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Body Hammer Edition
previous: >>203766313
It's so inferior to iron man.
>Conjuring 4 directed by Vera Farmiga
Would it be kino?
it's coming next year. they might try and wrap the series up like they did insidious.
Sure. And 964 Pinnochio is better than both.
I liked all 3 about the same for different reasons.
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80s horror.
First for Hell House LLC 2
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hey apparently he was big john. loved those gay niggas.
If you go to that kind of blouse there's no point wearing a bra because it looks cringe
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women love that shit for some reason.
truly bad. there's a lot of slop I'll sit through but Hell House 2/3 were actually worth skipping.
4 was a decent comeback. anything with the clowns really.
Oh shit! Yeah that’s him. I’m talking to my bro on the phone now and he said he’s a super funny guy. He takes people fishing as a guide for a job.
It’s a kino fit
That's a strange-looking navel/pose
If they let their nipples visible underneath. Many celebs have pulled this look and it's been normalized.
I hope i get to see snow before i die.
I feel similarly. Hopefully the next one will be at least as good as 4. I'm not a huge fan of how they drastically increased the scope of the lore with 4 though, and I feel they'll get dumber going forward.
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yeah, happens with a lot of horror where the creators can't keep it in their pants and end up at "and the world is gonna be destroyed!" real fast.
girl rap!
snip snap!
we rappin'!
we tappin!
my name's jewish ho' and i'm here to say
i'm subvertin' raps, 'vertin' every day!

I'm the King of Slop
There is no higher
Sucker MCs
They call me sire
my name's kolobos and i'm here to say
dario argento is totally gay
fuck off with that wop shit
miss me wif dem copies
cus i'm the real og
ya'll others just sloppies!
you are bitin' mc chris' mad decent rhymes
status: found out lackin

mad sus
uh oh, anon seethin
so damn mad that he's barely breathin
annie got his panties in a twist you see
cause he'll never get a girl as cute as she!
no jewesse quirk chungus for me :(
dashcam is mediocre
anne is not a funny joker
i hate the vaccine too
but i'm not listenin to that jew
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I have that movie listed for my October watchlist but every time I come to these threads, I see people bitch about the character and how annoying she is.. and the problem is I believe them. If this movie ends up being shit because of her, I'm calling out EVERY SINGLE FAGGOT that recommend it in these threads. I'm already hesitant to watch modern horror as is but I occasionally make exceptions.
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What's the matter big boys, afraid of a little Khazar Milk? It's Kosher.
she's annoying in a way that is slightly inverse of how most modern characters are annoying
think the rightwing virtue signaling is where all the love comes from, otherwise it's a solid 5/10 found footage movie
There are two kinds of people in this world
>dashcam enjoyers
If you're not a double mask wearing triple vaxxing lockdown lover you'll find her funny.
I don't watch shit movies for literal cucks.
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Pissman has entered the thread.
If you don't like Annie, you'll be the faggot you retard.
i'm none of those things
i dont automatically laugh at every joke that aligns with my political beliefs no matter how unfunny it is
it's nice to see a non liberal perspective in a movie but that doesn't make it a good movie
very red team blue team bullshit, has no place in horror far as i can see, unless there is a reason for it being there and even then it's just annoying
i wanna see boobies and people getting stabbed or eaten not reminders of real life things that piss me off
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>If you don't like Annie, you'll be the faggot you retard.
Do you notice the chromosome pun in the poster?
Both of you don't seem to notice the contradictory/self-indicting nature of your remarks (if you're 2 ppl at all)
This is quite literally the shittiest attempt at a speech bubble I've ever seen. Put more effort into it next time, lazy faggot.
Looks fine
>Both of you don't seem to notice the contradictory/self-indicting nature of your remarks (if you're 2 ppl at all)
Nice reddit speech, cuck retard lmao
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reminder: the spammer about to have a meltdown is a self hating homosexual with an extreme trigger for women. kek.
