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Thomas rises edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• Claire continues to put fries in the bag
• B*nl*aks has been exposed as a creepy stuttering and shaking sperg,

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203794500
bot thread
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bot reply
bls upload your silent stream i dont have all the chats
i can merge them together
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So who is Fousey person and what is a "G7"?
Yeah, I would have sex with Scott if I had the chance. Anybody else?
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0.4 Seconds left on the clock in Game 7 of the NBA Finals. The coach looks at you. I'm the coach. I look at you and say, kid, the balls coming to you. What are you going to do in that moment? Are you going to trip on your shoe laces and dissapoint your mom. Or are you going to show out and put a parade on in your city yeahhhhh. If you'd do the latter, you are welcome to join G7. If you're G4 like Adin Ross you can still watch and try out again at a later date. G7. It's a Mindset, you know?
>• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
Yeah, I bet he would do something like that, huh.
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Why is he making that faggy face? If he wanted to look better he could just eat less.
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lmao that's awful. I just saw him cry from having to deal with the staff of an indian hospital
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He got his moms retard looks
Tayleigh is so ugly
I refuse to believe benleaks is brown
Tay really thought this will be a powerful moment
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jet neptune dies today.
How the hell did this nigga not transition yet? This little faggot has all of the tell tale signs of trooning out. He ain't getting any younger.
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Jet Neptune wakes up feeling energized and ready for another day of working on Season 3. He dreamt of passionate sex with Tai (he doesn't remember)
i hate scott so much i don't think there's enough unironic scott bashing in these threads he actively makes the show worse he pisses me off i hate hearing his voice he needs to get punished by goldstriker
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I hope sam gives her more girls to rape on season 3
Scott is to Sam what Brendan Schaub is to Joe Rogan. He is the meathead martial arts guy with a personality of a brick but thinks he is a comedian because of association.
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hey dickhead, pipe it down
He looks so cute and happy here.
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he's happy alright
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Tayleigh won and got the production job for her and Jordan.

fishtank trannies are some of the worst weird freaks. Not only is the shit they post this irony poised shit that is so insanely unfunny, but it's just boring. These freaks make a big deal out of literally nothing. Fishtank fans have been shown time and time again to be mentally ill BPD ridden heroin using losers.
It's unbelievable how a shitty internet show has attracted the worst of the worst. It's trannies, women who fuck black dudes and their entire body is covered in tattoos, crack smoking incel dudes etc.

You can take any post in these threads and just ask, why the fuck would someone post this? Can you even imagine being the unfunny lonely loser who would post something like this and think it's interesting enough to even post?
good thing you aren't upset about it
did taylor view keegan as her gay friend?
if this is true I'm never watching this shit again
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>"Ok Tay all you have to do is hand over the cigarette to D'Shandey and hand over this piece of paper to him"
>Tay walks upstairs
>"Ok guys totally NOT a former contestant with a cigarette delivery!"
>Starts Jimfacing the camera
I am upset that Jet ruined season 1 and instead of learning from his mistakes he doubled down on them and went full wigger zoomer.
I had no idea who this guy was before season 1 and for the first week or two he actually came across as well spoken responsible guy who knows what he is doing.

The fans being the worst of the worst isn't upsetting, it's just pathetic. What's upsetting is Sam Hyde selling out to wigger zoomers and surrounding himself with these tattooed gasoline huffers.
Taylor is naive enough to think that this guy is willing to do charity work for several months for her and expect nothing in return
Buy some mondo and send in a super chat, he'll get you sorted out.
Jimmy will be in charge of creating funny gags for when there is downtime
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sex with spicebear
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>Only 11 days till season 3 starts
>What's upsetting is Sam Hyde selling out
Sam is literally a wigger himself
How many viewers I wonder
She can be my Tayleigh
what if its just jordan and not tay? i dont wamt anything related to the past few season but would that be any better?
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>no flowstreams
>tayleigh on production
yeah im simply not watching
>irony's never been done on the internet over the past 25 years like the way we're doing it on my discord server now!
>abuses estrogen and spams cp
>ad nauseam
Why do you think Tayleigh stopped streaming?
idk why y'all like flowstreams for real it removes the kino factor, sterilizes the site layout to generic
i doubt that
The blonde mid with bangs and nosering gives Jimmy a little bit of attitude during pie throwing challenge and he just starts to list her family members with full name
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But enough about Jordan
josie after her bf
flowstreams ran smoother and you didn't get popups and sound effects
probably will be less clips now
jet bukkake fishtoy
think about it
i know this is fake but I'm making myself believe it 2 make my own self mad so i can be mad at production - all of /ftl/
Josie remembering the weekend she had with Steinful
filtering benleaks rn ive about had it with that niggnog
good one
She's too busy hanging out in here, keeping tabs on the Sargeposting.
