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HOH: Makensy

previously on /bb/: >>203722741
Are there seriously no noms yet?
fuck me of course I bungled that
NOMS: Angela, Kimo
lucky I checked one last time
Oh ok, thank you. Looks like Leah needs to clutch this Veto
thanks for the new thread op!
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princess leah for veto
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shes got this
Catching up from last night, Leah is playing with fire before veto
>1:35 AM BBT – Leah tells Rubina that Quinn told her the DE is used to get out big threats. Says that he told her Chelsie was one of those big threats and the only way to get her out is in the double.
>2:15 AM BBT – Leah mentions that Chelsie is protected by everyone and that her original plan for her HOH was not what happened.
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tkors gone
she is fucked regardless if she isn't hoh for the double or wins veto so it can hardly hurt to at least try to break the chelsie mist, no matter how slim the odds
or angela
worst case anyone but rubina
good riddance
dragged the season down several pegs by influencing the house dynamic with her higher purpose trust chelsie tardation
I still chuckle that she thinks chelsie was the pity vote for her not kimo, her moms must've gone full blackpremacy raising her for that level of derangement
Rip bozo. Get a better accent.
lol yeah i think she really has a speech problem
Big retard bowing down to Chelsie is the strawberry on top of the shit pie that this season is
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long body, small brain
Chelsie cam and Leah are the veto players picked
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Zubina in danger
Comp beast continueth
leah has to win... COME ON GOD
Maybe if the veto is a dick draining competition.
If its the comics comp, Leah's sex swing expertise will come in handy.
if its the suck your brother's dick competition big retard would take the cake
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little leah will win and take down angela and convince mak to put up chelsie
chelsie shit talking cam for losing to leah in endurance comp
mak having to explain to chelsie these comps dont require athleticism and anyone can win them
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lower IQ than a trained monkey
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Look at Leah
chelsies mist is pretty weak right now. mak knows cam wont pick her over chelsie
this was the last time they pick players for veto. its so over
This part of the season is always depressing to me. I usually stop watching feeds around F5
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she said she really misses icko again earlier
leah sneaked into hoh room and is watching mak sleep
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can't blame her, big mak looks cute and serene when sleeping
looking down on the peasantry with big mak
I want to SA Kenney
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If SA means what I think it means then me too
They really should speed it up around now like an eviction monday and thursday or something.
shit, i wonder if Rubina will spill this to Chelsie or anyone
eating a sandwich from both ends with big mak
I would love to meet Kenney irl, Id grab his ass and then get punched hard on my face, now I can die in peace
angela talking to herself in the yard
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used to be like this, special F5 eviction tuesday, F4 eviction thursday, finale next wednesday
then production realized they don't need to do battlebacks if they just slow down the end game
oh look mak isnt going to wear the tiara all week like a narcissist. she had it on her head for a couple hours after winning hoh cause leah put it there and she hasnt worn it since
She probably just knows she can't wear it as well as Leah did
>Leah said Joseph looks like Waluigi
cams comic should have tiny dogs in a crib
I’m worried about Leah this week, bros. It might be over
She doesn't look good when she's whored up.
what are they talking about doing narrations?
i never watched the episode with this comp they are talking about
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another quinn L
one thousand bucks a pop
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hopefully its tiny veto. leah and angela have a better chance at that then bb comics
"accidentally" fall down on her
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probably more after the season is over
Fellas, threads are winding down. I wish we could have /bb/ all year round.
same. maybe we'll get another reindeer games or similar show this year
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She literally believes a higher power that oversees everything everywhere has decided to guide her in a cbs reality tv show but yeah, the girl wearing a plastic tiara when all production gave you is that and childrens toys for your HoH, is the narcissistic one
i am so fired up
They’re always pretty dead on Saturdays but I suppose it makes sense too since top 5 is coming up
im gonna miss hanging in these threads. this is my first season here
I can’t believe I saw Cedric cum last night. That’s weird.
spying on leah all day with big mak
I’m sure she does but it also helped to have a friend that you could trust and helped navigate the house. I think Leah probably knows that Chelsie and Mak are tight. She’s been keeping more from Mak lately
The girl looked like she could have been pretty hot. Is she the one who leaked the vids?
I saw JC fuck a minion.
It changed me.
believing in a higher form doesnt make someone a narcissist. an actual narcissist like leah is all about drawing attention to themselves which she does constantly. nobody is trying to hurt you anon and she is never going to let you get within 10 feet of her no matter how hard you white knight for her. who gave quinn a phone in the jury house
you can't just say that and not post the link anon
lol it's kinda the same for me like I can't look at him the same way because it's like "lil ceddy nooooo" but at the same time I know everybody has sex and masturbates so it is what it is. But you just know that he's aware of it and is definitely trying to hide it.
>She literally believes a higher power
the irony of this post since Leah brings up astrology bullshit all the time
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I didn't save it and was unable to find it in the archive of early BB20 threads
apparently BB20 Rachel had an extra role as an escort on some show, forgot about it
it's gotta be revenge porn right? I can't think of any other reason it would leak
There are no gods in astrology you dingbat
big mak isn't going to fuck you bro
elite titties
angela and rachel gave off strong "slut for the right price vibes" had no idea about this ty anon lmao
Rachel was so hot
Oh my god stfu you're weird
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>Angela hot af
>Rachel hot af
>Sam southern tradwife welder with tits and ass if not annoying retard
>Hayleigh just bagged an nba player
>Kaitlyn was like 80lbs with giants tits and ass and a fucked up weird flappy stomach anyone know what causes that?
>Even fucking rockstar was curvy
>Bayleigh hot if you're into that I imagine
