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Empire of the Ants edition
Previous: >>203755585
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>9 days until Oct 1
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if it's single use only, why put enough substance in a vial for another inject?
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God knows I could’ve fixed her.
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>Ohhh Crites just wanna have fu-huun
>yeah Crites just wanna have fun
Because literal retards wrote that movie, I just came back from seeing it and holy shit it's the most braindead thing I've ever watched. It's like a 13yo tried making a body horror movie. If it wasn't for seeing Margaret's tits and ass all the time I would've left
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>39 days untill Halloween
I will check this movie out, but I don't expect much. It is directed by a female.
Kafkian horror. Follow the instructions or else. You can call us 24/7 even if you're dying but you still have to follow the instructions, OR ELSE.

The old guy character shows there is a hidden marketplace that uses The Substance badly already because there's no way that won't happen.
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more ants more ants
Is ant horror underrated?
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I laughed out loud when Danny Brown showed up in The Devil Rides Out.
Great movie, though. Definitely one of the best in my recent tear.
The rat bowl scene in Sinister 2 was great, otherwise a very forgettable movie.
Not a good movie at all.
Written by a woman
Watching Afraid right now. The John Cho AI movie.
I just can't imagine anyone squeezing a good idea of out that
It’s just so saddening seeing Middle Aged women. Is the Substance all middle aged women cast?
Need to pump my cock tonight I need horror with tons of panties or vulva
But Im a panty lover so primarily panties cotton panties moreso
Why not? There’s already a few AI goes haywire movie these past few years. 2001 Space Odysee too.
stop it
It's Demi Moore and Margaret Qualley mostly, and you see both naked
Reminder that this is the only way they can shill this porn music video disguised as a film
I see. I don’t really like nudity in movie.
It's literally the only positive of the whole movie, it's so bad
don't bother with the retard
porn implies sex
movie has no sex scenes & the dance scene is clothed
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>Margaret Qualley
looks a bit British innit?
one schizo is both baiting about the substance and then getting mad about it. just ignore it.
Night of the Demons
The Substance looks like feminist body horror.
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btw if you want to know why women are fucking retarded this is why. This movie is how women think.
It's made by a french woman, so yes it's as thematically shallow and empty as their brains
I think i'll just look at the nudes for The Substance and save myself the time
You came to the right general, it's not as if horror movies are full of nude scenes
Women are fucking stupid. I was watching this horror movie where it was about cam girls. Irl, cam girls are stupid af. They say things like “tip me and help me cum” when the site is visited by men who want to cum. The mind of a female is fucking stupid. I think the Substance will be a good metaphor into the retardation of them.
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>/hor/ spammers after 2 posts without saying something obsessive about women
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Rank em
Horror is a genre for women and children so it makes sense
Where was the nude scene in Terrifer 2? >>203761395
Is this movie really one of those glimpse into the female psyche movies where girls are too stupid and lack self awareness?
god damn that's an annoying interface
I bumped 8mm to the top, I completely forgot about Mom and Dad. I liked that movie
I am proud of you acknowledging that there is more than one poster that makes you mad. You are making so much progress.
What is the most recent horror film you've watched?
Kek. You should see the Substance. The post wall faces of those actresses on the big screen. Yuck!
Yes its about a woman who destroys herself and her 'pseudo daughter' because she's a jealous old hag
There was no nude scene in Terrifier 2 but if you "dislike" nude scenes you'd be better off watching Bluey
Mom and Dad is a fun concept for a horror movie.
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there's a case to be made that Willy's Wonderland is actually superior to FNAF.
you just imagine it as a Godzilla film where Nic Cage plays Godzilla and fights other kaiju
NPM again
He doesn’t watch horror movies. He just seethes about those that do on /hor/.
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Mom and Dad is great. Selma in particular is really good in it.
I voted Renfield because I liked it a lot and literally no one else on the planet would.
FNAF has Matthew Lillard who is great.
However WW has Nic Cage who is greater.
But FNAF used real animatronics and practical effects.
There are cases to be made either way.
This sounds like real life.
ironically, I'm not whoever you think I am. kek.
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have you seen the banana splits movie? in a weird way I also think it's good enough to be tied with them.
I haven't. I wrote it off like that edgy Winnie the Pooh movie.
When he has nothing to say to multiple people and just replies with “NPM.” Kek.
I see the The Substance food binging scenes triggered male anons again into attacking the whole movie despite its, well, substance.
I think of you as one aspect of the collective /hor/.
See this post for reference as to the mentality of which I speak: >>203761616
Also, you didn't tell me a horror movie!