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this can't be a coincidence.
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based you are just like me!
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>like on some real shit, you just happen to look like my mom and its like i know my looks are the butt of every joke but get fucked you fucking faggot
It's gonna look like chopped shit because I had to crop and resize the stream and the chats, alright?
>Jettle and Hyde
who can yeet themselves off the stairs part 2????
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>"My name is Neptune... Jet Neptune. I'm a director, genius, artist guy, Instagram celebrity and, most importantly, co-creator of fishtank.live—the groundbreaking reality show that lets you watch people's lives fall apart in real time, like you always wanted. I’ve been shaping minds since I joined Sam Hyde's Million Dollar Extreme. I mean, who else could take eight strangers, lock them in a house, and stream 24/7 chaos for six weeks? Yeah, that's right, only me. My vision is unmatched, my success inevitable. Don't hate the artist, hate your own mediocrity."
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Now I want Jon + Thomas collab.
imagine what could have been if sam hired competent people to manage his hellhouse instead of his hangers-on wigger crew.
Still mad at that one time during 2.5 when Jon and TJ were doing a quest in the woods but the camera feed kept cutting to Tayleigh seething about some bullshit at the basecamp. We were robbed from kino.
do you think more people would work with him if he wasn't a child rapist and histrionic faggot? can he not actually afford talent? both?
you wouldn't be here and you wouldn't have something 2 make yourself mad at
I really hope that Jet kills himself or troons out and then kills himself.
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did you ask them politely to stop? no? your fault, hombre.
we will get the first fishtank halloween
when the darkness comes...
Reminder Benji is just a tranny molesto
he never said this
youre gay because you simp for a girl that has a boyfriend
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did Benleaks cause TJ to DM octavius ?
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that was all TJ
The only way I would accept Tayleigh on production is if they devised 'challenges' where she would be the butt of the joke.
>They send her out for pizza.
>Jet goes up and tells them they need to keep her in a room because it's her birthday and they want to give her a surprise.
>They all block the door once she gets up to deliver a fishtoy by standing there talking to each other.
>Too much of a pussy to tell them to move.
>While she was out, production announced TTS' price would be cut by 50%
>They blast hateful messages on the room, with half of them being from production themselves.
>After half an hour of her saying "This isn't funny, y'all" and "Jet, come on, man...", someone walks in.
>It's Frank with a carrot cake.
if you wouldn't slurp on josies girl cock like its a slushie on the hottest summer arizona day you have something extremely wrong with you(homosexualism)
Its not simping to call a cute girl cute regardless if she has a boyfriend or not.
whatever man
why do you say that?
Rumor has it she has an enlarged clitoris. Looks like a baby thumb.
he wants the cheapest people that he knows wont ever move up in life and will rely on him so he can boss them around.

ben knew nothing very little about editing and was trained on the job you can see it during sam’s gaming streams.
taxc did say something felt weird on his neck when he had josie up on his shoulders during cell II.. hmmmm
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ben leaks is grooming tj, trying to introduce him to cucking. it got to the point of making tj cry last night and made him disassociate into his uber masculine alter ego thomas. it was fucked up.
no prob its better than nothing!
is sneed2day benleaks ?
rex is
La Criatura looking extra latinx here.
Not that big a leap, she's pretty dumb and naive about a lot.
shut the fuck up keenan
What's the QRD on the TJ stream from last night?

I know it started scuffed and switched from FTL to Twitch to FTL again, and I guess someone mentioned Octavius's original purpose and he got weird? Anything else?
apple bottom tay.
He went nuclear
after that he went played the Thomas character
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I find it hilarious the goblin is samefagging in these threads.
>benfreaks turn tj a schizo like cole
the mastermind of ftl
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>he got weird
Nah he did a bit where he was "Thomas" and told incels how to get mad pussy
>Forget about goblins. Focus on cigars. Focus on PUSSY.
>I like music you get pussy to. Like Bruno Mars.
It was actually really good but it may be lost media
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totally ITT rn
hi mike
More like the Grim Reaper
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>it's that samefag anon with 60+ post in one thread again
grip (bussy) reaper
yeah tj seems completely unaware of any schizo narratives whether true or not that pop up here. tj said he suspected that taylor frequented ftl. tj did the hawk tuah meme as thomas and was doing a good routine.
