. Those I listed are (except for VHS Beyond) theatrical releases
That name sounds oddly racist lmao
Anyone watch Jorg Buttgerit?
Yeah, I like his movies
I wish he made more though
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They're remaking this? They'd better not fuck it up
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I randomly remembered this and am now rewatching it. I can see why I forgot everything about it. It's really bland and boring.
>2020s remake
>Not fucking up and being embarrassingly bad
Choose one and only one
They are, directed by Chuck Russell (NOES 3 and The Blob remake) and initial reactions were good apparently
Watching See No Evil. That husband is a good portrayal of the average beta male. I think the original movie is better.
>beta male
Like yourself, Pissman?
I didn't even know they made that lmao
is this supposed to look like a honeybee shot a load on them?
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against my better judgement I'm gonna watch The Deep Dark (2023) based on >>203726254
I'll let you know if it's good
Mystery meat cast plus white twin girls. If there's a white man in the cast, the character's probably the culprit in this POS series
>Deep Dark
Sounds like the type of porn NPM favors
a lot of trolling in this bullshit general but To Name A Few is a legit horror classic whatever you redditors may say
kek. I only wish it wasn't a PG film. had some violence but really should have been Saw level.
alright fellas Im going to make my list for this year. I tend to do gimmicks so Im thinking about
>Moody Mondays (self explanatory I hope)
>Traditional Tuesdays (movies from the 60s or before, I have not seen a lot)
>Wild Wednesdays (for outrageous, crazy, gory movies)
>Thirsty Thursdays (for sexy horror films)
>Funny Fridays (self explanatory I hope)

