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wow she's beautiful edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Aperture is a fat disgusting freak (to no ones surprise)
• Taylor has became a coke addict

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203730914
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trixie mogs
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Taylor is going to be an obese 40 year old with 3 cats and no career mooching off Dallas
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The ideal woman.
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>they still think it is starting on Oct 4th
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>cute monkey
the rizzler in season 3
>Have to be a monkey to get Abi to notice you
Some things never change.
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it is
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Taylo ugly crying into a veggie burger or whatever the fuck she eats.
why are you still posting this, go away
Post the cast leak from last night I missed it
Hi mike
Show me any promotion for it, "S3 leak" tweets excluded.
I'll wait
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I'm a green faggot
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>hi mike
>Big Purple
>nah like I'm on some real shit right now
>dark taytriots
>many are saying this
>trader alliance
>Jimmy's mom
>Jacob's mom
>Letty tweet
>Ice Poseidon flunkies
>that's fair
>manifesting marriage with creature
>creature replaced with minion
>Laker from the valley
>TJaylor, TJxAbi, TJayleigh, TJxKeegan
>josie wosie the discord groomer
>Her own dad y'all
>The beautiful CK
>Peter Thiel
>cute monkey
>Goran Rapistovic
>Hi Keegan
>World Peace 2
>Galaxy gas whippet wiggers
>fake contestant leaks
>TJ singing
>Jon and Letty at the hungry games
>Trish Delish
>random fishtank streamer with 5 viewers
>mid kentucky bitches
>abi's ogre ex bf
>bitchtank flunkies
they have never promoted this early.
I'm gonna fill that rat's womb
Make a superhuman rat combo
they literally announced hawk tuah bro
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Where's wally ass hoe
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please add
>Jon is the tallest fish!
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It's two weeks out, c'mon Ben.
I bat for Production, because despite being disappointed multiple times, I think fishtank has a real chance to be more than some niche internet tv show.
ah yeah man and the cybertruck. They might even win a Lotus Evija too!
All me
she's best girl but u all aren't ready for that conversation
I waish she knocked tayleigh the fuck out mane.
Fake, 50% of the cast will be black/Hispanic
yes! but i bet that sam will show up and drive it into the wall or hit it with a bat and it will be so freaking hilarious!
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youre forgetting someone
The only one who managed to escape being revealed. How the fuck did she do it?
yeah we could just wrap this one up this guy hit all the topics already
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It was consensual she was calling me daddy!
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Total Keegan death
S h e f u c k e d h e r d a d y a l l
silly fun birthdays and halloweens with Mary and our little creatures
he can't stop winning
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She fucked 40 y'all
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Total TJ death
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jet neptune dies today.
who watches this brain-rotting shite?
I swear TJ plays life on idiot savant build. No matter what the circumstance is he always takes the W.
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Don't post about my Family or sister Tayleigh we have lawyers.Green penis.
I hate mumbling giggling swiss-cheese brain hoarderwoman Creature and all her retarded smelly rot-brained friends.
We know, the off-season is complete dogshit
is there a challenge going on or are they just hanging out
Yeah i fucked ma dad yall
We don't know and neither do they.
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Was she a sith lord?
no life challenge. the black guy left because he had somewhere to be. its neck and neck now. anyone could win!
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how do you even get to this point
Creature has a core group of about 5 friends that she loves dearly and spends time with regularly going back to their mall rat days. What do you have?
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It's for the lolz yo
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The goblin requires a wife
yeah that doesn’t really work for a cell challenge
Christ she's an ugly fat cunt.
hi taylor
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>zesty mulatto named "Marion" that's 130 lbs at 5'10
might be good
taylo is the best
ayyy lil nigga
Bro we cant let oddbodd see this he will seeth for weeks.
not the real cast. another fake out. i wont believe it until the day before.
>What do you have?
That one is confirmed fake. All the ones that anons found in that image where Russian actors and models.