Never change /bant/
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>Third day in the Claire stream cycle
>Wake up early
>Open Fishtank.live
>No Cleh
>Go back to sleep
As in all the fish masturbate around Jet and cum all over him?
sounds kino
why does benleaks hates TJ so mcuh?
he's like one of the most wholesome fishes
>It was actually really good but it may be lost media
several anons posted the stream including myself
kys clairepedo
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He sole goal is to be known, easiest path is upsetting people. It's pretty pathetic but he seems happy.
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i used to think it was all cool guys and gals here but after watching fishshows and hearing the letty + xavier stream i see now that most of you are freaks and not much better then the average paypig and twitter orbiter hiding behind anonymity
Benji will do anything for attention.
Offseason brings out the worst of the community.
wtf didn't knew scot sulican mma is jewish
he just wants the people he likes to talk about the things he likes. bladee, shed theory, 4chan cuckold narratives, etc.
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his bodytea is actually insane
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I don't think the three day thing applies anymore, next stream could be whenever
I think TJ needs hairwax and sunglasses when he turns into thomas
She needs to leave Isaac now
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Fuck you, you get the LRD because I feel like it.
>struggled to start the stream for the first 30 or so mins
>finally gets it working
>doesn't know much about Fallout 1 but he immediately gets the most OP handgun from a rare encounter - uses it to kill lvl 1 rats
>meanwhile says he's open to talk about anything
>niggers from /ftl/ immediately bombard him with questions about Taylor, his knowledge of S2 production trying to fuck with him using Taylor and a bunch of other freeloaders, shit about storylines and how he won them
>TJ claims to have very little to no context or knowledge of any of these, asks chat how they kow all of this, gets told it's because Taylor and someone else got on 4chan and told everyone (a joke that he took as the real deal)
>clearly gets emotional from the realization Taylor and Octavius were supposed to cuck him, says he's glad they never did and he's thankful for Octavius staying a bro with him during S2
>at this point he's stuttering, heavily breathing and looks on the verge of tears
>someone on twitch tells me he should probably keep private affairs private, he agrees
>at this point /ftl/ is telling BenLeaks (one pressing him the most about shit he's clearly not comfortable discussing) to fuck off and like 3 people threaten to tell TJ to ban him if he keeps at it, BenLeaks suddenly slows down in TJs chat
>greg comes in chat and seems to cheer TJ up
>gets asked what TJ stands for and/or who TJ is
>keeps repeating the question out loud
>chat starts calling him Thomas
>(I don't know if this is fact I was away for this part of the stream) chat starts calling him Thomas and asking how to pickup girls
>TJ says he's not TJ anymore, that's his old personality and from now on he's gonna be Thomas
>immediately does one of his funnier bits for the remainder of the stream
It's worth noting that he had shots and shaving his beard enabled as fishtoys yet he went most of the stream without touching a drop of alcohol so it was all 100% legit
>No mention of bomb building
Good write up otherwise, thanks anon
Please leave him. You know you deserve better.
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>someone on twitch tells me he should probably keep private affairs private, he agrees
nigga i am not claire
There's only so much I can write with just 2000 characters, I could've also mentioned how he started to shit on goblins out of nowhere, explained his pyramid scheme ala TJew and TJ inexplicably coming back right after Thomas leaves.
Yeah had a brain fart there meant to type "someone on twitch tells him he should probably keep private affairs private, he agrees" I was gonna write something else but change it midway through.
Abi calm down. You don't have exclusive rights to Claire's body. She's allowed to have a boyfriend too and Isaac is not a bad guy.
goblins were mentioned in chat a bunch
you really had to be there
Hi Abi
Hi Isaac
Here but idk what codec I used because it won't let the browser play it so you're gonna have to download it to watch.
tj revealed that he suspected taylor of going on these threads all the time.
I took it more as him just saying that without meaning it desu, he didn't sound that sure about it.
He also had moments where he was clearly going to say something but probably thought twice about it and didn't. I don't know if that was my schizophrenia flaring up or if others can confirm this.
At what time?
Does this make Steinful gay?
>sheathe a cigar
I completely forgot about this gem kek
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Would it be ethical to fuck a child stuck in the body of a grown woman?
