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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous >>203711365
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ok this goes hard
yes but the point is that CGI advancements have stalled out, AI is the next stage. All you luddites are getting in the way of actually important technology and it is sickening. You are like the chimps throwing bones at the 2001 monolith.
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That's like sexing a robot is more advanced than human beings. AI is how entire China is put under surveillance in public areas + online, getting their social credits docked thus their right to travel by how far in monthly allotment. Fuck AI
Preston Sturges is awful.
1 (ONE) Palme d'Or
0 (ZERO) Palmes d'Or

Tarantino > Tsai.
Is film only about cutting edge tech? Dunno about that.
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Queen of /film/
Cool outfit
We're too generous with these 6/10 ratings. Effeminate /film/ posters are afraid of actually hot and beautiful women. So they waifu these bland, non-threatening ones.
Yes in fact so many movies are only renowned for their technological significance. A.I. is the next stage of the artform. A.I. is the future. When masterpieces are made with A.I. how will you react? Will you deny what you are seeing with your own eyes?
I know this is bait, but he's an egomaniac so I bet he genuinely thinks that way.
I guarantee you he doesn’t even know who Tsai Ming Ling is.
>When masterpieces are made with A.I. how will you react?

Will never happen.
Surely he's at least heard of him since Tsai is a Golden Lion winner.
in a world of 10 billion people, where AI is practically free, there isn't going to be a Magnus Carlsen level genius filmmaker putting it to use?

There will be 1000s of them.

We are about to witness an artistic renaissance of the likes we can't even imagine.
New obnoxious bait just dropped I see
>the most important technology in human history is bait

You sad sack of shit
it's midday in India
Yeah, I'm no fun. Here's some actual funny movies, dipshit.
It's indians who are against AI because it puts them out of a job.
Yes, if you hate Preston Sturges, your definition of fun is at best skewed. Using letterboxd is funny, sure.
Explain to me what's "fun" about Preston Sturges.
I bet you think Ernst Lubitsch is "fun" too
What's usually funny about comedy: the set-ups, the jokes, the performances, the madcap energy present in films like Sullivan' Travels and The Palm Beach Story to the end of decade with Unfaithfully Yours.
Seems completely absurd that you ask what's "fun" about Sturges while claiming at the same time Twentieth Century, 50's Tashlin and The Apartment as favorites.

Lubitsch too, huh? I guess I'm just biting the hot takes.
>/film/ has to be explained how comedy works
lolcow: the general
We are an intellectual board, all because we analyze a genre doesn't mean that we don't know how it works. We are enlightening each other with knowledge.
That's hardly an explanation. I watched The Miracle of Morgan's Creek and the only aspect that was even slightly amusing was Eddie Bracken's stuttering, which is absolutely absurd for a movie starring Betty Hutton. An absolutely laughless movie. Same for The Lady Eve and Sullivan's Travels. You can almost recognize an attempt at humor in these films but nothing lands.

Lubitsch at least has Ninotchka, To Be or Not to Be, and That Uncertain Feeling but he is also more humorless than not.

>Seems completely absurd that you ask what's "fun" about Sturges while claiming at the same time Twentieth Century, 50's Tashlin and The Apartment as favorites.
How is it absurd? Tashlin is actually funny. Twentieth Century is hilarious. And The Apartment, well, I'll be honest. I included The Apartment based entirely off the joke at the very end when Shirley MacLaine thinks Jack Lemmon shot himself. It's a great film in general but comedically that scene is what stands out to me the most. Irma La Douce is probably funnier but its been a while since I've last watched it. I don't understand how you can see a relation between Sturges and any of these films, even with the fact Tashlin remade Miracle of Morgan's Creek, he still managed to make it funny even with Jerry Lewis dragging him down.
>>That's hardly an explanation. I watched The Miracle of Morgan's Creek and the only aspect that was even slightly amusing was Eddie Bracken's stuttering, which is absolutely absurd for a movie starring Betty Hutton. An absolutely laughless movie. Same for The Lady Eve and Sullivan's Travels. You can almost recognize an attempt at humor in these films but nothing lands.

