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HOH: Makensy
POV: Makensy
NOMS: Angela and Kimo

previously on /bb/: >>203739484
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it's ogre
Voting out your numbers with Big Mak
she shouldn’t have been mean to matt two months ago
ok, i don't think this group deserves alcohol ever again
Big Retard retarding bigly
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i think it would be fine if half of them weren't cooking while the others were just waiting around. bad timing to get the booze
Can we now admit as a fanbase that Comp Whore Women are just as bad as the male version? I hope she does her signature sign of the cross when Chelsie says "you are now The Hand of the queen regent" seeing that she is literally Big Brother Crusader.
she got a lot further than she should have desu
yep once dinner is done they'll split up but right now we're fucked
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I like comp beasts if they are houseguests I’m a fan of
it is a miracle her, leah, and mak all survived this long frankly
if this were last seasons dynamics they all would've been out one after another the first month
there's nothing wrong with winning comps it's a part of the game
game bots don’t like it cause most super fans suck at comps
obviously it's a part of the game but it puts a target on you as a huge threat
yeah that's true
lucky for mak the only two people acting threatened aren't going to do shit about it
Chelsie evicts Mak in the Double
AFP or no
she'll be in the top 4 for sure but I don't think wins unless she survives the week
leah is getting all of my votes
i don't think leah really has a shot because of the show edit. angela might have a better chance honestly
Imagine if we get a Rubina/Kimo/Chelsie/Cam final 4. That would be such a disgusting end to a pretty good season.
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Carbs and carbs
is it just me or have the pluto ads been fucking crazy tonight
she's third right now in the BBN poll with 15%, angela is second with 24%, tuck at 29%, and mak 4th at 12%
I think if she survives the double she'd get a decent edit and good shot
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quoting dude where's my car with leah
I need a little leah wife
maybe it would teach grod to filter out the higher purpose cunts before the show
kimo and rubina would have little to no contact gamewise with chelsie if it weren't for tkor spending the entire season misting them about her
all that corn will give them the shits tomorrow
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god she just gets more and more based
what the hell is that???
makes me want a Modelo.
i'm guessing garlic bread but some corn casserole type thing leah made. she's been craving cornbread forever but they haven't given her the goods for it
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I love them <3
it looks like corn and refried beans? i didn't see her cook so idk what else is that... casserole
>she's been craving cornbread
fuck all y'all
not sure what is giving off the brown color but she was using creamed corn and trying to thicken it up with flour and heavy cream. maybe the flour burned or she decided to add more shit in it
Angela hasn't said a word in like an hour
cornbread rules as long as it isn't too sweet. i would have wanted it with the chili too
sounds disgusting