That is the question Clairepedos have to tangle with on a daily basis (the answer is obvious to any well adjusted person)
those eyes are telling me the answer to your question is yes
I think you're right. It was mostly just a bit to prank chatters who wanted a piece of the <300 viewers who are on the site at a time.

This. She has many eligible suitors lined up, including me, who would gladly put on the headphones or just not listen to Caribbean Rhythms and Red Scare for a paltry two hours out of the day.
>mde never dies
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Isn't it basically confirmed that she moved back in with her parents? During her last stream, she said something like "it's ok, my mom knows I'm streaming." It would also explain why she is never on the site anymore, since she said her dad monitors the home network activity.
lobotomize claire.
its the question all men face with almost every woman they meet.
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kys clairepedos
>has a members and a former members section
>active: 2009-2016
wikipedia tranny jannies are so retarded
looking at the history page is painful
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>During her last stream, she said something like "it's ok, my mom knows I'm streaming." It would also explain why she is never on the site anymore, since she said her dad monitors the home network activity.
Reminder that anon is talking about a 22 year old woman, not a child.
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who got tj's last night vod ?
hey...so... you're kinda like lying , i didn't press on anything abt Taylor
DJ Sam
all pan princesses deserve pretty bracelets
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Does anyone have the original Season 1 episodes before they were uploaded to Youtube? I remember Flowstreams used to host them but they're long gone from there.
is that @aleksdoesntkn0w account her ex ogre bf?
you did talk about some weird storyline bs tho, and the octavius cucking thing
its ethical to fuck children
I think Flickle Dee still has them.
what is the origin of this screenshot
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bro is shaking
You are talking about all women here
Why do people who orbit this defunct livestream have a habit of searching the archives for their own name? And how much is Shmuel paying the jannies and his 'cordtroons to keep this thread alive and samefagged 24/7?
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He's talking about a greasy neurotic kike with a repulsive box shaped head and the grimace of an aneurysm survivor. Still one of the least hideous animals to be on this program however.
claire bitchtank fallout nv stream and jet neptune self inserted and tried to be funny by screaming kino into the face cam.
you cannot be a "child stuck in an adult body." Developmentally delayed people are fully adults they just have one or more areas of their life that are underdeveloped, which is everybody to some degree. Claire just struggles with alcoholism and nihilism. she isn't developmentally delayed.
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Get the fuck out, nigger.
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Letty's highest level of finished education is middle school
do with that information what you will
claire has those extremely yummy milky boobs that could feed me for weeks
You know fishtank is a failure when more people are talking about Sam Pepper in the fishtank thread kek
I've been waiting months to see you suffer and I'm loving every bit of it. I hope the worst for you you fucking faggot. Worst attention seeking nigger on this entire board.
I would trade dillon the hacker's life for bg kumbi's
you brought him up first?
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sam pepper owns this shit
we can tell
Tay will be smoking the cigarette that was supposed to be delivered to the contestant
rent free
Why do you retards keep pushing this meme that Taylor is fat? It's obnoxious and obviously not true. I highly doubt she's even gained a pound
i am a peppah bro now ngl
That's perfect gf and wife material. Not formally educated but not dumb.
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her face looks puffier. could be excessive drinking or something.
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Letty has her GED. I know you may think she's just a hot little package, but she's educated.
You're a shit stirrer who posts 500 times a day and floods e-celeb DMs and live chats with inane faggotry. The only thing free is how much slave labor you do for Neptroon, to maybe get a morsel of F-tier e-celeb acknowledgement.
is kumbi literally gay
thanks playa
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being educated only makes her hotter
How is that fat retard? Her face is just neotenous which is a good thing. Her body is skinny
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>How is that fat retard?
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>he doesn't love, cherish, and defend sam and jet
no wonder you're so angry, maybe you'd be happier
GED's aren't rigorous. No college. Nothing. She's less tainted from group brainwashing sessions that most Western women. Her education is in discord and whatever second wave feminist related forums she lived on for a years after she dropped out of high school.