Sometimes it is not about the perfect joke, but about having a good time. See: the Rush Hour movies. No one actually laughs at Chris Tucker's jokes, but they are amused at a black man's antics. Also see, Beetlejuice 2, everyone knows it sucks but everyone loved it because they got to see the characters again.
Do you guys watch comedies to laugh? I bet most of the comedies you watch never manage to make you chuckle even once
Next stage shit is still shit.
>Sometimes it is not about the perfect joke, but about having a good time
>No one actually laughs at Chris Tucker's jokes, but they are amused at his antics
>see, Beetlejuice 2, everyone knows it sucks but everyone loved it because they got to see the characters again.
Trust me, I understand the appeal of "fun" movies and enjoying something that isn't incredible but manages to be charming or entertaining regardless, I just don't see how that applies to Preston Sturges. Morgan's Creek and The Lady Eve bore me to tears.
Seeking analytical explanations for what's funny or not won't really work. If you didn't think his films are (deeply to me) funny, well, then you didn't. But considering Sturges's films are in the same spiritual shelf as Tashlin, Hawks' comedies and Wilder, disliking one of them alone sounds odd to me.
The Apartment is more of a dramedy, so it's a different beast. Irma La Douce is a riot. And so are The Seven Year Itch, One, Two, Three (my favorite Wilders) and Some Like It Hot.
>But considering Sturges's films are in the same spiritual shelf as Tashlin, Hawks' comedies and Wilder, disliking one of them alone sounds odd to me.
I can see a sort of relation between Tashlin, Hawks, and Wilder but how Sturges could fit into that at all bewilders me.
>One, Two, Three
Haven't seen this but I'll check it out. Wilder is definitely hit or miss for me. The Seven Year Itch is absolutely awful in my opinion, and I rewatched it recently. Some Like It Hot is undeniable even though I have a few issues with it. I remember enjoying Kiss Me, Stupid, and obviously Irma La Douce, but by the time I got to The Fortune Cookie it started to feel like he had a formula he stuck too rigidly and it left a bad taste in my mouth, but maybe it's just that film that's derivative and imo schmaltzy. Oh, and The Major and the Minor was okay. I've seen less of his non-comedy stuff, really only two, and it's funny because I despise one of them and loved the other.
You also can't entirely get comedy conventions outside their zeitgeist. Look at the Nichols/May skits, how baffling they are today, or Woody Allen's stand-up comedy, which sucks. Some people do not even realize that Cary Grant was a comedy actor. At the time audiences were LMAOing at Cary Grant films. It is only the true greats like Buster Keaton who are still funny 100 years later. Comedy is a strange beast like that.
Some silent Chaplin films can be funny too because they are smart
>You also can't entirely get comedy conventions outside their zeitgeist
>Comedy is a strange beast like that.
That's true too. I haven't seen any of the Nicholas/May skits but I tried watching an Elaine May movie once and it was completely incomprehensible to me. Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In too. Some of that stuff belongs to a very specific time and place. A 60 year old that finds the "sock it to me" thing hilarious would be just as perplexed by something like The Eric Andre Show. I just wish I was able to understand the appeal of Mae West but I think that's nigh impossible, even when she had a resurgence in the 70s it was from people who enjoyed her films ironically.
No, he hasn’t.
I agree. This is what she said about it:
>Here I am in my youth wearing my favorite garment, a black cape from the thrift shop. I liked to think I was a combo of Janis Joplin and Batman.
>makes absolute cringe dogshit for normalfags that people who are at least somewhat interested in cinema can't get into because it's THAT bad
>publicly shits on very old and renowned directors like Hitchcock and Ford
Master troll, kinda based ngl
I admit I know little about Tarantino, but he strikes me as an impressionable, possibly slightly autistic, possibly slightly traumatized manchild who is absolutely sincere about everything he does and says. He's an uneducated man, his approach to filmmaking is purely instinctive, and this instinct, this almost surreal unawareness (or Breton's psychic automatism) makes him a perfect conduit of the postmodern pasticcio game; in the artistic sense he's very little human and very much an embodiment of current cultural logic, an automaton ruled by egregore of postmodernism.
>who is absolutely sincere about everything he does and says
Yeah that's what I'm saying. I'm sort of jealous of uncultured swine because I feel like they are enjoying life to the fullest. Also we are used to thinking that even big Hollywood directors who make absolute garbage for money know a thing or two about cinema and are actually at least somewhat intelligent, that being said, I unironically don't think Tarantino is a very smart man
You fucking faggot don't misuse my gimmick. She's an easy 9/10.
redpill me on Hiroshi Shimizu
stupid kike
Fuck off to /pol/, retard
get fucked lmaoooooooooooooo
he good
suck my dog's little dick you flaming chudnugget
what are his best? i generally prefer slice-of-life but I can handle a smidgeon of melodrama
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>She's an easy 9/10.
Very based. Same goes for Huppert of course.
Are you guys optimistic about the future? I'm not, I think it will be more or less like the present. AI might be used for something good, but as of now, it seems to have stagnated, and AI generated art sucks major ass.
>Hi, Mom!
Shitting on Hitchcock is based, only technical innovation, films are substanceless beyond that

