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HOH: Makensy
POV: Makensy
NOMS: Angela, Kimo

previously on /bb/: >>203762481
big retard and small retard convo
Mak ruined the season and gifted it to Chelsie. Fuck you retard downie bitch.
The age of white BB winners is over
Don't like it, stop watching
i hate big mak

i love lil leah
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theyre still talking about tucker
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holy meltdown
it was apparently a pyrrhic victory
big retard just wants to suck cam bbc in peace
how does that bowling ball not roll of the table in the hoh room?
she's gone in the double :)
enzo was the poc representation
leah is a retard that threw mak under the bus all season until she played a part in getting her own allies evicted and now she wants mak’s loyalty kek
big retard needs to go home
so, they need each other now
when did she throw her under the bus? she mentioned cam and mak flirting once and chelsie has been running with that for like a month
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I’m sure that will come true like all your other predictions about her
dumb makfag
chelsie's been talking shit about her too and mak knows it, only difference is maktard thinks chelsie is a "woman of God" (lololololololol)
The bigger problem is she hasnt bothered doing any gaming with mak this week
Like where’s the sleepover? The attempt to persuade her about Chelsie being a threat she did to Rubina? It’s retarded and why she’s going to jury
she threw her name out to tons of people including HOHs in the first half of the season as a nomination

leah needs her, mak doesn’t need leah
it will :)
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>Angela will survive every single person that used veto on her
the mother of all cockroaches
part of the problem is leah has been avoiding mak since thursday. she should have been up her ass and in her hoh bed all week like she did to chelsie
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gonna cry?
yeah, she does, mak is target numero uno as soon as leah is out of here.
tears of joy
nooooo anon stop using logic it’s all mak’s fault actually, leah is playing perfectly!
hate christcucks so much
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shes waiting for rubina to leave
just like your dad when you walked out on you
shes thinking about food
Haven’t been able to watch for about two weeks. What happened to turn all the Mak coomers against her?
might want to workshop that one again little guy
FAT pig
we don’t sign our posts here
Chelsie really had the cookout and christcuck contingents to carry her to victory all along
she was never going to not win

leah being a mediocre lazy player like everyone else is no excuse for makensy making a fessy nominating scottie tier move. makensy has agency here
it’s just the makseether having his daily mental breakdown just like the past two months
im not a mak coomer. i like her facial expressions and overall goofy demeanor. she is playing her own game and to each their own. its mostly the same handful of mak seethers looking for reasons to seethe cause she has been a compbeast and is still here
another original
angela pitching to cam
Mak has had no one but Cam Chelsie and Rubina whispering in her ear to nom Leah and you wonder why she caved?
It is BB 101 to tardwrangle your allies by checking in
the mak coomers are circling the wagons
they're going to be extra obnoxious now
kek the crybabies in this thread are unreal
Have fun when the thread dies after Mak and Leah go back to back. No one watching feeds to see Rubina.
keep crying over a reality tv show
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the plant with the plant
who is angela seething about?
people who cry over big brother are less pathetic than ones who cry about gaza

>Angela: Chelsie will do whateverrr she wants… Cam will do whatever Chelsie wants… such a floater
>he says while crying anons are hating on his waifu
you respond to every single mild comment and have for weeks bro
Worst part is big retard will congratulate herself on making a "big move"

Not watching any more episodes, will lose too many brain cells
angela thats not what floater means
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its big frickin brother
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leah still has a chance if angela has a blowup in the next 18hours or so kek
>he says while crying anons are hating on his waifu
what are you talking about ya schizo
Angela is making final 3 or 4 at worst
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shes lookin thick
Honestly the scene is set for a Angela HOH.

Chelsie knows after Leah goes the next target has to be Mak, she can't do that herself for jury reasons. So Ang just has to beat 3 comp flops who have been unable to win a HOH in a question contest.
kek rubina said quinn said he had to practice looking people in the eye before coming on the show cause hes a sperg
angela going will just make sure leah goes in the double. i guess she has a chance of winning hoh and veto at least.
doughy tummy
poking lil leah's belly like the pillsbury doughboy
There’s a decent chance Leah wins hoh or veto in the double, more than Angela certainly
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but anon the pillsbury doughboy doesnt poke you, you poke him and he giggles
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this is the real duo threat that nobody is talking about
sucking on her stomach fat
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what is the movie they get to watch?
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they dont know what to show on the feeds now that the mandatory tkor feeds regulations dont apply