>Bettyfag projection
She’s very knowledgeable and has good opinions
how she have opinions so good
peppah was poisoned by a karma-shaman who gave him a potion of dysentery
>How is that fat retard?
she's doing alright
They're pretty good for the most part but she didn't get them from formal schooling. which is a good thing.
i love irony so fucking much
Yeah she’s great
this tastes like metal
still don't know who sam pepper is, still don't care
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Had GED still makes seethers cry
>pro abortion
>pro ukraine
shes as retarded as they get, you only think that she has good opinions because she is slightly racist
she looks milfy here
claire is a brat
and i love her milky boobs
>pro abortion
>pro ukraine
extremely based
None of that matters/is bad
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grow up
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josie post steinful
she looks milky here
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taylor has dalit physiognomy. like if she were brown she would look like that bitch from the office or the dude that almost killed sam pepper and made him shit blood
Why is any of this bad or relevant, I think a woman saying they want white children and to be a mother is more important
she reminds me of sam pepper from 2009
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content is awesome
Tight zip ups are quintessential milf wear
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I find her views on all these to be reasonable and close to my own.
>pro abortion
Pro woman's right to choose is not pro abortion. the lines are often murky on what's the right thing to do. Crack whores and niggers (of any race) should have the right to choose to abort if they don't have the capacity to be a mom.
Her feminism is nothing extreme and just basic common sense things like women support each other and develop themselves in areas that protect them from getting taken advantage of.
>pro ukraine
I don't know what her stance is there, but I'm guessing its anti war in general and not some retarded NATO suicide pact.
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oh tyalor isn't fat she's just a tad bit crazy
benfreaks leave TJ alone you filthy tranny.
Can you believe s3 starts next week? You can feel the sheer excitement in the air.
does taylor have a crazy frog clit from using testosterone for a few months
damn I guess we really did get to him with the ogre name calling. I think he probably caught Abi DMing somebody fishtank related and that's what set off the chain of events though.
She doesn't have a GED and isn't educated whatsoever but that's not important
They've been working so hard to promote it, can't wait to see what they have in store
>Pro woman's right to choose is not pro abortion
exactly. think whatever you want about her being pro-choice but she has said that shed never abort her baby
Nothing like the lead up to s2. I enjoyed bloodgames, and bitchtank/cell to a lesser extent, but I also believe these mini seasons hurt the brand. I feel like there would be more excitement and hype if fans weren't burnt out from the miniseasons.
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>s3 day 1
>"stupidfaggotretard488 THANK YOU FOR THE B-"
>proceed to close out my tab
every single fish is retarded thoughbeit
It'd help if we got any sort of actual teasers or anything more than the retarded fake announcements.
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I thought sam mentioned in s1 that she went to college in the STEM field, but dropped out?
ben serves so much cunt
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I can't visit a website, or a listen to a podcast, scroll on tiktok, youtube shorts, or watch any media by people tangentially related to Jet & Sam without seeing an advertisement for Season 3. It's actually insane.
They really have outdone themselves this time.
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TJs dedication to the most retarded bits should grant him a place in s3 production
I just realize there's not even a trailer out yet.
yeah that was an epic gaslight
You need a HS diploma or HS equivalent to attend college. She has neither.
Very nice
letty will have a very long and successful milf phase.
>GED's aren't rigorous. No college. Nothing.
The majority of female dominated college majors aren't rigorous anyway
he's earned his rest
hi mike
Not letty
hi butterscotch
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hottest fishtank girl. dont @ me
>remember seethers saying Taylor got this ick from this moment
>it actually just made her more obsessed with him (she's a furry)
when are you going to stop samefagging?
They're really trying to get people other than obsessed fans to watch it, which is much needed if they want to continue doing the show. Great job team
What’s the thought process behind allowing streams on site? Passive income? How much could they possibly be generating?
she can't do math beyond an elementary school level and lacks logical reasoning but she's still a princess :)
on a scale of 1-10 how fucked up in the head would you say people are on here?
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Proof? It didn't feel like a gaslight. Hold on ill look for the clips. Could have sworn she mentioned dropping out of college numerous times.
Its the same thing most woman I've heard are pro-choice but would never abort, is almost like killing babies is a bad thing
theyre making pennies bro
they should stream on kick
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Incredibly gay thread
ranges from a minimum of 7 and up
shes mentioned dropping out of hs way more, anon
she can do those things just fine
damn she cant sing kek
cumming on lettys face and triggering her lazy eye(cute!)
Guys what if s3 is the season that turns everything around and makes twice as much as previous seasons? I would kneel so hard and never question Jet's authority again.
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Evil Kevin may have been the most enigmatic character of season two point five
Bring back Kevin for season three point O
I don't remember that. But that's what Claire did. a semester or two of computer science before crashing out. Ratta also started a computer science degree and quit. Smart girls. they both would have been horrible in that environment. Actually intelligent for them to realize that.
