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Tasty treats edition
Previously on /hor/ >>203760625
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Rank em
Cage is basically the last good thing we have left. It's over after he goes.
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This was the worst movie I've ever seen. 80% of it was just jokes lifted straight from Lockhornes comics.
Times you acted like Ebola Rex?
>mfw an Alucarda thread is probably gonna hit bump limit
>eating old black ladies
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Cope, seethe, dilate etc
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>now ya'll ain't planning on fuckin' these chickens are ya?
the fact this film hasn't been remastered into HD or 4k disc is a tragedy
alucarda is a pro-christian film retard.
stop promoting your bullshit cult. haven't you idiots done enough to harm the world already?
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It's officially the first day of fall. What are some comfy Autumn horror movies?
Good ghost movies?
Just finished Crimson Peak.
Halloween 1-3
This you?
You sound genuinely insufferable just like the 80s cocklodge faggot. Imagine being this big of a pussy yet claiming to enjoy horror films.
Interesting. Is this you? >>203766730
Why do you worship gods that your own religion admits were killed by giants?
Norses were the niggers from their time.
True, aren’t women just so gross? Men are more your thing judging from your hysterical replies.
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It’s a genuine tragedy. Apparently they lost the original negative at some point:
>“We can't do an ALUCARDA blu because the negative is missing and thus far we haven't been able to source an alternate film element to create an HD master.”
rip. I was hesitant to watch it because a good version was actually challenging to find. it's not terrible at least.
Isn't that exactly what AI should be used for?
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Have you tried not being an actual faggot?
This but unironically.
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oh shit, the rare situation where the schizos fight each other. this should be good.
Every day.
You're so gay that even Cocklodge thinks you're going too far.
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>mfw for once I find myself agreeing with fucking cocklodge man of all schizos
>DUDE! That's so fucking rad! Look her HEAD is in the MICROWAVE DUDE! FUCKING RAD! DUDE GORE!
This but completely unironically.
>DUDE what if like SATAN and heckin' BLOOD and GORE!? That's so fucking rad, dude!
>thread on some mexican horror from the 70s that no one has seen stays up for over 2 1/2 days
>derails /hor/
alucarda poster, i kneel
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>9 days until October
>hit the random button
>hit play
>post results
I got Suicide Club
>copyrighted material
I thought Satan was le heckin cool dude? Surely he is chill with theft.
where are fuckin torrents for substance it's been long since it is out
also boys, there was movie discussed here some time ago i wanted to watch it but forgot names it is about vampires sorta but instead of vampires they turn into some feline like monsters where they have cat like teeth instead of vampire like.
anyone remember it was from 80's i think
It's only just hit theaters anon, won't be streaming for a while.
also - Sleepwalkers (1992)?
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speaking of catholics, reminder that you are guilty and a sinner
What's with the dead jew worshipping retard in the thread?
Attention whore. He posts like a /pw/ schizo.
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cry harder
I'm not a satanist, that's a jewish invention, you're the one who believes in it.
All I see is Sarah Gadon posts in that thread.
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>you like krabby patties don't you, squidward?
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Stay seething.
alright now you're actually just spamming. maybe go for a walk.
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>yap yap yap
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80s horror.
>everything must be like muh heckin A24 liberal mental illness allegory 2deep4u high iq kino or else you're not a proper /hor/ channer like me
Have you considered suicide?
>responds in seconds
Yeah this fag is SEETHING
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Gadonfag tried derailing my thread five times. Worst poster on /tv/ bar none
The natural state of /tv/ is Gadonposting. Everything else is ephemeral.
Don't you have some Tradcath LARP thread to be posting in?
>hence why I don't go to church
Looks like calling you a LARPer was correct.
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>Mr. Vampire
>Encounters of the Spooky Kind
>The Boxers Omen
>Human Lanterns
>A Chinese Ghost Story
enjoyed all of these. any I've missed or others I should watch?
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Why are you having a mental breakdown over this?
I remember I used to keep seeing this guy in Rising Storm 2 with the username “AHHHHHH NOT THE BEEEEES”
Laughed every time I saw him
no they don't turn into actual cats
only teeth are catlike instead of classic vampire like. it was about some inheritance too if i remember correctly. it is not sleepwalkers.
their teeth were similar to teeth of those twins of evil.
Dragons are cool monsters that haven't been used well in horror.
Leave the thread if it upsets you so much.
(Heb. 10:23-25) Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
>not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some
Horror movies?
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lair of the white worm?
Unstoppable Force vs Immovable Object
more like the unstoppable autist meets the immovable retard
it did >>203693242
Kino Sarah Gadon thread.
Yokai Monsters series?
Lesbians, Gore, Burnings and Terror
>where are fuckin torrents for substance
Looking for Cam?
So why are you in the horror general? Are you coming out?
that's nips, I'm looking for kung fu. good suggestion though. took me ages to find a copy of the second one in that series.
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the kiss (1988)? the villain is a witch or a succubus seducing the mc's dad and she's got a pack of cat puppets as minions
cat people
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cat people they turn into actual cats
Salem's Lot
you should take your cat to the vet kek
Mike Flanagan is a bald faggot who makes bad movies
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Yutte Stensgaard, Ingrid Pitt or the Collinson twins?