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>Looks fine
>I see people bitch about the character and how annoying she is
>a woman annoying
I mean aren't they all.
Koloposter did it better.
A bot I see. Even if you're not, see you later
You don't have to laugh at every joke, I'm just saying she's a funny character, is an antivaxeermasker turned up to 11, and her brazen personality is fun to watch as she fucks around. If you can't enjoy it that's on you.
That’s just the resident Kolofag
now this is comedy
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This. We are an aryan warrior race
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what's her name
your mom xd
Might finally watch The Invisible Man.
kino. he's a 4channer.
Her handlers have got to stop letting her swallow whole grapefruits.
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The good one or that meme one about abusive relationships
The original. I forgot there was a remake (besides Hollow Man lol)
Fucking Hatchet 2 been waiting an eternity for someone to seed my fertile torrent
It's on soulseek
sounds like a dating site
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I hate you zoomers so much
motherfucker i've been rawdogging public trackers since 2006
Bro? Your Amazon Prime account?
godspeed, love that whole series
>the crazies (original and remake)
>the sadness
>the grapes of death
Any other crazy infected people movies like these?
Is the sadness as good as the wailing?
>amy adams
the literal definition of a 5/10
Idk because I haven't seen The Wailing. The Sadness is good though, one of my top 2020s movies.
Completely different categories, Sadness is crazy bloodthirsty rape zombies a la The Crossed. I really liked it though
The wailing is really fucking good. I’m gonna check out the sadness soon though because someone recommended me it
how dare you call kolobos or anything kolo-adjacent sloppy and half assed thats just awful who in the world would look at that image and think it wasn't meant to look wonderful and professional
At least an 8/10.
>is an antivaxeermasker turned up to 11
it makes anti-vax people look bad :/
also rap is fucking terrible
and the movie itself is dull uninteresting uninspired
Phrenology doesn't lie, Kolobros are superior specimens of humanity, a sort of "master-race" if you would imho
perfectly egg shaped dome
>it makes anti-vax people look BASED :)
>also raping is faster than eminem
>i wish she would peg me with a spire
there's always Cabin Fever
unless you are retarded and gay, you might not like it if so
the schlock-lords Jay and Mitch had a lot to say about the inappropriate language and outdated attitudes of Cabin Fever
o great now Run Dmx is ripping of mc chris too
when will it end
that means it's full of juicy delicious ideas and will one day crack open to reveal a beautiful thought-rooster who will blow away the mists of ignorance with the flapping of his mighty rooster wings
Totally different movies. The Sadness is a gory action zombie movie that has a bit of an anti-man slant but it's ultimately good and has an interesting open-ended ambiguous ending. The Wailing's even better, complex Asian folk tale horror, I enjoyed watching both of them in their own ways.
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>What's the rifle for?
>there's always Cabin Fever
You must be trolling for recommending literal garbage.
Yeah Cabin Fever is a fun one.
it's at least on a level with the crazies remake

none of the characters have quirky raps though, there is that unfortunately
not only is Cabin Fever great but the sequels are fun too.
>it's at least on a level with the crazies remake
which is also shit.
The Signal (2007)
oh okay i dont like it anymore
It's unoriginal schlock made by a talentless hack
I got my pecker touched by a girl for the first time while watching Cabin Fever
oh it's the homo. have you contracted monkeypox yet? that's true body horror.
>cabin anon
>cabin fever
>cabin girl
>cabin baby
>cabin k-i-s-s in the cabin tree
You're not funny
>Your cousin?
She’s hotter than this girl is, so I wish
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what's the best Cabin Horror that isn't Evil Dead
that's what you'll look like when you eventually catch AIDS
friday 13th 2
originevil dead
friday 13th
cabin in the woods
friday 13th 3(D)
remakevil dead
was the cabin fever remake some sortv vanity thing for Eli Roth? trying to establish his original as a classic worthy of remaking? i dont hate the original but its weird and very unnecessary and ive not bothered watching
NGM is going to love this movie
I hope she sees it too, that would be cool.