cornbread and chili is so good on a cool day
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I think this is pretty likely to happen at this point. once angela gets evicted it's smooth sailing for chelga and her minions to the end
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cam is a lucky man
>>Creeping on Big Mak
She's just like me frfr
she looks like a servant
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if makensy and leah aren't besties after the show imma be real sad
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mak seems legit annoyed by everything leah is doing tonight for some reason. maybe she's just in a bad mood or something. i noticed she always gets super quiet when cooking
just like in my animes
i like to cook but it pisses me off if even one person comes into the kitchen and disturbs me, maybe she's the same way
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fried chicken tenders, corn slop, broccoli, and garlic bread
they're finally eating so hopefully they split off afterwards
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She's probably pissed at how useless Cam is in comps.
mak is turned off leah more so after chelsie told mak that leah has been pushing the cam mak showmance angle
but mak is too much trust in chelsie to ever confront leah about what was actually said and chelsie knows this so she can spout whatever crap
she's a retard and she will always be a retard
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did Kimo not get to eat?
downfall of the season will be the insane fact that no one ever bothers to factcheck the shit chelsie says they just take it at face value
big mak won
seriously, the only person who spread her shit around was tucker. and that blew her shit up with leah with the amount of shit she had been talking
but for whatever reason everyone is on the chelsie boob or ass shelf so to speak
he came out to eat right before the latest fish
she’s a fucking woman of color you chud
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i guess they were laughing at how Kimo was eating the food but i don't think any of the cams had him on it
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the duality of big maks
her hair is better curly imo but someone needs to tell her how she boggs herself with the heavy makeup
she looks so cute in that comp outfit
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she’s been running the house all season
cuntsy camtalking
i'm experiencing whiplash from how much i liked Mak in Jankie World but dislike her back in the house
Chelsie predicts Angela will go home this week. Veto won't be used. She wasn't for the all women alliance but it just happened that way. She wants herself or Cam to win HOH and was about to say who she wanted to go but Leah walked in
100% sure it was Leah, she was trying to push her as a renom choice as late as this morning
angela will not make it to thursday without a melty. its only a matter of time
leah or angela could easily hear this yelling
chelga can never control her voice volume
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big mak and little leah sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g
desu they do make a cute couple
i saw this when i was really drunk one night and thought it was real. then i watched it again the next day and had a jumpscare from their hands
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I can’t wait for mak and leah to make onlyfans content together
kind of weird the only in house costume this entire season has been tucker.
delusional chelga rant
the angela melty brew begins
she had people walk in at two separate times yet I'm sure she'll keep yelling in her talks
she's so lucky they were more banal moments
Angela is so cooked. I don't see this flipping
she just needs to convince mak to use the veto on her
not saying it's likely but it's more likely than her surviving otb
this is whack she is pleading her case to chelsie. mak is the veto holder and has all the power
rubbing lotion on mak’s long legs
it's not a terrible idea because she could help covince mak to do it/not oppose it
but we know it's futile
she’s definitely brewing a melty kek
when the hell did mj get into the rock room??
sure but its just weird that all the power structure goes thru chelsie. these people are retarded
sneaking into the rock room with big mak
she needs another schizo lie like the one that got quinn out
chelga seething at cam lmaooo
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yesss chelousy blow your game up
cmon do it
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give them more booze grod
this is a little more alcohol away from suddenly turning into an actual fight kek
everybody in the house says shut up like mak now
i don't think any of them really bought that lie from the start but it made them realize they should take a shot. mak would take a shot against leah quicker than chelsie right now
i've noticed almost all of them say "ya know what i'm sayin" now too
