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These leaks suck edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• Claire continues to put fries in the bag
• B*nl*aks has been exposed as a creepy stuttering and shaking sperg,

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203827758
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>cute monkey
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nice thread virgins
>season 2 they made a full blown trailer to get people excited
>this time all they're doing is making lazy memes that aren't even funny

Fishtank will be dead within 1.5 years.
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what if they do another one where they lie about something again
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is that marky?
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/ftl/sisters, what did we think of the newest Chainsaw Man chapter?
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they’re saving the trailer for after content house and s2 episodes and s2.5 clips and tales of wape and zipp
I heard they're going to get EDP445 on the show and then have him EAT CUPCAKES and then Sam will come in and CALL HIM A PEDO!
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>S3 has a dog
>Tayleigh runs in to give it smelling salts and kick it around
>Sam has to yell at her to stop abusing the dog, Frank isn't even here for her to try to impress
>All the S3 fish look on in horror, half of them quit
i think she’s scared because that guy has two heads
I think its the blackface
Aww.. miss my granny
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tayleigh loves animals, a-log
and he’s fat
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>CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking

CryoKeen has stopped drinking please update the roster ty
Yeah that's why josie was always having to come upstairs and make sure it wasn't dead right?
S3 should have real live musicians. A room where a shitty local band comes to practice daily and then plays live for the fish to party once a week. The live DJ element to blood games was kino and got the fish amped up.
I wish the Statue of Liberty was a cryptid with a giant gun that shot immigrants.
I'm just guessing that's what's happening here because I don't read anime, it's for gays.
>It's Tayleigh's job to make sure Frank doesn't ash in the tank and Jimmy doesn't stick his hands in the water constantly
>leaves her cats for extended periods of time
>Mom has to take care of her deaf and retarded dog
>Gives smelling salts to chickens
Yeah... No
Why one head can eat her ass and the other eats the pussy
i have no idea what that is but it looks cool.

I've only seen the first season of chainsaw man
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this leak could mean something considering the breed they used(I'm delusional)
Just shot an insane load of jizz, in Japan that would have been S-rank
>leaves her cats for extended periods of time
cats are sociopaths who don't care.
>Mom has to take care of her deaf and retarded dog
and? are you implying she's cruel to animals because she doesn't stay at home 24/7 and take care of her mom's dog?
>Gives smelling salts to chickens
That was Frank
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It's Tayday niggers
nigga jet cashapped a fan for a cybertruck edit none of these mean anything
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I hope TJ starts streaming earlier from now on.
That's a boy
my ball recent kinda turnaround and went a little bit up and now i can shoot like a tiny bit cum on my first fap or like a big clumpy load on my 3rd one. kinda odd.
I missed the last 2 lil nigga needs a schedule
All Tay and Jimmy haters should be thread banned for a few days. I'm tired of their nonstop nonsensical seething.
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>my ball recent kinda turnaround and went a little bit up and now i can shoot like a tiny bit cum on my first fap or like a big clumpy load on my 3rd one. kinda odd.

