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citizen kane
Schindler's List
2001 A Space Odyssey
Don't get me wrong, I think Godfather is a great movie. I just don't get why many automatically conclude it's the greatest ever made. Why exactly is Godfather so obviously better than for example Citizen Kane, Lawrence of Arabia, 2001, The Shining, Blade Runner or Amadeus?
Is there are more midwit / schizo cope than "i don't like the movie that means everyone else is pretending!".
No, you're just a retard.
Star Wars
2001 is literally the "i don't like it but it was influential pick"

2nd voting this. The only good part of the movie was the visuals that still stand up (although jerks itself off in the movie) and the HAL subplot and the dialogue that comes between Dave and Frank when thinking of turning HAL off. Entirely too drawn out. The intro is annoying as fuck. The ending is 2Deep4U.

It's one of those movies I think could have been amazing, as the recipe is there. Kubrick is just too pretentious.
Godfather II is the one people consider goat retard.
I was listening to Conan podcast and he spoiled citizen kane
Triumph of the Will
Birth of a Nation
birth of a nation is highly regarded?
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I've gotta be the only person I know who actually likes 2001. The funniest part is that normally I'm pretty impatient with movies, but for some reason it didn't bore me.
its historical influence is undeniable.
Dave looks much younger than i remember. Isn't he blonde? Am i getting mandela'd
Tons and tons. There are extremely few movies in the 50s that aged well. Funnily enough movies from the 40s and 20s actually hold up very well.
As a zoom zoom, I do think it comes off as a bit of an anachronism today, particularly cause Charles Kane is sort of uniquely hard for me to sympathize with. Maybe when the film was conceived, journalism was considered to be more of a noble profession, and I get that Kane sort of built his reputation on telling the stories other people wouldn't tell, but all that being said I have zero respect for journalists or journalism as a profession and most of the time I felt him to be a through and through con rather than a flawed hero, making his life seem to me at least more of a comedy that a tragedy. I honestly do think its probably a generational thing, as most people my age feel similarly. All in all I found him to be a somewhat ridiculous and pathetic figure with not very many genuinely redeeming qualities.
No no, I love it too. But I don't watch it in its entirety too often, because it will haunt me for the rest of the day if I do.
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Every photo I can find of him portrays him as grey-haired, but I get what you mean. I had thought he was a brunette, myself.
That's all subjective. But Godfather has it all - production values, acting, writing, and it's probably the best edited movie of all time
You're just getting older anon
>zero respect to people who make you know what's happening in the world
That's like having zero respect to people assembling your car. Zero, really? You must be a chuddie.
This. Its almost like if you say this movie wasn't that good people (NPCs) will just start bursting insults at you immediately saying "RACIST! ANTI-SEMITE! RACIST RACIST! AH WHAT ARE YOU A NAZI! RACIST RACSIT ahhhhh ahhhhhh" beeeeeeppp NPC programing rebooting control+alt+delete, Then they come back to reality and are like "Whoa what just happened what we talking about again?"

Then I say "Schindlers list wasn't a good movie" and they start screaming racist and anti-semite again until their programing stalls out again and they reboot. lol im serious, try telling someone you thought this was no good and watch them freak out and start screaming at you like a wild banshee.
Charlie Chaplin's Hard Times.
Midwit thread.
I unironically think it's a great movie and wish it was longer.
No I don't, and at the very minimum I didn't find Kane's profession as the proprietor of a tabloid media conglomerate to be very noble or endearing either.
>but all that being said I have zero respect for journalists or journalism as a profession
It doesn't really go under the definition of historic influence because it didn't influence shit. No Holocaust movie rips off Schindler's List specifically. Schindler's List is itself painfully derivative.
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I consider it one of the greatest ever made solely for the effects. It's mindblowingly good. Star Wars and Blade Runner get lauded for their special effects but even they can be rough around the edges here and there, 2001 is flawless from beginning to end and it predates CGI in any form. If you watch it while thinking "How did they do this in 1967?", it's like watching a 2½ hour magic show.

It's a movie that cant be criticized because it's a "muh hall of cost" movie.
>Don't get me wrong, I think Godfather is a great movie. I just don't get why many automatically conclude it's the greatest ever made. Why exactly is Godfather so obviously better than for example Toy Story, Magic Gourd, Click, The Shining, The Mask or Shrek?
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Citizen Kane and Casablanca are both meh and deter people from actually exploring old movies.

