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Annoying Screaming Bitches edition

Previous >>203786156
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>you call that a scream
I love when bitches scream in horror movies desu.
My favorite movie is The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Big fan of Possession too.
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Freddy's making the same face I would make if I were nose-deep in prime Patricia Arquette's pussy
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Why didn't you guys tell me about this kino?
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Horror movies peaked in the 70s and 80s. They perfected the genre and then they slowly lost the magic.
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[screaming in Japanese]
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Hellraiser 3 more like Dickraiser.
Fear: In Space
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Cenobabes kawaii desu
First for Kolobos
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Need a cenobite gf so bad, bros.
What are some movies you guys think actually damaged the genre overall? Personally it's a toss up between Scream for ushering in the wave of teenage horror movies in the 90s and Paranormal Activity for the wave of pg-13 ghost slop in the 2000s.
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what about a friend of indeterminate gender
fear x not /hor/
hellraiser /hor/ yes
Insidious/The Conjuring
The Babadook/The Witch/Hereditary
I think Scream was actually a major positive influence on the genre that got us fun stuff like Urban Legend and Final Destination, and renewed interest in slashers for a while.
Is this available to watch outside of Hulu yet? I don't know what they were thinking making it a fucking Hulu exclusive of all things
Paranormal Activity was just BWP indoors. also ghosts rule, idk how you could hate them but whatever.
to me, it's Babadook. that's the deathblow.
perhaps Conjuring
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Don't reply to my posts please. You're too autistic and retarded and it ruins the good comfy vibe I'm trying to create when I come here.
agreed on all fronts. I even like Conjuring/Insidious, it's just I can see the path to milquetoast horror they opened.
>Insidious/The Conjuring
>The Babadook/The Witch/Hereditary
/hor/ yes
>Urban Legend
/hor/ no
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every time I see that it just astounds me they went with that shot. "fix it in post" has been a disaster for film.
Yeah it's available on piratebay.
Thats a weird refn film
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The Grapes of Death
Les raisins de la mort
AHS, Blumhouse, and A24 have simultaneously damaged the genre in terms of quality while making horror more profitable than ever
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you've got to give it to this lil nigga, he is a money making machine. the Saw franchise just printed money.
I've always seen Scream as a horror movie for people who hate horror and it's success caused filmmakers to start pandering to that audience which was a bit alienating at the time. I did enjoy Final Destination and The Faculty but I wasn't a fan of much else.
Ghost movies are just boring to me. They all seem to follow the same formula where they drag on for the first hour trying to subtlety imply the presence of ghosts. I know I'm watching a ghost movie, get to the point. I wouldn't want to watch a slasher where no one dies for the first hour because they haven't figured out there's a maniac on the loose yet.
>I Turned Myself into a Raisin, Morty!
What did they mean by this title?
It shut the annoying screaming bitch up. It serves.
>check my main streaming site
>movie not there
>no worries it is specifically for blu ray rips so lots aren't there
>check fmovies
>not there
>starting to worry
>check effedupmovies they've got horror focus
>not there
>oh shit
Is there a better site I should check before resorting to torrents?
>I've always seen Scream as a horror movie for people who hate horror
But I love horror and Scream is one of my favorite movies. Someone who doesn't already like slasher movies would get less enjoyment out of something that's meant to be an homage to the early days of whodunnit slashers.
What's the movie?
>out of something that's meant to be an homage to the early days of whodunnit slashers.
Now that I think about it, Scream might have been one of the first 80s nostalgiabait movies. A retro slasher homage only a few years after slashers really died out.
Fellow noVPN-kun, I know your pain. Dark days are ahead for the both of us.
Not really, the meta shit was too on the nose and over explained. Wes Craven already did it better with New Nightmare. Scream was just a dumbed down version of that.
Even with vpns torrents are not usually great for niche or obscure horror movies. /hor/ will be among the first to suffer from the copyright internet purging.
What was the really hot one called? Veronique or something?
