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The Rapidly Growing Taylor edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Aperture is a fat disgusting freak (to no ones surprise)
• Taylor has became a coke addict

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203746383
Taylor how much to smd?
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gemma won
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>Age regression
>Uses pacifiers
>Plays toddler games
>Has a weirdly large and wide head
>Abused drugs to the point she's stuck mentally at 13 years old
Clairepedos still want to fuck what's essentially a child who's parents didn't love her leaving her vulnerable to predators like you lot
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>hi mike
>Big Purple
>nah like I'm on some real shit right now
>dark taytriots
>many are saying this
>trader alliance
>Jimmy's mom
>Jacob's mom
>Letty tweet
>Ice Poseidon flunkies
>that's fair
>manifesting marriage with creature
>creature replaced with minion
Laker Brady of the Valley
>TJaylor, TJxAbi, TJayleigh, TJxKeegan, TJxSarge
>josie wosie the discord groomer
>Her own dad y'all
>The beautiful CK
>Peter Thiel
>cute monkey
>Goran Rapistovic
>Hi Keegan
>World Peace 2
>Galaxy gas whippet wiggers
>fake contestant leaks
>TJ karaoke
>Jon and Letty at the hungry games
>Trish Delish
>random fishtank streamer with 5 viewers
>mid kentucky bitches
>abi's ogre ex bf
>bitchtank flunkies
>Jon is the tallest fish!
>Sam Pepper
>Greg is the white Sinbad
>Tay's ET fingers
The only "truth" is she's an attractive blonde 22 year old girl who started dating an attractive 23 year old guy and then they broke up. That entire boring saga will cause incels to lose their minds self inserting or seething over something constantly occurring in America which they missed out on.
qrd on taylor (unbiased sources only)
why did you turn on her
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The Claire Union does not, to be completely clear, endorse Trump to any degree. It literally doesn't matter who is president and doesn't effect what's most important in life and what you have control over.
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the beautiful Jet Neptune
these threads are boring now.
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only a retarded nigger would watch this failing casino today
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Out with my daughter and son in law! Got some big ones today. Three way later, Papa's turn to come inside.
>(unbiased sources only)
taylor control freak over TJ
TJ caught looking at an OF whore's profile
taylor upset and says he is cheating
she breaks up with him
gets fatter
tj continues to goon all day and likely sending dick rate pics to the OF whore
the end
She broke my good friend TJ's heart
truuuuuuuuuuuu nigga
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The Women of America
I was a 7 month sub taylor sub and her story just didn't make sense and she refuses to explain it. Her streams are like walking on egg shells now.
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taylor lied. simple as
kalei stream is up
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Losers ITT seethe about Zobie because they will NEVER even be acknowledged by such a cutie

Josie OWNS my penis
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not finna lie, just started listening to cum town after brian peter kept bringing it up and it's the funniest shit i've heard in a while.

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I like Creature but this "crypt" thing has been ass, it's just people sitting in a room doing nothing
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Saving this one for later, thanks Sarge.
Not beating the gooner allegations DD Genes.
Not beating the homosexual allegations, anon
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You admit to being gay every stream thoughbeit.
Y'all just love to hate me
Why do you think I'm DD Genes
kalei has aids
I'm just waiting for the moment they replace her with minion. Should be any minute
yeah i thought it was gonna be challenges but it’s just them hanging out like every other stream
I would like to give benleaks a hug.
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We ride with TJ nigga
Simple as
POV: your Steinful coming into her room naked and rock hard wearing her birthday chain.
heuh heuh yeah, stargate? TNG man! Heuh heuh, I was saying I should come out here dressed as Data…
maybe a high five or something
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i hope jet is having a good day, he should treat himself to a spicy chicken sandwich for dinner
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reminder that Jacob got to be all up in this
Creature's audio is ASS, although I'm glad I can't hear what the long haired guy says
Steinful is fucking her deeply right now while her mom waits for her turn in the next room
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I didn't outright turn on Taylor.
