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Thread for Classics and Arthouse

Volcanic kino edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous: >>203811716
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Queen of /film/
Watch The Substance, it's the best of Yorgos Lanthimos, Darren Aronofsky, and David Cronenberg, crossed with both Suspiria and Possession.
All of that is trash
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>crossed with both Suspiria and Possession.
>this bait again
movie was ok tho
the ebonification of the west is going well with incels lusting after obese women
Filtered and seething
People thinking Possession is good here is just so weird. I guess it's yet another case of the usual 4chan phenomenon
>a bunch of people are pretending to be idiots
>then the real idiots come
How long until Antichrist becomes a landmark horror film as well?
I'm trans, btw, not sure if that matters
didn't ask, fatty chaser
Possession is popular on Letterboxd as well, and it's probably the female audience that lauds it there. Two crowds like it for different reasons.
Wrong file, gotta stop posting across borders
Interesting how Bauposting triggers certain people. It's a lot less active than Huppert or Harper, and yet some get their jimmies very rustled.
I’m not really missing you guys anymore…
The Substance is what Antichrist only wishes that it could be. Fargeat has made a film that exposes all those filmmakers like Gasper Noe, Nicolas Winding Refn and Lara Von Trier were just children playing with toys.
>and it's probably the female audience that lauds it there
Where the fuck do these stereotypes come from? Possession isn't Twilight or The Notebook
Good. You're starting to learn the truth.
Stop spamming, retard.
How the fuck is Possession for women? Women are filtered by it.
Arthoes love that shit man
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It's good. Not everybody's fault that you got filtered by it and didn't even get the basics of it.
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is it /film/?
Two different people at least. I don't have webms.
Sick, degenerate art.
Don't care, post more BAU
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Trailer for the new Serra which premiered at San Sebastian to good reviews so far.


This year is turning out to have lot of films from good directors (Wang Bing, Serra) even if some of those minor works (Dumont, Zhangke, Gomes) or just too short (Carax).

Cool poster
Are Zhangke's and Gomes' new films available yet?
You forgot the best one Kurosawa has three movies all giga kino
imma niggapost and Baupost n ull have to deal
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you both forgot the true best one
is Bau in it?
Pass on the Serra slop
>another repetitive faggotry
Nice. I'm looking forward to Carax and Serra the most. Cronenberg filtered critics at Cannes so that should be solid too.
Late Zhangke is not for me although I read this one is quite different.
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>It's a lot less active than Huppert or Harper
Same poster btw.
I didn't forget him I just don't like him enough to mention him. He's extremely hit and miss. I've seen Chime and it was ok.

Zhangke sounds similar to new Gomes.
The remake of Serpent's Path is worse than the original.
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This is not a real movie it is an art exhibit
define real movie
A story, characters, themes, music. This is just a monk punking people
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lol, lmao
Holy plotfag
Back to r/truefilm
That's most movies, but not all movies.
>Wang Bing
don't forget
>Quay brothers
some of these look like slop, but still an impressive number of good directors releasing something this year. probably some I missed too
Most based poster.
Lemon Soda?
Triggering retards 101
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no, Lemonade
>t. has seen 6 movies
Stop polluting the general with the visage of this hideous hambeast.
>A story, characters, themes, music
these threads are my playground
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Poetic cinema.
I'm mildly interested in Serpent's Path, I watched the original and it was a weird little direct-to-video film. Don't even remember anything about it aside from the fact that you had to watch Eyes of the Spider as well for the double feature experience
Kill yourself, discord tranny
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Ok, my rec for this thread.

unironically kino
>Quay brothers
Good shouts. Guiraudie is one of my most anticipated, don't know why I left it out. Quay brothers seem like a case of a minor film but still looks good.
>A story, characters, themes, music.
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Ok, my rec for this thread.

