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Harry Cooper did nothing wrong edition
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First for It’s Coming Out Eventually
So it's incredibly clear that everyone shilling The Substance is an Indian giving it a 10/10 because they have never seen tits before
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How the fuck do they have so many old horror movies?
So Qualley's tits in The Substance were definitely some kind of fakery or prosthetic right? They don't move in any of the shots.
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Absolute elevator horror kino. A24 could never.
What's so puzzling about it? They make content deals with companies that own the rights to old horror films.
In case this shows up in your recommended videos, DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME.
I don't know if this fat retard does these misinterpretations on purpose, thought it was just a bit when he did the "actually, Leo was right and everyone else was evil" video on Shutter Island.

Basically over 90 minutes is just him retelling everything that happens scene by scene, along with "heh, did you know? you could hear THE KEYS being dropped! BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT!" basic bitch stuff.

And then his genius "YOU ALL WERE WRONG" theory is that MacReady was The Thing and
>uh the blood test, he uh actually switched the blood, or even better - MacReady is a special super evolved The Thing which is immune to the rules of other Things!
And he thinks that The Things are actually competing with each other, because Palmer pointed out the Norris thing running away, because he was the "superior Thing". Which is obviously retarded, Palmer was looking at the Norris thing first, but he only called it out after Windows turned his head around/noticed it.
And then the fat tard even says some shit like
>and MacReady threw the dynamite and killed the Norris thing... after they communicated with each other through the monster screams!!

The only thing that he gets right compared to other "THE THING FINALLY REVEALED" trash videos is that the person infected by the Dog Thing was in fact Palmer instead of Norris. But even then he fails to explain why it was Palmer and what were the consequences of it being Palmer and any of the (plentiful) hints that it was Palmer.
4chan is a 18+ website, please come back later
Actually, thank you for that, because this vid keeps popping on my recommendations and I probably would have watched it out of boredom. Now I know to avoid it completely.
>Just admit you don’t find hot girls kissing sexy.
not really no, nor solo masturbation. I want to psycho-sexually project as the cock sexing the woman not merely visually observe at a distance. I can be aroused by a woman's curves but if I'm jerking off I'm imaging her being fucked, isn't that normal? maybe IRL it would hit different
what in the fuck
Times you acted like the substance?
OMG is that softly lit closeups and landscapes?!?!
>be me
>trash every film in my matrix's horror collection except kolobos
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the perfect movie
whats this from? night of the living dead?
Yuzna/Gordon made so many kinos
> Thanks to Scream, even people who don’t watch very many of them now know that there are certain rules by which a horror movie can be expected to play. The true greatness of Night of the Living Dead lies in its utter contempt for all of them. From the moment when the first zombie splits Johnny’s skull on that headstone, it’s obvious that nobody in this movie is safe, that anyone can die at any time. Look at what happens to Karen; when not even the fucking child is safe, what the hell chance do the other characters have? The movie also bets heavily on your assessment of the characters’ personalities, and makes a point of proving you wrong on almost every score. At first, we expect Barbara to be the standard-issue ineffectual heroine, and we are surprised at her good sense and effectiveness early in the movie. Then, just when we think we’ve got her figured out again, she sees the body on the stairs, goes into shock, and becomes even more completely useless than our original snap judgement had predicted. But that’s nothing compared to the whammy that Night of the Living Dead lays on us regarding Ben and Cooper.
> We like Ben. He’s smart, he’s courageous, he’s a man of action, and when he explains himself, it makes good sense. Plus, he’s black, and particularly in 1968, that was a big deal. If you’re an egalitarian, especially a late-60’s liberal, seeing such an upstanding character played by a black man pushes your buttons. (For that matter, it also pushes your buttons if you’re a white racist, but we’re talking about a whole other set of buttons now.) Cooper, on the other hand, is a dick. He’s a coward, a bully, and a self-righteous pig, and when he makes his case, it all comes out as noise and bluster. (But note that Cooper is not a bigot. In fact, the issue of Ben’s race never once comes up in the movie itself, despite the fact that to make Cooper a racist would be the easiest, most obvious way to make us dislike him. I admire anybody who has the balls to forego the easy and the obvious-- that takes an uncommon measure of confidence in oneself and one’s creative vision-- and if I wore hats, mine would be going off to George Romero here.) The thing is, though, that Cooper is right and Ben is wrong. If everybody had listened to Cooper, and hidden down in the basement, they would have had, at most, a single zombie to deal with (Karen), and everyone would almost certainly have lived to see the next day. (Whether they’d have been safe from the trigger-happy posse is another matter...) But instead, they did what you or I probably would have done; they listened to Ben, and as a direct consequence, every single one of them died hideously. Even Ben.
>If everybody had listened to Cooper, and hidden down in the basement, they would have had, at most, a single zombie to deal with (Karen), and everyone would almost certainly have lived to see the next day.