Gone with the Wind is pretty good, but liberals have delegitimized it for "racism"

I actually find myself enjoying a lot of German Cinema from the 20s and early 30s.

The Kid is better than City Lights despite being more technologically primitive.

I would say that I actually enjoy Marty than a lot of the supposed classics from the 30s and 40s in the US.
I agree that Star Wars was rough around the edges but I can't think of one iffy shot from Blade Runner.
The one I can never get my head around is Vertigo. I'm a big fan of Hitchcock but that movie is a bloated mess, waste of itme.
Yeah, a lot of the visuals are pretty haunting, especially the Star Child at the end.

The effects are amazing, I agree, and a full decade before Star Wars came out too. I also can't help but admire it's ambition. It's a film trying to define mankind's place in the universe, and it arguably succeeds. Hard to beat that.
Literally every movie made before 1975

Pic related is the first genuinely good movie ever made
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To me, it looks too much like a stageplay too often. Film is a visual medium, and the visuals can get pretty samey; so many scenes with men in suits talking in dimly lit rooms. It is great, especially the script, but its visuals rarely wow me like Blade Runner as an example. So I kinda disagree that Godfather "has it all".
Only thing I can think of is the midgets or children playing toy robots
No such thing. Everyone posting movies in this thread is wrong.
>Yeah, a lot of the visuals are pretty haunting, especially the Star Child at the end.
It's a demanding film for sure. If you allow yourself to be immersed, it's incredible, but it's not an everyday affair.
Basically every Kubrick movie, at least the ones I’ve seen I think he gained popularity because of boomers/gen x needing to watch edgy shit after Vietnam, but as a director, most of his stuff is slow af and painfully mid
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King Kong
Some stuff that came out before 1975.
>The Exorcist
>Godfather 1 and 2
>A Clockwork Orange
>The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Most people think these were good movies. What is it about them you feel they actually sucked?
Black Panther
Captain Marvel
Wonder Woman
>the brazilian showerhead
Kek, nice detail
>the electro shower
kek nice touch
Anyone who lists this as one of their favorites is guaranteed to be insufferable.
Film is a visual medium, and the film looks like a work of art. You're a retarded person with a low IQ and shit your pants if you don't think The Godfather is a piece of art. Stop watching movies forever if you don't understand or comprehend what I'm saying.
I think you missed the part where I called it a great film. I simply asked what exactly makes it the single greatest of all time. I'm open for persuasion, I already like the film a lot.
I remember the Spinner compositing looking a bit stiff but rewatching it right now it's not bad at all even if the movement isn't buttery smooth, granted Ridley Scott had 20 years to remaster it in its various cuts whereas everything in 2001 is as it looked ~50 years ago as far as I'm aware.
Art is subjective
Its a piece of art. Its just a dull and not very interesting one.
No no, it's great. It's like Jimi Hendrix, great, innovative and influential, but NPCs just can't help themselves from deifying them and shitting their pants if someone questions their actual merit.
I don't agree, it is dull and uninteresting to me.
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I haven't seen this film, but is it actually great, or was the glowing praise just virtue-signaling about how magnificent the emperors new robe was? It kinda looks like glorified race-baiting to someone like me who hasn't actually seen it.
I could go with every Tarkovsky film but this one was the worst
You thought he was a woman?
It’s garbage. All praise came from the same “critics” that praised Black Panther. They’re all brainless George Floyd supporters.
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It does drag a little here and there, but I do think of it quite a lot. Very often when I catch myself sulking, I hear Vito's voice in my head as he tells me to man up. It has a lot of timeless stuff like that.
This movie was Jordan Peele's neurotic exegesis of White liberals and his unresolved racial identity issues, being a biracial man raised by a single White mother. All that being said, I thought it was a funny enough take on how White libs fetishize blaqs

Not a argument, explain why you like it
I have no idea how you think that. Everything looks fantastic. It's probably the best representation of the 1930s ever put to screen
There's plenty of kino from the 60s. But that's about as far back as I'll go. Anything older than that is just too theatrical and goofy and the acting is often horrible
It's a fun and well acted thriller but that's about it. The social commentary is kinda goofy and no way in hell should it have won the Oscar for writing
I was reading the thread and thinking about Vertigo, then I saw your post. I really don't know why people love it so much.
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It's a horror icon but I think it's overrated.
I loved Dr. Strangelove. Colonel Ripper's famous scene is so modern and so funny. The whole movie is surprisingly modern.
I can't stand The Shining.
I love the first half of Full Metal Jacket, but I hate the second half.
I love Barry Lyndon.
A Clockwork Orange isn't my thing, but I see why people like it.
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Eh, maybe it's just personal bias then, since 1930s New York is not exactly a riveting setting in my eyes, especially compared to the dystopia of Blade Runner, 18th century Germany in Amadeus, or the vastness of space in 2001. Godfather is just too mundane for my tastes, at least the setting and atmosphere.

