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HOH: Makensy
POV: Makensy
NOMS: Angela, Kimo

previously on /bb/: >>203789431
christcucks ruined the season
did really say she was the showmance with matt? or im guessing if she did say that, it is being taken out of context or was said in jest
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Getting evicted in the double eviction with Big Mak
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>sinks your season in an hourslong DR session
what did she mean by this?
Big Mak taking a Big L
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remember when mak kept saying she wasn’t interested in matt
I don't think she is even now kek
very telling she only started talking about him again after cotgate
Turns out the poster calling Big Mak a downie during the early weeks was on to something after all
matt doesnt like you anymore mak
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getting huge vibes of day 1 feeds schizo mak kek
remember we all thought she'd be another paloma?
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kinda wild how leah would've been safe this week had she just nailed the jankie veto and gotten chelsie vs tkor up. chelsie most likely would've been gone, and mak would've latched on hard to leah and angela
or frankly just been up her ass this hoh continuing gametalks
i fucking hate rubina and hate that she's not going anywhere anytime soon
>chelsie: you dont mess with tkor
i'm glad Cory from last season is pointing out that Chelsie isn't some sort of BB legend or anything, but just playing the game WAY better than anyone in the entire house. he also pointed out that Mak went from being in a comfy position to completely dropping it to nothing if she puts up Leah
we were so fucking close
>but just playing the game WAY better than anyone in the entire house
she isn't even much better desu which is the funniest part
all it would take is her fucktarded minions comparing notes on her lies and she'd be fucked. but they're incapable of it evidently
i hate this cast
goddamn monkeys celebrating
good job makensy
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it’s little leah’s last happy night in the house :(
what the fuck makes cory think he's some kind of expert
Chelsie gonna pretend she was close to T'Kor now huh
she was talking to rubina a tkor simp
as much as I loathe her part of why they eat her shit up is how she mirrors people
Chelsie is buttering up Rubina so she can replace Mak with her
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"tkor's revenge" is the worst part of this whole mess
i'm seething just imagining her smug face
these threads will 100% die outside of episodes if it's just cam/chelsie/rubina/kimo for F4 kek
yeah at that point I guess I’m rooting for cam but meh
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we'll always have princess leah
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I'd be happy if chelsie got pauled by any of them desu
highly unlikely but a man can dream
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robbed queen
he's literally pointed out today that he's not an expert, but can also realize that Mak is a total retard. obviously in different words. he's very aware where he went wrong in the game at this point
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literally me watching mak use her hoh to tank her game for chelsie
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remember when Leah's facial expressions were all over the map where she was either crying or happy/laughing?
>they're cuddling
he went wrong by getting in a showmance with america but I really can’t blame him desu I would have done it too if I had the chance
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i've only watched two season of BB and I don't think i've seen a more based player than Leo
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>mak's big move that will win her jury votes is winning her first hoh and doing what the house wants at final 7 by taking out someone who would take her to final 3
exactly. he knew he was fucking up his dream of winning big brother but he ultimately won in the end.
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>b-b-but chelsie said!
it is pretty funny that mak said in the recent episode that she's trying to build her resume. it's obviously that this season will be remembered by people nominating and evicted their own allies at this point. i think production is cool with it too
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I miss jankie world
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goodnight /bb/
I think Kimo had mentioned to Rubina at the beginning of the week after losing the hoh that they needed to stick with Chelsie to get to Final 2 and convince Mak to put up the other duo. It's a longshot but perhaps Kimo and Rubina will send Chelsie packing in a final four.
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>playing the game WAY better than anyone in the entire house.

funniest part is she isn't at all.
>week 1-3 does the bare minimum and gets a core alliance (pentagon) then forms a onion alliance (collective) and rests on her laurels
>doesn't even try to pull in anyone like a leah or mak who are floaters and would work with her just to have more numbers for herself mainly because she was jealous leah flirted with cam
>gets blindsided by the cedric vote even though it should have been obvious t'snore and chemo were keeping her if they had a choice did no gaming to prevent this all week
>for one week during tucker's hoh, she's out of power and loses another pentagon member basically destroying it
>t'snore and quinn then win back to back hohs and turn to her and go "you know what, I don't want this power, here you go chelsie" and help her get back the power she lost on a silver plater
>then leah wins a clutch hoh but fumbles it only targeting one trio. maktard even outplays her and takes her spot with ease this week
>then mak wins the next hoh, primed to force chelsie vs leah while sitting in the middle but then goes "you know what, I don't want this power, here you go chelsie"