please let chelsie start shit talking leah and or mak not knowing she is up there
coomer overload
the wild robot
queen angela winning after all this would be bbkino
honest question, why take down angela and not kimo? if the whole house is behind booting leah after she goes up, why take angela down at all?
does lil leah go "hoo hoo" when you poke her
lmao chelsie is
God I hope this backfires on her
She always shittalks so loud
The DR wants Angela off the block because they want her to win.
Chelsie and Rubina loudly shit talking Leah while she lays upstairs
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No idea. I stopped questioning these tards decisions a month ago
Talk louder ladies, make sure Leah hears you
Inb4 she’s out like a damn light the entire convo
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praying to god that Leah isn’t asleep
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an absolute blunder happening right now
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she is awake
hopefully she heard everything
What exactly are they saying?
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she has no idea what to do
just insurmountably stupid these people are
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leah on the hunt
She said she did hear anything sadly but Chelsie is stressing over it kek
now they're testing it lol
I’m hoping she’s lying cause she wants to talk to mak 1 on 1 about it
She didnt* fuck me
and leah comes out and Chelsie is on the balcony with a pool stick making it pretty obvious they were testing
leah caught them testing it lmaooo
I can't wait to see the look on mak's stupid face when cam and chelsie send her out during the double
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ugh, leah is letting chelsie reprogram mak before she leaks to her
why didn't Leah just lay there longer...
she’s stupid
im not sure she could really hear them clearly
Things what I mean by Leah being too fucking passive
Stop letting chelga do damage control with ZERO pushback
If Makensy had a brain cell she'd know that Chelsie rushing to pre-leak this cockamamie pool table story should be a red flag. they were talking about Mak as a threat out there too.
immediately after the incident too is so obvious
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playing buddy games with big mak
She’s probably believe Leah even now but of course Leah doesn’t bother to fucking talk to her
nah she wouldn't
mak gaslights her own self lmao
If she framed it right she would
But she not only didn’t tell her she’s let Chelsie do her shitty damage control first, it’s ridiculous
People wonder why Leah is fucked this shit is why
was chelsie shit talking mak too, she must've been for her to freak the fuck out so fast
Chelsie telling Mak that she didn’t say anything about the plan at the pool table kek
buddy, mak's been listening to chelsie all game, i see no reason why that'd change now
losing the last of your brain cells with big mak
She talked about a final four (proposed by cam) of cam/chelsie/rubina/kimo and mj being a threat
Damning shit but of course Leah doesn’t immediately 1:1 with her
>all game
She wasn’t last week and you can tell Chelsie still smarts over it kek
Chelsie really is the new generation's Maggie, zoomers will understand how it felt when Maggie won if Chelsie ends up winning.
do you think leah is fucking clairvoyant? that condo happened in private
convo* fuck
they definitely ID'd Mak as a threat at that pool convo but I doubt Leah heard it
leah, angela, and chelsie together during the movie is gonna be really awkward now
>in private
That was shit mentioned by the pool table
If you’re talking about this Chelsie Mak concoction then Leah should’ve hogged Mak first, ridiculous to just let her go and give the others a chance to damage control
Big Mak is a ________
silly girl.
rape victim
kek chelga is hard pushing mj to blindside Leah and not talk to her until after noms
If mak doesn’t clock that she’s a fucking retard
>If mak doesn’t clock that she’s a fucking retard
well guess what
Heh I know but had to say it again regardless
Chelga: "Leah is not scared of you, she's scared of ME."

So you need to use your HOH to get rid of her, make it make sense Maktard.
chelsie's arguments are so retarded
naturally mj will agree with all of them
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big think
grod please reprogram her
Production is good with this, they are backing Angela.
Their DR bullshit is what started this backdoor Leah stuff kek
Who do you guys think is more retarded Makensy or the retards in this thread who defend her
the anon who blames leah for big mak retardation
does anyone actually defend her retardation here? I just figured we were all just fans of her longness.
the people who seethe over a parking lot game
why are you even here
fascinating tonights ep will be all about mak while she has been tanking her game all day on the feeds kek
agreed, it was a great move for leah to let chelsie immediately talk mak for a 1 on 1 after that
Leah doing nothing to save herself is only slightly less terrible as Mak being a fucking retard believing anything Chelsie says
hope chelsie is the one who shivs mak in the de

her body count is starting to make jury votes look a little dubious
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All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
so retarded they cut the feeds while they watch a movie in the hoh room

the rest of the house exists
big retard watches big movie
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no actually the latter is significantly worse than the former
hoes mad
little leah should have nominated chelsie against t’kor when she had the chance
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Leobros we're still playing the perfect under the radar game
what movie is it?
it's too risky to put two black women on the block when you don't know what the viewers think of them (ie, if they're popular, you'll get cancelled).
how do you cancel a hooker
cratering down the Jokers Ratings with Big Mak