The writing and direction is fantastic though, I'll give you that. I just don't agree that it's the best that ever was.
>18th century Germany
My bad, I meant Austria of course.
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Strangelove is my favorite. The pacing absolutely rips especially for movies of the time period. It lacks the walls of artistic wankery that inhibits enjoyment a lot of anons ITT bitch about; it’s that sweet spot of modern thriller with the talent behind the camera where art fags and normie movie watchers can both appreciate immensely.
I don’t think it gets enough credit on how smart the film really is. It’s perhaps the most seminal Cold War movie ever made – and surprisingly a very realistic scenarios for the world ending. The conversations in the war room are all real discussions that Soviet and American leaders were having regarding the surprise nuclear strikes and contingency plans for counter-strikes if leadership was destroyed in the first blow.
As farcical as the events of the movie seem, it’s incredibly grounded in real life Cold War calculus and strategic nuclear doctrine.

Ive yet to see a war movie with as thrilling of a sequence as Major Kong’s B-52 crew going deep into enemy territory to hit Soviet missile sights. It’s only about 20 minutes of the movie, but that works in great favor to the situation. They only spend probably less than 90 minutes of their time in Soviet airspace. They don’t even have time to process what the hell they are even doing – it’s just the mission they were trained to do. They don’t have the time to wax on the ethics of their mission they are professionals with a job to do that end up destroying the entire world. If anything that cold professionalism and mission oriented thinking would be lost in a modern war movie – war movies’ bread and butter now are all about ethics and morality (which is perfectly fit into the SAC base and War Room scenes in Strangelove). But rarely do we get insight to the actual operators of WMDs actually going through with it.
It’s by far the most grim Kubric movie yet it’s arguably the most modernly made, easiest to watch, and funniest to watch.
More like not having respect for your manager who sees you as a tool to manipulate to their own ends. Journalists might be suits willing to step out of their office, but they're still ultimately suits.
Chinatown. Seriously what a boring and predictable pile of mediocrity.
Die hard
I genuinely think he’s just really overrated, mostly by older people. Before Tarantino came around, people were t used to naturalistic dialogue, and honestly movies just weren’t as good. Film is like any other medium, people make advancements that accelerate the art form, then people build on those advancements. When kubrick was around film wasn’t very advanced yet to the point where it could be taken seriously as an art form.
Look I may think that Seven Samurai is just average but I'm not going to accuse everyone of only pretending to like it, that's just pointless and stupid.
>Birth of a Nation
It's kind of funny how this gets so much attention, it's neither Griffith's best film nor was it really all that innovative, given that it doesn't really contain anything he hadn't done previously.
One thing that gets me is that space suit unironically looks modern.
>Before Tarantino came around, people were t used to naturalistic dialogue,

Obvious bait. The 1970s had lots of films with naturalistic dialogue, and Tarantino had it because he admired the films of that decade.
You aren't alone. Its my favorite film and the greatest movie ever made.
>The pacing absolutely rips especially for movies of the time period. It lacks the walls of artistic wankery that inhibits enjoyment a lot of anons ITT bitch about; it’s that sweet spot of modern thriller with the talent behind the camera where art fags and normie movie watchers can both appreciate immensely.
Damn, bro. It's funny how I felt that, but I never put that in words.
It's interesting to watch movies from the same decade and notice some type of theatre thing in it while Dr. Strangelove is much more dynamic. Your take about professionalism is great too and you can see it in the scene where they break the Coca-Cola machine to take the coins.
The battle scene is unironically 10/10, mogging even modern war movies.
Casablanca and Citizen Kane

If they were actually good they would have been remade by hollywood with a bunch of fags and blacks
It's "historical influence" had little to do with its story, but more for its technical achievements.

It was the first movie to ever have layered sound of any kind. Background noise, people chatting off to the side, music and characters talking in the foreground.

Citizen Kane did for sound technique what The Matrix did with Bullet Time or Avatar did with petabyte computational CGI yadda yadda.