Disagree. New Nightmare is enjoyable enough but it's nowhere near as good as Scream and it's not even one of my favorite NoES movies. Scream implements its meta elements in a much more natural way, while New Nightmare feels like a gimmick movie. Much more "on the nose" to me, New Nightmare is comparable to something like Jason X.
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Why aren't we getting good zombie movies anymore bros. Ok, it's not like I hated Train to Busan, I am merely pointing out it's been 8 years since its release and not even a single splash in the zombie movie genre. And all we are getting nowadays is Korean running zombie movies that honestly never quite work in urban setting.
The Sadness came out 2 years ago if you like Crossed.
Check out Yummy (2019).
Walking Dead turning to shit killed people's intrest in zombies
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sad but true. no more sludge zombies, rotten zombies, slow zombies, or grave zombies.
it's all infected and comedy horror from here out.
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Been trying to get a copy of that from torrents with no success. Good luck fren.
Shut the fuck up
Fear X is kino yes
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Times you acted like The Red Queen?
Rewatched this for the first time and I remembered so many things 25 years later. Shots, characters, sets, deaths.
This is better than 3, Fincher fanboys are delusional.
Can you guys recommend me some films to watch on Effedupmovies that are kino?
No obvious shit like Romero's trilogy or Re-Animator
I have good memories of seeing this on tv as a kid, haven't seen it since. Winona is very cute.
I actually really like slow zombies. I remember getting really pissed at how catchy Simon Pegg's argument became that you'll be ok as long as you can break into a light jog from them and wanted to make my own fan movie about two guys trying to run away from a horde of slow walking zombies and getting gradually tired from it as the horde slowly catches up to them. They'll never stop walking, never get tired and all they need is one lucky break to get you.
Suicide Club
>Winona is very cute
>hey guys gather around so I can explain the rules of horror movies
Not very natural if you ask me
Watched this because of that very shot.
Don't remember much about it.
Amateur Porn Star Killer 3
>anon independently discovered the best ultra marathon strategy through zombies
Many such cases
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EXACTLY. make them too powerful and they're just generic monsters.
the great thing about slow zombies is they're a horde. sure, you can outrun them. but if you slip over in a bad way just once, or turn down the wrong alley, or open the wrong door - you meet your end in a truly horrific way. they're a massive grindstone.
It's natural when the character is an autistic horror nerd showing a bunch of people a classic horror movie. Randy is the audience surrogate for the horror autists.
>8 days until October
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>two guys trying to run away from a horde of slow walking zombies and getting gradually tired from it as the horde slowly catches up to them.
oh and that actually sounds awesome, even as just a subplot in a zombie film.
What are you guys watching/playing/reading to prepare for October?
This. Not horror but in Spotlight there's one guy who isn't on the story and whenever he's close by and heard them talk, he's compelled to correct them about the newspaper archive, and I love him because he's an autist with a dream job.
I mean at least The VVitch and Hereditary tried, they were just so predictable and boring.
Man, Scream was slop for pseuds and remains slop for pseuds.
Leslie Vernon >>> Scream
Scream is absolute slasherkino.
Wrong, but Leslie Vernon is very good and I highly recommend it.
The Witch is fine, the reaction to it was just over the top.
Hereditary was flawed + had an annoying media cycle
It's still exposition explaining the joke before it happens so you'll know to laugh and feel smart about it
It's funny and comfy.
No matter how much time I spend in /hor/ I'll never be convinced to hate this movie.
Scream is obnoxius pap for film school wannabes.
It's a horror movie for people who don't like to be scared.
It's a slasher for people who think police procedurals are terrifying.
It's trite, boring and fucking wanna-be smart film.
Scream is just plain bad.
Yeah, it's almost like you can be the girl with big boobs and know you should run out the front door, not up the stairs, and still you run up the stairs
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Or it's for people who like slashers. It's by the same guy who made one of my other favorite slashers.
Anything by Eli Roth and Ari Aster.
Holy shit, that's him.
give me a genuinely terrifying horror film
That's fine. I don't want you to hate it. I'm not a fan of the series but I don't hate it. I just remember being a young horror fan at the time and getting nothing but Scream clones for years. I actually have a Ghostface shirt that I'll wear from time to time because female horror fans love that movie and it's a good ice breaker.