worth a watch, pretty fun and a decent budget. I assume like Willy's Wonderland some studio greenlit it with dollar signs in their eyes thinking they'd get a hit before FNAF came out.
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Dashcam was fucking great, thanks for whoever recommended it a few threads ago. Good reminder that critics are retarded and you should never trust them. Didn't think it'd be as funny as it was but still scary throughout, and I feel like I could watch it three times and read new comments on the screen to make it worth it.
"If god were real he would not allow stretch to exist" "annie are u ok" "run she's after your lucky charms" "looks like she got the vax"
between watching this today and Trap yesterday i've been more entertained than in a long time
> I am proud of you acknowledging that there is more than one poster that makes you mad
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i totally loved all the quirky raps! quirky girl raps are totes hilar-lar
if this is how they talk in the movie, I aint watching it
nice. it's good to see anons rally around this because the butthurt critics really buried it unfairly. it's not even that far from Deadstream in terms of the protagnist desu.
Recently released horror movies yet to be discussed here:
The New Normal
Last Straw
It's not, you're responding to someone who desperately wants to wear masks again.
I liked deadstream but that felt like the pg version of dascham and he wasn't nearly as charasmatic as Annie. Sucks that talking any bit negatively about covid retards is immediate hollywood blacklist but here we are.
I would discuss them but I don't watch newer horror movies because I'm not a tasteless faggot.
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I'm fairly sure it gets poor reviews solely for political reasons (pic related). Great movie definitely, one of my favorite recent horror films
> I'm not a tasteless faggot.
You do sound like one
This is your brain on post-2000s Disney
They should have shown the collages of bogged and post wall girls in the Substance. That would’ve been hilarious.
it's kind of like Starship Troopers, it pushes the line enough it's hard to tell if it was even *intended* to be satirizing MAGA or satirizing libs. ended up just making most people who saw it butthurt.
either way, extremely funny and I'll always remember this from the credits
Whoever wrote this should kill themselves.
>make her young, make her hot!
>You do sound like one
for saying I don't watch bad movies? What kind of retard logic is that LMAO
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lena I don't know what the fuck your last name is
it sounds crazy like some dude's anus
that fell inside out
they call that a pink sock
yep annie hardy that bitch rocks
Is anyone looking forward to the seething by normies when Terrifer 3 comes out?
What is there to seethe about? It’s a mainstream reddit horror movie.
she looks like the ugly jew bitch from that shitty Ash vs Evil Dead show
normies are gonna love it, I'm gonna predict $30m at the box office.
The main actress is going to get her tits out
Kek is the Substance really about a post wall woman? Hahahaha.
>i tried really hard to root for her but she didn't take the vaxxxx so I just couldn't wait for her to die a horrible painful death! god I wish these republicans would be more tolerant
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only care about feet
The brown one in T2?
>42 year old tits
might be the most horrific part of the movie if true
>it’s me, Fred from 10th grade! Wow! You haven’t changed a bit. You still look beautiful!
He says while talking to a 60 year old woman who has hit the wall and looks half plastic. Fred is the definition of a simp.
ah yes. the fetish for literal faggots
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>watching a camrip
>live blogging your """jokes"""
not sure which one is worse. kys.
I remember that scene from the substance. Textbook beta.
She's 30
When I was watching it I was wondering whether they'd have her die at the end like in a lot of FF movies, since that would, at least to me, imply that the right wing stuff in the movie was being presented in a bad spirit to mock people rather than just to be funny, but they made the correct move
>Woah bro you like that part of a woman's body? Are you fucking GAY?
Get your head checked homolord
Encouraging the behaviour is worse.
How brown are we talking?
>hello. I’d like to order …the substance.
It’s great they got an actual post wall actress for this film.
low quality camrips recorded on a gopro... pure sovl
The main one in t2. Does she get naked? She should’ve got naked during the shower scene.
Sure thing, Lauren. Your barren womb says otherwise
It’s not a joke. It’s a literal scene in the movie.
would've been hilarious if at the end they revealed that the daughter got vaxxed and that was the reason for the benjamin button pussyification
They should make the Substance 2 but for weight loss and cast Selena Gomez.
The Substance
The Skubstance
Guess who this is
>all actresses above the age of 25
gee it's a bit difficult to narrow down
>It's not, you're responding to someone who desperately wants to wear masks again.
hates wearing fun masks
on the horror general
this looks almost Black Christmas like
she's technically implied to be naked in the shower scene but if you remember correctly the only time she gets her tits out is that scene where her brother brings her his Terrifier hat because the string on it broke and she fixes it for him while talking about their deceased father
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Well it is a Christmas movie
sorority house too
and there's a rocking chair in the attic scene in the trailer
You never see her tits.
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>The scene where her brother brings her his Terrifier hat because the strong on it broke