Even if you're so inclined to dislike these movies for their story content, from a mechanical or technical standpoint, these things are artistic trendsetters, pioneers.

As a narrative, Citizen Kane makes me want to rip my eyes out. As a product of its time, as the son of a man who owned a stereo business for 27 years, I have immense respect for the behind the scenes work.
its alright, not the second coming of christ like people make it out to be but its a fun watch.
Booooooooo, your opinion sucks.
>preferring Tarantino to Kubrick
Holy fuck, this is the worst case of pleb I've seen in a while.
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since we're talking overrated kinos, can we talk underrated kinos as well? mine is pic related. To me, Waterloo and War and Peace are the epitome of soviet filmography.
I really don't get how people like 2001
>ITT : people who just don’t get Kubrick at all
It’s fine, one day you’ll come around, just like I did
Nah, the first one's great, the sequels though, not so much
The first part of the film after the first time is unwatchable. When they get to the zone it improves.
Huh? How? Watched it for the first time recently and it had me engaged and on the edge of my seat the entire time. So many unexpected twists and turns and an all around comfy setting. Instantly became one of my favorite movies.
The deer hunter has to be on this list, it's mostly boring shit

You're crazy, that movie is timeless, maybe the greatest of all time
Ladies, ladies, you don't need to fight: all these movies are retarded.
For starters, the godfather doesn't have a pacing problem the way 2001 does.
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Literally my fav movie of all time. I rewatch it every year. And it's not because I'm pretentious or anything. I first saw it randomly on TV as a child while browsing through channels and loved it. Only found out years later it was 2001 a space odyssey.

I think the pacing, framing and sound design just makes it an extremely cozy/comfortable movie. It's isolation personified and just feels good to watch.

My girlfriend tried to watch it 3 times during my annual rewatch and she ALWAYS falls asleep after the first 30 minutes so yeah I guess it has that effect on some people.
every film noir
12 angry men
>when kubrick was around film wasnt taken seriously as an art form

holy shit this is easily the most retarded take i have ever seen and theres no way you legitmately believe this. this has to be incredibly well crafted bait
you must be a fucking genius to formulate such an undecuated troglodyte opnion like this and somehow believeably pass it off as geniune
you must have mensa levels of intelligence to somehow be so wrong and know how fucking wrong you are and still be capable of making it seem like you truly are a retard that came to this conclusion and then convince me that you are not joking
bait will never get better then this you have pissed me off more than i can currently put into words
Birth of a Nation
Battleship Potemkin

There were better made films at the time all of these were made.
Intolerance has annoying editing.
Battleship Potemkin has awful acting and editing, and its use of “montage” ads nothing.

>I agree that Star Wars was rough around the edges but I can't think of one iffy shot from Blade Runner.
The shot with the stunt person wearing the “bad wig” were the stripper replicant gets shot.
The documentary on the making of the film, and the actress even mention the shitty wig.
Apparently the film was behind on its shooting schedule, and they didn’t gave time to get a proper wig.

TheGodfather was a bit amateurish in certain shots and editing.
The Godfather part 2 was boring.
Feel free to name some. I'm a bit of a tough critic though, I don't like many movies before 1984-86 or so. Please nothing in black and white.
It's literally just an aesthetic prefererence. There's plenty of other filmmakers I hold in higher regard than Kubrick, my favorites would be Tarantino, Wes Anderson, Christopher Nolan, Guy Ritchie and Martin Scorcese.
Some people describe THX 1138 the same way.

If you have some special reason around why you watched it in the first place to make you respond to it in a specific way, it just becomes all that more important to you. The next average kino watcher might call your favourite movie dogshit and it's just the way it goes.
>Literally every movie made before 1975
Metropolis is highly watchable, even though it is long, even compared to current films.
The Thief of Baghdad, The Phantom of the Opera, and various Fritz Lang films, are all just as good at action as current Michael Bay films.
The original King Kong, is still an excellent action film, despite some sequences looking a bit comic or out of frame, like the claymation dinosaurs.
>prefers guy ritchie and nolan to kubrick

it just keeps happening holy shit
this bait is incredible bravo bravo
you really are a master, an aueter of bait if u will
excellent just excellent bait it pisses me off more and more
>12 angry men
Contrived in certain ways,
But truthful if you’ve ever sat on an actual jury with lazy morons.
every jean-luc godard film
Sounds like you're into Michael bayism. You want big explosive scenes.
>it just keeps happening holy shit
this bait is incredible bravo bravo
you really are a master, an aueter of bait if u will
>excellent just excellent bait it pisses me off more and more
Guy Ritchie is an excellent filmmaker.
2001 is the greatest kino ever made though