A24 films are horror for people who don't like horror
Blumhouse films are for people with zero quality standards
>anon thinks scream is for the film school crowd
The A24 hate is so forced and corny at this point. Fuck Blumhouse though.
Blumhouse has more good horror movies than A24.
A24 films are for people who like horror that deals in actual ideas rather than clowns with chainsaws.
Prove it
Go back.
I like both
yeah I don't hate blumhouse. you can look at their catalog and see a bunch of risks they've taken on interesting ideas. The Purge, The Deep House, Dashcam, The Green Inferno etc.
I accept your concession
If you need me to leave so that you don't have to endure dissenting opinions, you're the one who needs to go, not me
But anon, all of those films are terrible
Every single A24 (horror) film I've seen has been a boring piece of shit
I enjoy slow films too, so it's not even that they are "slowburn". A24 horror just sucks
Nah I'd say Blumhouse is the worse of the two, Blumhouse films are the actual definition of "slop", plus they have worked with Jordan Peele and Eli Roth, two massive hacks.
If you hate slasher shlock you should hate A24 too, they made the Pearl trilogy, a trilogy of (bad) slasher films
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>tfw no scarecrow kino
There are several
>I enjoy slow films too
You're lying
>If you hate slasher shlock you should hate A24 too, they made the Pearl trilogy, a trilogy of (bad) slasher films
I don't have to like every single movie they've ever put out.
I had a look at the a24 list and these are the good films
>Under The Skin
>The Blackcoat's Daughter
>Green Room
stretching slightly further
>The Witch
not a good strike rate. they also get negative points for making several films like X.
those films are fun
i also liked these
>Saint Maud
>The Lighthouse
Yeah, cuz the crows are scarier. Hitchcock already covered this my man.
>for making
The a24 meme is hilarious because they weren't even a production company for some of those.
I really disliked The Lighthouse but I don't begrudge others for liking it.
Saint Maud at least gave us Morf's ass.
>muh elevated horror
Horror films have always "dealt in actual ideas" while also being scary. Redditors think A24 films are the first deep horror films because they have high production values and are kind of psychedelic.
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>Do you read Sutter Cane?
How do you respond?
>You're lying
I'm the guy who was just posting about Fear X lol
I also really like Jacob's Ladder, Mothman Prophecies, Possession, The Vanishing, Rosemary's Baby, Repulsion, Angst, The Cremator, Manhunter, Silence of the Lambs, etc. All these are "slow" or "artsy"
>I don't have to like every single movie they've ever put out.
They put out quite a few "shlock" movies honestly
>Bodies Bodies Bodies
>Talk to Me
A24 isn't as smart or artistic as A24 fans claim it is. It's "McDonalds Arthouse"
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rob zombie thought it was an idea. I'm with rob.
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watch something
This is one of the worst films I've ever seen
Been downloading some movies I see being posted here.
>The Grapes of Death
>All the Colors of the Dark
>The Pyramid
>Vampire Ecstacy
>Mad God
>The Legend of Boggy Creek
>Spirits of the Dead
>Spider Baby
>Black Sabbath
That's because you're a stupid.
Maybe I have, maybe I havn't. What's it to you?
nah that's you
I'm just waiting on eggs benedict
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No it's because I don't restrict myself to "ideas" and understand that music, lighting, costumes, effects, stagecraft etc. all play a part in art.
No I only read Stephen King novels
>The Grapes of Death
You people are really going to make me watch this movie, aren't you? This better not be another Lake Dungo situation. I swear to God if I'm getting meme'd on...
Someone cast this man as the Joker already
It's about a guy who turns himself into a raisin, Rick and Morty was unironically inspired by it
you're gonna get graped!
Rob Zombie Joker movie when?
>Jacob's Ladder, Mothman Prophecies, Possession, The Vanishing, Rosemary's Baby, Repulsion, Angst, The Cremator, Manhunter, Silence of the Lambs, etc. All these are "slow" or "artsy"
No they're not, those are all extremely accessible entry level horror with the exception of maybe Possession. Jacob's Ladder is great but it's basically baby's first surrealist horror and Silence Of The Lambs, while also great, is one of the most popular horror films in history. Same with Rosemary's Baby.