I agree with this post

>I'm sort of jealous of uncultured swine because I feel like they are enjoying life to the fullest
They are not, it just seems that way because you are that unhappy. In reality, most people are unhappy, but it happens that some people are aware of how unhappy they are while others are completely asleep to the reality that their lives suck; that's the reason why even normies have midlife crisis, become plastic surgery addicts, etcetera etcetera.
Hi, Reddit!
>Hitchcock bad, where's my heckin' substance
Kill yourself
Mid filmmaker, if he had started a little later, he would be regarded as just another.

Unironically, Reddit film
The greatest moment for a filmmaker is when your lover looks into your camera. Bravo Soo
I think Ornamental Hairpin is his most acclaimed (haven't seen it yet). Children of the Beehive is interesting as the Japanese equivalent to neorealism/German rubble films, though I thought it was overly simplistic and really heavy handed with the moralizing. Which I'm sure is the fault of the American occupation and not the director
Nope, I chuckle and laugh out loud all the time with the comedies. There was one comedy that had me laugh little, almost never, but at the same time managed to make me feel a constant state of joy and amusement. (pic related)
Nah, Huppert is grotesque.
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How? Seriously.
Get out zoomer yank retard
Nope, and everyone says mid nowadays
Yeah of course. But purely avant garde comedies like Playtime, Happy End or Branded to Kill are hard to come by
how do you cope with there being no more classic cinema to discover? the mystery is over. there is nothing left to explore
Then it's time for the arthouse part.
You have seen all classic cinema... yeah, right.
i'm not gay
i dont really watch funny films

dunno just not my fing
There's literally always more and more to explore. I'm watching third reich films by Helmut Kautner now for example
I definitely wouldn't say grotesque, but if you're going to defend a woman's beauty, posting her +50 pics isn't smart.
Yes because I have seen what is being done first hand, but I will say all the AI companies are doing a horrible job of being persuasive to the public. It has gotten to the point they don't even give a shit, when the anti-AI trolls are gaining traction by collectivizing.

Due to capitalism and competitiveness with rival companies, these companies are acting in secrecy ala traditional tech companies. But this is amplifying mistrust with the public.

Last week, Runway announced it is training on Lionsgate library. The anon that called it last month on /film/ that Hollywood studios will be using private AI while the rest of us will be using public stuff, was dead on.

Ultimately the future can't be stopped, and it is better than the present, unless you want to keep things how it is seeing nepobaby, sequels, reboots and woke films the rest of your lives, AI is the only way non-woke filmmakers will ever have a chance to make a film.
>I don't like comedies
Every added piece to the niggaposter(s) lore makes the thing more pathetic
I don't want things to stay how they are, not that I particularly care about the state of things ("nepobaby, sequels, reboots and woke films", really don't mind it, just not for me, kinda the way it's always been; mainstream stuff rarely has been ever good).

>AI is the only way non-woke filmmakers will ever have a chance to make a film.
I disagree. This feels like Lynch talking about how digital photography was the future, then releasing a digital film that looked terrible. I'm skeptical of the future
Comedy is one of the least interesting major genres in art, at least for me. One of the most mainstream too
>then releasing a digital film that looked terrible
>kinda the way it's always been
No it's not lol.
>Lynch talking about how digital photography was the future

but he was right, digital is now the standard
Do you believe women in their 50s can’t be beautiful?
Industry plants / prostitutes actors and actresses have always been in kino, since the very beginning (Marilyn Monroe, probably Delon, etc.)

>sequels and reboots
same thing as last point; I do agree that reboots were less common back then

>woke films
film has always been propaganda for one side or the other, that's just a fact, only that before they used to sell the exact opposite values that they sell nowadays. How many old westerns have you seen where native americans are villains and the colonizers are seen as amazing, civilized saviors? Or cold war era films where commies are a "menace to society"?
Inland sucks major dick

