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Late night tummy edition edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Aperture is a fat disgusting freak (to no ones surprise)
• Taylor has became a coke addict

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203759231
You're all horrible people and deserve the lives you live.
Letty is a princess!
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claire is a princess
Taylor deserves to raped and stabbed to death
that's fair
I’m normal
These threads are the gayest, most cancerous, incel infested freak shows I’ve ever seen. Why are they still allowed on this board?
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you're all watching a b's 3 hour long masterpiece right
kys retarded bitch
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Being lonely sucks I’m almost 27 and just can’t seem to find the one.
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>Why are they still allowed on this board?
who fucking knows, the show itself is dying out in interest as well.
I’m not watching that shit.
Women just make your life worse. Learn to live with yourself.
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I'm going to bed now, so the Clairebear legion will drop by one, but I hope our princess is still crushing the sobriety challenge and having a fantastic night.
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I have a great life!
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just in case you missed it
which you probably did because you're silly billies
josie's birthday stream (part 3):

seriously, don't miss it
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good lord, look at that thing

evening all, how we doin
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Stop the brother wars!
Total French death
Fuck Josie I don’t give a shit about Josie I want my own girlfriend :(
Just set a bunch of money on fire and jerk off. Same thing.
good luck
seriously you can do it
Go to fucking rehab already
Just go to church, live an actually serious adult life, then if you stay committed you can probably marry a church girl. Ironically you could still watch Fishtank since Sam is so anti sex, Big Brother would be even worse to watch since it’s way more sexual.
The wrong side won WWII. France should have been burned to the ground and all of its citizens executed.
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tfw the women giving out free fent test kits at the clinic consider you a regular
incel website
now gtfo
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s1 peak confirmed
this thread is one of the worst in ftl history. Claire Cringe has escalated to levels that honestly make me sick to my stomach and want to kill some claire bears for sport.
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12 days until s3.

From childhood’s hour I have not been
As others were—I have not seen
As others saw—I could not bring
My passions from a common spring—
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow—I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone—
And all I lov’d—I lov’d alone—
Then—in my childhood—in the dawn
Of a most stormy life—was drawn
From ev’ry depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still—
From the torrent, or the fountain—
From the red cliff of the mountain—
From the sun that ’round me roll’d
In its autumn tint of gold—
From the lightning in the sky
As it pass’d me flying by—
From the thunder, and the storm—
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view—
I hope that, right now, Taylor is lying dead of a broken neck at the bottom if a staircase after drunkenly tripping in a blackout.
andy dick confirmed for S3 freeloader
Just tuned in who are these people @creature?
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Is this the first step toward jon admitting he's gay?
Her friends
her weird friends

transbob couldn't make it because of work
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i'm always asking how you doin, why nobody ask how i'm doin
plot twist it was a ftm
Shut the fuck up
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i hope you are doing good tweaker brosie
Need nudes of tayleigh please. Please respond l.
It's kind of surprising to me that more people haven't tried to assault Jacob. Only kato and rato.
hating jacob is a sign of mental illness
Fuck off
literal zero thought reddit bot reply
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>nudes of tayleigh
Not really, he's quite offensive and annoying.
>literal zero thought reddit bot reply
Let's all post tayleigh nudes!
because you keep posting steinful's gf
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>They sent autopsy photos to her dying father
Should I just go to the wigger compound and offer to help? Maybe they're having problems and I can help get season 3 started on time?
Yeah they'll be your best friends
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honestly i doubt you could be much less competent than them. go for it anon, do us proud
No nobody serious has tayleigh nudes?? Wtf
yeah posting another man's gf is pretty cucked
No-one wants to save that shit
the world is truly better without it
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Do we need to start putting together a dirty dozen style team to liberate bliccy and her friends from the Tate compound? I'm sure Peter Thiel will be very grateful and generous if we return his psyops in one piece.
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Here you go anon.