any suggestions for each category?
Yes. If I remember right honey ends up being important by the end for some reason.
I believe the killer ended up being the Asian girl I don't remember why
Slasher Saturday
Supernatural Sunday
>Moody Mondays
Kairo or Cure, Session 9, Under the Skin
>Traditional Tuesdays
The Haunting, Night of the Demon, CFTBL
>Wild Wednesdays
The Boxers Omen, Street Trash, The Beyond
>Thirsty Thursdays
Night of the Demons, Frankenhooker, The Slumber Party Massacre
>Funny Fridays
Deadstream, Dashcam
>Moody Mondays (self explanatory I hope)
The Lodge/The Signal-Man
>Traditional Tuesdays (movies from the 60s or before, I have not seen a lot)
The Terror, The Horrible Dr. Hichcock
>Wild Wednesdays (for outrageous, crazy, gory movies)
Mandy, Yummy
>Thirsty Thursdays (for sexy horror films)
The Hunger, Murder Rock
>Funny Fridays (self explanatory I hope)
Tucker and Dale vs Evil, HouseBound
What about Slasher Saturday (Slasher films) and Stupid Sunday (Bad horror films)?
If he's like me, he'll probably need the weekends for the new releases.
Recommend me something similar to Braindead/DeadAlive
Street Trash
Threadly reminder that slashers are NOT horror. They are thrillers at best.
Threadly reminder
>The Exorcist - religious family drama
>Halloween - mental health suspense thriller
>Dawn of the Dead - pandemic medical drama
>Texas Chain Saw Massacre - southern gothic comedy
>Carrie - coming of age drama
>Nightmare on Elm Street - young adult fantasy
>Alien - science fiction mystery
I know you're trying to mock me but half of those aren't even considered slashers.
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Dracula X the SNES version was good. The original Dracula X Rondo of Blood for the PC-Engine was the best version. Although the PSP version with better graphics was also pretty good.
Recommend me more italian horrors that arent made by argento/bava/fulci.
Also is it weird that out of the 8 fulci movies I've watched I ended up liking most of them except the gate of hell trilogy, which is supposed to be his magnus opus?
Nothing is horror
The Exorcist? A thriller drama
Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Dark comedy
Friday the 13th? Thriller
Saw? Thriller mystery
Night of the Living Dead? Thriller
Possession? Drama
Rosemary's Baby? Drama thriller
>Also is it weird
yes. what ones did you like out of interest?
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That guys artwork is pretty kino, ngl.
Blade in the Dark (giallo) and Macabre (kinda southern gothic horror) by Bava's son Lamberto
I like to stream movies for some buds on the internet. This October I've selected a list for a Halloween marathon. There's some classics but most of what I've prepared are movies I haven't seen but seemed interesting.
Since I haven't seen many of these can I run them buy /hor/ and get a quick evaluation?
It Conquered the World
Robot Monster
The Beyond
Digital Devil Story Megami Tensei
Hotel Inferno
Hotel Inferno 2
(Banned Text in the Title due to Ice Cream Company)
Harbinger Down
Die Monster Die
Frankenstein 1931
Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
Night of the Demon
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
you don't have any friends
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did you see the "erotic horror" ones, they're fucking hilarious.
>Is it weird
Nah I agree, I didn't care for that trilogy either, I liked his Zombi 2 and 3, New York Ripper, and Aneigma, haven't seen the rest
I suggest Night Killer
Also all four of Michele Soavi's movies (The Church, Stagefright, The Sect, and Cemetery Man), but Argento produced three of those so I assume you've seen them?
kino list
Horror has elements of the supernatural and/or the unknown. That's what makes them scary.
Slashers are not horror because they are just regular niggas committing murder. Like just pick up a gun and shoot him. Movie over. Not scary.
Notice how all the so called best slashers had to shoehorn in supernatural elements to make them actually at least a bit scary, like Nightmare on Elm Street "nigga comes for you in your dreams" or Halloween "nigga be everywhere and is unstoppable".
Vinegar Syndrome has just released a newly restored version of Price's Bloodbath at the House of Death
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I gotta look through all his stuff. Some of the pinups are quite good.
If I chased you with a knife, you would be scared.
Maybe, but I would not be horrified.
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If I stabbed you in the stomach, you would be horrified.
*Crocodile Dundees in your path*
The Psychic, Lizard in a Woman's Skin, and Don't torture a Duckling. I'm a plotflag first and foremost so I was pleasantly surprised at how coherent these movies' stories were compared to other gialli and enjoyed them more than most of Argento and Bava's stuff. And ofc Zombi 2.
Thanks I'll check them out. I've seen Stagefright and was planning to see Cemetery Man later.
fair enough, I'm more of a visuals guy so the trilogy is my fav.
The Psychic had a great plot, always keeps moving forward. They could remake it and it'd probably do well.
this chick in Lizard was beautiful.
Yeah I was taken aback by The Psychic's plot and lack of murder spree I didn't even realize it's classified as a giallo until I checked wiki later
The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh
What Have You Done to Solange
Cannibal Holocaust
What are some pg horror movies I can safely watch at work without getting into trouble?
Mr. Vampire
Dark Night of the Scarecrow (1981)
Why the fuck are you watching movies at work?
Does "work" mean nothing anymore?
nta but working night shifts at a small town hotel was pretty boring. I finished my tasks in like 2 hours tops, we were even encouraged to watch movies or read or play vidya so we could keep ourselves awake as we were glorified security guards
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maybe they work the late night shift at an inn
Monster Squad
The Midnight Hour
Most of the Hammer stuff before the 70s.
The Roger Corman Poe movies.