>Kaycee hot if you're into that I imagine
What a stacked cast
sucky sucky
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I’m so nervous that it’ll come back and Chelsie won the veto. She could pull some shit and take Kimo down
Mak would probably just put Rubina up she’s been adamant she wouldn’t put Leah up to everyone this week
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>Even fucking rockstar was curvy
Rockstar has ass for days. This cast was top tier.
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shame she's fat as fuck now
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Eternal femcel
too bad she was so annoying
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big ange for veto please. i dont think mak has the stones to put up leah, so it'll be rubina
thick rachel is even better desu
kissing ur bestie on day 69 with big mak & lil leah! ^_^
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going through my old webms is making me miss basic ass features like rewinding and 1080p video
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was this the greatest piece of art ever created in the bb house?
Leah and MJ seeming repulsive in the shadow of the BB20 girls nostalgia
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i praying its fixed next year, at least the 1080p for the paramount+ player. i dont think rewind or archives are ever coming back now
if the havent "fixed" it by now why would they?
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a girl can dream
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a profile only a mother could love. yikes
Paramount will have new owners next year so it's not impossible that'll overhaul the player again
cam better fucking run after the show
the best was pre-bb22 DRM when bbviewer was it's own separate application instead of the extension
tree hours
This is the last year of feeds.
last year of /bb/ then
We can't rewind we've gone too far
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if it's really BB Comics I think the feeds will be down for like three more hours right?
i wish it was tiny veto but those all happened before week 9 in the past
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They are just so cute.
Brooklyn's tv edit was cringe but on the live feeds she did have the cuntitude to make things interesting. Would've liked to see her go farther than she did.
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she’s got it in the bag
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Leah winning and using the veto on big ang is the best outcome.
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zingbot said something about mak's feet today but it might have been that they were dirty all the time
yeah, i liked her too and she actually played the game.
she played the game until she felt comfy in a big alliance and her and chelsie laid in bed all week while the vote flipped on cedric around them
yeah too bad tucker was so hyper fixated on brooklyn instead of the real threat, chelsie
if Leah and Angela are safe this round and say either of them win HOH for the double, who could they put up against Chelsie to ensure she goes home?
her throwing tucker's clothes all over was based. it was extra funny because some of his fans were crying about it as hard as he was
probably cam just to take a sure vote away from her and hope you can convince rubina chelsie is the bigger threat
i was thinking about that. im not sure there is anyone they can put up to ensure she goes home.
i think she stays against anyone at this point.
against cam -> mak and rubina vot cam out
against mak -> rubina and cam vote mak out
against rubina -> cam and mak vote rubina out
i dont see anyone turning on chelsie
maybe goblina? I'm really not sure honestly because if she goes up with cam he definitely gets evicted
I would say Rubina but the requirement is Mak is on board
mak has been selling chelsies threat level to rubina for a while now
nobody wants to sit next to chelsie F2 except cam. they all would rather sit next to cam. they didnt hesitate to pull the trigger on tkor
i mean, someone needs to get it into kimo and zubina's troll fucking head that they're playing for fucking money that could really help their families out if not themselves
how many people would love an extra 300 grand to drop in their laps right now
They debated getting out a “bigger” target during the double which I presume would be either Chelsie or Mak so I could see it happening
They were probably talking about Leah honestly
big rach
They were talking about Leah earlier during that convo so I assume it was related to other people
I just don't trust this cast to make a smart move like getting chelsie out.
>4 hours
yeah it’s definitely bb comics
Yeah, Leah was trying to tell Rubina that Chelsie is the biggest threat right now but knowing Rubina that’ll just make her want Leah out even more. Rubina doesn’t even want to win
No that’s fair with these people
But I did want to point out they did hint at maybe making a move and afaik Rubina has yet to eat out Leah’s anti Chelsie push
Though knowing this cast the bigger target would be Mak
I don’t know how much time goes on between each person but if it’s an easy set up I’d guess they’ll be back within the hour.
feeds were down for 4 hours when tkor won hoh answering 3 questions
the bigger target was mak, they literally said they want to get to final 3 with chelsie
if mak wins this veto they will cook her in the double
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Kimo absolutely needs to go this week then. Then again Cam and Rubina would just want the same thing. Everyone wants Chelsie in their final 3 besides Leah and Angela. She's basically guaranteed to win at this point
if angela or leah get evicted this week I'd give chelsie a 70% chance of winning this season desu. she deserves it if these people are dumb enough to take her to the end.
i love those two. hoping they were adopted out as a pair
i'm curious if Kimo ended up in the final two with Chelsie how the jury would vote.
I think Angela, Leah, Rubina, and Quinn could vote for Kimo to win. Chelsie would probably get Cam, T'Kor, and maybe Mak
Kimo isn't really close with anyone besides Rubina and T'Kor (who would vote Chelsie for reasons.
i don't know if being close would matter to most of them. they like his story and the fact that he survived being on the block so many times could help
Depending on if Rubina and Angela vote based on who they like more or who they think played better, Chelsie wins either 7-0, 6-1 or 5-2
there has never been an asian male winner unless you throw indians in with them like some do
plus he's gay so his story should trump chelsie's desu
his passive gameplay style is annoying but he's definitely a very under the radar jury threat. if anyone from his trio were to win I'd hope it's him.
I think he needs at least one hoh under his belt but if he can I agree
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only one person I know that would make sure Chelsie gets voted out in the double
5 hours
when we needed leo the most, he vanished
i keep thinking that's jc in the thumbnail
one more hour and people on reddit will be thinking angela fell and had to go to the emergency room
is everyone getting difficult 5 and 6 digit captchas now instead of 4

