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Never Kill Yourself edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• Claire continues to put fries in the bag
• B*nl*aks has been exposed as a creepy stuttering and shaking sperg,

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203838683
cyro can kill himself
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Letty's harem!
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Kalei's stream is constantly about pussy and boners.
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Fuck the audience.
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Betty is better than Greg
She needs to get fucked
I wish
pretty good masking
did you seriously think we would send normal guys? we're not just sending any normal type of guy to your house... we're sending the ultimate career ender. A gay guy, not just any gay guy though, a gay guy with pizza in his hands! deliciously evil
>Greg getting off to chat doing a boner check
Tj I'd like some karaoke kino right now
what even are these threads? the show isn't even airing

you don't need CONSTANT fucking threads. Fucking, not even saying this on behalf of myself, I could easily filter the threads. Just do something else, literally anything else. At least keep the constant posting to when the fucking show is airing
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>five hour interview
It's obviously the lovely Channing. She could probably talk about Sam Hyde for the rest of her life.
sliced up swarthoid
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Omelets for the Nerds!
bennnnn :)
Hi Mike.
Please post this same reply in threads about the Sopranos, Breaking Bad, the Wire, etc
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What the FUCK did he mean by this?
You can just TTS him what is manifesting supposed to do
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Waw egg omelets
That's art, art merits discussion. This is a fucking reality show. Imagine if there were big brother threads every single day that were being spammed constantly when the show wasn't fucking airing
thinking about copping this beyblade
I like this guy, I'm glad he's part of our community now.
>That's art, art merits discussion.

Kill yourself.
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The Sarge might have a little brain damage.
Benji show bussy
I'm imagining that and thinking "huh I don't really care I just won't go there"
Fuck you faggots for digging into Tayleighs personal life last night. That was too far.
she pees on the floor and cuts herself and sucks on black dildos
and Greg is a pedo
they should both be put down
The show never ends
She's a beautiful Sephardic Latina Jew princess
probably passed out in a bathroom somewhere
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softball Dog... Dakota!
FUck if that was happening I'd be all up in those threads like YO WHY ARE YOU HERE DO SOMETHING ELSE y'know ART MERITS DISCUSSION etc it would be epic
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Want to know what else is too far
>a beautiful Sephardic Latina Jew princess
no, that's creature
holy shit, benleaks used my post (again)
why do you mouthbreathers hate girls who cut themselves, if you had a heart you would feel sympathy for them

also that wasn't real pee and you porn-brained faggot cuckolds are the ones who started the BBC thing, she was trolling you and it worked beyond her wildest imagination because you're STILL mad about it
are you black?
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>Fuck you faggots for digging into Tayleighs personal life last night. That was too far.
His own daughter yall.....
They also keep posting/reposting (often overlapping)10-15 min bits from the paywalled (and live-) streams, some 3 years old, on at least 4 different YouTube channels. Guess that's what all the editing guys in the "office" are doing.
are any of you guys even honest anymore
Until last night, I always thought this image was a photoshop of Tayleigh's face with a beard and sunglasses added.
the pee was very real and the BBC thing wasn't a troll, she was having another breakdown
she needs help and you're the one who actually needs to be put down, b*ttypedo
you're a rockstar, anon
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eiffel tower with tj...
Guys are there any nudes or porn from the fat chick from the last thread please? I don't watch this shit but she's very hot.
all of that shit has been posted 100 times now on /bant/. Its funny seeing /tv/ babies wasting their time digging through stuff thinking they're finding new content though
I’m not involved in this tomfoolery, nothing I can do about it either, sorry. Just here for updates.
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i am a true liar
cool worthless post, thanks
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...jeff knows sushi
I accept your concession, you pedophile freak
now leave that mentally ill retard B*tty alone
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everything i said was right, kill yourself
Aly, please, even if it's just for a second, please hold me like you held that shark. I love you so much.
You're delusional and unwell
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Cleaned my desk for 5 mins as requested. Half my desk is like art supplies and paint
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Keegan and TJ should start a shitty indie band together. Call themselves something like The Sloppy Seconds. Teej on vocals, Keeg on guitar. Opening act for an MDE show.
Find your Zen big guy
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extreme need to breed Abi and watch her breasts and thighs get tastefully bigger throughout the pregnancy
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i ate it raw !!
bernie needs your help, why didn't you answer the call?
why don't you ever say anything of substance