This one however...
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the beautiful jet neptune
The best at being an obese alone failure with no future
>hiding marky perfectly in the middle so less people notice

hello galaxy gas crew
thats not a mulatto projecting jimmynigger
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The Russian doppelgangers are probably fake but I'd wager the rest could be real
A single work friend I talk with after my retard caretaking shift for a couple a few days a week. And my married friend and his wife from college that I visit like once a month or two.
Youre fatter, more alone and have less of a future than taylor
He looks like Shaun King's gayer cousin
because he has the same glasses and facial hair, hes white
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>a Marion defense force exists before the show even starts
Why did you post a picture of Jet getting fucked again?
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Laker Brady of the Valley
she's thin, a star and the only person, production included, to ever be on fishtank that isn't a completely useless sack of shit
>Hey Ben the season 3 fud on tv is getting really bad. Can you leak a couple fake casts so they don't lose interest while I get my shit together. *hits galaxy gas*
The only defense Taylor has left are knowing trolls.
It's so over
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Not Simmons and old guy at the bottom were both Russians as well. There's no way it's a coincidence that over half of them are Russian actos.
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Insider here, lets just say a certain nullified moon person has just come into posession of rather... alarming... things about a certain right wing grifter comedian behind a certain aquarium themed reality show and is currently linking up with a certain bipartisan left leaning political streamer who shares a name with a looter shooter mmo video game and are currently revving up an insane exposè feature various wronged peoples that will destroy said comedian's empire.
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these cunts better not fuck w/ our boy
Molesto and Destiny linked up, sneed it or feed it?
La Rata bella...
>its real
the old guy at the bottom was from the original cast listing, i recognize him
In english doc
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Christmas Example
Fishtank S3: Simmons Revenge
I remember some girls in highschool walking up to me and a friend during lunch and doing this same passive aggressive bullying thing
>The wiggers are getting pics from random, international SM accounts to make collages of the 'leaked cast'
>Even though S3 isn't happening because there is no money, Cowboy quit from carrying the whole of production's remodelling and the wiggers burnt themselves out.
The ultimate gaslight.
unironic destiny watcher here, he doesnt give a shit about mde or sam. They had one convo in passing one time before his boxing match and it was friendly. I have no doubt in my mind most of the wiggers hate destiny but i genuinely feel like sam has a respect for destiny's hustle even if he lets his significant others suck other guys dick and even if he sucks dick himself (something i think sam can relate to anyway)
The farmer's crop bares aussie fruits.
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>unironic destiny watcher here
actually true
>none of the men are over 6'1
lmao Sam nearly got mogged by Brian and Octavius so he now has to cap the height of all future male fish. fucking pathetic
bless channing's drugged out scorned ex brain coming up with literal cartoon schemes for our entertainment
No tip-toeing for Season 3
Sam would be proud if she had some other grifter on her sight.
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i've seen like 5 different people have meltys in chat because jet took their streaming privileges, shouldn't have bought that ring light nigga!
how do you not see the cognitive dissonance in being a destiny fan and unironically using "wigger" as an insult, you need to go back
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>unironic destiny watcher here
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Greg is the white Sinbad
nta but are destiny fans wiggers? I always assumed they were radical centrist debatebros.
they could’ve had 6 viewers and a fart sfx
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All they had to do was pay the 1000 USD...
They made their choice.
looks like he was hanging out with muttlato friend. what's his name? he might have more clips of jacob
No but they worship black people and are anti white
that tranny owes jacob sex
I thought they stopped after destiny said kyle rittenhouse was based and the blm rioters deserved it
Future of the white race right here
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I've been watching Destiny since the starcraft days, he doesn't know or give a shit about any of that
all he knows about Sam is that he believes in a bunch of jewish conspiracy shit, that he's funny and that he would pay to see him fight Hasan Piker, the common enemy
and this >>203743260
They have the same aura
i followed destiny in passing on twitter like two years ago and he randomly decided to start trying to be really epic by being an anti-conservative clapback account who writes sassy meme posts. everything he posts is some sort of smug quip, like a liberal MCU character. was he always that obnoxious or did he become more clout hungry after the breakup?
