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/tv/ - Television & Film

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Classics and arthouse.

Bald edition.

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous: >>203835131
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Favorite slow cinema? Anything Weerasethakul for me
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Queen of /film/
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Queen of /film/
Tsai, Joe, Costa, the list goes on.
ugly deformed gremlin

obese swollen pig
A real man's choice

An online man's choice
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Death to 120days
We're all storytellers here.
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This any good? Need to watch another Stanwyck
He looks like /ourguy/ TB Johnson.
if TB wasnt a nigga
Why does he sound so unhinged lmao
>wanted to revisit a part of seventh seal so go look for the youtube movie
>okay then decide to finish la dolce vita on youtube which i was watching literally last night

beggars fugging belief

sick fuggin world
Literally who?
That serves you right for being either a fifteen year old and thus underage banned or a Redditor who is still obsessed with the most entry level fare.
They hate freedom of information and the sharing of culture
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You watched Dolce Vita inspired by the Ekberg pics? Top 10 kino of all time, no cap
>namefag is a retarded shitposter
/film/ poetry
>Entry level
>He doesn't know
Oh no. He can’t watch two easily accessible movies released on physical media. He will have to eeek Buy them.
What leads someone to be this much of an attention-whore?
Not even a top 5 Fellini joint.
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Looks cooler on paper
Yes, more like top one Fellini flick (imo)
But the dreck quality is the same
>t. hasn't seen all Fellini romps
That other dude's translation was way off, and I wrote that shit when I was 19. If I sent another, more new poem, I would reveal my power level

kek irony here is breddy high off the fuggin kafkaesque scales imo
did you write this yourself?

Just as talented as well.
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Have you seen 40 Guns already?

Pic related best completly bald director.
not beautiful enough imo
Yes, and it got published and sold well. Now do something better and we'll talk
Malick rules
Malick is good stuff to raise lil bros on
he gets my respect fo sho
Fine enough.
Careful, he’s going to curse you!
Same tired “let’s see YOU bake a better cake” tier babble
>sold well
by what standards nigga
Tons of horrid slop gets published and sells well. You’re making yourself look worse.
Sold like 70% of copies on opening night. Was a pressing of like 500 copies.

Envy talk.

Means nothing. The thing is, I made something succesful on my own; you're just a jobless, alcoholic sappy bastard trying to look cool on the internet. Not on my level, not even close
To me this is intellectual counterfeit compared to a good Dr Seuss rhyme
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I look like this.
Poet here, I agree. I simplified my style after this book. No need for crazy metaphors and wordplay really. That was something I inherited from my teacher before I developed my own style.
I would kill for that swag
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Hard shadows, bold colors, heavy grain.
Quite simply: Kino.
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Movies used to look like something, I'm telling you.
Any new megas this week? I'm bored and nothing seems appealing
>trying to look cool on the internet
Literally projecting

>Not on my level, not even close
Thank Christ for that
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Megalopolis = Miraculous
Why don't Kung Fu or Heroic Bloodshed films get respect on /film/ but westerns, noir and samurai films do?
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The human face is the only landscape that matters
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ITT: Essential peedrinker kinos
Less knowledge about those kinds of films. Less "classic" feeling.
these seem bad and boring
He is right though? That shit is not real cinema, real cinema is experimental, Stan Brakhage, Kenneth Anger, Jeanne Dielman, Takashi Ito, all that
It's completely irrelevant the content of the posts. All namefags and tripfags should be killed.
>All namefags and tripfags should be killed
lee posters should be killed
nigga posters should be killed
bau harper huppert posters should be killed
yet here we are
>lee posters should be killed
>nigga posters should be killed
>bau harper huppert posters should be killed
Based and waifupilled
It's nice to have pictures of pretty ladies to look at while we talk films.
All of them
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Also based.
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Ok, since i brought him up, my rec for this thread.
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>harper huppert posters should be killed
And what of farmiga?
Is that movie good?
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In remembrance of how the state executed an innocent man with physical evidence proving he was not at the scene simply for the state to be able to say "We got the bad guy."
Vincent Gallo raped Gaspar Noé in the sizzling summer of ‘05
That would've been more enjoyable to watch than any of their movies
Gerald Kargl raped Gaspar Noe in the chilly early spring of 1983
Why is this so funny?
greatest actress of her generation. emanates SEXO