I'm just being truthful by saying she fucked up big time by ditching TJ based on allegations and Greensimp whispering in her ear. TJ unconditionally loved her and it'll be a long time before she finds someone that makes her as happy as TJ did, if she does at all.
>watching TJ on Taylor’s 24 hour stream
>someone asks TJ which way he prefers, Louis Taylor or clown Taylor?
>TJ says he prefers her everyway
You cannot tell me this sperg didn’t love her.
that's incest yall
it's true threads were going wild kek check the archives
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lil mike
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Why did he do it? They were bros for the longest time...
Anyone have the sex magazine interview?
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you can literally make your own flow streams with by pulling the .m3u8 addresses into a stream player. Wow! Just do it yourself if you don't want to use Jet's gay cpu intensive site.
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I feel like TJ and Taylor could've been back together by now but TJ just lost the initiative.
Rare L from my boy but L nonetheless.
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Many already are, check the pastebin link

Hopefully it got updated with the new kalei link
Taylors shitty car is broken, he's going to have to drive down there himself if wants dat W
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josie wosie the prettiest the most beautiful the cutest most radiant purest angelic girl to ever grace the satanic shit vomit that is fishtank
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I take up more space on the CCC than you and fully endorse Trump to save the white race by pairing off every financially independent American male with a Claire gf. Fuck you.
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if you are a sperg or spend time around spergs, you will recognize this as a form of flirting, sorta like the dancing rituals birds to to attract a mate
>Taylors shitty car is broken
Holy shit for real? She just keeps having worse luck with every passing day.
Not one to believe in Karma or anything but I wonder if she did anything to deserve all this. It'd overwhelm anyone else.
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is this real??
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>Good god man, you used to make edits of me charming this woman
>I take so much space In his head I can jog in there
>What a weird world we live in, you never know whose gonna gonna show up
What is the mystic spiritual power of note eating, bros?
Is it fucked up i jack it to Tay like 3 times a day lol
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My beautiful crone wife
I would like to bash his brains in with a hammer.
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>Is it fucked up i jack it to Tay like 3 times a day lol
I don't think so
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haley had a nice voice and i miss it
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at ease, sarge
i'm begging clairebears and claireseethers to stop sperging about trump. it's unreadable.
has there been a bigger /ftl/ op failure than the CCC?
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The sarge poster is literally fucking responding to himself because he is so unfunny jfc kill these threads immediately.
yeah she gross
Bitchtank was a mistake.
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>clever girl, reminds me of my fucked up childhood
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Remember during week 1 season 1 when they had to do skits and Letty made this elaborate pandering skit with tranny simmons and kike doctor Vance yet Jon's skit of incomprehensible retard yelling ended up being funnier?
lol good times
What's with Taylor's inability to understand proper lightning? She's already pale as fuck.
I meant night before last
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this is a really good thumbnail
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Name something Cleh has done since getting fiberglassed by Haley
no the letty skit was better, no one even remembers or talks about the jon one anymore
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He's a powerful force.
trump won't even say the words "white people" he calls them "union workers" at best. he only wants your vote to command the military to be pro Israel because he's an eternal cockslave to the Kushner family. You're not getting a Claire wife under trump any easier under any other president. The Claire's of America are already prime for the taking if you're funny, confident and not cringe.
cast revealed on the slime guy cord
The Fight
Watching the S2 recap. Them painting Jimmy's face as Spiderman for no reason when he returned for the last time got me giggling. Underrated bit.
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Beat ho
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Far, far better times. For sure.
imo mondocord seething is funnier than actual production seething because of how pathetic mondocord is
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That is all.
That's the whole post.
where are the other 8
Someone post the lynchian laura palmer edit?
Taylor and Tayleigh both BBC baddies
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The beautiful _____
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this was all that was posted unless i missed something
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This but TJ and Jimmy
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>Half the posts are someone samefag laughing at his stale sargeposting shit
>The other half is boring claire simp samefagging his own posts
The absolute fucking state, there has to be like 10 people posting here
i was crying laughing as soon as jon blew out the mics
It was a shitshow from the start and Vance was too beta to take control from Sylvia and Letty for how the skit should go.