well that's quite the assumption.
>almost certainly
Reading not your strong suit huh
>If everybody had listened to Cooper, and hidden down in the basement, they would have had, at most, a single zombie to deal with (Karen),

well that's quite the assumption.
Rec me some good horror movies to have on in the background while I keep the wood stove fed on a chilly, rainy day and work on other shit. Not going to be able to pay close attention so looking for stuff with a lot of great gore, practical effects and/or goofy /funny moments. Alternatively, great zombie movies I may have missed.
The Attic in the remake is even better imo and stops trigger happy people at the end when you can just call out to them

I just realized that Jurassic Park only has like five deaths and I'm mad.
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props to the makeup department, really captured that silicon skin robot look

Hellraiser in space had more ambition that got ass raped by the studio. Alien resurrection was shit from day 1
makeup? isnt that how she wakes up in the morning?
It’s /hor/.
that was the joke
>ignoring the park staff and the dinos
I'm going with Bloodline. There's a lot more to that movie than just "Hellraiser in space".
Off screen.
>Motherhood, it changes you… it connects you to some primal urges
What did she mean by this?
>too pozzed to even release
going full ape
>See "Strange Darling 2024 1080p HD X264 COLLECTiVE" on TPB
>Make a happy face
>It's a .rar
>Inside .rar is an .exe
>Now my computer is a bitcoin miner???
new 5-and a half hour Terrifier series video essay analysis dropped
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Sounds kino but I can’t stand her voice 10 seconds in, hard pass
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I'm not clicking it unless
>it's not a woman
>the guy has street cred
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Now the autistic gen z kids can enjoy these movies now that the plot is explained to them
>her voice
Thanks, now I don't have to wait for a reply to >>203745780
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>have shitty horror movies playing non-stop in the background
>oh shit it's Ryan Dunn and Bam Margera
>look up how's Bam been doing lately
>in the last few months he's been bullying zoomers and just landed in jail for the Xth time

viva la bam
Might be even better than Re-Animator.
why post this?
they're both tired franchise entries that tried to desperately inject fresh life into their stale proceedings by a coat of 'space paint'
neither is worth the watch only Jason X pulled that off proper
Is it possible that the events of Hostel and the Den have actually happened IRL?
well hostel was based on a real website, except it was in thailand and not some slavic country
fuck off content slut
>neglecting leprechaun in space
You dare ignore such kino?
He's the girl who made the video
Don't be rude.
the real horror is being a zoomer trying to spend quiet time alone with your own thoughts, terrifying
you're the one being a rude faggot expecting us to serve you up quality movies we like for you to ignore while you jerkoff you whore.
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which one
I am literally 19 years old and have never spent a waking hour alone with my thoughts.
Both are shit but Kills has the better kills at least. Also regarding Part 6
>Theatrical Cut>Producers Cut
The Substance came out yesterday already right? Send me a pem (private message) when it's out on you know where, haha
You’re only 19? You child.
you made a joke?
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It’s that time again
0-From Beyond
2-Hellraiser 3
4-Hellhouse LLC
5-Monkey Shines
6-Train to Busan
9-Starry Eyes
Dubs-(you) decide
Trips-Cocaine Shark
To be fair, anyone in this thread below the age of 26 is a child to me.
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wtf I thought you were 22
I rolled the one movie I’ve already seen, but I remember this being good. It’s been almost 10 years since seeing it to be fair
Doesn't matter, as long as I'm a zoomer to confirm some idiot's wild, unfounded and totally grumpy and pouty generational bias.
Good thing I’m 28.
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What you snackin on while watching kinos today
french fries
>he didn’t put ramen on it
Why does Ti West have a career yet Dan O'Bannon only wrote/directed one movie? Its the best horror movie of all time if you ask me, seems a bit unfair
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Which way, /hor/ man?
>Its the best horror movie of all time if you ask me
Come on now.
that is obvious
Both but selectively
Dan O'Bannon had a great career and he actually directed another film called The Resurrected which is a decent Lovecraft adaptation. He would be legendary for Alien and Return of the Living Dead alone and he has plenty of other great credits to his name. I have nothing against Ti West but he will never have that kind of legacy.
Tax shelter duh. My buddy makes $2k/month from Tubi checks.
Sinister reminded me of a trope that I hate seeing in movies.
>character calls police
>operator starts speaking on other end
>character suddenly decides they don’t want police help
>character just silently hangs up phone
>police don’t trace the call or show up anyway

