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HOH: Makensy
POV: Makensy
NOMS: Leah, Angela

previously on /bb/: >>203796972
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we miss you king xoxo
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apparently Ainsley has kidnapped julie and is in talks with the president or something
I can fix her
this fraud busted a nut in a midget goblin and became an empty husk
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big mak broke my heart today
it's why I practice semen retention now
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should have never trusted someone that went into the house looking like this
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i had relaxed on my goblina hate but her 'justice for tkor' shit has brought it roaring back
>please people that follow me can you call me a good gamer and say the cookout wasn't a cheap ploy but a revolutionary idea pretty pretty please
15, 16, 17, 18?, 23, 24?, 25
certainly not 23
The trio really buckbroke him with their performative altruism and toxic positivism.
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kek when the feeds first came on and everyone was saying "WHO THE FUCK IS THAT"
yeah and he willingly bent over and took it all so fuck him
he ended up a huge disappointment
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little leah doesn’t deserve to be stuck in a house with these losers
Has Leah talked to anyone besides Angela yet? I haven’t turned on feeds because I’m depressed
Kimo and Rubina
he's still winning AFP
When you look at who he is competing against for AFP this season, that is not saying too much. Angela has the best chance of beating him, but there are still a good amount of people who cannot stand her. Big Mak had a chance, but I wouldn't be shocked if the casuals turn on her on Wednesday and Thursday. Leah has a chance if the edit makes her come off as sympathetic to the viewers.

Other than them, who else is there? People do not like Chelsie, her attitude problems, and her jealousy. Most of pre-jury is forgotten. Icko is disliked by pretty much everyone.

I get where you are coming from. I liked Tucker when he was in the house. I am just saying that there is not a lot of competition for AFP this year. Hell, look at last season. You had Mama Dud, Cam, America, Jag. There were plenty of good options for AFP. Not so this year.
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You people act like this is Brett or BB19 Jess leaving. Leah was a snarky bitch quite a few times in the house and frequently threw Mak utb Week 2-4.
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it’s more than she’s the last likable person in the house now with mak gone full chelsie minion
She was the last hope of challenging Chelsie.
Big Retard has zero chance of winning
fuck makensy she's a retarded bitch
Big Mak WILL win BB26!
don't act like mak fags wouldn't be spewing vitriol and shitty caps all over if the roles were reversed
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i like lil leah more than either of those two, though jess was okay. it just sucks its gonna be all these moral grandstanding losers left when leah was supposed to take home the crown
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truth nuke
whelp there goes my Leah flair :(
its ok, leah works with them all day. she can call them that
I recently watched BB9 and laughed so hard when adam said that. kino trainwreck season.
it was a fun season. shout out money baller poster for getting me to watch it
fun fact dan was almost cast on BB9 instead of 10. interesting to wonder how he would have interacted with that cast
apparently ai julie mentioned the jurors in one of the videos
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based bb9 enjoyers
leah getting evicted and winning a battle back and hoh to put chelsie and mak on the block would be kino
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Shoutout to this king grod took the gays' eye candy away and for that I will never forgive that fat hoe. She's a fucking disgrace to humanity. He deserved to at least make jury.
X bombed on The Anonymous.
kek not grodner he volunteered to go up and choked in the arena
plus he gave tkor five grand
he deserved to go out when he did
What did Makensy do that made everyone (the audience) mad at her?
Bruh, is Mak retarded? Who does she think is going to keep her? This is one of the dumbest moves in BB history.
there is no battleback this year. only 2 more thursday eps after the double
Queen T'kor owned that chud
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I'm deleting all of my Mak caps.
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could be two doubles
you have the ability to see and hear things she doesnt. she has been riding and been loyal to cam and chelsie for weeks. in her eyes this is helping keep them safe next week by taking out leah. she doesnt know they turned on her like you do
playing the game of big brother without outside feed knowledge and then getting berated for making moves with big mak
Yeah I know I just exaggerated for the hell of it. But still.
It's a crime that Tkor Luther King has to be locked in the jury house with icko
at least Leah knows that she's the target and isn't even going to try to campaign. she knew something was fishy with everyone yesterday even without hearing what they were talking about outside
in fantasyland
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me watching Big Brother for Leah. it's over, bros
>Tkor Luther King
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To be fair, this whole house is retarded. The fact that an obvious trio and obvious duo made it as far as they did is insane. Nearly half the house is in a duo right now.
not gonna lie, former big mak supporter here. this is fucking hilarious watching big mak crash and burn. but in all seriousness we can't let this girl survive the double eviction.
im not losing any sleep over it. mak has yet to sit the block on eviction night. she will find a way
it's fucking wild how big her ego got after winning this HOH. she thinks she's the shit now and says she wants to be up against a great player in the final 2
she's always rubbed me the wrong way the way she talks to or about some people
i wonder how the construction guys take her condescending attitude and gestures
chelsie is a vile person
>Leah - Hell hath no fury like a scorned Jury ladies and gentleman.
i think it's her dad's company or something so they probably have to kiss her ass

