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Shed edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Aperture is a fat disgusting freak (to no ones surprise)
• Taylor has became a coke addict

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203752572
If you've been here since the s1 days or if you simply lurk & post occasionally just know we're all mentally ill on some sort of scale. It took me this long to truly grasp what we are. Fishtank is a core part of our personality but we need to develop a healthier obsession with it, enough with this silliness guys for our sakes & yes the irony of this post also being a shitpost in of itself is not lost.

We are all mentally ill, quite literally down to Jeremy/Stalkers, down to the notorious namefags or down all the way to your average, everyday /ftl/ poster. Just look at us we have unironic Sarge incest posts everyday now. You're analyzing people's relationships & hating them based on your headcanon. This is not normal.

Fishtank as embarrassing as it is for us, for fish & the freeloaders & even the crew themselves especially Jet unironically has saved my life. I passed the Jew filter & saw how ridiculous it all truly is. Screenshot this & use it to "ironically" post for future threads. Cope.

>inb4 simple iq imageboard styled reply
Sure your response is valid but again, this post is also a mockery
>inb4 you're high bro
I am high but it took me that to realize that there is something broken in us no matter if it's something more simple as an obsession to fishtank/imageboard websites or something unhealthier like you yourself a known poster or a namefag
>inb4 blog post/no replies/shitpost with attached reaction image
You read this thus it got to you, that is all that matters. Subconsciously you got the message.