she's a mid player who's getting bailed out by shit players over and over through hardly anything she's doing herself. literally if any of these houseguests had a modicum of game sense and weren't all recruits or dogshit superfans, she gets btfo easily and probably doesn't make jury
That's our Maktard
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leah and mak alone
>leah: did anyone tell you new info
she's going to be another taylor feted as some social strategy mastermind too
It's interesting how nu-survivor players have been doing this too in the 40s seasons, voting out close allies early to build a resume but then getting BTFO right behind them
Nobody is ready that
at least it gives us something to talk about
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>i am going to channel my inner dayvon
>cause i am not the one
>this is vengeance for tkor
we need to see her goodbye messages because I'm not convinced chelsie will own shit
the woman practically deludes herself
>mak: im really nervous, do you think i should give her a warning?
>chelsie: id give her a warning right before, it wont change anything
>actually, i dont know if i would
>mak: i think that'd make it worse
>i just hate that im acting normal with her
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>spends every talk prior to that DR session adamant she can't nom leah or renom her
>comes out
>in full schizo fuck leah mode
what the hell conditioning did they do in there?
i dont know but this is hilarious
>chelsie: its not going to be easy but there a going to be harder ones after leah
hint hint big mak hint hint =P
big retard has some big ideas
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the power of faith binds us all
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night vision yapfest here we go
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>watching plutotv
>ads come on for survivor
>cuts to andy
>'facing death, has put me in a completely different mind set'
i hope he gets to merge at least
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night /bb/
Chelsie ruined this season
Night babe
She really did vibeswise but I’m not fully convinced she’ll win
>mak wins every comp until finals
>makes f2 against rubina
>wins by 5-2!
I dont care who wins as long as its not kimo or rubina
Wait I get it what if mak is being heavilly influenced on DRs to put leah because producers want to guarantee another poc winner
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Good morning ladies
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here is the chelsie mak convo before they went to bed for anyone who wants to watch. it seems very clear that mak is upset personally with leah about the matt thing. and how she was spreading around the cam mak showmance. i like to add my personal note of me thinking it was honestly chelsie the most who pushed the narrative of said showmance.

also video two is very interesting in which she talks about leah saying people who are compatible in the house sometimes dont work out side the house. this was of course talking about mak matt but i viewed it through the lens of chelsie and cams relationship, gave me a chuckle.

https://streamable.com/ksh8md - video 1
https://streamable.com/yhl0th - video 2
https://streamable.com/iai3rt - video 3

morning hogg!
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yeah, thats exactly whats happening desu, but they made me fall for it again and think this was actually a good season not polluted by cookout bullshit.

love leah, dont know if i care to watch beyond her elimination
>Mak goes through with it and backdoors Leah
>Mak gets the retard edit on Wednesday
>Leah is evicted and tells Julie she's confused as all 5 remaining HGs will target Mak in the DE
>Mak is evicted in the DE
>Julie asks Mak why she evicted the one person not targeting her
>Mak makes a stupid face and looks confused
>Big Ange is still in it to win it
This is the best outcome in my eyes at the moment
love to see the jury segment of this
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just got around to watching last nights episode. makes sense that DR pushed mak to renom leah
morning hogg
Wouldn't Cam/Chelsie be making the same mistake taking Mak out at 6 that Mak is making at 7?

Kimo/Rubina/Angela are not complete comp flops, and Cam/Chelsie are not Jag/Michie level competitors.
Haven’t seen a Grodball this blatant since last season when pootard came out of DR fuming about America
I do think so given how slavishly loyal she is to them
Rubina and Angela definitely could win comps over Chelsie let alone comp flop Cam
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Yeah but Cam is more likely to take the bullet because T'Kor told her disciples to protect the woc.
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morning mister cliff
bump for maktard
we'll know productions thoughts on getting leah out with when they do the veto
will they give time for some last ditch campaigning or will they quinn her and start it almost right after wakeup?
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fuck chelsie
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It's for a higher purpose
ive got to save little leah
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tkor finds quinns gooncave at the jury house
downiewhore anon won
no you didnt
Black twitter doesn't seem like they latched on to either Chelsie or T'Kor, like they're sitting this season out. Weird
she isnt a whore and she doesnt have downs syndrome. she is a young naive girl who just isnt very good at big brother. she is being gaslit and manipulated by two 35 year olds and 27 yo evil self righteous bitch who are straight up lying to her out of total fear but you keep doing you
Chelsie has some fans that try to keep the focus on her gameplay but it's an uphill battle with the Chelga Pataki stuff.