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I'm 24yr old student with no money, I have no friends and my parents are divorced, I'm living with my abusive mother but I can't escape her to be homeless, I watch Claires streams to escape reality and feel less lonely
sometimes i think about kato. through the obvious mask she must wear to be a streamer, she seems so sweet, and she's sincerely funny. of course she is beautiful. i know nothing about her, but she seems like a strong person, i can't imagine her in moments of weakness or hurt, nor do i wish to. she probably thinks herself an average woman but there is something special about her that is so blatant, it just leaps out at me with every glance she gives to her lifeless camera lens. maybe she feels it too, maybe that's why she gravitates toward activities involving an audience. it's as though a desire to be witnessed exists within her, like she wants to share a bit of her soul with others, no matter how subdued the soul she shows us is, how carefully diluted, and streaming is just the proper excuse to do so at this point in her life. i feel like a creep just seeing her post her silly thoughts on twitter, or the occasional photograph she shares on her social media. it's like i know this isn't for me to witness. i feel like if she saw me even glance her way in real life i would ruin her day, or cause her to wear a frown so ugly it would be as though a part of me now decorates her. i've stopped watching her stream and i try to avoid watching her at all now, even though i didn't do so in a weird or obsessive manner, like some men who i imagine women must deal with when posting anything online. i still feel like i am strange, however, because i still think such odd thoughts about people or things. i know these are not normal things to think of about people you don't know and will never meet. but it's just how i am sometimes. occasionally, a server i'm in will posts clips of her streaming some cool old video games from my youth, and worst of all, sometimes the clips are of her laughing at something. i see hints of her soul in her laughter sometimes, and i think it's in those slightest of moments where men fall in love.
I'd like imagine what Taylor's last words would be as she's bleeding out from a knife wound in her neck.
Probably something about gambling.
>I have no friends
>parents are divorced
>I'm living with my abusive mother
grow the fuck up, you're an adult
Guess what? It's going to get worse before it gets better
What if Jet got a mandrill as a freeloader?
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we have one already
You'll just end up with someone shitty and regret it like me. 90% of girls cheat in 2024
Try not caring if she is the one. Just live in the moment and accept that you may never see the girl ever again after that initial date, and don't try and contact them afterwards, or at least not excessively message her but just once in a while. You don't have to do anything your not comfortable with but at least you'll have your fun and the vibe will better increase your chances of attracting a girl that'll be a good fit.
Why do Sam Hyde fans hate Channing Tatum so much? Is it because 21 jump street and 22 jump street are funnier than anything MDE has put out?
He probably does hate those classic films.
it truly is the worst. and it feels like it can't possibly get worse but it does. to watch someone you grew to adore fall in love with someone else. to see her laugh in a way you could never hope bring about. and probably the worst part - to see her hide it from you. because she knows it would cause you pain. because she knows you are such a ghastly excuse for a person that her very joy would cause you sorrow. even in their kindness they can wound us. you're still young, there is a whole world of pain you've yet to befriend
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A lot of problems would be solved if we went back to beating women.
It should be medically mandated like vibrators were. Just a few punches to the head and/or kicks to the chest weekly.
I think it would save civilization from the brink.
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I think I found "the one" the other night but she has a boyfriend. However, she was relatively cold with him all night and was all over me and ended up coming back to my place until he kept ringing her demanding he comes to pick her up. She was texting me all night after that as well.
What happened with you recently?
Women are retarded. I've learned not to take anything they do personally anymore. They don't understand love the way we do. Men can be loyal to a fault but a female with suck another guys dick because she saw you smile at the cashier or because she had a dream you kissed some bitch she hates
Anon that's a straight up hoe. Very likely diseased too.
She's a virgin and hasn't fucked her boyfriend.
Yeah, just like Josie right
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that's quite a lovely cope i wish to someday adopt
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>She's a virgin and hasn't fucked her boyfriend.
More legitimate than Josie because she doesn't stream herself to a couple hundred fat retards for sexual attention
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don't drag josie into it
Go to bed Jimmy
I wouldn't expect anything less from anyone trying to keep up when theres literally nothing going on and bottom feeding off of any social media post
These people just aren't that interesting at all, and neither are the guys who run it
Simps are lost man they really believe the lies women tell. The last girl I hooked up with was "single" even though she was living with a meth addict that was fucking her and recently beat the shit out of her when she crashed his car on heroin.
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I unironically support a slap or two
Are TJ and Claire the only streams people in /ftl/ watch on fishtank.live besides one or two guys who watch Oliver and Kalei?