all you do is say "you're wrong" and "you're stupid"

why bother replying at all
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>also that wasn't real pee and you porn-brained faggot cuckolds
You are an actual retard.
you judge me from that time i sperged out. it was a long time ago let me grow from that
jacob doing monkey
Good start, keep at it
Hey, Cyrokeen? You know what would be funny? If you did a video of you jerking off and cumming. You could troll /ftl/ this way. Haha!
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letty would be proud
get help before it's too late, b*ttypedo
Sally told him no.
Go back to your thread or bad things are going to happen to you.
tj a freak
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>bernie poster
Jezza is that you?
*cum must hit camera
you need to start thinning your paints, Cryo. It'll make your work look night and day better.
it's a great idea
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>Hey, Cyrokeen? You know what would be funny? If you did a video of you jerking off and cumming. You could troll /ftl/ this way. Haha!
Flubber titties
You are always threatening me
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october 4th and all the normal people will be back and the threads will be normal again, yeah, i'm a normal guy
I know its you, JT.
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There is no difference between these two wembs.
Someone post the bettypedo vocaroo
we need more letty goon edits
>you porn-brained faggot cuckolds are the ones who started the BBC thing, she was trolling you and it worked beyond her wildest imagination
How is she owning anyone by sucking and fucking a BBC dildo? You're more retarded than she is.
JT Dolan?
>art merits discussion

Shinebox! OOH! maddon! He never had the makings of a varsity poster. Small brain, that was his problem. Give me 1000 dollars. UP IN DA CLUB! You gotta bee ona ur hat. Natural canopy. Like Augustus. 3 o'clock. One of the trucks. Be quiet, Albert. Interior decorator. His house looked like shit. She was a fucking HOAH. 40 grand, from the bird feeder!
anything you want to share with us benji?
Yes, now go back. This is your last warning.
why didn't vance do any of his vance moves on 2.5
It would be so easy to suck Vance's hot white boy cock in this position.
Literally fucking who?
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when does cryo leave fishtank forever?
You faggots are so incredibly dorky lol
or what huh leave me alone
That would be pretty funny!!!
once every month than he's back the next hour
I want to see Cryo do 8 inch cock with lots of cum and I want it for free.
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>Jacob trying so hard to rizz up some Omegle chick and it's going alright
>extremely loud vomit noises
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When I die
And after my death I'll still be connected to it and mentioned
Cryokeen pulling off a Sebastian goaste and turning it into a ritual post
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>It would be so easy to suck Vance's hot white boy cock in this position.
ohhhh she was sucking a troll black dick, Makes it better man
Pay up piggy
The thing that gets me about Betty is that she looks exactly like a girl I was head over heels for and developed a special something with. Unfortunately that girl got away. When I watched Bitchtank, Claire came in a way similar to Betty but I can't describe exactly how. Maybe I'm a sucker for brunettes desu.
I. WANT. COCK. Vance's to be specific.
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Ping me if and when TJ or Taylor stream.
she was being based and redpilled. you wouldn't get it
would french kiss josie
Imagine Taylor's face degloved as she drunkenly falls down into the street and gets run over by a motorcycle
You better make a video of yourself jerking off and cumming.
something in S3 will trigger cryo, he will tweet he's quitting fishtank because of it, quitting drinking and he will start going for daily walks. then in a few weeks he'll be back and the cycle will repeat itself. Judging by his youtube channel, he's been doing this type of stuff for at least 11 years
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>The thing that gets me about B*tty is that she looks exactly like a girl I was head over heels for and developed a special something with. Unfortunately that girl got away. When I watched Bitchtank, Claire came in a way similar to Betty but I can't describe exactly how. Maybe I'm a sucker for brunettes desu.
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i remember this what a cry bitch
fat voice
Literally me
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I wasn't actually expecting my (You) farming technique to actually work lmao.
Well.. we shall see.
didnt you disavow
you're missing it cuck
I hate fishtank tts sounds. They are not funny
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I've been struggling with alcohol use ever since I was 15 but especially 21 when I could buy it. Am 38 now
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Special.... you think you're special....
why do guys like q and cole have that kermit the frog voice?
They usually aren't but that made me laugh because it actually flustered him
why are you so fat, stupid & worthless?
what's your 5 year plan buddy?
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oh hell naw Sarge lets the dog watch???
You know all you guys gotta do is rape Cyrokeen if you want him to stop being so uppity. Someone needs to take one for the team and feed this fat kike your big white cock. He will really hate Fishtank after a fan rapes him.
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I hate this ugly fucking face so much
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jacob just got a tranny to show their nipple lmao
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You drink a 40oz malt liquor a day and think youre an alcoholic you low tolerance fat pussy talk to me when you are up to 1/5th of vodka attention seeking faggot
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The incest posters posting /pw/ and attaching stuff from /pw/ to it gives /pw/ a bad rep
Guys...you should stop joking around about making Cryo cum? He will really do it. You know he has no shame.
jacob just got a tranny to show tits
januki will pay for what he is doing
why do you like being the little spoon?
Cryokeen V&R status?
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You're a joshipedo, shut the fuck up and get back to shaking
If we were on /bant/ we could post nudity