No that didnt mean anything it was just legalfag shit, destiny was always pro blm and thinks black people are equal to whites
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Dylan and Becca pilled
>thinks black people are equal to whites
so does Sam
>Pay Jet to stream on his dying site.
>He kicks them and keeps the cash.
Paypiggies never learn. They keep shelving out money for the wiggers as if they hadn't swindled them again and again already.
The simps will be outrageously deranged for those two
>so does Sam
a fool and his money are soon departed
Cool, Sam isnt a political livestreamer who I watch for political opinions unlike you who watches subhuman Destiny
Thinking whites shouldn't be ashamed of being white and should be proud of their accomplishments isn't the same as believing other races are inferior.
You also forgot
>Bex has abandoned her fishtank production role to be a full time dj at Peter Thiel's eyes wide shut gay mdma orgies
nobody even remembers when paypigs were saying they were gonna revolt during the s3 announcement stream. they all still watch the show daily
Destiny doesnt believe in the former, hes a libshit
will fish tank ever jump the shark and have production/freeloaders start pissing on people?
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Jet Neptune employment status?
He literally hired retards from other races to humiliate them for the fact that they are inferior.
somebody forward this to tayleigh! she would get a huge kick out of this.
He was always like that
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I deleted my insta so I can’t check did cowboy and bex really leave
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Whos gonna tell him...
Fuck's kinda name is Paylynn?
Delaney, Tayleigh, Duan'yay, Keegan, Kalei, Kathlynn – why do they insist on picking up the subhumans with the shittiest names?
that sounds really funny honestly but i doubt it. they would probably let a freeloader do it on their own though
>Hey Sam can I hold like $300,000?
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zoomer names
This is steinful btw, he’s posting this after everytime he cums in Josie’s mouth
>unironic destiny watcher here
Put the barrel of a shotgun to the roof of your mouth and pull the fucking trigger, you dumb faggot.
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>TJ, I'm sorry... I made a mistake. Do you take me back?
Do you think Letty wrote to her through DMs to call the post cringe and she deleted it?
Eternal KWAB, kek.
>Destiny makes you all seethe
love to see it
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NOoo don't go!!
i’m feeling a xavier 2.5 clip today
Already have my money on Antonio
Calling a faggot a faggot is not seething. You, on the other hand, are coping to maximum levels.
How can one person be so consistently cringe.
Antonio is weak. Blatantly lying about his height and weight does not bode well for the tank.
dude its just a bit and they are on it jet and sam are their pals its ironic bro
Don't do it. Latinx names are a sign of bad luck. We Mauromaniacs learnt our lesson the hard way.
why would you bet on the fat brown
>How can one person be so consistently cringe.
Watching too many PGL clips
Yes that's canyon
You just know that Tay would be knee-deep in debt for the wiggers if she could.
No bro, I love zionist puppets too! I also love eating cum out of my girlfriend's pussy when another man cums in it, just like Destiny!
Mauro is a hawaiian name
what's peter thiels endgame with his psyops?
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if it was any other girl, I wouldn't think much of it, but because its Letty, a terminally online giga neet, I know that she knows exactly whats she's doing
they didn't pay, it was given because they were most active in chat
>attacking the messenger and not the message
Technocrat homosexual judeo-futurism.
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>Wake up.
>Open Fishtank.live to see if Claire is streaming.
>CTRL+F Claire.
>Go back to sleep.
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So pretty much the world exactly as it is right now
What's the message? I can barely comprehend all the Jewish dicksucking he does, because he talks like he just shoved 10 Adderalls up his ass.