All of these were aired on TV without much cuts, so it's all pretty safe.
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Watching [REC] 3 right now
This is an actual scene from the film
How was the pay? This sounds like a dream job.
I didn't even know there was a sequel to the first one. Worth watching sequels or no?
Favorite 30s/40s movies? I want to watch more of them.
Part 2 is unironically horrible, as in, Hellraiser Revelations levels of bad
Part 3 is also pretty bad, though SLIGHTLY better
Part 4 I've never seen
Surprised the other anon hates 2 so much, it's usually considered a good sequel. Very similar to the first movie.
3 and 4 aren't as liked though and aren't even found footage.
Did you watch any hotel horror movies on the job?
the universal monsters are king, gotta see them all.
Part 2 is so bad
>Awful and cheap looking effects and editing
>Those insufferable idiots who broke into the apartment end up taking over the camera for way too long
>The zombies are now possessed people and demons....just because okay?
>The cheesy ending
>The cheesy "exorcisms" that happen
Etc, it's utterly retarded
>The zombies are now possessed people and demons
That's from the first movie. It all being a possession is the twist of REC.
If I remember right, isn't it only slightly implied towards the ending of part 1 and never actually outright confirmed? The "zombies" didn't start talking and acting like Regan from The Exorcist
it was decent considering Im yuropoor, around 1600€ in a small town in an irrelevant country. I live in a flat my dad has so I dont pay rent, that job allowed me to buy a decent car and save a good amount of money, but I quit because night shifts are not good for the body, soul or mind
yeah I watched the innkeepers, the mick garris shining miniseries and motel hell
>isn't it only slightly implied towards the ending of part 1 and never actually outright confirmed?
Not really, it's the point of the end sequence when they break into the apartment and find the possessed girl. She's the one making everyone into "zombies."
Plan to watch more of them for October. Maybe before that if I'm in the mood.
What's your favorite? Hard Mode: you can't say Bride.
I thought the girl was just the first person to get the virus, as in, she was the patient zero, and was just spreading it through out the building
I don't remember it actually saying she was demonic, besides from people just thinking she was possessed
I don't really rate Bride, I mean it's a sequel after all. my main memory of it is the tiny people.
it's not a 30s film but for me it's CFTBL
The reason she's there is that she's possessed and the apartment is owned by a high level Vatican guy who was doing research on her.
I guess you could interpret it as the characters being wrong if you want. I liked the twist though, it makes REC stand out a bit. I know the remake actually removes the twist and turns it into a regular zombie movie if you're interested in that.
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>TFW every horror film I've watched the past few days has sucked
Horror kinos for this feeling?
Based. I should check out the sequel to that one.
Not Universal but you should watch King Kong if you like Creature.
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alright I watched "The Deep Dark" because of the anon with the webms
don't bother unless you speak french. there's a shit-ton of dialog and it feels like reading subtitles for 2 hours rather than being able to watch what's happening.
even if you do speak french I wouldn't watch it. it's like a worse version of The Pyramid (2014), which is awesome.
>yeah I watched the innkeepers, the mick garris shining miniseries and motel hell
I actually haven't sat through all of that, saw part of it as a kid.
one thing I'll say is don't sleep on The Invisible Man. I put off seeing it for ages (I mean he's just invisible right...) but it way better than it sounds. he's a menace.
>I actually haven't sat through all of that
Highly recommend, great movie. You'll be able to see how much it influenced Creature from the Black Lagoon and other monster movies.
>one thing I'll say is don't sleep on The Invisible Man. I put off seeing it for ages (I mean he's just invisible right...) but it way better than it sounds. he's a menace
Noted, thanks anon. Haven't seen Invisible Man yet but I've been wanting to. I'm interested in seeing how they do the effects, unlike the other Universal Monster movies I don't know much about the Invisible Man.
what horror movies have you watched in the last few days anon?
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>watch old film, it's awesome
>watch new film, it sucks
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how could you want to kill this lil nigga
He dies in fuckin agony too. Poor guy.
Watching ff of people try to solve a murder on youtube (lost footage of leah sullivan)
Glad other anons concerned with crite rights
Why did italian horror movies die?
The Italian film industry largely died.
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Why was it so fucking long?
Cycles of creativity ebb and flow and Italy simply reached a peak that lasted a good 20 years or so of massive output.
Younger directors were less talented, studios closed and/or were bought by conglomerates, the Italian movie industry got smaller and screens worldwide were almost monopolized by Hollywood post-Spielberg pg-13 stuff.
Classic Italian horror movies were made for mature as opposed to infantilized audiences and the latter became a demographic that supported American blockbusters
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Watch The Grapes of Death.
You guys should just start posting images like this instead of posters when recommending a movie
The poster made the film look dumb, this image makes make want to watch it now
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>You guys should just start posting images like this
Watch Planet of the Vampires.
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Got my tickets to Sitges this week. Rate my schedule, /hor/