yeah why not
nope i remember the clothes being more victorian in style but could be much later too. looked like it was filmed in 80's.
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This list is almost 10 years old now and a lot of applicable more recent titles like The House That Jack Built (2018), The Witch (2015), Hereditary (2018), and Mandy (2018) are missing. What other recent titles would you add to it?

Also, does anyone have any surreal/arthouse horror film chart?
I'll keep an eye out.
this nigga saving gay cartoons on his device and has audacity to call horror movie enjoyers fags
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/tv/ is now an Alucarda board.
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Tried watching One Missed Call last night, the 2003 Japanese version. It was, unwatchable. I like those slower moving jap films generally but there was NOTHING to this movie. Pretty insane too, because the 'muricin version lacked any creativity but at least was still watchable. What in the fuck?
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Mad God
Possum? it's ok at least. better than house of the devil anyway.
That's a Sarah Gadon thread though and this is a Sarah Gadon board
wut. did you not watch all the stuff at the end?
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Zero Years (2005)

>Country: Greece
>Language: Greek
>Runtime: 02:05:52
>Genres: Captivity, Prostitution, Mental Illness, Sexual-Violence against Men, BDSM, Girl-on-girl themed, SelfHarm, Sexual-Violence against Women
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>christfag poster went from religious ranting to posting gay spongebob prom
why are you posting sponebob yaoi
in the last thread a spammer got called out for admitting he was gay. I think it caused him to have a nervous breakdown of some kind.
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>voluntarily enters thread to complain and spam gay cartoon porn
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It’s a sexy, charming Catholic flick plus it makes certain people seethe so you know it’s good.
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Showed his true colors real quick.
what the fuck kind of fetish is this????
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TWO schizo faggots?
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Enjoy the 3 day vacation
Who let the /pol/ tourist in? Meltdown of the century. Sure horror fans enjoy camp & gore slop and sure we have gays and trannies in our audience. Problem, you spastic?
ITT we worship Satan
and then he died.
I just watched abigail. It was alright but I think they fucked up the marketing for and execution of it and it could have been bigger if they hadn't. The best part was watching the cast slowly figure out they had kidnapped a vampire and taken her to her own lair; I think they could have focused more on the mystery here and had the cast go through the house and put the pieces together while building up the lore around Abigail more. But this is mostly a minor execution thing. The major issue is that the trailer and all of the marketing material give away the fact that the girl is a vampire. I suppose if they didn't it might be considered deceptive marketing, but even so the trailer gives away far too much and the twist would be far more effective otherwise.
Are there any films/tv like what I'm talking about above? I like lore and mystery in my horror films/tv, and competent, smart characters. I'd also love twists that aren't given away by the marketing.
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Hail Satan
What the fuck happened in the last 10 hours while I was away?
True horror
Someone conjured our lord and master.
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If they weren't cowards they absolutely would. Course they'd probably bother to spell his name right if they did. When are we gunna get a proper Saturn horror film? Probably couldn't make something like that today huh? Buncha bitches.
We witnessed a collapse of sanity in real time
Kino, just in time for October too
>95 posts removed
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>he wasted his entire weekend doing this
Watch Piranha (2010)
Recommend some 70s/80s monster movies.
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Nah watch Piranha (1978)