The fries aren't going to put themselves in the bag
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We laugh at liberals while he turns out world into real life Warhammer 40k Terra and installs himself as immortal God emperor kept alive by machines.
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Taylor reads these threads, what message do you have for her?
Hope you get better with time, bud
Would any of you sign up to be a streamer on the fishtank website to troll?
Yeah, he is controlled opposition leading to the same destination.
so his goal is to keep the current status quo?
Destiny say's nigger he is based hes the left version of sam expect sam is a dumb shill faggot and destiny is funny on occasion.
Shes just showing her bruises
Did tj stream last night?
Take it easy.
he doesnt say nigger he says nigga and only in private, hes an unironic liberal status quo shill
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put down the cookie
taylor pussy yummy. no eat more cookie or drink pbr. to much food. belly full.
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no she doesn't
captcha were harder yesterday with red herrings. they are much easier today but now have these ugly lines on them. feelings are mixed.
ive never failed a captcha
Peter Thiel is trying something new, we're being meta gamed.
Adapt and conquer. You can beat the Captcha, Kato.
We believe in you.
he's a retard with bellow surface level knowledge of everything he is debating and has no real conviction or belief system everything he does and argues is simply for clicks and views.
i can't believe such and unlikable soulless
cuckj manlet can get such a big following.
Typical disgusting SJW tactics.
>I can't validate or back-up my position, so I'll just discredit your character
No wonder you watch a fraud like Destiny, because you're just like him. The world would unironically be better off without you.
i hope keegan is still here for debate club
Hes genuinely the internet person I dislike the most
You still attacked his character and not his message. Doesn't matter though, I'm not here to change minds but I respect your opinions.
qrd on keegan?
This, but Jimmy.
turn young RW-ish men into e girl paypigs and addicted to consuming trash mind rotting nonsense instead of getting their shit together and forming a family.
who the FUCK is peter thiel and whats this shit about him funding mde? im so confused
what part of calling him a "zionist shill" isnt attacking his message
He does it for free.
Please explain why you like Greg. There has to be one or two of you here, it cannot just be Twitter and the website that loves him.
Peter Thiel is the Dimes Square Diddy. He made Sam have a Freak Off at Sovereign House.
Literally the opposite
you live under a rock
Anyways i will see you chaps latter i need to sleep now BYeBYe
>it cannot just be Twitter and the website that loves him.
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Read a wiki page, nigga!
Did it for free
He is the white Sinbad
Bliccy fucking sucks so bad. The only reason people shill her is because they saw her hatchet wound
What part of "Kike deepthroater" do you not comprehend?
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What's not to like about him? He yells, he's retarded, he's violent. I'm supposed to hate this guy?
i did but whats this got to do with mde? ? ?
some gay who founded paypal or some shit
>Literally the opposite
How does fishtank have any other effect on its viewers? /ftl/ posters are not the intended viewers of fishtank.
Peter Thiel is a poison the well meme designed to throw you off the trail of finding that Fishtank is actually funded by the Bogdanoff Twins Foundation
he has always been good on fishtank, i don’t watch him ever outside of that though.
taylors (probably) fired editor greenshark. He got caught throwing a fit in TJ's stream chat and has never been seen since.
i went from liking him during S2 to being luke warm slightly after it to being neutral mid 2.5 to not liking him after he jumped the shark with kicking TJ
fishtank isnt paypigging women and peter thiel doesnt fun fishtank, hes a literal billionaire hes funding tons of other much bigger things lmao, you actually just found out about him through these threads didnt you
He's good on the show. Outside that, I don't really give a fuck about him.
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He was a trooper when being dropped into the tank (unknowing what he was getting himself into) and rolled with everything production threw at him. Outside of that, I don't give a shit about greg.
kicking tj?
Peter Thiels funds retarded online faggots like Delicious Tacos. He would definitely fund Sam, and by extension his projects.