True, but his use of digital resources was horrible
Any aging post men or women reaching maturity is only of the decaying kind. So the older someone is the best that can be said is that they're well-conserved compared to the average person at that point.
>Monroe, Delon
>the very beginning
Everyone knows kino started in the 50s
>native americans are villains and the colonizers are seen as amazing, civilized saviors?
Name 10 films in which that happens unequivocally. If that's too much name 5, no googling
Every Western film in history
So just a biased (leftist) opinion with no basis on actually watching the films? Good ol' /film/
A Pueblo Legend
The Massacre
The Indian Wars Refought (directed by the War Department, US Gov approved)
Custer's Last Fight
It's just a known fact. Even my mom, a 60 year old woman, realized that the old westerns she watched as a child were racist as fuck, and she is actually pretty /pol/tarded herself (anti-woke, anti-trans, anti-LGBT, etc.).
>no googling
You got me, point is still made. And really, the existance of revisionist westerns as a genre is living proof that old westerns were retarded as fuck in its portrayal of historical events and entire races. Marlon Brando even famously criticized westerns for the damage they had done against native americans, but I guess who cares, they're all dead anyway
A well-known fact that's completely false. To think the whole Western genre operated on this black and white division just shows the person never watched more one or two Westerns. And actually way before the counter-culture revolution of the 60-70s, a view of the Indians as not simply savage villains was present. Back to the silent era, for fuck's sake.

Fiction is fiction, it fictionalized the lives of heroes, villains and all other in the middle. The Old West itself is a land of myth for cinema more than the actual historical place.
Brando was wrong then, and people parroting that kind of simplistic view continue to be wrong now. And mind you, the Indians were essentially an inevitable villain for people going westward.
an unpopular opinion, but I think Huppert looks better in middle age than in her youth, aging and losing babyfat gave her classy, delicate, confident elegance which she'd lacked before
>Accept sacrifying your sons inf for jewish interests
jesus christ this movie was evil
where can i make ai movies? I am a future carleson.
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Make hundreds of 5 seconds videos and paste them one after another.
>I do agree that reboots were less common back then
So were sequels.
>woke films
You could have tried some sophistry along the lines of "films have been progressive", but this is just embarrassing.
But if you honestly think mainstream films today aren't substantially worse than they were 50 years ago because "everything has always been there in some form" or whatever, then more power to you.
He is definitely autistic/bordering retarded. There was an expose from a girl that he dated who said that he sucked on her foot the entire time. The dude is actually a perrverted foot fetishist irl it is not just an inside joke in his films
But the discussion was never about westerns being entirely villanizing of indians, it was about many westerns being anti-indian propaganda. Very different phenomena. There were actually a few Griffith westerns which were indian-sympathetic. Brand criticized the more popular westerns such as Stagecoach which were, indeed, racist
Why do you list anti-tranny twice?
I don't know for a fact if mainstream films are way worse than they used to be in the 70s. I think they might be, but only because of Netflix. Stuff like Star Wars was complete trash, and so were many other "classics" of yesteryear.
Anti-trans is not anti-LGBT. She hates both gays and trans people, -something which I find very amusing-, because it seems baffling to me that people are so upset and obsessed with the preferences of other people. And yes, I know about the argument of "they're brainwashing children!", but I don't really care, people are free to do what they like. If a teenager wants to cut his cock off, I don't really care about it, good for him, I guess. You were free to decide for yourself, if you got brainwashed, bad luck
Yeah, because Star Wars ushered in the cultural end of the 70s.
>But the discussion was never about westerns being entirely villanizing of indians
>Every Western film in history
Come on

And rarely if ever the Indians were the focus of the film back then, specially in low-budget material. The bigger the film, the higher the chance of the portrayal of Indians to be more complex and morally grey. So this idea of anti-Indian propaganda is a big stretch. They were a natural source of conflict for the white settlers and so they are depicted.
>Anti-trans is not anti-LGBT.
No, but anti-LGBT includes anti-trans, doesn't it?
>people are free to do what they like.
Somehow I think if I gave certain examples of that you'd be pretty bothered
A favorite director of yours for
Bresson, Ozu, Keaton
Rohmer, Hitchcock, Allen
Bergman, Antonioni, Cocteau
I wasn't the guy that said the obvious joke about "every western is propaganda". My original point was "many westerns were racist propaganda".
Yes, but anti-LGBT is bigger than anti-trans. I wasn't even thinking when I wrote that, but you understand what I'm saying
Give them, I can't be more bothered than I already am
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Is Tim Burton /film/?
His good films are but most of his oeuvre is shite
Yes but he is shit
Yes, he has.
Another horror(ish) director who had a complete free fall with age and fame. His best films (Edward Scissorhands, Ed Wood, Pee-Wee) were really cool and weird, but most of his career has been CGIed to death dreck.
A mention to Big Fish, an affecting movie.
watching the trial of joan of arc tonight, what am i in for?
The Trial of Joan of Arc
>this SHIT won best script in Cannes
the fuck
it's Meet The Feebles-grotesque tier but less subtle
touche anon. have you seen it?
Write a better script then, chud
I'd say no. Ed Wood was alright, all of his other stuff that I've seen is shit
I asked him, he hasn’t
Is that the 1928 one? If so, a good film that is extremely overrated to hell and back, and a clownish performance by lead actress
The previous thread and this one have been awful. The guy still rambling, 20 threads later, because he got filtered by Lola Montes. Fucking mutts, Christ.