some random thot

doe-eyed. face belongs to a silent film. beautiful in an amadeo modigliani sort of way
motion seconded. an anon posted a picture of a boxset of his films many threads back but I can't find hide nor (pubic) hair of such a thing, i hope it's real
>69 percent approval rating on rottentomatoes
>You know, they have these things on YouTube where they have two people watching a movie and reacting as they watch it? I saw two people watching the opening of Carrie. I thought they were going to have a heart attack! I was like, What has happened to this next generation? They seem to have gotten very Victorian.

>What has happened to this next generation?
They were traumatized by pornography before they were mature enough to appreciate sensuous art of erotica. Now eroticism is closed to them forever, all that's left is physical wrestling-like contact of bodies.
>niggaposter tries making new /hor/ thread
>gets instantly rebuked/ignored
Love to see it.
Never though of João Cesar Monteiro as a slow cinema filmmaker, but his films are indeed quite slow.
It's coming in December.
I'm just realizing how much I hate watching European films. Something about them is just so off-putting to me. Maybe it's a cultural disconnect? But getting to experience different cultural sensibilities is one of the greatest possibilities of film, and I seem to rarely have that issue with Japanese films.
how does /film/ feel about Grigori Kozintsev?
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Ok, since i brought him up, my rec for this thread.
meganon said he was going to stop posting megas because of beggars
Based event. Fuck that retard
niggas aint gettin no respect!!
gotta be Tark. I know he's "entry-level" or whatever, but I love all his films. Edward Yang is another one I love, but I still haven't seen all his films
lil bro thinks edward yang is slow cinema oh no
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For me, it's Bela Tarr and Tsai Ming Liang.
explain how I'm wrong
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>expecting mental faculties from a nigga gimmicker
a beautiful woman
lil bros u aint findin that in movies today
im so tired bros
>Sortie le 12 Décembre 2024
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>I Knew Her Well aka Io la conoscevo bene (1965)
Masterpiece of the moody and delicious Italian '60s
IP grabber link
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192 168 1 1 here
what was wrong with people in 1978?
Zabriskie Point really filtered people hard, huh
I enjoyed Valley of the Dolls
>Abraham Lincoln
>Ivan the Terrible
>Last year at Marienad
>Valley of the Dolls
>Zabriskie Point
>The Last Movie
>Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia
all kino. I haven't seen the rest, but I assume if these kinos are on there, a lot of the other ones are actually great as well
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so it's pretty much confirmed that this was the best film of the decade, right?
lil bro go back to ur fortnite shoo
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u ben filtered, lil bro
It's very bad
Why? Europeans have always been the supreme kinomakers. France and Italy first, then the czech and the polish, for me.
Wonder what Tark would make of this
Takes not long enough, that's it. He seems slow when compared to american cinema and mainstream european cinema, but none of his films have the "slow cinema" tag on RYM. He's more mid paced.
lil bro u need help aint no good thing being into them lard asses
Naisu! I only had a 2 GB version. Thank you.
Valley of the Dolls is bad, but not the worst movie ever. The list contains some films which are actually horrible, such as Santa Claus Conquers the Martians and Eegah! But the list was made for a book by two guys, they probably were trying to spice it up by adding "overrated classics" such as Ivan and Marienbad.
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lil bro tryna impress with pics of videogame enemies
who gives a shit
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u niggas jus don' understand. vidya game and tiktok aesthetics are the future. uz gettin' old, grandpa
lil bro tiktok is already old hat
get on wit the times
Seething Yank? European films have soul
What is this film?
call of duty modern warfare 3 remake cutscene compilation full movie 4k
I'm okay with this era. I created the lil bro meme by just talking casually like I speak irl, then some guy started copying me and spamming "lil bro". It's wholesome
this aint niggapostin no more
this is lil brostin
Lil bro isn't even black slang nowadays, lil bro
AGGRO DR1FT, and Korine is gearing up to release the best film of 2024 as well
Storytelling. Cinema.
Storytelling is how we learn who we are.
Rancho Notorious
lil bro invasion
127 0 0 1 anon reporting in
nah he is trying too hard, and needs a big wake up call. his films arent catching on like they used to because zoomers/gen A already see way weirder shit on tiktok every day. Dude is a relic from 40 years ago doing his greatest hits. Harmony Korine should try to make actual heartfelt movies. Things that people can unironically enjoy without there being some big gimmick attached to it.There are only so many times that Venice and Berlin will keep take these flops.
The Great Silence better
These 'people' can't post their stupid takes without some gimmick. Must be autism or some other tard thing.
It was shit so no
And not by a little margin. Django is pretty mediocre.
Harmony Korine DGAF about all that shit
>lee posters should be killed
rewatched tree of life yesterday.
The final shot is of a big bridge,
so did Penn's character basically kill himself and thus reconnect with his family? I never caught this on my earlier watches
He better start caring otherwise he is going to end up doing tours in horror conventions with edward furlong and the extras from friday the thirteenth who got stabbed, because those are his fans not the actual cinephiles he is losing clout with. He could even do a Yorgos Lanthimos style movie with wacky lenses, deadpan subjects, and jolting violins in the trailer followed by silence and a deadpan quip, why is he not capitalizing on this whole movement.
see here:
Whose grave is that
Harmony Korine DGAF about all that shit
I would just like to thank the anon who recommended The Man Who Stole the Sun a few days ago.
One of the best films I've seen in recent years.

