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Just marathoned this at the kinoplex, what did I think of it?
I'm sick of you assholes shilling this garbage.
Shut the fuck up
fuck off shill go back to gooning to interracial cuck porn on /r/cuckfantasy
Yes surely the 100 threads about this piece of shit movie we've had so far today have been full of deep philosophical discussion about the movie's themes and meaning.
Kill yourself, faggot.
is this a sequal to THE STUFF (1985)??
what does it mean? is it ppl fantasizing about being cukcs
Really weird thing to bring up? Is this your personal fetish?
I have no idea what this film is, but I was passing by and I was wondering why you know what the subreddit for cuckolding is?
Take your meds.
you probably scream about jews or something along those lines too schizo
oh you dont like the movie? Then literally go fucking do something else. Absolute degenerate loser
I'm gonna make another thread about this movie so schizo retards like these have another meltdown
I am doing something else, pissing off faggots who gobble this slop.
>New movie comes out that people like
no you arent. You are wasting the infinite amount of time you have and are bumping the thread.
You're using that word pretty loosely.
I have infinite time, nothing I do matters.
You, on the other hand, are wasting your finite time on this planet defending Jewish slop propaganda.
I didn't include you
Any creature who steps foot in a theater post-2020 doesn't deserve to be called a human.
yep called it. Theres the jew obsession. Man you losers are like copies of eachother.
Ok Satan
>noooooo stop noticing things
youre just a tragic case of terminally online. Nothing much more too it.
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Let's not be hyperbolic, he has limited time, and this is how he chooses to spend it. Uneducated, uncreative, unkind, without power--it's how he expresses his misery, like how brainmushed retards escape to fantasy all day, but his escape is rage-based and drives his blood pressure up, which will ruin his veins since his blood pressure is fluxuating without exercise. This results in a shorter lifespan. What you're seeing is a creative will who had to build layer upon layer of defense until they forgot who they once were. Responding is useless, because you're just giving the emotional 10-year-old the attention he so desperately seeks. It's much more therapeutic to simply remember he'll die an early death after living a meaningless life.
I'm not reading all of that.
>everything he's ever said is just a regurgited meme
I think you mean "regurgitated"
I’m buying that leotard and I’m going to spend hours in front of my full length mirror
agp tranny freak
I'm going to be nude like the times they were nude.
>I think
If this was possible, you wouldn't have a 4chan folder.
>implying i'm not just copying images from google
If you could think you'd be capable of using proper grammar.
You're missing a comma, genius.
Good morning saar
>it's a newfag meme this time
do not redeem
>confirms that he’s a bunker tranny
Honestly, you should have just pretended to be a jeet. It would have been more respectable
Ironic that I'm the one with blue eyes in this conversation.
>confirms he's an election tourist
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>Ironic that I'm the one with blue eyes in this conversation.

Directed by a woman. That explains all the crotch shots.
yeah but you're cat avatarfagging
>he can't even deny having shit colored eyes
why is wearing neo's matrix reloaded outfit. these weird writer bitches think they're movie stars but they look like retards.
Kek. I’m glad this shitty shill thread got derailed by trannies and jeets.
How did a woman make a good movie?
Take your meds.
She made a good movie? Was it the one before this?
>carries on shitting the thread up and taking it closer to bump limit
Based. Kill the hype more, jeet-sama
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u can just ask for more cat pics anon no need to b shy about it
my god this is so hot, I can’t even begin to imagine the sheer amount of semen this one film is going to generate by the time it finishes its theatrical run…and all those guys showing other guys webms and gifs and pictures just to make them masturbate and ejaculate, oh my lord, boys getting boys off will never not be hot, getting so hard in my replica The Substance leotard just thinking about it, fuck!
what are you even doing here you seething fag
fpbp, look how mad the shills get lol
Another thread will be made. Either way, the idea that shilling happens here is mental illness. No one would pay someone to get the 4chan crowd.
how about no?
laterally the most degenerate movie experience I’ve had the displeasure of attending, sold out performance and every single row had people engaging in sexual acts, depraved and Godless
>admits he’s just remaking the threads
>doesn’t realise how prolific shilling is on 4chan
I know you’re being disingenuous, but if you wanted people to believe you were saying that in earnest, you’d be coming off as a massive newfag.
Wait a minute... Is the guy hating on this the same guy who hated D&D? The Brazilian fag? He posts and samefags just like him.

Holy shit.
>yeah, steve. we're gonna pay you to go to this site full of people no one likes or wants to be associated with and convince them all to go to the theater to see this movie even though they don't have jobs and pirate everything. ok?
This is the conversation your unstable ass invented in your head so you could feel like a victim of a conspiracy.
you need to tell me where you live so I can move there now
>but how are they going to spread word of mouth? they don't have friends or fans.
>simple, they'll call it based on their isolated hate site.
>brilliant, john. absolutely brilliant. you've done it again.
More like a sequel to Society
This. Make a Substance general and fuck off.
No. I don't think we will.
Based and checked
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>pic related is the only webm i could find of any body horror kino
i' disappointed in you, /tv/.
Shame, because there's a high quality version out.
make your own webm
it was slop and mid so if you want to see elisasue's rear face crawling onto her hollywood star after her body falls apart you gotta torrent it yourself cause i aint doin shit
smooth spoiler ngl
That looks fucking terrible and I'm a body horror fan, is this really what people are going nuts over?
why is everyone ITT mad about a movie?
Misery loves company.
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>Directed by a woman. That explains all the crotch shots.

A "woman" you say...
I'm sick of this retard saying he marathoned a single movie. tv sucks just as bad as every other board.
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Rather poorly directed and very heavy handed messaging. But yeah very gross body horror, ala The Fly/ Videodrome etc
Blend of > > >
(didn't upload other posters) blend of Society/Neon Demon/ AMC Tape Worm/ Sunset Boulevard
There’s a dozen threads on the catalog about it. That by itself is annoying
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women are amazing at directing anti-woman kino, because they can get away with a lot a man realistically cannot. See: American Psycho

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