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Is the little hype that season 2 was able to manage gonna die as the fall releases have started to happen sucking all the oxygen away from the show?
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go away, nigger
Why did Adar let Halbrand leave if he suspected that he could be Sauron?
How the genuine fuck did this dogshit get a second season? Who's watching this crap? Is it you?
I can't deny it. The final shot of episode 6 with Sauron raising his arms like a conductor as the seige begins and the music swells up was bona fide kino. There are so many things about this show that I fucking despise. Many of the liberties with the lore, the forced diversity, some of the annoying performances. Yet, there are a few things that are just awesome and make me wish it was a better show as whole. Thank god for Bear Mccreary I guess.
Second season was greenlit even before the First season started airing, they spent half a bil already for this

Its an improvement from the first season though
Any webm requests?
Every non white elf
that's why bezos had him killed
A shame if so. I like this Season more than the first, probably because so much more of it is actually built on the framework of Tolkien's plot outline, rather than the mostly show-invented events of Season 1. I think this is a big factor in why the Eregion scenes are so solid and Numenor is improving, while the Rhun plotline is kind of a wet fart. It sticks out like a sore thumb when some of the plot is written by one of the greatest fantasy novelists of the 20th century, and some is written by TV hacks.
even a lot of the white people are too tan to be elves
it's so fucking distracting
Except for Negolas there is no prominent POC Elf
Middle Earth must be a tropic region
Ep1+2 were good but this mid season is literally worse than S1s
ep3-6 are just a mess of over edited short scenes from too many plotlines with too little actually happening. It's just not engaging.
Maybe the final couple of eps can save things.
>even a lot of the white people are too tan to be elves
Pretty sure that's just the warm lighting of that scene
im the faggot who always comes into these threads mention how he loves the visuals and i still stand by it. the problem is tolkien himself is a fucking hack so any derivative of his material is going to be shittier
>super powerful ring that... makes you heckin invisible!
the plot line of annatar and the rings gradual corrupting effect playing into his plan is meh at best and its arguably the best part of the story. theres already gaping holes in annatars plot line such as how the other rings smiths dont bother questing annatar giving himself celebrimbors status or checking on celebrimbor himself.
>im the faggot who always comes into these threads mention how he loves the visuals
But I'm that guy. Did they mix up our shifts or something
>the plot line of annatar and the rings gradual corrupting effect playing into his plan is meh at best and its arguably the best part of the story. theres already gaping holes in annatars plot line such as how the other rings smiths dont bother questing annatar giving himself celebrimbors status or checking on celebrimbor himself.

Its basically Sauron's wizardry, he is able to make them feel whatever he wants to make them feel
>It's a money-making venture
Someone tell this nigga what the Jackson trilogy was.
>the problem is tolkien himself is a fucking hack so any derivative of his material is going to be shittier
>the plot line of annatar and the rings gradual corrupting effect playing into his plan is meh at best and its arguably the best part of the story.
It's the part that most closely mirrors what Tolkien wrote in this whole show, while Numenor is chronologically in the wrong spot, and the Rhun plotline, Adar, and the Southlanders are mostly made up for the show.
>theres already gaping holes in annatars plot line such as how the other rings smiths dont bother questing annatar giving himself celebrimbors status or checking on celebrimbor himself.
These are the parts of the Eregion plot that are most invented by the show writers. You don't know what you're talking about.
Its probably bad writing
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Can we all agree that RoP season 2, while not being a masterpiece, is the best show of this season? I have watched season 2 of RoP and I agree it's not a masterpiece, but so much better than season 1 of RoP. The fight scenes are awesome (they had an elf doing spinning tricks!), and also nothing make much sense. None of the characters matter much, sure, but the spectacle! The spectacle! It's the best show of this season, hands down. We had some orcs attacking a fortress, A FORTRESS, this week!
this but unironically
Why does every scene from this show look so gay?
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>scenes that make you whisper "kino" under your breath
did the show ever have any oxygen?
it seems to have been smothered at birth.
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Can't wait to watch her fight a huge berserker orc next episode
There was never any hype. They didn't even manage to fake the hype.
Everyone involved in this production should fucking kill themselves.
God, I can't wait for AI to become good enough that mega-autists can generate great movies again.
Was there any hype about season 2? I don't even see hate content about it like I did for the first season. Doesn't seem like people care about it either way.
The went too hard on trying to manufacture outrage over the idea that orcs procreate and completely burnt themselves out
There are still quite a few new videos on youtube about how S2 sucks or how its not fantasy etc.
I didn't see any kind of advertising or hype for s2. If it wasn't for the /tv/ threads I wouldn't even have known it started.
It's good so the whiners can't find any purchase.
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Next episode is gonna be 10/10 fantasy kino