Takes me out of the movie everytime.
Can you post them? I'm an expert.
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I've been slowly chipping away at this list for about 3 years now each October and I plan to do a handful more this year, any notable movies I should be watching from this list first? even if its not on this list, recc me some scary kinos everyone would watch at least once in their lifetime personal favorites or essentials.
You should absolutely watch Night of the Living Dead, The Wicker Man and the original Nosferatu for sure.
Motel Hell
Neon Maniacs
>not a little girl robot
why make this movie?
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You don’t know that’s why exactly.
>I have nothing against Ti West but he will never have that kind of legacy.
Ti does have a legacy of his own that's undeniable.
His output is uneven but there seems to be a generational barrier against him by some millennials and genXers because even before he went into wokeish waters w/ the Pearl trilogy (which also has qualities despite its flaws) his approach was more deliberate: the retroactive visuals were matched with a slower pace rather than the usual by rote thrills and kills.
I'll be gobbling down a papa murphys family size tonight
cabin anon whats the employment/weightloss status?
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Wicker Man has had me interested me for a while now, and Nosferatu/Night of the Living Dead are old but look cool seeing as its they're on youtube for free its an absolute freebie, I was actually impressed with Psycho despite its age.
Which one is being released first, this or Onania Club?
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>Motel Hell
Based rec. Watched this 30 years ago on Rhonda Shear's Up All Night
>Neon Maniacs
Found it on YouTube. Thanks for the rec.
Naked Lunch shouldn't be in that list.
There’s something possibly in the works in terms of a job but I don’t wanna say anything yet. I’ve been hanging around 250lbs for a while now. Trying to let my heart catch up a bit because it seems like the more weight I rapidly lose the harder and faster my heartbeat is getting.
learn to torrent youngun
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I know Naked Lunch is more surreal but I think The Fly was the best movie out of the ones ive seen so far, so I'm willing to watch the other movies by that director
Yeah ive torrented like 80% of these movies Ive watched, the others Ive watched from streaming and such
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The Thing and Psycho asap, anon.
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I didn't say he didn't have a legacy. I said it's not comparable to O'Bannon's
They're both good movies regardless of how old they are. Nosferatu in particular is a remarkable film that I definitely encourage everyone to try and appreciate despite it being a silent film. I'd recommend watching it on Plex if you can because the version they stream has the original tinting and a wonderful score.
Remember to pace yourself and give every movie your full attention individually, as in not expecting it to be a retread or a variation of another movie by the same director.
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>scene with Naomi Watts saying she'll tell the guy raped her if he doesn't let her enter the building
>scene with the perverted blind old man who keeps feeling up younger women
It really was a different time
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is this kinography?
I watched the first Hellraiser and did not care for it. How did this spawn a franchise?
>How did this spawn a franchise?
Very explorable lore.
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Post what you will be watching in October
The original is a fantastic film but people expect something from it that it does not deliver. It has a lot of lore to play with so naturally it spawned sequels that expanded upon that.
Misery is good, watch it along with Dolores Claiborne.
Do you not use Tubi?
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What's some "industry plant" horrors?
Also from this pic, The Omen and Let the Right One In are great movies. And I personally love Hellraiser, nothing quite feels like it. Its like watching a nightmare. And of course watch Night of the Living Dead, thats essential, go watch it right now!

OP, I agree and here's my review as to why Ben was the real villain....


>essayist in the middle of thumbnail
People like this need to be beat
maybe you're just a racist
>maybe you're just a racist

I'm a misanthrope and hate everyone equally therefore I am the worlds only truly unprejudiced human being!!!FACT!!!
we need to go bring back the bullying of name and tripfags
is that Spanish for faggot?
Why of your favorite Quiet Place movies was your favoritest?
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Saw this last and and this movie was a lot better than I was expecting. It is definitely worth watching.
Thingchuds have terminal autism
Yes I do.
is that the pedo Demi Moore movie?
That is why it is called 80's slop. You can say the same about the entire NoES franchise.
is this a new meme you're going to force?
2nd one is great until they get to the sanctuary place. Also I never knew all these movies were PG 13 could have sworn they were rated R
Damn, it's a pedo movie? And /tv/ promised it would be the best horror movie of 2024. Guess it was the Longlegs shill crew again.
The narrative in this article is so flimsy it's sad. Being a "misanthrope" doesn't absolve you from being a hypocrite that criticizes the film for the audience's latent subversion of bias and who then writes an article attempting to subvert the opposing latent bias in just the same fashion.