>the one
You're fucked, sorry
Try any at all first and see how long you can make that work
>Simps are lost man
I am far from that. I have a girlfriend already myself, I just don't care about her. This is just how it is in the zoomer market.
why does she make tyrone so angry? is she still pissing on the floor and cutting herself?
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Ya on the butt
Bratty girls need corrections
just wanted an actual connection
yeah jacob and creature fell off and I can’t remember anyone else who the thread would talk about.
She’s getting fucked by her bf steinful right now, sorry.
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you're a cuck, not sorry
You'd be better looking for a close male friend than a woman. Women have never displayed genuine connections with men once throughout history. They're social opportunists by design.
Her and Ella were being bratty
DD had to smack his LG around and then fuck her silly (they get so horny when you do this)
I know I just need to vent somewhere
>made him a custom pfp (shes said many times that she doesnt do commisions)
>follows him on his spotify (only user profile she follows)
>follows him on his other private accounts that have 20 followers max
>plays fortnite and overwatch him on discord
>he will be going to the west coast (what would a british dude thats only ever been to rhode island do there?)
and her fans are still blissfully in denial LMAO
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Daddy Dave?
You probably wrote this hoping that we'd cringe, but you're just describing the parasocial relationship a lot of stunted zoomers have with Fishtank. Try to strike up conversations with people in your classes if you have any in person; you'll miss having such an easy ice breaker once you leave school and aren't surrounded by as many people of similar intelligence.
get institutionalized
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did they?
I don't care about any of the fish, I just like laughing at their antics as they happen.
she pegged him
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i don't even watch the show i just shitpost
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Probably. She's fucked like 200 guys in NYC alone.
up in the air, he loves trannies but doesn't like hags
Same 2bdesu
does include all those dudes by times square who dress up as squidward?
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13 and up
I watch Jacob and Claire at full or semi-full attention. Maybe put on Kalei for soothing background noise or Scott if Claire is shitposting in the chat. That's about it.
Based Squidwards. I've heard of people dressed up like spiderman and shit but not SpongeBob.
Daddy Dave the Daddy Dom
when this nigga jet finna release da season 3 already doe?
I hope they have a morbidly obese black woman on S3
The "one" shit only exists in movies and Hallmark cards. No one ever finds the one they just find someone good enough and hope it works out.
the reality is much worse. you can find ' the one ' but you are often not their ' one '
You want another shadi?
I watch creature (not today though because I was listening to music) and kalei. Sometimes I do Jacob but never last long
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Instead of incel rage Sam has somekind of pedo rage. Like he has all these coping mechanisms he displays, and he never misses out on gloating/reveling when a big pedo gets busted because deep down THAT is what he truly wants. He did it with Epstein prolly gonna do a bunch of shit with P.Diddy if pedo stuff comes out about him.
I'm gonna have sex before the years out.
He's kind of retard trying to flex by taking shirtless photos of himself with a clearly underage female with a bloody nose. If his dad wasn't a Yale doctor/lawyer/MBA he would probably be in prison.

Lore correction: Fred's MBA is actually from Columbia
We gotta be better than his shithead son and show Dr.Hyde some respect
His dad isn't involved with him and the FBI are known to fuck with right-wing adjacent ecelebs who call thimselves shooters/killers.
Negative XP has been visited several times by the FBI and he's recorded them trying to break into his car because he used to call himself School Shooter and is right-wing adjacent.
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I think that's partly why Sam is so bitter. He flew too close to the sun (probably thought his irony shield would protect him), almost got caught, and now he's resentful because he needs to keep his nose clean if he wants to keep his career going.
Sam is a pedophile thoughbeit
True his father spoiled the shit out of Sam bought him whatever 2fast2furious ricer car he wanted and Sam still spit in his face and called him a weak emotional pussy on his podcast.
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Legal in my country
Someone as ugly on the inside like Sam could never appreciate the beauty of James Joyce's prose
“You made me confess the fears that I have. But I will tell you also what I do not fear. I do not fear to be alone or to be spurned for another or to leave whatever I have to leave. And I am not afraid to make a mistake, even a great mistake, a lifelong mistake and perhaps as long as eternity too.”