that never happened
Are there any slasher villains similar to Art in that they look like they're just having fun and completely enjoying themselves the whole time? Closest I can think of might be Freddy but that's not quite the same.
The Leprechaun?

Ah shit how did I forget that
yeah, either that or Chucky. he's at least having fun when killing.
Macarena Gomez in Sexy Killer
Wow, the third /hor/ thread in a row that's unusable
All because of the fucking Substance and some retards (including NPM) who are shit flinging over it. I've never seen /hor/ this awful while being this close to October before.
obvious troll that's a shot from Kolobos, 1999,
but Terrifier 2, 2023, has a shot of her sitting at her little desk thing mending the broken string on her brothers Terrifier hat and she takes her shirt off briefly while her and her brother are discussing their recently deceased father idiot literally just watch the movie
the broken string, obviously, represents the broken promises felt by the bereaved family after their father/protector figure has suddenly abandoned them and later in the film when Siena fights Terrifier she has a sword which represents that she has taken on the masculine protector role for her family and saves her little brother from being Terrified and earlier when she is mending the broken string she takes her shirt out to expose her bosom to represent that she also has a more caring and nurturing side as well
its actually a really touching moment but perverts like you want to be creepy about it and try to turn it into something sexual when it clearly wasn't meant that way at all
Is this a new copypasta
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That’s it? lol
it literally happens in Terrifier 2 and her little brother brings her the hat for his Terrifier costume and she was already working on her costume and listening to Synth Pop and then they discuss their dead father and she exposes her breasts dumbass I literally just explained this are you stupid?
no that's Kolobos, 1999
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A little too many tacos and burritos huh
this need some cabin anon narration
>send vagene
>no saar not like this
actually I was talking to that guy about Terrifier 2 and the scene where Siena exposes her breasts to her little brother as she fixes the string on his Terrifier hat while talking about their dead father but you sorta could make the argument that Kolobos, 1999, deserves all the credit here since Terrifier 2 is so obviously indebted to it and basically lifts entire scenes and recreates them with a dash of 80's nostalgia patina overtop it's a sort of filmic regurgitation per se
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from the director of BLACK PANTHER comes... Sinners set to release in 2025
>The plot follows twin vampires, both played by Jordan, who arrive in a racist town and go to war against Ku Klux Klan members. Set in the middle of the 1930s during the height of Jim Crow South, the film tackles the racial tensions of the era. Sinners has a budget of around $90 million, and we can expect the first trailer to be released in October 2024.
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Times you acted like Spongebob from [REC] 3?
99% Rotten Tomatoes score
reminds me of weird al, so by extension the movie uhf
i always feel out of place in weddings
Hmm I think I will not watch this movie
Sir that is a completely different character from Spongebob, we don't want any copyright issues okay?
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upcoming horror DADDY'S HEAD, the director says