So? Not the first time the jury made a baffling decision.
>Big Fish, an affecting movie
Yeah it affected me to stand up and yell “this is a piece of shit!!” and walk out
Not yet. But one of my many projects is to watch all the Joan films, and Bresson's will come up soon. Him being a master, I'm definitely excited.
>The previous thread and this one have been awful
You can always leave, faggot
You might have been filtered. A lot of people don't understand that the fictional stories are exaggerated versions of his actual life story. Just like the ending of Life of Pi confused people and they think that the lion was real.
>anon filtered by Dreyer and Falconetti doesn't even know the name of the film he criticizes
No, 1928 is The Passion of Joan of Arc, Trial of Joan of Arc is the Bresson one.
Haha I'm doing the same but this is my first
Argento - his films look good and feel adventurous
Pasolini - early films very much about the streetlife, something I can relate to on a experiential level. Nice atmosphere. SalĂł is amazing too, on the senses.
Buñuel - underrated on a sensorial level; his best films are about the body and its relation to the mind and personal identity (Belle de Jour, Tristana)

Kubrick - always interesting thematically and on a technical level
Tsukamoto - aestheticization of violence on the body is something I reflect on a lot
Godard - politics and interest on the form, in film

Shepitko - speaks to me on a personal level, on betrayal and what it means on humanity as a whole
Antonioni - just feels like a soulmate. Wandering characters in desolate places
Fellini - literally me
Which guy? No one has talked about Lola Montes lol
literally who
Nope, it’s a piece of shit
Saw it yesterday, piece of shit film
Not filtered, Nosferatu is much better. Just an overrated movie, the Joan of Arc one
A man has been on a troll campaign against Lola Montes for weeks. Lola Montes is a great film, but he was filtered because of the "no likeable characters" meme
Larisa Shepitko. First FOTW was her's
are we still doing FOTW? I did the first two weeks but ive been away for a while/
Nosferatu is much better than a lot of films honestly
Seethe mutt.
Last thread LOL
Filtered by Burton
So the threads are awful and your great contribution against that is to come on /film/ and start shitflinging with other retards?
For the longest time I thought Nightmare on Elm Street was a Tim Burton film (only ever seen it as a teen) because of Freddy's design and the fact that young Johnny Depp was in it
>Black God, White Devil
Didn't knew this was the english title. The original is literally God and the Devil in the Sunland, which resonates in portuguese but I can't see working in english. Great movie anyway.
Ops my bad, it's actually God and the Devil in the land of the Sun. If they went to Sunland things would be even weirder.
Yes. This week is The Crucified Lovers (1954) AKA A Story from Chikamatsu
Yes, its only fault really is the day for night scenes, but I guess that was inevitable
It's clearly another failed try at a FOTW. Three or four people at best are doing the thing and talking about it.
Maybe if this was a big general. But then it'll probably be shittier too.
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Kinda suprised with how mature and well defined Yang's style was since the very beginning. He really was on another level, shame that he died so young.
Shut up. It will be four or five people of us when I empty enough disk space to download the FOTW's mega.
Who cares about failure or success, just watch the films or don't lol... it's so irrelevant to try and make this thing something big and flashy; we are just some autists watching films and that's it
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>browsing other threads on /tv/
>medsautist appears in the wild
where can i do this?

Speak for yourself, I'm not an autist.
what tracker has any considerable amount of czech new wave stuff on it ?
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Citizen Kane and Casablanca are both meh and deter people from actually exploring old movies.

Gone with the Wind is pretty good, but liberals have delegitimized it for "racism"

I actually find myself enjoying a lot of German Cinema from the 20s and early 30s.

The Kid is better than City Lights despite being more technologically primitive.