WTF is the point of having these threads on /tv/
does benleaks want to fuck cryokeen what are these niggas on
Semen sperm content
This isn't the own you think it is
I really gotta stop drinking basically forever or only on special occasions. Shoenice seems to be doing well with the weed / wax dab only method. Uhm idk I gotta get more daily walks in, fix my bike, maybe goto church again. I'd like to learn Japanese and some basics of Engineering or at least Plumbing. I wanna finish some video game maps I've been working on and clay stuff first tho. I also got video stuff I need to be doing.

But like I said not drinking is my priority sorta so I might just smoke weed and watch fishtank for a month and not get to much done while I'm avoiding alcohol if possible inshallah
>niggercoal asian wrestling webm
Are you hiso?
These people are retarded and constantly falling for his grift.
Telling people what you want to do/what you are going to do makes you less likely to do it. so stop posting and go do something
jacob... cmon man
anyone else thinking about scott... hehe... made myself blush lol!!! he's such a cutie.
>Lying to get laid is rape
Words are rape?
>Unenthusiastic sex worker is rape
Can you just call rape if you don't like your job, the fuck?
>Stealing money back after paying sex worker is rape
Now that one is pretty funny, I encourage this behavior, that's good rape
>learn some basics of Engineering or at least Plumbing
why didn't you do this at 18? what stopped you from going to university to study engineering or pursuing a plumbing apprenticeship?
the mods are bros and let us post nudity in this thread exclusively
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Cryokeen 8 inch semen sperm content!
I don't have much faith in you. It's just too late. I'm sorry.
Not a grift if you have a twitter dedicated to self harming
Why do you want to post nudity?
Idk. Laziness, weed, alcoholism, adhd
How are you doing king?
it's not too late to improve, just remember that
now fuck off
thats just an earthbound reference
Anon do I need to spell this out for you
Do you feel no shame being a 38 year old leech watching 20year olds through a screen?
cumming on benleaks cute porcelain face
Joshi is 4 the real patricians
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Luckily all the faith i need is my friends, fans, family, et alien friends/acquaintances, Jesus Buddha Allah and most of all Mother Nature
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My young nigga Benleaks
show bussy
the whitest he's ever been
Those guys would fucking hate you if they met you
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Keep telling yourself that, just ignore everything from age 15-38
Not me, I've never done anything wrong in my life
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I never sperged out in her DMs. I just called her out for pedo baiting when she posted her little girl panties on X.
Wait so when they say you should never have sex with a drunk girl they always assume the guy is 100% sober?
fuck i wanna buy this bitch some braces and take progress photos every week for the two years it would take to straighten all the fucked up shit out

nothing sexual
Why are her floors so fucking filthy? Dirty whore
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Women are never responsible for their behaviour.
jacob rizzing his black queen
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you're not Taking away the charm points
he never learns
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hi anon!
Leech? I posted hundreds of video edits of this show and helped slightly popularize Fishtank on Twitter and other places. I made fishtank art. I told everyone I could about fishtank. Some of my YT and X fishtank posts have gotten a lot of views. I make ftl threads during s1 and s2. I donated money to Sam b4 fishtank and bought his coffee. It was good. Also Sam Hyde is my age.