Also contains the first elf-elf kiss in any Tolkien adaptation
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>an artisan masterpiece and a cultural phenomenon that won every movie award out there
>nigger midgets and slay kweens being comparable in any way shape or form
Women know nothing of male IPs. Do not let them lead it in any fucking capacity. This is Jennifer Salke's fucking fanfiction. Galadriel is played by a mid actress because Jennifer herself is fucking ugly. Galadriel is clearly her stand in.
total war looking horses
>actors for Healer Woman and Adar quit after first season
Makes you think, why? You'd think most actors would kill for those prominent roles, but these actors just didn't give a fuck.
Maybe working on this show is just an awful experience.
Salke doesn't have any creative input, she runs the entire MGM/Prime enterprise. She's more a Bob Eiger than a Kathleen Kennedy
Healer Woman was the most attractive woman on set. Which is problematic. Can't have beauty in the Rings of Power. All eyes must be on Galadriel the boring uninspired mary sue self insert.
>How the genuine fuck did this dogshit get a second season?
same reason VELMA got a second season
She wasn't fired, she quit, she was pretty implicit about that being her decision
>can we agree that the second is better than the first?
No. None of this is good. None of this will ever be good.
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Looks like we got a goyslop thread
great value rachel weisz
She's part of the fucking problem and needs to go. Rings of Girl Power is nothing but uninspired lame ass fanfiction that has nothing for male audience to take away from. It's CW-tier schlock with a billionaire dollar budget because Bezos is a fucking moron who trusted Jennifer Salke.
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>Next episode is gonna be 10/10 fantasy kino
Keep posting shit like this someone will believe it eventually
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Rings of Power is souless and made by amateu-ACK
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Not going to help you fit in.
what's wrong with his wig? it didn't look that shit in earlier episodes
This....thing, was over when it came out. Black elves/dwarves, Girlboss Guyladriel, Gandalf in that age...lmao. Total trash.
Damn that looks like a good time
These fucking evil bastards.
Dwarf wife using a female power shout to summon bats and send the silly men away from whence they came
LOTR franchise as a whole is gay
>Dwarf wife using a female power shout
That was so cringe
Season 1 had oxygen from the negative publicity. Season 2 being better than 1 gave it some oxygen initially. but with new shows releasing its gonna get forgotten and lose views
Season 2 isnt as bad as Season 1 so it doesnt even anything hate content worthy
Wine definitely is the most weird aspect when heroin will be doing most of the heavy lifting
It looked shit from the start for me, its probably his hairline. They shouldd have gone for a different wig style
Any thoughts on Bear McCreary's soundtrack? It just sounds like "we have the lotr soundtrack at home" to me.
*smugly looks into the camera and winks*
Come out from the shadows husband, I've scared them away for now.
Kek. So fucking bad
When will Stoya appear as Shelob?
It's like it was made by a LAWD DEM RANGZ incel. Why the fuck do they fall into their own trap everytime.
>Its an improvement from the first season though

I dunno S1 was abysmal until they get to numanor, is ok when they send the army but then gets retarded again at the end. S2, the first ep was OK but the rest has been boring and dumb. Imagine how much money got put into this, how many hours of labour that could have been but to good use elsewhere.
kill yourself, anon

I'm astounded at how bad the scriptwriting is. I can see that some of the actors are giving it their all but... they have nothing to work with.