I've only seen the Joe Dante original, but the remake is by Alexandre Aja who did Crawl and that was pretty good, so it's probably good too.
Does the ant buttfuck her? I need an answer to this question before I can answer yours.
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I remember watching a whole days worth of sea horror movies one time.
>Piranha 1 & 2
>Jaws 1 - 3
>Deep Rising
>Deep Blue Sea
>Shock Waves
>Death Ship
>Ghost Ship
>Poseidon (not really horror but a water movie nonetheless)
Good times
Haha this is how I sometimes watch my Horrors too. I'll just spend a week with a theme in mind and try to exhaust as many of them as I feel like.
Didn't know they made a horror movie about whales I'm gonna watch that later tonight thanks for the rec
thread gutted by satan worshipping mods
It does not.
Looks cool.
>I'll just spend a week with a theme in mind and try to exhaust as many of them as I feel like.
Any good themes you've done lately?
I like the idea of doing something like that but my mind changes too often.
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Orca is really good. Anyone who liked the Jaws or Piranha movies should watch it for sure.
Caves/underground spaces is a personal favourite of mine. You've probably already seen the best ones, being The Descent and As Above, So Below but there are some other decent ones. A few off the top of my head are: Sanctum (2011), Catacombs (2007), The Tunnel (2011), and The Cave (2005).
If anyone else knows of any these types of underground/water/cave movies that aren't English I'd be very welcoming of any recommendations!
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Been rewatching the REC series and forgot how much of a cutie Angela is, surprised people don't waifu her more often.
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>Amateur Porn Star Killer 3
I slept on it after seeing it last night and I still hate the substance.

The movie doesn't bother with any kind of subtlety for its overdone "this is how le society treats women" message, and it ends up being so obnoxious and ham-fisted that you sort of mentally check out about 20 minutes into the movie. Normally that's fine, not everything needs subtext or nuance especially for body horror flicks but then there ends up being so much half-assed shit in the movie that the entire watching experience has this undercurrent of cynicism and a lack of care towards the final product. It makes sitting in the theater feel like a chore and you're just waiting for it to be over. The actual body horror moments aren't even that exciting, it feels like I'm seeing things a 13 year old would think are gross
need some tips on how to meet and then marry rebecca hall
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this movie sucks
>inb4 not horror
suck my ass
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As for me, it's the succybus from V/H/S.
You suck. You deserve nothing but contempt.
A weekend well spent.
Need to watch something like Creep 1/2 or the Den / Unfriended. Or anything remotely relevant to these.
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
i only saw the first one and the rob zombie ones. the original 2 and 3 are good, and stop after that?
yeah. 3 is a bit different
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Solid choice. Rollin is one of the best.
4 is good and 5 is watchable
I remember renting that shit back in the 90s in North Carolina I think. There were 2 cool video stores by the mall in Chapel Hill I'd always go to and they had a nice selection of comfy 80s horror where the boxes are far superior to the films.
80s horror is some of the greatest box art of all time, so good in fact that many films have art which has absolutely nothing to do with the films.
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i recommend some Indonesian kino.
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If you want a good thriller...look elsewhere. Influencer was trash. Going into it I already knew the outcome because >Shudder. I kept an open mind. It sucked. Basic bitch stolen identity movie. Incidentally, all the white women looked 10 years older than they are. Also it felt very Canadian. Imagine shooting a movie in Thailand and not having a single Thai character in your script.
Garbage game. I will keep playing the original instead.
Just don't watch the 90's one. It's a scene for scene reshoot with all the soul sucked out.