i always got the vibe she never really liked Leah, even from the first week when all three of them were always together.
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As a Big Mak enjoyer. I hate this move. She'll probably get evicted next if she doesn't win Veto.
Angela has been having nightmares about her husband wanting a divorce
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big mak complaining about the dr asking her too many questions to explain her move
while this is a terrible move I still think mak has a good shot of comping out if she survives the double
i dont think her dad owns the dinerstein companies that is listed on her linkdin profile
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>22 year old in a cosmetic management position given to her by daddy to lord over rugged middle aged blue collar construction workers
they must hate her fucking guts so much
you are literally just making stuff up now you are seething so hard. give it a rest before you blow out your o-ring
>Makensy’s professional journey in construction began with an internship at Allen Harrison Company in May 2022. Her role as a project engineer intern allowed her to gain valuable experience and skills in managing construction projects. She worked diligently at the company until July 2023, proving her capabilities and dedication.

>In August 2023, Makensy transitioned to a full-time position as a project engineer at Allen Harrison Company. Her role involved overseeing various projects, coordinating with teams, and ensuring that projects met their deadlines and quality standards. Her work in this role continued until March 2024, when she joined The Dinerstein Companies. At The Dinerstein Companies, Makensy continues to apply her expertise in managing construction projects, contributing to the company’s success and growth.

her dad doesnt own or work at either of those companies.
I am one of those construction workers. What is he said is true.
linkedin profiles hold no basis in reality
kek they had to keep asking because she couldn't explain it in a way that would make sense
did she quit or did they giver months off to play bb?
yeah just ignore the multiple bio's stating she works there its totally made up because some seether on /bb/ claims she works for her dad
where does her father work? seems wild to be project engineer for a company at such a young age
What did Ainsley mean by this?
when did she say that?
leah is eating dinner with them
all those poor construction teams having to go unmanaged because big retard left for months on end
how ever do they survive without her vital oversight and brilliant mind
how ever could they let her take such a stretch of time off her very real job she's only been working a year
dad's friend
They got messages while the feeds were down about 2 hours ago.
leah liking the spaghetti with meat sauce
does production think people want to see Quinn or T'kor back??
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Quinn would just get voted out immediately. Leah coming back would be based because she'd at least be able to latch on to Angela again
Rubina said it took 3 years to bury her dead mother because of how expensive the whole funeral industry is. That's after the 10 years that her aunt kept her mother artificially alive on life support.
yeah, funeral homes are a fucking scam and it's pretty horrible
is leah taking her own backdoor better than she took quinns?
>Angela talking about "My Strange Addiction" and some girl who thought she was a pony
>Cam: "Oh, that's normal. People...do that a lot."
lmao is Cam a furry?
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okay grandma let's get you to bed
You should've let me play, houseguests.
Is this what you mean?
fuck you
I wish Leah was being a bitch to them
no i was asking about the difference in her mood this week vs the week quinn went up
i think she realizes she has to live in the house for four more days and still on a television show. she definitely still hates most of them
she should make their lives hell then
what really can you do? besides poison their spaghetti
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Production already does that
are pots and pans still allowed?
hi julie. i vote to evict shitty screenshotter. shout out to all my dogs at the crib
Already in jury
i just had a horrible feeling that zubina might actually win
Queen Angela loudly saying in front of everyone that she can make spaghetti again next week
I could only see that happening if it was a zubina/cam f2, which would be hilarious.
yeah, she has a good chance unless she's up against Chelsie or Kimo
that would be funny at least
brace yourselves for big bitchery
there is no world she should win over chelsie
There's actually a slight but possible chance that Mak and Leah figure out that Chelsie is the one stirring all this shit up.
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ranking who i'd want to win after Leah leaves:

don't put that out into the universe
I know. That's what I said
it wouldn't make a difference now when they're headed into the de and she's protected by four people, maybe five
>using week 1 info in F7
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>i know that
>i agree
lol , is mak is going to realize she fucked up? or just going to full cope denial?
Leah stops saying "like" entirely when she's pissed
>they're going to come for your throat regardless
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based little leah
Leah should use strat Zach tried with Devin. He brought up his daughter at that veto meeting to try to get Devin to punch him and get kicked out. Leah should insult Chelsie’s personality, religion, and obsession with Cam to try to provoke her to hit her. Then she’ll get expelled and Leah can play in the double (:
>the way she looks, talks and acts like with me in private , is completely different to how she does in a group
leah was speaking too real they had to cut the feeds
she will never admit this was stupid
why would they cut Leah and Mak's conversation? there is zero chance they're gonna show much of it in the show, but instead we're given Kimo cleaning in the kitchen
i have a feeling you are right, even if she gets booted in the double, she'll say it was the right move
>the way she looks talks and acts when we are in private is way different than when we are in a group together and that is starting to worry me
>feed cuts
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Please grod don't let there be some kind of battle back
its been that way all season. any drama is cut in what i can only guess is to protect the house guest from social media
does grodner hate us
do you have the webm of her getting scared by the spooky tall person and running away by chance?
it's just how immature she is, when she thinks she's actually really super mature for her age, way more than the old ladies in the house
you can't criticize black women in current year
A lot of what Leah was saying made sense and it would be stupid for Mak to not recognize most of it was true. Zero chance that the vote flips to Angela at this point though
fucking get her ass leah
>mind bogging insane