I don't care for this reutilizing of other people's films gimmick. It peaked long ago with Rose Hobart.
lil bro cryin and simpin for arab's bishh
I don't care for this reutilizing of other people's posts gimmick. It peaked long ago with Dumontfag.
Stop trying to make "lil bro" happen. It's not going to happen.
Not the first time I'm seeing this but it's still the funniest shit I've seen in a long while
i call things as i see them lil bro
I'm confused by this. What films do you all even watch? You pretend there is a whole parallel cinema that is just lights and colors and shit. Even if there is I guarantee you dont watch that shit yourselves. Story comes first always, otherwise you can just look at a painting.
>Story comes first always
hey lil bro get back to watchin E.T.
Outer Space is beautiful.
>nigga hasn't discovered experimental cinema
you'll get there one day
Hell yeah bro, we're gonna save these threads, you and i. Already have my recs for the next two threads.
when your definition of a "real movie" is so vague it includes marvel slop and whatnot, you're just asking for clowning
I'm just basing my recs off whatever you rec
Less Bau, more Lee.
We're all storytellers here.
I know, it's cool, i like it.
They have to keep the obscure patrician larp, they won't ever admit shit
Tscherkassky is definitely one of the best currently working filmmakers

I’d normally agree with you, but he’s actually doing something interesting here
What's in the boooooooox?!
>You pretend there is a whole parallel cinema that is just lights and colors and shit
There is.

>Even if there is I guarantee you dont watch that shit yourselves
I do.
You don't have to be "just lights and colors and shit" to not focus on storytelling.
Based anon with excellent taste.
lol anytime I see a hack make this ridiculously stupid comment it makes me want to do something very very bad
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dont listen to these low t wimps
found the niggaposter
They can't point to any film that has no story that they say down and watched. It is all a larp.
Recommend me a horror film with cool visuals
>Inb4 films everyone has already seen like Suspiria
u sound insecure lil bro
I can, but you'll just say it sucks or that it doesn't count for some reason, so what's the point?
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Stories are how we learn who we are.
I think what anons mean is that the story is not always the main focus. Like for example I think one will argue that the story in Lawrence of Arabia fucking sucks
Meant no one obviously
Stories are how people have related to each other and shared deeper truths for thousands of years.
Yeah you will just bring up Enter the Void or some shit that has an actual story
>I think what anons mean is that the story is not always the main focus.
that's not what I mean at all
>Enter the Void
lel, is this really the most "experimental" film you are familiar with? unironically watch more movies
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>films everyone has already seen like Suspiria
Anon, outside of /tv/ most people haven’t even seen Suspiria yet. Most zoomers prefer the remake just because it came out 40 years later.
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why are the humanist films of jean Marie Straub glanced over when nihilist anti life films from directors like Stanley Kubrick and lars von trier are praised?
Then I don't know what you mean
because the kubricks and triers of the world are less boring
simple as
it's not hard to figure out why some directors remain obscure
Stanley Kubrick is a great director
>nigga/film/ can't even comprehend the existence of experimental cinema