>why yes i do spend my weekends seething over someone who doesnt think about me, how could you tell
probably the smell, the pallor, the huge nose with dark skin around eyes with large heavy lids, brown of course
The beautiful CC
i don't brood over it, i am just met with the occasional thought or two every so often. it passes soon, i don't like to linger on my sorrows as i wouldn't want to begin to associate something beautiful with grief and thus foster resentment. i will try to refrain from posting here anymore
jews stopped seething about Sam after WP was cancelled
yeah tj and claire i even download and watch later if i miss. oliver i never seem to catch but would watch. kalei i actually do watch a bit i guess but wouldn’t download a gofile for. no one else i click on even if i look at the site.
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>the huge nose with dark skin around eyes with large heavy lids, brown of course
hey buddy what exactly are you trying to say
truly /ourgirl/
Claire the type of girl to have demons appearing in the corner of her stream
That makes the webm unironically scary anon. Don’t say that.
>truly /ourgirl/
no sissy simmons is actually /ourgirl/
Simmons kept forcing everyone to play improv games. It was boring to watch. After he left Jet started making everyone improv. It was boring to watch.
Hi Marky
did ciara/eliza actually die?
I was raped I tell you. Raped.
i don't give a fuck jet in fact i hope you get raped again where the fuck is S3
Manifesting Dallas "accidentally" pushing Taylor down several flights of stairs.
You can tell from his academic achievements and the way he speaks he has a higher IQ than Sam. Sam hates anyone smarter than him

Needs som rabid dogs as well
need to get belligerently drunk with claire till she inevitably gets violent with me and i have to beat the fuck out of her till she cums and ends up thanking me while crying tears of joy
Hi Mikey
Yea people stopped caring after he got canceled
>Sam hates anyone smarter than him
Is this why he's expressed disdain towards physicians, professional chess players, FAANG engineers, and PhD holders?
linetrap, cracky-chan, the tripfag known as donkey kong and boxxy for s3. i'm so excited
There was some weird stuff in 2022 but the longer she’s still MIA the more likely she’s actually dead.
those are some names i haven't heard in thousands of years. you aren't just an oldfag, you're the eldest of fags. nobody in this thread will know who you're talking about because they're all newfags of the newfaggiest degree. take my internets.
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bitchtank should have been
The only one I don't know is donkey kong
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And people more disciplined than him, probably why he constantly eggs on david goggins so much
>4chan turns 4 years old today
I think this was before my time I joined like 08 or 09
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Not sure what is cringe about it, I'm just describing my life situation. I had one friend but he ditched me to hang out with a different group of people, I talk to other people but I generally don't fit in and I have the weird loner reputation. I just like Claire cause she has funny takes and a nice voice and she is cute. I know I should not develop parasocial relationships but without it I'm depressed
Claire has said she isn't a gun owner but my goal with my posts in these threads is to be borderline creepy and pathetic possibly unhinged enough that she feels she needs to take a concealed carry permit course and get a gun to shoot people like "me" should I show up unannounced st her domicile or place of employment.
sam hyde sounds like a faggot lmao
and his followers still worship him and give him money
oop get thejoefrom1993 in the tank
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Based BBC queen has now returned to being Sam's #1 simp and fangirl. That's so fucking awesome.
I still love betty she's a sweetheart
Betty's a queen. leave her be
Pedophiles detected
Please kill yourselves
>Betty said sodafag has a gf
she makes peepee on the floor
that can't be true
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Hollup...Let her PISS !
say something nice about greg to lift his spirits
or shut up and never speak again because nobody wants to hear your negative shit
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Groomzy_va is really good at wearing fake breasts and I'm sure it's very appealing to minors he might be showing off to in the chat.
that swat team shouldve popped his head ngl
Sam's not right wing, he's a gay zionist jew
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>feel no hype for season 3
>as soon as the cameras turn on and we see the new house, will start to feel hype
>the first few days will be great
>eventually will realize that its just going to be a repeat of season 1 and 2
>hype will be gone, the show will start to drag on and the hype will turn into watching to see how grim and dull it gets
hype is for small children and preteens. real adults put things in their calendar and wait on standby.
where was this even posted?
On X. she's now deleted the video.
Seasons should he 1 month long, 35 days maximum. There's always a week of dead air and filler in the second half which sucks the life out of the audience and puts off a large segment.