I'm never buying a 4chan pass btw
It changes all the time for me. Sometimes just four
Typically I get a verification not required for each login after doing one captcha.
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i have a bad feeling, bros...
No one but Mak or Leah is winning BB Comics.
this is a dumb cast, they might all timeout
Cam and Chelsie don't have a chance? I think Angela is the one that would legit suck at it
yep chelsie tried earlier today pre veto and she shut it down once again
you can tell chelsie is lowkey seething about it too kek
I keep getting captchas where the Z's look exactly like 2's and vice versa
think it was like 10 hours last season but with one more player right?
so probably an hour or two to go rn
does Mak keep saying it's about jury management? which is dumb as fuck to say but i'm glad Mak is holding strong
pretty much though IIRC she also said she'd feel bad doing it to her so sorta like chelsie and tkor where voting out is one thing but putting them up on your hoh is another
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threesome sex with big mak and little leah
everytime i watch this i always hope that leah starts to grind a little bit
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mak is definitely bi-curious
we're gonna get some super boring winner over this aren't we kek, like mak or cam
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Old School rank:


Mid School:


New School(so far)

BB26(so far)
they're probably getting catering tonight so maybe that's taking a bit too
Bisexuality is the best sexuality in my opinion
I find bb7 overrated, every week is the exact same
Only if they are bi men desu, women should commit to finding husbands
Do people still love Ian
hi Ian
We like Memphis more
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they're replaying some of the pets footage from like a week ago :\ does that mean they still aren't adopted?
so if they all use up all of the 45 minutes and have it right, how do they settle something like a four way tie?
Mak won. fuck
oh well
schizo mom FINITO unless leah somehow pulls of a dan tier misting
it wasn't BB Comics. something about putting lobster and fish up on a board or something
doesn't sound like it was comics or mini veto
production plant btfo
none of them are up on the website so maybe they've been adopted or transferred to other shelters
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big mak is gonna go full jag, take chelsie to the end with her and still win isn't she?
They've been replaying the same pet videos since the start of the season anon
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Mak going full on heel turn and I hate it
Would be kino
if leah stops being a pussy and goes full throttle she could probably do it
the votes are there and she could point out how hard it'll be to get out chelsie later than this
big retard
what im hearing is mak safe leah safe sounds good!
yeah getting harder to see mak losing if she makes it to the end
Wild Robot movie night I guess. looks like an animated family movie
we don’t sign our posts here
jurors are not voting for a whitey over Chelsie be real
what was the post?
i forget how movie nights usually work. does that mean the feeds will be down the entire time while they watch?
yes, usually
not against Chelsie, the POCs in the jury have a pact to vote for a POC to win
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I'm not convinced that holds up in jury house, tkor already told rubina she thought mj would win if at the end hence why she had to go
cope bitch
mak is going to put leah up because of the creamed corn/cornbread conversation
This isn't good for Mak. Not that they have a great chance to win, but I'm fully expecting Kimo and Rubina to try to get Mak out in the double now.
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Leah is finito if she doesn't win hoh or veto and they all know it
I can't see them winning hoh anyway desu
huge target on big retard on the eve of a double eviction
kek she was looking at Mak like she was a total retard and then just walked to the bathroom to tell them that Mak was saying there wasn't any flour in it
>Joseph gone
>Quinn gone
>Angela gone
Leah instantly wins if she makes it to F2, she's public enemy #1 starting next week. Forget Mak.
there is no double eviction on sunday
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Feeds cut after Chelsie was telling Leah her "codes" which were "stairs" and "gym". what the fuck does that mean?
Leah needs to take up that sleepover offer from Mak tonight and badger her till 5am about BDing Chelsie
probably won't work but one needs to try
they're gonna watch a movie and Leah will be cooking for like 2 hours so feeds will be dead as fuck tonight
alcohol and diet coke in the storage room
moonshine delivery