Do I feel shame about being a Fan of a show I love (and hate a little bit)?

Sometimes. In the end it's just entertaininment like any movie or tv show. It's edgy and not currently as revolutionary as I thought it would be but it's still the early days we might get fishtank for 100 years still!
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Given any situation men are held more accountable than women. Both parties equally drunk, but only one can claim rape.
Funny, right? Supposed to be boss bitches and empowered women but they'll literally argue they can't be held to the same level of responsibility as men when it's convenient.
wow she's ugly
How is Shadi more memorable than the Rat? She's completely fallen off lmao
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She probably doesn't get a lot of action bc straight guys are intimidated by her and she keeps a harem of fags.
I enjoy how you didn't say Yahweh.
Are u sueing MDE or gonna be part of that 5 hour expose video
indian women are ugly
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Keep laughing and making incest jokes. Y'all just mad you can't have her. Who really won in this situation?
CK is half Korean half White
>I just called her out for pedo baiting when she posted her little girl panties on X.
Don't you guys understand that she is just trolling you by posting those little girl panties?

It's you the ones that are porn-brained faggots, not her or her fans. Master 4D chess trolling right there.
>Guys are there any nudes or porn from the fat chick from the last thread please? I don't watch this shit but she's very hot.
I thought that was a spider-man mask in the thumbnail.
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CK is beautiful

She's half Korean. I bet she eats it raw.
villain from The Crow (1994) looking ass
cole said she’s native american
you know this moment in anime/cartoons where a perfect princess/goddess washes herself in a pond and the MC runs into her by a mistake?
this picture got the same magical energy.
white bitches are foul. you used to understand that.
you forgot fishtank!
>I bet she eats it raw.
like dogs and stuff
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I fully expect the season 3 house to be swatted if tayleigh is there. People fucking hate her.
Virgins, all of you
>benfreaks sets his talons into a new victim
Virgin website
he's going to hell. none of this matters.
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was CK a fent addict 2 or was that just Brian and she watched it all happened
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i been to korea ! ...jeff knows sushi
im sure someone will get what im talking about
i’ve had sex once
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Pussy and boners are very relevant themes when it comes to Kalei, at least for me
Yeah, The Spirit of Fishtank and the AMAZING Community Cast and Crew continue to inspire me to keep pushing for The Stars!!!
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Id be kind of disappointment if she was their star witness. I actually dont have anything personal with her, she just blew her chance getting drunk with her null interview.
Gammon would be a good guy to interview.
>People fucking hate her.
Only incel bantoids do. Stop acting like we can't see its the same 20 losers seething here, twitter and kiwifarms.
>Sarge ate a freshwater fish raw
still hilarious
so are you just going to bitch and complain or are you going to let me fuck you?
Same, I've had sex with 1 girl I am not a virgin
>tj sides with brian
>sam sides with brian
>jet sides with brian
>octavius thunder sides with brian
>summer sides with brian and accept his apology
why do people like ck again?
i'd plap meg, that webm of her lifting is nice
is that Slightlyhomeless?
no I prefer JigC content
She's beautiful, inside and out.
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>i been to korea
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The Lovely JC
>every omegle chick pretends she is doing her hair and makeup while she talks
this is exactly the same as jet eating the wings while talking
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Are you not supposed to eat freshwater fish raw? Why not?
You guys are watching Greg watch Season one right? He's on ep 8 or 9 our of 10 I think
fupa queen
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parasites are more prevalent in freshwater fish
he's on episode 8 which is the longest most boring one
Brian is a parasitic jewish rat capable of manipulating those around him, which he then uses to feed off their spiritual energy. his allies mean nothing, they are not earned. not any more real than the bond between a siren and the fisherman she's lured to the depths with her call.
hey how about those season 2 episodes instead, Jet, you slimeball slav fuck
I've been gone for a week and you guys are still Sargeposting
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He'll yea boy good friends......can't beat it !
some key texts were discovered last night
They have parasites and bacteria that are more likely to affect people than saltwater fish.
im just thankful the facebook boomer posting has taken the place of the incest erping for the most part.
Is brownleaks obsessed with emo cutter white boys?
thank u
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oLh vTeCJ yle
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I'm going to be Sargeposting throughout S3
>tj sides with brian
>sam sides with brian
>jet sides with brian
>octavius thunder sides with brian
>summer sides with brian and accept his apology
yeah because all of those people knew them as a couple for years so obviously their opinion is EXTREMELY hecking valid
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They will be posted before Bloodgames, relax
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The Rapidly Growing Taylor
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Cause she a goofy ho. unblock me u goofy ho
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WOULD YOU LOOK AT THE TIME! it's beer o'clock! It's half-past brewski! It's a quarter to ale!