I would say that I actually enjoy Marty than a lot of the supposed classics from the 30s and 40s in the US.
>A favorite director of yours for

Casablanca is meh. Citizen Kane is a masterpiece. Gone With The Wind is great and the "racism" discourse about it doesn't exist outside Twitter and streaming service "trigger warnings", it's irrelevant.
Chaplin is an unfunny and dare I say pretentious cunt who is brutally mogged by Buster Keaton.
the French New Wave is the only old movies that hold up today, because of their sense of fun
bump help me anons i am autistic
Citizen Kane is good, but it drags once he gets in the second marriage.
Even for me I find Citizen Kane to be intellectually counterfeit compared to a good Kung Fu film.
>Citizen Kane

Be real man.
Citizen Kane and Casablanca are good but Gone with the Wind is complete doghist. 1939 Hollywood had 3 great Ford films and fucking Wizard of Oz but most people only only jerk off Gone with the Wind
It's not boring for a second, idk why you think that way.
KG, obviously. Shitloads.
It's truly doghist
Who said anything about me attempting to change it? The thread is awful and will remain awful even if somebody makes a decent post. Can't change it now.
Is it hot take hour?
Mizoguchi feminist
Yep, give one
Kubrick cerebral
I’ve always shit on it in the past but for some reason I’m more interested this time and I’m actually making an effort to watch and post about them.
The better organization certainly helps (mega link with film should be mandatory) and you need to get lucky with a good pic (first few were films I’d already seen or have been talked about here too much).
Give it a try and join us when the film gets picked tomorrow
Harmony Korine
Lars Von Trier
Vincent Gallo
Early Steve Hickner
Early Kore-eda
This is perfect and their collected filmographies would give a lifetime of enrichment to anyone who followed them
Is this film by Stanley Kubrick 'body', 'mind' or 'soul'?
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>1939 had 3 great John Ford films!!!John Ford made a movie. Doesn't everyone know that David LYNCH played him in a movie. JOHN FORD was played by DAVID LEEEEEEENCH
I dont get shinjūmono plots
fucking crazy japs
Always mind with him. Even Humbert was obsessed with Dolores for her perceived characteristics in his mind, not for sheer atraction to teenage girl physique. He wasn't even a sensualist, and probably never had sex with her.
Seems like a kino plot subgenre
I love her.
For me it's the Tashlin ones.
Like a less brutal Mizoguchi, his characters inhabit a harsh world but they're bursting with warmth and humanity. I might prefer him to Ozu even.
Wojaks? In 2024? Really?
Yes on Godard and Tarkovsky.
But the all the gayness makes Tsai an overall bad influence for humanity.
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>Like a less brutal Mizoguchi, his characters inhabit a harsh world but they're bursting with warmth and humanity. I might prefer him to Ozu even.
Name one EPIC film
>the amount of Kubrick fags itt
Wow you really showed me huh.
Gone With Wind
Lawrence of Arabia
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The Millennial Bee
A great director with enormous rewatchability, he'll have fans everywhere.
It’s the BODY choice
He peaked with The Terrorizers though, and did nothing of much worth after A Brighter Summer Day.
Meet The Feebles
Can you name a filmmaker who drastically changed style/technique with every film, to the point that you can’t even tell it’s the same filmmaker without reading the credits? Has anyone come close to this?
>and did nothing of much worth after A Brighter Summer Day
By what exactly?
That's pretty much going against the auteur thing, isn't it?
There have been great jobber directors specially in Hollywood's Golden Age, but they naturally made a lot of (good) formulaic stuff.
Eggers and Vince Gallo
NTA, but I'm pretty such it can only be Yi Yi
why did you guys get rid of /film/ links?
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The film that converts non-believers into Huppertbros.
Why do her ass and tits look so good, isn't she a sticc?
Because you touch yourself at night.
Too many links as is right now. The archives are around and people can ask in the threads for info too.
She wasn’t a sticc until she got older.
>I love her.
Based anon loving the love of my life.
What's Yi Yi.
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yea. watched mainly comedy movies as a pre-teen, so rewatching them regularly has become a sort of ritual
>I bet most of the comedies you watch never manage to make you chuckle even once
okay... ??
Yi Yi is very overrated. At its core, it's just a faux-zen slice of life that tries very hard to say something deep about life itself, but comes off as a cheap, overlong melodrama riddled with cliches. I wouldn't say it's an altogether bad movie, and it has its share of very good scenes, showing the technical prowess of the director. But at this point I think Yang was just running the Orientalism grift to fuel his Bervely Hills lifestyle.
/film/ as fuck. Just replace Hangover 3 with the first one
I'm under the impression that Lang might be like that on some level. I only saw Metropolis, M and Scarlet Street, but the difference in style and technique that these films have between themselves is the most varied I've ever seen. Probably Godard, Pasolini and Buñuel too, very versatile filmmakers.
Need to jerk off right now, thanks!
Trying to watch these 2-3 hour long silent movies on the 1,001 movies list and holy shit I wanted to fucking kill myself like two hours into Birth of a Nation my brain is too rotted for this.
The Buster Keaton movies and Phantom of the Opera were pretty good at least.
Hard disagree, I think Yang was an actual genius, and Yi Yi is probably his best film. The emotional impact that the movie has goes way beyond what any grifter could do. He never sold his heart to the masses, and the facts show that he did kino because he loved it. He could have worked in defense software if he wanted, or studied architecture. It goes beyond zen shit, way beyond. He understood life.
Gregory LaCava or Mervyn LeRoy?
But did the nation get birthed?
It takes a fair while to get acclimated to most '10s and early '20s features. It's really hard, specially for people now in the Internet age. Most fail at the task and just get bored and irritated. I consider myself somewhat experienced, but still it's not like riding a bike. You need a certain mood, and often good will.
Well, let's agree to disagree then. Mind you, Yang is one of my favourite directors and The Terrorizers is one of my all time favourite films, but Yi Yi just doesn't cut it to me.
They’re worthless
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his filmography desu
Respectable and civilized take
Europeans do not make good movies.
Jesus appearing after the blacks were banned from voting has always been comedy gold for me. I'm not racist but I find that ending to be the most hilarious shit ever
>Too many links as is right now.
the links were the important part
>They’re worthless
the ones in the OP are
reminder that Trump is literally Hitler and he's gonna kill 6 gorillion people
Birth of a Nation was just so fucking heavy handed, I spent a lot of it rolling my eyes. Guess you could get away with a lot when people weren't as exposed to propaganda.