Sauron would be proud of Amazon's gaslighting of its customers.
cope, seethe, dilate, etc.
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Can you get any smugger?
>he thinks this is kino
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She's too busy in her sex shrink practice anon:
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Dumb writers can't write an intelligent and cunningly deceptive Sauron
So they turned every other character into a child
>We're out of ideas, let's ask Rasjesj
What happened to the pajeet sauron that was teased?
The slow mo walk sauron done
giving the internet to india was a mistake
Brother, I did not whisper. That was a certified kino moment. My friends and colleagues also loved it. The fighting choreography in this show is some of the best stuff we have seen in many years. Perfectly capturing the gracefulness and elegance of the elves. The next episode is going to be absolutely crazy, I can't wait.
moved him to customer services in Delhi.
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Slight case of resting smug face
This is exactly what Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy were missing... The magic! So many stones left unturned but Amazon's Rings of Power does not repeat that mistake. Its exploration into the dwarven power to move mountains and sway animals through their voice is exactly the stuff we expect to see adapted from Tolkien's work. Swords, bows and axes are okay but what makes Middle-Earth so special is its magic. And this show really nails it perfectly.
During the pleasant ay to battle night transition?
When did Sauron even steal the Mithril from the dwarves?
He did it offscreen
Punctuation, ever heard of it? start using it because I have no Idea what the fuck you are trying to say
weirdly she didn't annoy me in S1 but here they made her into a right cunt and I'm reminded I'm a superracist again
You'd think something that important should have been shown visually
Why do the showrunners think Gandalf should be the way they wrote him? Why make him clueless?
Meds. Now.
This fucking sucks, this is beyond HALO level bad
Literally the best action scene of the season so far
What makes you so sure that's mithril that he showed to celebrimbor?
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I see only one race, the elven race.
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What fall releases?
I have time to watch more than one episode a week.. no matter how glorious.
Nice photography department shame they decided the story department wasn't worth the same investment.
Good grief
Clearly, money was not the reason this shit was made.
They were reportedly locked in for 5 seasons regardless of the shows reception, success or failure.
Not sure how firmly a media company could truly be to that commitment, but this was what we're told.
The first six episodes are literally irrelevant. The entire season is just building up to the final 2 episodes.
They saved all the budget for the city siege and the Galadriel x Sauron confrontation
They are the things they expect to get people talking and nothing else in the season really matters
>None of the characters matter much, sure, but the spectacle!
I know this is bait but This is the worst offense. The show is so fucking BORING, black elves and shitty writing aside that's the worst part. You have one billion budget and do nothing with it. In tolkien there are talking Eagles and Dragons but they choose to remake the Lord of the Rings trilogy instead because they are so fucking dumb and need nostalgia.
>Celebrimbor, here's how you make an alloy, silly!
>Oh wow Southland man who's better at metallurgy than a literal fucking Elven smith, so cool!
I hate this
they are 100% going to tap out after 3 seasons. they do not have enough material for 5.
The way they are dragging it out they could probably do five
Next season will be Sauron corrupting the men, so distributing the 9 while the elves are kingdom building (Rivendell and Lothlorien)
S4 Fall of Numenor
S5 Last alliance

