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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema

The Seventh Seal (Bergman, 1957) edition

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>/film/ literature

Previous >>203731677
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Queen of /film/
I am watching Kdramas with blonde American girl, kill me now, life will not get better for me, nothing will surpass this feeling
Based Bauchad
>>203748751 #
Still you will never see hardcore butt sex in Yang, Koreeda or Wes Anderson films. They are operating in rigid confines of upper class tastes. Anderson had Schwatzman pull his pants down then fade out after making out with Edward Norton. A 50s taboo. You can say he is paying homage to those films hinting about making whoopie instead of showing it, but I see it more he is pandering to LGBT without committing to it, even Wong Kar Wai will show an unbroken two minute ass fuck scene in his gay love story Happy Together
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>an unbroken two minute ass fuck scene
B-but what if I don't want to see it?
>kill me now
I would if I could
>Scott vulgar auteur
This is what I hate because you dont want to use pronouncs now everyone non straight non white and non male is now the devil and we have to create a whole tradcath movement. No being gay is not Jewish or the devil, no your religious god is not against it, spoiler alert, he would be a fucking leftist. You are so on the wrong side you do not even realize it.
You reek of mental illness.
You should learn punctuation. You look like you're arguing for the side you hate.
Kek, what is this. Cool point about the tradcath, I hate that shit, it's so lame lmao
Amazing how all the freaks find their way to /film/...
I don't really pay attention to like "prestigious" film stuff, does Cannes have a genuinely good reputation or track record? Because I'm baffled something as poorly written as The Substance could've won "Best Screenplay".
Takes a certain type to track down weirdo movies and old shit.
I'm still mad at the anon who basedjaked my comment about Shimizu.
Cinema is dead bro time to let go
>Greta Gerwig, American actress and filmmaker – Jury President
Obvious bait, but no, Cannes seems to have gotten commercialized to the point where they probably try to produce some of the Oscar bait of the year every time they celebrate the festival. When I check on them, it's like 50% slop, 40% Oscar bait, 10% potential kino
No, ignore award shows.
Ah, I see now.

I just don't understand, how the fuck did we get to this point?

6/10 if she lost weight
>how the fuck did we get to this point?
When was the last time cinema was "alive"? Is it alive in the non anglo countries, or just as fucked?
It's the biggest film festival. Pretty well respected all over the cinematic landscape. And the juries' decisions vary from year to year, because, well, the juries change too.
So a given jury has a bunch of favorite in the competition, and they have only so many awards to hand out. I haven't seen The Substance, but if the screenplay isn't as you say something notably special, then they could have chosen the category to honor one the films they liked best with what was available.
>how the fuck did we get to this point?
Your mistake is taking seriously the kind of retard who post soijaks. He probably has a folder full of them.
Last day of summer... are you mfs going out today or staying home watching kino?
I never go out.
Wasn't bait, I genuinely have never looked at or paid attention to Cannes or anything that has to do with it.
Got it. Are all film festivals bullshit?

>I haven't seen The Substance, but if the screenplay isn't as you say something notably special, then they could have chosen the category to honor one the films they liked best with what was available.
There had to be a better option. Nearly everything about The Substance is bad but the script is the worst part. It's completely shallow, repetitive, and nonsensical.
damned Bresson, I knew it was his fault
>When was the last time cinema was "alive"?
If I had to guess, maybe the 90s? Like, the early 90s. Feels like the mid to late 90s and the 2000s is when slop truly took over. Can't speak for other countries.
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what was their problem?
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You wish. Try late 70s.
The 80s were kino though.
>Are all film festivals bullshit?
Not really, it's just Cannes that sucks specially, but there are garbage films selected in probably all of them. I saw one selected for Berlinale one of these days, legit 4/10 with amateur ass actors, -and not in the good way-, legit autistic performance without intention of it being autistic type shit, you know the drill

>Nearly everything about The Substance is bad
Last act was pitiful. At least I saw Qualley's body of work in full color at the kinoplex, worth the 6 bucks entry fee imo
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You have an awfully big problem with someone who's gay and proud. In the closet much?
lol, is that Von Trier?
Why the fuck is he shaking? Does he have Parkinson's?
Left handed fapping during all of the interview... based
>Nearly everything about The Substance is bad but the script is the worst part. It's completely shallow, repetitive, and nonsensical.
I don't doubt you. I'll probably hate it too. But it appealed to them, different tastes and all.