It was literally the style at the time. Everyone and their mother got a horror remake.
>cabin in the woods
Lmao no.
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how about this
It made a lot of money so there's a remake and I think a couple of sequels (one of them, starring the Lord of the Rings tubby guy, is trashy but enjoyable, takes place in an island and has an almost videogame sense of place)
they're white
Tucker and Dale vs Evil
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>What I think doesn't work a lot of times for me is when people think "oh, I'm [directing] one of those campy type of movies".
>To me that misses the point. Because that's not why they're good, a lot what those movies are good to me because people set out to give serious performances in serious films - it's just usually that the subject matter was insane.
>And that's why they're compelling to watch okay. And the way I approached it was from day one you, know with one of our actors Udo Kier who's like "Rob how do you want me to do this" I was like play it like you think you're gonna win an Academy Award.
>You know if he doesn't believe in the werewolf women of the SS, if it doesn't really seem real to his character and commandant Hess the why would the audience give a shit. They just become shitty movies.
he gets it.
>they gave this guy 2 halloween movies and he just made texas chainsaw with michael myers and his wife
>says this while casting his wife who can't act in every movie
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would have been great to give him TCM instead.
the behind the scenes of Halloween was apparently a total shitshow. he was harassed by Bob Weinstein with retarded ideas trying to change pretty much every scene, make Michael talk etc.
is painfully unfunny.
sits back in chair, dips cigar ash straight into Rose McGowans gaping asshole "you gotta make Mike Meyers talk Robert! The kids will go crazy for it and you know the Rap market is huge right now! Let's do something vital, let's get Mike Meyers laying down phat rhymes, Robert!"
Nightbitch looks like ass. I’m only going to see it for /ourqueen/
They should've just made a Michael Myers goes to the hood movie instead of HR
>“I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke”
>weighs probably 90lbs
Don’t play dumb, you know who I was referring to. You just posted her.
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he didn't need to go to the hood. the hood came to him.
Rose McGowan is more horror adjacent, if it were Halloween night then maybe the actress who played a witch would've fit but not quite tonight
I really love Cabin in the Woods
What's your stance on
-women over 25
-bodily fluids of males of African descent
Now that’s just cheating, NPM.
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films like Cabin Fever?
This movie was shit but it was way ahead of its time.
Still better than the David Gordon Green movies lmao
True lmao
Uh I spoke with my brother who spoke with Scott MacArthur and he actually informed me that those movies are kino..
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Everyone Halloween movie after 3 was a mistake.
kek, just for you.
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Losing… hope…
>evil film distributors denying humble townsfolk their movies
4 is kino though and way better than 2
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This movie was so good, and susan strasberg was a babe
This shit isn't even attempting to be realistic.
Threadly reminder that slashers are trash and are not horror.
In a Violent Nature is a very deliberate meta movie. It picks apart slasher tropes and presents them somewhat coldly
>This shit isn't even attempting to be realist-ACK!
Being meta is not an excuse to look dumb.
Cabin In The Woods is meta and looks great.
The acting was pretty bad. It's yet another film that was a disaster behind the scenes though. They had to re-shoot like 80% of it with whatever budget they had left.
It isn't any "dumber" than Cabin in the Woods which is a very silly movie. IAVN was steel-eyed in its approach.