No, I don't. Jon's skit wasn't funny at all, while Sissy Simmons actually lives on as a meme, even if Simmons fucked up the actual skit with his terrible acting.
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finally, a good fucking post
the skit went great though, its one of the most iconic moments of s1, youre a moron
The only memorable thing about season 1 was fatty falling down the stairs
I could imply Taylor cucked TJ if you would like.
Doesn't matter. Jon skit was funnier. People don't talk about it because there isn't much to talk about. Just some tard yelling at the top of his lungs.
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>anon mindbroken by literally one sarge post
>The skit went great
Is that why Letty started crying in the bathroom and Goldstriker had to comfort her after how hard it bombed?
Retard take.
I'd prefer if you proved it. Let's push this narrative today.
Genius take
is she still in michigan with him? or getting drunk at casinos in florida? there's your proof you cuck.
looks ai generated
No it wasnt it was just funny at the time because of the novelty of Jons retard accent and him saying oompa loompa, the other skit is 10x funnier and more iconic
The "bombing" was hilarious though, its objectively better
It's mostly me and Benleaks samefagging
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>>anon mindbroken by literally one sarge post
Nobody is fucking mindbroken except for you dipshit, you're so devoted to this trash thread you're simulating people laughing at your boring stale posts.
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>White males are way up.

Not going to let some standard boomer chest thumping for Israel stop me from taking the simplest, cheapest action at my disposal to MAGA.
theres been gofile links with over a hundred downloads multiple times within the past week, keep coping
was there a funny season 3 teaser today?
Neither skit was funny. The Simmons skit made me want to stop watching though lol
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>its one of the most iconic moments of s1
the footage of them rehearsing it days before is arguably way more iconic than the actual performance of the skit which was just embarrassing and unfunny
Daria Bakina
i shared those links on /r/clairebears and /r/tjmaxxers
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thank you
the rehearsal and the actual skit were both funny and iconic, peak cringekino
what would you rather talk about? TJTaylor for the 1000th thread in a row? Faggot
qrd on this Taylor person? She hasn't really been discussed much in these threads I don't think.
>The "bombing" was hilarious though, its objectively better
Jon's skit was unironically funnier, despite how stupid it was. I'm not going to run the "cringe kino" shit for Letty's shitty skit.
announcement at 6pm
been here since season 1 and i have no clue who that guy is
No the letty skit was great and funny, everyone has forgotten jon's and sissy simmons will never be forgotten
He's lying. Whites males have lost support for trump every year since his first election in 2016, way down in 2020, down even more now in 2024. America is cooked anon. What's going to happen is going to happen and being invested in presidential election isn't going to change shit. All that matters is building your own personal wealth and community of friends that actually like and care about you.
he sucks cock at the casino bathroom stalls
Jon is eternal.
Nope I'd rather focus on elections than bilding personal wealth and a community of friends that actually care about me
>jon's accent
It is a speech impediment not an accent lol
Why are you people so uppity today?
Except we've gotten millions of funnier Jon screaming/retard moments since then, it was just novel at the time, his skit has objectively been forgotten about
Just shut the fuck up already
Taylor is so fucking hot and sexy I'd fucking let her ride my fucking bwc until she creams and get her pregnant.
what do you mean "you people"?
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three foot philtrum
And those millions of times retard screaming are funnier
truecel physiognomy
i wouldn't be surprised. some of them get 20 downloads but randomly some get 100+ which makes me think they got shared somewhere else.
i kno rite?!?!?!?! quick post about how much we love our boyfriend tj to repair the vibes!!!! *holds up cock ring*
yes they are funnier than the time he did it in the sketch, I agree
I act tough, but deep down I want Letty to play with my hair, hug my head, and fall asleep to the sound of her heartbeat. There I said it. Whatever.