Take care of yourself Anon, i mean it. I pray to see a better version of yourself in the future
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been on 4chan, reddit etc for 10+ years and this may be the biggest cope i've ever seen in my life
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Thanks captain obvious
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She's so crazzzzzzzy! Love her!!!
good post really summarizes current events
Cole lost and I love Cole but he lost and he's a fuck up he washed up he's probably fucking dead right now he probably killed himself and it's our fault and now I think I'm going to kill myself
Taylor deserves to suffer to her last breath
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excellent post
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Large boobies
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nice thumbnail
been on 4chan, reddit etc for 10+ years and this may be the biggest cope i've ever seen in my life
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wtf is kalei doing??
damn thats crazy
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The raped
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wears a dog collar during sex
been on 4chan, reddit etc for 10+ years and this may be the biggest cope i've ever seen in my life
Some kind of thing for something she's doing later
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been on 4chan, reddit etc for 10+ years and this may be the biggest cope i've ever seen in my life
she's making a smash or pass thing to show her friends (probably gay guys)
sarg really is /ourguy/...
wdym comeback? what happened?
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Ben did a pretty cover of dark horse by Katy perry on his ig story and nobody said talking about it
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great post
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He sure raised some mighty fine daughters...
>dad's name is PJ
>boyfriend's name is TJ
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fuck off it was consensual
Jet's out here really writing essays now.
been on 4chan, reddit etc for 10+ years and this may be the biggest cope i've ever seen in my life
*nobody is
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Ok remember we are dressing in suits and ties for the premiere of S3 its going to be bussin af
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i don't like him anymore
This is the only social media I entertain
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woody poured up in a rat
yeah i just bought mine just one quick question: are we like meeting somewhere? am i just sitting at my desk in a suit?
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>4chan, reddit etc
does birthday suit counts?
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Betty troon arc?
I only care about TJ. And maybe Abi but only when she's talking about TJ.
no u
Too bad she doesn't have a penis
I get it
wasnt one of her siblings trooned? it might run in her family
okay this was funny
I've give you that b*ttypedos
Do you follow her just to get mad about what she posts? Pretty sad desu
i'll watch it when you post your bussy
The raped
they broke up and now abi won't stop flirting with tj in chat whenever he streams
every woman has this thought i think
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waw eggs
just watched it and he didn't even do a cover it was just him lip syncing what the hell
been on 4chan, reddit etc for 10+ years and this may be the biggest cope i've ever seen in my life
dark horse smoketeam6 remix
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>1m ago
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holy shit they turned on 1 cam
Since he's the investor of season 1 I can say this:
DrDisrespect saying him openly admitting he was "having innappriopriate conversations with a minor" was actually a part of his master plan to bait journalists into calling him a pedo (to sue them? make them look silly?) is the funniest cope for grooming allegations I've ever heard in my life.
you are not a woman
cmon ben, update the OP next time
reminds me of the fingering motion shinji used to do
fucking hell some of you are actually 13 years old aren't you
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wow he's so talented
>Mentally ill person exclusively goons to trap porn, now she wishes she was a trap.
Many such cases
Hopefully he streams tonight
45 years young
Taylor has to stream first. Then he'll get on about an hour or two later.
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So why was Ben wearing a woman's top and brassiere in that photo with Steinful? What the fuck, Ben?
it's him singing
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Josie with a glass of steinful’s piss ready to gulp it down the hatch.
>hold your nose shut baby so you don’t taste it
they are dating
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he has a beautiful voice
too old to say
zoomers are aggressive
you’re fucking lying i wanted to hear ben’s voice and that’s not what he sounds like this sucks
Someone edit this to a big fat steinful cock
ben is clearly secure in his masculinity
Creature is good when she's by herself reading the chat, I like making her laff, with anything else she is incompetent
god forbid Ben have fun
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>when are you going to suck my dick
These threads need to die
they need to give season 3 fish computers with no internet access and shit like that I want to watch some sperg play minesweeper in the "family computer room"
yeah i’ll get right on that man
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it was a fake, old news
insiders does josei like the "josie is a size queensie" meme??
Where else will you have day long seething melties about the fish?
>both left Taylor’s life too soon
kys b*ttypedo
Where's the lie?
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worst idea yet
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what kind of fun are we talking about
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The only Taylor I want to hear about in these threads from now on is Benjamin Taylor. He's a rockstar
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Sounds so fucking hot
He was serving cock
If Sammy can talk to cute Marky then Drdisrespect can talk to someone about to turn 18. What’s the problem here
Is it so much of a reach that you can despise someone but also recognize if they do something funny?
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got rejected by faze clan kek
Scott needs to get a real job
It's the most draining job of all
Idk there's probably a reddit or kiwifarms thread up somewhere
love this lil nigga
Fishtank owns you Jacob
lol he's not wrong (speaking from 10+ years experience)
leave that mentally handicapped goofy ass hoe alone
you sick fuck
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I have a slight case of the cuckitus I need to see Josie get fucked with a huge cock
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Is he in an open relationship or does his wife just not give a fuck because he's rich?
What's wrong with her?
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what's so funny about that, dickhead?
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scott is making fun of us
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they fucked
josie and steinful sitting in a tree
k i s s i n g
then josies paypigs subsequently roping from the same tree
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misters plz prey 4 my mommy bety
she hab 2 much bbc and now she sick :(
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Imagine seething so hard about a woman who doesn't know you exist that you talk like a baby for 3 weeks.
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What's Letty's IQ?
>goes to the show under the assumption she would be ridiculed
>they killed her with kindness and broke her mind
so devilish
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this bitch is beyond busted
Someone tie this bitch up in a dungeon I wanna see her spazz out and shake from not touching her pussy LOL. I need a clipboard and lab coat too so I can write down all my findings and notes for this strange case
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did he piss his pants
or did he dry hump josie in the car to the airport until he jizzed in his trousers
or was she a willing participant
i think we should be told
and don't say it's a shadow jacob because the shadows on the ground reveal the direction of the light source
Leave blacked B*tty's children alone, you pedophile freak
>missing your only opportunity to be called a rockstar by Ben
heavy regret
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Jon no!!!!
correct take
the math checks out
someone had 2 say it
not wrong
based jawn never misses and to further clarify the sex is only gay if you are the receiver
>continues to obsessively associate with a show that blacklisted her
Do you think she regrets the whiteboard?
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I don't really thing Jacob is that funny or entertaining, his whole shtick is that he looks weird and plays a children's video game
You people are insanely obsessed about Betty
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probably some bullshit like 112, high enough to be sentient but low enough where it makes her an ambitionless internet addicted neet.
Based Jon's a real one for this.
Hi BBC Betty
Don't end it all just yet
4chan will always be your friend
Compared to the likes of Greg, Oddbod, Creature, etc. he is godsend. He's good for Fishtank
how much money do you think he made playing roblox on tiktok
imagine thinking anyone read this
Wasn't comparing him to anyone else, just in a vacuum his kind of stuff just doesn't entertain me. He was fine on the show but I haven't watched any of anyone's streams on the website because that's gay
Don't know and don't care
Nah that’s old jacob he’s literally been traveling all over the states seeing different people or trying to make the fishtank streams entertaining.
It's my morning affirmation.
There is something really ugly about content brain where drama is the main value in any interaction so you're always trying to do or say something stupid or outrageous and you just don't care. No other morality beyond "what will get dumb kids clicking?"