You mean foreign language or just non-anglo?
how does this stack up to joko's other films? i'm a big fan and still have to check out the tv show he made/produced/whatever.
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This is better.
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My first review of Shocktober 2024!

The scale:
Worth a Watch
Hot Garbage

The Funhouse (1981) -- This carried-away carnival tale from Tobe Hooper is certainly Worth a Watch for the colorful Bradburian atmosphere (go read Something Wicked This Way Comes!), as well as for the rich evocations of horror nerdom past. There’s a classic pulp monster: a deformed “attic” child begat by the gruff old carnival master; this beastie covers his face with a Frankie mask (drooling through it when he gets aroused) and has a proclivity for killing and raping girls of every age wherever the troop travels. The main setup: horny teens decide to stay all night in the funhouse of this seedy carnival, against the advice of mousy nice-tittied-girl-next-door’s daddy. It’s fun throughout and you won’t risk falling asleep, but it bleeds some of its magic when you start spending all this time in the *underworks* -- the characters constantly dodging among the gears and shafts and wires that make the colorful fantasy world of the carnival above go. Also, at the risk of sounding weird, I think the monster should have shown more of his deformed flesh, like have his shirt unbuttoned or something; I don’t think he’s sexy, I just believe it would have sold his lasciviousness and basic *reality* a little harder. An essential watch for horror movie fans!
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I fucking KNEW I was right: https://people.com/margaret-qualley-given-prosthetic-boobs-the-substance-8713170
God owes me twin sex.
Fucking terrible.
Her midget sister is hotter
I'm boycotting now.
It's still Shocktember
Well yeah, but me and my brother wanted to get a jump on it, so it will be Shocktober before and during the more appropriate month for us.
No wonder he killed that cheap bitch, that was a five-dollar special at best! Old hag should have stuck around until his monstrous meat got its second wind.
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I've known a LOT of twins over the years, most of them hot too. I always wondered what that would be like.
There were these blonde twins in my high school who had unreal hourglass bodies, and they were very touchy feely with each other, i would just stare at them from a distance with a painful boner in my pants.
It's supremely cult. You're much better off trying Never Ending Story or Legend. Dark Crystal is puppet kino, regardless of opinion however.
Gunna boycott Return of the Living Dead too? Why even watch that garbo in the first place? Society already exists dumdums.
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Girlhouse 2014
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First for Euuurgh!!
Any movie that tricks me with fake lady parts will be boycotted yes.
It was a very stupid mistake, not least because Qualley's tits are fine
Based man of superior perception and conviction
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what are some horror films that could fit this rating distro
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It's up!!


These fucking numbers... Good job, anon.
Man, /hor/ was popping yesterday. Now look at you. Now look at you, /hor/.
Looks like the Alita adaptation and yes one of the most memorable episodes in the entire VHS franchise
I'm binging tales from the crypt again
Saw some promo material for a bunny themed horror marked for a 2024 release going around a studio tour (probably Sony). Called Bunniez or something, had giant humanoid rabbits (guessing a horror comedy).

Can't find any info about it though. Anyone seen anything about it?
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Rewatched last night, still holds up and the final scene is absolute kino, but doesn't come near what Argento would do later. Bird is the best of the trilogy i guess. It also made me sad that films aren't this well framed and lit anymore. And i realized how much Mimsy Farmer looks like David Bowie and now i can't find her attractive anymore. 7/10.
Not /hor/
This kino here.
Would suggest to anyone who wants to watch a mix of Grave Encounters and Unfriended/Den.
Mild spoiler but the movie starts off very light-hearted and turns out to be almost as fucked up as Hostel
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Can somebody tell me why this shit is so hard to find?Is everyone genuinely retarded and getting confused when two movies have the same name and don't even bother to check what they're putting online or is it some elaborate troll?
The only one i found that was the actual film was a dubbed russian version where i undertood only about half the shit that was going on and i still feel i missed out even after watching it to conclusion.
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While this has also happened to me, are you telling me all of these seeded releases include the wrong Delirium movie or have no english audio at all?
Sometimes shit just gets polluted, scene people see one rip of something obscure and don't bother going to the effort of doing one.