>Daddy’s Head is a very important film for me as it intertwines personal feelings about family, grief and trauma with my desire to experiment with the horror genre
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Really should have gone with a different name.
based shudder
Letterboxd is going to eat this up
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>The odd sounding name
>The poster, which makes it look as if his head is covered in leather
Is this secretly zesty?
Kek. Perfect.
lmao oh no
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horror movies for this feel?
Dadda's Noggin
Papa: El Ultimo Suspiro
Ted Bundy, 2000
accurate and good rec
such a great film
LIONSGATE to expand the Amityville universe with a plus sized paranormal investigator.
>Amityville: Where the Echo Lives
Visually interesting and creative but after half an hour I was expecting something beyond le spooky stop motion animated body horror elevator
>expand the Amityville universe
Horror films for this feeling?
This one is actually certified Kino. Graphic Designers are probably the best artists.
Are any of them worth watching past the first 3?
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>director Josh Ruben said in a statement shared by Deadline, “My love of horror is rivaled only by my love of romantic comedies. I’m excited as hell to mount my most challenging genre bender to date: a brutal slasher in a nostalgic rom-com universe.”
guys at this point I can't even satirize nu-horror, they're more inventive than me.
My biopic
Does this have another name? I can't seem to find it.
>Are any of them worth watching past the first 3?
Is the answer to that question ever "yes"?
i heard the new final girl is going to finally kill Amityville in this one, it's like the Halloween Ends of the franchise
>they slowly put the entirety of amityville through the woodchipper
Friday 13th
Friday the 13th 4
Halloween 4
Phantasm 4
All worth watching if you liked 1-3
Amityville vs The Pope's Exorcist
I saw this movie and found it to be quite an accurate portrayal of the Ted Bundy except the cheerleader he killed and how he was tortured before his execution
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is this perhaps the worst horror marketing reveal ever?
The Substance was really able to capture the narcissism and lack of brain in a girl. Only once a girl hits the wall hard does she learn to be quiet.
Victor Crowley has a brother?
Who wrote the script for the movie?
Go away Adam Green.
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written and directed by the same woman.
anyone seen this? I think I saw the start of it and noped out because it was so boring.
What causes this sort of Autism? Horror films about Autism?
>inb4 he says "why did you tag me" as always
i remember a guy dressed as a "demon" for Doom at an even that was on par in the 90's but can't find it
It is in fact extremely dull and shallow with your standard man bad message.
>More Blacks University
what did they mean by this?
The portrayal of the younger version was done well. Dumb reckless and narcissistic. Didn’t think a female would director would show this.
I don't watch western female revenge stories. Korean ones are alright though.
So basically the younger version of the Demi Moore in the movie is still her but with the ego and narcissism still there. lol. The ego and narcissism is so big she screwed up her older body. lol. Female moment.
actually loved it. visuals and music were pretty sweet. whatever feminist undertone it was trying to convey didn't work on me or at least i didn't give a shit about it. I watched this because I saw a cute chick in a bikini shooting people and that's what i got and that's all I cared about.