>old jacob
he looks about 15
edierockers in the house tonight
Exactly this. Content brain is a great way to describe it
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>>inb4 you're high bro
>I am high but
>Taylor is a coke addict now
Quick rundown please? I was in a 6-hour goon sesh and I missed that.
these days, that's enough
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Jacob is a performance artist
you'll eventually come to understand
he's a more subtle version fo nikocado
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isn't he a neet with a fixation on being a 1-4 mma fighter
she's addicted to coke
i Love coke whores. what's her number?
>but low enough where it makes her an ambitionless internet addicted neet.
midwit hands typed this
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> I was in a 6-hour goon sesh
nice, name some of what you have gooned to
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Watch your tongue. Scott has an undisputed rape record in the tank.
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Betty is NOT a grifter, ok anons? She is Sam's #1 fan and those were definitely NOT crocodile tears
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did the guys who hated the fan reveal, root for JC after?? considering she was the only non fan
Ive been grooming fishtank boys into watching sissy hypno
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Imagine working in a gym or dujo while being a fat red guy.
This dude is still massively butthurt about Betty.
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bit gay
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>insane chick has 0 self control
he's still got a point tho about her hypocrisy and grifting b*ttypedo
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>has a gay brother
>has a troon sister (ftm)
makes sense anon
This post smells of envy
wow betty(name uncensored) finally has a good opinion , and she likes sam now because she knows he doesn't hate her like she thought
Hes got a point
>now this
not beating the trannytank allegations
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he is also a blatant liar
I just come here to shitpost, man. It's not that deep.
I come here for fifteen minutes, laugh at the unhinged posts, make up some bullshit that may or may not snowball and get out of here to do other stuff during the day.
But sure, good luck to you too. Admitting you have a problem is part of the solution.
I went through a similar ego-death on /bant/ and getting a job actually helped me to stop nolifing the threads. Hope it helps.
she looks real chocked up
yeah, until cole won me back again
the moment that ten folded everyones fixation with her
She lives rent free in your brain all day that's why you always post about her.
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tj probably still sleeps with this
Can't get Bex out of my mind
Does he still have the cupcake?
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Sissy Simmons? Yeah. I love xer.
You think he still has it?
someone ask TJ if he still has that plushie next time he streams
You're right Claire is the princess of /ftl/ thats why we always post her.
does anyone think he still has this? asking for a friend