That's interesting jizz is a cool guy
only if the josiepedos and tjpedos join them. sounds like a fair trade to me.
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Yeah we brought it up and he said he should probably stop streaming at midnight on days where people have to wake up for work the next morning.
Chudgang are the worst thing to ever happen to fishtank.
Nah, it's the simps. We could have had something fun to look forward to every 6-12 months, now it's just simp shit and simps fighting.
The fact you fellas think it's swell to try to humiliate a cute autistic girl is SICK!
>I will never find out what Tayleigh thinks of Bring me the Horizon's new album
how is that a trade?
King Scott
Tayleigh Nebby Greyman the dog maria Gavin i miss you guys.
this is totally going to blow your mind, but there are 24 hours in a day, not 20.
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How is turkey tom gonna host all that fag does is read kiwifarms Smdh
Tayleigh doesn’t even know who bring me the horizon are
You’re just obsessed with being on here. There’s nothing worth discussing in the off season unless you want to.
shut the fuck up faggot shut the fuck up SHUT TEH FUCK UP SHUT UP
I can feel the aura of the dark taytriots they have arisen.
this time Sam will have a purple suit
he's gonna be all
>"hey it's me, turkey goldstriker here."
>whips out bag of rice
>"separate the white ones from the nigger ones and count up the nigger ones, also i'm not racist."
>coughs, spits and blows nose near the contestants
She said she "used to like them" but she is weirdly insecure about the things she likes and is deathly afraid of being called cringe so its a good chance she secretly still likes them.
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kys claire you dog faced cunt
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there is absolutely zero chance that turkey tom does anything remotely edgy. Dude has become a millionaire from reading kiwifarms to zoomers, he isn't gonna fuck that gravy train up.
come on, now is the time. get 10 black fish and have sam come out in blackface as jerome goldstriker. he has to talk in ebonics in the entire time, even when out of character.
this is how we do it
CDN leak was a red herring btw, you guys are retarded. been helping set up tech, and cams and we are starting to deliberately bait you guys
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at hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could've been
And not seeing that love in you
Is what I was trying to do
It's hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go
But I'm doing it
It's hard to force that smile when I see our old friends
And I'm alone
Still harder getting up, getting dressed, living with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade, give away all the words that I saved in my heart
That I left unspoken
What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say (much to say)
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could've been
And not seeing that love in you
Is what I was trying to do
I could of had tayleigh gagging on my cock if i just bought that stupid fucking chicken.
Many are saying this.
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i hope s3 sucks ass and people in here write essays on why it sucks ass while jet and ben drink, party, and get bomb puss. my ultimate cuck fantasy, fuck the audience
that's pretty cool. shame that you need to fake how many viewers are watching, though.
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CryoKeen has committed to stopping alcohol please note this for further OP titles
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did she deserve to go viral for being so ugly?
ur probably not as hot as jordan
Jet is a man of the people S3 will be based and redpilled.
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>destroy business
>sober up
>where business? pls come back! we need more money!
yeah bro me too.
should have been put down
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Love and Life Won
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Bury all your secrets in my skin
Come away with innocence, and leave me with my sins
The air around me still feels like a cage
And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again
So, if you love me, let me go
And run away before I know
My heart is just too dark to care
I can't destroy what isn't there
Deliver me into my fate
If I'm alone I cannot hate
I don't deserve to have you
Ooh, my smile was taken long ago
If I can change I hope I never know
I still press your letters to my lips
And cherish them in parts of me that savor every kiss
I couldn't face a life without your light (without your light)
But all of that was ripped apart when you refused to fight
viewcount is real it just counts other tabs being open which we're working on fixing before S3 goes live. the real cast is gonna be way more insane than the leaks, you guys are not ready
We know, go away cryo. no op for you. go get drunk
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why is he so fucking retarded?
he can't help it
Yes that’s the beautiful marky
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Remember when Hell had frozen over?
The cold still burns underneath my skin
The water is rising all around me
And there is nothing left I can give
All these tears I've shed
I saw the wildfire spread
You said you cheated death
But Heaven was in my head
They say "the good die young"
No use in saying "what is done is done" 'cause it's not enough
And when the night gives way
It's like a brand new doomsday
What will be will be
Every river flows into the sea, but it's never enough
And when the night gives way
It's like a brand new doomsday
No matter what they say
It's like a brand new doomsday
The embers still glow when I'm sober
The gold in the flame burns brighter now
I have to rebuild, now it's over
Maybe now I'm lost, I can live
Souls don't break, they bend
But I sometimes forget
I have to do this for you
And the only way out is through
Yeah, death is an open door
There's zero hype for this shit.
where were you when josie found the quarter?
It was because he was good looking not because he bought a plushie
i ate it raw
There are people that actually think that house isn't haunted or cursed
No one cares you fat virgin you have tits like a woman just start wearing a dress your name is already Haley
Reminds me of when jet thought there were 10 days in a week in season 1
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just spotted Goldstriker at the store today. In Prov.
Bedroom 4 cam
looks like Gary Busey
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It's true. It's damn true! Papa Sarge is the man, baby.
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waw eggs
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based Jef with one f
wonder how the state would feel if i sent them videos of you spending disability money on weed
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Getting in a snowball fight with a softball dyke was probably not the smartest thing he's ever done tbqhfamalam
He doesn’t but Garry busey is good looking anyways
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CK the beautiful
Fishtank Halloween™
This is fake
I've always appreciated AirsoftFatty's ability to have a knockdown dragout defcon 1 tier fight with someone and then almost immediately make it water under the bridge
tayleigh spotted in mass
she should give her mom an earful for drinking while pregnant. fetal alcohol syndrome sucks.
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>wonder how the state would feel if i sent them videos of you spending disability money on weed
Gentlemen... Code Green. Send the 40s. The ones I drink in the basement.
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>CK still works as an overnight server at IHOP
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at least she's working
>implying they give a single shit what you spend your neetbux on

