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>subtitles don't match spoken text 100%
why are you watching with subtitles
I notice young people doing this and they can't explain why they do.
Sometimes the actors slur their lines so bad I can't understand what they said. Or if they're using some slang or saying that I've never heard before and I wanna double check, it's not a big mystery my dude.
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subtitles say [asteroid noise]
Zoomers have zero attention span. With subtitles on they can be "reading" the dialogue and scrolling TikTok at the same time.
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>[music playing]
Most people you talk to here are ESL.
They make characters use English words to indicate he is a pretentious gag.
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this has been driving me crazy trying to watch nip shit. rurouni kenshin on netflix in particular.

netflix's subtitles say one thing, but some of the words the characters are saying you begin to pick up and recognize, and later those characters say those words explicitly but the subtitles don't match.

naturally then, out of curiosity i go on to some sort of streamrip site, go to that exact scene, and watch it about a dozen times over all with different subtitle scripts that various people have made.



try it yourself. go on to deepl, google translate, whatever, and type the subtitles as they appear to you in english in, and then translate that to the language it's ACTUALLY in, and you will pretty much never even be near to what they said - even fucking around with it and trying to change or delete words in the native language. i don't just mean the words are slightly different, i mean WHOLE SENTENCES AND CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS ARE COMPLETELY WRONG AND LOST. HOW? WHY?
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ironically this thread is right next to >>203747104 in the catalog, i've been getting frustrated trying to take Sopranos screencaps with subtitles only to find half of the words from the scene are missing like in the crosslinked OP image
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>can't understand what they're saying
>turn on subtitles
This may be hard for your burger brain to understand but not everyone was cursed to be raised as monolinguals.
as an aside i also have to admit, i actually enjoy netflix's version of the subtitles more than any of them. seems like the least retarded version at least

from rurouni kenshin: the legend ends, 1:47:11
>the antagonist shishio swings "the infinite sword" at the streetfighter sanosuke, sending a wave of fire
>shishio yells, "you're in the way," while doing so
>surprised by what is pretty much magic in this mostly grounded historical fiction universe, sanosuke asks, "who are you?"
>obviously sanosuke knows who he is, because seconds before he says, "is that shishio?" in a sort of "time to fuck you up" tone when arrives to the fight already underway
>so by the look on his face, and the context of the magic, he's metaphorically asking him "who are you" as in to say, WHAT are you, WHAT have you done to grant this, HOW have you done it, WHO are YOU to have such a power
>shishio then laughs as sanosuke beats on him to no effect, responding with a question of his own, "i don't know, who am i?"
>again... NOT FUCKING LITERAL. OBVIOUSLY. he is a legendary warrior and psycho-killer hired by the now seated government of japan and betrayed by them, murdered, left to rot, forgotten, and has come back like a vengeful ghost. very fitting question to ask, very fitting reply, METAPHORICALLY, to somebody trying to stop you in the pursuit of your vengeance - questioning your philosophy and the events that led you here
>sanosuke then jumps on his back in some hopeless attempt to choke him out
>outright, angrily, sanosuke asks, "WHAT ARE YOU?" - it seems he feels no pain, nothing seems to harm him, he seems to be stronger and faster than any normal man, and he has a sword that can straight up emanate fire when he swings
>the fight continues with shishio quickly beating him, everything seems hopeless
There are malicious translators, both wokes and just retards, but it's really not that simple. If you feel that strongly about it just start learning Japanese
millenials suck at sound mixing so every TV show has music that's too loud or dialogue that's too quiet
Jewish interference with audio mixing.

all of that sounds cool right? all of that seems to make sense right? all of that seems well written, right? well apparently it likely isn't even what the movie originally was going for in tone, NOR was it even WHAT THEY ACTUALLY SAID.

i won't repeat the whole greentext in its alternates, but just know every other subtitle set i tried out of 10-15 or so were DOGSHIT. RETARDED. instead of a conversation that has depths of fear and confusion and grief and bitterness, it's more like two gook capeshit live action anime characters spitting one-liners that have no causality at each other. just terrible, terrible, cartoonish writing.

why does this all bother me so much? because if, for some reason, some day, netflix decided to REMOVE the rurouni kenshin series - i'd never be able to WATCH THE DECENTLY SUBBED VERSIONS AGAIN. and furthermore as i've said, it carries the massive implication that i've NEVER watched ANY fucking movie that wasn't in plain english that actually was 1:1 with the movie's original tone, dialogue, everything. if you aren't a total fucking shit eating moron that should at least BOTHER YOU.
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>Watching foreign language slop to practice muh skills
>The Closed Captions are like straight up different dialogue
Why the fuck do they do this? I've noticed Netflix has some really fucking janky German and French CCs, like what's the fucking point of changing the lines?>>203748809
If you speak English well enough to use 4chan you should also be perfectly capable of following along English dialogue without captions. I also speak it as a second language btw.
Nigger I speak English almost as good as my mothertongue but sometimes actors slur their lines so bad you can't understand shit, doesn't matter if you're a native speaker or ESL.
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>be ESL
>watch nipshit
>subtitles don't make no sense half the time
>put on the english dub
>subtitles are the same and they obviously don't match
>autism levels increase
i find that fun and enjoyable
it's sue to shit audio mixing thanks to nolan probably, too much dynamics, you have to change volume every 5 seconds
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>original language of the movie/show is in English
>the only English subs avaiable were obviously translated from another language so only 60% of lines match the English voiceover
Have you watched a movie in the last 20 years? Ever since (((DVD))) and (((Blu-ray))) the soundtrack and explosions are at 3000% volume and the dialogue is whisper quiet.
I don't know but I noticed that subtitles from torrented movies (YFIY or whatever they're called) tend to be a lot worse.
shit audio mixing

