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HOH: Makensy
POV: Makensy
NOMS: Leah, Angela

previously on /bb/: >>203817575
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it's over
watching little leah flounder with big mak
oh shit, chelga laying it down. little leah fears coming to pass
fuck mak
Chelsiechads ... we just keep winning
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Leah lost all of her fire once Chelsie came into the room. Disappointing.
best body in the house
chelsie does remind me a lot like paul and how he took things and twisted them back on people.
Chelsie denying that T'Kor and Chelsie ever had a thing. Blames it on Angela spreading that
>i voted her OUT
leah and quinn will stand together to keep jury control out of tkor's hands
You mean buddy. Big mak has the best body in terms of height.
lol someone needs to tell kimo and rubina that one ;)
all this is showing, if leah was smart, is that chelsie is running the show and mak is a puppet
no i was talking about physical features that i like
Reminder that Mak said Chelsie wants to work with Leah kek
she does, its all just misunderstandings
there are three women in the house with better bodies than Mak
that's what i thought this convo was for, to show makensy that chelsie was full of shit but i guess not
Oh then big mak has the best body because of her expressive facial expressions and good looking butt and appealing body form
i liked chelsie's legs
makensy reminds me of a slim jim
>has best body because of facial expressions
Goodnight /bb/
it's just the shitty cap retard
good night simp
Chelsie eviscerating Leah
chelsie has to be pissed off at makensy for this
funny cause leah told mak that this was going to happen.
>she'll just talk her way out of it
The head is a part of the body what is a simp?
not really, but Leah could be doing better
I didn't call you a simp. I called you a retard. I'm sure you want to know what that is too?
Cory has spoken. This is top 4 worst HOH of all time.
i would rather hear what his brother thinks desu
I get where he's coming from because Mak will probably go next after doing what Chelsie wanted. Then Chelsie has a clear path to the end.
Oh I know what a retard is. It is someone who has their capabilities diminished either through physical defects, issues with the self, or the deliberate acts of others. I have heard the term simp but haven't looked into it nor frequent areas that use that term frequently, if at all.
Go to bed, retard
The 4 white people in the jury voting against Chelsie in the final 2 would be such a kino ending.
based leah catching chelsie in a lie
this conversation between chelsie and leah isn't as kino as i was hoping
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Mak is so fucking bored of this conversation.
Chelsie floundering now
she's pulling off the come back lets go
this season is ending with Rubina beating Chelsie in the Final 2
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chelsie got the tard bug from mak
mak probably didn't even care or notice
she's can't even give them the courtesy of paying attention
I can’t wait for chelsie to see everybody laughing at her over cam
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I hate this cunt
this femcel is so annoying
pluto tv is driving me nuts with ads tonight
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Leah is having good points but isn't really doing great enough to make sure Mak is sketched out by Chelsie. Waste of time.
leah is apologizing. grim
>Chelsie: I forgive you
fuck this cunt
Hey Leah, remember when Quinn refused to put any of them up as a promise because they helped get Tucker out and then they booted Quinn? They're doing the same thing to you now after protecting them. Maybe point that out.
chelsie is gonna lose to a bitter jury kek
lol oh man and she'll have makensy groveling too
would be based and kino
Yeah if she has a hand in getting Mak out she's fucked. Quinn/Angela/Leah/Mak vote against her.
it's shitty though because she's almost guaranteed three votes already with Kimo, Rubina, and T'Kor unless she's up against one of them.