>A24 isn't as smart or artistic as A24 fans claim it is. It's "McDonalds Arthouse"
People only say shit like this when they watched an A24 film that outsmarted them.

I don't really call myself an "A24 fan" as the idea of being fiercely loyal to a production company as if they're my favorite band seems bizarre and asinine to me, but they've unarguably put out what accounts for at least 90% of the actually good or watchable horror in the last 10 or so years and cherry picking the five films they've produced that go against that trend is just disingenuous.

Besides, you're way more pretentious than any self proclaimed A24 fan if you criticize them for not being "true arthouse", that's just gatekeeping some exclusive film club and being a generally unpleasant twat. I like good movies. A24 puts out a lot of good movies. Simple as. But they're not the only game in town, NEON is also pretty reliable when it comes to indie horror and experimental fare.
Based list
There are plenty of movies that have all of those things and also feature well written scripts, so I don't see any need to compromise.

Oh, and Zombie is mediocre at best at all of those things.
>they've unarguably put out what accounts for at least 90% of the actually good or watchable horror in the last 10 or so years
list em all right now so I can laugh at you.
Roth is based.
Ridiculous. Apply yourself!
It's a great French zombie movie, but I question your taste if you don't like found footage kino.
great list, some of my favs in there anon
leslie vernon is absolute kino up to the moment it switches out of found footage. at that point it becomes garbage
>No they're not, those are all extremely accessible entry level horror
They are still considered "slow", I see people bitching about them being "too slow" or boring on here all the time. A24 films are also extremely accessible entry level films, anon.
>People only say shit like this when they watched an A24 film that outsmarted them.
This is what cope looks like. Nobody is outsmarted by an extremely mainstream horror film, anon
>if you criticize them for not being "true arthouse"
I don't, I'm just pointing out how many A24 films will try and pretend A24 films are actually super smart and deep, when they're not. A24 is the same as you average typical horror film.
> A24 puts out a lot of good movies. Simple as.
What ones do you consider to be good?
From what I've seen so far (Midsommar, Hereditary, X, Pearl, MaXXXine, Talk to Me, The VVitch), these films are just boring and pale in comparison to the older films they are inspired by. I'd rather watch The Wicker Man and Texas Chain Saw Massacre instead of Midsommar and X
The picture collage that anon posts of it looks kino af. I want to watch it just from the atmosphere it invokes.
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>anon come to the latest A24 film wit- ANON NO!!
Based. Terrifier chuds malding uncontrollably
If you wanted me to list them because you were genuinely interested I might, but since you've already freely admitted it would be a waste of my time, I think I'll pass.
Chuds hate Terrifier thoughever?
They think it's degenerate
Wow, this is really above slasher films, it truly tells us a lot about society
Wrong. Terrifier enjoyers are acne-scarred chuds with school shooter physiognomies who visit gore threads on /gif/. Normal people who aren't maladapted scorn Terrifier and all its ilk.
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>Normal people who aren't maladapted scorn Terrifier
you're gonna be eating those words when Terrifier 3 makes $30m+ at the box office
I think Terrifier is more for the "acne-scarred manchild who collects funko pops and watches Deadmeat videos" audience
Chuds always complain about how they think Terrifier is "made by the Jews to promote degeneracy", look in the Terrifier threads that get posted here often. They are especially mad because the new one has a Christmas theme and that makes them believe it's "da Jews mocking Christianity". Odd though, as I never see them bitch about older gore slop, either they haven't seen the older slop or something about Terrifier pisses them off badly
1. That's not a lot
2. It shan't
There are different genres of chud. Christian chuds are different from future school shooter chuds. Sometimes the chud factions clash
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Completely agree. I also watched Lovers Lane for the first time this year, somehow missed that one growing up. At least 90's teen horror was fun - The Babadook ushered in that trend of "movie monster is an allegory for depression/grief" which has been done to death now
Saint Maud made $1.6m at the box office. there's a good argument that people who like Terrifier are more normal and well adjusted than art hoes trying to impress each other with nihilistic dramas.