Worst case for me was Clive Barker's Cabal. Only ebook online was a broken PDF, actually bought it from the Kobo store and it was the wrong book mislabeled. It even had the wrong cover (of Cabal), took me 100 pages before I realised that this was nothing like a Clive Barker Novel (still had some some supernatural elements which is why it took a while). Was some book about a book club that finds a demonic book.
I don't know.
I gave up after 5 of them turned out to be the other found footage crap.I then looked to find some streaming to watch this crap but again, most of those where the found footage one;the only one legit was the the russian dubbed one.
counterpoint; i liked it, the plot was simple and straightforward but engaging despite that, the identity thief girl was very interesting and got herself into some interesting and tense scenarios, the tensions coming from a place of 'oh shit she's gonna get caught' instead'v the usual 'oh no the goodguy characters are gonna get murdered', the movie wants you rooting for the bad guy at times
it was brilliant to have her 2nd intended victim of the movie be a sorta cult leader style influencer, the Identity Thief had to work a bit harder than usual to get one over on her because she herself is a con artist/manipulator
>Thailand and not having a single Thai character in your script.
imagine complaining about a lack of nonwhite representation in 2024 dog wtf, whites alright with me
>I've known a LOT of twins over the years, most of them hot too. I always wondered what that would be like.
Betamale orbiter. At least you admit it. Most men will just cope with "but i have sex!" and hope that negates the fact that they are beta male simp cuck orbiters.
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So it's basically capeshit now?
NPM made a thread to rant about guess what
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ok but why is it rated R, is it because of the boobs and lingerie?
the only thing in this movie that wasn't tame was cage's performance
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This bodes well
Yup, reddit capeshit. Terrifier 2 paved the way.
Is it any good? That's a pretty cool cast.
everything about it is mediocre except for nicolas cage, who for some fucking reason went all in
it's kinda jarring how different his acting is compared to everyone else in it
He almost always goes all in, great actor. Guess i won't give this one my time, thanks.
Watched Speak No Evil (2022) and now I'm curious about the Hollywood version, as I hear it ends differently.
The danish version feels like you are almost meant to look down on the victims, for being so passive. They drive that point home directly with the last bit of dialogue in the movie. I also didn't care for how minimalist it was. It is built entirely on suspsense and doesn't have nearly enough of a payoff to make it feel worth the wait.
I should say though that the acting seemed pretty great (but they were speaking in broken english half of the time so what do I know?)
Towards the end where it starts spelling the subtext out by overlaying quotes from earlier in the film was particularly bad.
The danish version was pretty annoying. The husband was a huge beta and the wife was pretty unattractive.
In the Hollywood version, James Macavoy definitely saved the movie. Both movies were not good and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.
I despised it. It was originally a comedy/drama and then the director thought he could sell it better by making it a horror. It shows because until the twist, it's literally a shitty daytime drama for women.
what the fuck
The danish wife was really damn annoying. Her tantrums almost made me fast forward.
>Terrifier was a gorefest frustratingly short on emotion
what a fag
Agreed. I was hoping 3 would be like 1 but it looks like it's somewhere between 1 and 2, according to that fag.
Trending the right direction at least.
this one is quite good. don't think i've ever seen Nikolaidis mentioned on /tv/
Based twinposter.
Is Nikolaidis a common Greek name? It's a slavic-sounding name
america must be destroyed
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>Alucarda meme posting is in in 2024
Yeah I'm here for it. Watched in 2023 spooky szn and thought it was solid.

Speaking of 70s movies, can we meme Mark of the Devil? I'm ready for Albino-posting..
>I'm so contrarian that I have to hate brilliant modern horror in favor of bottom of the barrel tier 100k budget shit films from the 80s that arent even the top 500 of said decade
Really want to watch more Rollin now, I didn't realize he was so kino.
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has to be one of the most disgusting characters to grace the silver screen. love it.
>>modern horror
Pick one.
>films from the 80s that arent even the top 500 of said decade
And yet they're still better than most recent horror movies. Things have gotten so bad even the throwaway schlock of previous decades is better than most recent directors.
Genuinely, what the hell was the point in that scene, other than to pad out the movie’s runtime? It has nothing to do with anything.