it's never been more over
Marxist trash for "Fuck capitalism" wannabe intellectuals
Define “story”
It's only natural. The popularity of experimental cinema compared to 'normal cinema is like that of Mozart to Agrell or Eberlin.
I get not liking experimental cinema, or even just not watching it, but there are anons here who are claiming it doesn't exist and fail to comprehend its existence. I don't understand how that is even possible
The funny thing is that most renowned directors from Griffith to Eisenstein and from Ford to Tark would've thought that 'underground experimental New York short #123123' is the gayest shit ever but pseuds here will never stop pretending that this is exit level cinema and they are 'above the normies' for watching that shit LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Griffith and Ford for sure. Eisenstein and Tark were all over that gay shit themselves
>underground experimental New York short #123123
Tark hated Brakhage.
Tark literally almost had a stroke first time he watched Brakhage
do u niggas rly think all experimental cinema is like brakhage
miss me wit dat ish
Is 2001 an experimental blockbuster film?
That is according to brakhage himself. We dont know the true story
well it certainly didn't bust any blocks. didn't it flop, or barely make a profit
>the nigga retard also thinks of himself as an expert on experimental cinema
i exposed u son lmao
here anons. I'll give you some names. for the love of god go watch something outside the IMDb top 250
>Bruce Baillie
>Robert Beavers
>James Benning
>Stan Brakhage
>Guy Debord
>R. Bruce Elder
>Hollis Frampton
>Teo Hernandez
>Peter Hutton
>Jonas Mekas
>Ben Rivers
>Ben Russell
>Michael Snow
I know I'm missing loads, but that's a start. you don't have to like all these directors, or even watch them, but you should at least be aware that they exist
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Possession is one of those "my oneitis/the bipolar stoner chick that gives me blowjobs likes it, thus it's meaningful and good" pieces of media, much like a lot of 80 alternative music
That is all intellectual counterfeit compared to a good Rob Zombie film
define intellectual counterfeit
Possession is great, and The Substance is a cheap knock off. It won't have the same cult status because the women aren't likeable or relatable
>Possession is great, and The Substance is a cheap knock off.
how are they even similar
The Substance works best as a satire of the Lanthimos arthouse shtick.
it's not a satire of those tho
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Possession is great on its own without comparing it to whatever The Substance is trying to be.
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Missing? We never even left!
Nigga gimmick sisters, not like this...
Kenji Negroguchi's 47 Ronin
>It was just a miracle that Andrei Tarkovsky made it to the Festival. I was getting reports from Bill and Stella Pence every time he cleared a border someplace, was on the plane, was through customs at New York City. He's been very important to me and I've encouraged the showing of his films at every opportunity — Andrei Rublov at the Denver Film festival and Solaris here at the International Film Series — and I had just seen Stalker. As far as I know, Solaris is the only film of his that was shown widely in Russia and I know there are others of his that haven't been shown at all there.
Poor Brakhage
>Tark having a sperg fit over Brakhage's gibberish "cinema"
They’re trolling dude
The one from The Big Lebowski? He didn't look like the biggest experimental cinema fan tbqh
>most renowned directors
Appeal to authority fallacy. Why should anyone give a flying fuck what they think?