I buy magic cards, booze, and porn with mine
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Guys it's very unwholesome how you are disparaging our fren Cryo's sobriety. I thought we were all one big family here?
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>Joe Rogan Experience #2205 - Legion of Skanks
Sam is getting closer.
Tayleigh will be on before Sam
Quitting Drinking isn't enough. He needs to quit weed too.
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So proud of my new son, caught some big ones today! He'll yea love fishing with the family.....can't beat it !
Boring faggot
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TJayleigh is happening rejoice.
you can't quit drinking unless you haven't been drinking that long to begin with, or hit rock bottom.
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>MFW getting called the F-slur on 4channel
fuck off cryo
What wholesome character arcs did they plan for s3?
sodaman just posted a selfie with tayleigh

she's really on s3
Raped to Rapist arc
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It was the comfiest dream I ever had
Cat, Maria, Cujo, and Nebby
I'll never see them again
It was all just a lie
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TJaylor comeback.
Tayleigh just flew over my house
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Season 3 soon boys get HYPED!!!!
you gotta give up anon, its never coming back.
kek, why did vance think he was ever getting with letty?
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>Taylor new gambling reel
she’s so crazy!
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I refuse to give up hope.
Do you understand? I REFUSE.
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cursed images
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Let him hope
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Manifesting TGemma
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thomas is already taken vro
>sam is no longer going to be a part of fish tank
wow, imagine getting fired by your own underling.
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bald, q, canada bro, dr seuss

you have no idea how much i miss you guys
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jet neptune dies today
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dr seuss?
biff making the reels now? damn thats sad
i heard instead sam pepper will be hosting the night shift
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the keegsters back /ftl/ BTFO
did he just get a time out or something?
He never left it was just cope from idiots
>has totally fucked up car
>"time to risk my remaining dollas!"
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the guy who got q to post his hairline. Tayleigh called him dr seuss.
post it
I don't think about you at all.
I kept saying this past week that he wouldn't be fired, that he was just laying low, but nooooo
>loses two hundred dollars in a day on gambling.