This /film/ concept of everything being doom and gloom is complete retardation. Film festivals are a great place to go if you ever get the chance. Nice atmosphere and the opportunity to check out many different films early on. In any given year, most of the best films will be premiering first on the festivals. As for the awarding, it's just a bunch of (cinema) people giving their choices. It doesn't have to be taken as gospel or anything. Some people get very offended at awards because they take them way too seriously.
Of course the 80s had lots of cool stuff but for the most part it felt like a decade of tasteless cashgrabs
>Does he have Parkinson's?
Sheesh, didn't you see him in Riget Exodus?
>if you don't like homos that means you like homos
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By far the most /fa/ decade and it's not even close...
>worth the 6 bucks entry fee imo
My ticket was double that. I don't find her or Moore attractive so it was essentially completely worthless to me. And I think they used body doubles and prosthetics for some of Qualley's scenes anyway.
Wait a minute, that image is not form the seventh seal... that movie was in black and white!
>At least I saw Qualley's body of work in full color at the kinoplex
Doesn't she wear prosthetic tits in that? Might as well watch AI porn
>This /film/ concept of everything being doom and gloom is complete retardation.
Based. Hate this doomer talk. Cinema is and will be alive as long as there are people creating and watching.
The jury picks the winners. They often pick the wrong winners, yes
>I saw one selected for Berlinale one of these days, legit 4/10 with amateur ass actors, -and not in the good way-, legit autistic performance without intention of it being autistic type shit, you know the drill
If shit like this can make it to these huge festivals and be lauded, why is it so hard to break into the industry? How are these shitty amateur movies even getting there?
Huh? Read the picture's name. It's literally straight from the seventh seal.
Fuck, you seriously got skinned on that ticket, man... But seriously, I think the ass on her was legit, and probably the tits, too
He's shy >.<
>Are all film festivals bullshit?
Yes, ignore them all.
>but for the most part it felt like a decade of tasteless cashgrabs
Even some of the cashgrabs were kino t b h
In my opinion there's not definitive /fa/ decade and it's all a matter of taste really
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Recommend me more German flicks like this one.
>I think the ass on her was legit
Even if it was, it's an awful ass. Really, no ass at all. I know there's no PAWGs in Hollywood but as far as asses go there has to be better options.
The same is true with films
I agree, but I agree more with Aristarain's quote about kino
>Riget Exodus
What even is this
>why is it so hard to break into the industry?
Probably because it's all about who you know and what you pay to put your film on the festival. Could happen to be that way

>How are these shitty amateur movies even getting there?
Payola and agendas, I guess
The 60s is objectively the greatest decade though?
Lol, Cannes is much much better than something like Venice, TIFF, Sundance etc.
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For me, it's the 80s
A man of taste I see. My palate is wider, I like them both big and small, and her's was nicely shaped and firm
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it's the sequel (or third season) of his TV Series 'Riget'. If you have not watched them yet, you should give it a try. A medical drama with dark humor and occult/supernatural elements.
Imagine how fucked things are in reality, then
Maybe. I like them all except the pre-features decades
For american kino, I think it's the 70s; for all kinds of kino, I agree with the 60s, most solid decade for european kino by far
Peoples attention are almost 100 % geared toward film festival crap, it is THE pipeline to visibility. Everything discussed on /film/ went through film festivals first.

That and eceleb/influencers are the only way for a film to enter public consciousness today.