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she’s thinking one up
I do think mj bought it somewhat the idiot she is
>mak would take a shot against leah quicker than chelsie right now
disagree here though, she's very explicit and has loudly told everyone she wouldn't get her out on her hoh's
she'd vote her out but won't put her up
how much did chelga drink
the "playful" fighting is getting a little more serious kek
love mak stirring the pot too
right, sorry. i don't think she'd put either chelsie or leah but would actively push to get leah out if she was up. i think she sees a final two with chelsie or something
imo I think she wants both of them out but doesn't want to nom them
I think she wants rubina as her goat but who knows what goes on in her head
>I’m not looking for compliments
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>just pass me the knife rubina
>mak brought up cam tickling her when she's down
kek wtf
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>mak: when I’m having a bad day he (cam) just tickles me
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give them booze every fucking night grod
we need this shit to spice up the week
rubina spilling her leah convos to mak
rubina snitching on leah to big mak
mak is an idiot if she thinks she will have a chance against chelsie if she doesn't take a shot. she's using personal shit with leah get in the way
doesn't change anything because leah is finito in the double if she doesn't win hoh or veto regardless
I think she would, it would be matt/jag all over again and you just know leah would be in overtime calling out chelsie in jury
it's stupid to keep her of course but I'd have said the same to jag keeping matt around
it'll probably be the best episode this season if Leah wins HOH on Thursday
Quinn/Angela/Leah vote Mak, Cam deciding vote and gives Mak the win would be kino.
chelga still bitching at cam kek
holy kek that would be insane
When a black-and-indigenous-person-of-color woman speaks, I listen!
>Ice cream, dancing, so much fun!
>Jankie, jankie, number one!
Chelsie paranoia needs to boil over
chelsie would be such a weird winner to evaluate
in many ways she's played the best this season but it's hard to disentangle from how tkunt gave her three extra votes out of nothing but race based simpery from day 1. she does tend to play like shit when actually in power
jankie caused this big mak heel turn
Makensy Manbeck is easily the most annoying and retarded houseguest (even above T'kor)
kimo has lost some weight this season, his face looks skinnier
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>seething for 2 months straight
mad we couldn't see cam chelsie clearly talking the whole time
Chelsie and Cam have been having a tiff while the feeds were off them
who wins in a tard off between mak and zubina
Yeah, I'd call it brilliant if she didn't inherit an army
In a Chelsie/Cam/Rubina/Kimo final 4, I'm hoping on Cam sleeper arc final 2 Chelsie matchup where he reveals he did poorly in comps to reduce his threat level after seeing Matt get the axe, and it flips enough votes for a win. But it'll probably be Chelsie Palpamemes levels of Speech 100 where she's been the very best player of all time by never dirtying her hands, forming a jury better than Jag ever did.
Jankie world Big Mak took big shots instead of house hoh Mak huffing the femcel pheromones.
Cam being reminded of the terms of his contract lol
>it would be matt/jag all over again
i don't see it. last season had more superfans than a typical season.
grod protecting chelga for some reason
comparing notes in jury won't be kind to chelsie, the trio are deluded fucks who don't think shes been targeting them but how will tkor feel when she finds out how easily chelsie sold her down the river/wasnt the pity vote for her? etc.
it will be hard to deny mak at f2 given she was a near outcast of the house the first month struggling just to survive who managed to comp her way to the end
Big Retard low diffs
Chelsie is schizo
holy hell is this every night with these two? no wonder they hide their talks kek
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the dogs at the crib better have a restraining order on chelga written and ready to go because fucking yikes
Chelsie is essentially saying that Cam is doing too good of a job acting like they aren't working together, she wants his reactions to be more genuine and unscripted when she wins or does well in competitions. She admits she has a high need for compliments and high fives. Also, Leah gotta go.
holy fuck chelsie is insane
This is fucking wild
the insane part is cam puts up with this
I know he said he took back women who cheated on him but holy fuck, RUN
You're logic is emotionally driven by thinking the jury will be logical and fair when it hasn't been since CBS ushered in the diversity era. The jury can compare all the notes it wants to, and still won't change their votes. The jury did that plenty last season, they knew Jag knifed them, and still chose him over the better liked Matt.

