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I am excited for this one
>Happy Gilmore 2
>Happy Gilmore 2
But why.
Ever since Sandler took the Netflix money, he's become completely irrelevant. Nobody talks about his movies anymore. Not even to shit on it. So of course he's going to milk a classic to become relevant again.
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I can't see the young audience finding the interest in happy Gilmore and all the older fans have outgrown that type of humor
Nope never figuring it out , I ain't no Frankenstein
at most golf courses now there will be a cart that goes around that sells booze to golfers. normally they're hot as fuck women that probably make a few grand a day
Great, it's going to be like every comedy sequel where they shove in as many pointless celebrity cameos as they can.
The price is wrong, boob
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oh shit, that's filming relatively close to me. I wonder if I could get a part as Richard Kiel #2
yay!! more soft propaganda, programming/influence and jewish men fetishising shiksas on screen!! love me some goyslop, simpl' a'
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and I'll be seeing you, in the parking lot!
This movie has so many redflags. The first one was charming and comfy but all the news coming out about this one just screams soulless slop targeted at zoomers
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She’s completely fine with being a slut in movies so i look forward to her lewd scenes
Happy Gilmore was released in 1996, almost 30 years ago, and it's just a comedy. Nobody remembers it anymore, so who is this for?
Older millennials/gen x
No it's not. I am one of them and I watched the first one years ago, and I'm not hyped. It's not some epic which needed a sequel, it's a dumb Adam Sandler comedy.
The world doesn’t revolve around you anon
No, but as I said the first movie is a dumb Adam Sandler comedy. Why make a sequel? What is there to be hyped about?
>ask a question
>get a valid answer
>reject it because it doesn't apply to you personally
>when this is pointed out you ignore it and just ask the same question again
kill all autistic retards, you people are cancer to humanity
What does the influence of black culture and shit like the Kardashian's have to do with porn addicts? You sound like an NPC, porn existed when smaller asses were part of the beauty standards pushed in media
Let's see who posted that on Twitter anon
Come on dont be shy
His netflix films consistently get great viewer ratings. Uncut Gems was watched by everyone and (almost) everyone got mad at the academy for snubbing him,
You've got it the wrong way around
Adam Sandler was one of the first people I noticed to have unwarranted hate aimed at him. People love to shit on him, call him unfunny and claim all his movies suck. I don't understand it
I worked at such a golf course years ago. They didn't get great tips. It wasn't a super incredible club or anything. I think the owner of the Houston Astros had a house there.
>I don't understand it
low hanging fruit to make them feel smarter. Same psychology as all the contrarians on here who shit on literally everything mainstream to try and prove how sophisticated and patrician their tastes are.
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She's a good actress man.
>keeps doing exactly what i pointed out because he has no thoughts in his head he just lives off of instinct and mimicry
>excited for another rehash
>a rehash of 30 year old comedy at that
ok shill
>something something they can only destroy
Based millenial incels marrying whores
>getting married to and fucking "whores"
what the fuck does the term "incel" mean to you?
shes bringing back hot women and tits into movies, you probably wouldn't remember that used to be a thing not just skibidi toilet or whatever.
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Shut up millennial
Recommend me 1 Sydney movie
Simpering incels will put up with poor behavior from a woman, like selling her tits for a buck, because it's their only strategy for getting laid.
murdered by that ogre
What does Happy even have anymore? I'm sure Virginia left him too
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Janny is that guy that spams asians.
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