It is impossible to enter public consciousness without them. This is why the competition is so fierce (10,000 films go to Sundance every year, and only 8 % of selections are taken from these submissions, which are like 25 out of 10,000).
Must feel great to experience the film festival world. Wish I had the money
>I like them both big and small
I can appreciate a small ass if its also fat, like Rubi Rose. Firm and tight does absolutely nothing for me.
Based, but I'm a sex maniac, I can't say no. Everything looks good to me
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I’m watching it again bros…
Holy fuck, and still we watch the slop that was so "carefully" selected
I don't have sex, I just take asses very seriously. There are definitely some women who are attractive without having a fat ass because body types are more nuanced than that but almost never is a woman with a concave ass sexy. I need an ass to have volume, to protrude. You also have to make sure during an evaluation to see it from different angles in different outfits. There are too many women out there these days that are faking having any ass at all.
He looks really gay
You have already posted this.
I don’t think I have read or seen an interview of his that isn’t hilarious
You sound really gay
And 0% actual kino.
I guess you're a connoiseur, I'm more of an animal; I just don't care enough, everything is good for me, sex is sex, I just need it to be legal and that's it lmao
You're probably right
Wait people actually do that irl?
Reportedly so, I don't know what it is, though
Don't know that one, but if you mean crime then Supermarkt and Deadlock
I never do either.
Yes, connoisseur is a fair word for it.
>I saw one selected for Berlinale one of these days, legit 4/10 with amateur ass actors, -and not in the good way-, legit autistic performance without intention of it being autistic
Come on, give us the name
I get very offended at awards for being taken way too seriously.
There's many of you in here. /tv/ at large gets super triggered at awards.
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Scott Stupendous
You fool.
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I'm catching up on all the FOTWs, so I figured I should write a few words about what I've watched so far (pic related)
>The Ascent
not only the best film I've ever seen directed by a woman, but probably my favorite thing I've watched so far this year. just a fantastic film all around. the plot, while fairly basic, was engaging and obviously drew quite a few parallels to the life of Christ, but what I really loved about the film was the stunning cinematography. 10/10
>A Spring for the Thirsty
this was another one with absolutely gorgeous cinematography, but my small brain had trouble interpreting all the metaphors. from what I can tell, the film was commenting on growing old, and coming to terms with outliving your usefulness. the end seems to be rather hopeful, maybe saying that you can still enjoy life even when everything seems hopeless. there might also be some underlying political message in there I missed, but either way it's worth watching for the visuals alone. 9/10
>The Night of Counting the Years
much more straightforward story compared to the last one, but still filled with metaphors about what it means to preserve a country's history. I enjoyed this one as well, but not as much as the last two. I don't know if it was just because I watched all three of these pretty much back to back, but I dozed off for a couple minutes in the middle. that aside, it was still a great film, with some great visuals as well, though not as pretty as the last two. 8/10
I'd definitely recommend all of them for anyone who hasn't watched them yet. next up, In the Heat of the Sun, The Serpent's Egg, and The Crucified Lovers, but those will wait until tomorrow
Memories of a Burning Body
>posts a 70s pic (the actual /fa/ decade)
Nice post, bro. Glad you liked The Ascent, it's my favorite movie along with Balthazar
The Ascent is an evil film.
Gregory LaCava or Mervyn LeRoy?
both faggot hacks
miss me w that shit
Recommend me manly films. No faggot shit, no woman shit.
the films of Tinto Brass
>no woman shit
Triumph of the Will
Hitler Youth Quex
Thank you. I'll ponder if I bite the bullet when it gets out.
The Duellists
Black Rain
1492: Conquest of Paradise
Black Hawk Down
American Gangster
The Counselor
Somewhat, but it's when films started becoming really annoying in tone.
LaCava for me. But both directed films some nice films. Not greats, but were part of a well-oiled machine.
Sam Fuller's Run of the Arrow
I also made a couple 3x3 webms
Just not the good kind.
Annoying how? Because when I think "annoying" I think the 90s and early 2000s
Everything has to be a tragedy. You people might have depression.
The Great Escape
The Dirty Dozen
Breakheart Pass




Just the overall film language; the scoring, the clichés, the padding... everything feeling corny and calculated. 80s weren't that bad indeed, just the beginning. By the 90s it was everywhere.



Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia
The Long Goodbye
The Swimmer
Ok, that was a good one.






Stop spamming, retard
Don't think it's all that tragic actually, there's enough old kino for a lifetime.
>it's too hard to look in the previous threads
You fucks are shameless in the begging
no one ever gave a mega for this you dumb cocksucking fuck monkey



Why do beggars like you behave like chimps? You're not entitled to anything.
retard. I uploaded almost all of Illienko's films not even a month ago
yea you right just checked my drive, i have it. oops lol
Next time don't skip the meds, and this won't happen.
>another woman director who looks like a super model, making body horror.