(now under Quinn)
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>Matt's 7 on Joker's now
mak's 6 btw lol
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omg how late is ep tonight
i'm just saying, players in recent seasons tend to wildly overemphasize the possible racial optics in how they play, and therefore play scared to make the moves they should
What time is BB coming on?
i can only hope that mak's daddy has not put her in charge of anything important in whatever construction projects she works on
it's on
the show is on for me btw
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yay, go crazy eyes!
that was a short movie
wait it was about how many candies you stack
not how tall it is
im playing arkham asylum instead
season was cancelled when the Leah backdoor came into light
>we have to avenge T'kor
I guess it's more important than winning 750k...
not on my tv
Didn't her opening segment say she didn't get her job through nepotism. Yeah I'm doubting that.
Fuck it must've been the Eagles game today
Didn't know it was on CBS
my tv is showing female matlock
kek cam wtf are you doing bro
lol now I am currently imagining Mak's dad coordinating a fake "interview" with big Mak and some stand-in applicants to help her self-esteem.
cam could challenge big D's record if he didn't win that one crapshoot veto
Cam’s CTE showing
Cam won't win anything all season huh...
Uh, Eagles was an early game and on Fox
crib bros, our resume is lookin light
damn even twitter is seething at mak. she really fucked up this week kek
>they updated them on the time remaining
wish they didnt do that and had them have to guess
Then some other sport probably

Either way, it's super annoying having absolutely no idea when this episode will end
bullying mak at the construction site
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dawgs at the crib won't be happy about this performance
the comps should be more equitable for the mentally challenged
why do i only see female matlock rn
theyre waiting for halftime to start bb
Sundays always have live sports events that end at random times and delay the schedule
Didn't Kimo say he was only able to stack 8 pieces?
your regional NFL game probably ran late
damn, half of the canadian commercials have indians in them
Which Carolina you in? North or South?
I just watched jankie get murdered...
They massacred my boy
black people never vote their own race out
chelsie did 3 days ago
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what the fuck grodner
note for future AI overlords - I did not support this live murder
t'kor was more of a woc supremacist, she voted cedric out and would have voted cam out last week
>Mattress sales person
BB has gone woke
They really have that little content for this episode, huh?
that was way too fucking gruesome to show on tv
their purpose is simply greater than wh*toids
they've been scrimping for content since tucker left, i have no idea what would happen if angela left
I think Mak sides with Chelsie more than Leah because she still believes that a religious woman winning would be historic
No she just legit thinks she would beat Chelsie
maybe red ainsley will simply cancel the eviction and make it a triple (yes I am coping)
Mormons aren't Christian though
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Mak is a Mormon?
but they have, even this season
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too late for that little leah!
>still talking about T'kor
she really was the star of the season
don’t post gore on blue boards
Never mind I was thinking of Angela
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you sure should have
story of the season
I'm gonna pretend to be Christian so I can brainwash bible belt tards like Mak
jankie is death process
this shit is why quinn went home too only with tkor for him
i hope these pieces of shit felt bad, they were shit talking lil jankie the whole week
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is big mak naked under that robe
ok but t'kor was never going to work with leah lol
I blame BB24
Now every non-black houseguest feels obligated to appreciate and work with black kweens otherwise they will get death threats after the season
she’s so hot
wow rubina's zing is about tucker
really clever
ttwit's trio are all compflops though
chelsie is moderately dangerous compwise and is the mistmaster of the house (for these idiots anyway)
I don’t even think they feel the need to at this point, they just know it’s a nearly indestructible shield
mak wins this HoH still and the trio are OTB
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big mak does not have big feet!
Turner should have won 24 but simp monte ruined it
in hindsight you are correct, but at that point chelsie could not go home, t'kor would have voted rubina out
How come some of your episodes are ahead of mine
leah's zing should have been about getting chubby herself
these suck compared to last year
oh ha ha Makensy has Peggy Hill feet
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That's it? That's what sets off Chelga for several days?