Kimo vs Chelsie would be kino because I think she could lose that
she could absolutely lose kimo/rubina if her shiftiness got out desu, tkor is beyond help though
kimo and rubina will probably just do what t'kor wants
ok, but the real question is
is quinn finally gonna score with lil leah in the jury house?
he better take the chance because it's the only one he's gonna get
based big mak
Rubina, Kimo, and Cam are getting sketched out by how long the girls have been in the hoh. Rubina wants Cam to go break it up.
Chelsie keeps saying that people need to be more front about their feelings to her when she hides shit from people constantly.
>Chelsie says the whole T'kor and me have a pact was a Tucker thing.
Big Buddy!
That was why the feeds were down so long that night
Someone please for the love of fuck give me an unofficial stream link. I remember there was one last year. Please, bros. I am stuck in Leafland and don't want to download a botnet VPN and I'm not paying for a good one just to watch fucking Big Brother. I need to see the Leah and Angela salt. They were my favourites ;_;
OHHH that must be the "racial stuff" Tucker said to Chelsie, causing her to cry and the feeds to be heavily censored, when T'kor won hoh
mhmmm guess that's confirmation
No, she was using him. Why else would a bear lover go after that faggy twink?
/bb/ called this immediately
kimo maybe but rubina would do her own thing
Who's winning?
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Chelsie and T'Kor literally did have a pact tho
Yeah, but it's wrong to just assume that, Kyle
tkor herself has told people!
chelga lies as she breathes
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Horrible HORRIBLE for Tucker to assume a race based alliance between tkor and chelsie.
He didn't assume it, t'snore literally told him and then he told cam kek
chelsie is mad that leah says she’s not in alliances when she’s around the rest of the house.
that still doesn't make it ok for him to use it for his own game, no wonder the feeds were blocked so much
>I can’t trust you because you tell other people you aren’t in an alliance
what the fuck is this femcel talking about
she's throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks kek
i had to tap out on the feeds because i knew that none of it matters. they already decided leah is going
big mak taking a massive dump
But what's the point of all this, Leah's still going home. If I was Chelsie, I'd just say that, deny, and walk away. See this is another example of bad gameplay but I'm sure Chelsie will have a laugh with Mak about it later.
Leah said she's a chubby chaser so unless Quinn gained 200lbs in 2 weeks, she'll still be icked by him.
on her own game
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retard alert!!
>went from 3rd to 3rd from last on jokers over this (including evicted hgs)
I should say so kek
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>not watching feeds
>asking a retarded question
Azah should stick to Buddy Games
>chelsie failing miserably
this is the person twitterfags are saying is a good player
Leah has been attracted to the jacked guys in the house too. Just because she proclaims she is a chubby chaser doesn't mean she rules out fucking anyone
she’s a mid level player in a house with bottom level players
there are around 500 voters on jokers. its fascinating we still shill for them for free
chelsie is making it so obvious that all of the house gives her information, and even more so, that its suppose to be that way. just like how she feels cam is suppose to be with her.
what was the chelsie lie mak was attempting to flush out by setting up this convo?
she was trying to catch either of them in lies but they both basically painted that it was all a misunderstanding. didn't change anything
chelsie started so strong but has fallen apart over the course of the convo
ever more incoherent
did leah get any good ones in? i gave up after the first 45 minutes
Chelsie blatantly lying about this kek
kek when they talk about what happened in jankie world
nothing super great but chelsie is just lying her ass off and deflecting
she should just end the convo this is doing no good for her
thats bs production calling mak to the DR during this
is it a lie that anyone could see is a lie except us though?
i think a good one at the end there if mak caught it was
>chelsie: i was never going to put tkor up but id let someone else put her up
aka letting kimo / rubina take a shot at big mak for her
they want her thoughts on this before chelsie tries to brainwash her again
they've got to reprogram her back to chelga minion after that mess
mak has been checked out of this convo for like two hours so i doubt she caught it
also that’s literally what she did to leah with mak kek but I really doubt mak caught it
i actually dipped for an hour myself and they were still talking lol
>I've heard about this thing from 3892983 weeks ago
leah picking her nose
i wish i could hear the jankie dance party song
man, id love to see the jury game discussions
they're going to do this all night aren't they kek
getting into a yap off with little leah is not a fight you can win
What are they doing
going around in circles. chelsie accusing leah of what she is doing.
Damn, I took an hour break from the feeds, and they're still going at it?
True but Quinn's a skeleton. He ain't jacked.
Have the feeds ever been this scripted? A lot of duck and cover. I don't even think they have a favorite, they are just powertripping by letting viewers know they're in control.
I hate that ugly sheboon so fucking much. Even the flip girl is better than her. Even Kimo is better than her. Hell, even Cam is better than her. Fucking cunt needs to go. Please post the unofficial stream, sirs.
chelsie accidentally outing angela was the target before veto was used kek
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little leah ain’t backing down
Angela being up at 1 am, she's shook
Imagine her wiggling that up your asshole while she blows you
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chelsie will seethe about this for days
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and the rest of the game
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even though Leah's bits were annoying on the feeds, i never saw Leo and the pics from it are my favorite. I just make up that she just walked around like that with a goofy voice
Glad you liked my post now pls post pirate stream
are you the guy that asks this every day
just watch on pluto tv its free bro
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flawless little leah victory
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plutotv my friend
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>they plan to keep going
this will be absolute crazy if they end up keeping leah this week
i really try to be careful with having racial bias when its not relevant, but whats with niggers so confidently saying bullshit like idiots? this chelsie talk reminds me of cory and jared last year
its the same exact energy as
>but leah you said youre not in any alliances to everyone so youre lying
>leah youre suppose to come to me
>but quinn and joseph
It's impossible I try and it redirects me to King of Queens reruns. I think we are locked out of the American feeds. I remember last year there was some sketchy website with one of those chatboxes on the side where international viewers were watching the feeds. I am hoping to find one for this season.
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please refrain from dropping n-bombs. it upsets anal
did you try the VLC player + playlist option? are you that anon that complained it didnt have channels?
No, I am not aware of that. I have VLC player, of course.
see >>203673974
open playlist with VLC -> open playlist -> search big brother
hope that works for you
Pluto doesn't region lock their feeds if you use the .m3u8 that's been posted here.