T'Kor is i think is such a blatant grifter that even Buddy Twitter can smell her out.
my two wives
are we sure production even gives a fuck about POC winners? black twitter is a loud but small section of the fanbase. I figured they cared more about the facebook casuals.
truth nuke
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Can someone remind me what the context of pic related was?
Chelsie is like the male Xavier where she'll latch onto any cookout/christ shilling but just cares more about her game.
T'Kor's spiels about The Cause™ were so prevalent that it actually made twitter/reddit seethe.
if the veto meeting is early we will know production was behind the push
But isnt bb all about being deceitful?
HOH spins the key wheel and whomever it lands on goes up
I really don't think they give a shit. The only favorites I suspect they actually have are people who are lively in the DR and entertaining in general (this last point disqualifies Quinn).
sure if thats how you want to play it. im not saying anyone is doing anything inherently wrong but look these people are attempting to destroy what could be a lifelong friendship through said lies. i know its big brother and not big friendship its just kind of ick what they are doing. again that doesnt make mak a bad person, just a very impressionable young girl. it is what is yo, she just has to win 1 comp on thursday yo
This season's legacy will be Tucker and Angela. Nobody will remember anyone else fondly
leah and maks last hug just now in the SR
chelga's personality and tsnores endless bullshit moralizing killed their fanbases
at best you get some people arguing over chelsie's game (not just black twitter but in general) but they rarely outright endorse her personality
I don't think they give a shit about poc stuff but they do play favorites and have hgs they dislike
them disliking leah is a bit baffling because in most respects she fits their bill for shilling
I think for a lot of people it's the usual where the lying villain never owns their villain status
I'd like chelsie if she owned up to her cuntitude like brooklyn but instead she gaslights herself and those players are always tiresome to watch
I read reddit for feeds updates during the day and there's one schizo nbomb in the feeds threads constantly downplaying chelga's craziness and seething about cam playing her kek
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If Chelsie wins HoH in the DE, who is she putting up? Who are the others putting up?
really thought we wouldn't get a worse HOH than quinn's but maktard found a way
imagine actively targeting numbers for yourself
Chelsie and Cam would target Angela. They'd probably put up one of Kimo/Zubina with her. The others will probably target big mak
kimo and rubina definitely as she is in an alliance with cam and big mak
she has the entire house except angela in her ear painting leah as the devil and leah making any attempts to show mak she is on her side. she still have never offered a F2 or even an F3. nobody told quinn to put joseph up kek
chelsie would probably target angela
angela would but gunning for chelsie but idk who would be next to her
everyone else I think is either angela or mak, well not sure whether cam would go through with it but he's been hinting at it to chelsie
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>isnt making any attempts
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>leah called to DR
there's blame on both ends
mak has not bothered to ever fact check the shit chelsie says, she's just taken it at face value and like the quinn debacle didn't bother checking before the move itself. the post veto reckoning is going to make her feel like a fucking tard if she bothers talking to leah after
leah hasn't talked much game with mak outside of the mandatory post hoh win /veto 1-1s and her pitch has been a hot mess where she acted like she'd want to work with chelsie and didn't bother at all to try opening maks eyes to chelsie's bullshit. baffling on her part to put it mildly
like she's telling rubina and angela chelsie gotta go but the opposite to mak and that just helped confirm the liar image of leah I'm sure
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G'morning Hogg Boss
for sure mak should have called a house meeting and let them all say what they are saying behind closed doors right to each others faces and see what happens
how tall is big mak anyway
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it wasn’t supposed to be this way
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wtf. is she trying to squeeze in an extra inch?
Nobody’s thinking about her
that's her highschool sport page so maybe she squeezed out an extra inch at 19-20?
Where my Aladdin fans at???
this lunchbox built autist was so goofy and forgettable
She’d put up Angela and Kimo and backdoor MJ
Is Leah aware she's going up? Why didn't Angela tell her?
they all play in the veto you cant backdoor anyone now
creating the bitterest jury possible seems insane but very in line with this season kek
You can still backdoor MJ if she doesn’t win it retard
heightmaxxin with big mak
thats not a backdoor thats just a renom you really smart guy