Show me anything in Cabin In The Woods that has practical effects this bad.
how would you rank them?
i didnt like them but i'd put Ends above the others, Kills way way bottom
amazed there isnt a fan edit that cutes out all jamie pee curtis' "look at me i'm acting" hospital scenes
>it makes the pain go away!
scene was fucking astounding, only word for it
just some random fuck syringe laying around that she stabs herself in the ass with, howls like a damn banshee too; and theres this "oh no poor Laurie is hooked on drugs nao:/" vibe to it, like its wicked dramatic and engaging
>This shit isn't even attempting to be realistic.
i also prefer my undead zombie killers to be as realistic as possible
he's not even really a zombie so much as the movie is being extra extra meta and really, if you paid ANY attention to the last scene, you'd realize the main character only hallucinated a human being and that it was actually a rabid bear with henhouse syndrome, but people overlook that part because its not literally spoon fed to them, pathetic
Cabin in the Woods is a cgi-fest, it's practically a Jumanji variation. IAVN aimed for practical effects that highlighted both the attitudinal idiocy of the average slasher victim and the outlandishly goriness of the kills
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cabin had great sfx. for me, it's the merman.
The concept is not even interesting. There's no suspense, you the audience already know what's going on because the movie pulls back the curtains and tells you. To me, the movie does nothing to keep me entertained.
or sigourney weavers voice, that counts as special effects
I would say

I think I have a soft spot for Halloween 2018 because I saw it opening night with my friend and it was a super fun theater experience with a packed theater and we kept making jokes out loud that was making the black kids around us laugh. In hindsight we were kinda being assholes but it was too fun
damn so much hate for Kills. for me it's a movie of two halves
>retarded character motives, annoying as fuck Laurie, and over the top acting.
>kino shots of Michael, kino Michael kills, basically everything with Michael being cool
I did not like Ends lol.
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Just because something is my least favorite of the three doesn’t mean I hate it. It was a fine movie but the hospital shit was boring and the people are too retarded. It’s worth it though just for the part where Myers goes John Wick on those firefighters.
ends was obnoxious about trying to have depth and themes and "oh no yr infected lol, evil is an infection 2 for sure" bullshit
but the opening scene was at least disturbing in a novel way

the decision to split up at after arriving at the meyers house in kills was another astounding moment, group of 3 that were previously very organized and serious split up twice within 5 minutes and shenanigans ensue
there really should be a fan edit with just m meyers rampaging, its just too bad the firefighter scene outclassed everything that came after
In a Violent Nature is very detached and I did feel ocasionally bored while watching it but it's also at the same time an adventurous movie in the way it sheds light on the genre. I also liked how the ending very vaguely suggests a natural/unreliable narrator explanation
the fact that they even went to the house was beyond stupid. the motive to do it is not believable at all.
I will say though, the very end where Judy Greer gets done in was cool. Because they set up the idea that he would stare out the window at people, but then add a twist he was starring at himself in the window reflection. adds a nice touch to his character.
>the fact that they even went to the house was beyond stupid
they dont bother telling anyone theyd been keeping in radio contact with constantly up until that point
and no one else thinks about maybe checking out the old meyers place
the mincing queens were kindv funny though, just cant believe michael meyers is so homophobic
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I hope this game is as good as the first one
when did he change name?
Negro Piss Man is now Negro Gay Man
>they set up the idea that he would stare out the window
thats inexorably tied to the terrible cgi dr loomis cameo in my mind and i pretty much refuse to think about it, but its a neat idea
It's probably Nigger Goo Man now. He's currently seething and samefagging in both active Substance threads
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my collage gets reposted
i made it bros
I saw him in a Terminator thread earlier today too
its all downhill from here sadly
never let this moment go, never forget
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Almost as if he types and talks a very certain way?
Almost as if him getting banned and all of his post being deleted before has proved this?
Which one?
i meant that in a positive way, like, congratulations
This is all you NP/GM:
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Based and cute
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>Anne starts raping faster than Eminem
28 Days Later
28 Weeks Later
Rabid (original and remake)
Summer Camp
Who Can Kill A Child? (and remake Come Out And Play)
The Children

Loads of others. Just watched one the other day called C.A.M. but it was meh.