Wikipedia says MDE doesn't exist anymore

The article also slanders the fanbase

I tried to change it but they banned me
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she's welcome to my brainspace
all true
I wonder if he still has the frog Dallas crocheted for him
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lets all love josie
Do you think he still has this cupcake?
Of course he says this after pariah fucks Tate
jimmy is on creature's dating show. my evening is ruined
She's my favorite person :)
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been on 4chan, reddit etc for 10+ years and this may be the best post i've ever seen in my life
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ancient greek pilled
MDE was never white supremacists, honorary member DJ Kaos is black
Channing won
when was this?
I'd be fine going the whole rest of my life without seeing Jimmy ever again
Benji, the fans not the group.
yes let's run a train on wosie <3
laker is a pretty princess!
fans are larp white supremacists
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Top J can’t stop winning
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She's so Julia
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honestly why would ben go for stienful when he got such a cutie in his reach
been on 4chan, reddit etc for 10+ years and this may be the biggest cope i've ever seen in my life
Stay away from S3 then.
What do you goon to? Don’t hold back
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TJ and Taylor will be happily married and expecting their first baby by this time next year.
I've seen his GFS boob heheheh
Breached containment to post Steinfuls new gf? Thanks I guess?
I bet she’s a good fuck tho, real tight and a grip that could drain you after the first round.
sam is a white supremacist it's his only redeeming feature
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She probably smells like sour cream (autistic)
steinful is gay thoughie(not that there's anything wrong with that)
Keep seething Keegan, NOTHING you do will stop true love.
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Erm steinful is inside my waifu's vagina?
but he's Jewish
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Whats everyone here doing tonight? God knows none of the interesting fish will actually stream.
wonder if he still has it
been on 4chan, reddit etc for 10+ years and this may be the biggest cope i've ever seen in my life
the lovely miss megamind is streaming!
no he's not
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bottom of the barrel
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The beautiful CC
why would you watch this willingly
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I know that guy
GTA VI leaks?!?!?!
he has a fetish for being buckbroken by blond beast bulls
dw he'll still break in your big brown buck bussy benji
Wow! She's beautiful!
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this but unironically
A slew of mom-centered porn. Not into incest, btw. I just like hags:
MomPOV: Savannah, Jewel, Roxie, Davina, Darcy, Cynthia, Emi and India Summer's feature; some old Ms. Berlin videos; Nina Hartley vids, especially the one where she gets pegged by Lily Cade; Ashley Fires POV videos, and some Lady Fyre vids. Edging for hours because my mangled cock can't feel a thing at this point.
her fur con video on her channel
>Sam is a self hating jew
Many such cases
why do you do it, drug related?
>Nina Hartley
good taste btw
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me too.
hi cole
She looks like she smells like poverty and feet
at least they are doing something that isn't vidja graems
it is and always was
this fag needed 4 security guards to walk around twitch con
I understand the Josie hate when Josiecels were infesting the threads and being annoying retards, but what drives the obsession with hating Josie now?
can't hate the DBZ ass fit
nice kudos to sticking to one genre my goon seshesh are all over the place where i could go from 2d to 3d from loli to hags in a flick of a finger after being fixated on one for like half an hour
Isn't this Jimmy himself making his own hideousness the butt of the joke ? Wtf? I thought he hated that but he volunteered himself?
fuck you for making me see this
not sure is ben is just being a contrarian for (You)'s or lost in the post irony
Death grip. Many such cases.
Gotta respect the OG.
I'm not that lucky.
She's a bad person that runs a groomercord
I'd check it out for Kumbi if Jimmy wasn't also in that screenshot.
I can only get it up when the woman's in pain
>made him a custom pfp (shes said many times that she doesnt do commisions)
>follows him on his spotify (only user profile she follows)
>follows him on his other private accounts that have 20 followers max
>plays fortnite and overwatch him on discord
>he will be going to the west coast (what would a british dude thats only ever been to rhode island do there?)
and her fans are still blissfully in denial LMAO
hi Samuel Whitcomb Hyde from Million Dollar Extreme
they hate everything
start talking abouit kittens or ice cream and watch the hate
this is a bad place
They’re looks and personality matched. Jimmy’s family is loaded. I’m not opposed.
Tj I'd like some karaoke kino tonight I can actually watch it live on the weekend :)
Do you actually care about that (if it's even real) or is it a channing situation where you're just a scorned bitter ex (in this case ex-simp) and just using it as a weapon with no actual regard for the victims?
Is that why he likes anal so much? (Marky was a TIGHT lil piece)
Wait, is Jimbo applying for that Criatura date?
Holy shit, this dude has no shame.
>Is that why he likes anal so much?
I wouldn't blame him
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I went to their /bant/ general and most of them didn't seem to care because they don't actually think Josie is their internet girlfriend like taytriots did.
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I don't like people that want to harm children.
>It was mostly bingus
that's mostly BOGUS
I hope the Josiepedos don't become like the Gaytriots and start bombing her streams and social media.
I sure hope it doesn't happen.
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you'd have to be aggressively obsessed with josie to know all this
i'm not being mean mate but get a fucking life
Do you experience empathy?
Why does discord always seem to attract the worst people doing the worst behaviors? Theres always some pedo or groomer lurking why?
fucking awful, looking extra ugly today why is she streaming like that
yes but people being mean to girls i like has made me lash out at ones i was indifferent or disliked.
Don't ask me that right now
definitive mid
jimmy just wrecked his car lmao
sometimes I pretend to
How would you actually fix Kato's look? Honestly, what would be a good haircut for her lightbulb head shape?
Hard mode: no usage of explosives or highly corrosive materials.
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big head tiny face
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Hi Mike
Yes but not all the time.
>Sam holding down Dumbgay so he doesn't bail out.
Always makes me laugh.
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>josie reminds me of kittens and ice cream! She's so my pure innocent waifu!
Damn this smelly mutt ho has you niggas fooled. She gets drunk and high and takes dick all the time to cope with being molested by her Mexican uncle.
Where the fuck is Scott?
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it kinda happened briefly
Short bangs are not it for her face. That airplane runway needs to be hidden by something.
why does she actually look better?
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Bitch needs bangs, cover that lightbulb up
Does this mean will get more naked mechanic pics while he fixes it?
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kek he's still trying
Be better.
I skimmed through this and unironically where is the supposed grooming. A 17 year old posted a pic they shouldn't have then deleted it and this emily was being a weirdo and they told her to fuck off? I don't get it. Where is it Josie's fault? I guess the finger thing is weird but it also sounds like friends fucking around, how old was Josie during this?
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actionman got kicked out of twitchcon lol