In a Mak vs Chelsie f2 (the only f2 Chelsie might lose), Mak has to get all noncommitted votes and or flip Rubina to win. TK will vote Chelsie because TK's Malcolm X levels of Get Whitey. Kimo and Rubina will vote Chelsie unless Chelsie goes off the deep end while betraying them. Quinn will be swayed by Chelsie's strong social game. Leah should go Mak. Cam could go either way but probably would stick with Chelsie. Angela's a wildcard and is just as likely to vengefully vote against Mak for putting her up as she is to vote for Chelsie because she wants to, or forgive Mak and vote for her.

Mak can only win two ways:
>Quinn, Leah, Angela, Cam
>Three of the above + Rubina
Every other outcome means Chelsie wins (except getting Chelsie out before F2).
maybe he needs or even likes it?
had an uncle who was in the army and he ended up marrying a complete battle axe of a woman, everyone believed he needed someone to boss him around and tell him what to do or he would just sit and watch tv all day
Mama Dud would not be putting up with the idiots on this cast
cam's mom died during his childhood right? there might be psychological aspect to him putting up with her shit. he's a legit good dude though I wish nothing but the best for him
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where the hell are mak and leah?
>Cam: outside of here we'll be different from game
The dawgs at the crib need to talk some sense into Cam why the hell is he like this
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Chelga in denial about her cuntitude lmao
I think he's talking friendship and she assumes romance kek
we may have just found the source for her original bullshit about him and her
LMAO so this is stemming from zingbot
she thinks the edit is showing her as some needy insecure ass, which she is
as far as I know the dawgs at the crib all hate her and have been saving the clips of her talking shit
Exactly she claims she isn't insecure yet she needs constant reassurance. CHELGA GOTTA GO.
if you don't have the dawgs you don't have the man, chels
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They live on opposite sides of the country lol
I said it before but chelsie is not going to handle her perception outside the house well at all
she's this deep in denial already wait till she sees online
so do rubina and tucker
he had her saying she would move to nyc to be with him
except they outright fucked in the house
I haven't seen so much as handholding with these two
I give tubina maybe a week before they break up after the show kek. meanwhile cam might have to change his identity to escape this bitch.
She's not gonna have anything to do with bb when she gets outside of the house. She'll be so embarrassed by her behavior.
except she might be the winner which will make it all the more hilarious
>except they outright fucked in the house
holy shit you're right they did
i forgot all about that somehow
this is worse than pootard berating blue for hours after zombieweek and I can't fucking believe I'm saying that
because at least there was a genuine factual basis for that torture
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>big mak invites cam to movie night
>suddenly chelga has a schizo melty
I think it's more zingbot and it kept building till the booze let it out though knowing this schizo probably both kek
ridiculous given she invited kimo/rubina who also hadnt been hoh
Who is going to tell Chelsie? By the time she looks online, it'll all be memoryholed and she'll be a deserving winner. Tbh, I think she'll spiral more from Cam ghosting her. The show's edits make it look like Leah was pushing the showmance like Chelsie claimed (Leah's DR segment in Jankie world). She'll get over it and become showbesties with Taylor for BBpodcast.
it is her defining trait this season so much it was part of her zing, no way she doesn't find out
Nah that has nothing to do with it. She knows Mak doesn't like Cam at all now. The only communication they've had lately is Mak trashing Cam for his pathetic comp performances. Chelsie is just butthurt he still doesn't give her attention since he's distanced from Mak.
>Kimo: Our best odds are a final 4 of MJ & Chelsie
kek good lord
MJ wins then
It definitely could be a part of it. He admitted that he goes back to women that cheat on him too. Even multiple times
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how can they possibly be this dumb? I'm not complaining but holy FUCK what is the logic in that?
Nah, her defining trait is that she's the mastermind pulling all the strings to not get blood on her hands. The edits make her look far more competent than the livestreams.
kekaroo! Is he hoping for a Mak final 2 where trio + Chelsie seethe + diversity speech gives him the win?