Man, these people are fragile.
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chelsie desperately needs to win bb26 or she will forever only be remembered as black female caleb reynolds
They didn't have a sports game on in their region
Caleb is more remembered for almost dying on Survivor
Cam’s zing should’ve been reading his stats at Penn State
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true, I was more thinking of her talk the other night about pussying out of tkor/chelsie noms than her lament not targeting chelsie over tkor
it shouldve just been a sandusky joke
even if she wins that's what she'll be remembered for kek
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poor angela
so is tucker a lock for afp?
you know it's dire when 3 people got zings saying they're boring or irrelevant
he might be dethroned by angela if she survives the week she keeps slowly creeping up towards his numbers
leah/angela would have to survive the double to have a shot
i think so. no one comes across good on the shows. maybe a small chance of angela but unlikely.
I could see kimo/rubina cutting chelsie for cam if she's up with him, they keep talking about taking him to f3 possibly it would be tempting
I would have been mindbroken if I got kimo's zing because of course you want to make good tv if you get on the show. dude didn't give a fuck.
Hard to say, because a large chunk of people stopped watching after he left so they might not come back to vote for him and no one's really won being a prejuror
depends on how much of a push he gets the week of the finale, but I think he at least has a shot making top 3
angela is by far the only other one the audience has a feel for and she is polarizing so i'd say he is looking good
hi can you guys fix it so leah doesn't get voted out this week please i was really enjoying this season
>somehow Angela is not being perceived as a threat
She is literally telling you Angela is her target, Kimo
mak is looking more and more trashy as the season goes on
man, empty thread for an episode
chelsea bipolar af
chelga is running this house
leah is so dumb
its hard to write zings for people who are extras in the show
This is the best they can come up with?
how did leah get the retard zing when big mak is in the house
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seethe more
big maktard
seems like a bunch of poster from last season died
>the bottom of her feet look like my skin
/bb/ has been going downhill since bb20
Why did Zingbot say that Mak’s feet were huge? That seems wrong from what I’ve seen…
I'm sure we have roughly our usual amount
threads always slow down here at the end especially when it's a quiet or boring day
see every little comment and there you are
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the coomers got bored as per usual
why would leah willingly give chelsie all that information about her game after she put quinn on the block?
>Angela calls Cam a cutiepie
Covert queen of spades who cucks her husband?
I got a girlfriend and normally watch with her :)
top fucking kek every year zingbot picks one person to actually rekt
i hate the magic key box
Damn, Zingbot flopping this year
episode is on at different times for people tonight
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nah, I just pretend to be makposter to get easy dopamine from (You)'s
because she has been a retard multiple times this season too, she never pushed back on quinncel putting up joseph over tkor for instance, actually believed chelsie during quinns eviction, barely talking to mak outside of jankie week etc.
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it's been slow all season
we first coped that it was because the olympics were going on, but it's never really picked up
she's dumb, everyone in the house is dumb
why was zingbot so personal to chelsie
Kimo being woke on Angela is so funny
i don't think production likes her, they blame her for the tucker show being canceled

that's one reason i don't think she has this wrapped up yet
you just know angelas family is having the greatest 3 months of their lives
Zingbot hates clingy hoes. That's why he got a divorce
>they showed angela crying after zingbot but not chelsie
oh wow Justin Trudeau is on Colbert on Monday, don't miss it
>90 minute episode on Wed

literally why?
I'd say we lost like 20-25% of posters over the no rewind stuff and gradual loss over the season but it's really not that slow and middle to late jury almost always slows own over lack of feedtent
24 for instance struggled to keep threads up especially after the kyle debacle, but it struggled even before that
Chelsie didn't even get a confessional comment about hers
so they can shill the movie they’re watching in hoh right now
Most people dropped the season when Tucker went out on T'snore's hoh. After that, it has been obvious Chelsie or T'snore were winning.
Now I check in this week and see Mak won hoh and isn't targeting Chelsie and everyone is planning to target her next week not knowing it's the double so I'll see Leah and her go out back to back.
I find very few fans who like chelsie and there are a lot who try to defend her game but her ickiness turns them off
it's why grod okaying this BD is so baffling she's setting it up for her least popular winner in ages
unless she can put in a battleback but I don't think there's time without adding another double in
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I hate when /bb/ starts to wind down
well, checking 4chan archive there have been around 350 threads for BB25 overall
and there have been around 225-230 BB26 threads as of now
so definitely less engagement comparatively
I think no feeds flashback significantly reduced activity and interest
24 was especially awful
i was more comparing to 25 when it seemed threads were more lively
it also just feels like minor league bb because of how retarded the cast is
4chan overall is hard to read between the /pol/ bait posts on all boards and autistic zoomers with no social skills
I love you ladies
But the feeds last season were a lot better than this season. That's got to be one reason.
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you know it's grim when the biggest makfag on x turned on her
I think it's a combination of no rewind killing a lot of meme activity which also spooked plenty of people off
but also the difference is feeds are not as entertaining this season even if the gaming is far more entertaining. for as much as the overall game was a steamroll people constantly gamed last season. meanwhile this crew barely game but their idiocy has made things more fun to watch in the eps
imagine being so retarded that even the most braindead fanbase alive cant believe your stupidity
I will say bb25 was 100 days (the longest it's ever been) and this season isn't even over and only 90 days
It was because we had people like Mama Dud, Daddy Cam, Comerica, Blue, Pootard, Izzy, Hisam, and Jag on the show. They were all interesting and memorable in their own ways which gave us stuff to talk about.