How is he good on the show past his s2 appearance?
no one likes him. its a gaslight the same as haley and you’re getting worked.
yeah but his goal isnt getting people to paypig e girls thats ridiculous, hes doing the payrolling of e girls himself
cole is live
the night he showed up on bitchtank hammered was great. people are obsessed with him though. i will never watch him stream
lol the hairs on my balls are like 5 inches long wtf
>the night he showed up on bitchtank hammered was great
No it wasnt, he was only good on s2, hes boring as fuck when he knows whats going on and isnt being messed with
He was good on Bloodgames before production gave up on trying to keep it a larp session, and Bitchtank was whatever, outside when he got shitfaced. You can't really count Bitchtank, because that was just dogshit all around for everyone.
>appeared in these threads during s2 with links to TJxTaylor edits he made
>offers Taylor to edit vids for her out of her streams for free and becomes a stream mod
>Taylor accidentally shows her discord and it becomes clear he and her brother-in-law update her on what people say about her on /bant/
>edits a vid for her against Greg when he and Taylor fell out
>doesn't edit any material with TJ in it
>edits a video of her on Bloodgames, also without TJ
>when Taylor moves back to Florida and tweets "[TJ] cheated", he or her brother-in-law drop Gemma's socials in thread and make a burner twitter account to have Taylor out her
>gets doxxed last week
>seethes on TJ's stream using his fishtank account under a different name, but gets revealed because he didn't change his profile info outting him as Greenshark
>deletes an editing resume, doesn't show up in most recent Taylor stream, submits no new edited reels
trim your shit
They did a purge on the site on who should be able to stream there and Greg wanted to kick TJ.

TJ stayed because he is the best streamer there.
How was he good on bloodgames? His larping was shit, his character sucked and all he did was smell like farts
Greg's too cocky now and his entire attitude is gay. jet was obviously right that there were too many trash streams on the site but asking Greg (who hates the content the audience likes) who should stay is like asking a seven year old what should be broadcast on HBO
So all the S2 fish got fat in like 6 months. Will the same thing happen to the bitchtank cast?
>kicking tj?
greg said its fine if TJ gets kicked off ftl because he has his twitch that gets good numbers and that jet should prioritize unique streams on the site to maintain variety. Its a logical and balanced argument which makes the tj spergs seethe because greg made an educated business decision and one that tries uplifting these rando no-name fucks on the site who would have zero audience otherwise while tj will always have one
Taylor, is that you?
Haley is going to stay skinny being a spicy latina bouncing on my DICK
theyre all fat already
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yeah i like tj and don’t get why people were mad about this
they were all women so they'd need a miracle for that not to happen
wow...was it worth it?
why is greg making the decisions , it should be jacob, creature or claire, the people who actually has the most viewers
>Making TJfags seethe
I didn't know Greg was this based
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greg called himself the ambassador of fishtank
Why TJ is streaming so much all of a sudden?
It is MDE tradition to farm ideas from the most retarded people imaginable.
nigga is free now
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Life's so good when you don't have an obese psycho cunt in your ear
TJ barely pulls any viewers, but more than Greg, I think Greg is just jealous of that retard
Keegan WILL get a do over with a hotter girl that's actually funny and interesting and this time he won't let a stuttering pseud stand in his way. Keegan Kikes rise
Could be he always wanted to and Taylor said “no.” Could be Taylor always wanted him to and he said “no” and is trying to win her back.
He was so close to getting that Crumblr pussy
Posting the same pictures of another man and treating him like a god is worrying behavior. Homosexual, one might even say.
absolutely fucking not
Greg is a good sport but he is along for the ride and any ideas he has are inherently poison. fearful ideas from a man who cried after saying negger. Greg is the sort of guy to sharply inhale when someone says retard and shuffle off to find a woman to tell how much that word bothered him

Greg is a pet. and not even the favorite pet.
you did good building the blood games and nobody thanks you for it
this but not including Sarge, Scott, the trader from Bloodgames, and Richard
Being a degenerate cum slut faggot is based though. What's your problem?