>I see people bitching about them being "too slow" or boring on here all the time.
Yes, there are a lot of idiots on this board. That isn't news.
>A24 films are also extremely accessible entry level films, anon.
In comparison to what? Un Chien Andalou? Accessibility is a relative term. A film like The Witch is less accessible than Silence Of The Lambs, but it's not a competition in which the most obscure and esoteric film wins. Only people who base their taste around browbeating think like that.
>Nobody is outsmarted by an extremely mainstream horror film, anon
Sure they are. All the time.
>A24 is the same as you average typical horror film
I'd argue a film like Saint Maud or Enemy has a little more going on than the latest killer teddy bear horror film that Blumhouse put out.
>these films are just boring and pale in comparison to the older films they are inspired by
Yes, that is because they went over your head completely. Although I'm not the biggest Ti West fan and I haven't seen Talk To Me. I don't like everything they put out, like I said. Being loyally dedicated to or staunchly against a production company seems really stupid to me.
>fun stuff like Urban Legend and Final Destination
You mean garbage?
It's a good argument that McDonald's inevitably makes more money fiscally than a classy mom and pop steakhouse
Saint Maud was an irrelevant flop, I haven't even seen it. A modestly successful box office for a horror movie looks like the First Omen (50m, and by a first time director), and The Nun 2 (270m) when people care. Or if those feel unfair because they have big studio backing, The Witch, another debute, was 40m. And that was basically the movie that made A24 and had no help at all. Both Terrifiers so far have made peanuts because it's fringe shock schlock that makes its money via acne-scarred word of mouth. Not normal people going, "Let's watch Terrifier tonight son," but edgy weird asses who go "Bro then he flays her skin off and wears it while he spells her name in smeared shit on a 9/11 memorial, and then he rips her sternum out and plays it like a flute so awesome bro."
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>queer coded
>progressive subtext
>plays with tropes
>pokes fun at stereotypes
>parodies conventions
>meta narrative
>non-binary metaphors
>satirizes cliches
>flips the gender script
>timely in its message
>A film like The Witch is less accessible than Silence Of The Lambs
Not at all, both are the same sort of film, which is a point I was attempting to make. I'd be less annoyed by A24 fans if they could just accept that, but many A24 fans seemingly have a sort of superiority complex which causes them to believe their films are "high art".
>Sure they are. All the time.
Nah, I love Jacob's Ladder for example, but nobody is outsmarted by it, besides a literal drooling retard maybe. People may not like it, but it's not because it's "too smart for them".
>I'd argue a film like Saint Maud or Enemy has a little more going on than the latest killer teddy bear horror film that Blumhouse put out.
True, but said teddy bear movie is an example of shit made for the literal lowest common denominator. An A24 film is the same as something like The Thing or Silence of the Lambs. It's not extremely "smart", but it's not full retard like a Blumhouse or Eli Roth film either.
>Yes, that is because they went over your head completely.
This is what I mean by A24 fans being pretentious
You can not enjoy a film while still understanding it. A film has more to it than a story or idea. You have to also consider other aspects (Cinematography, score, set design, effects, etc)
A good story doesn't make up for a boring film either.
>Bro then he flays her skin off and wears it while he spells her name in smeared shit on a 9/11 memorial, and then he rips her sternum out and plays it like a flute so awesome bro."
That is oddly accurate to the films. Art literally does flay a woman's skin, he wears that skin like a costume, and he does write his own name with shit he smears on a wall (I'm not joking)
Terrifier fans are a literal joke. Imagine being excited to watch a film where a clown paints with his shit lmao
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a24 fans quake in their boots at the sign of true transgressive horror
>disembowels himself with a razor, and dies after cutting open his abdomen and removing his internal organs. A woman emerges from his mutilated remains. She brings the corpse to arousal, and uses his semen to impregnate herself
Terrifier haters will tell you this is mindless obscenity.