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wtf was she rubbing on him?
some call it "apple sauce"
she was looking for his chips
there's nothing in the archives for it. do you have a link?
She was trying to find his BWC.
Brian's semen
trish particles
He should spend the money he wastes on booze and overpriced food in cheap hookers – male hookers, even. He keeps bottling up his libido and that's why it twistes him into furry shit and grooming kids.
He should slutmonger for a bit, face whatever it is that he likes, sexually, and stop the kiddie oriented content on his channel like drawing cartoons because nobody watches that.
Josies face when she sees my josiecock in the twitter hashtag

Timestamp that
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hey guys im back
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be nice bro hes not feeling too good
Is he still shitting blood
make one with jordan
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Josie deserves to suffer
It was also legal in the USA
Said the fagget with aids
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that's what india does to you
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its not looking good for pepperpals
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NO! She deserves stim toys, vapes, quirky fashionwear, unlimited tiktok time, and all the hot chip she could ever ask for!
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yo chat is this a W or an L?
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its not funny anymore chat
>used to go to school with greg
>he had the nickname "smegma gregma" because he always smelled like dick cheese
kek, really weird seeing ol' smegma gregma on a sam hyde show.
jk, it was a lie but i thought it was funny so i posted it.
Reality shows are already designed for sub-average IQ losers but holy shit, sprinkle Sam Hyde and incels in the mix and you do get the final boss of mental retardatiion.
get a grip cunt
and on demand cock from her boyfriend steinful
How about you bite a kerb and I timestamp the back of your head?
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This but unironically
you think josie could ever pull off this fit?
beanie status?
That looks so shit
Too late, we all read it and that makes it true
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The submissive and breedable Jet Neptune
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Turkey Tom is gonna make a great cohost and the doubters are all gonna get proven wrong
imagine the smell
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Hoarderman documentary status?
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mysteriously cancelled
why is he hitting peter smalls so hard?
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>enjoys sharing amusing anecdotes and experiences that captivate the audience
>makes even mundane topics hilarious
>often misunderstands situations in a way that is both funny and lovable
>sees the world through a hopeful lens
>reacts sincerely to situations rather than deflecting with irony
>open about her feelings and doesn't hide behind sarcasm
>naturally draws people in with their energy and enthusiasm
Simply put, she mogs Claire in every conceivable way.
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he was insanely mad that day
please update the OP
Thx anon
Y-yunistis you’re alive?!?
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Had a wet dream that me and Josie were shooting a bang bus video together and Jet was the one driving us around kek.
I don't believe you
It was actually bait bus and when Josie blindfolded me Jet started giving me the blowjob of my life
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catholic girls with helicopter parents always turn out to be the freakiest bitches
webm unrelated
Well it happened lol. It was simultaneously hot and hilarious.
Stop it
what a disgusting skank
>has disgusting faggot male friends that she gets off on trying to get Dumbgay to let them fuck his anus.
>former fat girl that still can’t lose a weirdly shaped glob of fupa
>claims to be a Jesus freak, but she’s just a plain freak
I like her. Except for the fag hagging.
i had a very lucid dream where i was hanging out with claire and abi and we were being touchy feely and then they went to the bathroom together and wouldn't let me come and then i woke up. even in my dreams i couldn't manifest a clabi threesome
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Make the call, Jet
Hisokwab is done lmao
Yo tranny janny. What television or film is this? How do you let off topic shit stay up so long and so consistently? Dialing 8 can't take up that much of your time can it?
What a fucking faggot.
Mod here. I let this thread stay up because modern television and film is garbage and this is the most consistently interesting thread on /tv/. Thanks for your concern.
Heads up we're confirming Jimmy today. Dont be fuckin weird
it's hard out here
Why is Sam not promoting Season 3 at all? Is it going to have Goldstriker or not?
Sam never promotes anything until it's out these days. He only announces his standup once the tickets are available.
>Why isn't anyone promoting Season 3 at all?
Contributed little and hurt the community more.
Will not be missed
its so funny when he calls her a fat beaner, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. imagine being that ugly and thinking you had a chance with josie LMAO
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i mean, josie's nothing special once you take the filters and photoshop away.
Because fishtank is a blackmailing and money laundering operation not intended to make a profit through a growing viewership
gentlemen can you take this back to /bant/ please These threads are hurting enough.