But Sauron won't make the one ring until probably s4
It’s Bezos’s vanity project
Still lmaoing at how his son told him “don’t screw this up” and bezos absolutely fucked it up
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>Galadriel is captured by the numenoreans and then escapes
>Adar is captured by Galadriel and then escapes
>Halbrand lets himself be captured by Adar and then is set free
>Elendil is arrested and then released
>Galadriel gets captured by Adar
>plot already flirting with hobbits being captured
Brilliant writing, just brilliant. Can't wait to see which character will be captured and released after 1 episode next.
I'm only pirating this shit because I like Sauron but this episode made zero fucking sense. If Adar had the slightest suspicion Halbrand is Sauron why did he let him go? What???
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Oh yeah, I forgot about the black elf also being captured being a micro arc in the show as well, so forgettable that it hadn't even happened in my mind.
>Galadriel gets captured by Adar
She escapes next episode, kek
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I like Arondir being an elven chud but everything around him is so badly written. He was in Pelagir just then and he sprinted all across middle earth to Eregion, before the elves of Lindon moved a finger
This. It s my hope too.
Unlike episodic shows like TNG or SG1 that took 2 seasons to get good, these serialized shitshows are built upon a foundation of manure theyre not allowed to deviate from. This is all we are getting. Rat Galadriel will never be a good character
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Kino soon
According to Amazon internal conversations, ROP is the most watched show ever goy!
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>Tom bombadil is the first blue wizard
>bad sorcerer is the second one, abandoned his god to learn blood magic
>will ally with sauron, which will give him Angmar to rule and a ring
>becomes the witch king of Angmar
lmao it's like a parody
How long until Morfydd Clark drops her diss track and saves RoP?
And what Galadriel fanfiction will they insert here?
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Far too autistic for that
Offscreen, so they didn't have to actually write a scene where he steals it or manipulates someone into giving him more.
>what Galadriel fanfiction will they insert
Well she's gots her roastie power fantasy where she will become a magical kween of the woods who everybody worships/fears yet to come
Celeborn returns and raises Sauron's child
>Oh wow Southland man who's better at metallurgy than the most skilled Elven smith of all time, so cool!
what is the context for this
these niggas live in the woods and have never seen leaves fall?
good thing they all just stand around staring at her until she kills them
they put on the three elven rings for the first time and their fading tree starts glowing again
i watch it
Based Theoden. I too shan’t be watching.
I heard he won't be watching the new WB movies either
>dead guy has irrelevant opinion because he wasn't hired
Dead guy who has the most iconic scene of the Return of the King, a scene that RoP will never surpass with 1 billion budget
>this slop that tolkien would have hated is better than that slop tolkien would have hated
It actually is, far superior slop.
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>shills arent even trying to hide anymore
I havent watched a single episode of this trash, and honestly, im proud of myself

these threads are the best
I've watched all the episodes. Easier to complain about it.
Why did the fire explode when the arrow hit it and why didn't she just throw the lantern at the orcs?
why didn't they just fly the ring to mordor?
Elrond kisses Galadriel on the lips next episode, she doesn't reciprocate and just looks confused.

Lorebros and Tolkienprudes are gonna hate it
1000 chudtuber thumbnails
I did, but I forget everything as I watch it, it's honestly a useful meditation tool
>doesn't reciprocate and just looks confused.
that's the same as my relationship with the show
Wasn't he also suddenly in Fangorn?
They had $2 billion they needed to launder. Literally.
Whenever they are in *nondescript forest* I don't know where the fuck anyone is.
Fuck no what the fuck? Mentally ill corporate trannies.
The writers really seem to struggle with things like time and distance.

*Fuck* no. Rings of Power is awful even if you view it as disconnected from Lord of the Rings.
>enemies just stand there gormlessly while they wait for her to girlboss them to death
sauron gaslighting celebrimbor is carrying the show right now, I could watch 3 seasons of this shit
Hell, it probably won't even be acknowledged that she was easily captured in the first place.
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Is she wearing tights with a chainmail print on them?
Tolkien hated the Ride of the Rohirrim? Hmm i didn't know, last time i checked it he narrated it quite passionately
>Lorebros and Tolkienprudes are gonna hate it
And with good reason, Galadriel is a fucking whore now, elves are ultra monogamous
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>First onscreen kiss is with Elrond
>Giving sex eyes and being all touchy with Sauron for an entire season
>Obvious sexual tension with Adar
>Flirting with Arondir in the woods next episode
Idk, I'm liking this season. But I'm not that I to Tolkien, so I'm just treating it like a generic fantasy story. Sauron, Adar, and Celembrimbor are carrying this season hard.
>Orc posting becomes canon
>Teleporno cuck becomes canon
Stop shitposting
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What did they do to her?
I wondered the same. She is ugly this season
> https://rangs.ytmnd.com/
> https://rangs.ytmnd.com/
> https://rangs.ytmnd.com/
that crown is way too small to be Morgoth's
Morgoth is a woman in RoPverse
If he gave celebrimbor something else instead of mithril then the rings wouldnt work
I dont mind seeing the dwarven plot progress despite the Disa embarrassment last episode
She probably had her buccal fat removed
He had the Balrog pop up from out of the depths of Hell real quick and get him some
MAGA boomer.
How could this fail ? This season had all female directors, surely it should be doing twice that of the already abysmal season one ratings.
Adar said to Galadriel Sauron had it refitted
>writers kill off her husband who was alive at the time of Fellowship for the sake of tragic backstory
>she doesn't even seem to give a shit beyond unemotionally acknowledging that her husband and her brother died during the conflict with Morgoth
I’m glad this show wasn’t a success
There is no ratings in streaming platforms
>How could this fail ?
Too niche, nobody gives a fuck about ring crafting. This season will be the most boring part of the entire 2nd age story
Are you retarded ?