On second thought, that might actually work. The last three seasons have made "history," it's possible Quinn and Angela would vote for Kimo or Rubina for another BBfirst.
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night babes
has leah been up this whole time
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hobo leah is cute
Leah told Kimo and Rubina that she wouldn't be interested in Quinn outside of the house, though she "doesn't know why." In coded language, she also said she thinks he has a big pee pee.
Oh, and Kimo said Quinn "could get it" if he was gay. Although that's hardly a revelation now, is it?
I read that Leah insinuated that Quinn has a big dick to Kimo kek. Can anyone confirm this claim
Nah Kimo has told that to Quinn to his face before immediately upon realizing it on his own in front of others. Quinn was like “oh, cool”
That's why she kept repeating that she thought Quinn was thoughtful. Thought full. Thought FULL. Get it?
I don’t get it. That’s all she said?
my assumption was leah was implying she thinks quinn is a virgin
is sots a virgin?
Leah has a thing for dick size, so it makes sense that's what she was talking about. She had a coded convo with Kimo like 2 weeks ago saying she thought Cedric was the "biggest." (We can now judge that for ourselves tho hehe)
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she still has her doll
judging dick size with little leah
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the showfag's ratings:
>leah - 3
>tucker - 5
>angela - 1
>mak - 4
>cedric - 2
>rubina - 3
>quinn - 0
>cam - 1
>matt - 3
>kimo - 3
>joe - 3
>ken - 4
>lisa - 1
>brooklyn - 0
>chelsie - 0
>t'kor - 0
>bb26 - 3
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Good morning ladies
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>ken - 4
kek what
where are these ratings from?
Is there any hope of Leah and/or Angela misting Mak into saving this week? They just need to tell her they overheard Chelsie planning to turn on her in the double or something
I think big mak's vendetta against both of them will stop her from doing it but if anyone can pull that off it's angela.
morning hogg!
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Chelsie backdoor would be a terrible move for Mak so she might do it
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morning mister hogg
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getting my family jankie merch for christmas
It really isn’t if they point out how hard it will be to get Chelsie out after this eviction
Like there is a nonzero chance everyone but Leah and Mak would use a veto on her in the double, or a bad veto win(say kimo winning and pulling down rubina or vice versa) would blow up the chance too
Can and Chelsie were already talking about cutting Mak before final 3 she’s either going to have to comp out perfectly or get rid of her comp competitors who are Leah, Chelsie, and Rubina
She didn’t say outright she wouldn’t be interested but she did say she was doubting whether her feelings would last outside the environment of the house
My guess is she’ll try out the Big Ickdick then they’re split within a week
asking santa for jankie merch
I’d say like 20% chance since this is big mak we’re talking about
Low but not impossible
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Sometimes I get Matt Stone in BASEketball vibes from him
I’m watching the double eviction and then I’m gone till finale
This season is dogshit, welcome Chelsie BB26 winner!
Retards ITT think Angie is remaining OTB this week. Will they ever learn?
Mak is a bigger dumbass than ever at the moment so I could see her staying strong with this one. Chelsie is guaranteed making it top 5
I can't believe you faggots watch this trash.
Ken is presumptively short for Kenny. He is one of my favorite hgs this season.
F2 right here
Maktard is getting 5th place. She forgot we're playing Big Buddy.

Leah last night hinting that she thinks Quinn has a big dick. I’m guessing Kimo is suggesting he doesn’t know but that he takes care of women in bed

Here are clips talking about her goodbye message:
Rubina is either playing dumb because she doesn’t want to think about Quinn’s dick or she really is that dumb
based big mak surviving the double despite being the comp beast
big mak won
comping out with big mak
Man Cam might even be into it if she promises him cummies since Chelsie keeps cockblocking him. Nobody else is even black. If you nom Chelsie you get Rubina, Kimo, Leah, its that easy.
lmao angela is packing ant its only sunday
leah has been playing with a booger for a couple minutes now. she got it stuck on both hands
She’s always picking her nose and shit. And is obsessed with popping pimples for other people. I wonder what freaky shit she’s into in bed
fall equinox is actually today
She's one Leah veto win from being booted 6th
double vetos are always quick physical comps.
So is this a good season so far or what?
good episodes, messy gameplay, shit feeds majority of the time
hasn't been good since the only entertaining player left a month ago
Terrible take. Tucker turned to shit weeks before he got evicted
we should try to get the 7s for jag
are captchas slow and posting delayed for anyone else?
Joseph left 3 weeks ago
Any one on ones with Mak today or not shit going on?
mak as leah misted. she just told angela mak doesnt want her to go home
This is why you never target other white people in the new BB meta. Mak is gonna be the odd one out at final 5 cause these coloreds are racist as fuck. She's just doing their dirty work by getting out Angela.
It’s pretty fucked up that they’re blindsiding Leah yet again this week. Mak is so afraid to burn Leah with a nom but still keeps doing this
dont quite understand how people are believe the HoH when they tell them they dont want them to go home but then put them up on the block
cam, cedric, tkor, rubina, kimo, joseph voted matt out