WTF is this fad. Why are so many hot chicks getting into Cannes.
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>director who looks like a super model
lol, lmao
What are some films that start with a kiss?
Bodies Bodies Bodies
What does he know?
see, this is why I stopped posting mega originally. you fuckers are so needy and get way too reliant on me providing megas for films you can find yourself if you just look. I'm taking a break from posting megas again. find your films yourself
>just the beginning
That's the way I see it too. I love a lot of 80s stuff but its absolutely where things began to go downhill with merchandising, blockbusters, and making movies for kids. It's also when Miramax began, so the seeds were there even if they wouldn't really make it big until the 90s. Miramax and Dimesnion, to me, is representative of "the end". That's when the businessmen came in who didn't give a fuck about movies and only saw it as a means to an end. Not that movies weren't a business before but most of the people involved still wanted to make movies. When the businessmen took over the 90s it feels like everything became calculated and cynical, and they continued that into the 2000s. And now we're here. The businessmen won. We major have films distributed and produced by Amazon, Netflix, and Apple. Spielberg and Lucas fucked us all.
>And now we're here. The businessmen won.

that's a good thing. Art is incredibly subjective. Box office is the only objective metrics.
>I'm taking a break from posting megas again
Based. People here have to come to take (mostly) your kind services for granted, and that easily turns to demanding stuff, not asking.

The reccing and megaing is one of the few good things in this awful general and people try to ruin even that.
then just leave the general if you're not gonna play ball lil bro, don't gotta cry over the butthurt lil bro.
That the secret is to just do it
But you are my megas-bitch that is your job.
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she cute
>Before Tarantino came around, people were t used to naturalistic dialogue, and honestly movies just weren’t as good.

Is this true?
No, because Tarantino has nothing to do with naturalistic dialogue.
Do ESL folks really think regular Americans sound like Tarantino characters?
Is /tv/ seriously like... that?
Can someone repost the mega with the books?
Are you blind?
High Noon
nigga the link is right there and it works
My bad
Anything bad on /tv/ mainland, will be found in worse form on generals
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almost here
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my immediate backlog. what am I in for?
Never mind, just went through that thread. The absolute state.
Yeah, motherfucker.
>God's Comedy
Have you already watched Recordações da casa amarela?
no. is he another director that needs to be watched chronologically?
lol retard
kek, I thought it was the horse
God's Comedy is the second part in a trilogy, you fool.
oh really? the description doesn't say anything about that. my bad
Looks like he's flashing his cock
Yeah, really. You don't want to skip the first film.
>is he another director that needs to be watched chronologically?
No, not really. But that movie happens to be part of a trilogy like that anon said. You could miss some details. The first one is Recordações, the second and third one (Comedia de Deus / As Bodas de Deus) were supposed to be part of the same movie but due to production issues it couldn't be done.
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Things that have contributed to ruining film
>The Hays Code
>George Lucas
>Steven Spielberg
>Digital cameras
>Widescreen formats
I think color is neutral.
Yeah, that's fair.
>I think color is neutral.
I think you are an enemy of cinema.
are there any current film movements?
>Montage theory
How about you retards purity spiral yourselves with suicide? Everybody's happy that way
No one has damaged cinema and other visual arts more than Laura Mulvey.
Based and tripled
the capeshit franchise universe
strongfemale mumblecore
arty terror in 1.33 aspect ratio
American indie horror
Greek weirdness (though seems to have suffocated since Lanthimos got the fuck out)
Korea still going strong since 2003
That awful “static wide shot and let things play out also the film is extremely political” shit.
Boring female directors being angry at men
Anti-censorship Chinese long shots
South American violent thrillers
Commercial '80s nostalgia (soon to be commercial '90s nostalgia)
>Korea still going strong since 2003
I am watching Extraordinary Attorney Woo, it is ultra comfy. Autists here will relate to it.
Color has been able to be used in very inventive beautiful ways. There was a loss, but an equal gain.
Good one.

How? I don't like Mulvey at all, but what damage has she done?
He's against feminism
>That awful “static wide shot and let things play out also the film is extremely political” shit
Name 3 examples
that's lame.
How's it lame being against evil?
Feminism is cool and awesome.
Thanks for the write up, but I don’t trust your opinion in handing out such high rankings for those films.
Don’t let the retards get you down man. I always really appreciate your posts. When people beg, just insult them and ignore them, they obviously don’t deserve to be spoonfed.
Evil is cool and awesome.
Yes, I need to thank the guy who posted the MEGA for John the Violent yesterday, I'm watching that film tonight, searched for it for a lot of time. Your contributions are great man, and I say that for all of the anons which share their stuff on here.
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Does anyone know when Cloud is getting a home video/streaming release?
the issue is most people on /film/ dont truly understand antonioni

they dont understand his maxim of power in restraint

of oppression in geometry

most people dont understand his emotional tour de force of silence

or why la notte was the most powerful emotional journey of the pre-countercultural 60s movement
you can watch them for yourself and decide, but I thought they were all at least great films. on my personal rating scale any film I consider great gets an 8/10
cant remember the name