So turn it up during the quiet parts and down during the loud parts. Jesus Christ are zoomers really this fucking lazy they can't push a button a couple of times?
I always love

>Aerosmith's Walk This Way starts playing

As if deaf people have any fucking idea what that sounds like
>but just know every other subtitle set i tried out of 10-15 or so were DOGSHIT. RETARDED
I can tell you why this happens, not all translations are made equal. If I wanted to say "It's sunny" in french, I would say "Il fait du soleil". If I were to translate each word in the french expression individually it would come out as "He is doing sun", "It is doing sun", "It makes sun", "It is making sun", "He is making sun", "He do of sun", etc. A good translator would see that the word by word definition doesn't translate well into English and change the subtitle to "It's sunny".
I'm not a zoomer faggot and I've probably watched more shit than you. Watch your mouth you fuck. You dumb nigger nigger. I am not going to sit around and DJ with a fucking remote.
Not all deaf people have been deaf from the start.
>I would say "Il fait du soleil"
If fait beau*
il y a du soleil*
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Jokes aside, as a kid we turned on closed captions on cable TV to practice reading while watching children’s shows.
Usually it would be Disney, and the dub voice actor of Donald here for most of the time made unintelligible sounds that I can vouch basically nobody understood, not even the captioners, so when he would start quacking(hehe), the captions basically said
>(Donald makes duck noises)
hmmm I better make it louder
>loud mumbling
at least I truly see!
In your mongrel quebec slang, sure. I'm talking about the King's good french.
Je suis pas un dégénéré de Québécois. "Il fait du soleil" c'est laid.
I don't speak frog, it's beneath me. I was just making a point as to why translations are all different. Allah forgive me for typing that horrid godless language.
I have the volume down because it might wake my sleeping son up so always watch with subtitles on.

Also after watching Nolan's Tenet at the Cinema and not understanding anything these motherfuckers were saying I decided to never watch any media without subtitles ever again.

I think nowadays it's just a feedback loop that most people realize people watch with subtitles anyway so they cut budget for good audio mixing, which causes even more people to watch with subtitles.

If I watch an older movie from the 1960s-1990s I never have this issue and can watch without subtitles if I wanted. But again nowadays I can only watch movies in the evening when the kids are sleeping anyway.
My hearing is shot after years of loud concerts, working in warehouses and opiate use
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I see.
Away with your pedantry you are degrading the gist of my explanation.
Good point. Faggot
Watch movies with good actors
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French is literally the sexiest and most beautiful language.
You're confused. That would be german. The concatenating of words into longer words is a beautiful practice. Rinderkennzeichnungsfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz.
French is peak goyslopcore.
Those are just elaborate grunts.
>[speaking Spanish]
German is for warriors.
French is for lovers.
Mongrelspeak is for, allah forgive me, *nglos.
>[sad music]
>The music is not sad
The language of love is just innuendo leading to grunts, a lustful language for a guttural peoples with only one thing on their mind. germans have the superior way of making love in regards to a different set of bodily functions.
I wouldn't want to be pigeonholed.
Wait what's that between her... oh no...
You'd think me shitposting but girls unironically love it when I grund like an animal during sex.
>Not staying completely silent and rigid while staring at your statue of the virgin mary with sorrowful tears in your eyes
Who taught you how to have sex?
I'm telling you man, growl like a caveman as you thrust, it really activates their almonds. Makes them feel they're being fucked by a monster. Beauty-and-the-beast-psychology and all that.
>it really activates their almonds
I don't care if they get off.
You say that but you do care. We're hardwired to value female ejaculation because it means we're more sexually desireable and more masculine and thus valueable than the other caveman.
>Go to the cinema
>Whip out my universal controller which permits me to control all movie theaters and force everyone to listen to my auditory preferences
>German is for warriors
Lmao yeah real warrior speech
Ah the resident self-hating German is here. /deutsch/ kick you out again for being a massively obnoxious faggot?
I started this trend like 8+ years ago and now everybody is copying me. Sorry. It's because I like to get every bit of dialogue though, and learn proper spellings for in-universe things
im used to it after watching anime subbed since 2006
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>ADR is really, really obvious
>DJ with a fucking remote
>[laughs in spanish]
Yeah, no slangs they keep saying in the show can be translated to my language, so they're left out. I've probably missed half the wits the show had.
Why tf would I be a self hating German? I'm just a Canadian.
I don't even hate Germany, hence why I bothered studying the language, but the meme about them all being these Goose Stepping Teutonic Terminators is hilariously out of sync with reality. Listening to a Bavarian talk is almost like a parody of itself, just a lot of BOA!! WOA! babble
works on my machine, robo caveman
name 10 movies
>So turn it up during the quiet parts and down during the loud parts
no. i refuse. i used to do this and its retarded
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>he doesnt keep the tv volumes on numbers ending in 0, 2, or 5