tkor, kimo and joseph voted cedric out

rubina, tkor, chelsie voted joseph out

cam, chelsie voted tkor out
Cedric was against Rubina, another POC
Joseph was against Kimo, another POC
Tkor was against Rubina, another POC
The only times a POC have gone home this season were against another POC on eviction night except for Matt.
tkor is darker than rubina
joseph is darker than kimo
cedric is darker than rubina
Rubina said white people are self centered
except for the one she let put his dick in her amirite

he self centered on her asshole
And they've all been on white HOH's kek.
Quinn sent home Cedric
Quinn sent home Joseph
Leah sent home T'Kor
>So every POC HOH has sent home a white person.
tucker, quinn and leah all put up at least 2 POCs

angela and mak put up 1 each

the only HOHs that put up all whites are chelsie and cedric

chelsie second hoh she did put up 1 POC but probably would have renommed leah if she had won veto

leah is the only one to put up all POCs
I'm not even watching the rest of the season after Leah and Mak go. That POC final 4 might be the worst in the history of the show. Chelsie vs 3 dogshit players where they're all playing for her to win.
Feeds must be boring as fuck today with everyone seething in here about race
Honestly, I m just happy T'Kor isn't winning.
T'Snore is gonna gaslight the jury into thinking Chelsie is a mastermind
im not even watching feeds this week
wont even watch the sunday episode live =D
The writing's on the wall that these POC's are racist as fuck and they'll evict Angela, Leah, then Mak and the season will be over.
good then maybe you'll rope and we won't have to hear you post anymore
maybe Mak should grow a fucking backbone then. She will be the reason why Angela goes this week, you retard
I literally said that in my original comment you flaming faggot.
You’re the one fucking crying about racism constantly. Move on to a different show you blubbering baby
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these threads
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I’ve had T’Kor and Rubina’s birthday song for Kimo stuck on my head for five days…
Mak seems to be open to taking down down Angela now…
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Yep sounds like Mak is ok with backdooring Leah now. God damn you, Mak.
Weird season with decent reskin comps, a more likeable cast, the AI arena gimmick got rid of early blindsides, and decent drama with Angela memetic villainry and Tucker keeping things interesting. Yet has one of the dumbest casts ever, who ironically make bad decisions yet seems to inexplicably result with the correct answer. What should have been steamrolls in other seasons has led to power flips and it has to be confusing for people just watching the edits because 1+1 doesn't equal 4.
I'm resigned to it and not seething as hard as it seems. It's just exhausting that this will be the fourth season in a row with diversity on the ballot. I think if it happens a fifth time, I'll give up BB.
It's the way the edits portray Chelsie, so I believe it.
Might be a Leah HOH, Mak Veto, and then Leah Veto. Don't give up yet Makbro
been gone all weekend, but are they seriously considering using the veto on angela again?
Tried to tell everyone. (>>203773163)