two bottles of wine, blue moon, modelos, and diet coke
come on mak get drunk and flirt with cam
we need more public chelousy
Cam and Chelsie were whispering in their room and said something about "oh well, she can't compete next comp". Talking about Mak? Not sure why
feeds will probably be down for the rest of the night since they got alcohol
they were talking about how mak won’t take the shot at leah and cam said mak can’t play hoh next week so he’ll win and take the shot at leah
dibs on the diet coke
Cam can't win shit
here's the full quote
>Chelsie: Dang, she busted through that.
>Cam: Yeah, she breezed through that one.
>Chelsie: She's not gonna touch Leah. She told me today.
>Cam: That's fine. She's not playing next week. I'll do it.
>Chelsie: What a day. A time to be alive.
so just affirming Leah gotta go for the two of them
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they're all so happy and Angela knows she's fucked
true kek
chelsie and rubina are more likely to win it than him assuming leah doesn't
double erection comps usually aren't hard, he can win one of those
Big Retard Eviction Week :)
Cam is such a loser kek. He can't win shit, he's a goat at this point.
it do be like that, hopefully little leah wins the double hoh
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this week will be depressing as fuck if the house doesn't flip or Mak doesn't use the veto
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getting drunk with little leah
do they do veto for the double too? at least that gives her some hope too if so
yes you do quick noms veto and then eviction
so leah isn't necessarily cooked though if she isn't I think either cam or kimo are
yeah they do the whole week
the rest of the night will be Leah cooking and then they're watching a movie.
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>you will never watch a movie while laying in the hoh bed with big mak and little leah
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oh shit it sounds like only a few of them are allowed to watch the movie. Mak picked Rubina, Kimo and Cam i think "because they haven't won HOH yet"
movies are usually shown early sunday evening
>cam not chelsie
holy based
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Chelsie and Leah were shitting on Cam and Kimo for being so bad at winning comps. Chelsie then said
>as long as we keep winning and protecting each other, we're good
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>no leah
Mak already didn't like Cam, but she's got a massive ick now from how much he sucks at comps. Chelousy has nothing to worry about kek.
wouldn't make sense given her justification
smart to butter up the higher purpose minions too
cam will not fuck chelga regardless
He's not getting any white pussy, so it's Chelsie or nothing for him LMAO
Kimo is already buzzed and telling horny stories
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>chelga stuck with leah and angela for several hours
I could see him and leah fucking in the jury
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Blame the comp woman season. Cam would've crushed it last season.
they'll probably just chill outside and bullshit. will be very boring feeds though
No chance, she's hated Cam for weeks. Icko has a better chance of that.
do we know who came in second for HOH?
Cam's the biggest goat in the game right now considering Kimo/Rubina have 2 locked votes if 1 of them get there. I don't see anyone voting for Cam other than Chelsie.
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I don't even think he gets her vote if it's Cam/Mak
dude is drawing dead without either making moves or winning comps
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Mak says that Leah always makes fun of her giant jaw
leah fucked up massively in the first half of the game not picking up mak when she was a loner and wanted somebody to work with
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Chelsie already telling her not to use the veto even if Angela is begging and pleading.