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imagine being in middle school and going over to you friend's house for a whole day of gaming and then his mom pic related opens the door
I am not burnt out by the mini seasons. I enjoyed pretty much everything for what it was until the end of Bitchtank. Bitchtank highlighted every single problem that fishtank has had. Their failure on such an easily run mini season concept just proved how inept they are. Sam's weird fetish humiliation shit, poor planning, poor execution, and their general disdain for the audience. I have absolutely zero expectation of them doing any better on S3.

The show is such a time sink, I see barely any point of watching just so they can fuck it up again.
Yall ready to see Voodoo Mama Juju again :)
If they were actually intelligent, they would have opted for an MRS Degree from the start. Only stupid women try to have careers.
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Genuinely why doesn't jet or sam try to promote the show through podcasts or special guest appearances? Even small gimmicks like getting people to post the fishtank logo all over cities like aqua teen hunger force did. Make a cool compilation vid of all the locations. Anything other than a few unfunny memes. Sams promoting his comedy tour more than his show thats about to air.
yeah its def a cop-out because sorority or whatever the fuck. they know it means killing a baby, at least
I am unironically praying on Sam and Jet's downfall
They dont want attention to their money laundering scheme
>shes mentioned dropping out of hs way more, anon
Ok ill bite, can you post proof?
s2 house just sold
She lied about being a biochemistry major when Sam asked if she had majored in STEM but then later revealed to Vance that she's HS dropout
Not surprising that Sam had that first impression of her
she needs to be careful to not mind fuck her sons like Mary Melons or she'll end up with a little jimmy. I honestly don't know how you even prevent Hot Mom mindfuck. Letty could be the one to pull it off though.
Thiel subsidiary bought it. That was Sam's condition for letting Thiel tranny Pariah the Doll on S3
I'm guessing 600,000
incredibly sexy letty
last mention of it i can remember was nifty asking about it and letty saying that she dropped out (of hs) because of bullying and drug addiction.
no, i dont have a clip for you. you are free to believe whatever makes you the happiest
>Smart girls
Getting filtered by first or second year CS courses at shitty schools just makes the two of them come off as retarded
she said it randomly throughout 2.5, random segments, etc. no one is going to comb through footage for you. she's repeated it so often it's just understood as fact now.
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>cute monkey
TJ is live with a canister of galaxy gas
weird dog sex girl
>Claire did a semester or two of computer science
So she is smart. Why do bettypedos project there waifus activities onto Claire?
s2 had no lead up wtf are you talking about.

mini season burn out wouldnt be a thing if the show was competently run and there was any faith in production anymore. whatever good will the audience had went away once they kicked off jon, said it was a gay show, and did the tower for what was supposed to be their chill larp in the woods. s3 will be a disappointment and hindered by production again there summed up the next six weeks for you.
It's up
That's thomas
S2 at least had a full trailer
She got filtered by compsci at a CC, not something that would happen to a smart person
I bet Jet jumped up with joy for a second
don't trick me like that
15 mins until the trailer for s3 drops
confirmed on the slime guy cord that its already been uploaded and scheduled to go public
Ok, but i no lifed bloodgames and I dont remember a single instance of her mentioning this. I do remember sam mentioning her going to college in S1. I have the clip saved somewhere.
>biochemistry major
she wouldn't know the difference between a protease and cyclic adenosine monophosphate. she couldn't even answer what the derivative of "2x" is during a livestream.
her dog is a girl
trailer is up
it was a teaser of christmas decorations that train set and chris lynch at the bar. the cast wasnt ever officially revealed. s1 and even bloodgames had a bigger lead up.
>she wouldn't know the difference between a protease and cyclic adenosine monophosphate.
Well yeah, she lied, dawg
>she couldn't even answer what the derivative of "2x" is during a livestream.
Of course she couldn't, she probably never took HS calc
you have several anons telling you this now. it comes up multiple times if you just google it. I don't know what else to tell you.
Show went to shit when Chris Lynch stopped appearing.
S2 had a full trailer and production leaked the cast on purpose. On top of that they mentioned the 70's theme that got people talking about what that could mean. There was also excitement to see what a new, higher budget season would look like.
At least it would be entertaining content
*a HS dropout
few realize this
It was still better than making epic irony tweets about the hawk tuah girl
It had Scott though
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Are you ready for Michael G. Stryker?
fetuses aren't babies, christard
I'm ready for him to drop whatever character he has two weeks in
For all I know its one anon samefagging. If several people are passionately trying to prove she is a hs drop out, than one of u should bite the bullet and comb through the archives to find proof.