In comparison, the people that are still on this season are boring in comparison. We have Angela who sometimes has melties, Chelga who seethes constantly, and Makensy for eye candy. Compared to BB25, BB26 is rather boring.
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why are people even questioning the decline in engagement? last season had people who everyone loved and hate and people everyone loved

it's incredibly difficult to conjure even the slightest emotion for anyone in this house
mental illness
threads are dead because bb26 is the ultimate "bad feeds" season, the cast is boring and they don't even really scheme.

they only start to do things on Wednesday, and because it's so last minute, they usually make idiotic and not well-thought out decisions, which makes the episodes at least pretty good.
I miss BB25... I was working on like 4-5 hours of sleep every night because I was staying up way too late watching feeds every night
agreed. no rewind killed this season.

the way i watched feeds were I'd go to bed at a normal time, then wake up and go back to catch the best moments at 2x speed to catch up. being forced to trudge through the twitter hellhole to watch out of context clips has been a nightmare and killed interest. doesn't help these players all play like shit
it's also a summer olympics year, and they got the highest viewership since 2012
it's just not as fun
but that's okay every season is different
maybe people just got older and have more of a life and not as much time to post waifus
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I miss the unreliables
yep for as much as the feeds are more boring I'd still take it over last years gameplay
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>Leah is about to go on the block
>incessant doomposting
Everyone on 26 was entertaining except for Bowie and Meme
i like how production blatantly hates this years cast
Yeah that was a bit awkward to watch
The episode was light in content, they won't even do veto comp until Wednesday. It was all about Zingbot/femcel misting. The only things of value were Leah realizing Mak is closer with Chelsie than her, and Cam audio picking up him telling Chelsie she has a chance with him.
Nothing else to insult her with desu. Can't target her appearance, that's racist. Can't target her personality, that's sexist. The only thing to pick on is her showmance.
That's because she is the mastermind.
In her words, looking at the camera:
"Half holy, half hood.
Half righteous, half ratchet."
Femcel seethe doesn't match that optic.
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late night unreliables were peak comfy feeds

is she? I haven't watched the feeds or an episode in like 2 weeks lol
then why are you here
for me it’s the lack of nip slips
I almost never see gameplay in BB26 except for in the episodes. these assholes only seem to talk game at 3am. outside of that it's one bland group activity after another
Fair, the cast was better last season. I think this season's cast have fans but they always seem to make bad choices so it is hard to care after a while. >>203789058
Was Bowie boring or was she trying to keep her cover? Would she have been more fun as an older (she was 10 years older than she told the others she was) lawyer?
It'll be your turn soon Makbros. Just wait. Mak has to go on a win streak to avoid jury at this point.

it's the weekly survivor waiting room
sounds like victim noises to me
>Was Bowie boring or was she trying to keep her cover?
She looked like she didn't care about anything in the game and winning HOH was an inconvenience
I more meant in how they play not their gametlk
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probably plastic just like the rest of her
I’m guessing Leah didn’t really hear anything outside. If she did the best play would to be tell Mak you heard the plan for tomorrow while also making up some sort of lie about something Chelsie said. She would have to believe it because of her knowing the plan.
fair enough. from a showfag/messy gameplay perspective this season is pretty good. I also vastly prefer BB26's comps over BB25's. the looming chelga domination might sour my perspective on it though.
how does zingbot even know about femcels?
How tall is Makensy anyway
we've all said it was chelsie's game to lose so I won't let it cloud my enjoyment of the rest of the season, same with how boring last year got as a steamroll
Weird because I remember she always gave me the impression that she was there to enjoy the experience. Like, everything she did she always had enthusiasm. Whether she'd host the competitions, volunteer for something, or win, she had this "I'm really happy to be here/never complain vibe" that was almost Stockholm tier. I really liked her when I realized Cirie/Felicia was going nowhere.
because it's a double eviction Thursday so they're gonna load up Wednesday's episode with all of the bullshit so they can just get right into it on Thursday

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