Something that did make me mad was that earlier in the movie the blacks stopped white people from voting and this was presented as bad, but at the end of the movie the KKK is shown stopping blacks from voting and this presented as heroic and good, and I just don't like hypocrisy like that.
They make only the best, not merely good
This interview destroyed my hype. Corbet comes off as just another lefty with TDS. I'll still watch it, and I very much liked Vox Lux specially the first half, but now I'm going to with three pounds of salt.
Back to Africa you go
They make all kinds of movies- terrible, bad, mediocre, decent, good, excellent, masterpieces-just like everyone else.
I'm white, sorry I didn't like your cringy little propaganda movie.
>exposing yourself as this filtered
holy fuck.
put yourselves in a conversation about trannies and capitalism with your favoirte avant-gardists and auteurs of the past and your world would be shattered lmao.
you'd get a heartattack from those pounds of salt i'll tell you lmao
you're operating on a house of cards view of the world.
refrain from consuming art and focus more on Tucker Carlson and Nick Fuentes twitterspaces
Lillian Gish was so fucking pretty bros.
>He could have worked in defense software if he wanted, or studied architecture.

Yang is intellectual counterfeit compared to a good Ang Lee film. Even Tsai's is a more interesting Taiwenese auteur. Would he ever have hardcore sex in his films like Wayward? No he is making
midwit films for academics and people like Tony Zhou
Birth of a Nation wasn't really a propaganda movie, Griffith was just raised that way and he genuinely didn't even consider himself to be racist. He just adapted any material he thought was good and due to reasons stated above he never had a problem with The Clansman, he thought it's a good story that would make an entertaining picture. The general views of people change all the time and I don't blame people of the past for believing in what they believed in. Getting persecuted due to some stupid shit isn't exclusive to black people, every race went through that
Yes, pretty propagandistic for current eyes, but 1) that wasn't the intention of Griffith and 2) it's an essential film for anyone who takes the art seriously. But it shouldn't be a thing to be painfully endured just to go through the checklist. One needs to learn why it is special.
Why so triggered? Maybe you should focus more on those LGBTQ discordspaces, they don't have the dangerous wrongthink.
I'd say Lang went through three shifts, the first changing his style from his german films to his hollywood films and then changing into his mega economical nothing-but-the-absolute-necessary style of his last five films.
For me it's Zasu Pitts
ah yes whites getting banned on twitter for saying the n word is comparable to enslaving an entire race of people
Why do you feel he is intellectual counterfeit? I feel like Yang is one of the most balanced filmmakers ever made, -on the level of Godard indeed-, never sacrificing style, emotionality or the intellect in his films.
Banned for saying ninja? The fuck?
Thoughts on the Seventh seal?
but she steamed the rice!!
Gorgeous pale face and big beautiful eyes, silent movie taste in women was based.
That's not what I said. Yeah blacks had it rough but so did almost everyone else throughout history
It's good, whatever.
This Laurence of Arabia fella is kind of fruity
It was heavy
They should have stopped after the Third Seal.
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Objectively true.
Yeah Lawrence was a faggot (and so was Ali in the film as confirmed by Lean himself) and I'm surprised woketards never bring this up, thank fuck they haven't ruined Lawrence of Arabia at least
I need to watch The Wind.
I find it weird how it's no longer considered to be 'one of teh greatest' but Persona strangely enough took its place as the Bergman film, for no apparent reason. Like why Persona of all things?
Nice. Don't see him mentioned that much here, but then again i'm a newfag.
It deals with a theme that it's universal, that one day we will die and it will the end of us in this world here, so we cope like the characters in the film (the knight and Jons are a big contrast). Add a spicy next layer with the silence of God, also explored in other films by Bergman. I watched it a long time ago and I don't have a fresh memory of it at all to give more detailed thoughts, but I remember it was a good movie, really good in form and content.