Looks like zoomies ITT got filtered
Casablanca is pure kino.
>dares to question the lofty status of Godfather
>"zomg, you must like michael bay, retard"
Like clockwork. Or rather, pre-written code.
See this is the issue with you pretentious, turtle neck wearing film snobs. You think that if someone doesn't love your critic-approved classic, they must be joking. Let me guess, you call yourself a cinephile and post reviews of movies with subtitles on Letterboxd religiously? Guy Ritchie and Christopher Nolan both have some genuinely fascinating films, if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend Memento, it's a Nolan film from the early 00s that centers around a man with severe memory loss, that falls into a deep rabbit hole. The film utilizes non-linear storytelling in a manner similiar to Tarantino's Pulp Fiction. Check it out, it's one you have to watch a few times to fully wrap your head around.
>guy ritchie is an excellent filmmaker

cant believe the master baiter has given me the honor of speaking to him
if u appreciate the artistry and significance of film as much as u claim theres no fucking way u believe this guy ritchie makes some of the most boring 'gritty' shit ever no fucking way u think anything he has ever worked on is excellent or even good, let alone on the level of kubricks works
i can excuse wes anderson and nolan on a good day, but guy ritchie is what makes this bait so perfect you really are a genius thank you for blessing me with a response, bravo sir!
>THX 1138
That's actually also a movie I really enjoy. Only watched it a handful of times though.
>New york is boring because it doesn't have mega structures from blade runner, ouer space from 2001, or gothic high cathedrals
Well, yes. And?
>one you have to watch a few times to wrap your head around

holy shit is everybody in this thread a genius baiter? calling anything nolan has ever produced confusing, let alone memento is laughable and putting down films with subtitles is so adverse to appreciating movies and widening your horizons
your masterful reference of letterboxd actually managed to make my heart rate spike, so I will grace u with my opinion that the letterboxd community is just as bad as the opinions u claim
letterboxd users pretend to appreciate cinema when in reality they have no better an understanding of it than you
and again, thank you for the bait, i have no idea how you keep one-upping yourself but i assure you that its top tier, keep up the good work
Black Panther

This is the correct answer.
You're such a fucking pseud.

I bet you think there's a faggot hierarchy where slow burn thrillers MUST remain on top and anything like action is automatically worse.
Guy Ritchie is fucking great. Yeah Kubrick knows how to the range of emotion in people and maintain tension, but Ritchie can thread scenes together and manage pace far better.
Current day goyslop doesn't count. This thread is about questioning the classics.
You're a zoomer who thinks new York city is boring and wants everything to be sci Fi with glowing neon everywhere. I bet you think an apple taste gross because you eat nothing but candy. Learn to appreciate a scene taking place in a mundane room before you comment on kino being boring.
jew york is the ugliest city on earth
It's been described to me as something you not so much watch, rather as something you experience.

You could rent IMAX theatres dirt cheap during the lockdowns, because a positive anything was better than a negative nothing.

So a room that seats 300, all to yourself, no lights, no sounds, no people coming in unexpectedly (because you get to lock the doors), the Dolby DTS 9.1 or whatever shit they have jacked up to 11/10, absolutely zero distractions.

Jesus Christ, that movie is crushing to watch while alone in the dark on that big of a screen.
>fucking pseud

you keep doing it oh my god how are you so fucking good at baiting?? i rlly am a pseud if i keep responding to such obvious bait but its just so good i have to share my appreciation

>guy ritchie can thread scenes together

this is ur qualification for great? being adequate at themost basic sense of creating a movie is greatness? holy shit i have no idea why i even respond you really masquerade as a fucking slobbering drooling retard so well
you even use pseud youve just perfected your character
Good take
>Nothing but ad homonym
Kek it's angry.
Doctor Strange is a more interesting movie than Black Panther
The reddit answer.
So? No country for old men has nothing but gas stations, motels and diners. It's still one of the greatest movies ever made.
zoomie, Kane is based off a journalist considered so unscrupulous he helped ruin the reputation of journalism in the first place. Kane isn't meant to be a noble figure.
For fuck's sake, I've made it clear numerous times that I greatly appreciate the film. I just question whether or not it is the single greatest film ever made, and you're gonna have to do better than "1930s New York" to convince me otherwise.