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I love TJ
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i never samefag and i post a lot more than just claire. threads are kind of grim, but they could be a lot worse honestly. probably should have banned these threads after 2.5 or bitchtank
Okay keep me posted
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Letty the type of girl to poke a hole in the condom behind your back
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I love Peter
And funnier each time more than sissy simmons
why are you so mad lol i want you to keep going for funsies
Do you know the source of this? It's cool
>wearing a condom with letty or claire
i am simply not doing that
jet save us
this but josie
and you will have absolutely nothing to show for it. nobody is going to be impressed with how much cared about the outcome of the election and your power fantasies of what you want to happen if you were king of the world.
yeah letty has already said she doesnt do condoms
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Wife of S2's winner.
time to go back to /bant/
Why is /ftl/ getting more and more grim as we approach S3? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
remember when jet was watching the season 2 episodes the other day
need Natural Family Planning practicing gf.
>and you will have absolutely nothing to show for it
dont care i have no way to build personal wealth and to make people like me
Thinking about the time back in the day where I almost got pussy from a girl who vaguely looks like Claire at a wedding before Bitchtank started then became obsessed with Claire and watched her every night then white knighted for her on /tv/ and made sure the narrative never shifted against her because I was obsessed with her.
I'm exited to see how fat Frank is now and how bad Sam's cough is
Claire’s stomach is much thinner
yeah i watched them with him theyre coming soon
fans are actively avoiding fishtank and /ftl/ after the last few months. you can seethe about anyone or anything and get barely any pushback except from clairebears maybe.
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We need bam as a freeloader. He'll probably do it for free coke and booze.
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anyway I'm gay
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he cucked TJ lol die mad
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I love Megan's dark piss
Jon Podesta's personal collection of ritual sexual abuse art
I can only get so hyped at a fake hawk tuah girl announcement
When the fuck does Jacob's content house start? The site's a fucking graveyard without him, especially now that Claire's too busy with her job to shitpost in chat all day.
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where cookies??? no cookie no attention !!!! youre fired lolololoñ
A. /bant/ retards couldn't sustain their shitty threads and migrated
B. Wiggers are too lazy to give any sort of promotional content to talk about
Nothing to talk about and now it's just autistic /bant/tier posts
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jet fucking do something we're bored
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Yep. This place is unironically worse than /bant/ between s2 and s2.5. I think i'm just going to fuck off until s3 tbqh
turn on a single camera jet, cmon
16 ppl cast
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i'm starting to think content house isn't real
it's 10 people and they're all fans. you'll still watch.
jet jet jet jet jet
Tayleigh is a femcel
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Real Fatty Posting Hours
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Taylor the fair maiden of FishTank.
I'd say Jet should hire Jacob to production if he didn't happen to look so weird, which would be a giveaway to the fish they're not on a typical reality show. He'd probably take a pay cut bc he likes the show so much.
>actively avoiding fishtank and /ftl/ after the last few months
I'm too interested in seeing how many come back. Season 3 premier having sub 2000 people watching could almost work in it's favor.
anyone got a webm
Alright guys I'm gonna take a peek at the /bant/ thread, I'll be back soon to inform you on anything I find.
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>In the "make-it-till-you-fake-it" mercurial landscape of online culture wars there are few with the longevity of Sam Hyde and his posse, Million Dollar Extreme, and his cadre of supporters.
>"We thought we were toast there for a second, but it's like reacting to an oil spill and learning to surf on it," Sam confided to us in the second floor office of a Rhode Island warehouse. It used to be a storage facility for Frito-Lay inventory but now is MDE'S facility for producing entertainment.
>"Downstairs we have green screens and Jet's workshop. There's also some leftovers from the previous owner's stock of goods which can really help us when we are in a Crunch and need a crunch."
>Sam lets out a bemused smirk upon making such a childish pun. The old Sam would have never been caught making such an innocuously frivolous sentiment. Everything was much more serious eight years ago.
>"We had a show, and I... I went a little quixotic in my messaging. The people giving us a platform got cold feet and pulled the plug. I lost a lot of friends and opportunities. Chuck wouldn't talk to me for years... He went to the Orient."