Google Nielsen streaming ratings you absolute mong
>she doesn't even seem to give a shit
Same this season, they gave her a small scene at the start remembering her 'dear brother' Finrod but literally nothing about her lost husband. Pretty sure the writers wishes he didn't exist and only included that S1mention for some mandatory reason.
She won't even utter his name once this entire season
Nobody considers them as accurate metrics for anything
I'd be happier if I thought the people behind it would learn anything from its failure, but we all know they won't.
How are elves "taking yer trades" if elves haven't been in Numenor for like a thousand years and the very fact that Galadriel was there caused such a drama
Yes they do, they are more reliable than Amazon "internal data" that they don't share
bad writing
lel, it's the industry standard for viewership metrics, it is what all the ad rates etc are based on

scuttle away you moron
He sliced his hand in the scene before. Sauron gave him a vial of his blood which is why the kings of men are bound to Sauron.
Why don't people pay attention?
why would she fight the orcs? they're pals now
ironically, the black shedwarf is the least bad of them all.
If everyone gets rings in Season 2 what the fuck are they gonna do season 3 4 and 5?
Why is Elendil such a crying little bitch anyways? He's been completely useless for one and a half season now. I thought he was supposed to be a chad.
don't worry about it
Because the writers are incompetent and felt the need to cram in modern political talking points.
>Eregion gets destroyed
>Sauron attacks Eriador
>Elendil heads west and reunites with Anarion
>Al-Pharazon forces Miriel into sham marriage
>whatever the fuck is happening in Rhun
>Al Pharazon sends troops to support Eriador and captures Sauron
>Sauron corrupts Numenor
>Gandalf and Tom Bombadil smoke a ton of weed
>Al Pharazon attacks Valinor
>Numenor destroyed
>Gondor established
>One Ring forged
>Last Alliance
>White Male
>Amazon show
You are setting yourself for dissapointment
You just *know* they're going to bust the "Sauron forges the One Ring" nut way earlier than they should
>If everyone gets rings in Season 2
They don't, only the dwarves do
Sauron will distribute the rings for men in S3
Seems like they're going for the slow burn reverse Theoden tragedy
>went on an ill advised military campaign in Middle Earth and got Isildur killed (as far as he knows)
>younger son hates him and joined some hippie asshole cult
>daughter is ambitious and really likes her job and you're fucking everything up
>watch some dipshit rich fuck kill your kid's best friend
>government sucks
>establish new kingdom in Middle Earth
>daughter dies (bitch)
>younger son dies (sad)
>get killed trying to pimp slap Sauron
>oldest son dies (tragic)
>it works but all your kids are bitches and fail anyway
And Galadriel reunites with celeborn and haves celebrian.
KEK who am i kidding? Knowing the roastie writers, She probably remains childless and lusts after Sauron till season 5
Very unsatisfying story if that's the case imo.
also, the way in which the daughter is such a complete cunt too, do you need a fembrain to understand her or sympathize with her?
rings of powah is vomit an insult to Tolkien and his appreciators and this thread is an abomination OP is a faggot goes in all fields
Honestly, this show isn't as bad as the grifters make it to be.
Writing is really below average and these people rape Tolkien's corpse, but it still produces entertainment value to me.
It's amicable trying to connect few random notes Tolkien wrote into coherent narrative.