The actual PlutoTV however will require a VPN if you want to use that method
>PlutoTV WEBSITE however will require a VPN
Got it, thank you amigos
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what kind of sick god takes this from us
here comes the chelsie download to kimo rubina and cam in the bathroom
it's finally over
fuck mak. i don't care about their cuddles
chelsie spinning it to her minions
yeah, leah is finito. chelsie basically telling bathroom crew that leah lied all the while up there
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yeah I don’t think I can watch the feeds with these cunts after leah is gone
Religious people are always the most dishonest
not 1-1ing with mak first before spinning bullshit is some sloppy work chelga
I bet Leah's pits smell like sweet freshly baked cinnamon rolls.
id like to see how chelga navigates the kimo/rubina vs cam/mak these coming weeks
fuck chelsie. most predictable shit ever.

how would people even find out the truth later? just from social media? none of this shit will be on the show
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chelga is gonna orchestrate her eviction thursday if mak doesn’t win veto
can zubina please put on real clothes
chelga stops recounting the story as soon as mak walks into the bathroom =D
big mak is cooked in the double after these next couple days
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cramping like a mofo cuz i'm getting my period with big mak
good luck with that bitter jury paul-I mean chelsie!
its like real life =D
god imagine how bad vanessa would have eviscerated chelsie in an argument
I know angela is never winning so at this point all I’m hoping for is to see chelsie lose cause of shitty jury management
Chelsie pulling a Paul would be a great ending to the season.
Live, ‘cause we’re living today
Feel the thrill of life and don’t be afraid
especially if she’s next to cam, imagine cam getting votes from quinn, mak, leah, and angela to beat her kek
fuck t’kor and fuck chelsie, you can kick me out of the bomb squad devin I don’t care anymore
every sign points to chelsie being unable to even own up to it herself so she needs an extremely cucked jury to pull this off imo
Cam’s gotta win… for all his dawgz in the crib…
ladies we need to manifest an angela hoh for double eviction that gets rid of chelsie, it will be a booth comp which she is good at
>they all stopped talking game when mak walked in the bathroom
it’s so over
chelsie was spinning bs about the convo which she cant do when someone else who was in the room is there kek
watch grod pull the bullshit where the hoh is a puzzle and the pov is a booth comp
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she LOVES mak so hard to believe she'd fuck her like that
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I don't fart unless I am on the toilet in the morning. Is there something wrong with me?
I wonder if mak will wear her lucky blue outfit on thursday, if she doesn’t she’s finito
kek rubina said she had to put aquafor on her asshole cause the chili
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trying to remember the last time you pooped with big mak
In the early Big Brother seasons they would all be having an orgy right now
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>period poop discussion
how does angela even get chelsie out in a double? who can she put up next to her to?
mak -> kimo cam rubina vote her out
cam -> kimo rubina mak vote him out
rubina/kimo -> cam mak vote them out