looks kind of like marky here
They should just get bam margera on the show
many such cases!
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hello creature
can your adorable yawn handle 8.2 inches
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>josie reminds me of kittens and ice cream
why do you need to misrepresent what i said?
does it make you feel good to lie about what we're talking about?
why might that be?
you sad fuck
Probably the first person other than the poster himself to actually read that wall of text.
crazy this guy isn't dead yet t b h
nice girl
Shoovy was pushed into a moving train and DBR got banned for harassing xqc. Cx always providing the content. Fousey also shook down some pajeet that owed him money, G7 shit right there.
I still think the reason Greenshark hasn't been seen in Taylor's streams or making new reels is because she found out he referred to her as "rapidly growing" kek.
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Cope + seethe + smelly foot size QUEEN
If we're stilll discussing Josie a year from now I'm going to fucking kill myself
Kato is the most 5/10 white woman I've ever laid eyes upon for real bro
The next Cell will be a Cryokeen/Shoenice/Jimmy no holds barred yap deathmatch.
Last man standing wins fifteen minutes with Sam to talk to him
If we're still discussing Taylor a year from now I'm going to fucking kill myself
imagine becoming a josieseether in september 2024. you had april 2023 to august 2024 to become a josieseether and you were like "nah" and then for some reason this month you decide it's time to start obsessing over owning josie.
>They said it couldn't be done, there aren't enough Claire's to go around anymore, they're only being made overseas in Italy and our good friend Israel... But we implemented Operation Wop Speed at the end of my administration, and we found them all like they've never been found before, enough Claire's for every man in the nation. Big, beautiful Claire's, the best in the world, I think you'll agree. And we will begin to pair them up on day 1 when I am elected.
She will either be in jail or dead by then hopefully
>If we're stilll discussing Josie a year from now I'm going to fucking kill myself
they had a bit of a resurgence because it was her birthday stream, they'll disappear when she goes back under 200 viewers and is getting only $100 or so in donos a stream.
talking to complete strangers on monkey like jacob can be good, talking to fans like creature is is NOT enjoyable
>in jail
for what
The truth nuke Josiecucks don't want to accept is that Josie ABANDONED her mexican family in order to be a communal fleshlight in a basement for a bunch of white and jewish junkies who random street whores consistently rank as 3/10 ugly short incels.