You posted a link to some articles you wrote in the past that I really enjoyed. This was disappointing.
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What’s the deal with making charts to go by during Halloween? Isn’t it more fun to just fly by the seat of your pants and watch whatever you’re in the mood for each day or do rolls like I did earlier?
Demi Moore? Oh, that post-wall roastie actress? Yeah, I think she has a new horror movie called the Substance about roasties hitting the wall and the substance in the movie is supposed to make them younger but has dangerous effects. (the Substance is probably bxaxk xux.)
>samefag created separate tripfag names for no reason
>posts are exactly 1 minute a part from one another
what is this level of autism
Maybe if you're a newfag that would be more fun. Some of us have seen more horror movies than we can count so we're limited to what we can watch that's also new to us. Compiling a chart of things to watch just makes that easier
I'm not saying garlic salt is eloquent but even that post is far beyond cabin anon's depth of thought and articulation
dude they're both obviously you
Could it be that people have different tastes?
he is it right though. The movie is mediocre at best.
No you’re a trannyfaggot who consumes 80s slop. Fucking kick the chair out form under you this instant
watched Meet the Feebles. Not a horror movie despite being labeled that sometimes. Plot wasn't interesting but everything else was.... curious I guess.
trolling outside of /b/ is a bannable offense
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>my thread personality could beat up yours!
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Anon just said I was eloquent. Fuck yeah.
There’s no way you can “run out” of horror movies to watch unless you’ve been watching like 3 horror movies a day for the past 30 years.
Honestly true, I tried reading that post like 3 times but my eyes kept going crossed like halfway through. Nobody from Alabama talks like that lol
we talkin /ss/?
>There’s no way you can “run out” of horror movies to watch unless you’ve been watching like 3 horror movies a day for the past 30 years.
There isn't one notable horror movie that you can name that I haven't seen. I'm only left with schlock you've never heard of. Also I only watch old shit.
Yes. There's a video from like 30 years ago of Demi Moore making out with some 14 year old on his birthday.
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brb searching for this
In fairness, it was a bit of a clunky, run-on sentence. The two clauses:
>from being a hypocrite that criticizes the film for the audience's latent subversion of bias
>who then writes an article attempting to subvert the opposing latent bias in just the same fashion.
were joined in a confusing way. I should have split the thought into two sentences. I did spend a few moments trying to make it more readable but this is fucking 4chan and I'm not getting paid so you get what I feel like giving.
When I talk like this people make fun of me and say “wow you know magic words anon”
Turns out a considerable amount of ppl who've watched it since it was released think otherwise. Perhaps you're the fringe trying to understand that your own take is not shared by many others?
Perhaps your opinion is just that, a random opinion, and a weak one because it's unsubstantiated other than "movie bad"? Do you expect to be taken seriously if you can't articulate your thoughts?
You know what happens when you start sperging out. Do you want to go back to your enclosure?
I never see Garlic Fag make a good post. Garlic salt is tasty and he sullies it by taking it as his name. Despicable.
Anyways Speak No Evil looks stupid
Cause you hang around other goysloppers
>Turns out a considerable amount of ppl who've watched it since it was released think otherwise
>Perhaps you're the fringe trying to understand that your own take is not shared by many others?
That's wrong.
>Perhaps your opinion is just that, a random opinion, and a weak one because it's unsubstantiated other than "movie bad"?
I'm sensing a weird insecurity coming from you.
>Do you want to go back to your enclosure?
My enclosure is the real world. Yours is clearly reddit.
let's watch some home movies
>Being a 90's/70's chill
Dont care. 80's was still the best
>Calling trannies when most 2000's kino is literal tranny shit
Best modern whoreoror? A Serbian film. When the directors spill chinkoid nut beyond nut to dicked down whorekike babies, u kno you're watching the literal kinest of the nono's.
>Calls reddit when reddit spaces his comment
>Acutally believing modern science and thinks being insecure is an acutal thing
Holy kek-lmao!
Since we won't be hearing from you for the next 3 days, maybe rewatch Hellraiser and try to unravel your tranny obsession
That actually somewhat makes me feel less bad. It’s them not me
>Anyways Speak No Evil looks stupid
I think anyone should watch the original 2022 one before watching the remake
oh please Hellraiser is an iconic figure but it's very average and simplistic as an actual film horror or no, and even then the cenobites are sidelined for over an hour of bland characters and dull plodding
Unironically enjoyed Hellraiser 2 over the first.
Bruh, you're talking to an acutal acklever 7 troon. If he ackmans himself, his parents will literally to laterally sell his body to science to for testing makeup.
Hellraiser is barely horror anyway.
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>Calls reddit when reddit spaces his comment
Way to out yourself as a newfag. You really are from reddit.
What are even talking about you crybaby lmao
>Let The Right One In