Why is the guy running a brothel going with his retarded janitor to buy chickens? It’s not like it pays off later in some way.
>Genuinely, what the hell was the point in that scene
It's funny.
Which was the top 3?
I'm pretty sure this review was written by an AI or that the author hasn't even seen the movie at all. Nobody cares.
4 is ok too, and to me feels the most like actual autumn, because they filmed it in Kansas or Nebraska, or another one of those middle of nowhere states instead of Southern California.
>It has nothing to do with anything.
it has everything to do with fucking chickens.
Other than those two i say go for Fascination and Lips of Blood.
How long until Marvel buys the rights to Art The Clown and adds him to the Deadpool movie?
Visitor Q is not a horror movie in the slightest.
comfy tv movies
4 is better than 2 desu.
I really wish that Rifftrax would do that one. Cinematic Titanic did a live show of Alien Factor, and Rifftrax did Galaxy Invader, and both were amongst the best things that either have done.
You should. It's great.
Hell no.
Do you know that you types of fags are tiresome to listen to?
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Bug 1975
Complete, unabashed woman hater. He had some save fucking lines in that movie. I need to pull up a rip and make some OC.
>cool new watches discovered ITT: 0
>date: September 22nd

Fucking weak sauce, /hor/. Somebody save me with recs.
Didn't know about the Hauntology and Lord of Wolves. The amount of horror releases out there this month is considerable:
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>In this queer horror anthology
you could tell because it has a gay leftist theory name
Hell yes.
Some probably mediocre random gay guy tried to hijack the concept which has nothing to do with homosexuality at all and is linked to British aesthetics involving 70s TV/music, folk tales and so on. Take a look at Ghost Box records, not just their releases but also the aesthetics
It's not that
>old good
>new bad
>lots of good movies came out in previous decades
>less good movies come out now
New movies CAN be good. They just aren't good as often as you wish they are.
this looks generic, yet after watching Intruder it does seem comfy to see another single setting workplace invasion flick
Since old covers like 80 years of filmmaking that includes all the classics and GOATs vs new which covers like present day only, by default old is always good yes. Unless we're getting a new The Shining and Alien and Rosemary's Baby and Bride of Frankenstein every month then of course new always looks trash compared to old. Frankly the insistence that new can be as good as old is the perversion of logic here, you'd have to believe they're pumping out classics almost constantly for new to be able to compete with old.
Yes, I'll watch this one. The setting's comfy indeed (as is the one from the 1st Body Bags episode)
>Unless we're getting a new The Shining and Alien and Rosemary's Baby and Bride of Frankenstein every month
We're not even getting one every year, unfortunately.
Why prompted that response from you, anon?
America influenced my loving gf to fuck a black person
Living in the world.
other than Rollin's filmography, any other good frog flicks that predate the extreme/gore wave of the late '90s/early 2000? i've seen Baby Blood, Night of Death, The Blood Rose, Eyes Without a Face, Diabolique, Blood and Roses
Guess i will then.
This looks interesting, is it any good or just pure trash fun?
NTA but he's right. For the good of mankind, it must.
oh and Devil Story, shameful to forget such a masterpiece
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>america must be destroyed
Gorgeous actress
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>Nothing happened: the movie.
M3gan or Child's Play weren't great but man, they were way more entertaining than this boring movie.
>Child's Play
>not great
this is factually incorrect.
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I am once again asking for good ghost movies.
The original one, yes. The 2019 remake was ok.
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>M3gan [...] weren't great
You take that back.
oh, gotcha. yeah like the F13 and NOES remakes, I barely remember them.
I never said it was bad. Though, I didn't get to see the rated R version in theater.
The Uninvited (44), beautifully restored by Criterion
I would argue that Friday the 13th has one of the best remake and is a better movie than most of the franchise (especially garbage like Part V or VIII).
Nightmare was a waste of Jackie Earle Haley and added nothing to the franchise.
>f13 remake better than part v