but really liked that weird greek film set on a boat
Chevalier? I thought it was good, but nothing amazing
genuinely sad nostalghia is no longer on youtube. its the only tarkovsky film i dont have in the backlogs which were recorded striaght from tv and will probably never be shown on tv ever again
yeha thats it

i dunno

i just remembered it and it gave me nostalghia

very proustianesque
>oppression in geometry
Your top 5 books, now. You mentioned Proust, now atone to the consequences (they will never be the same)
1. Go Dog Go
2. Mein Kampf
3. Anna Karanina
4. 1Q84
5. The Book of Job
hundred years of solitude
kazuo ishiguro
kafka metamorphosis
wittgenstein philosophical investigations
cage 4'33
>kazuo ishiguro
this is not a book you pseud retard
uhhh its an author and one of the most important of the post-postmodern era

while cage 4'33 is neither

showing your intellectual ignorance
Neither is "cage 4'33"; just a piece of "music"
poor Lars, sucks to see him like this
>post-postmodern era
uhh cage 4'33 is as much a novel as a piece of music in the sense of its minimalism favours categorization in neither area of artistry

it is arguably one of the great novels... the novel of what is going on in the here and now

because most people have lives more tragic and colorful and allegorical and informative than the greatest novels

why write these books when people live them

this is why i like magical absurdist realism and science fiction

because they touch domains simply out of reach of the everyday glory

i do enjoy some normal books

sons and lovers, wuthering heights, the bell jar, the quiet american...who knows who cares. many many

i was reading sally rooney books a while ago
just for fun

but they arent real informative art that transcends

why tell mundane stories when mundane reality EXISTS
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was there a film movement with less impact and lower quality work then new french extremity?
fuggin ell diss nibba zesty af
had a look at parallel mothers earlier by that pedro almodoviar fella

what really put me off is that

its shot like a fuggin soap opera or one of those really shitty cheap romantic movies aimed at housewives. like the camerawork is exactly like that

just put me off completely. i cant watch summat like that

just makes it look like complete tat
The light that burns twice as brightly burns half as long.
I respect it
You got filtered, but understandably so. Almodóvar's work is supposed to be purposefully kitsch; he is influenced by telenovelas (soap operas for you), old flamboyant gay icons and stuff like canción melódica and the like. His aesthetic is a reaction to the rigidity and hyper-masculinity of the Franco era in Spain, which was characterized by repression. He approaches kino with a more feminine, softer and less serious look than some of his contemporaries. Very fun and sincere filmmaker.
I just bought it on 4K and it looked fantastic
Don't know, what do you think of Mumblecore, Telefoni bianchi and Yugoslav Black Wave?
Mumblecore is indeed the answer. I wish everyone even remotely involved with this “movement” died in the most painful way imaginable.
I'm new to /film/
Where do I get started?
Need to watch at least 5000 films before starting
ayayao wassup y home g cookin frill fish on the grill catchin kois and sponsorin coronas, igh life GYATT!! nevermind niggin about o the balconies the banisters, the rooftops, we'ze kickin it bubbly straight cash money my g frfr no cap bussin 24 hours G, my nigga Omar go hard G, OMAR GOES HARD. Feel it ,dig it ,dig me G. ya Feel. frfr. ALL CAPS -- GYATT.

believe me I love the films of Ntonioni espeically Laaventura Red Dessert The Passener and Zabriskie Point. WOW good movies. They are all myf avorite.
I shall never watch another movie again... I'm ashamed and unworthy
I had a friend who came out and I had no problem with him. He started to dive more into his sexual thoughts and deviance and I told him I'm not interested. He actually pulled that shit on me, classic homo cope. Keep it in your fucking pants
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Enjoyable enough, but certainly not the best I’ve seen. I wanted more Stanwyck of course. Melodrama was good enough to keep me watching, and seeing Kirk in his first role was great.
Lizabeth Scott’s voice is enough to get me hard as a rock. “Go ahead and hit me Sam, I’ve got it coming” oh I’ll hit you baby one more time, and by punching my tongue deep into your asshole.
for what? weirdo...
You got me downloading it but I have a feleing it's gonna be shit
It’s not shit, but not champaign either. Fun melodrama and one liners from everyone. Have a few drinks while watching, and smokes too, then fantasize about a three way with Stanwyck and Scott after
This was so bad and I can't believe everyone is falling for it. A woman director just copying every cliche in the book in body horror even down to the end of carrie. She even puts vertigo and 2001 music in it. women can't fucking direct, ALL they can do is copy.
>Fargeat's debut feature film was Revenge (2017), a feminist revenge thriller inspired by Kill Bill, Rambo, and Mad Max

>Fargeat is a member and one of the founding signatories of Collectif 50/50, a group established with the purpose of working towards gender equality across the film industry.