Give me more movies in this genre.
Kill Baby Kill
Hellraiser is a bad movie and undeniably has a sting of sequels that are even worse.
>Bruh, you're talking to an acutal acklever 7 troon
It's the village idiot.
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>Niggitor Niggit spaces even more
>Posts an unraped half gook nigroid spaded cucktroy without copious amounts of semen dribbling from her dead bugmonkey carcus
Holy cucked. Is this what having a single mom does to your brian?
>Since we won't be hearing from you for the next 3 days
If that's a lowkey way of saying you reported someone, I just want to let you know that you are a child and it's also against to rules to announce a report.
Nice schizobabble.
Bro so mindbroken he can't even type correctly anymore lmao
Cathy's curse

He mentioned cunny movies. Kill baby kill is more of thriller
>kill baby kill doesn't have cunny
Did you watch the wrong movie?
What happened to your redditspacing argument? It's almost as if you moved the goalpost after getting BTFO.
Watched Hellraiser for the first time the other week, baked out of my head. I thought it was great 80s horror. The relationship between the woman, her husband and her husband's dead/zombie-ghoul brother was fucking bonkers. And then the relationship between the zombie-ghoul brother and his niece was even more absurd. The kills were fun, the practical effects were great, the dialog was funny and unpredictable. The cenobites were interesting and not over-utilized. The premise was good and making opposing antagonists was a great move. 8/10, would watch again.
Prince of Darkness is wacky, Jesus really just stuck satan in anons cum jar and left him there for 2000 years
That movie is horrible and has all this set up with pay off. Also the comedic relief asian character is so unfunny and annoying the entire fucking movie and they don't even kill him off. It's sucks so bad compared In the Mouth of Madness and The Thing
>Broken record niggitor talking like an acutal nigger
>His single mom fucked his brain so much, he forgot how to read
>Still bVUCKED broken by baby dicking that is a Serbian film
>Tries to niggit space after getting caught watching trannytubers again
I can tell you're the kinda faggot that cries over his cuck dog being shot.
One of its merits is that it establishes a weird but plausible dynamic and eschews cliches. The visual effects also remain fresh and the movie was grounded in well established lore
Case 39 100%
extremely low licensing rates
>Cunny doesn't speak a single line
>Her mother is a more prominent character
It's pseudo cunny.
>This is good
>This is great
>This was funny
>This was unpredictable
>This was bonkers
I expect nothing less from someone who likes Hellraiser unironically to give the most nothing review ever using all but actual articulates in-depth reasons to describe why something is good. It's literally how I would describe a movie I liked when I was 14 but didn't have the intelligence to express what it is exactly I want to say about it.
>needs cunny to speak to be cunny
>No objection to the 40 y/o midget or robot as not cunny
How pozzed is Scream 5, brehs?
Who cares. The franchise sucks. Literal slasher movies for chicks who can't get into the good ones.
Looks kino. Will give them a watch. Danke Anons.
>Robot cunny
This is fine
Not fine, but still closer than kill baby kill. The spaghettis suck at cunny movies (More than 1?). Simple ass
Someone is feeling AAWFULLY threatened that I choose to not always write like a movie critic on fucking 4chan, lmao. For what reason could this person feel threatened?
>The narrative in this article is so flimsy it's sad. Being a "misanthrope" doesn't absolve you from being a hypocrite that criticizes the film for the audience's latent subversion of bias and who then writes an article attempting to subvert the opposing latent bias in just the same fashion.

Then give arguments as to why I'm wrong and point them out.

The real issue is that you don't like that I carefully explained how Ben was the villain as he literally gets everyone killed due to his own selfishness when Cooper was right all along while you're only defending Ben because he's black and trying to invalidate my article by calling me a racist.

If the roles were reversed you wouldn't be arguing that Ben's plan to hide in the basement was incorrect and that Cooper got everyone killed because he was a racist who didn't want to listen to a black man and place all of the blame on him.