how does she make money to gamble away?
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Jet Neptune is hard at work on Season 3! He had a big breakfast and he's feeling good today. Keep it up, Jet!
just seems like a bad move to keep him around
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how do you know he made it
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selling her paintings
he doesn't
that's just cope
his editor listing is still down, taylor got a new one
instagram reels pay >:)
the fact they’re still following each other is weird though
>patrick booing
that isnt really indicative of anything
they could still be friends just not working together
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this is you
Not for any new creators they stopped that over a year ago.
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that's fair
we need new fish, I'm tired of all this tj, tay and tay talk
Take down this picture of me right now.
Only poor retarded niggers will watch this show.
It will all stop once season three starts
she doesnt watch his streams anymore, got too bored of waiting for him to make a move
he also doesnt address any messages about him and abi
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no scott?
many are saying this
thats tay amd jimmy. none of us like lolcows if we did we would like greg and we dont.
isn't "artist guy" type challenge and peepee poopoo the same thing?
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you're right, we should talk about claire instead
My conspiracy theory is she lives with her grandma still and streams from a friends house. Sorta like how she use to stream from Dallas' house. So her cost of living is almost nothing.
this is unironically me but i have perfect vision and a head full of luscious black hair
anyone who watches season 3 should lose the right to vote
No they don't, that's in phase out, and the reel gifts thing barely anyone uses
She shipped the keychains structural items are live the beanies will happen someday.
confirmed guests so far Billy Corgan, hawk tuah girl, Ray William Johnson, Fred Hyde, Gawr Gura
I'm going to buy a red white and blue beanie from her someday
I'm looking forward to people saying "she is the new Josie" and "he is the new jimmy"
she was in his last stream instantly she made the very first comment but he ignored her again
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>wosie brown sticks
Taylor doesn't care at all about what happened. I really don't know why people think she would be bothered enough by Shark sperging on TJ in his chat to cut him off. She literally conspired with the guy to publicly slander TJ and dox someone else in the process and has probably been actively hanging out with him irl considering the sudden improvement in camera quality on some of her reels and the fact that he mentioned awhile ago that he had new lenses or some shit coming in.
Time for your meds, schizo.
nah he said sup to her
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>simmons gets smeared as a pedo on weak evidence
>summers gets dropped at airport mid-psychosis with no guide
Any predictions for the new legal scare in s3?
exactly my point
sending one message just as the stream started and then complete silence when she used to chat all throughout his previous ones plus tj not reading any messages about abi besides >>203836400 doesn't really mean anything at least nothing positive
yeah i don’t think all of that happened but just makes me think less of taylor
You know it's true. You can deny it all you want. But the fact of the matter is this: Bigolm1 is fucking Greenshark. In his gay little ass. In Florida.
Yeah I get that vibe too. Keegan and Taylor are definitely fucking and /ftl/ is coping hard
lmao you had all that convincing shit just to drop the ball with your cuck fantasy obsession
nope, they've got it covered, the contract says that production is allowed to rape contestants
that design reminds me of jagaaan for some reason. i haven't read much of chainsaw man but i liked fire punch.
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TJ had the best deaths
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bigolmtwcunt strikes again
The idea that he just decides to take time out of his day to edit a bunch of shit (not just reels) for a middling streamer because he feels like it and there's nothing more going on is very retarded. She seems to keep most people at arms length, she didn't just let a random editor who made an edit of her get so involved and close with her out of nowhere.
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>all those people in Taylor's reel comment section encouraging her to keep gambling
There is no hope for her is there.
structural items
something that involves feces and fecal matter
It seems a grand conspiracy is at play.
that reads more like an obvious joke thoughever he's just calling him a faggot
What does it smell like?
Taylor bullied TJ she is evil
I encourage her it's great and she's making money she just got paid to promote @stake
rape juice
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this person have been making these fish keychains for a while, before Tayleigh did
Tay and jimmy nearly ruined blood games i will never forgive them.
Yeah can't wait for it to explode like the fan reveal in S2
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Ah well at least we'll have the memories of happier times. I was gonna try to encourage TJ to stop sitting with a thumb up his ass and get her back before he regrets it for the rest of his life but this thread made me reconsider that.
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Is she?
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i think it's kinda funny that tj got cucked and i'm tired of pretending it isn't. taylor was waaaaay out of his league anyway
Why is chucks wife alone in Berlin right now? Are they divorced? I mean I know theyre not Im just imagining running into her and going on a date if she was single ok. Is that sinful?
do you go on cuckold subreddits because you find them funny also?
tf is wrong with you
>oofy UH doofy, UHM stuttery UH lubecooch UHHHHH vs a gorgeous, blue-eyed blonde-haired shortstack beauty
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I'm putting together a team
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Damn that was quick
nah, cucking isn't my thing but seeing people who deserve to get cucked get cucked is pretty funny.
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Truth nuke:
>Taylor and Greenshark already knew each other pre-S2. He made the edits just to hype her up a little but when the TJaylor thing blew up and it looked like TJ was going to win, they pivoted into leveraging it to bolster a social media presence for her. They got it, made a plan, and she dipped. Don't look into it though most of you aren't ready.
do you think about cucking alot?
you need to add a lock of letty's pubic hair and you'll be ready to go
she's not gorgeous though. if she had brown eyes and hair with b-cups she'd be hideous
fake goth taylor was gorgeous
faint smell of like perfume or candle wax.
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She hit the wall
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He dodged a MASSIVE bullet in retrospect. Her post-breakup behavior has confirmed this
always gorgeous and smart !
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I love Taylor so much, bros.
Two ugly retards
he got to smash her in her prime and now she's going to turn into a fat little pig. He won.
>Her post-breakup behavior has confirmed this
you mean all that stuff you gaslit yourself into believing? kek
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Taylor, the fairest maid of FishTank!
What lesbian sexual acts have they settled on being their favorites?
they're straight larpers
kill urself cryo
Hey guys, I regret to inform you that Ben, last night, was arrested for DUI and endangering a minor. Season 3 has been postponed until further notice.
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and the one and only viral superstar
trailer drops tomorrow
This cannot be
I'm not cryo but I got hospitalized for severely low blood pressure after a binge. I've been sober for 6 weeks now and I'm so miserable. Life is not only worthless but also constant torture. I think I'm gonna try Xanax instead.
Classic fat girl angle
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The one and only!
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>posts a pic with her cleavage taking up half the frame for no reason