a backdoor is planned in advance of the veto competition by denying someone the ability to play in the veto so they have no opportunity to save ones self
if you can play in the veto it's not technically a backdoor but I still call it that anyway personally.
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>paloma appearing in pluto commercials
Leah did not shower to increase her pheromones for big mak
Every other word out of MJ’s mouth is how she knows she’s a comp threat she would 100% still vote for Chelsie
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Somethings not adding up... Cam's Penn State and CFL stats both have him listed at 6'0
leah has no idea, mak told angela not to tell her
little leah is going to shutdown so hard and sleep in the unicorn room till thursday
leah talking to angela about quinn renoming joseph and how huge of a mistake it was
angela keeping lips zipped about leah going up today
angela told leah the veto is not being used. not only did she not tell her she is going up she lied to her
ohhhhh shiiiit. i do wonder if leah is just going to shutdown and sleep in unicorn room till thursday or get fucking rowdy up in this bitch and pitchfork chelsie down
she'll 100% be bitter when he realizes everything she hates leah for is shit chelsie did and blamed on leah kek
Mak has some sort of white savior complex unfortunately. She said she came into the game wanting to get to know other cultures cause she's grown up predominately in white areas. The only POC that she didn't suck the farts out of their ass was Joseph. She's shit talked and targeted all the white HG's.
She said she talks back to her mother and calls her a bitch

She’s a spoiled retard that gets blacked every weekend
sucks for leah but angela also knows it's now her or leah going home and the target is on leah, no reason to rock that boat
2 cams on mak, 2 cams on leah. production is doing nothing to intervene in this mess. they are pushing it
I really hope Leah doesn't do the 'it's okay, it's okay' schtick after being nominated. Make Mak feel like a retard and show her how dumb she is.
they unironically caused it
mak wasn't planning on using veto or nomming leah then she comes out of DR hell bent on putting leah up (she originally planned to take angela down though)
>Make Mak feel like a retard and show her how dumb she is.
she won't, she'll just seethe in the unicorn room until eviction
Mak said she hopes this doesn't change them being friends outside.
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thought mak was pounding a modelo before veto nom lol
just a coffee
Apparently a new season of Traitors Canada starts today and Neda is on it.
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What if feeds come back and Chelsie blinded Cam with bleach for not loving her?
i am so fired up
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they would both get removed from the season so then LEAH would win!
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chelsie is going to be fuming postseason that angela/tucker are the season fan favs, she's a distant fifth with normies and hated by most of the diehards, and she's mainly known for being a bitter jealous bitch +her insane chelousy over cam
I suspect she runs from bb fast regardless of if she wins the money
How long are feeds usually down?
>little leah and big mak depersoned in the DE
>cam spends his time trying to find a space away from chelsie for weeks
around two hoursish
Guys... give it to me straight. Do I have a shot with Ainsley after the season is over?
Do you want her OF?
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Yes. Just trim the ends of the mustache.
My blue princess would never do OF.
Neda deserves redemption
She was nice to me on reddit and then went in inhaling the "everyone loves me and I am forever the hero" shit
Seemed to be pretty devastated when the fanbase turned on her
What did she actually do wrong in BBC5?
It was bullshit how Sindy talked about how it was an honour to have Neda make fun of you in regards to othersand then she got a crying victim edit about how bad Neda's jokes made her feel.
>Traitors Canada
Knowing that Leah is upset right now makes me upset
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shes evil ainsley now
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>people actually believe this is a good season when pic related made it to jury and will probably be top 5 at this rate
feeds back
little leah in the unicorn room with angela
everyone else consoling maktard in HoH

This might help. They had Canada do a vote about "which HG do you want to save until jury", and Neda was voted that power.

It went to her head and she spent all of prejury operating under "I am the favorite, I can do or say whatever I want, and the audience will hate the people I hate" which made everyone turn on her.

Gary dropped the classic line on her:
>Oh sweetie, you don't know who the villain is until you watch the show