Nice excuse lmao
A lot but Scream VI is even worse: an awful movie and all white characters are negatively portrayed whereas the movie savvy black dyke is 100% incongruous and force. It also has a cockblocking scene that's ridiculous
The number of false inferences that you are under the assumption of in this post is staggering. I could not ever possibly hope to show you what I'm thinking under that weight.
>this Halloween, we kill all tripfags….
Tom Towles had to up the asshole-ness and craziness when he played Cooper in the remake because they realized he was right in the original.
>just watched hellraiser for the first time
>hasn't seen halloween
>hasn't seen the texas chain saw massacre
>has seen lots of random /hor/ shit though
I don't understand you, Mr Salt.
Not the exact events, but similar things do happen and are likely happening somewhere in the world at this very moment.
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>Nice, do you have more grids of Bava's films?
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I made these a few years ago. The only premade stuff was the shit I used for the graves, idk how they are called in English. Of course I still had to paint them. That brown shit was supposed to be a tree...but it started melting after I put it into the goblet (and the ghosts too) because it was mostly (hot) chocolate pudding.
I might try something like this this year too.
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Closeup of one of them.
Go for it, it's comfy and a nice dessert for the season
That's interesting. I made one for dr. phibes ago YEARS ago. Needs to be remade though because the quality of the image is shit. Always wanted to do collages for horror movies.
>The only premade stuff was the shit I used for the graves, idk how they are called in English
Are they marshmallows?
I like that one because it looks like a racist chinese stereotype. Just needs a cone hat.
Gay. Is it at least tolerable pozzed? I'm trying to find a movie to watch with my mom tonight and since we watched 4 last week I figured we'd try 5.
They're lady finger biscuits in UK English, but they're savoiardi or boudoirs in English a lot too
This was just what the doctor ordered today. Some absolutely terrible 80s acting, fun concept, fun pacing. My favorite part was the 24 year old actress playing a 14 year old girl who dresses and talks like an 8 year old. She was, unironically, the best character in the movie. I wasn't sure whether the "monsters" were supposed to be legit monsters or just homeless people dressed up for Halloween for the first half of the movie. There's no explanation to why the monsters decide to stalk that one blond girl and attack whoever is around her; and making their Achilles' heel water was so lazy it was great. The dialog was inexcusably terrible:
"I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I just met you!"
"I know you won't. That's why I like you!"
Great movie.
NTA but if your mom liked Scream 4 then watch Thanksgiving, because
>it's a better scream movie than the actual scream 5 or 6
>my mom liked it
Jesus stop reviewing shit and killing my braincells
Honestly, no but The Scream universe itself is interesting so if you decide to watch 5-6 do NOT pay to do so
We already watched it.
>The Scream universe itself is interesting
It's really not.
Only the first movie was good. The rest is al slop and proof-woke.
Again: keep in mind individual "it's not" attempts to present an "opinion" are 100% irrelevant.
We don't care about your contrarianism, it's up to you to grow out of it.
When you dislike something, either have something to say or develop the self-awareness to understand that you currently lack the intellectual means to rationalize your takes. Lowest common denominators are not welcome here
Neither, and wish they had done more Masters of Horror
not reading your Insecure babbling
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Any decent found footage released in the last couple of years? Already watched Deadstream, Chrissie is a cutie.
>found footage
stop lmao
Of course you're not, but that doesn't make you any less out of place here
Watch Haunt (2019) if you want another slasher.
The To Hell and Back episode from VHS 99 (from the same duo who made Deadstream) is one of the best in the recent franchise installments.
Nigga you're the only one here by yourself crying lmao
That’s not really a slasher.
Barbarian isn't perfect, in fact the ending ruined it because of its sudden character distortion and the very unbelievable way another character survives, but it's worth a watch.
Also, for a more deliberately paced but very enjoyable movie, Oddity is an even better option
>group of partying teens go somewhere
>get killed one by one by masked killers
I don't see how it's not a slasher. It's a fairly pure and straightforward slasher.
Your kind is not welcome around these parts because you're lowering the thread's average IQ with your "comments"
I might try a cake this time.

