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I'm rewatching Sopranos for the 10th time or so and it's always funny how they introduced Ralphie out of nowhere and his archetype was basically Richie 2.0 kek. I love this show but you can see how writers were pulling up shit without planning in advance.
Kill yourself Jew
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A jew? A jew how? Like a dancing israeli? I make you notice too much?
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what was richies archetype
I thought he was their man in Miami
I thought Ralphie was one of the better villains because at least he carried on over two seasons. So many times new characters are introduced just to be killed the same season
Season 3 was supposed to be entirely different.
It was supposed to be about Livia and the tickets, but the actor who played Livia died so they had to come up with something else on short notice
He was down in Miami, he just got back.
You know, that wise guy who is always breaking balls, playing the tough guy, showing no respect to the boss, etc. Kinda like Joe Pesci characters in Goodfellas and Casino.
i see. I would say richie was way more bitter and out to get people though, since he was fresh out of jail. his ball breaking was mean, richies was charming
he's from the old school
but overall i agree. same type of character
Thank god Chase was forced to move on from his mommy issues. Livia's a great character but she ran her course
She became so irrelevant in season 2 lol only the bit with Artie had serious consequences
Why did they kill him off after 1 season? he was signed on for 2
someone handed him a hot gun and he shot Phil's kid brother billy for real
I feel the same way about Melfi and the therapy sessions, after a couple seasons they just felt like pointless filler and then they had to keep finding ways to shoehorn her back into the show
During my first watch I thought I missed something and that Ralph made an appearance in the earlier seasons without me noticing.
To be honest I've probably watched the show start to finish a dozen times and the last half a dozen times I've watched it I FF through most of the therapy scenes.
He was Richie but people actually liked him

Richie was a hothead psycho idiot. Ralphie was kinda smart. The only thing they have in common is being closet fags.
If Richie put up the numbers that Ralphie put up, Tony would have been happy to welcome him to the family and everything would have been fine.
Did they ever say how Ralph made so much money?
Coke and gambling
plebs you mean

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