the awe inspiring collage of heart breaking beauty that has captured the /hor/ zeitgeist
it's somehow even more compelling that complaining about and responding to a certain spammer
Kek I saw that thread on the catalog earlier and thought “that guy talks like that dude from /hor/“ but I didn’t know it was actually him
if you look extra close the stains on her apron form a hieroglyphic retelling of some of the pivotal scenes from the prequel Kolobos 0: El ultimo Suspiria by Dario Argento
This is a television and film board, anon
lol I don't blame you for posting that here, /v/ is unironically abysmal
New Life
but it feels more thriller for the first 2/3rds

also the kids in Bodies Bodies Bodies are infected with the internet
It has all of his trademarks from opinions to the language (reddit/roasties/simps/women etc) to his modus operandi (samefagging/delusions of grandeur about him being a "10 according to google" etc)
sorry that would be:
Kolobos 0: La Ultima Suspiria
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Are you NPM yourself by chance? That anon is right, some of those are literally his posts
did really no one like Influencer?
i thought it was really neat:3
and the crazy murder girl anti-protagonist was great
Why is the Pissman like this?
Horror films about mentally ill freaks?
plus the opening credits down drop for nearly half an hour
almost Psycho like, not really but close, and amusing, that sortv end of the first act switch up
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he's become fearful of the general now.
unironically because he's gay and women trigger him.
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>Bus full of aryans

a rare sight these days
that's a boat nigga
No it's a car
A boat is just a water bus
shameless ripoffs each and every one
eminem was a secret executive producer on dashcam and he also ghostwrote all of annes fresh rhymez
thats why they are so so good
Yeah, but problem in the Cabin in the Woods is that it is not a horror movie. It's a movie that makes you go: "Huh, neat, they filmed SCP foundation.".
That's pretty kino.
*arrives at Evil's lair*
otay u guys letz split up! 2b safe!!!!
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Evil dies tonight!!!!!
it's a killer film. particularly because it's one where you're like "I wonder how many stuntmen died making this"
It's on oddly comfy film
>a hieroglyphic retelling of some of the pivotal scenes from the prequel
Kino. Not many are privy to the experimental four-hour 1972 prequel Argento shot entirely in secret then withheld from public release for whatever reason. This was pre-Exorcist so maybe it went too far even for audiences back then.
Lol apparently anon was right
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lol, see ya bitch
Read the archive for a laugh
That was some serious schizophrenic samefagging lmao
Horror films for this feeling? Already seen The Tenant
it's a film of it's time. there's a running subplot that the main character just abandons his young daughter to do whatever she wants. you think it's gonna resolve as him being a better father but it never does and is just played for laughs.
Check out picrel. It's not quite horror, but close enough.

Also check out Repulsion if you haven't already seen it.
first for Influencer
Another day, another thread of replies to deleted posts calling the spammer out.
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Great movie. One of the best horror/thrillers I've seen in a while.
i could fix her (overly tight butthole)
the main character was genuinely interesting and endearing, she doesn't rap or anything but i liked her anyway
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Favourite monster movie?
Creature of the Black Lagoon is a good movie
Maybe not my favorite, but I really enjoyed it
I had this same wish (live in SGP), and I would suggest going to a mountain to experience it for the first time.
Not in the plains, though. It's extremely underwhelming. It's nice for a few hours, but once it begins melting, it's unbearably awful. Much worse than the muck left by rains.
that tagline aged well
alien is an obvious but still good pick
or pirahna 3d for being unabashedly horny and gory and corny; the green mile guy dying via a dramatic sacrifice while overwrought music plays is the best part, that and back to the future scientist showing up for a completely unnecessary cameo
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what is it about him? he's easily my favourite
snow goes from pretty to hideous very quick, almost scary
The Lodge is a good snow horror
Ginger Snaps 3 could've been but unless you just really like the snowbound period piece vibe its got nothing to offer :/
Sovl, the setting is mysterious and there is an ambivalence to the story, also very good underwater scenes
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is that Torso?
that green man with the horns really needs to stop poking his tongue out like that it is obscene
people this days...
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Yep. I was starting to give up on giallo but it was really good.
what am i in for?