Josie fucks them all for FREE. That's how much of a slut she is. She's on "50+ dicks Tayleigh" levels of sluttery only Josie has a more racist pussy. Imagine forming a community to worship such an ugly and stupid bitch as Josie... what the hell is wrong with these guys
and why do you feel the need to post things like this?
do you still love this... josie?
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she drained many bank accounts from april 2023 to august 24 and they arent happy that she has a bf now
>what would be a good haircut for her lightbulb head shape?
gay guy here, bigger hair in whatever style she wants. im sure there's some twin peaks girl she likes and can copy. but it will mean she actually has to spend 20 minutes doing her hair each morning (afternoon?) and she wont.
this is literally only bad ideas and he's legit schizophrenic and mentally ill.
and the canadian cock poster.
What if we're still discussing Josie a year from now?
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Alright Dark Taytriots, the other day I was talking about how you guys told me that I would have at least 3 nightmares for calling Tay a nasty dyke and rampant sargeposting, I finally had a fishtank dream. I was getting ready to leave my house to go to a bar and saw Brian going out into my backyard, he told me "AC is out again" and walked out the back door. What does this mean, am I in danger?
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Drinking and driving
Drug use
Running a pedocord
Etc etc
If we're still discussing Jet Neptune a year from now I'm going to fucking kill myself
Do josiefans even know what sex is? They still think she's a virgin
the fishtank community needs a full reset
RIP in advance man
that’s air
Fishtank chat is full of faggots and I hope she picks none of them
the one time Josie directly stated a specific penis she wanted in her mouth and it was a black man's BBC lol she even said it TWICE in that one stream just in case some of her cuckold paypigs fans missed it

she really is such a sizequeensie that she'll put her white worship racism in 2nd place temporarily if there's a BIG BLACK COCK to be had. either way sucks for her 90% brown mexican/indian fanbase and the 2 TWP fans

her standards are definitely higher than most early 20s women when it comes to size. she tells her fans "bigger is always better" frequently to remind them that they're her cuckolds. sick shit if you ask me

Josie lets a lot of junkie type men smash once to sample them. she fucked producer Ben as well and seemed to prefer him to Jet
>Drinking and driving
>Drug use
>Running a pedocord
Do you have proof, there's no grooming >>203757657 in this image. If i missed it feel free to quote it.
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Sounds like you got a visit from the Dark Peter Pals and they showed you mercy. Take it as a sign to stay on the right path and never falter in pursuit of your goals. Does that sound fair to you?
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Yes. His name is q4l and he was grooming a minor in Josie's pedocord. She actively encourages this sort of thing she's a sick twisted SIZE QUEEN
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I have mad respect for Brian, he's a great guy and I even donated to his stream and his cash app once during season 2. I hope he wasn't offended.
it's gonna be like season 7 and people are going to still be talking about random bitches from fishtank today
>His name is q4l and he was grooming a minor in Josie's pedocord.
do you have proof of this
>She actively encourages this sort of thing
do you have proof of this
But yes, that's fair. I forgot to include that in my reply.
anon, this is just a copypasta
what are you really feeling?
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I could fly to orlando and creampie Creature at any time I please but I choose not to.
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you will find me still discussing Trixie and the beautiful CK
Jesus Christ kek
Imagine being in your 50s saying “I’m a grown up now”
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>paypigs dwindling
>alcoholism worsening
>last three videos flopped
>livestreams are getting less concurrent viewers
>most people realize letty should have won s1
>fishtank fans only bring you up to laugh at you and your pedo fans
We are living in the good timelime.
wow shes beautiful
Has she forgiven her grandma yet?
He's some 30 year old fag that fucked off after these leaks dropped.
Her grandma's a psycho bitch from what she's told why would she
>ask for proof of any of your claims because im genuinely curious
>get irrelevant schizobabble instead
fuck off josiepedos
been hating josie since s1, stupid ugly retarded bitch she is
creature has nearly 10 times the viewers jimmy has on fishtank right now LMAO
Josie told her audience directly on live that she needed "Drake's big pickle" to be "in her mouth" not once, but TWICE in one stream in case they missed it. Josie is a SIZEQUEEN she talks about big dicks quite often.
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For me, it's Critter
if you're still hating on letty and/or josie at this point you're genuinely retarded. that was years ago bro. get with the fucking program
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what'd she do?
where my shadi sisters at?! i love that bitch 4 REAL
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It's been discussed and documented before. Search q4l and queso4lyfe (or whatever his stupid name is) on the archives
Stole $200k from Creature's mom
I don't feel like it, if you're gonna be posting about this bitch every day all day you should have this kind of shit on hand.
i'm in the valley
Creature's mom probably doesn't deserve $200k
to make some progress you have to stop the copypasta
do you believe the things you're saying here?
i'm not judging you anon
SHAMU SHAMU *whale fin dance* SHAMU SHAMU *whale fin dance* SHAMU SHAMU
Pretty based. Creature's mom doesn't deserve that money she failed at raising her daughter the Shrek shoes alone are proof of this.
TJ pronouncing her name as "shady" while she desperately tried to correct him in chat will never not be funny
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her grandma was supposed to split a 400k inheritance with her mother in half but she changed her mind and moved back to venezuela with all the money to herself so creature doxxed her on twitter
Deserved for her being on team Taylor
she's disgusting dude. why would you creampie this nasty whore?
Reminder Josie rewards her loyal paypigs with e-sex on her secret discord.