Run, Sweetheart, Run doesn't get talked about enough.
A slasher usually involves one killer except for the odd movie with a twist ending.
Haunt is akin to Funhouse and similar movies
>your kind
you mean someone who is not a tranny that thinks the world of Scream of all things is "interesting"? What crack are you smoking you literal teenage girl
>Literal teenage girl
A wigger AND a leftoid biden supporting vaxtard. Kino combination.
>doesn't deny it
As expected. Concession accepted
>Y-You're the butthurt one, not me!
You are clearly butthurt . Just look at your desperate clinging to contrarianism as a legitimate form of criticism all because I said the world of Scream is not interesting. It offended you that much lmao
ITT: people badmouthing Hellraiser and complimenting Scream-shit and A24-slop.
Oh, and not recognizing obvious bots.
/hor is dead, go to your graves.
I don't think "slasher but with multiple killers" needs to be a separate subgenre. The Funhouse is also a slasher imo. Texas Chain Saw Massacre has three antagonists and is a slasher.
The Funhouse is a good comparison though. Definitely in the same ballpark.
Thoughts on dead alive/braindead?
>hellraiser (not nu-raiser)
>scream (not nu-scream)
Cool gore. Not very funny though.
I disagree when it comes to scream. Even in the 90's I thought it was pretty lame
Your final score is
2 out of possible 3
-- Possibly a horror fan --
Scream is retarded. It's a dogshit normie franchise
>I don't think "slasher but with multiple killers" needs to be a separate subgenre.
But it is because slashers as a subgenre are a linear ofshoot from gialli which most often than not also featured one killer. You can ofc jumble them all together for personal purposes but I'd never see movies such as Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Funhouse or Haunt in the same category of movies such as Halloween, Friday the 13th, Maniac etc
>Thinks I ever watched scream
>Imbred genes causes him to think everyone is the same person
Yup, its definitely a spic or coon
Very insightful write-up, thank you for your well-argued and persuasive contribution
>no argument
lost again.
You sure you aren't retarded as well?
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Thank you anon
You can and should report every single comment you assume to be made by a bot ("this post appears to be made by a spambot" in the report type)
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does /hor/ like Japanese horror films?
>Replies 30 minutes later
>Can't argue with facts
>I'm so based, he you's me twice
>Buttmad screamkek can't to no surprise, can't spell for shit.
>But it is because slashers as a subgenre are a linear ofshoot from gialli which most often than not also featured one killer
My top 4 giallo movies all have multiple killers/villains. I didn't even realize it until just now.
>but I'd never see movies such as Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Funhouse or Haunt in the same category of movies such as Halloween, Friday the 13th, Maniac
I would, and actually I'd say Maniac is the odd one out in that list compared to the rest. I also consider it a slasher, but if I narrowed the requirements to be a slasher then Maniac would be the first to go. It has very little in common with any of the others besides a serial killer murdering people. Maniac has more in common with a movie like Henry or Angst than Friday the 13th or The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.
You're just trying to get him banned by getting him to submit a bunch of fake reports
>Harry Cooper did nothing wrong edition
They were all retarded and should have gone to the attic.
I'm not even the same person nigger. Just thought it was funny that you thought inbred was spelled or pronounced imbred
>My top 4 giallo movies all have multiple killers/villains
That's very very odd and probably not true.
>I would, and actually I'd say Maniac is the odd one out in that list compared to the rest.
Wrongly so. It's a slasher which takes place in the city rather than the boonies but it's 100% slasher.
Your criteria sound idiosyncratic if not nonsensical.
you're replying to a retard
Nonsense because jannies can tell reports made in good faith from bs ones apart and whether the person who reported made an honest mistake. You are just burdening this thread btw
saying crappy horror movies are bad is not a bannable offense you fucking retard.
Nobody said that but your autistic, content-free comments are entirely irrelevant and pathetic. Go away already because your trolling attempts failed
>Inbred as semen dick without inside if your a coomer
The correct spelling was always imbred. As in the pharse, "jucing the bread" mold much? God, you samefags truly are retarded.
>That's very very odd and probably not true
A Bay of Blood
The Red Queen Kills Seven Times
The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh
None of these are even niche.
>It's a slasher which takes place in the city rather than the boonies but it's 100% slasher.
>Your criteria sound idiosyncratic if not nonsensical.
Maniac is the only one in that list that follows a serial killer instead of a group of victims. Following a group of victims is one of the most defining features of a slasher. Friday the 13th has more in common with Haunt
>partying teenagers killed by mysterious masked killer/killers
than Maniac
>a mentally ill man goes around a city killing and mutilating women
I've seen your typing style before. Oh you're this insecure faggot here
Just one killer. Didn't even read the rest
>Just one killer
Either retarded or baiting.