She was encouraging him, at least when he got out of the tank. She was one of his mods for his first few streams, but it seems like he dropped it, and picked it up as both something to do during the evening, and as a little bit of a way to share his post-break-up feelz
No it isn't, you fucking faggot. Stop trying to normalize your abnormality.
It's over, Keegan
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>Being a degenerate cum slut faggot is based though
It is. Maybe someone needs to massage your prostate for your to see the light. Why do you give a shit about what other people do in their lives? Doesn't impact you at all. That's the real faggotry in my eyes.
Hi Sister Tayleigh
that makes complete sense. i tuned out of the site in favor of these threads because the literal whos just watching children movies and fucking around on their phones shitted up the site.
him and letty are chinmatched, he just never took off the mask
>which makes the tj spergs seethe
No one was seething, I didnt even know this happened until now, no one mentioned it in the threads let alone seethed
That old argument of "LET PEOPLE DO WHAT THEY WANT WITH THEIR LIVES" has already been seen for the horseshit that it is. Give them an inch, and they want to run 8000 fucking miles with it.
he looks pretty recessed
nah people definitely blew it out of proportion at the time
Drink my sperm
yeah i was just talking about their butt chins
>not wanting people to be free
land of the "free" home of the snowflakes
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I don't want faggots free to inflict their twisted ideologies on children, how does that sound?
we're doing the tired concern trolling again? "Think of the children"
real hamas-pilled over here
destiny doesnt like Sam anymore
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No one would care if I died right now
he never liked him
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so what if sam bumfucked a willing consenting minor? how is that any of your business?
>he or her brother-in-law drop Gemma's socials in thread and make a burner twitter account to have Taylor out her
Why did this became popular narrative. People point to it being a new twitter account but are there really people that want to attach a primary account to something like that? I think it means nothing personally.
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it was a tight little piece
fuck off gays
>Don't think of the children!
Shut up, faggot
i literally just had that same thought a few minutes ago. Kind of freeing innit?
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It stems from believing it's a choice and not inherit and rather not entertain that retarded bullshit.
Loud and proud faggot, deal with it.
clownussy hits different
I just don't care about mass society anymore. I want a small group of people I actually care about to do well and be protected from trash society. I hope everyone else has somebody who cares about them that much but its not my problem or in my control.
it’s very likely it was taylor or one of her people imo, but even if it wasn’t it doesn’t matter. her publicly confirming the girl’s socials for fishtank fans is a bad thing to do. it also makes it seem like she was waiting for someone to guess correctly
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Nothing gay about a nice body
It was clearly a really good first guess from a TJ stalker. Still kind of weird of Taylor to confirm it
he looks like a rat
clown sex with creature after the kids are asleep in bed after their birthday party and she's still in her zany mom clown makeup.
at least get some cool tattoos man
so true! pedos didn't chose to be born this way and its honestly so sad and insane how demonized they are for no fault of their own.
child lover acceptance is so much more important for the health of our society than immigration or economical policy.
Well, someone in the know posted Gemma's socials here, and at the time, they were totally ignored in favor of some other rando girl everyone thought must've been the person TJ "cheated" with. Greenshark is the likeliest culprit because he knows his way around computers and social media, and he's already gone out of his way for Taylor before.
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his chest hair is why he'll never be benleaks top boy like cole or tj
Imagine being into dudes and not liking the masculine bits
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What's he up to?
Some people are born with the psychopathy defect in their brain, so I guess we should just venerate them too.
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I don't know why but this shit turns me on and I hate myself for it.
Why would she have even shared who specifically Gemma was with her editor in the first place. What a weird bitch
was ok with him at least
S3 predictions?
It will be the best season yet
the cast will leak
Because they talk on discord about whatever. It's not that surprising that she'd share something impulsively with her editor and confidant of several months. As above, he was sharing with her whatever people in /bant/ were saying, she figured he was fine to confide in. And they probably went ahead with confirming Gemma because some other poor girl was getting harassed based on speculation here, not that it wasn't a shitty move on their part.