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forgot pic :)
I actually don't know anon.
I have a soft spot for Gamera
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>first ever horror kino from 1897
He's literally me
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holy shit how did he do that
Guys is this real did he really do that?
Does it blow anyone else's mind that you can literally just go and watch a movie over a century old? And not just one but there's quite a few at this point.
>over a century old
That movie is over a century and a quarter of another century old. People who were young then have had grandchildren who have lived their entire lives and died.
and it's a very recent development. all of culture has just folded in on itself.
also, I'd like to point out that Eggers is 2 years too late with his Nosferatu remake. would have been kino to say it was exactly 100 years.
8 years to 100th anniversary of Freaks
definitely a highpoint
there's a lot a lot of giallo so sometimes you end up wading through a sea of (cool and stylish) garbage to find one good one, but the good ones are great
Whatv you done to Solange is another top shelf one
>all deleted
you are making a lot of assumptions
Godzilla (1954) and Gremlins (1984)
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I appreciate that so much is available to watch and I lament that so much has been lost to time
>so much has been lost to time
the original moon landing footage and the cut death scenes from Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood
The Friday the 13th Part VII kills still exist in shitty VHS outtake form.
What are you watching to get into the Fall/Halloween spirit?
4 days until rosemarys baby prequel
can always chuck on one of the infinite scooby do films. they tend to all feel spooky in a halloween way.
It'll suck
That Omen prequel was abysmal
the fact you don't even mention it's name says a lot lol. couldn't be less hype.
I hadn't even heard it was coming out desu
Earlier this year when I wanted a comfy Halloween mood I watched Zombie Island and the two live action movies.
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Directed by Polanski, right?
lol nope
It's one of those lame titles, apartment 7a
>in this shocking prequel, we find that Rosemary's Baby was conceived through anal rape under the influence of drugs
That whole scene where she hides from the killer in the house is pure tension, i almost break a sweat watching, very masterful. Overall though i don't find it that great, my favourite Martino is All The Colors of The Dark.
>Sergio Martino
For me, it's The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh. Pure giallokino.
I need an animated movie to pair with Paranorman.
I've already seen Coraline and Monster House.
Also I'm considering doing a rewatch of All the Colors of the Dark for October.
Giallo movies are an essential part of Halloween for me now. Very comfy.
What's SGP? I live in the middle of Brazil, so i'd have to travel a long way to see snow.
If you want something weird you could try Violence Voyager.
Nta but prob Singapore
Corpse Bride
They are comfy, and since i've been watching them since i was like 15 they have become almost nostalgic, and they're all really nice to just look at, even the bad ones.
>since i've been watching them since i was like 15 they have become almost nostalgic
I feel ya
>watch horror movies as a teenager to recapture the feeling of liking spooky stuff and halloween as a kid
>watch horror movies as an adult to recapture the feeling of watching horror movies as a teenager
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> my favourite Martino is All The Colors of The Dark.
If you make webms then I'd like to put in a request for the part of Strange Vice when they're riding around on George Hilton's motorcycle.
>watch horror movies as an adult to recapture the feeling of watching horror movies as a teenager
Too real.
I haven't seen that one yet, but I'll make one when I do
Mad Monster Party, a classic that deserves being seen by all generations
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Just got back from seeing Zombie with composer Fabio Frizzi playing the score live, Frizzi is such a gentleman, incredibly warm and generous with fans. Even though there was a paid meet & greet before the show, he hung out at the merch table after the show and chatted with whoever was still around, highly recommend you go if you get the chance.
damn, sounds cool. that is a deluxe kinoplex experience.
Ooh, Gremlins II for me!
The soundtrack to this always sounded to me like stock music, like the 70s Italian equivalent of editing a movie in Windows Movie Maker and using whatever default audio options they give you
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Favorite movies I've watched for the first time this year, heavily influenced by my personal taste so you may hate some of them. Not in order besides the first movie being my absolute favorite of the year so far.