Angie can't be evicted. It's just impossible.
lol, just give chelsie the money already
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>Save Angela only to take out Leah, both who wouldn't have targeted you until a couple more evictions
>Going into a double with Kimo/Rubina and now Cam/Chelsie all talking about targeting you and you can't play
Perfect way for Maktard to go out
Big Retard is such a fucking joke
Why does it seem bb generally divides on race while survivor divides on gender?
honestly is. if she does this i hope this happens
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big ange runs this house
icko is finally gonna get his dick wet
Maktard gives the idiot non-blacks of BB23 a run for their money in stupidity.
Chelsie unironically is a mastermind compared to almost everyone else on this cast. Grim.
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>tfw cam is only pushing for lil leah to go so hard because he wants femcel to get off his ass about her
Doesn't mak realize that Leah is her shield? The minute she's gone she is target #1
i think mak thinks chelsie and cam are her shields
but fails to realize that rubina and kimo are solely with chelsie and no one else. cam is also solely with chelsie which i think she realizes
so maybe the the thinking is she can pull kimo and rubina but yeah , big mak, big dumb
>so maybe the the thinking is
I don't think Mak is thinking
nobody on this cast thinks long term
>mak realize
no she's dumb
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sorry to all the makposters but I'll laugh if she backdoors leah and immediately follows her out the door
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This cast is so dumb strategically it's hard to watch
whats the diff if she front doors angela or back doors leah? if shes next shes next
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I don’t know what changed since winning veto and shutting down putting up Leah. Did Chelsie just ask one more time and she gave in?
mak probably stewed more on it is all. she believes anything chelsie tells her
after she left the dr
I don’t get why Mak seems like Leah is such a threat to her. She wants to target at least four people before her
i think its unironically what chelsie told mak. that leah has been pushing the showmance of mak + cam to everyone in the house. and mak doesnt confront leah about it to clear it up
Chelsie and Cam convinced Mak that by getting Leah out now it’ll gain her a shit ton of jury votes. Mak is so fucking dumb that she doesn’t realize Chelsie doesn’t want to take the shot herself
>mak in jury telling leah that chelsie and cam were going to take her out
>leah: then why did you backdoor me?
>mak: ...
>im literally full of gas 24/7
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Mak is Blue Kim level retard that will never figure anything out until she gets evicted
Mak has speed run into being the Claire Rehfuss of the season.

>Terrible player.
>Man voice.
>Simps for black female player.
>Unknowing dupe for race alliance.
>Has an idiot on /bb/ who spams pictures of her.
does big mak think that keeping your shields in the game is bad in bb?
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i want big mak not to nom little leah
rubina and mak convo is a real meeting of the mind
why do all the girls think there’s never been a girl final 2
rubina just admitting that shes playing for the blacks right in big maks face is hilarious
probably cause the seasons they give them to watch dont have girls in final 2
a dont blame new viewers for thinking that women could never fill a final 2 in this game
worst end game cast ever
just peeked into feeds. mak think leah will put her up next week against chelsie.
i cant watch feeds , i fear the retardation will seep into my brain
god bless anyone who does and updates the threads
you guys take this parking lot game too seriously
i do and i forget that
and the winner will probably get decided because of their race/gender/sexual preferences. Kimo/Rubina have talked about it, less than T'Kor but they believe the same things as her.
7. Leah
6. Makensy
5. Chelsie
4. Kimo
3. Rubina
2. Cam
1. Angela
its the ending this retarded season deserves
I stopped watching them regularly after Icko left.

Jankie world was fun enough to hide how bad the cast is.
chelsie knows that leah has a chance to win HOH or veto in the double and that's why she wants mak to do it now. i hope to god she doesn't because it'll just be smooth sailing for chelsie. rubina, t'kor, and kimo already have her vote
rubina is so awful at this game, mak is begging her for reasons to put up leah
to inject some positivity into all the doom and gloom, at least t'snore got evicted last week. maybe the double HOH will be a memory comp angela can win.
Big Retard gonna have everyone targeting her next week including Angela
it's been 13 years
rubina and mak both make these cringe dork facial expressions all the time when they talk, i hate them
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As much as I despise Chelsie’s personality and loathe that she’d win she’s a giant among ants strategy wise
Nobody but Tucker and Leah ever bothered fact checking her endless lies and even then Leah only does it half assedly (she’s never tried with MJ which is why she’ll be otb soon)
angela thinks sots is getting dms from all the bitches that want him
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she's right
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>im trusting if i get leah out this week, y'all will get angela out next week
oh grod, please let mak go in the double this week, please please please
the seasons before 16 might as well not exist to these recruit heavy casts
leah wondering if her job position of prostitute will still be there after the show
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she's gone...
it’s giving fessy taking out scottie
mak is confirming to trollbina leah's getting put OTB
I wonder how much she used to charge.
trips and gifts
tree fiddy
big retard has fucked this game up so much
kek makseether meltdown
this is the first week she has had power and led the charge to get tkor out last week

>b-b-but she voted out that really amazing player joseph who is just like me

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