>afraid of minorities
>afraid of women
>afraid of gays
>afraid of jews
Sure seems to be afraid of a lot of shit. Are you all really this weak?
I'm afraid of spiders
It's going to be great. So much so Ben will finally stop saying S2 is the best season.
Chest hair is hot as fuck
>afraid of feces
>afraid of STD's
>afraid of AIDS
>afraid of poison
Sure seems to be afraid of a lot of shit. Are you all really this weak?
s3 is when the website will work
good or bad the most people watching will be 5k on day 5 when sam shows up. more tts over 6 weeks than bloodgames but less than bitchtank. jet is tilted after and we get season start january 10th.
tell it to troons like benleaks
Kinda glad that creature isn’t white
I'm going to have faith that they don't need to lean on "send Sam in to bump up viewership" bit and the show can stand on its own legs.
Am I giving too much faith to production? Only time will tell. We aren't looking at the past to determine future actions.
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she unironically does
The day before and the first day of s3 will be the best time on /ftl/ since s2 week 1
white enough that she needs to be further bleached.
Red scare, Alex Stein, MDE all have financial backing from Theil. What are his motives? Is he using them to influence their audience politically
even if production is doing a great job they're not gonna have better viewership. they need something big for that
Benleaks is just bi for the attention. Many such cases.
she doesnt read anything from here dont even bother saying anything mean or fucked up to her
This is why I'm puzzled as to why there has been essentially zero promotion for S3.
Tweeting does not count.
>gf posting on /bant/
QRD on Keegan and cookies?
shut up leaf
Bleeding viewers around week 2
Production giving up completely, just like every single season before
Boring finalists after all the entertaining ones either self-destruct and get kicked or leave
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Speaking of boring people
Yes it does. That’s where the audience is
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The lovely JC
Says nothing about cookies
keegan is baking cookies in that picture of him looking fucked up
she plays a lot of cookie clicker or something and she's fat
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TJ had a threesome with Taylor and Dallas.
Keegan watched and recorded everything, probably edited it (for free) too. That's why TJ is so steadfast and smug about it all.
This is so convoluted and weak. This is why you'll never be as successful as taytriots.
be funny please
That audience is already captured. They need to be reaching out to other areas. It's wasted effort with diminishing returns. They need to be hitting up any/all social media influencers. Buying, you know, actual advertisements even if it's $200 here and $500 there, ad spaces on podcasts, etc.
Sam has connections and reach.
Jet has connections and reach.
A number of people in Sam & Jet's orbit have reach.
Why aren't we seeing anything?
Sorry you don't like to bring up unpleasant memories Keegster.
if you want this to be your gimmick that's fine. just like be funny with it please. we managed to make incest funny, this should be easy
is it possible to reach that level of cuckoldry?
yeah this
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>we managed to make incest funny
What the fuck are we supposed to do without Flowstreams?