It’s getting so close now that I’m assuming their plan for promotion has to do with the “slow burn” aspect Jet talked about. My guess is they’ll start advertising once the show is actually going to build up hype for the insanity of when they go all out and start letting TTS go. Idk though, I’m not a businessman.
Is Claire going to fill out like Taylor?
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the plan is that there is no plan. they're wiggerwinging it.
>josies nothing special
That's where you're wrong sir.
Still using filters.
That's a man
now that airsoftfatty is skinny, what do we call him? airsoftchris? airsoft? airsoftskinny?
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robonig for S3
You're not a mod you dumb tranny
I can see why you’d think that but it’s little different this time around what with the back catalogue of content they have. Season 2 of world peace and fishtank will likely have some advertisement to watch it and get involved with clan shit, etc.
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Josie is beautiful.
been on 4chan, reddit etc for 10+ years and this may be the best post i've ever seen in my life
honestly TJxTrisha makes the most sense, she's a sweetheart and certainly is all about that goofy BWC.
i can't believe no one has been shiping this.
Was this a funny interaction or the usual nontent?
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damn anon dropping some hardcore TRVKES right there
she’d hype him up to the top too
What did he do?
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kissing josie, dating josie, marrying josie, spending josies streaming money, getting josie addicted to percs, isolating josie from her family, stealing all of josies streaming money and spending it on mondomegabits, hitting josie when she doesn't do everything perfectly, sending josie on a cross country hoe tour to fuck her incel fans, letting the wiggers fuck josie again for mondomegabits, making josie fuck niggers for cheap when no one cares about her anymore, divorcing josie once the well is dry, dropping off josie on the side of route 66 in the middle of nowhere with no money or phone.
He’s not skinny. He’s still obese. We keep fat shaming him until he’s actual skinny and ripped then we get him loose skin removal surgery. Just call him Chris. He’s a grown man.
Airsoft Tardy
i hope oddbod gets shot in the head
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Can we please respect steinfuls privacy and stop posting his gf? Thanks
She’s actually quite ugly
Forced meme. Also take it to bant.
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its honestly the girl he deserves.
abi is hot and all but she's fucking miserable and has a toxic personality that is the complete antithesis to his, she would just make him
as miserable as her.
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sanest shipper
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Come on guys we're better than this. It's very rude.
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god she's so pretty
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*vores you*
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Go back to your containment thread
I shouldn't be laughing but man I hope he learns his lesson after this.
Why did josiecels move back in here?
Trish is Chad only
Where’s the clip of the blood going everywhere
this is her future with steinful
No more annoying than all the Taylor/Claire nigger bullshit. Leave the gates open for simps and they will come.
looks like a recovery progress photo of someone who got hit by a car
this shit needs to die too
OH MY GOD!!!!! Look how beautiful this girl that has a boyfriend that is visiting her at this very moment is!!! Im totally not a cuck!!!!!
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sorry ol buddy tj, you can have her once i'm done. just makes sure to wipe her down first
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Rumor has it Jon is the tallest fish, I'm inclined to believe.
This isn’t proving your point
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you have been replying to yourself posting cuck phantasies for a week straight now
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As soon as he addresses the drag allegations.
TJ deserves better than Peter's sloppy seconds.
Check his twitter
Also some fag has been attentionseeking that they're gonna stop watching even though they "know her" on bant, most likely him
Narcissistic cunt to the last
How about a new fishtoy: The complete destruction of France
Go back.
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she's perfect
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We like it here
Afraid we will take over and outlive you?
every time a nigger tells me to go back i will post josie 5 more times out of spite
jet where THE FUCK is the bukkake fishtoy???
do you want to advance the goddamn culture or just suck on whippets all day long like a fucking baby?
Fucking Steinful as we speak
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agree to disagree
i did what am i supposed to see?
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jokes on you im into that
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He's perfect.
Theyre making the car bed squeak right now while josies mom is making them breakfast
This general have reached bottom of the barrel congratulations
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Jet is
A cutiepie
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>you'll never stresstest the suspension on Josies car bed with her
what's even the point
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-ly inept
It's just one person desperate for attention.