>'underground experimental New York short #123123'
No, 123122 was way fucking better, he sold out to normie pleb faggots like yourself on that one

>this is exit level cinema
It is, and you got filtered by it, cry yourself to sleep about it retard
I will just stay with the classics.
>Appeal to authority fallacy
You still haven't realised that cinema is just cult of personality type circlejerk?
I kneel.
this is what watching experimental shit does to a motherfucker, baka

you're used to, lil bro
Man /film/ is totally filtered by this movie. I've never seen this happen before
lil bro tryna say sumthin?
/film/ is filled with very autistic posters who can't process horror or comedy, or most genre cinema
point and laugh
new Cuaron slop for lil bros

>lil bro doesn't baka
>a good Rob Zombie film
This doesn't exist.
There are very few truly great horror films and Possession is sure as fuck not one of them
Kino. Based Cuarón is back
lil bros tryna look like adults by watchin """experimental""" movies lmao
lemme tell u sumthin lil bros

there aint no real experiments there
they are experiments for those directors
lil directors dont know whats been done already lmao
Very few masterpieces/great films on the genre, true. And I definitely put Possession on that high level.
It's wildly different from TTCSM or The Shining or Psycho, but then again genre shouldn't be a trap.

fuck this garbage, Cuaron peaked with the Little Princess
this isn't science m8. it's not about discovery, invention and building off of what's been done before. watch more movies.
>it's not about discovery, invention and building off of what's been done before.
This is unironically why cinema is dying.
I don't know, there are 'experimental' horror films that I enjoy, Santa Sangre for example, but I never really understood why everyone thinks Possession is the best shit ever
Every film is an experiment
lil bro is an enemy of art i shouldve known
End of thread
End of cinema
Don't bother convincing these people. I think peoples ego can't let them see it when a woman director achieves greatness so they will kvetch about minor and purity spiral. Meanwhile it has an 8+ on IMDB and an over 4 on LB, a 90 % on rottentomatoes. It is unprecedented really.
we're all storytellers here tier babble
>Meanwhile it has an 8+ on IMDB and an over 4 on LB, a 90 % on rottentomatoes. It is unprecedented really.
so does pretty much any new film that releases that panders to the film twitter/lettertranny crowd
deeply compelling argument you have there. please explore it in depth.
>'experimental' horror films
>Santa Sangre for example
Only an experiment if it breaks CONVENTIONS. Breaks the rules of the game, you understand??
Define babble
Give an example of an experimental horror film then smartass
>Only an experiment if it breaks CONVENTIONS
This is your argument to make, not mine. And you’ve failed miserably, ignorantly, pathetically.
Let’s see YOU bake a better cake then- tier babble
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Perfect example of self indulgent crap
>>a good Rob Zombie film
>This doesn't exist.
People hate what they do not understand.
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It sucks, but it's the best Zulawski film. Zulawski's a meme

Yes, and it's very good

Just watched Sueñan los androides yesterday, pretty much plotless. Kinda the same with Color of Pomegranates. Both enjoyable.

Check out pic rel
Beyond the Black Rainbow is the classic example. Also, Possession
what's the experiment in Possession
>self indulgent
Will never understand why people think this is remotely close to a valid criticism of any art. More pleb babble from a filtered mind
can /hor/fags go back to their general?
The same as any film
Legitimate 3/10 exploitative trash

>but muh trauma
Terrible job from someone utterly unprepared to go beyond basic genre
No on both accounts. Watch more film, kiddo!
lil bro got nuthin
Experimenting how long it takes for me to get tired of it and put on a good kung fu movie instead
Approaches to acting, plot, scripting, lighting, camerawork, and advancement of the diegesis. Acting is based on highly emotional outbursts by the actors, many of which seem partially improvised. Dialogue is "poetry", camerawork is orientated through a POV lense on reality. Etcetera etcetera. It's an experimental film like all of Zulawski's work, and it sucks
top reviews for this on letterboxd are hilarious
lol you sound like you've seen exactly 2000 movies and think you know it all
Good point, I accept defeat
isnt it weird how twilight produced 2 of the most respected young actors of their generation?

really hafta wonder wtf elijah wood and daniel radcliffe did to fuck up so bad
at this point i even fink rupert grint did better than daniel radcliffe
all of that was done a billion times by that point
>Yes, and it's very good
you've seen it? is it all just recut scenes of Zabriskie Point, or does Kremer splice in other things as well?
No worries, wish more posters here had your honesty.
Not even that anon, but I think Zombie's approach to kinomaking has always been literally making exploitative trash. And the fact that he sucks (allegedly, never watched one of his films) kinda proves anon's skepticism over Zombie's work. His vocals on White Zombie also suck
>wtf elijah wood and daniel radcliffe did to fuck up so bad
Be vertically challenged
kek probably the sad truth
Never said that it was original or that it wasn't slop, but it's experimental. I hate the film
>thinking experimental means “absolutely never been done before”
The brain damage retardation is stronger than ever
This: >>203841730
and Radcliffe is genuinely a pretty bad actor, despite being very likable in many of his latest roles.
I thought it was the OG Zabriskie lol, I've never seen what you posted
>never watched one of his films
about what i expect from these threads
What can I say, his musician work is complete trash, his themes in film seem like pure slop (sadistic horror as a genre but with high production value, remakes, etc.). No interest in the dude, looks smelly too. I watch a lot of horror films, but not horror films that seem to suck from the get go
I figured
what's the most obscure /film/ you've seen and enjoyed?
>another /film/tard exposing himself
Niggas can't even identify a film correctly from a poster thumb
this except it's great
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I've seen my fair share of obscure kino, but the one with the most quality that I consider it a favorite is Dealer (2004)
nigga how is the lighting experimental
Only five or six people at most have reached this number on /film/
Bro, my vision is blurry since a few days ago, I've been sick. What the fuck are you talking about, I just read "Zabriskie" in Zabriskie's Point font and guessed it was that film. I have trouble even reading this reply lol
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Very dark colors in general, look like shite. Also overexposed af trash like pic rel, everything looks super blue in most parts of the film. Results of color timing and lighting for the most part
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Ghosts before breakfast