She also shares production secrets but that's not as interesting desu.
what a horrible person creature is
I believe that Josie is a SIZE QUEEN
Jesus christ, taytriots and clairebears are cancerous but god damn I forgot how fucking awful josiecels are since they've been locked up in their containment threads.
I thought that's how its pronounced desu
So creature isn't any better then Taylor lmao
>It's been discussed and documented
wow! your bizarre fantasies exist in other 4chan threads?
i guess that makes them real
please never visit /x/
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Creature's mom is a MILF with huge tits
please go live, Claire. I'm so fucking bored.
Insider here

Season 3 hosts have officially been cast, it'll be handpuppets Sifl and Olly.
This but JC
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cope and seethe we have the logs josieniggers :)
>Insulting her in spanish.
Damn, she was pulling out the big 'uns here.
To be fair, she would be living like a queen with that money in Memezuela, so kudos to her for taking that chance. Fuck druggie relatives living in the USA
KEK I think i remember this. Calling her shady is too fucking hilarious
sounds more promising than S2
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not only is she a fat nasty whore she's also not a good person
Hot Josie death
>when you obviously die alone on your death bed wondering why no one is there. remember this moment
an old lady hogging up 400k all to herself to live in venezuela of all places is fucking crazy but saying that to your grandma is even crazier holy shit
sell this shit to me, whats the shtick?
Protect Creature's mom
Defend Creature's mom
Cherish Creature's mom
Get out and stay away, this is the worst thing to ever happen to me.
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its a gay show
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Objective Fish tier list while they were on the show:
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imagine getting filtered by this queen
worst thing so far
what does it actually say? I can't translate
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Hottest tits in the tank so far?
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The story about the average social outcast winning the deal of a lifetime; money, exposure, connections, friends and a wife who unconditionally loves, him out of the strangest of circumstances.
gyno jimmy
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is it streamer big brother? thats about all i am gathering from this thread
I hate this
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shadi is great when she's being racist
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You get to watch jet neptroon fail harder and take more Ls every new season while Sam becomes increasingly frustrated and unhinged while indulging in his extreme fetishes.
Are these recent tweets? There's no way she's still talking about this.
the greentext is the translation
>trying to gas the mutt up
she definitely has the lowest IQ of any fishtank contestant in history
*breathes heavy* imma need bouta hour ta make my black hair smoof like da white gurls *breathes heavy* is dat bacon cookin?
he translated it in the post you're replying to
nvm I'm retarded, either way that's hilarious
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Imagine getting gangraped by the shadi squad
this guy gets the show
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>i've made a grave mistake
>taylor/taylo: 1277 mentions
>tay/tayleigh: 1154 mentions
>josie: 756 mentions
>claire/cleh/claudia/cl*re: 674 mentions
>letty/nina: 589 mentions
>betty/bitty/b*tty: 437 mentions
>creature: 436 mentions
>abi: 386 mentions
>kalei: 222 mentions
>bliccy: 184 mentions
>trish: 183 mentions
>shadi: 179 mentions
>CK: 152 mentions
>kato: 135 mentions
>haley: 130 mentions
>JC: 104 mentions
>minion: 76 mentions
>sylvia: 64 mentions
>ella: 60 mentions
>delaney/laney: 58 mentions
>juliana/rato/ratto: 31 mentions
>blacksmiths wife: 1 mention
You can stop self posting now.
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Hey guys what's going on her-
her own grandma hated her so much she just took the money and left KEK
>blacksmiths wife
I'd rather shit razor blades.
this is the last week btw
sex with delaney
christ imagine smacking those pale cheeks while she rides your fat cock....
I would bite my tongue midways to die.
I wouldn't be able to bear the shame afterwards.
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D'You Know What I Mean?
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No we don't, Abi.
manifsters are built different
Imagine being such a hopeless virgin that you would shill Shadi's fat fucking retarded ass
Princess Shadi aryan mogs those negresses.
Cute taylo hope she was not hurt
Her and Jimmy fucked (imagine the smell)
this picture gets funnier when you notice sharti's fat tit holding on for its life
Drop a pack of bacon in there and watch em tear eachother apart like pitbulls
I wish she died
Winning 28 cents in online poker.
>I love winning! ! !
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>Princess Shadi aryan
for someone who was never a contestants and was a freeloader for like 5 days taylor has a vice grip on yall niggas minds
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where it all went wrong
Do NOT reply to the following FTL subects:
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Don't be mean to Taylor.
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cryo is keeno approved
To be fair what else has happened in the last week?
this is gross and weird
The mid section is always the most interesting to me. Kalei and Kato battling it out being key.
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>2024 i am forgotten
Kato has a c section and probably also had an abortion
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>cute monkey
No the fuck they aren't
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vancetent is so underrated
this is awesome and cool
creature doing her cell challenge. greg getting rid of all the streamers. betty meeting sam again. claire streaming bitchtank clips. it's all nontent taylor and tj is legit spinning circles.
kalei would be so hilariously irrelevant if she didn't have a fag spread his ass
The hags dog house scribbles:
>My name is the hag and im damaged goods
>i have no idea what im doing with my life
>which at this point is pretty much indicative that im not going anywhere cool.
>Being on this show is basically the last chance I have at doing anything
>i scare people because im simultaneously desperate and completely not desperate at all
>im saving my fire, and preserving power plus you will see why soon xo