Also, if we are lucky we might even get Galadriel sex scene with Sauron ;>
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Since no one did it in the "galadriel got captured" thread
It's just a very badly made show. Timewise nothing makes sense, lorewise it doesn't track either.
Characters are written as retards to accomodate the plot (jesus christ, wtf have they done to you Celembrimbor). It's just full of bad choices.

They should have started the story following one group, not 4. Made that story better instead of trying to write everything at once. Maybe they would've been able to create a coherent story instead.

That said it's actually incomprehensible how you can create a billion dollar tv series, and give the reins to complete nobodies. How is this even possible?
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I laughed anon
>I totally understand the injustice done to the body of work. See, I'm reasonable
>It has value, I like it, everything's relative
>maybe we'll get a heckin sexy time scene
holy shit what an irredeemable faggot
What's entertaining aside from Sauron? even though he is haging on a thread because apparently, he goes mega simp for galadriel even worse than 1 finale, all the characters are so badly written and lifeless, the male characters sauron aside are all bitches or hanging over dead bitches.
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>Writing is really below average and these people rape Tolkien's corpse
>this show isn't as bad
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its capeshit tier holy fuck it looks worse then I imagined who is actually watching this?
Galadriel looks like a rat.
Because it's made-for-TV. All made-for-tv is garbage. Always have been; always will be. Let me guess, the action scenes do slow-motion cuts, right? Made-for-tv is always sub-par and does no justice to fantasy.
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You want that? Shelob will be done like this. You know she will.
>also, the way in which the daughter is such a complete cunt too, do you need a fembrain to understand her or sympathize with her?
>no, that's the point idiot - she's just a dumb cunt
>How the genuine fuck did this dogshit get a second season?
They're making 5 seasons of this shit, regardless of viewer numbers.
>Timewise nothing makes sense, lorewise it doesn't track either.
nobody complained when Hackson skipped 20 years in LOTR, Frodo is supposed stay idle years
i bet he would have loved the army of the dead and no swan knights too lmao
>They should have started the story following one group, not 4.
It also splits their resources.
Like they need 10 sets for every plotlines, so all sets are extremely small.
If they had fewer plotlines they could actually show off their budget
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King Durrin's actor is pretty good
Also Galadriel and Hobbit girl are hot
so do something
how come she aged about 10 years in between seasons and developed a smoker's voice
>never heard of shire weed
she hasn't been smoking she's been travelling with gandalf
smoke on the way

what, you think she doesn't shit either?
do you have a 1-to-1 mutually inclusive smoke while you shit situation going on
as a harfoot, i can say yes. why?
Im looking forward to Elendil's story taking off next season
He can't because white people won't do shit. They deserve what's happening to them, and I can't wait to see BNWO.
just curious, i'm a fallohide myself
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Who's more hated?
>shooting a torch with an arrow makes it turn into napalm
just awful
fucking baby-faced lanklet
>Rings of Power
>any hype at all
I admire your optimism
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LOTR is not a cynical cash grab, groomer. Like based Alex Proyas said, "I thought [RoP] was a cynical cash-grab. Not much cash to grab it seems."
Rey, for sure
not enough people even know Guyladriel exists to be more hated
not like you're a stoor or anything, fellow beardlet
Amazon wasted $17 billion in 2023 and Prime Video still bleeds money.
This is majectic Tolkienesque writing promised to you by Amazon, chuddies.
>move steel arrowtips through fire
>they turn into napalm containers or something
>first guy launches into the air for no reason
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gonna hook you in the gabber for my old gaffer
damn that's insane

how much did amazon make in 2023?
Daisy Ridley at least *tried* to act occasionally, even if it was mostly dogshit. Meanwhile, Galadriel is more or less permanently in "condescending and hostile" mode.

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