>Sam looks away, wistfully, out through the windows that cover the entire wall of the office facing the street.
>"People still bring up awkward stuff I did back then. Stuff with chicks. Politics. I learned at this point to just stop caring. I started focusing more on the kids, the young men and boys who need my guidance. I even brought a few on to my team. And we're elevating others beyond that. Setting up their own streaming careers, getting them to lose weight, and one kid is even running for his town's City Council. That kid... he might yet have a future."
>He stands up, turns around and does a slow-motion punch at one of their graphics workstations. Then he says,
>"Enough of this sentimental bullshit. Come with me downstairs to meet the rest of the crew in Jet's Workshop."
Have we considered that TJ got tired of the fridge bod
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Looks like she could use an ice cold Zipp
are you like literally retarded and bedridden or something? if not shut the fuck up, get off your ass and start living life every single day. nobody is coming to save you anon. definitely not the big orange nigger.
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letty, kalei and taylor are currently the only hot girls related to fishtank
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>I started focusing more on the kids
wording, Samuel
that 6k was the most money ive ever had
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bex is hot too but otherwise true
Steinfuls gf looks good here
is this irl dress to impress?
i wish jet's workshop was real
abi clears all of them
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how long do you typically spend on these fake leaks to trick like 5 people on 4chan
what if jacob's content house is just S3 production?
They should make all of the producers play Boar on the Floor in season 3 when they fuck up
Yeah, fuck it. I act tough, I act like a big bad man, I stomp around, be loud. Deep down I just want Letty to hold my hand and touch my face. There, I confessed. Is that good enough for you?
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there is no /bant/ thread...
New TJ letterboxd review
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do you think Tay's opinion on Sam has changed after being humiliated non stop, especially after bloodgames?
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Tay has zero self awareness
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that's my gf actually and she always looks good
Probably more attracted to him now desu
tj go live pls
6 hours
no, you don't understand how retarded she is
why would he even watch this
How about you go live?
It's one autistic claireseether vs several annoying faggots.
She thinks they are friends and just messing around
you can earn 6k in two months of retard caretaking anon. A job that is always hiring, will hire anybody and is easy as fuck. I've saved over 100k from hanging out with retards in the last two and a half years while watching fishtank and shitposting. literally just do this and go to the gym daily for a year minimum and then go from there.
It's only me and the schizos and trannies here now it seems
Hey Steinful where are the episodes and how was the flight to Phoenix? Did she drain you?
>get off your ass and start living life every single day
meaningless platitude
Cope more claireseether
>retard caretaking
what specifically is the job title? tryna apply on indeed to this shit if they will literally hire anybody.
Some retards are pretty chill actually I'm at the animal hospital and one just told me his dog died and then gave me daps
2many arrests
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Where is she keeping the BBC onlyfans sex tapes also featuring her sister Dallas? Doesn't she know this is her last chance at fame and success?! GreenSimp, Dwangay, get your girl hooked up
Hi Mike
Can someone tell Scott he's not going to be on season 3. I don't think Jet has the heart to tell him
God I wanna creampie them together
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im not steinful
Wow, so beautiful, so elegant, so graceful.
Hello butterscotch
She upset my sweet baby boy TJ, I knew she was no good for my handsome lil man. I'll never forgive her for breaking his kind heart
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i'm steinful
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best girl
Clip his reaction
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Is raising a daugher the ultimate cuck? I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for other men.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to ravage her every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
it is
you raised some mighty fine looking girls sir...
imagine leaving red marks smacking that fat pale ass as she rides your fucking coch
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haha this still cracks me the heck up lol
if they want to do they slow burn scott is incapable of acting normal
How much more grim could it be? None. None more grim.
yeah its almost like "cucking" is not that big of a deal and the obsession with avoiding "cucking" is deranged and anti human
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god yes
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New teaser dropped
Jesus dude
I'm not going to imagine that
Tayleigh has some throat goat competition
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Search "Residential Habilitation" and "Direct Care" on Indeed
they're fucking awesome. some have fucked up issues like paranoid schizophrenia but they're still total bros when you get the hang of it
no its not. go do something. Do retard caretaking if you can't think of anything.