Ms. 45 and Thriller will never be surpassed though.
Kill yourself.
Take your fucking meds
And this is why I don’t see an older woman and go “mature” or “wise” or anything.
Why? What does that have to do with my post ?
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I'm running out of things to watch. Whats some good horror filled with one-liners?
It means you should kill yourself or better yet
It means you should take your meds and fuck off to >>>/r9k/
Isn’t that where waifufags go?
No, it's where people like you go, retard. You'd love it there, you can bitch about "roasties hitting the wall" all day over there
cool thanks for the rec. I've only really seen the I Spit on Your Grave remake and I thought that was enjoyable. didn't even know it was a remake when I saw it.
Mass repliers get the rope.
How about you rope yourself back to >>>/b/ or >>>/r9k/, you annoying faggot
It's a reenactment that provides him with a type of imaginary vindication. He just needs to fuck a whore or just move on that bc it's a pointless loop
bit different when they're all going to the same person
>Seeing Margaret’s tits and ass all the time
I really don’t want to watch this shit so I’m going to try to pretend I didn’t read that.
Theatre of Blood
We need NPM's twin to counteract his posts
For a person who doesn't want to watch the movie you sure talk a lot about it
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>fuck a whore
I think he's a closeted gay. No straight man obsesses over women aging and cocks this much
The Leprechaun movies
NPM is pretty much the counteract to all the simp cuckoldry 80’s circlejerking betaness in here.
Not him, but that’s what NPM would say.
is this a joke about how the IV in the title font looks like an N?
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it isn't a horror film but Erik the Conqueror was enjoyable and I can see how Bava had already built some mastery of cinematography by the time he got to the directors chair.
will probably watch Hercules in the Haunted World later this week.
He's way overinvested in a way that's not worth it bc obviously women's looks do fade in a way that's usually noticeable. Perhaps he's too worried about aging himself, perhaps there's also a sour grapes situation-- lists after women most ppl can't have and rationalized it by focusing on the fact that they age. And his comments are full of weird homoerotic references to blacks
This thread and the last two threads have been about the Substance. Lots of shilling on /hor/
Fantastic. The amount of detailed, nuanced lighting and the way the composition expands are beyond kino
Legitimately getting shilled hard it's ridiculous.
They're doing a pretty good job courting the retarded porn-addict coomer audience though.
What you mean after women most people can’t have? Whores are cheap.
He should just get on Grinder and go hookup with a 10/10 dude in his 30s
Samefagging and still seething for some reason. Relax
Then go find a gigolo
I think he's literally just gay, and tries to validate himself by saying women are le evil dumb roasties or whatever
Here's a rather odd post from him
Not cheap enough for you apparently since you've been seething for weeks. I was referring to the actresses you keep calling roasties since these are not women that are part of our daily lives, they're remote so your hang-up is pointless
kek that is quite a find. makes a lot of sense.
nobody is as catty as gay men.
That would make sense
>Sat 27 April 2024
What the FUCK. Let's get this guy a whore or a male escort
Celebs? They aren’t impressive irl. Majority of girls that are attractive are slightly above average with low body fat. Stop simping.
He's been doing it since February of this year
See the image here >>203764311
Look at the date on the "horror fans are cuckold vampires" rant
That was seemingly his first post
Thread reeks of low T in here right now.
a trans woman has more t than you
Nightbitch 2024 has less black Substance in her than you.
If you struggle with the fact that actresses are often prettier and have more charisma than average you're just a reverse simp in denial.
Make peace w/ the fact that they are attractive and that saying so isn't simping as it's not a form of courtship (they're unlikely to be reading these comments) and you shouldn't envy the attention they get
the true body horror is the monkeypox you contracted
You’re just simping hard. Slightly above average looks with low body fat.
That reads like homoerotic fanfiction/marysuing. And he's been doing it for 8 fucking months
Kino af
I hope she sees this, bro
Here's one of his first "roastie" rants, read through the thread, he does it though out the whole thing
What causes this sort of autism? Is it mental retardation + internet and porn addiction?
This was decently fun. Kinda like an Are You Afraid of the Dark episode. Very anime reminiscent though.
Well anon, turns out that female beauty is nice to look at. Simping is writing gushing messages on their social media expecting them to notice you-- or else the opposite, trying to dismiss their looks because you can't have them either by fucking them or by looking like them. Your fixation comes across as overinvestment
Sexual frustration makes men more aggressive
Sarah Gadon was in an Are You Afraid Of The Dark episode.
Alas I don't think my celebrity crush June Squibb frequents these threads. Don't you dare say she's hit the wall btw
Was she actually? Which one? She's Canadian right? So I would believe it.
It’s nice to look at if you don’t keep it in check. Like talking about actresses you find attractive only with make up on. You’re a simp and you don’t even know it.
Mine is a literal grandma (in her 60s) and she still looks like a MILF goddess. I wonder what NPM has to say about her.
If girls beauty never faded, marriage would never exist. lol.
He spouts these nonstop roastie redditor woke remarks that aren't even necessarily wrong but in a way that reeks of obsession
I hope she sees this, bro.
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Here's a few more NPM moments that are rather memorable for anyone curious about him
"Ass juice" post
Entire thread he shit up with posts about dog dicks (This one is recent)
/film/ thread he shit up with more homosexual fantasies
What ever the fuck this sperg out is
This guy is actually mentally ill