Bens response:
>You know what would make her feel better?
>If she cried
>No seriously I have a suggestion for everyone
>When you start feeling like the hag, writing stuff on the dog house walls
>instead of defacing our property, look up into the camera, and have a good cry
>your life is soooo hard
>walks away
imagine hugging josie
>these simps are donating 100 each to have a virtual date with Creature
their entire bloodline is weak
Why do you keep calling that unfunny faggot Benleaks by pet names? You want to be his boyfriend, faggot?
projection much?
>nifty: 32 mentions
Oink oink squel oink oink squel oink oink squeel piggy
Imagine SIZE QUEEN josie
Abi will be bald by the time she hits 30, TJ can do better.
Nah, I got a girlfriend, no worries. What about yourself? You want to deep throat that faggot's dick and let him shoot a load of unfunniness down your throat?
Probably another gay pajeet in his discord that's obsessed with cutter emo white bois
ok you are projecting
carry on son
i appreciate you including more nicknames
Creature's streams are so fucking boring holy shit
We really need a Scott stream to restore the vibes now
Who was in the wrong here?
i'm leaking
t. someone who just learned the word 'projecting' today
they're chill when it's just her drunk off her ass with critter and zake but get cringe when she includes tanktards
She's an OnlyFans whore. All that needs to be said.
they're boring when she tries to make them interesting, when it's just her and us talking it's fun
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some of them really add up, "cleh" was mentioned more than "minion"
i cant i have meningitis sorry
I honestly don't find this attractive. I think it's because you can just tell that these people are greasy and without a moral compass. As the Tinder roasties go, it gives me the "ick".
gutter trash hoes do that to normal people
zake is unironically a cuckold
thats crazy, id still plap the shit out of her
the human moment
How does she plan on finding a husband doing this shit?
this shit is not attractive
oh sweet summer child
Yeah, it's gross. The funny thing is, they're not even trying to meet the minimal OF standards. They know they're appealing to the lowest of the low in coomers.
Doesn't she keep talking about finding one lmao
that one seether has really gone a long way to make josie relevant here again, yet it still feels like nobody here really cares about her except for the israeli anon and the aforementioned seether.
we're going down with no new bake
Creature is somebody with the mind of a child. They still think "I have all the time in the world" despite being 30 years old. She's trying to party like a 20 year old, and hoping she'll snag some well off guy who will carry her worthless ass out of oblivion.
I fucking despise people like that. I'm watching it right now and she's such a nasty fucking hoe.
It's trash lol
seriously overrated
vance's "doing interesting things per hour of screentime" stat is possibly less than half that of mauro's
i do this every waking hour

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