you dont understand kino
I do subtitling and sometimes I change lines completely, mostly because you can't translate things like rhymes, puns, etc.
>I do subtitling
is it a good job? hows the pay? how do you get into that field ?
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>subtitles are so shit they're barely following what's going on
I just wanted to watch something japanese on Amazon
>is it a good job?
It's like any other job, good days and bad days
>hows the pay?
>how do you get into that field ?
Be a translator, or know more than one language and just say you have 5+ years of experience
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>foreign film comes with two english subtitle tracks
>the two translations are completely different
>entire scenes and characters change context depending on which subtitles you use
[Fart noises]
as a zoomer who was born in 03 I can say quite firmly that I always have subtitles on whenever I play video games or a movie or TV show is on so that way I can read what the characters are saying 100% of the time so I don’t miss a thing and or so I can read the rest of the subtitle and then go on my phone and continue looking at something else until I glance back up
not an ironic answer. I’m trying to be 100% serious I think most consumers will look on their phone during most of the movie they live on subtitles because they can read the subtitles quicker than the actors can say the words and then they can continue to look at whatever they were looking at on their phone, that’s what I have always done playing fallout every time my character talks. I just looked down at my phone for like 15 seconds because they usually spend 30 seconds trying to get through the entire line and I usually end up spending the entire thing.
The sound on a lot of movies is mixed like shit and it's legitimately hard to make out what people are saying without subs
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>Watch show in English
>Scene where characters speak in a language I don't know
>Turn on subtitles so I know what they just said
>[speaking in Mandarin]
sometimes its intentional.
>My hearing is shot after years of loud concerts, working in warehouses and opiate use
It's 99% this or impacted ear wax from them never cleaning their ears and jamming the shit deeper and deeper into their ear canal with their airpods. And they never want to admit it's their ears that are the problem.
baka desu senpai
Godzilla Singular Point made absolutely no sense to me and I blame the subtitles.
If the movie is for an english audience and there are no hardcoded subs I always assume it's intentional. It's rare that it's ever been an issue in my experience. The only time that sticks out where hardcoded subs don't exist but you do gain something from subs is the intro to Sorcerer but even then you can infer what you need from the action on screen.
For me it was Silent Service. Whole portions had no subtitles which is abysmal considering amazon was the one bankrolling it.
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>long ass line of dialogue
>subtitle stay on the screen for 1 second
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>Kino song plays
>Subtitles don't tell you the name of the song
>Shazam doesn't work because there's other sounds obstructing it or it's used too briefly to be read
god, what a nightmare. language is definitely one of those topics that starts to make my head spin when i think about it too long.

as a monolingual, english speaker: to say it's sunny, is just that, "[the day] - IS - SUNNY". IT IS SUNNY. the way we order object, subject, action, nouns and verbs and so on - the syntax of things, it just makes sense.

...so what then does a french speaker "hear"? what do they think in their heads as the words go from spoken abstraction from another french speaker into their minds and correlate to certain qualities and incidents of the world around them?
are they hearing "he is doing sun" or "it makes sun" and they "just know" that, in that PARTICULAR CONTEXT, the other person is TRYING to say "it's sunny"?? what if two french scientists found some weird hyper-advanced energy generation device that "makes sun" in the most literal sense and they tried to say to one another, "it makes sun"? would they say it the same way, but now the CONTEXT is different? or would that then be literally said in french another way?

like, what i'm trying to say here is, i can't imagine when you translate ENGLISH to any other language that it's very hard at all to get right. we speak, syntactically, as plainly as possible - or at least it seems that way to me. we speak sequentially, in order; we have extremely granular levels of description that range from color to shape to metaphorical value.

am i making any sense to anybody here or am i just fundamentally bereft of some greater understanding? does ANYONE know what i mean? anyone ever notice when you watch something foreign, something spanish or asian in particular comes to mind - and then the subtiles will say "jerry went to the store" but what you HEAR is "(word for store) yada yada yada yada yada yada JERRY" or "yada yada yada (word for story) yada yada yada JERRY"
It makes sense for puns and rhymes yeah
Also some dialogue is just fucking Boss Battle type shit to translate. Imagine trying to write English subs for something like City of God and having to capture the slang and manner of speech from Rio de Janeiro hoodlums
if it has lyrics just google the lyrics you heard and maybe itll find a match on some lyric site
if its instrumental then get fucked
what? how do you have trouble with this? commercial media HAS to accredit 3rd party musicians. it's a massive pain in the ass but all you've gotta do is watch through the credits and check every song listed until you find it. it's either an original soundtrack or it's a pre-existing work of music, either way it is not being hidden from you, i promise. the composers and bands who allow their work to be used aren't going to just go uncredited and unknown and likely you can just type "movie name OST" into youtube and find a whole playlist in HQ

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