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Eskimo brothers. These two must have BWCs because Josie is a SIZE QUEEN
Sarge X PJ link up...
Need it or sneed it?
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sweetest sugar
her tight fucking vagina, with a big fat ugly cock inside, she would be squirming and creaming
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Didn't Shoenice scam Jet out of 500 dollars last season? I guess Shoenice wants to double dip.
why is it ugly
Good grief that pot belly, very hot
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Need it!
Make the call JET!
I am doing something, im in school, im still not oblivious to the fact that ill never grow personal wealth or have friends, id rather be a part of something greater, something civilizational, thats why I vote in elections
Dallas is so hot bros. She's like Taylor but less retarded.
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There's a non zero chance Taylor and/or Dallas will read this
Don't think she's a bad person, just young emotional and misguided but the Gemma/"He cheated" situation combined with how weird and vindictive it was how she called out Greg during a stream (tho justifiable, Greg is a creep) but she would never at any point acknowledged that situation on stream, among other things... Just all made her seem like she is desperate for clout and attention to a degree that overtook how cute she is. Like the facade she presents now looks very hollow and insincere so I haven't watch any of her streams since that TJ Won one
Penises are ugly
nigga in the comments doesn't even know 2.5 happened

Speak for yourself ugly penis guy
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It's like reading a journal shared by five guys with debilitating OCD. The same thing, over and over.
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breeding this tight piece would be worth anything
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What's up with that fag steinful wearing drag?
She looks much more retarded than taylor
Dallas's finance Ethan is an anon that reports to Taylor too. Dude has a chance to become a fishtank legend. Post the Dallas nudes, Ethan!
Why is the Fishtank fanbase so grim and fucked up?
it's fucking over...
Could you people stop talking about Taylor for five fucking seconds?
Chips were fucking awful, they got rid of the best thing from season 1 (fishbucks) for absolutely zero reason
imagine your brother-in-law reporting back to you on what retards on 4chan are saying
i could talk about fucking taylor for 5 seconds
i'm a quickshot, what can i say
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Checking in on these threads is like lifting a rock to see the creepy crawlies. I wonder how Sam must feel about having cultivated one of the worst fandoms ever.
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>It's another ToiletTrashFloridaWhore Taylor trash thread
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>only jon and jimmy publicly wished her happy birthday
do you think the recent discord leaks soured her relationship with production?
chips weren't awful as a concept, like usual its the execution that made them horrible because jet neptune can't for the life of him make anything matter on his shit broken show or track it
we're writing smut about your totally-innocent-and-virgin ex Teej, might want to look away lol
He's probably wondering why it keeps happening.
you people are losers forever
I feel bad for his wife. Imagine joking on twitter with your mutuals how ugly and busted she is
Taylor needs to get pregnant by a nice fan, just let her have a one night stand and ride a big fat cock and get pregnant.
did they ever even matter before the finale? there was no way they would've actually kicked someone over rent money
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duhhh why the fuck do you think we are here in the first place
shut up leaf
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just rename the next thread /tjaylor/. /ftl/ is dead and buried
back 2 the incest and molestation fanfiction
They've always been salty about her rightfully keeping her distance.
How tight is Josie’s pussy? Or is she used up already?
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y do chocolate mans gib mommy betty ouchies :(
That's fair
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Toilet trash Taylor will be fucking and sucking BBC on video any DAY now. We'll see who's winning then
bts army is worse
that all changes tomorrow!
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>get pregnant by a nice fan, just let her have a one night stand
only one? only once? c'mon, you know she gets to take at LEAST 5 at the same time, in a week long binge of sex, prozac and gambling down in the panhandle
does this look like the face of a gal that only does this once "for the fans"?
Gotta pay the toll or something.
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Taylor kind of has the face of a baby
she gets creamed by 5 different fans in one night. her big fat ass shaking everywhere as she walks around the hotel room.