Lmao hand to God the only thing I knew about was the shit smearing
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It's officially autumn

i think a24 horror movies are targeted to those who hate horror movies
It's foggy and rainy rn and the leaves are turning. It's so on
fun movie
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we prepare to resurrect
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Why is it so kino, bros?
one of the directors has a new movie out soon
Haeckel's Tale from Masters of Horror stuck with me.
Human Centipede nauseated me, Hostel nauseated me in a different way.
But what really terrified me was a documentary about mythcal beast that I saw when I was little.
So, it's all about timing I guess?
Pat is the ultimate scream queen.

Based as fuck.
Mainly because Ghost Adventures
Guess i'm watching Scream, Pretty Peggy, is it any good?
I also downloaded Alucarda because of the Alucardanon, i've seen it before though, but that was like 15 years ago.
it's good if you like slowburns
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Spring for us southfags.
>Just got back from seeing Zombie with composer Fabio Frizzi playing the score live
Sounds like undiluted kino. Goblin/Claudio Simonetti did something similar with a few Argento films he worked on.
The post that broke the back of gorefags.
The Witch shouldn't be here, folk horror is few and far between unless you're implying the shunned woman turned survivor. Everything else has had a noticeable ripple effect.
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>watching a horror movie for the studio that produces it instead of watching a horror movie because it interests you
If you do this, you were never a real horror fan. You're just a "movie buff" guy.
Are you the faggot who was spamming Spongebob gay porn here yesterday? That faggot also was bitching about "gore fags"
I love this little critter like you wouldn’t believe
No. I’m actually the anon that triggered that faggot lol
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>I’m not a screamer, I’m a singer!
You're the Alucarda anon?
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I hope Harperposting never stops.
I, unironically love found footage horror
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For the anon who was asking in another thread, this is from Trick or Treat (1986)
>the first
is something happening soon? I know DMCA has been fucking everything for the past 15 years unless you mean something else
Any spooky ghost movies?
Me too. Blait witch project its one of my favourites hor film.
Its the only genre that still can spook me.
I saw pic related the other day. Its bad, but the jumpscares got me.
The Orphanage
You tell me
Horror peaked in the 00s
I solemnly vow to follow through
The Babadook/It Follows were like left and right hooks to the face of horror horror which now remains battered and bruised for like a decade
It Follows is kino though
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What is the single best and single worst horror franchise from this list?

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Me too, anon. Like the woman herself, Harperposting never fails to bring a smile to my face, even when our resident spammer can’t help but occasionally indulge in some on the side.
Hellraiser Inferno and Hellseeker are kino honestly
>The first, second, third, sixth, and ninth films received mixed reviews, while the fourth, fifth, seventh, and eighth films received negative reviews. The tenth film received generally positive reviews from critics, becoming the first film in the franchise to do so.
This excerpt from the Saw page made me kek
Gotta be Amityville, without even looking at the list
Sorry meant to say that's the worst.
>wanted to make my own fan movie about two guys trying to run away from a horde of slow walking zombies and getting gradually tired from it as the horde slowly catches up to them.
It stains the sand red is kind of similar to this
Is Jurassic Park a horror film
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Glad to see a few anons downloaded Alucarda. I’m still obsessed even after my thread somehow hit bump limit yesterday.
>I’ll show you! I’ll take you to the GAARDEN, to the WOODS, everything is there!
No, it's action adventure
Dark Night of the Scarecrow. I've also heard Scarecrows is good but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
Stop, you’re gonna summon the “not /hor/” retard cuz it’s an action sci-fi and actually not /hor/.
I really like girls with hair like that, not curly but very wavy and long.
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Great taste, same here. Her hair is top-notch in that flick combined with the Victorian era black dress.
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Is Jurassic Park 2 a horror film?
I always found her kinda ugly. Something about her teeth/mouth is too big. She looks terrifying here
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Sheryl is top 5. Toni Collette was also great if we’re going strictly by screams here.
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Is Safe (1995) a horror film?
I've been downloading a lot of scifi and horror shows I found. Then I just started rewatching Tales from the crypt for the third time.
