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HOH: Makensy
POV: Makensy
NOMS: Leah, Angela

previously on /bb/: >>203824723
Sane straight haired mak soon
leah went up to the landing and they all pretended to be asleep
anyone know the movie they got to watch the other night?
Wild Robot I think
asmr hairdrying with big mak
Who even was big maks target this week?
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>we will never get a "head scratch asmr" video from big mak
Angela originally until Production got a hold of her
was supposed to be angela
her last lonely brain cell
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someone save leah
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Are Leah and Quinn going to fuck in jury?

prolly not
she'll give him a pity handy
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at least a little cockwarming
Quinn’s goodbye messages were so lame and they didn’t include any of the stuff Leah told everyone she said. They made hers the blandest out of all of them
Sounded like Mak finally figured out that she got played by Chelsie by convincing her to put up Leah, but Chelsie immediately talked her down and believed her again. Chelsie and Cam control the vote anyway
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It really is kobayashi maru for lil lea
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just waiting to see my boy win AFP at this point desu
i hope he doesn't get it
Daily posting is very cool this season. Feeds are just bad, nothing memorable happening.
it's grim how dead the thread is at final 7. we had like triple the activity at final 4 last year when the feeds were just mama dud sitting alone and the mafia tarding out
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They're just friends
they're not doing anything. almost all game talk is happening at like midnight their time
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There's only three people actually competing for the money and everyone else is laying down to give Chealsie the win.
>Angela and Leah are up
>Leah is the target
Fucking shit ass damn it. Why can't the Cookout 2.0 ever target that old cunt?
Matt better hate-fuck her once the show's over.
I would love fuck her like I hated her and love doing it like I hated it.
last year was an exception, most recent years have been pretty dead at this stage
Did Leah's talk sway anyone except Mak? she's still fucked at this point but Chelsie is 100 percent burning a jury vote if she boots her
don't think Chelsie cares, she knows T'Kor is a lock and her minions will follow her vote
that's why if chelsie makes the final two i want her to be with either kimo or rubina. i think those two have a chance to win it and one won't be able to vote
I know people talk about how dumb people in this show are but Makensy truly is fucking retarded and I have no clue how she functions on a day-to-day basis.
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justice for jankie
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threads are more active at night cause that’s when most game talk happens
I know people talk about how aggro people in this thread are but the mak seether truly is fucking seething and I have no clue how he functions on a day-to-day basis.
he was like one of the best parts of this whole season
>jankie murdered
>thread dies shortly after
Coincidence? I think not. Jankie was the heart and soul of the season.
Leah knows there aren’t cameras in the jury house. She already seemed to try kissing Quinn in the HOH bathroom and has a hunch he has a big dick so I think she could easily be down for a one time thing. We won’t ever find out about it though
kek your self insert joseph is doing an AMA. it all makes sense now
lots of coping in the replies. icko played the long game and WILL be deep dicking her in the jury house
Tucker and Cedric are in it too. Some retard just keeps spamming the chat with “TUCKER AFP”
>big dick
That conversation was fucking hilarious. Kimo knew what she meant immediately but wasn’t sure if he did. He implied he definitely would be able to take care of a woman in bed though. Rubina was just completely clueless and seemed uncomfortable
cumming in your pants when leah touches your thigh with icko
do they skip Julie interviews on double eviction night? i forget
Regardless of who wins, Tucker won.
He might lose AFP if Angelaroach keeps staying in the game
She keeps inching closer to his numbers in BBN polls and they tend to reflect normie voting
But he still got 20k so he can’t complain too much kek, and I wouldn’t have given him it for what a mess that twist was after goblinas melty
I can't see anyone besides Angela or Tucker winning. Leah would be 3rd. Cast is very unlikeable this year.
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little leah for all stars 3
gonna watch season 9 for the first time
Yeah no one but Angela, Tucker, Leah, Mak, and Chelsie get above 3% and the power gaps are huge
Tucker and Angela are in the mid to high 20s %wise, Leah and Mak the low to mid teens, while Chelsie is like 5-7%ish. Barring some insane narrative shift the next few weeks the only question is the order for the four whiteys popularity wise
she does a very brief interview
just don't go into it expecting amazing gameplay and you'll be very entertained. BB9 is trash tv kino
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witness master gameplay by based a-baller
kek yeah that’s what I’m watching it for
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I haven't watched since Joseph got evicted. What have I missed?
quinn and tkor are jury and that's it
Oh I lied I saw Quinn get evicted too when Julie wasn't hosting and they had that closeted gay guy from the view fill in for her. I guess I'm not too far behind to catch up still
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lots of Angela crying. quinn got blindsided. they were locked out of the house for a week. leah might actually like quinn. leah is out this week and there will be a double eviction
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>check feeds 2 hours ago
>all four cams on Rubina working out
>check feeds now
>all four cams on Rubina lying on gym floor
joe's isnt till monday are you from the future?
I still can’t believe mak actually fucking nominated leah
lmao what they are showing them an ad for the summit
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can't wait for summit all stars where they climb Everest
shout out to all my tonna tu tenawa brothers and sisters
this is basically an ad for the feeds watchers kek if pluto cuts to some other ad
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kek are they playing a whole episode wtf
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when you get to finally watch tv again after 70 days
chelsie watching like she is studying for a comp
angela already crying kek
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I'm gonna check out the Summit but they're really airing a show on Sunday night in football season
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surprised they're showing this on feeds
>getting ads while I watch people watch an ad
god bless the USA
if I was on bb and they showed me some ad for slop I would constantly talk about how shit it looked
>watching them watch an ad for summit
>then get a pluto ad for the same thing
i think Joseph would probably do that. he trash talked BB all the time too
pretending to be super entertained by a tv show trailer with zubina