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hopefully leah torches chelsie's game on her way out
I want Leah to chew Chelsie’s ass out so fucking bad
who cares what this 2nd juror says why do people still act like he was some gamer. he fucking sucked
i think she'll call her out but it won't matter
Yes, Chelsie is a cunt, you're starting to figure it out, girls
kek, that shot to the boiling kettle on the stove
kek the cut to the teapot steaming
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>Leah says Quinn was one of the only people who made her feel understood and not a laughing stock every day. She begins crying for a second.
>i put rubina on the block last week, why would she vouch for me?
>mak: thats understandable
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Leah started crying when she said that Quinn was the only person that wasn't judging her and made her feel respected in the house
ickbros won
fucking duh, mak is so stupid
>mak: chelsie does want to work with you
l m a o
I've noticed that Mak has been wearing socks every since Zingbot
whos half eaten cookie is that sitting there
he's good at analyzing the game. he's highly aware he fucked up his game because of being with America and doesn't care
audibly yelled fuck off when I heard that
>mak: this is news to me, that kimo views us three (cam chelsie mak) as a threat
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Leah's feet look bigger than Mak's. That's kinda goofy
I'll take a superfan posting hot takes over boring ass neutral opinions from former houseguests any day of the week
who the fuck else would he be viewing as a threat? there’s 7 people left
but Cory falls into the latter
i hope this convo shakes some shit loose for mak in the trusting chelsie department but i may be too hopeful
>Leah: Now they’re gonna take my ass out, and then what dude?
>Mak: ….
leah doesnt really seem mad at mak. she is realizing they gaslit her
I think both of Quinn's hohs are worse than those mainly because those people he listed are recruits who don't know any better while Quinn is a superfan, had a busted power and somehow had allies evicted and none of his targets went
why the fuck are they still talking about matt? it’s almost fucking october.
leah knows big mak is a bit retarded. she's known from the start. but man id be fucking pissed that mak didnt come to talk to me about this shit before putting me up and letting the house boot my ass
because Mak is still butthurt about the showmance thing. Which is why she still wants Angela out from shit she did week one
cause chelsie and co have been pushing the narrative of leah saying she'd be better with matt than mak
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kek Matt watching this live
leah should have had her head in the game and had been up maks ass making sure something like this never happened. she was just content to sit back and let them take out kimo when the entire plan was to take out her bestie angela. thats how retarded leah is
What are the odds that Mak is only being agreeable right now for jury management? I can almost guarantee that Mak will have a one on one with Chelsie and they'll laugh about disregard all of this shit
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if she still fully trusts chelsie after this I will laugh my ass off of she goes home in the double
>i do know chelsie wants to work with you
>i just dont think i can believe that because every week is a punch against me
>i hate that you're in this position because i did not want it
Mak, you were HOH and won the veto. you could have done whatever the fuck you wanted
this guy is cringe kino
but chelsie told her to!
Big Mak is comping out
yeah but nothing has happened due to this move yet. sure if she gets sniped on the double right after leah it will a blunder of the ages. i think its a little premature to act like its the worst move ever when she still has several paths forward. he just wants the (You)'s
scarlett letter harlot
>mak: chelsie wants to work with you
>mak: if I didn't make this move, everyone would be coming for my head
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>why am i seen as some scarlett letter harlot trying to get with every guy in the house? if i wanted that, i would!
oh my god makensy

hope she can win that high pressure veto against everyone else playing for chelsie
kek, mak actually thinks chelsie wants to work with leah but is just sketched out because of the misunderstandings
no mak, chelsie doesnt want to work with little leah you goofus
Maybe he could have ruled the alliance of christ to the end
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>people want angela gone too
why the fuck would they push SO HARD to put Leah up as a renom if Leah isn't the target?
if leah can get them to evict angela it will be pretty impressive
hundo p but that aint happening
she would have to get kimo and rubina to tie it cause chelsie is obviously not budging on voting out leah and cam probably won’t either, even then mak would have to break a tie and you know how maktard is
this idiot doesn't even know what she's saying
mak seethers help me understand why she enrages you so hard? i want to get in your mind and understand
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mak is just playing jury management right now, which is why she originally didn't want to put leah up. she does not give a fuck about what leah is saying
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what’s going through her head right now?
>now your believing the peanut gallery?
>when has the peanut gallery ever been with us bro?
none of this is going to sink in for mak is it
You obviously haven't kept up with the feeds, huh
>feeds finally get interesting
>i have to go to bed
fuck my life
>b-but Chelsie likes the same music I like!
I'm literally boiling right now. How many paint chips has she eaten on the construction sites?
She's been hearing it for like 2 days now, she's bored with it by now.
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I have been a big mak fan since day one and have taken so many caps of her but her blindly following chelsie and being her puppet and making this retarded move has really made me dislike her
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>believe when i go to jury, i have two votes with quinn
>and hell hath no fury
based leah threatening her and quinn’s jury votes
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Leah says she knows she has two votes in jury because of Quinn and will be a bitter juror. Mak didn't say anything
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same. this has been a hard pill to swallow this week but i'll just have to see how it plays out. i'm good if she goes in the double or continues to linger on a couple more weeks.
you got to love the crust of a mother fucker, you know?
i wonder when the moment mak will realize she fucked up and lost the game?
kek that was really funny because mak said one of the reasons she didn’t want to do this was cause of leah’s jury vote
ive been here everyday.