No, you're the retard and no more attention to your low IQ, filtered rants
Generals are a mistake because they just attract the worst personalities until they implode.
Did you not watch the movie either? Kek
I did, and unlike you I understood it, better luck next time/next life
Was the movie 60 mins long?
If he's the guy I was talking to the whole time then I was being baited by someone who hasn't seen any of the movies we were talking about.
>Just one killer
So how did he kill the one when he wasn't in Rome at the time?
>spells the word wrong
>tells other people they are wrong.
Do I need to show you the Oxford Dictionary, retard?
Pay attention, Timmy
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>t’s Coming Out Eventually
He hasn't seen the movie.
Japanese people need better dental
damn... hard question but for me it's Curse just because it holds a special place in my childhood.
that farm machine scene is fucked up.
Haunt is not a slasher.
>Oh noes, the foxnewsjewkikeoid funded dickionary! Muh world is ruined
If your comment doesnt scream school yard ballssack licking jewbitch, then the white race is fucked.
Seems like critics hated it. How was it?
>Haunt is a 2019 American slasher film written and directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods.
Have you seen it? Or are you going to argue about something you haven't seen? Let me know before I reply again, I just went through this.
american "people" need to stop their obsession with perfectly white, perfectly straight teeth.
Nice non-argument you got there, third worlder. Enjoy getting BTFO
Unusable thread. I'm going to watch a movie.
Which one?
Probably going to watch Motel Hell. Gets recommended a lot here.
It's a great flick
Box office news: both Aja's Never Let Go and The Substance are doing so-so/underperforming (NLG was more expensive). Perhaps releasing 2 horror movies simultaneously isn't good for either of them.
ps: The Substance seems to have more legs (pun more or less intended) as its Cinemascore and PostTrak ratings are better
>I'm so based, the jew lovinng spicoid cooncoy brony brown projects his shit skinnery onto others.
Lol-mao-with a kek.
don't mind me. just posting the best horror movie podcast on the planet. Their recent episode on Video Violence (1987) was great.
the trailer for never let go looked fucking awful, just uninspired A Quiet Place/Birdbox knock-off.
I think The Substance is gonna do ok because mainstream review-cucks are gonna rave about it. might leg out, but it's probably too niche and violent to make it's budget back.
>took over 10 minutes just to reply with autistic drivel
You lost
The Godsend
I remember some Lifetime movie like this too. Ring any bells with anybody?
>the trailer for never let go looked fucking awful, just uninspired A Quiet Place/Birdbox knock-off.
Seemed CGI-ish and also like an idea Shyamalan would consider for a moment and discard. Casting Halle Berry also means a lot of money that could have been better spent with a less well-known actress.
I agree that The Substance will do better and find an audience through wom if only because of its scandalous scenes, mainstream audiences will want to see what it's about
I’ve seen it. It’s not a slasher.
The other anon also explained why it’s not a slasher.
Hercules in the Haunted World is kino
Stop being obsessed with Amerikings, non-White.
I think it went too far down the Titane route, it wanted to be a fun body horror and a serious one at the same time. especially the head bashing scene. also too long.
this is very near the top of my watchlist as I plan to watch more Bava. the title it sounds like a late 80s sega game.
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It's clearly a subset rather than a typical slasher. People who cling to exceptions so as to rationalize their obviously absurd personal criteria have a right to do so but not to be taken seriously for labeling purposes.
It happens in other circumsntances: Perfume of the Lady in Black, 7 Notes in Black, Suspiria and Death Laid an Egg are often tagged as "gialli" but they're anything but. It's either an odd or a shallow way to look at some movies
>Reply was almost instant
>Imbred kek loses his concept of time after being the worst race combination, monley nigger and muttxican.
>Thinks you can "win" on a fleshlight website
Lol what a retard
>movie follows every slasher convention
>every source you look at calls the movie a slasher
>4chan anon says it's not
Oh okay. That changes everything.
The other anon was trolling and revealed it at the end, so you shouldn't use him to back up your claim.
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put this one together just now
>I think it went too far down the Titane route
Tropes are similar but The Substance is more of a female Dorian Gray whereas Titane had the car fetish that turns into an escaped murderer plot that becomes fixated on masculine dynamics.
And The Substance has better nude scenes even if the main actress from Titane did have a great full frontal naked scene and has a surprisingly attractive body
Calling Haunt a slasher is simply lazy and entry-level
I'll bake a new thread
Nice meaningless buzzwords.
People call it a slasher because it's intentionally part of that subgenre of horror and meant to appeal to the audience that enjoys them. It's a movie about masked killers on Halloween.
he's right, her teeth are normal and fine
nah, theyre too busy on twitter complaining about how misogynistic and sick the series is because they just learned slashers exist yesterday

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