Nah. Part V rocks. The remake is good but it's one of the lesser entries in the series. I agree it's better than Part VIII though.
any good necc-kino recommendations?
Personally I think part 5 rocks but the remake is also the best in the series
The order is somewhat interchangeable but my favorites are the first six movies. They all go over any of the later entries for me.
For 2000s Jason I prefer Freddy vs Jason and Jason X over the remake, but I still enjoy it. Not a bad slasher.
We'll have to agree to disagree. Some kills were great (the leather band one against the tree) but I didn't like the tone, the setting and Roy.
Freddy vs Jason is one of my favorite but it's more of a guilty pleasure than anything else. The comic series was fun too.
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which is what. necks? nekos? neca toys?
it's some child molester slang isn't it.
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God knows I could’ve fixed her.
>but I didn't like the tone, the setting and Roy.
I like the setting and I love the tone. The off-kilter feel of Part V is what makes it stand out imo. Also Roy is honestly one of the most badass Jasons, he kicks ass in the movie.
>Freddy vs Jason is one of my favorite but it's more of a guilty pleasure than anything else
As a movie I thought it was done well desu, I think they made the right call with the director (who also did Bride of Chucky) because Freddy vs Jason had the potential to be a lot worse than it was. Could have ended up being soulless sanitized corporate nostalgiabait but it was actually pretty fun and stylish.
For what it was I genuinely enjoyed it. The music and effects are really good. I think you'll be entertained either way.
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Are you ready? It's almost here.
I make that face sometimes.
Jack Nicholson should sue for unauthorized use of his face
Is As Above, So Below the best FF film ever?
Protip: The answer is "yes."
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What are some good Rutger Hauer horror movies besides The Hitcher? Are any of these movies horror adjacent at least? Bottom one is Surviving the Game. I really like this guy ever since watching The Hitcher and Blade Runner
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it's good but there's a bunch of parts that makes me wish it was better.
BWP on the other hand is basically flawless.
You might enjoy Hobo with a Shotgun.
It's his son.
Not horror, but Flesh + Blood is very good.
His skin is yellow.
BWP is basic af
kys triptranny
Another coming of christ-fag?
I’ve been wanting to watch that one anyway. I think I’ll go with it
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It's undefeated both in tension and story arc. I'd say the only part approaching a weak point is the ectoplasm bit. Kind of odd, but otherwise a 10/10 for me.
Yeah BWP is definitely superior.
BWP is a much more unique and interesting film than As Above So Below.
nta but it's less stupid than it sounds, I enjoyed it.
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Hobo with a Shotgun is dead ass bussin.
Yeah it's good. Also watch Treevenge by the same director if you like it, it's a short film.
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>the plague vs the black skulls
we need a biker gang fight horror
>hyped those guys up only to be killed by a prostitute with a lawnmower
How embarrassing.
It's med, so prolly the best ff film ever.
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Is the movie supposed to be so red or is my tv fucking up? Also damn Rutger is looking old as fuck here. I hate it when people get old and die
Does it look like that the entire time? I remember it looking normal but it's been a few years desu.
>Is the movie supposed to be so red
Yes. It's very colorful.
Almost every single slasher movie ends with the final girl 'killing' the slasher.
I disagree.
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My mom just texted me saying my brother took this guy fishing today. I googled him and immediately recognized him from El Camino but could find nothing about the Ric Flair thing. Big if true, I have those Hollywood connections bros..
Sure it ends with her single and sipping wine and having beaten the patriarchy.
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Whoever’s baking this time, make it spooky.
I want to get Havana Rose Liu preggo...that said, i enjoyed the ending.
apparently rick flair has been getting increasingly deranged. or, his wrestling persona and real life person aren't that different.
guess I'll bake then
It says that Scott dude is in Halloween Kills.

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