I heard a guy once say that he liked Home Alone 2, simply because it took place in New York. That is beyond pleb, and so are you if that's why you think Godfather is better than anything Kubrick has made.
Black panther is the most critically praised film of all time! I'm sure that had nothing to do with the political climate it was made in.
Have you ever heard the term yellow journalism?
No Country for Old Men was a beautiful movie. The Texas outback is majestic. NYC is a sewer and it's impossible to film an aesthetic movie on those filthy streets.
>Forest Gump
>The Godfather
>The Shining
>The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
>Twelve Angry Men
>To Kill A Mockingbird
>The Green Mile
>One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
>The Others (Die Anderen)
It's my favorite film of all time. I've seen it like 12 times on 70mm. It's an incredible and unparalleled cinematic experience.
Anon, intervention here. Do you seriously not enjoy a single film you just listed? For example, I get that 12 Angry Men is not the deepest film ever made, but did you not even find it entertaining?
If i were to pic any marvel movie to watch again it would not be black panther. And everything about that movie was just standard fair for marvel at the time except with a different backdrop
Then again, every answer is.
I really enjoyed it, rewatched it just a week after my first viewing. Yes it's extremely schmaltzy and there are artistically superior holocaust movies (Son of Saul, The Zone of Interest, etc.) but I found it very moving
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Don't get me wrong - Scarface isn't a horrible movie.
But it's B movie shit on the same level as Death Wish. It's massively overrated.
I think people like Scarface mainly because of GTA Vice City.
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The original is so much better
Birth of a Nation does go pretty hard
That's because it was the highest grossing film for the time period
Other way around. People liked Vice City because of scarface.

I HATE scarface. My mom was obsessed with the movie and I've been forced to watch it at least 50 times growing up. I never understood the obsession with it. It's SHIT.
>Into The Wild
>The Great Gatsby

Fine, it's hyperbole to say it's entirely without merit. But it's the merit of a mediocre episode from the Twilight Zone. Forgettable and uninteresting, just to hammer home some social commentary. It's not visually interesting, the "characters" are hammy stereotypes and the story is bland.
Nah, this one's a true classic, most people just take the wrong message from the film, about misplaced ambition. The popularity of the video game confirms that.
>man, wouldn't it be cool it tony actually killed all those guys and took the fight to sosa

I myself like Montana more than I know I should, but I can't help it. He's like a human honey badger.
>All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one.
*chef's kiss
>You think that if someone doesn't love your critic-approved classic, they must be joking.
Yeah, truly deranged behaviour, as opposed to thinking everyone who likes a classic you don't like is just pretending.
>his mom loves scarface
>he hates it
You don't deserve your mom, anon. Cherish that woman, you hear.
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imagine believing this
It's a decent twilight zone episode stretched to 90 minutes. It's an obscenity how much praise it gets
>It's not visually interesting, the "characters" are hammy stereotypes and the story is bland.
Fucking hell, this is pleb beyond comprehension. It's too much, I think I'm gonna faint.

Please tell me your favorite movie, anon. I'm not saying this to dog on you or your favorite. At this point, I desperately want you to redeem yourself, just so I can sleep soundly tonight.
It's pretty telling that all you queers are picking movies with chad or masculine heroic themes. I guess generation Tranny has no more testosterone in the tank.

Look at this fag >>203754576 I mean can you imagine what his father thinks of him? LOL
This was peak kino. The only flaw I can only mention is that I didn't like how hamfisted its anti-war message was.
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Cry harder, chuddie
My father loves me and hates Scarface too

Besides that
>masculine heroic themes
what the fuck are you talking about
if you think Tony is the good guy and that the movie is celebrating him then you need to get your fucking head checked
Guy Ritchie makes complicatedly plotted, complicatedly written, complicatedly edited films, were the various threads get tied up at the end.
The films contain scenes with numerous extras that have to be complexly choreographed, along with action scenes that have to be shot multiple times, from multiple angles, to properly work within the film’s narrative.
Most filmmakers are nowhere near as talented at this.
Shows like Sherlock, that try to copy the technique, show how difficult it is, since Sherlock is complete shit in comparison.
Yeah, I'm with you, anon. Scarface legit makes me pumped. What has the world even come to? Overrated, I can understand, but actually hating it? I bet they like 500 Days Of Summer or some other nu-male trash.
i guess the faggot doesn't fall far from his fathers ass
That's beautifully put.
>thinks scarface is a positive masculine figure
>brings up daddy issues

you're a nigger aren't you?
Highly regarded, not highly retarded.
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Godfather 1 and 2 absolutely not Kubrick. This isn't an admonishment of Kubrick, but Godfather is a testament to film and writing. The shining and eyes wide shut don't capture the grandeur of the vast array of emotion and arcs with the corleone family.