>Fargeat lists David Cronenberg, John Carpenter, David Lynch, and Michael Haneke as filmmakers who have influenced her

>She later attended La Fémis, a prestigious cinema school in Paris.

So she is a rich girl who went to La Femis who watched some films on the Criterion Channel and decided to copy them, now we all are forced to learn about another woman director's new trash the rest of our lives.
>Fargeat believes that films that fill themselves with homages and references can push the viewer away from being able to identify with the film.

meanwhile it is just nonstop cliches ripped off from lanthimos, peele, raimi, aronofsky, kubrick, noe and all the rest. I hate women directors so fucking much.
Ngl, Margaret looking kinda hot in that pic. Anyway, the film is just Cronenberg + The Neon Demon + Tarantino + 2001 music. Unoriginal, basic as fuck script and plot, ugly photography... I'm not even joking, my bro and I thought it was the worst film that we have seen this year. 3.5/10. Only Marge's ass made the ticket worth it. But why so much discussion about this piece of shit in here? lmao. Not even /film/ in the slightest
This pretty much resumes it, yes. Forgot to mention Lanthimos in here >>203762773, the tooth scene is straight up stolen from him kek
>now we all are forced to learn about another woman director's new trash the rest of our lives
Just because of the people who bring it up here.
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One of the comfiest films about druk ever made. I'd say it's /film/
Drukking is a very comfy vice
Do you do syntopical viewing?

When I first started taking kino seriously, I picked my movies from greatest movies of all time lists and recommended viewing charts

Years later I've seen something from several time periods/movements from different places around the world, and now I know what I enjoy. I found my niches, and love diving deeper into their contemporaries to see the bigger picture of the culture of interest

Man, I love kino...
Good strategy, congrats. I love exploring cinema too.
absolutely, although if I find a film by a director I like I try to do a comprehensive dive (not syntopical but often very rewarding). at the moment going through Ruiz's oeuvre and having a ball
It's ove
I've only completed one filmography (Ozu's surviving films). I have directors I admire and have seen many films from, but I don't make myself watch all of them as if it was a goal.
I have no goals in film, it's a gift that keeps on giving. I don't want to see the end of something and feel "finished" with it. Film is a never ending accumulation of experiences which sticks to me like a katamari
its jehovah
I need to see this I've been meaning to for a while
Garbage like you don't deserve to post Lee.
Stop with your begging.
She came up with the concept of the "male gaze"
More like the male gays haha
luv me sum male gays
i present to you...
"Cinéma du look"
cinema du look and everyone associated with it is trash
well, cinema du look made the resident goat tranny and his discord butt buddies into trannies, how's that for an impact
Any female director not named Ida Lupino is bad.
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you mean named Leni
Why do germans love Africa so much?
Lina Wertmuller, the lady that made La Cineaga, Varda

Those are all decent and right off the top of my head.
What's your favorite film of hers
Where's the anon that had a mental breakdown after his favorite film LOLA MONTES FROM MAX OPHULS was called a bad film and started running around everywhere gossiping and whining about guys that were "filtered". He's my new favorite thread schizo.
As far as spergouts go- and /film/ is a hotbed for them- it was a pretty minor one.
This was an average thread
Yeah, he's lowkey and minor, but for some reason I admire his youthful energy and persistence, I almost wish I could be this hung up about something so petty.
>I almost wish I could be this hung up about something so petty.
Don't, it's a very common trait among autists.
art house is code for lgbtq fagget shit
Good morning, /film/
Morning? It’s only 9am!
i am trans btw if that matters
That is morning.
one of the better films I saw this year. Buscemi is the man.. and our girl Chloe is in it - what's not to like?

good morning, I'm gonna go finish The Young Pope
Slow day today
You are still this insecure that you were filtered by Lola Montes. Maybe watch it with the audio commentary track
>8 minutes
Okay I’m making a thread.
You fucking retards should learn to end the thread first. It's ridiculous simply abandoning it at 305.

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