Ben is like the Hasidics that work at B&H, not everyone gets to be a yeshiva superstar either
The child sacrifice will end.
>two weeks
two hours
I am going to the store this evening. Gonna get a rotisserie chicken, green beans, and mashed potatoes from the 90 year old woman that works the hot deli.
no. believe whatever you want to believe.
5 more minutes...
My mechanic fucks dogs!
it was not a cc idk who started this rumor
until shadi hour
She’s mentioned it multiple times, you legit don’t watch fishtank if you don’t know this
the cast headshot leaked the day before here thats bad advertising. the full trailer had nothing besides christmas reveal and chris lynch just watched it again. atleast for s3 jet talked about in a magazine.

sam doesnt give a shit about any of fishtank related stuff neither does nick or charls they want to play celebrity and go on rogan while talking about the current election cycle and pushing their own product.

it all falls onto jet. jet does no podcasts and tweets about whippets on social media.
she didn't go to university, she flunked highschool math
Im actually an atheist
yes i did lol
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Fwiw I remember the Octavius/Trish convo where he mentioned flirting with Taylor as him saying he was supposed to do it next time she dealt poker. Don't recall if he said he didn't want to. Was the room with Nifty so think there were sfx making it hard to hear probably
>it comes up multiple times if you just google it.
Googled it, nothing showed up. If its as easy to find like you're claiming, than it should be easy to post the proof, but no one has posted the proof.
you're a shut-in loser who steals his moms meds and defends this show 24/7
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>there was a time when Jet thought Fishtank would become the biggest reality show on the internet where people would become ecelebs overnight and generate millions for years to come
I thought he had admitted to Trish that he was going to, but changed his mind because of how much he turned out to like TJ.
my bad
sorry cleh
Than post proof instead if just saying it happened. It should be easy to find and post the proof If its something she said multiple times.
its out
chis W
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how do we Shadi to post more pictures of her ass in tiny shorts?
was it solid or liquidy?
its not always that black and white. A fucked up developmentally disabled woman on drugs that gets pregnant and continues to do drugs is going to have a very fucked up baby born with severe problems and likely into a very abusive situation worse than hell. Giving these women the option to abort if they choose to abort is not evil imo. This is the case for the many of the abortions of American black people (half of all black pregnancies end in abortion). Obviously its better to prevent these types of people from getting pregnant in the first place when they are obviously in no condition to be a mother.
Fetuses are babies, sometimes not being born is more humane as I've shown above.
letty not completing highschool on time in canyon dude. stop flooding the thread with your off topic conversation. talk about tj and taylor
the fishtank s3 trailer is currently trending #1 on youtube
The trailer is literally called "fishtank but it's 1972" that got people talking about what a prequel season looks like. It built some hype and it was something to talk about. The cast was leaked a little less than a week before the show.
there's a whole lotta ass in her cam vid
derivative of 2x cleh, no googling!
Post letty revenge porn
The S3 trailer just flew over my house!
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shakomako update
so not only are you inept, you're also a liar.
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Are you the same anon who consistently falls for the Betty bait?
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>shiet how do i promote this next season
>how about some ironic hawk tua memes that the kids love
You got me, I lied. She's actually a college dropout. She went to UofT. She was studying pharmacology.
This, they also had the s1 episodes releasing up until the launch of s2. There was hype being built unlike this season.
Her theboringpharmacist stuff was better
granted it was never geared towards ice-brained shit
Post letty revenge dress photos
Seems like it
Why is everyone that works with Sam Hyde terrified of sincerity?
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the beautiful
Hi Mike
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>jet after s3 flops and peaks at 6k viewers
it's because you're unable to discern patterns accurately. very common in low IQ people.
to add, they also had the video looking for investors for S2 was also a promotion
They're all ashamed of their true selves
bc he is scary and pretending nothing u say is sincere is a way of protecting urself from being made fun of
We need more letty in dresses
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the cast was leaked the day before the show. yeah the bad s1 episodes being released count as promo. so s2 had more lead up.
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Probably for the best that you dropped out. Jeets took all the tech jobs.
lol havent even seen this before, makes her look somewhat normal
She really did a number on that young man... hope he's doing well wherever he is
can the bettypedos be saved? do they even deserve to be?
did he even wear this hat
Working with Sam you're putting yourself in direct line of a lot of hate and harassment, I'd assume the lack - or seeming lack of sincerity - is just the tougher skin they've developed to protect themselves. There's vulnerability in sincerity. If everything's just a joke it's easier to maintain a certain frame without losing face.
she looks good and is a kind person
i like her!