lmao bs you were never a fan dont pretend you turned on her all the sudden
>makensy, you have been evicted from the big brother house
What does Mak even do at this point? She has to math that she has lost 5 votes no matter who she is beside and there's not much she can do to turn that around.
>she didn’t want to do this was cause of leah’s jury vote
this could actually be a benefit to her when she retells chelsie this. it might be seen as a positive to drag big mak even further if people think she just burnt two jury votes
F2 right here
she wasnt directing it at mak, you guys are more retarded than mak
then it should be obvious that making this move basically makes Chelsie a guaranteed winner, thus the rest of the season being boring as fuck. Also Leah > Mak
Cam wins
i mean, i guess she can plead that she loses no matter what and beg to be taken as a goat
it won't work but there's no other road for her
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cope bud, I literally started “with big mak” posting
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i didnt think she was, but yes, i am retarded
but you have been seething all season

fake poster

mak seethers cant even explain their all summer rage
>I don't like that they're shitting on me
>I opened my eyes and it's rubina and tuckor
F2 right here
>anon doesn't understand subtext
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you’re a retard
Talk to Chelsie and you'll understand everything
>you have been seething all season
you do realize there are quite a few people that post in /bb/ threads, right? I've liked Mak for a great deal of the season, especially when she was winning in the arena. She's been a complete retard recently though
don't (you) that guy he's a fag and has been for weeks
What did Leah say made Quinn and her to stop talking for awhile? I missed it. Something about Tucker
ok well than you arent really a seether and i wasnt addressing you. someone mad about this weeks move isnt a seether just a butt hurt hater

cry more
I like it better when mak was an underdog retard with no power.
at least mak says she wants her and chelsie to talk with her there, that could be good
leah earlier in the season was telling brooklyn and chelsie that quinn was giving her the ick. and those two told quinn about that and how leah is being fake to him and doesnt even like him as a friend
you sound like a retard. no wonder why you love mak so much
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>Leah to Mak: You got got
kek based
would love some booze and a house meeting right now grodner
nice, really captures the emotions going on
go find another poison beer in the woods
>doing what the house wants at F7 with big mak (turbo retard edition)
i cant tell if mak is realizing she got got or is still in denial cope mode
Thank you, based anon.
All beer is poison
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thats valid
she's going to laugh about this with chelsie and cam later. can almost guarantee it
final 2 will be rubina and someone else like chelsie, angela or cam
>did i make a mistake?
>is it you three and fuck me?
>mak: no
its one thing to be passionate but leah is being a little aggressive.
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>mfw Rubina beats Chelsie
mak is still fucking protecting chelsie, so pathetic
chelsie is pauling herself
how did matt know to go directly to under the sink? why would you think dud could fit herself under there? is this some extra sensory perception?
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so what? she knows she's a goner so it's better to go out swinging
kek i never really thought about that when laughing at that webm. i think Matt actually had like at least half of his hearing and Dud was probably yelling for help at that point
leah laying out to mak how chelsie has inserted herself into the rubina / kimo trio and how mak putting leah up and getting her out is perfect for chelsie
>the shot didnt need to be taken at me this week
>she just wanted someone else to take the shot
>mak: probably
lol mak, you silly goose. i love you
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based little leah. i think mak is checked out at this point though. she tried to wrap it up like 20 minutes ago and is barely talking now.
>she just wanted someone else to take the shot
I can’t fucking believe she didn’t bring up any of this to leah before the meeting just cause chelsie told her not to
>mak: i think i let a lot of people get to my head
Mak sounds half asleep. This was absolutely all about getting Leah's jury vote if Mak is up against any of them
some of this has to be getting in though. but i agree, the horses are already out of the barn. not much anything can be done but secure a jury vote in leah
She needs to be more aggressive.
mak must feel like a huge tard right now
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leah admitted she shouldnt have went to bed so early last night and should have inserted herself into the convos
mama dud would have been clocked chelsie’s ass
probably not, i bet she thinks little leah is lying
chelsie will reprogram her in their 1 on 1 later
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Leah referenced Perez Hilton to Mak and she seemed like she didn't get what she meant at all.
would be based if they actually get chelsie in the same room with them but i doubt it will ever happen. leah never said yes to it
lol she just called big mak a fucking moron to her face
big moron sisters...
Maybe Mak realizes she's boned since there's no way to convince Kimo and Rubina to save Leah. Maybe Mak genuinely believes if Leah's open to huffing the Chelsie fumes- I mean, working with Chelsie, that she can convince Chelsie to save Leah. lmao

