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This 'Bird is the Word' nonsense was never funny, neither was the Conway Twitty durational cinema.
the whole show is reddit humor. very simple, safe, and forgettable. obsessed with celebrities like the south park jews.
quit sucking yourself off already, nerd
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For me it's the Sodom cover.
googoo gaga
me and your mom made a durational cinema, if you understand the nomenclature that I am providing you with.

also fuck the tranny jannies
trust rockin'
fucking twitter is less strict than this tranny echo chamber, for actual fucks sake
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Family Guy songs pale pretty hard in comparison to Simpsons songs. Seth just likes to show off how many obscure showtunes he knows.

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Theyre just time killers
SPcuck thread
I really love the second half of Full Metal Jacket as much as the first
The Conway Twitty bits aren't funny but this was
This is how you get true art
For me it’s butt scratcher
based thrasher
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You can seethe about the lowbrow low effort humor all you want, but it sticks with you far longer and deeper than the "smart and clever" shows that redditors circlejerk like Bojack. Family Guy is brilliant in its stupidity.
die fucking die
kys chink
retarded tranny
All amerimutt shows are like that
Especially simpsons. Each time they reference some random actor i have never heard of
Zoomers now unfortunately know of Bird is the word as “that song from Family Guy” while the og boomers all think of it as “that song the guy sings with his prolapsed anus in Pink Flamingoes”
why doesn't this terminally online retard make himself useful and shit up /ftl/
Who is Conway Twitty? Can I get a QRD?
Country singer. Apparently his music was pretty expensive to license so the Family Guy staff put long segments of him in episodes to mess with Fox.
why are boomers such degenerates and wear it like a badge of pride?
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you didn't get shit you retard, that post never mentioned your spam so kys
cram it fundie! i made every single post in this thread!
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Nah that's just John Waters, and even back then he was considered a degenerate weirdo who wore that shit like a badge of pride
we already know you samefag retard
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>in any anime or comic con line in the late 00s/early 10s
>hear a nerd yell "butt scratcher!"
You just know the next 30 minutes are gonna be awful.
>guys is the post I made and replied to myself real
no it's not, spic
They haven't had a good joke since normal words
I see. Thank you!
list some better shows from your country, Rajesh
I never understand the celebrity jokes. Half the time I don't know the celebrity they're making a joke about.
But you still comment on them?
Thanks for posting, how is your 25 season tv show going?
Why are you complaining about Family Guy jokes from 16 years ago? Have you not aged mentally in that time?
Jannies should move them all to /co/
Is it really that FUCKING old
But a Roberts fund!
This. It's why the pseuds won't give a you.
Seth actually explained he does this (like with the twitty cuts) when fox dont let him use some jokes in the episode, as a form of revenge by wasting fox's precious air-time with some random old reference instead, since he liked old 70s variety shows... thats why he uses stuff like this usually. Plus it means fox has to pay extra royalties when it gets aired.
Suck Fuckin'
Bot post
Formerly organic post
faggot nigger
I knew it from Battlefield Vietnam.
>everyone who calls me a faggot is Bateman!
Seed Feedin'
Wasn't that anus simply gaping, are you just making up the prolapse for effect?
Totally, Hawk Tuah girl should talk about that on her podcast.
>t. some dorky faggot named Seth Nicholas Harris, living at two eleven hughes street northeast fort walton beach florida
>n-n-not me!!!1
ok fag lmao
>Verification not required
No, it was actually prolapsed. He sucks it in and out. If you watch the scene you remember it vividly after.
I only remember him opening and closing his gaping anus, maybe I saw a tv friendly censored version or something that edited out the prolapse.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Family Guy. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of hypothetical suppositions most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Peter's simplistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Jewish literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Family Guy truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Peter's existential catchphrase "This is worse than that time I..." which itself is a cryptic reference to Gary Larson's epic "Cow Tools." I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Seth Macfarlane's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Stewie tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
>Twitter requires a phone number in order to create an account to post on the site
>4chan would have you wait 60 seconds off of a fresh IP
You don't know what strict means.
4chan has also banned half the internet, does twitter have nearly as many range bans to exclude pretty much every mobile network, proxy, tor node, and vpn on the internet?
Those bits aren’t funny but there have genuinely funny stuff from family guy. People just shit talk it because everybody watched it. Same deal with retards who hate the Simpsons (before the 2000’s)

The episode where born voices Death is based
Sam hyde's local tranny janny Emily "faggot" Leighton (DEAD NAME: MATTHEW HIGGINS) sits on those threads and rangebans if you do.
Based album
they only used conway twitty if a joke was rejected because a twitty clip is super expensive
Basically this
Family Guy isn't "humor." It's mostly pop culture references disguised as jokes.

Also, remember that stupid chicken fighting scene or the scene where Peter stubs his toe and just holds it and groans for like 5 minutes? Seth MacFarlane seemed to think that subverting your expectations is inherently funny.
Same. I basically learned about all this celebrity gossip THROUGH shows like Family Guy. I had never cared about any of it.
>it sticks with you far longer and deeper than the "smart and clever" shows that redditors circlejerk like Bojack.
I don't remember anything specific from Family Guy, just a general feeling of confusion as to why anyone would find it funny. Bojack has a clear narrative and message even if you don't find it funny, and it has way better writing.
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>he's still doing it months later

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