Love a good cold beer, especially that first chilled gulp where you can't help but let out a satisfied AAAHHHH, just magnificent. Cheers guys!
manifesting cryo/sarge link up
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I like this meme. The simulator is breaking down
Cease and desist posting. You're making a big mistake.
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Cujo when the stench of Tayleigh's pussy finally hits him.
yo is that zoltar
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He'll yeah brother .... can't beat it !!
..softball Dog
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>it's pink
can you bag all of them please
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you goddamn right we are son...,. we from the old generation no half measures with us
josie and tj have plot armor
Sam told Channing to bomb the null interview and he'd pay her back. He never did and now we are currently witnessing the big purple arc. Strap in for more kino. It's gonna be litty
Bill from Fishtank would never say this.
inceltank when? Lol I'd be so funny and the girls would come to suck my dick
just did
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yo keegan went to sam's show? why are we not talking about this?
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He must love the new fans
>Gambles away half your $50,000 Fishtank winnings in 3 weeks.
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Mmmm thinking bout making some lamb n potatos .... he'll yeah boys!!!!
is this rizz?
Jacob mogs
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Has Jacob talked to an actual women while streaming or has it just been transexuals
Even on the rare occasion where black women aren't obese, they're still deeply unappealing
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Hit us with the change up just like #10! Hook em!
>3 weeks
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its called AURA
Pre meth Tay :( had such a bright life ahead of her…
he's using his ball shaver on his face
i hope someone gifts a bunch of josie memberships within the next day
TJ's mum put it all into an account she spent all the money he got from working at the mill
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it went all downhill from here
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Been away for 4 weeks - whats been happening and what is going to happen in the world of ftl??
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Those Facebook posts were so fucking funny. I love that he calls Tayleigh #10.
If only she streamed again.... her entire chat would be Sargeposts
Josie waiting in the mental hospital breeding room <3
I gotchu, here's a quick rundown of the key events:
what kind of retard names their child "tayleigh"
Is TJ's mom hot
anon you forgot
if she was smart she would stream again and when it turned on it was just Sarge streaming from a pick up truck
>whats been happening
gay drama shit
>and what is going to happen
why isn't she doing a jimface at the camera?
Nah she was cooked from the start, needed to reject her dads ideals and develop an even more adversarial but redeemable personality
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It's a mixture of her parents' sons' first names from their previous marriages. Taylor and Leigh.
Total white trash shit
Chris kattan on pgl
ok lol but what is sarge posting?
it means "tailed one" or "one who is betailed"
some people are born with vestigial tails
How did Josie have plot armor?
Why are you doing this
Stop talking shit
Last chance
Melinda and sarge didn’t know what the fuck to do. I think her older brother was a 1 and done kid but then Tay was conceived accidentally and fucked their whole relationship up and caused a divorce.
I would love a Sarge cameo
>It's a mixture of her parents' sons' first names from their previous marriages
this is an insane way of naming a child from a new marriage
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brian baloney lol
qrd on gay drama shit? any body important?
When she overdoses or kills herself let's remember to grayscale this as her In Memoriam.
it's sort of a mix between semi-ironic homoeroticism, incestuous fanfiction, and this:
it's not even the meth, it's just the smoking of cigarettes that made her age faster
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heh another douchebag added to the filter list... ain't got time for those small fires mmmmm yeah that's what's up
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Tayleighs baddass boomer dad
He goe's BEAST MODE !!!!!
oh its true
Its DAMN true
octavius did something i think
counting down the hours to jimmy time....
nice very experimental, but who is sarge?
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The beautiful CC
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>Age regression
>Uses pacifiers
>Plays toddler games
>Has a weirdly large and wide head
>Abused drugs to the point she's stuck mentally at 13 years old
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btw why did jimmy time get removed from OP?
Imagine she's sucking ur cock
what did he do?
don't worry about that
It's probably just genetics and bulimia
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How is everyone doing today?
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last tayleigh i'll ever post
Are you fucking serious? Source?
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The bakers are tranny Mormon faggits. I had to sneak it in there
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hey uh jet you are uh eventually planning to well uh pr-promote your little internet show that is um desperately in need of money, right?
She still does. And she always wins.
better now that I saw this
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You promise?
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Tayleighs father
These fucking cucks think there funny posting it
She has said many times to respect her privacy but these fucking faggots don't listen
That's why she quit cause of stuff like this great job idiots
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The Trader's Council requests you delete this post.
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prepare his regards.
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That arm is so fucked she looks like she got in a fight with a blender
yes and I hope others will follow, same with sargeposting. s3 is coming and tayleigh needs to die forever
What? Promote my show!? Oh I knew I forgot something