Basically saying get over yourself, you have no idea what the audience thinks about you until you get out of the house
Leah came out of the bathroom and said "i'm so fucking stupid" to herself and Mak heard it
I saw a clip of Rubina celebrating alone in the bathroom and saying "this is payback for T'Kor" and it made me seethe so much
>i cant make personal decision, i have to make game ones
big mak coping hard on this one
idk bros...I'm thinking MJ might be a little retarded
big downiewhore retard
>she would've voted me out against tucker
everyone was going to vote you out against tucker mak =D
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she has a surprising amount of fans on twitter who think she's some kind of genius with a masterful social game kek
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i was worried that this was a bad move for mak because they'll target mak in the double. but then i realized this house is really dumb and will probably just boot angela
Its because Chelsie is pro israel
it's not about mak going in the double. mak has zero chance to get jury votes
mak admitting she cant talk to leah about how everyone is calling her a liar
and if she didnt do this, her ass was grass with the house
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aaaarggh where's leah
they called her to DR
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mak going all the way back to week 1 and 2 for reasons why leah needed to go up
Chelsie is a femcel loser and not in a lovable way like Nicole Anthony
mak really doesnt like leah
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megachurch zionist scammer
quirky picture book enjoyer
Endgame bb21 was so comfy
what'd she say now? she made it seem earlier that it was the opposite but can't trust her because leah would vote her out over Tucker when they were on the block
just the way she is talking about leah. recalling how she and her interacted with matt. but we already knew leah and mak wernt ever really with each other.
I kind of feel bad for Maktard desu, she really thinks because she hangs out with Cam and Chelsea so much she's in good with them. She doesn't know she's an outsider hanging on
Fuck her, she’s so dumb if she doesn’t see the writing on the wall. She really thinks she will be safe in the double when she can’t win HOH?
mak saying she wants to sit next to the most competitive person in final 2! thats just how she rolls!
Leah says it’s her fault for getting T’Kor out when she obviously should have targeted Chelsie and Cam. She says she should have went with her gut and it’s 100 percent her fault

Pretty sure she said she’s not going to talk to anyone the rest of the week but I know that’s not true
>She doesn't know she's an outsider hanging on
she does is the really maktarded thing, she has audibly mentioned the fact she's on the bottom.
i honestly think she is safe in the double with this house. chelsie and cam are not going to take the shot, rubina and kimo will probably do cam + angela noms, and renom mak if one of those come down but vote out angela
>she has audibly mentioned the fact she's on the bottom.
i dont think she really feels that though. she thinks chelsie will boot cam before her. thats something she just tells people to make it seem like she isnt super tight with chelsie and cam
I guess Chelsie said to the camera last night “can you believe I got her to put Leah up? What??”
I can't believe maktard really pulled off the masterclass move of doing what the house wanted
she might've said that, i dont remember it all but she was also saying that she was on a mission this week and it was almost complete, just needed to get leah out for completion
also said in the episode last night that she needed to convince mak to put leah and angela up, so she got what she wanted for sure
any other season id agree it was 1 hundo p bonehead move but with this cast, it'll probably be a good move
Mak and Leah both agreed awhile back that 750k would only last them two years at most. Mak was trying to figure out the taxes she’d pay on it just now
>production plant magically survives yet another impossible week
Not even Cirie was protected this much last season, they REALLY want her to make it to finale night.
I’m only rooting for her and maybe Kimo at this point
Only 2 years? Jesus. Do they have self-control?
we're getting a cam and rubina final 2
I can believe Leah, she's mentioned making 20k a night. But Mak? maybe she was just trying to echo back what she was saying, surely
Mak said she only had 50 dollars in her bank account right now so I’m guessing she just blows through money like crazy
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>after noms
>leah in unicorn room saying to angela she didnt take the shot last week so she could build trust
oof, least she can bond with quinn about not taking shots at trios in the house while having all the power
What I read it was Mak who initially said it and Leah just said “same”
mattbros we still have a chance
this is an extremely unlikable final 7 outside of leah and angela. at least last year I had mama dud and jagtard so I still had fun people to watch
I don't
live by the buddy, die by the buddy
I like Angela but the others are unwatchable
leah is blanketing
i dont understand why someone would be rooting for kimo. please to explain
seems like a pretty mellow normal dude in a house of some of the most unlikable cunts ever cast

part of cam's appeal too
his burping is annoying and he's a bit boring but he's not unbearable like zubina. I wish someone would kick that midget cunt across the yard
he is insufferable. he does nothing to move his own game forward, he burps into his mic and drinks coffee with a spoon and sings his terrible song all day long. he has never said a single interesting thing. he has terrible reads and offers terrible advice. all he does is play the representation card
I cooked food to tune into the live feeds and it's just Leah pouting? Button boy what's up with that?
>A tier: Angela
>B tier: Leah
>meh tier: Chelsie
>boring tier: Cam, Kimo
>unbearable tier: Zubina
>retard tier: big mak
What did you cook?
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season is cooked now after we just got out worst girl its back to being big buddy in all the worst ways. :(
What if Zingbot said
>did you ever notice that Mak’s feet are really small for someone her size?