I don't give a shit about new York. It's just a city. But to say it's so ugly that it takes away from the film is retarded.
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E.T. Fuck that movie
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>The shining and eyes wide shut don't capture the grandeur of the vast array of emotion and arcs with the corleone family.
See, this comes back to my original point, that it feels to much like a stageplay. You can say the same about Shakespeare, but just because you film his greatest play, doesn't necessarily make it the greatest film ever made, since film is a visual medium. It seems to me that people who glorify The Godfather above all other classic films value characters, dialogue and actors more than anything else. Personally, I'm more into atmosphere, visuals and ideas, so Godfather, while great, leaves me more cold compared to The Shining or Blade Runner.

You could theoretically set up the Godfather trilogy as a stageplay, and not lose much of the films in the adaptation. You simply can't do this with The Shining, 2001, or Blade Runner. I just think it's a bit misguided to elevate a film like this to the status of the greatest of all time, when it simply doesn't utilize the media to its fullest.
Its been said to be the first true cinematic experience, it was ahead of its time
fr tho fuck ET
Midwit post.
Do you guys even like films? What do you like?
youtube poops that heavily feature Morshu
i prettymuch hate everything
Blade Runner. Yeah I said it. It's pretty shitty but great to look at.
three hour video essays that explain why majora's mask is more profound than the entire western canon combined
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Most Kurosawa flicks. The Hidden Fortress is one of the most boring things I've ever seen. Ran was kino tho.
fpbp, you can see how it's narratively different and innovative but it's not a very good movie
they're plebs, 2001 holds up today and is timeless thematically
This movie has no "historical influence" because it's based on a fictional novel.
No, I'm not doing a denial, it's true. Based on a fictional story.
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All these answers are incorrect and made by people who are mad their teacher made them watch an old film in class.
The correct answer is anything with Katharine Hepburn. The fact this talentless commie whore has the most Oscars is a crime.
No. It was very good. Sorry you "disagree" with the message, retard.
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How contrarian of you. Great job.
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"Of film, but not of video, 2001 on a TV screen is like the Grand Canyon on a post card."
it is the deer hunter, the deer hunter is one of the worst movies ever made
Good “films” that capture the majesty of the screen,
are films like;
Lawrence of Arabia,
Running Scared,
The Guy Ritchie Sherlock films,
the classic Looney Toons animated films with Bugs etc. are also excellent when seen on a large screen with a decent speaker system.
I don’t love the Mad Max films, but these films are definitely “cinematic” and should be seen on a large screen were possible.
you know i'm right
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>journalism was considered to be more of a noble profession
It very much wasn't. Kane was based of a guy who used his newspapers to rabblerouse the US into a war merely to sell more newspapers.
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I fuckin hate movies. I keep trying to enjoy one but it just never happens. Watched The Deer Hunter recently, had some interesting parts but I regret the time I spent watching it. Why can I only enjoy fiction written by Japanese or by Catholics prior to 1970?
You don't get to be this willfully ignorant and expect to be taken seriously about film. Nothing before 84? Nothing in black and white?

You're a fucking retard, and an asshole for writing as if you're intelligent in the matter.
Haven't seen Manhattan? No, it's in black and white and made a long time ago so it's not on your radar.
The Lion In Winter is pure kino you fucking philistine
Because you're a schizo and social issues are so important to you that they cloud your moviegoing experience. You don't belong on this board if you don't enjoy movies. I really don't understand why you'd even be here.
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Underrated and correct post.
Maybe zoomers are alright.
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I made a good faith effort to watch this and I just couldn’t get through it, plus, it’s amazingly long
>but liberals have delegitimized it for "racism"
I can't believe you're the only poster who got the correct answer.
2 hours is amazingly long?
holy shit, THIS
I love 2001 (except for overtures)
t. zoomie
What liberals? Delegitimized for who? They still show it on TCM and they don't have any bullshit disclaimer before either. I don't know any liberals who ha e denounced it. Most aren't extremists. It's conservatives out to ban books.

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