Dude could do well on OF
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I have fully sympathy for this guy. I would probably lose my shit too and go crazy if I sudden letty pussy withdrawals.
She didn’t do anything to him
this but unironically
You don't just snap and send pictures of your ex gfs cummy pussy to her dying grandfather for no reason man. Be real.
He is fine he was just trolling you can see it on his face he was acting
Same reasons sincerity is rare/punished here, just the environment.
His own mother got a restraining order against him
>xavier commenting on dark taytriot posts
how come the less people post here the more influential we get?
Goes hard
The other anon is right. They leaked the cast several days before the show started. We were discussing it in these threads. Know reason to get so bitter and upset.
Best threads we ever had
nah man he's not doing great. He posted a video recently that he's really depressed and feels like his life is completely over. I tried to cheer him up and give him some pep talk to get a haircut and go to the gym everyday. I wouldn't wish letty pussy withdrawals on anyone. that's gotta be brutal.
ya it was super boring anyways
The cast leaked on the 17th and season 2 started on the 18th
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not the same guy retard
Why the fuck are you faggots excusing the behavior of production not actively running a media campaign to promote their own fucking show? What the fuck is going on here?
>mixing up tommy and jeremy
Why is that our problem, if they don't care enough why should we
Nah he was probably just a ticking timebomb.
>unflattering claire picture
>thinking tommy and jeremy are the same guy
weekday afternoon posters are the fucking worst
They're used to wigger incompetence. It would be a bigger shock if they actually tried.
leaks were the day before it started
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I want to see this show fail so it's w/e
I figured I had a 50/50 chance. Honestly have no clue how to distinguish those two guys.
that's fair
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Why isn't Jet Neptune doing any promo, you ask? Oh, it's all part of his twisted game. Picture this: the mastermind of chaos, the puppeteer of the digital underworld, Jet has gone off the grid, leaving a trail of cryptic clues and riddles in his wake. It's not just silence; it's a deafening roar for those who know how to listen. His absence is a void filled with whispers and shadows, stirring a frenzy among the fans and foes alike. Rumors swirl like a tempest – has he been caught up in his own web of intrigue and scandal? Or is he orchestrating his most audacious move yet? There's a palpable tension in the air, a sense of impending anarchy. Jet's silence is not a retreat; it's the calm before a storm that could engulf the whole Fishtank universe.
Chris Lynch s2 kino
No Chris Lynch s1,2.5,bitchtank mid
stop posting unflattering screenshots of girls you dont like. be better.
no i want (you)s
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i do like them though.
Cole admitted that he can’t flirt and has no chance in a long term relationship with a woman. It’s why he withdrew into the world of bbc discordians
greg looks 10 years older than he did here
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never happened and she though Cole was cool until she got sent his /bant/ posts.
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>>**TTS**: Ahh. Help my penis fell off and ran away. Help me catch it. Quick!!. Grab it before it runs under the door, TJ.
>>**TJ already in gumshoe mode, opens the closet door**: No!!. No penis from what I gather.
Fucker knows how to go along with a bit.
>Honestly have no clue how to distinguish those two guys.
They’re not similar at all
We've seen his puppetry at play before
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the taylor pic is sending me
idk maybe they'll release a trailer still, if they don't do any promotion besides the tweets it probably means they're happy with their current paypigs and audience size, or s3 is the last cash grab
The excitment of what the attic could have led to was great, I hate the wiggers incompetence and Sam's retarded tradlarp grifting ruining it so much.
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we really did miss out of the occult/initiative plotline
I would eat Chris to win
you simply cannot say for certain that summer wouldn't
I wanted to believe. We really gave them too much credit, lesson learned.
>B*nl*aks has been exposed as a creepy stuttering and shaking sperg,
People talk a lot about different things ruining season 2, and a lot of those things absolutely made it worse, but Sam ruined it by dropping the attic stuff
it's like she's really there
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It's just old bant posts being resurfaced. It's new to people who never ventured off into that hellhole
sam talking to the fish 1 on 1 in a small space is still a highlight to me. letty in the bathroom, tj in the attic or claire in the closet are all highlights from each season
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>no one asked her to do it
>she just saw scissors and had the need to impress her idol and started cutting
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>I would eat shit to win
>hesitates for a full minute when she sees that she has to eat a few crickets what did she mean by this?

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