it feels like they are really going to show them a whole episode. lol
lmao angela having a melty over an ad
it feels like I'm watching people being brainwashed
kek I thought about joseph as somebody who would do that when I was posting that
kek they have to look so enthralled
I'd go the full opposite direction and pretend it was the best thing I've ever seen
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do you guys think she cries this much in her real life
Angela having a religious experience lmao
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they should let us watch them watch movies like this that would actually be cool
this would be better if they just left one cam on the tv so we could watch
yes it's her favorite tool
1 hundred percent. but im not sure were supposed to even be seeing them watch this
then you wouldnt watch when they show it on tv with ads or pay for p+
summit watch party with /bb/
>leah: this is my king
>rubina: the fat kid
what's a fat dude doing climbing a mountain
does angela cry when she watches big brother too?
you don’t?
don't you?
so the summit people are most def not getting the money if all people have to finish
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i like that Leah doesn't make phony faces when BB is doing shit like this. when Jankie first arrived she just had this ??? look on her face and everyone else was freaking out
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it's about the experience lol
Tonybros... :_;
take his stuff and leave tony to die
i almost cried when Quinn told Kimo he knew he was going home and gave him a goodbye speech
tonys fucking dead
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chubby chaser bros….
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imagine if they made them watch the new Matlock with Kathy Bates
Why do they look like the retard that cries watching star wars trailers
a princess denied her chubby king
that's what they tell them to do
they all have part of the cash in their pockets. the lose the casch of whoever doesnt make it
i miss claymation bro i wish he would do some more
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where were you when tony was kill??
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yeah they're pretty funny. i think this was him pretty recently
cam ran to get snacks
posting with my /bb/ sisters
holy based, he really was /ourguy/. well, before the goblina pussymisting at least
You know it’s bad when Production is having players watch an entire episode of a different show without cutting feeds
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no that wasn't him that was me using fotor
i don't think he's been here lately but idk last one i saved was his tkor
I guess we know why the episode tomorrow is 90 minutes
should just give them booze. and not no 2 beers and a bottle of wine. im talking like a bottle of titos and some chasers. lets get fucking litty
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maybe he dropped the show when Quinn got evicted
and I mean folks, where’s the lie?
not sure i buy this from chelsie
i'm sure he mentioned the pact, but didn't whine about it like she's saying here
tucker was a woke proggy he wouldn't give a shit about white guys
on the toilet
I thought this show would be more climbing intensive and less out of shape retards bumbling up a hill :\
it's because they want to jam in as much from the week as possible so that the double eviction can fit a normal length episode
he lost best subject :'(
I’m still here, funny story is I bought a subscription to the app that does it last season but I didn’t realize I bought a year long subscription. So it just ran out a week and a half or so ago. I can still do them but I only get one result instead of 4 and there’s a watermark now. Sorry ladies.
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awww, they were pretty kino. appresh sis
sounds fake as fuck, but if he or another white person said it, it's valid.
this came from chelsie on the feeds? surprised they didn't cut it. i wonder why rubina said to tucker that it had nothing to do with him
Their pact was cringe because they weren't even close. A pact between Cedric and Chelsie would make sense.
aw i loved them
they were unique to bb26 and that's pretty neat
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no problem, here’s a fresh one with the watermark
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remember when Tucker was very obviously touching his dick while Kimo was showering? i feel like not enough people talked about it
cringe Leah stan trying to divert AFP votes not realizing twitterposting will have no affect
did he smell his fingers after?
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remember when tucker was having junkie withdrawals the first or second week and dying by the fish tank?
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based. this one was a favorite
ahhh much better
i remember he was shouting and crying to himself on the balcony one day. he blamed it on not getting enough sleep. i'm sure the dude gets high as fuck before he could sleep outside the house
this is so blatant, what the fuck?
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based theres no claymation maks
tucker was fucked up and if he wasn't good looking he would be turning tricks for crack behind burger king and shuffling down the street screaming nonsense and smoking discarded cigarette butts
I wonder if being starved for entertainment actually makes you think it looks amazing.
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remember when he was doing those sexy stretches?
going cannibal mode with tony on the summit
it probably does. much like on survivor and only eating rice for weeks and then you get a mediocre burger and its like heaven.
there's one here
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based coomer
oh yeah i forgot about that one
show the tv reeeeee
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>be me
>get on the summit
>secretly eat all the food so there isn't enough to last the 14 days
>on day 6 start suggesting we eat the fatty
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she's expanding
Bobros :')
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>watching the summit with bb in /bb/
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>raw dogging a can of campbells soup
I thought The Summit was initially advertised as a solo/team race to the top of a mountain and lost all interest when I saw them sitting around a camp discussing drama like an episode of survivor.
that's still shocking to me
i've never seen anyone do that ever
even hobos will heat them up with a lighter or something
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>watching a whole bunch of people that don't get along on a reality tv watching a whole bunch of people getting along on another reality tv show
thank you i love him
>cells interlinked
grod is an artist
they all got along on day 2
we have to go deeper
they should have showed them this in the first couple weeks. it would have made them really think
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they’re gonna binge the whole season tonight
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angela is doing the most
they burger clapped at the end kek
I wish
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kimo is doing second most
and now they have to discuss
they are talking about what season 2 of the summit will be
kenny said he turned down some other show to go on big brother