Huh even a post or 2 by Sam would help
she quit? wow please qrd with a bit more detail??
something something taylor something something TJ something something Keegan
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>Tayleighs father
>These fucking cucks think there funny posting it
>She has said many times to respect her privacy but these fucking faggots don't listen
>That's why she quit cause of stuff like this great job idiots
source? have you SEEN the guy?
>It wasn't real
Qrd on pee-gate?
who is keegan??
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i would rather fuck greg with the fake tits
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Basically this:

>Last ever stream will be remembered as arguing with a mostly hostile chat and blowing up on your cockbuddy's femboy friend while being bombarded with $1 hate TTS saying you deserved to be beaten

he is a man of many names and little hair
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that face Jimmy is pulling... where have I seen that face before...
I find it weird they don't say when the show starts, they did the same for bloodgames, they had the date in one tweet that eventually got buried, nothing in the headers or bio anywhere
is this some kind of smart idea by jet?
Kill yourself
something something greenshark
does he know about this?
Why does dude live in a closet are your parents poor or do they just hate you?
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Keeper of cookies
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Here's her cope
why did octavius salute him in the middle of february
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I would kill to be able to rape Josie..
Anyone know how much money she made with this before Skull Hyde shut it down?
cucked by the goblin AND octavius?!
NTJR arc
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I've heard they have money problems and many lawsuits pending. Perhaps they are actually trying to go more low key until s3 is a few days into it
she announced that she's taking a break from something she barely did
Go ask in her thread you annoying faggot. What the fuck is wrong with you?
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Tales of Wape
i would kill to be raped by josie...
With that tongue piercing I bet head from Josie would feel like heaven.
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lol idk what you talking about this getting her to quit is really funny:

You are the male version of B***y.
I like TJ but this was the most pseudointellectual babble I've ever heard
i wish fatty was back doing karaoke streams. only oldheads will remember this!
would lay motionless next to her for eternity as long as I could look into her eyes
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This one?
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Cutest canon couple!
shit take, it was peak TJino
I think they would be good for each other
Anyone know how much money Benleaks makes from rolling around on the floor cutting and crying?
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Retarded namefag
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I would kill to be able to rape Josie…
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She has two older half brothers both named Taylor (Melinda and Sarge both had kids with different people before her).