idk what keegster is, I'm calling you a cuck because of what you write
That’s what the problem is all about with anything. Weakness and strength. Inferiority and superiority. That’s literally the bottom of the abyss and the heart of death. How do you live a serious life, how do you respect yourself. That’s what philosophy and religion is all about. How do you actually live a serious life as a man. That’s what Sam constantly preaches about because as you get older and if you actually have a decent intelligence it’s going to become the most important fixation on any mind that has enough ego to be considered a respectable animal. How do you live as a minority in another country and respect yourself. How do you live as a woman and respect yourself. How do you live as gay and respect yourself. How do you live as Jewish and respect yourself. It’s literally impossible. It’s factually impossible and that’s not something you can ignore and laugh off. Either you go the Xavier route and become a master vampire adept at Eastern religious philosophy and that’s where you get your self satisfaction from knowing that you’re incontestable and no one can challenge you. Or you go the Charls Guenonian route and dive into religion and actually have a people and country and serious life with a family. Those are the only two ‘positive’ options. It’s a pure lifestyle thing. How do you not just sit there gnawing at your hands like a dog if you can’t live a serious life and respect yourself. It’s either organized religion and actually living a serious life as a man or blowing your head apart with a shotgun, or wishing you had the courage to. Those are the only two options. Religion or theater. Life or death
Keegan is only mad at TJ because TJ’s black girl is hotter than Keegan’s black girl
watch the show on the website instead of watching a scamming pajeet restream, none of us were using flowstreams
Benleaks was very butthurt
Kinda agree. Jet did a lot of interesting marketing stuff with world corp there’s no way there’s nothing he could come up with the flog fishtank
you can still use the playlist in OP
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>none of us were using flowstreams
Literally all the normies that don’t know Sam Hyde come to fishtank from twitter
what a pathetic simp
Ctrl f claire
Flowstreams was not that good. He would always blame Jet for the cams going down but it was just him being cheap with hosting
jet could at least market when S3 starts , it can't be that hard
we werent, the website is literally free and we arent kike jews who are going to watch a pajeet restream just because
I get that and acknowledge it by saying that audience is already captured. But you need more than one main channel/sources of potential viewers. In the end, all I am saying is cast a larger net. They have the means to and It's perplexing to me as to why they don't.
>actively rewriting history
okay man
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if you stop thinking about Claire, she will literally die
>watching a pajeet restream for no reason
okay nigger
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>active dvr
>clipping longer than a minute
yeah no reason
Where the fuck is teamsimmons?
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claire claire claire
She was doing it because the dude she was talking about there (Q) was talking shit about Greenshark in a twitter space which she also joined lmao. She had nothing to say about them shit talking TJ thoughever. Grim.
What’s the latest on my bro Cole?
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What's he hoping to achieve with this? He does know she's a grift right? Right?
Homer Simpson ahh mouth
She only browses if GS or Ethan tell her about something. The fact she didn't know Q was 19 shows she's not a regular reader of the threads.
kys greg you dog faced cunt
this but claire too
>if GS or Ethan tell her about something
this should not be happening
there was no archive it just had the s2 episode things
>active dvr
no idea wtf that is
>clipping longer than a minute
you can just use a third party clipping app
scott sullivan mma is doing a bit
You seem to be mistaken that fishtank is supposed to be a money making company. Its not. Its a money laundering and blackmail operation.
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still MIA, I believe
Read the file name
hes obsessed with hating on venti, its embarrassing
i used it because it used up a lot less CPU and didn't overheat my phone and laptop.
he quit
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woohoo! hey fishtankers!
We already know it is, she accidentally showed her discord on stream, and both GS, Ethan, and her sister were talking about the chans speculating that she was already in a relationship with some guy she had pics with.
>No former fish!
>Bring back Meg
What did they mean by this
But he's not intelligent enough to fuck with her. She's been doing this for nearly a decade
did anyone archive it?
I am baking
>there was no archive it just had the s2 episode things
Yes the entire footage was archived through the dvr.
>no idea wtf that is
Digital video recording. You could scrub back days/weeks at a time to clip whatever you wanted.
>you can just use a third party clipping app
Yeah, flowstreams. But yes more to your point I could do that and will if we don't have another flowstreams alternative.
i think our simping has paid off desu. She mentioned she would stream on youtube when the fish streams go down during S3. We won.

>Yes the entire footage was archived through the dvr
No there wasnt I checked multiple times for s1 and bloodgames archive and they werent there
>Digital video recording. You could scrub back days/weeks at a time to clip whatever you wanted
No you couldnt it only went back a couple of hours
he's just setting up his next bit(adultery)
that doesnt mean anything shes a caring person so she defended her editor and she didnt talk about tj because she respects his privacy
shut up leaf
holy fuck you are retarded

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