Just stop talking. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
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she look like the nigga from clockwork orange here
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i will devote my entire being to tracking you down and beheading your limp head from your scrawny body if you dare to lay even a single finger on my girl
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Post-40boys (she's full of cum)
It's called fetal alcohol syndrome
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>there are people ITT rn that think she wasn't fucking everyone in production while 2 and 2.5 were happening
>those same people don't even realize she was sexting guys right next to Teej
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Cause her hair smell like pee pee
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let's discuss the body of work of the beautiful CK
I think the majority of this thread probably hates sam
me included
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I assumed she intentionally had shitty lighting/camera settings to make her face less visible. Every single location she has ever streamed at has had shit lighting.
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please come back I don't care how fat you get i'll feed you cookies forever baby tj cheated you are valid please respond
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Catching up on this thread makes me want to just skip S3. Jesus.
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Toilet Trash Taylor is filming herself riding old wrinkly cock in the casino bathrooms every fucking evening, just so she can get some earnings to blow at the casino to tweet about, and the cunt can't even give us the tiniest crumb of watching old man semen drool down from her used up toilet trash pussy. FUCK HER FUCK YOU TAYLOR LEWIS
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/ftl/ was raped
You are literally trannies rolling with a runaway plot.
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S3 is the only thing that can save these threads, we just need new content (and for like 80% of posters to kill themselves)
How do I contact a 4chan moderator?
thanks guys this has been one of the worst threads in a while let's do a little better next time around, ok?
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>"Sorry Tee Jay I'm just not in the mood right now..."
>"Sorry Tee Jay I'm just sore..."
>"Sorry Tee Jay I've got a headache..."
>"Sorry Tee Jay I'm on my period..."
>"Sorry Tee Jay I haven't showered..."
>"maybe next time, okay?"
>"tee hee"
will chris finally have sex on season 3?
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wow, he's beautiful
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You're trying to reason with actual incels who have been seething about a fucking Fishtank breakup for like 2 months straight now. You just gotta keep scrolling man, these threads aren't 'running the show', they're a containment zone for schizo scum
Right here, what's up?
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anyway tj is cute and will be my husband :)
you people are truly sick just stop
benji bake already baka
we're not worthy...
Hi Abi
I like Taylor, you'd have to be some gay, self-inserting faggot not to. TJ seems cool too. Taylor has some insecurities and TJ has autism, didn't work out, whatever. Greenshark or whatever the fuck you guys are calling him now, should kill himself.
>for like 2 months straight now
TJTaylor fags have been spamming, talking in circles saying the same fucking things every thread since S2. genuinely needs a containment /bant/ thread for their gay drama at this point
When has Jet ever wished anyone a happy birthday publicly?
Hi me
hung leaking uncut TJ cock slapping on your face leaving precum strings
new >>203752572
yeah benji, that shit definitely isn't posted by the same people
ethan has to summarize all of this by tomorrow morning
I agree.
Obsessed much? ;)
proof that abi is a nigger
They probably won't care tho some tranny named Emily (last name auto censored lol) is running the show now. They live in Methuen aka left wing tranny immigrant heroin central MA
The freaks who keep these threads alive are literally the butt-end of the meta joke which was "Bitchtank"

This is your CryoKeen hamster room. Probably sharing the space with him too...
These threads aren't even about the show anymore. They've just devolved into gossip and drama. It's probably just a pysop by that woman who worked for Sam (I can't even remember her name because it's so insignificant) to get the threads shut down
Channing? Or are you talking about the tranny Evan/eve? marky isn't real dickhead it was just a bit
I refuse to believe any normal young adult male would devote so much time talking about e-celebrities and their gay drama. This is literally Cryo Keem tier levels of patheticness, and for that reason I'm out
See you tomorrow
No I have faith that some level headed bros synchronistically decided to peep this general at the same time to witness the decay. I hope you won't be here tomorrow either.

Keep seething B*tty.
>No I have faith that some level headed bros synchronistically decided to peep this general at the same time to witness the decay. I hope you won't be here tomorrow either.
they're just going to keep responding to their own posts

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