Are these even real movies?
why wouldn't they be?
>oh no, we've got a flat! we're completely stranded!
Drive it anyway you dumb bitch. Steering will suck and you'll destroy your rims but at least you'll be alive.
Have you made it to My Brother’s Keeper again yet?
I’ve heard of like 4 of these
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Oh shit!
Fugg, can't remember. I'm at the end of season 3.
Helpful for an indecisive fuck like me
I've seen at least 17 of them so yeah.
It’s at the tail end of season 2 so you already passed it. What’s your all time favorite ep?
I can't be bothered with that result.
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This is the Bushworld Adventures of horror movies
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my sister got filtered by the bitches screaming in the first TCM but loves number 2 and how hammy leatherface is and his constant stopping to wave around his chainsaw
Is this worth watching?
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>10 days until Oct 3rd
actual fart huffing nonsense and i guarantee people like you call cormac mccarthy a hack
Thankfully I started taking notes this time and giving some arbitrary rating. Buuut without looking at those what really stuck out so far (and I even remembered these and the last time I watched this show was 10 years ago, so I guess I truly like them):
>coomer answer
that one with Patricia Arquette where nothing really happens you just ogle her braless tits and ass for half an hour

>non-coomer answer
Cutting cards: Henriksen and the other dude totally sell it, it's absolutely hilarious but I really wish it was a longer episode
The Ventriloquist's Dummy: the dude is great acting as the complete loser and the rest is just a mix of evil dead 2 and dead alive, what's not to like?
Sorry forgot to answer the question yeah I remember this one. It was mediocre and the only note I left was: "The best thing about this was the black dominatrix's ass. And that other woman looked really repulsive, like some kind of mummy."
Weak bait.
>Haeckel's Tale
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Azrael coming out this weekend, fampai.
I liked the conjuring 1. Pretty good 2 was bad and 3 felt like a super hero movie. I liked the nun as well. It's not good but fun. I would say it's the best one in the conjuring verse.
threads been noticeably better since that guy got banned
Why in The Substance did the guy who hooked Demi up with the substance even use it himself? He wasn't in a line of work where his youthfulness mattered
let's go
Dunno, but anyway... the third act of that film wasn't really it. It took a really campy turn for no good reason and then stumbled on it's own message. First 2/3's was decent enough though.
This is a bad opinion.
What was good about the final third?
The Confessional (1976)

Literal trash. lol
The fact that it delivered horror?

By about halfway or 3/4 through, I was beginning to think it was another one of those horror-lite films that really just wanted to be a drama or meme social commentary movie in the A24 blueprint. The stuff at the start was good, if restrained, in the gore department, and then much of the middle barely registered as a horror film with only sparse reminders that you were watching one.

Then it goes crazy as balls and wakes you back up again. I thought it was pretty effective and the drawn out middle enhances the impact and unexpectedness of the finale.
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Well at least it's a movie I haven't seen before.
Let us know what you think of it
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It is still only on Hulu unless you pirate. Even their Predator prequel got a physical release, but not Hellraiser. It's ridiculous
It's kinda shallow and derivative, and drags at times. But yes I'd say it's worth watching.
haven't watched anything for awhile, what are the best horror movies of the past year?
Longlegs, Alien: Romulus, MaXXXine, A Quiet Place: Day One, I Saw the TV Glow, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, Immaculate, Lisa Frankenstein, Abigail, The First Omen, The Substance, Cuckoo.
this year?
Because of yesterday's Cat People thread and someone mentioning The Girl in the Swing, are there any other horror/supernatural movies with tragic romance and drama?
Please be bait
Oddity, Trap, Late Night with the Devil
>recommends lnwtd
>calls others bait
Rollin rollin
It's a decent film
Much. much better than fucking Longlegs, Quite Place Day One, or First Omen lmao
first omen, longlegs and i saw the tv glow if you count it as horror
>First Omen
There's no way anyone actually likes this film unironically besides waifufags
You guys have to be trolling, right? I understand others have different taste than me but holy fuck that's an awful film
Nell Tiger Free
Sam Neill Tiger Sneed
imagine being a pleb
>If you don't like (incredibly mainstream and creatively bankrupt Hollywood legacy sequel) you're a pleb or something
What did he mean by this? Neil fag, is that you?