chelga, like it or not is getting to final 5. if angela goes in the double it'll be between two duos fighting for her to be the 3rd
angela being in the final 5 would make it more difficult for her but probably not
that gets her to final 4 where she might be able to comp out and get all the way
Do women really??
>lil leah this week
>mak during the double
>kimo or cam the week after
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I miss her
I think mak would vote out chelsie if she's up against kimo/rubina in the same way chelsie voted out tkor
Chelsie has been successfully gaslighting the house all season so it is a good strategy.
Cam's probably on board since Kimo Rubina are usually weak competitors. >>203827442
Big Ange comeback would be nice and redeem the week of Bad Mak but if she swings at Chelsie with a double comp victory she's gone the next week without the veto.
I kind of want Chelsie to get to Final 2 to see how she spins 8 people about her various game moves
tracking my periods with big mak
ovulating with big mak
having cramps with big mak
vanessa was bbkino
getting a long hug from cam with big mak
why is no one going to bed? do they all want the tea from chelsie?
Unless Chelsie mismanages Kimo and Rubina evictions, she should lock up 4 votes easily. What are you expecting? Leah and Mak telling TKor that Chelsie played her and denied their alliance? She won't believe them and even if she did, it's better to TKor that a black woman win BB than whoever Chelsie's next to (I'm thinking Cam since his game seems to be the weakest). It'll be 4-3 slanted to Chelsie unless she really screws up. She only needs one defector, and her mist game is strong enough for that.
I struggle to see her getting quinn/angela/leah or mak with the way she's playing unless she takes mak to f3 with no chance to be deprogrammed in jury
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>would you at least have the balls to admit it?!
I don't expect it to happen. I just want it to.
The last truly good season. BB20 had potential, but it ultimately flopped.
I forgot how nervous Steve used to get kek
chelsie doing a quick reprogramming on big mak
yup, mak still completely snowed it seems
Mak would still tard out unfortunately
Great clip tho
Still a possibility that Quinn or Ange defects even with Mak freed from the cult
kek of course chelsie is gonna spin some bullshit about what leah said when mak had to go to the dr
>this move wasnt me making a dirty shot
>no one is going to take a shot at me now right?
mak now saying she is worried about kimo and rubino
dang, if only there was a way to have them up this week
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fucking idiot
>mak to cam: i dont think they (kimo and rubina) are going to target angela, they'll target us (trio)
>cam: yeah, i think they will
yeah mak having some buyers remorse kek
too little too late
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She could in theory save Leah by getting two votes and breaking the tie
But good luck for her getting two, only one I see is Kimo
Little Leah's toast but hopefully we can get some more drama from it before she goes. I'm all in on Big Ange now but I'm sure we'll see something stupid like Angela winning HOH and Chelsie convincing her to go after Mak.
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gonna miss little leah enjoying food caps
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aw man we won't get the third ring
I think there’s probably enough now. I took about 15 from her eating spaghetti piled on to garlic bread alone tonight, hell yea brotha
I honestly hate myself that 3/4 of these are caps I did. There’s something wrong with me
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there is nothing wrong with you friend
we must document the feeding
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>they're talking about angela into f4
she's going to win it isn't she?
i just tuned back in, caught something about kimo and rubina splitting the vote and mak keeping leah, chelsie saying it wouldnt be that bad because she would be coming for kimo and rubinas head
it's what they're schizoing might happen kek
no basis in reality yet sadly
surviving a house full of pretentious woke bullies and a CBS plant for months with lil leah <3

she did her best despite being how she was treated by these moral grandstanding losers, give her your vote for AFP to make up for this atrocity!
waffle wednesday approaches
she's getting all of my votes
I could see kimo going for it but rubina is a tougher sell
love that for you anon! thanks a bunch!
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Good morning ladies