Or maybe she doesn't realize any of this and still believes this is a good move for her and is tired of Little Leah fighting the inevitable
I fucking love Leah is still calling Mak out to her face. Mak doesn't even try to defend herself
mak about to pull chelsie up there
do it do it do it
I surprised Leah even knows what that is, I haven't heard that name in almost 10 years.
mak wants to see chelsie and leah have a one on one to see who is full of shit
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>you proved that you have Chelsie's back over mine
kek i love how pissed and blunt Leah is. god i hope Mak gets voted out in the double
>i didnt want to put you up
>but you did
>yeah but everyone wanted me to
she blamed herself for being a "naive 22 year old"
makensy brags how she's more mature than everyone and then tries to use her young age as a shield
>ads on both good cams
ive been raw dogging the P+ stream for this convo
wow big mak imagine if you had this convo yesterday!
Chelsie thinks that Catwoman with Halle Berry was an unironically iconic movie
>tuckor grew up with siblings
What was it about this season's cast that made them want to give their hohs to Chelsie? I think this is like the 3rd one where Chelsie was shadow hoh. She might have the resume by the end if she can mist the DE hoh into getting out Mak.
Chelsie shit talking T'Kor hoarding all the face towels
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go back upstairs what the fuck
Big mak is trying to play big brother in big buddy
mak is wearing too much eyeliner she looks like an old bar fly
>chelsie: what does she have to say to me?
she shook
Chelsie doesn't want to do this
chelsie shitting her pants
It's about to get messy
leah saying something with mak responding "I already know" after everything would piss me off
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somehow bb26 pulls out kino from the depths every week
>Mak making a snack first
>Chelsie asks "WHY does she want to talk to me?"

>its nothing she just wants to talk
Have you noticed that big mak looks better with less makeup?
kek she’s shook as fuck
i hate how she talks i really do
kek mak japped chelsie
i bet this elevates mak in the boot order for the double with chelsie
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being a mediator with big mak
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wtf is she doing sit down
doing all this knowing she's not staying at all is how you create a bitter juror
I can’t believe big moron never clocks Chelsie’s obvious mood shifts like with the overheard(sadly not) convo
Is she a legit aspie?
are you kidding me
kek mak is dipping cookies in milk watching this
Mak only brought up chelsie to try to save her jury vote lmao
throw a jab leah!
making sure big mak goes in the double with big mak
>switch to quad view to avoid ads
>Kimo is singing his fucking song in the bathroom so you can't hear Leah
mak just ducked under the cameras cause she knows they are showing this
What mid quirky 30-something-y/o filipinx pussy does to a cheeser
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she's just not even going to listen huh
leah is flailing. she needs to go at her like she went at mak
Leah talking so much is giving Chelsie time to think how she's gonna approach this. She's gonna play dumb and paint it all as a misunderstanding and then still vote Leah out
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the spirit of tsnore lives on
her timidness about chelga is why the witch is running this game
pointless convo
leah fucked up and got got. talking to chelsie is meaningless, she'll never keep her. leah needs to convince rubina/kimo and mak
leah lost her bark when confronting the big dog
rubina and kimo would never. she's completely fucked. this only made mak a little paranoid about chelsie
she wasnt ready for that half hood half ratchet half
chelsie doesnt care kimo and rubina see the trio of cam mak chelsie as a threat.
chelsie has kimo and rubina by the tkor hairs
this is getting hilarious
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she got that little thang on her
I like butts hehe
chelsie did a good job not letting mak talk to leah yesterday before renom
lil leah, let chelsie talk
you like poop, let's be real.
Chelsie mimicking tuckors strategy. Those mhmms sure sound nervous
It is ok to like multiple things

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