I found it retarded but wasn't bored or actively negatively affected by it.
I'd rather rewatch all of it than rewatch the 3 minutes of Longlegs I endured before I turned it off.
Also a much more interesting experience than Starve Acre (I guess I walked into that one with overly high expectations).

So for me, relatively speaking, First Omen isn't such a bad film. Wouldn't really recommend it to anyone though.
I liked it more than Late Night With the Devil or Longlegs
let's a gooooo
Both are bad, but at least Longlegs had some decent cinematography
First Omen doesn't even have that, it visually looks like shit
First Omen is visually better because I'd rather stare at Nell Tiger Free than Maika Monroe
>It's the Neil schizo
That explains it
It’s a good movie
>Doesn't deny it
Uh oh schizo
Also, cope with what? Lmao
Late Night is a good film.
Ryan Coogler's new vampire film Sinners has a trailer out tomorrow. I wonder if it'll look good.
>it visually looks like shit
I disagree, some scenes (like the protag laying on the bed with her hair splayed out or the scenes with the younger girl hiding behind the bed) are even memorable.
If you used a word like "unimpressive" or "bland" or something that'd be fine but "shit" is overdoing it a little.
Anyway I don't really want to defend it, just be realistic with your critique so we don't have to have a chain of overreactions to an overreaction.
too gimmicky
It does look like shit though, a few cool shots won't fix that
Something about the way they filmed it looks so damn dull and colorless, quite literally "soulless"
I enjoyed the Possession homage and a few other scenes. It’s really not as bad as you’re making it out to be.
it's decent if anything
>Possession homage
Proving my point about it being creatively bankrupt lol
The possession homage, the "homage" to the first film (only this time, there's shitty CGI fire!), etc
Gimmicks unironically can be great when used well.
>incredibly mainstream
you haven't seen it
>he spends his entire life seething about this beautiful and talented actress
Where you been, Freefag?
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I have seen it, and I was bored as fuck.
>Implying it's not mainstream
Care to explain picrel?
Is Longlegs also a super obscure secret pleb filter?
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here and there
it's not. There are two things that hurt it so much it can't be classified as good. First is behind the scenes footage which makes no sense and second is retarded ending that is just insulting
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I got meme'd into watching Longlegs and it was one of the worst movies I've seen since Skinamashit. Even my girl Maika couldn't make it bearable.
damn, you're dumb
Why's that? Because I claimed an extremely popular film is mainstream (which it is)?
I'm sorry I told everyone about your super obscure kino, anon
Just because it has le shocking scenes doesn't mean it's not mainstream
it was okay just overhyped
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well /hor/, which of these are worth watching?
Grim list
Y-you too...
I like things and don't take my own opinion so seriously that I preclude myself from liking things.
Psycho Goreman
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
Strange Darling
The Empty Man
Suitable Flesh
The First Omen
Late Night With the Devil
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>Amityville Vibrator
>Sharks of the Corn
In a Violent Nature
Lisa Frankenstein
Late Night with the Devil
Alien Romulus
I Saw the TV Glow
Here for Blood
Eight Eyes
dark harvest
the night house
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New Thread but I accidentally put the wrong fucking image lmao fuck I'm a retard
All My Friends Hate me is fun but I don't know why it's even listed as horror.
The Sadness is watchable if you want a Crossed adaptation, but unimpressive.
Smile is a less fun It Follows.
Come True is a 10/10 if you turn it off ~45 minutes in.
Candyman is mid but watchable.
Thanksgiving is dumb schlock but watchable if you like Eli Roth nonsense.
The Empty Man is imperfect but has some pretty good ideas, horror fans should watch it.
The Invisible Man is great.
Lucky is fantastic.
Men is shit but it still has some Garland charm if you like his shit.
>It Follows is a kino edition
>accidentally posts better film
Serves you right retard lmao
Is Threads a horror film?

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