>dawn of the dead (original)
>cemetery man
>little shop of horrors (musical remake)
>lisa and the devil
>the mutilator
>midori (animated)
>the omen (original)
>dressed to kill
>the grapes of death
>the hitcher (original)
>kolobos (unironically)
>four flies on grey velvet
>my bloody valentine (uncut original)
>the devil's rejects
>the love witch
>phantom of the paradise
>candyman (original)
>hatchet for the honeymoon
>godzilla minus one
>hellraiser 2
>the burbs
>ring 0
>cutting class
Nightmare Before Christmas, natch
Based, thank you. And I highly recommend the movie.
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I see why...
humina humina AWOOOGA
Fantastic. Kudos to you, I'd definitely go given the opportunity
>cemetery man
>lisa and the devil
>dressed to kill
>the grapes of death
>four flies on grey velvet
>phantom of the paradise
Based, you've been watching some great stuff.
Nice. Lots of different subgenres too
My only question, and it's an important question, is how do you rate Hellraiser 2 vs Hellraiser 1?
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Personally I think his main theme is one of the best zombie "themes" ever, really captures the tempo of a lurching zombie, has a tangible "grody" factor to it.
It's catchy and it works, but it still sounds like something out of an NES game
All great movies, loved them.
I try to have some variety, but I usually end up watching mainly slasher-ish and monster stuff most of the time lol.
Currently unsure. After watching Hellraiser 2 my immediate thought was that it was the better movie, but over time the recency bias has gone away and I don't know. I have to rewatch them both and compare.
Very similar to the debate about Nightmare on Eln Street 1 vs Dream Warriors.
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>After watching Hellraiser 2 my immediate thought was that it was the better movie, but over time the recency bias has gone away and I don't know. I have to rewatch them both and compare.
Fair enough. Me, I think Hellraiser 1 is the better movie while Hellraiser 2 is more exploitation. Entertaining and a visual treat, but very cheesy and often dumb writing compared to the first movie. Still love it, of course
I feel the same about Alien vs Aliens. Need to rewatch them for a better opinion.
It's good but pales in comparison to hia work in The Beyond.
I don't mind (and actually enjoy) exploitation and cheese, but Hellraiser 2 is definitely the crazier and more over-the-top movie like a lot of sequels end up being, while the original is more atmospheric and focused.
They both have their strengths. Hard to decide.
That's a tough one too. Leaning towards Alien currently, very nice looking movie.
I go back and forth on Friday the 13th 1 vs 2 as well, but I know most people nowadays prefer 2. The original has better atmosphere and kills, while 2 has the better cast and killer.
Hellraiser was all about the relationship between Frank and Julie with the Cinobites as background characters while the second one learned hard into the Cinobites and the lore surrounding them. I think overall the second one is a much more interesting movie.
Julia is still one of the main characters in Hellraiser 2 though, and Frank is there as well.
Julia is kino desu.
>It's good but pales in comparison to hia work in The Beyond.
Yeah The Beyond score is on another level.
baking a new thread

With the cenobites, less is more. They lose their gravitas when they're shoved in front of the camera too much. Hellraiser 3 makes that point all too clear.
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Hellraiser III had... a lot of problems
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It wasn't as good but I liked Hellraiser 3.
she cute
I probably would have liked the movie less if I wasn't thirsting over her in both human and cenobite form.
Apparently the Warlock sequel is by the director of Hellraiser 3 (and kino Waxwork) and her actress plays one of the leads in that too, so I should watch it.
Super cute.
>Liked the atmosphere in Friday 1 more than 2, but 2 is still really good.
Both have great atmosphere but the first movie is a bit better in that regard. Very few movies match Friday the 13th in atmosphere.
Aren't there mountains in the south of Brazil where it snows?
You could go to Bolivia or Peru.
Blowing my mind lmao. Didn't realize /hor/ was so worldwide.

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