It is about everyday household objects rebelling when the man tries to use them, including bowler hats and a telephone pole.
nu /film/ probably. all the old guys are like 4k+ by now
none of that is experimental nigga
even mainstream joints played around with overexposure
>POV: you saw a movie on Youtube in 2006, on 240p
Are you?
I was just faking shit because I fucked up, so you're right. I can't keep lying
I'm not telling you.
Good on you, more owning up to talking out your ass like an ignorant retard is desperately needed in these threads
I'm like 8k by now, 19 years old. I've only been in here for a year
Kek. It's the best one of the few Borzage shorts from the 1910s i've seen.
I'm an injured monster, I'm disgusting.
films I've rated 7/10 or higher with less than 1k logs on letterboxd
>American Dreams (Lost and Found)
>The Atrocity Exhibition
>Easy Rider (2012)
>Hearts of the World
>Japanese War Bride
>Jimi Hendrix: Hear My Train a Comin'
>Maestà, The Passion of the Christ
>Maison du Bonheur
>The Monastery of Sendomir
>Planet of Snail
>Seven Footprints to Satan
>The Sprawl (Propaganda About Propaganda)
Hearts of the World is my favorite of the bunch, so if I had to rec one, it'd be that one
I enjoy partaking in very impassioned debates about films I've never even seen in these threads.
>Hearts of the World is my favorite of the bunch
You mean the Griffith film? That Hearts of the World? I haven't seen it but I know it exists
yes. my second favorite Griffith behind Intolerance
I've never even seen Lola Montes, yet I gave it a 6/10
I knew it was good because they used it to promote Orphans of the Storm
>did you see--"BIRTH OF A NATION?" "INTOLERENCE?" "HEARTS OF THE WORLD?" "BROKEN BLOSSOMS?" "WAY DOWN EAST?" The genius who gave these mighty motion picture milestones to the world, has achieved his greatest success in a masterpiece profoundly excellent. It is D.W.Griffith's "Orphans OF THE Storm" (Print Ad- Syracuse Evening Telegram, ((Syracuse, NY)) 27 September 1922)
Will definitely watch it someday
I rated Abiding Nowhere 2/5 on Letterboxd having only watched the sped up webm.
>Seven Footprints to Satan
Got that one downloaded.
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It is obviously a 5/5 giga kino that anon was just filtered because he doesn't know about Ophuls
I think you just liked her tatas so much that you gave it a 5/5. I understand.
Didn’t you hear we’re merging the generals for October?
wow no idea atrocity exhibition had a film

will hafta check it
I would enjoy that actually, i'm always on both.
Seems very unlikely, all three claims.
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You've already posted this question before, so I will answer with a different movie this time.
La ley de la frontera (1995)
The acclaimed /film/ experience
Brakhage films are really annoying. And this is your average Brakhage fan:

>On the frontier of light and void. In twilight of image, fallible as transmission into a futile vaccum. A becoming conduit of colour's conquest on abstract loam in nexus ground. A nebula of chromatic scintillation in the transience of sacred astral texture. An artefact for galactic phenomenon and an odyssey for coarsed brush rapture.