That's why her name is Tayleigh.
Jon blew it in hunger games
sorry but >>203847768
is the correct answer and the stand up was good
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letty's retarded she'll be back
needed this during second half of s2
enjoy hell
no he didn't, he would never do that
he doesn't even like having his own dick sucked
it's unchristian
looks like tay and jimmy are getting married!
Bex tummy...
The face paint always gets me. She didn't even get the right kind for Data.
But he's fine with sodomy kek.
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>I think they would be good for each other
Nah, she hates his guts.
>Jimmy lives in the universe where the other Jimmy got married to Tayleigh
Well it's like no shit nothing ever good happens to me.
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He literally fucked Summer in her ass
She was farting out Jontent for days
what?! it's a perfect cosplay! have you even ever watched Stargate?
Kino image
are you not able?
She was never there
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I love her
Yea it looks like shit
grippy socks grippy box
no doubt full of lesbianistic fluids and the like
Summer RP'd as Connor during the anal cnc
>The guy with the pedo physiognomy turned out to be a pussy that buckled under a few airsoft shots.
>While the frail, vegan girl turned out to be the biggest predator of the bunch, feeding off weak men that give her attention and driving them mad.
What the chances that blacked B*tty is lying here?
I refuse to believe Brian has a small PP. he has to be atleast 8.5 inches with some girth.
"Deserving of contempt because of the absence of higher values. 'Base' stresses the ignoble and may suggest cruelty, treachery, greed, or grossness."
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I wonder if in his delusions he saw himself in Sam and that's what turned him into a turbo-simp
Josie is the only one that preys on lonely pdf philes by acting like a retarded wigger child. She has drained numerous bank accounts. Josie is the real predator.
idk it's a slight bending of the truth. Cryo is harmless because he doesn't do anything and just watches/paints clay figurines.
A cryo with motivation would be harmful
B**ty sexually harasses black, gay, and hispanic men online
She also encourages her retarded simps to cut themselves
thats pretty cool
>While the frail, vegan girl turned out to be the biggest predator of the bunch, feeding off weak men that give her attention and driving them mad.

I would agree that she is a massive grifter, but she only lasted two days on the tank before having an emotional breakdown.
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kys claire you dog faced cunt
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somneone edited this picture.
almost 400 watching tonight
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sam is evil
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kissing josie, dating josie, marrying josie, spending josies streaming money, getting josie addicted to percs, isolating josie from her family, stealing all of josies streaming money and spending it on mondomegabits, hitting josie when she doesn't do everything perfectly, sending josie on a cross country hoe tour to fuck her incel fans, letting the wiggers fuck josie again for mondomegabits, making josie fuck niggers for cheap when no one cares about her anymore, divorcing josie once the well is dry, dropping off josie on the side of route 66 in the middle of nowhere with no money or phone.
She's a glass cannon. She works better behind a PC at home where no one can watch her go mental
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fake news
This one is the edit.
claire is cute CUTE
Manifesting this
no thats the real one
but you're wrong
kys saar
Why did Isaac kick her out? Is it true that fishtank ruins relationships?
i know you are but what am i
imagine shooting a fat load up Claire's nose
Nothing good ever comes from FT, it's a machine of misery built to make money so it makes sense that people latched on to the one good thing that emerged from it.
liar liar pants on fire
this is the most JUST pic i've ever seen
it doesn't *ruin* them per se, it just warps any kind of relationship into something dark, twisted, and unrecognisably ugly
You'll never find any real insight with people like Sam/Jet/Ben. Sam is a trust fund kid who wasted 500k on art school and screwing around. $1,000,000 lawsuit? Nothing for the royalty of Hyde incels!
Jet? The son of Johnny who groomed, molested, and killed Ciara? No way! Seems like Jet fancies Josie for sacrifice since she has THE SAME DINO PLUSH AS HER! (For Kabbalah ritual reasons only)
Ben? The 49 year old who pretends to be half his age to fuck zoomers because he isn't husband material? HA! He fucked Josie but he still isn't any closer to having kids. Jet and Sam won't either, and if they do the will be fed drugs and groomed just like Josie. All of them are fuck ups and it's hilarious that a multimillionaire property owner is more of a fuck up than a RV dweller.
It's genuinely funny and I hope the children of Freemasons like Jet, Sam, and Ben get manipulated and fed drugs just like Josie.
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lol yeah you got owned
>the lazy wiggers are still editing those episodes from 8 months ago with no release in sight

The wiggers even let the editor Steinful get a turn with the community fuckhole (Josie) to encourage him to finish the editing faster. But that loose mushy redskin meat must have been low-tier because it hasn't had any noticeable impact on his output.
that shit would bounce around in there like a laser in a prism mirror
I thought we were exchanging fun idioms and I am now let down
sam has a few hapas running around.
the line on the edge of her nose looks modified put some fucking effort into fakes next time
maybe you should
idioms for an idiot... typical
At least one yea
epic 4chan trolling anon
you're the one posting badly edited pics? but i'm the troll. ok
thats not a very nice thing to say anon
new >>203848494
great job
What the fuck
not even hot. kinda gross actually

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