It's more complex in a meta way, which resonates perfectly with the tastes of the current generations.
Yeah, I wish underrated directors like Carax and Tsai would be mentioned more often here
>Birth of a Nation
>Northern politician approves of half breed protege marrying a white woman until he finds out his daughter
So true, /film/ plebs are sleeping on Tsai's kinos. He's also a kind and charitable man, an example for us all.
That other anon said it best. The oriental grift. Like Koreeda for Japan and Murakami for literature, desperate for that Nobel Prize. This is why I ask where is the hardcore fucking like in the Wayward Cloud? Tsai and even Ang Lee have no problem with showing naked butt sex, but you will not see this in Yang, Koreeda and Murakami works. They are offended at coming off as low status or working class.
Birth of a Nation edition when?
It's length protects it I think.
Fucking beautiful movie, even if I prefer Bridge on the River Kwai
A film should be subversive and exploring taboos otherwise it has no societal worth. It should not only be reflecting what tou want to see, it should be showing what you didn't ever expect.
'Intellectual counterfeit' is a gimmick of one of the anons and you are arguing with bait posts
>Tsai post
It's a sign
Yeah it's one of the absolute greatest, I like Kwai as much and Doctor Zhivago almost as much
>A film should be subversive and exploring taboos otherwise it has no societal worth.
So films only have value if they are progressive and intend to disrupt the society in which they're made? Are you posting from Tel Aviv by any chance?
This. Somebody post it (with spoilers ofc)
Top 10 film of all time, probably top 3, fuck it, probably top 1
Rough yes, but slave rough is on another level.
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I don't mean this an attack, but I wouldn't even put in on a Top 10 Bergman.
Ingmar Bergman
More like "le who am I!" virgin Persona vs. the chad "it is what it is" Seventh Seal. Zoomers and millenials are self obsessed to the point that they really waste all of their lives thinking shit like "but... le who am I?!" instead of just living and finding out, I guess that's why they care more for Persona. Also, le Evangelion and Perfect Blue references
>wacky z monika
I'm baking.
>desperate for that Nobel Prize.
I disagree, if that was true, Yang would have made Oscar bait or something

>A film should be subversive and exploring taboos otherwise it has no societal worth.
Very limited view of /film/
Still you will never see hardcore butt sex in Yang, Koreeda or Wes Anderson films. They are operating in rigid confines of upper class tastes. Anderson had Schwatzman pull his pants down then fade out after making out with Edward Norton. A 50s taboo. You can say he is paying homage to those films hinting about making whoopie instead of showing it, but I see it more he is pandering to LGBT without committing to it, even Wong Kar Wai will show an unbroken two minute ass fuck scene in his gay love story Happy Together
No, rough on the slave level as in being slaves too. Countless white populations have also faced brutal slavery throughout time. As did so pretty much any other race. But apparently the history lessons in the west don't teach that, and the historical victimhood is only allowed for blacks and jews.
No attack taken, I just like the film that much
My friend, please, stop
Anons can make half-joke half-serious posts too, you know.
>But apparently the history lessons in the west don't teach that, and the historical victimhood is only allowed for blacks and jews.
True, but maybe that is because of the fact that jews and blacks have been the closest examples of slavery to the western modern world? Niggas from Cambodia are really far from the reach of contemporary zoomer kids, unfortunately
>not showing gay sex is bad
No new thread?
Griffithfag save me
i have favourite films not directors

i disagree with cinephiles who turn the whole venture into a personality cult as if this was all just some celebrity hollywood reporter fanzine bullshit

nah not for me
Kill yourself
/film/ isn't for you then.
look, look
>turns a simple fun exercise into a reason to get spergy

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