oh no no
god that guy is so dumb lol
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I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them
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ai dud has entered the house
>tucker would do that show
>and he would get voted out again

I thought it was Wednesday and i put cbs on :(
chelsie first person to leave the hoh room
He is using CIA energy rape techniques to rape chemo during his shower.
angela said that host is her age... he is 54
I was at the gym and was unable to watch the summit. The caps were probably kino. Steak and potatoes on the pan.
Adam was the real crazy eyes
has angela told them she was on price is right?
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10? i can only guess this mari person is a buddy
What are these rankings from? Why are they so off from the actual?
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makensy was the highest last week and now she’s at the bottom, what the fuck big mak
cam is playing such a shit game he wont even be able meatball her at F2
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so fucking stupid why would you nominate leah and not talk to her about the problems before hand god damnit I’m still seething man
Reminder: without flashback you can't trust 70% of Twitter updates
Because Chelsie didn’t want to give her the chance to defend herself. She just needs Leah out now and for Mak to be the one to get her hands dirty
No you see it makes perfect sense to use the veto on the pawn to be replaced by an ally while your target, whom the whole house will vote out without hesitation, is on the block due to the lies of people in the house who see you as a threat.
yeah I’m seething that mak would let her control her decisions down to talking to leah before hand it’s so fucking frustrating
realistically, leah's only path forward was winning the veto during the double on thursday. if she won the double hoh she wouldnt be able to play in the next one and they would. its fascinating the leah simps are madder than she is kek
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it hurts because it was mak who did it
mak was super upset about the matt + leah being the true showmance comments. she was pissed and didnt give a fuck
mak chelsie going to talk
yay reprogramming time
Chelsie is a scatfag and a footfag
the worst part about this cast's gameplay is that they always believe stuff at face value and rarely fact check anything they hear
they are low on food supplies but they still have pizza and ice cream kek
i thought jerry was kind of gay too
is that real?
As bad as Kimo and Rubina are they deserve more than this. Like 3 and 4. Who wins if Chelsie loses in a power vacuum you got K/R as only team left. Kimo just keeps pawning out its not that he is that damn bad. Rubina actually has a lot of friends and nobody hates her and she's doing her thing.
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she can’t leave us
>it smells like shit in here
>chelsie goes in to eat icecream and drink pop
what are you talking about kimo is one of the worst players to ever set foot in the bb house.
aren't RHAP ratings more about how safe people are and their likelihood of reaching the end? I thought they weren't strictly gameplay ratings
The raccoons are screaming at each other again. Or it is bats either way loud screeching that happens sometimes in the night.
jankie's karma
wtf is mak doing did they call her to the DR?
flicking her bean
stop singing that fucking song jesus fucking christ
Holly’s nudes leaked
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in a regular season they would be fucking
mak heading up to hoh room. here we go
not sure what there is to discuss
check the big brother thread on simpcity
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oh big mak. where did you think kimo and rubinas target were going to go with leah going out this week? you silly goose
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such a dummy
she is pushing angela is a bigger threat to ride with kimo/rubina
kek mak trying to save leah now fucking christ
it won't work.
i love this cast of retards i really do
of course not, leah is chelsie’s #1 target, mak is so fucking dumb for letting chelsie mist her over this
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No you see it makes perfect sense to put up a nonbuddy ally in big buddy
she is trying to make up for her mistake and you guys are still mad
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how did leah get mak back on her side? mak being paranoid that chelsie will come for her next?
but are we seething?
as much as you think people are being overly unfair to her you are overly defending her
because it was an irreversible and easily avoidable mistake
make up for the mistake of using the veto to blindside someone that was loyal to you?