I'm happy to see wide Leah go, Maks better
Barring a veto win, I don't see how anyone but Mak leaves in the DE
Mornin Hogg
Bold stance which is pretty based
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the real hogg quit watching the season weeks ago and has left behind any care for the current HGs. he just comes here to say hello
Cam seemed to want Mak to f4 but who the hell knows with him. He also wanted her out in the double yesterday
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morning hogg, not sure i quite agree with that but i respect you non the less
If Leah somehow survives this week and the double eviction I will watch a CEI video and do whatever it asks of me, no questions asked.
Imagine people thinking a broke ass Quinn from Nebraska has a chance outside of the show with Leah who agreed with Mak that 750k would only last them two years at best
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i had to look that up
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She’ll date him a month for social media points then dump his ass
I ended up going to bed and missing most of the fun, did it sound like chelsie was ready to cut big mak by the end of the night?
They kinda clocked her then kinda sounded like they weren’t it was confusing frankly
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The vibe I'm getting is that Chelsie/Cam wouldn't necessarily put her up right now but they'd probably vote her out in a heartbeat if someone else does
If Chelsie acted a little like this I would probably enjoy her more
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morning big hogg
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can everyone admit that tucker getting booted was bad for the season now?
Casting domesticated players like tkor, rubina, and kimo was bad for the season.
It was perfectly fine
Quinn renomming Joseph instead of Tkor is where things started going off the rails
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Post-zubina Tucker was not Week 2-3 Tucker that provided the keks.
I'm glad he went prejury like he wanted and is mentally healing from the house full of moralistic schizos.
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the first filippina winner!
He would’ve been unbearable bitching during Jankie week
100%, Quinn/Leah/Joseph + Angela as a side piece could have provided some competition against Chelsie's pack of retards. It was Chelsie's game to lose (and desu, I still think she will screw up somehow) the minute Joseph went OTB.
He gave T’kor $5000 to evict him
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no problemo
What is it?
even if we assume future hoh/veto wins stay the same you'd have the triplets cut down to two with tkor or kimo prejury, joseph out as first juror, and leah either taking a shot at chelsie or culling one of the surviving trio members. a wildly different game
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gonna drop an anal bomb
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Cum Eating Instructions
production would have given him a special exemption where he could nap all day in the house
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I don't believe you
it's insane how cursed hohs are this season
the only two that weren't clusterfucks were chelsie's first one, which had the easy outs of evicting lisa or angela, and tucker's - though if chelsie had lost ai arena that would've also flopped with cam out
Leah got out one of her targets during hers. Yes she should have put up Chelsie, but getting T'Snore out counts as mostly a win still.

Then again one of the trio should've gone during Quinn's HoH if he wasn't such a braindead retard.
if she somehow survives the week I agree but tkor couldn't have misted mj like chelga did this week
she set this up by being too timid
kimo doesnt lie!
lmao mj is such a tard
makes one of the dumbest moves of the season then regretting it the next day and I expect will try to save leah
how about not nomming her in the first place??
fessy got gaslit by the entire house and mostly JC to nominate scotty and everyone just laughs and calls him a big loveable retard

same thing happens with mak and everyone hates her and acts like shes the devil and the worst player ever. fascinating
Is she actually regretting it or just paying lip service to Leah?
is cause people love leah
she definitely sounded like she was last night with chelsie/cam or at a minimum doubting herself
mak straight up asked chelsie last night if this was a move to get rid of one of mak’s numbers lol
>why is someone likeable liked and someone that's unlikeable disliked
she was #1 on jokers and well received in any poll before monday so your greentext argument doesnt hold up
#3 but your point does stand
Number 2 I’d need proof of that every time I checked Jokers it was Leah numba won.
she was #1 for weeks
victim noises
>likeability is a fixed value
only if you exclude tucker who had a huge gap vs leah or mak till the past two weeks
but this is nitpicking because as I said I agree with your main point, but bb fans are always massive hypocrites kek
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i stand with big mak and her tiny feet
including evicted HGs is silly
Not when Tucker was the only one above a 3 until the past two weeks
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What would the reaction be if if while everyone was sleeping, someone talked in their sleep and dropped an n-bomb?
they arent in the game they dont matter. you might as well be voting on HGs from last season
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heh, what if i 'slept walk' and rummaged through the girls dirty laundry
In any other case I’d probably agree except even now Tucker is still on track for AFP and his dominance for so long on jokers reflects that
They uploaded Quinn’s goodbye messages on instagram today
there are around 500 voters on jokers and there arent all unique voters. the show has 2+ million viewers. its weird how much weight we give them
Partly a holdover from when they were bigger and partly because they tend to do their own thing compared to Reddit/twitter etc so are the closest relatively speaking to sentiments on bb (with many divergences in practice of course)
BB networks poll is good for getting broader casual voter opinions
New thread Ainsley
Id do it but I’m being a mobile shitter
Tucker and Little Leah were the protagonists of 26
literally days ago this very thread said the only people who will be remembered from this season are tucker and angela
agreed for totally wish they worked together tho uggh
Quinn's good bye messages were cringe. Everyone said they "love" him except for Angela who just said he was an interesting neat guy
big mak getting rid of the curls

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