Curious how the house would react
Seems like a nice guy and probably needs the money. I actively dislike a lot of them left and I could probably be friends with someone like him
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>back to being big buddy
always has been
Compared to Makensy and Chelsie I would say he's a nice guy. Cam seems alright.
Wonder if average BB fans will finally get mindbroken if its Leah/Mak then Angela and we get a White Cookout next year and production doesn't even give a shit they just perma turn off feeds and spin it just because they need to keep people from cancelling the show so throw C-bombs a bone.
lol cmon, mak is a nice girl. she hasnt said a single cunty thing about the other HGs the way kimo has. youre trying way too hard
Kimo doesn’t really get cunty or personal about other people
fake "nice" christian girl
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Dreaming of better times with lil leah
bru he was talking mad shit when tucker was still there
how can a chad be so cringe
he would be a hapa incel if he wasn't tall and good looking
Won't happen, they don't cast whites with self-respect.
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boo, im so over it. its like not even a competition anymore because they rig for n bombs regardless of what happens

would be nice in theory but shouldn't be necessary. also they're always going to add some rat jew like michael to shut down any hope of a white person winning
Chelsie and Mak are gonna be busy cooking the rest of the time
who has been the bitchiest girl of the season?
Brooklyn when she was annoyed with someone was really passive aggressive
watching the sunday ep now and seems like mak actually did the right thing. leah said in her DR session that she wanted angela to win hoh and that there was 1 person from each group in the top 3. meaning mak was not part of her group
right thing was to stay in the middle and use this week to get out kimo or rubina. let cam/chelsie go after angela and leah
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he can get away with it
they're going to give her a new power
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rubina wins big brother 26!
big mak will have to huff mad copium when she leaves the house and everyone thinks she's one of the biggest retards to play the game
she's a recruit, she'll won't care
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salting cookies with big mak
oh yeah I’m sure that will make it up to leah good thinking mak
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not realizing why everybody is so happy after you nominated your ally with big mak
leah should have thrown the cookies on the floor
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sex with leah's older sister
chelsie looking very asian in this twitter AI slop
did mj capper kill himself???
makensy is a dumb retarded cunt
stupid bitch
making the house happy by noming little leah with big mak
if they havent done BB comics yet, does that mean they arent going to do it? or is it possible its the final 5 veto?
Don’t awaken him
they used to do it way late in the season if i remember right, final five or four
Ainsley came on and told them something.
they are suspecting that ainsley is taking over julies job
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once leah and mak get evicted on thursday, im out until finale
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She doesn't want to be painted as a naive 22 year old who doesnt do things for herself and make good decisions
maksisters are the most oppressed people in the BB fanbase...
nice that kimo was saved for once though
i really don't care
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shes playing chess not checkers
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big mak WILL win big brother 26
He was saved last week too. One more time and he ties the record (set by Angela two weeks ago)
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Wtf I don't remember that.
oh gosh you're right
i completely focused on tkor leaving lol
I heard his license got revoked but not sure if it's true lmao. Nick was based
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the just forgot the space
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I’m watching little leah cams only
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makensy manhands
Big hand, tiny brain
i think makensy is a bit nervous about the double now that little leah isnt going to be there =D
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good i hope she leaves right after
soon you will all understand that putting up someone who wouldn't even think of nominating you right before a double is a genius move
He diagnosed someone as a psychopath while in the house lol. I can't remember who though, it might have been Nicole.
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he diagnosed nicole kek. people were seething about it
How many times this season has someone nominated an ally/potential number and got them evicted? 4?
quinn 2 times tkor 1 time and now mj 1 time
Aside from Mak, they were mostly AI Arena's fault. 3 noms+1 renom almost ensures that you're going to HAVE to put an alliance member up.
icko's dumb ass certainly did not have to nominate cedric and SOTS
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>Mak 14 on Joker's
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>projected final five of cam, kimo, angela, chelsie, and rubina

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His alliances were the Collective+Visionaries, to his credit he actually did nominate people outside of those alliances before settling on Cedric/Joseph.
she even looks dumber now
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kek leah is not gonna be friends with mak after this
leah those monkeys have been celebrating since last night
don't speak to them
im thinking kimo or rubina win if tehy get to the end
how are you guys able to still watch feeds? its genuinely painful to even think of turning them on for me
im just watching for the little leah punished arc
Leah is retarded for not putting up Chelsie last week
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i have them open but i'm not watching or listening
just switching to them now and then while i do other things
yeah and makensy is retarded this week
they're both leaving thursday
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I haven't watched in a month but still enjoy reading about what's going on and shitposting about it
continue to mourn
I’m only watching Leah

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