Amityville It's About Time is decent
The remake from the 2000s is also decent
Marriage shouldn't exist anymore, it's just a way for the woman to steal money
Have you everbeen with a woman intimately? Rhetorical question bc if you did the make-up thing would go without saying. When we talk about an actress looking good we know there's some artifice in there because that's the case withvirtually all women. You're pointing out the obvious but doing so from a place of inexperience and/or envy
>NPM is into bestiality

Not surprising
Someone has to write an entry about this person on kiwi farms already
>korean film
>japanese actors
How baffling. I'll have to watch it.
Get a fucking job
See how they react when they've been found out
Yep, he likes piss obviously too judging by those "horror fans are cuckold vampire" rants
And of course, he's unironically into dark-skinned males, as he's told us way too many times (He even admitted this once, but I can't seem to find the post. I think he did it in one of the /hor/ threads during May of this year)
I seriously wonder why he's even in /hor/, he's told us he hates horror films before, so why doesn't he go to /b/ or something?

Here's one where he samefags to himself, he wrote some disgusting shit in this one
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you're gonna cry aren't you sodomite, praise jesus lol
For anyone unaware, this faggot is NPM's friend (Yes, they talk to each other unironically), Cock Lodge
He just spams post with rants about the 80s and cocks, along with meme images, usually of somebody laughing
Everything is a black penis for him
They should just hook up already
Like most schizos and namefags from generals, he's just an attention whore with nothing going on in his life that he clings on to the thing he hates to spark hatred and spite from other posters.
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thanks for the introduction sodomite. this soifag loves his shuddurr soi movies but hates it when terrifier and long legs get attention because they're not soi branded shuddurr or A24 shite lol
How many times will you post the same images?
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yeah you and soi sodomite should hook up with the priests from his church, round the back on Sunday afternoons lol
Itt: schizo retards having melties
Posting links is not a gotcha you just look like gotten to bitches
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until everyone sees you for the plebbot soifag you are
In English pls
Why do you care if somebody posts links to prove a schizo is spamming /hor/? Seethe
Also, why are you speaking in broken English?
On Monday ask your English professor if you're having difficulty
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love the same fagging lol
"Melties" is not an English word
Lmao, this guy is actually seething.
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ok that anon is asking "why are you posting 4plebs links like some soi faglord plebbitor"
>No u
What makes you say it's Korean?
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maybe not in amerifag land lol
Why do you hate links so much? Because it shows that you are, without a doubt, a spammer faggot?
I heard you're gay
Ooh I wonder if they're going to bring out screenshots.
The ultimate weapon.
Why are you seething so hard over links being posted? Do you enjoy seeing threads getting shit up with homosexual fantasies about colored dicks by chance?
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seethe soicuck lol

he thinks I hate links lol. no sodomite soicuck, I love your plebbit link posting, it shows your true plebbit self lol
How many buzzwords will you post? Can you speak English, or do people only speak "reddit soicuck dick cuck" where you're from?
I think it's time for you to log off, Anon. Take a nap, a sleepy sleep.
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typical soicuck behaviour lol

Yes we love when you repost our post sodomite
Wow, this thread is a fucking disaster right now. What the fuck?
>Just noticing this now
Did you see the last two threads?
/hor/ needs a fucking break, for a few days at least
it gets better once the american working hours starts
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you poor christians are the furthest from god and the gayest, bend over soifaggot lol.

totally dauude, we're trying to purge the plebbit fags
>No counter argument
Shouldn't you be posting something about plebbit or cocks soon?
Anon you're massively sperging out. Just click the x and breathe.
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time for you to go nigh nighs
>Massively sperging out
No, but
This dude sort of is
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Really powerful faggot lol >>203765427
I don't know, anon, making multiple posts about "soicucks" seems like a bit of a sperg out
I haven't been here in a while, no.
Nevermind, I got two movies mixed up, the other movie came out the same year, and was called Remember (without the slash). That was a Korean action movie (ironically about anti-Japanese sentiment)
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like really powerful soifaggot lol
Make sure to try and read through the thread if you want to find out why it's so awful right now
We have two very, very autistic spammers
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>We have two very, very autistic spammers
speak for yourself plebbit faggot lol
i hate men
It’s because there’s one anon that keeps sperging whenever NPM posts, ironically making the same posts over and over again just like the spammer
I didn't even post in the previous two threads and they were still awful
Honestly I’d make a new thread but for once, I don’t think we need another one.
True, let /hor/ rest for a few days
It's been pure cancer all day long
Too bad
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you enjoying talking to yourself fag lol

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