Are grapes really called raisins in French?
Really looking forward to Azrael. Strange Darling's subgenre is not to my taste lately but from hearing all the talk about it I'll definitely check it out on VOD as soon as it drops. Die Alone sounds decent, I'll look into it.
Apparently so.
Hopefully something I haven't seen already
I want to watch something similar to Oddity, anything good?
The director's previous movie?

Aterrados, maybe?
Yeah, raisin in English comes from raisin sec (dried grape). It's like a lot of terms in middle English where trade with French speakers gave English a second word for an object as a commodity (eg, beef for cow meat from boeuf meaning cow; mutton for sheep from mouton meaning sheep; venison from venesoun meaning hunted meat)
Anyone else getting a vague sense of deja vu reading /hor/ lately? Spooky.
that movie was shit btw
Interesting options, you'll have watching those on the big screen
Just watched Substance. Qualley was definitely wearing some kind of tit prosthesis, right? There was no jiggle and they didn't look real and they were careful to never show her touching them in any way that would leave an impression so as to give it away

Anyway surprisingly not bad film
Doctor Who episodes Blink and Knock Knock
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Indiewire's 75 greatest horror films of all time

75. Hereditary
74. Scream (1996)
73. A Tale of Two Sisters
72. The Birds
71. Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
70. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
69. In the Mouth of Madness
68. Jaws
67. Dawn of the Dead (1978)
66. Suspiria (1977)
65. The Babadook
64. Shaun of the Dead
63. Invasion of the Body Snatchers
62. The Phantom Carriage
61. A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night
60. An American Werewolf in London
59. Onibaba
58. The Devil's Backbone
57. The Cremator
56. Santa Sangre
55. Carnival of Souls
54. The Seventh Victim
53. Häxan
52. Kwaidan
51. The Exorcist
50. Candyman (1992)
49. Carrie (1976)
48. The Fly (1986)
47. Let the Right One In
46. Night of the Demon
45. Braindead
44. Cure
43. Arrebato
42. Rosemary's Baby
41. The Innocents
40. Nosferatu (1922)
39. Hour of the Wolf
38. Psycho (1960)
37. Freaks (1932)
36. Nosferatu the Vampyre
35. The Others
34. The Beyond
33. Hellraiser (1987)
32. Under the Skin
31. Cat People (1942)
30. Audition
29. Near Dark
28. The Wicker Man (1973)
27. Ganja & Hess
26. Bride of Frankenstein
25. Raw
24. Vampyr
23. The Haunting (1963)
22. Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
21. Tetsuo: The Iron Man
20. The Host (2006)
19. Evil Dead II
18. Halloween (1978)
17. I Walked with a Zombie
16. Deep Red
15. Funny Games (1997)
14. Eyes Without a Face
13. Night of the Living Dead
12. Get Out
11. Alien
10. Videodrome
9. The Blair Witch Project (1999)
8. The Shining
7. Trouble Every Day
6. House (1977)
5. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
4. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
3. Don't Look Now
2. The Thing (1982)
1. Possession (1981)
>Get Out that high
Go fuck yourself
>7. Trouble Every Day
Never even heard of this
i genuinely loved it, try not to over analyze and you will too
I agree, probably needed one person at least getting "jillfacesmashintotable.gif"ed, but it didn't take me out of it
It's frogslop
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Cat People (1982)
Rabid (1977)
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>here's your monster for the substance, bro
Somebody kill them already.
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Watched this and its sequel a year ago and I still think back to them from time to time.
Loved those flicks
>well look who finally came out of their room!
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Where's Day of the Dead? It's far superior to Dawn
Will I understand the plot of I Spit on Your Grave 3 if I haven't watched the previous ones?
>The Blair Witch Project
>better than Alien
Are they smoking fucking crack or something.
I wish there were some fun and exciting horror movies to watch. All the shit on here is just obscure exploitation junk.
What the fuck was Carpenter thinking?
He wasn't thinking. He was listening, because that's what nobody else did.
>last film before Christopher Reeve's accident that left him paralyzed
Bump for the new one
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This on the other hand
One of the coolest movies put to film
Suspiria should be in the top 10. Indiewire must be staffed by Adjanibros
>Day and Dawn constantly fighting for #1 spot in my head
No other movie and sequel does this
>Possession (1981
Why has this been getting more and more popular amongst redditors
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>I somehow got this incredible crush on one of the girls in the original. She was the first love object I had; I wanted her to zap me and take me over and make me do whatever she wanted
This film is where my bondage fetish came from
Nice, do you have more grids of Bava's films?
>20. The Host (2006)
I feel like this was big in 2006 only because (1) it didn't try to hide the monster and (2) it was foreign. In retrospect, I don't see how it makes the top 50 of anything. It should get swapped out for The Wailing.
>Just admit you don’t find hot girls kissing sexy.
not really no, nor solo msaturbation. I want to psycho-sexually project as the cock sexing the woman not merely visually observe at a distance like a piece of art. maybe IRL it would hit different
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It was a buried streaming release that's why, I'd have given it a chance in a theater otherwise, now I'll probably watch it on a trip sometime.

That too.

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