i didnt say anyone was being unfair and i dont defend anyone. i state facts. what i said is indisputable
what the fuck is chelsie seething about with leah? she says she was dishonest. as if chelsie doesn't lie all the time
because she talked to leah for like an hour and a half and leah explained everything, a conversation that she should have had with her before the meeting but chelsie told her not to
Chelsie thinks Angela would put up Rubina and Kimo, so it's pointless to keep Leah
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>mak straightens her hair
>now she’s defending leah
kek angela would 100% put up chelsie
>i didnt say anyone was being unfair
so you agree she's a dumbfuck retard useless piece of shit leading a top 5 worst ever HOH, okay good to know
big mak is going to do that entire bag of m&ms
Now Chelsie is saying that Rubina would vote her out kek. She is just saying anything to get rid of Leah
being a season long seether isnt being unfair, its just you seething. i look forward to posting caps of mak next season and you still seething
stress eating a whole bag of m&ms with big mak
Mak is still going on about shit that happened in the first few days of the season. Get the fuck over it
Mak really seems like she believes Leah and wants to keep her. Chelsie is control of the vote though so I don't think it will matter.
yeah she isnt budging
Chelsie rolled her eyes at the idea that Leah had a crush on Quinn
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big mak done goofed
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it's a combination of how likely they are to get to the end, how likely they are to win, and moves made that week. with an extra bonus for blackness depending on the panel
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>tfw you poop your pants and try to shove the poop back in to fix the issue
when did chenbot appear in the proto box?
i'd rather see holly from bb5 desu
taking out your closest ally for the higher purpose with big mak
it's ok everyone, chelsie says she's gonna wash her cracks. we can stop watching the feeds for the night
these ads better chill
Favorite PlutoTV commercials:

the publix commercial with Bittersweet Symphony
the gladiator commercial with Megan The Stallion because she's hot
>NOOOOOOO you can't criticize my waifu!
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dead eyes
threads about to die so i can share that i think rubina is cute seeya later
big brainless bitch
you have my permission to seethe
Chelsie is defending Angela now and saying that she won't have a blow up kek. She's blatantly pushing Leah out
its hilariously obvious
she’s such a jealous cunt
little leah having fun doing splits while chelsie seethes over her existence
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i almost took a cap of Chelsie obviously seething over Mak shit talking Angela right now but decided to take one of Leah instead
good choice, we need all the little leah caps we can get before thursday
chelsie completely staying silent during the angela shit talking session
damn alyssa from bb24 has nudes, based
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nevermind she left the room kek
i didnt notice leah enter kek
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mak needs to give cam a handy to get his vote for leah
she's not like that.
angela makes mak seethe more than the mak seether
Joseph new thread
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Cam made a sloppy joe with mac and cheese on the bun
cam having no part of this convo
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soon. too early
mak not winning anymore fans with this angela bash session kek
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why do all the cute girls instinctively rest their heads on the shower door every season?
i respect how kimo is such a musical person that it's driving him nuts that he can't sing random songs but holy fuck he picked the worst tune to sing over and over
cam has entered the session
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angela putting her work in with kimo
its too late
>angela is using the summit in her pitch
god she’s so funny kek
ooooo an angela!
getting blacked with big mak
here comes the leah shit talk session
>chelsie: jr mints are like old persons candy

as rubina is looking for the jr mints
junior mints are delicious fuck that dumb bitch
chocolate and mint are timeless, bitch is acting like they're werther's originals
it should be leah giggling in bed with mak right now I’m so fucking pissed
kek cam eating the jr mints now. chelsie is going to seethe later
did they not eat dinner why are they all going so hard on the snacks
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>Leah after mak got her HoH room
oh what could have been
Who would turn down a junior mint?
werthers are delicious idgaf
>a fucking 10
literally no one has played the game above a 5

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