Sounded like Chelsie was trying to throw Leah under the bus too but it was some weak shit
>leah was second
what could've been
1 hundred percent. do or die for little leah next week. but honestly, i can see mak going in the double as well if rubina or kimo win
being scared about her using the veto is an odd way to approach mj when she's given no indication she will kek
chelsie isn't hiding her nervousness well
applies to everyone but chelsie
bowie jane all over again but as the main compbeast
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>top 3 were mak, leah, and chelsie
comflop cam LMAO
but desu bodes well for leah in the double I hope
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new love triangle, chelsie and leah fighting over mak
Mak should have thrown this. She's winning way too fucking much. Ironically it would have saved her game if Leah won and put her as the front runner to win.
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>foreshadowing for a potential vanuatu
chelsie wants a comp beast partner, she might be willing to clip cam for mak soon if he keeps losing shit and she keeps winning
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Veto results via storage room convo:
1st- MJ (9 minutes)
2nd- Leah (20-25 minutes)
3rd- Chelsie (30-35 minutes)
4th- Cam (40 minutes)
5th/6th- Kimo and Angela (timed out)
holy fuck that time gap, all the time gaps honestly
Mak doesn't seem to be feeling Leah. maybe i'm just bad at reading body language but Mak seems annoyed by her
yeah I agree which fucking sucks, they would be such a great end game final 2 duo, they were just never on the same page this season
I think cam would have been a beast with last year's style of comps (half of them were basically sprinting comps kek) I hope next year's are similar to BB26.
Chelsie is washing the raw chicken in the sink. where the fuck did people get the idea to do that?
reminds her of her time in Dubai :)
black people wash their chicken with bleach in the sink
pretty sure it's a black people thing
I was told to wash whole chickens at a restaurant I worked at so I was doing it one day and this 6'6" Georgian dude i worked with looked at me like he was going to stab me and called me a dumbass
I saw cirie do a promo for this movie during the survivor premiere. seemed extremely random desu and the animation looked like shit
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Rubina and Kimo talking about how Mak needs to go and that they need someone like Cam or Leah to take that shot.
>she's becoming the new Tucker
why don’t they add her to their alliance to protect them instead?
they are playing pool i saw that too and they think they get to control anything while just being non entities like yeah keep dreaming lol

i wanna watch mak and leah make their chicken but it keeps cutting to the duo
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>they need someone like Cam or Leah to take that shot.
oh love their little delusions
Was it Wild Robot? Motherhood is pretty central to the movie and Cirie is a famous reality tv mother so that’s probably the connection.
holy shit they wail
she really shouldn't have won that veto. I usually hate when people comp out but it would be kino if she does it.
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>t’kor told use to trust chelsie so she’ll do our bidding!
she honestly could with this group left
Rubina and Kimo sounding like Chelsie isn't anywhere on their radar as a threat at the end. Fucking lame
Leah thinks that Zingbot came after Kimo for being "boring" because they can't air most of the shit that makes him interesting
of course not lmao they are following t’kor’s marching orders
kimo's zingbot roast being that he puts people to sleep hehe
that makes alot of sense. I figured she was dabbling in voice acting or something when I saw it
they're retards who think she's with them thanks to tkunt kek
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thanks for capping that
thanks, my screenshot button lagged
of course, anon. it's been a slow ass day for caps
>leah naruto running
kek wut
how do they not like each other it's so sad
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last time they got booze they were talking about fucking with handcuffs and whips. this time they're workshopping kimo's song
i think Leah might like Mak but Mak seems to not like Leah. she said she would feel guilty getting rid of Leah this week though, probably because she's so loving to her
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I think they like each other as friends but game wise they’ve never really been on the same page. The first half of the season mak really wanted to work with her but they never locked anything in and leah was always throwing her under the bus. now it’s reversed with mak having a solid alliance and leah wanting to work with her. sad shit.
Please, I just want a jewish attorney to call up and claim they are stealing somebody else's song so that production will put an end to this songwriting bullshit
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little leah WILL win double eviction hoh and WILL get chelsie evicted and WILL form a final 2 with big mak and they WILL have sex in the hoh
omg they should have voted out the gay when they had the chance
she activates big mak's repressed bisexuality so she pushes her away
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>Now when you and Makensy made love in the HOH room...did it bring you closer to God?
kek Leah seems like the only one not into the song
these feeds are literal torture tonight
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imagine if Joseph was still here for this
I'm muting until the song shit is done
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>oh great he’s making another song
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will they blindside Leah with the vote this week again? Mak already said that her target was Kimo. would be pretty fucked up to do it yet again to Leah
I dunno about you, but that song got me to donate to their telethon
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ermmmm shut the fuck up please
when you got a dream
breaking into a musical with big mak
I don't think this is what production had in mind for when they gave them booze.
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Worst song I've ever heard in my life

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