It's another "Jet needs his ego stroked" episode
Been on a camping trip this weekend, what did I miss, did Jet finally kill himself?
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Protect his smile.
I'm going to violently and relentlessly analy dominate Dewky Shewt.
grim status?
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no TJ don't fall for her monkey tricks!
she will devour your soul and happiness until nothing but a miserable husk is left
>as soon as I start posting Jet the Josie pics slow down and instead a bunch on anti-Jet posts show up
Absolutely desperate for attention, pathetic
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rape his fucking ass
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I was taking a piss
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Good vibes. ;)
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>the Josie pics slow down
ask and you shall receive
Needs to be changed asap. Half of that shit isn't news or relevant.
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These two fucking while I jerk off in the closet
Just report him for avatarfagging.
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Looks like Mr potatoe head
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would you willingly give her your tip for a 1 kiss?
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without question
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hi jet
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jet neptune dies today.
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good answer
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Why did you post a picture of Jet getting fucked again?
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Jet Neptune has a pleasant and fulfilling day.
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*eats chicken wings into mic*
>Dude get the fuck outta my ear
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True so much true
is that notorious jew Ethan Klein?
Yes. Anon seethes in here about Claire alot, but she is one of the most popular streamers on the site. If only she could stream at peak hours.
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haha he's so cute :)
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perfect girl
on opposite day
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cope seethe dilate
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The rapidly growing!
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Now that the dust has settled, are we all in agreement Shadi was best girl in Bitchtank?
>brought the drama
>innocent voice
>out maneuvered production (rose challenge)
>started twitter spaces which resulted in more content
>actually has a fashion sense unlike claire
>bubbly personality
>actually is creative and artistic
>uncorrupted moral compass
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imagine this bouncing on your lap
many are saying this
too.... heavy....
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hell yeah brother
do you guys think jet will actually put boogie and shoenice on the show?
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No, shoe did all this same shit last season
>Mommy can you please take me to the sam hyde show so people will act nicer to me? They might call me a pee pee head if I go alone. I need a parental escort cause I'm special.
could bring in a couple new viewers so yeah
benji bake already baka
are there any boogie viewers who aren't already aware of fishtank? I'm not saying I don't want it but most boogie fans are hatewatchers
Turkey tom just said he doesn't watch sam hyde anymore on his new Matan evens video on the tomdarklive channel.
breeding taylor...
baker baker
Do it yourself fucking idiot I'm not your personal slave
Please rebake with the updated playlist
the prospect of frank hassle and boogie in the same house has a lot of potential ngl
Are we finally free...?
yes yes and yes
New age Valerie Solanas
stop falseflagging the real benji does it whenever i ask
im the usual baker but not feeling like it this time, so no
that's fair
Finally confirming that Jimmy hogs the family vacation home?
I'm gay
many are saying this
unfortunately boogie would leave almost immediately. they need a special contract that makes freeloaders unable to leave the house
It's been good, guys. We've had a lot of fun. I hate every one of you. Take care.
probably not any recurring viewers but there would be a spike for the day(s) he’s on
Alessandra, I hope you can feel my love, even though we're thousands of miles away from each other. I love you.
Jet is so puppy
Hell yeah, dudes rock
Taylor, I hope you can feel my love, even though we're thousands of miles away from each other. I love you.
You're all pathetic faggots who obsess over boring content. Sam was right
Josie is doing this with Steinful right now
this but tj
Taylor, I hope you fall down the stairs and break your neck, all of /ftl/ wishes you suffering.
They saw the Bettypedos jump in and they thought why not join in on the fun too!
kinda gay bro
shut the fuck up im stuffing my bussy
It's been months since the breakup so the odds of taylor getting dicked down by some floridians is almost guarantee. TJ on the other hand? Playing some gay map game LOL. Tjtaylor lost. Tj fans lost. Taylor fans lost.
creaming taylor and dallas!
I'm so cold
taylor takes dick on the daily
stroking my dick rn
i dont want to go mr goldstriker
im scared
im cold
you are all fucking gay
Oink oink piggy piggy oink oink piggy piggy oink oink piggy piggy oink oink piggy piggy self post more piggy.
Claire, I hope you can feel my love, even though we're thousands of miles away from each other. I love you.
love you too babe :*
fuck you

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