What did she mean by this and why was this ok for her to do, but TJ couldn't follow female friends on IG?
I didn't write that I'm sober now I don't make such lewd comments about women I learned my lesson when I said a lewd comment on here and got a 3 day ban while ppl posted straight up porn and it would stay up entire threads kek
probably because lubecooch got caught trying to hook up with the nigress and move in with her.
Actually she posted this right after TJ liked a Letty booby thirst pic
The insecurity was there all along
What about weed?
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Pretty girls are allowed to feel pride in their bodies, silly.
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>I said a lewd comment on here and got a 3 day ban
What in the fuck could you say on /tv/ that would get you a three day ban
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You know she's single, right?. Stop spamming this shit and go hit up the casinos in tampa if you love her so bad
worst cast
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is season 3 confirmed starting in 10 days?
Probly just a mod who doesn't like me lol seeing as they let strait up porn allowed here
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confirmed pink, bros
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the one true tay
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They're pretending to care about TJ's ex again
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don’t worry about that
hahaha I remember that
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Now that the dust has settled, is it time to admit Bex was exposed?
Where the FUCK is Zipp?
Benleaks freeloader S3
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god who fucking cares
I remember he would always like Abi's selfies but not like any taylor tweets lmao
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It's Tay Day!!! Right...?
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>First one to fuck Taylor wins. Oops I win :)
her tweets suck tbf
How old is he? That's an unfortunate hairline.
Norwood check?
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then. now. forever
don’t worry about that
What time is she streaming tonight?
>What time is she streaming tonight?
Anon... i...
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Post yr predictions
he lost in February
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Taylor is boring.
last Zipp update was during the Cell after 2.5 when Bicflame (golf ball anus guy) brought samples for Sam to taste, he said they all needed more carbonation
shes not coming back for s3
> says increasingly nervous waifufag as taylor goes viral again
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hey Jacob, go live today please
>he said they all needed more carbonation
No that’s not what he said, they didn’t have ANY carbonation despite the fact that zipp is supposed to be a carbonated drunk. Bic is incompetent
Everyone is saying this
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Is this big brother?

Thank fuck, she deserves better than MDE
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being 40 years old and typing gives me 2nd hand cringe does this fat virgin feel no shame?
how old is Taylor? I'm guessing 25-26
World's leading female gambling influencer.
Please make a full deepfake of this.
I literally get to suck Josie's girlcock every night
Exposed for what?
7 central 8 eastern
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we had a lot of canadian taytriots
Wait a minute...
That's cool thats fine but for the love of God im begging you post a vid
I hope you get banned again for posting this you disgusting fat fuck.
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why do these people flip me off it’s rude and unbecoming
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>I don't make lewd comments, learned my lesson
That was 5 days ago, you're not a changed person. Same with your drinking problem.
good ol days
why did you say that
To be clear, Cryo posted that in response to an image of Shirley Temple
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Your bitch ass quit, Cole
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first claire screenshot
i consider this a different person in my head
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You should all be ashamed for lapping up this slop
I'm so sorry
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Nobody in these threads is watching any of the fish streams. We're still here out of habit.
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Now that Missy is confirmed for season 3, how long will it take until she gets raped?

this post isn’t good
star-crossed lovers just trying to find their way to one another
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is the promotion and relegation "heaven and hell" thing real?
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I don't care about Fishtank anymore
The lighting was so evil and red. I hate it I hate it give me back season 1
fuck I love freckles
shadi is the coolest i love shadi shadi train!
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greg is reactin to season 1 apparenly
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if season 1 didn't have Jon and Letty it would've never taken off
if season 1 didn't have cameras and contestants it would have never happened
what point do you think you're making
I think everyone in the s1 cast played an important role in Fishtank's overnight success except Mauro
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omega trvke
Damn that's so true
thinking about his time at the boca raton airbnb
damiel instantly correctly guessing that simmons would be the first one out was the one of the funniest moments of the s1 edits
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jet leak something we're bored
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they all look ai generated
the season 1 eppisodes are so ass, greg should just watch YT clips
special ed goes crazy.
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They're real
Im ready for daddy ball
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i thought taylor was a virgin loner weirdo who had no friends in highschool.
no bathroom cams this season
she is a ran through whore that took dick in casino bathrooms
Good why the fuck did they even have them in the first place
hold up... what is jimmy doing there
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that's fair
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>this person have been making these fish keychains for a while, before Tayleigh did
To be fair Sam is a litigious jew, she couldn't get permission to make fishtank items until after 2.5.
brian trying to acquire a personality was a weird gag to be honest
eating that pendlepussy RAW
tayleigh got permission to keep her from killing herself
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>They're real
I couldn't find a single one of them. Either these are AI photos or fake names.
culture regressed
Sylvia status? is her baby healthy
dead baby
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its over...
It was a small group of people she seemed close with but people are wrong about a lot of things with her. I just never correct people because its pointless

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