People who write reviews like that should have been bullied way more
lmao, I can't even tell if someone actually wrote that or you just ChatGPT'd it
These kind of niggas that write like that are absolute jokes in writer's circles, but that doesn't mean that they can't git gud eventually. They just thought that searching for obscure words in the thesaurus would make their bs cooler and their pseudness less obvious, but alas, it had the opposite effect
>are absolute jokes in writer's circles
Then what do they think of people who only write with quips and hip jokes and curse words and “I’m literally shaking and crying from the nightmarish horror of childhood trauma”?
They’re both shit, but I’ll take the former over the latter any day
The latter is cringe as fuck, but at least are usually more talented because they have the passion plus something to write about. You should see how trash is the writing of people that don't have any pain to tell. It is what it is: real art requires real pain to exist
>more talented because they have the passion plus something to write about
Passion and subject matter doesn’t equal talent. And I guarantee that they haven’t experienced “real pain”.
The writing is extremely amateur/childish and on the level of a middle schooler trying to be clever or funny or “emotionally true”. Again, I’ll take the word salad.
Too many assumptions. How could you know what they have or have not experienced? And nah, word salad is the legitimate slop of the /lit/ world. Only thing on that level is the classic "life sucks, might as well get high, I'll kill myself-ACK!"-core
Sounds like a struck a nerve. How many of these shitty letterboxd “reviews” are you guilty of? Mommy, I know real pain!!! My Reddit review only got 10 upvotes, guess I need more curse words and quips!!!
Actually on second thought I don’t prefer any of it. All of these illiterate babblings masquerading as coherent thought should be eliminated from the world.
the reviewer is an artist of some sort, too, and his craft is the review
Brother, you are an idiot. I don't have a Letterboxd account, yet I've published poetry books and been part of writer's circles. Cursing you rn. You did it to yourself.
Hard agree. Some critics are very interesting to read
And the art is fucking garbage.
Art analysis? Sure.
Art “criticism”? Completely worthless.
>I've published poetry books and been part of writer's circles
>Cursing you rn
lmao oh boy
>yet I've published poetry books
lil bro...
I just liked the flashing moths of Mothlight. simple as
This was a vigorous thread
lets give it a grand ending lil bro
Both are good, it just depends on the writer, as always.
It's the truth. And my curse will gape lil bro's ass widely. You should see it. Don't fuck around with strangers guys, one random dude might be a black magician and end your life on the spot without you suspecting it. It is what it is
write a poem for me lil bro
I'll just share one that I had written for a book, but it's in spanish, translate it if you want:

En presencia de Vos vos Pienso pienso: si somos tiempo somos el presente y si somos peces somos tusojosinmaculados y tal vez mialientobrillante y si somos peces somos el cielo y si somos el cielo qué somos
thank u lil bro
I appreciate it
File deleted.
low t
I exploded
No problem, big bro
Oh shit it’s the Spanish lit all the classics are garbage guy lol
You are seriously so fucking lame lmao
Another curserino for you :D
>Cursing you rn
I would like to apologize, I’m sorry. Please don’t curse me. Chatting on a message board doesn’t deserve this. I’ll change my ways.
In the stable, a horse's eyesight
Is directed straight into my soul,
Devilish angle, uneasing image.
Sure, I'll just call nature and God to reverse their ways.
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You called me
i'll never get these posts
I know you have the power to do so, as a self-described African American magician. Thanks man for taking the curse off. It’s all good now :)
The true curse for us all
There is, I do, it doesn't, you can't.
I love this lil'nigga like you wouldn't believe.
>nihilist anti-life

the only logical outcome
And yet you faggots never actually kill yourselves
A 14 year-old's understanding of nihilism.
It's the only logical outcome, bro. Follow it
>entry level directors getting filtered by exit level cinema
Yeah it's just like, life sucks and shit sucks, frfr... *hits on that vape*
Every day, brother.
>life sucks
Exit level cope, lol
niggas "learned" about nihilism from smiling friends fr fr


>again making a new thread at 305
No way it isn’t the same dude that keeps doing this shit.
oh dey mad again
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Don't really speak Spanish but I'll try
>In the presence of You to you I think, think: if being time we are the present and if we are fish we are yourimmaculateyes and may be myshiningspirit and if we are fish we are thr sky and and if we are the sky what are we
So this is the power of /film/...

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