Absolute masterpiece.
Isn't it just another LE WACKY JAPANESE movie
Anyone got a chart of chinese /film/ approved movies?
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It's an absolute tour de force, an extremely well-paced action/thriller film.
Stellar original score with great scene composition, mise-en-scene and oustanding cinematograhy with vibrant 70s color pallete.
It also has an interesting subtext about the japanese man's lack of purpose and shame having to live in a defeated country after the Second World War.
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>an absolute tour de force
cant be that bad
>shame having to live in a defeated country after the Second World War.
Cool theme.
>the japanese man's lack of purpose and shame having to live in a defeated country after the Second World War.

The Japanese escaped into anime cartoons, videogames and perversion. They are a whole society of manbabies. A lot of them probably think Godzilla really happened.
>The Japanese escaped into anime cartoons, videogames and perversion. They are a whole society of manbabies. A lot of them probably think Godzilla really happened.
This is just the whole world really. People can't live in peace knowing that they are cucks.
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this movie soundtrack is fire
Valley of the Dolls is NOT the Russ Meyer flick
The heist scene overall is fire.
I know, I saw both.
yeah, my bad. haven't actually seen that one
Tugas are slow as fuck.
Go see a doctor and get your head checked.
Thanks anon, i was excited wondering what yours would be.
Will watch anyway for the Harper.
It's annoying.
Almost all Lang is kino.
Inserts is very good with a top-notch cast, easily top 5 Harper. Check it out.

>beautiful in an amadeo modigliani sort of way
I see exactly what you mean.

>endless massreplying
>vidya game and tiktok aesthetics are the future
tru tru
A terrible movie with an incoherent story, that manages to make even Matthew McConaughey unlikeable. Korine is washed up, he has been coasting on that one movie going on four decades.
Filtered, many such cases
Much like /film/, Korine's obsession with black people will be the downfall of him.
Good comparison, even if /film/ was already shit before this nigga thing.
lil bros always gettin themselves banned
Black people don't post on /film/ they are out fucking white girls while all the white boys busy posting on /film/
Let’s create a discord server where we can all be friends and recommend movies to each other.
u must be new here lil bro
I used to be in one from here. I’m not new in fact I am very old.
You right lmaoo we breeding the white outta them one girl at a time. N you kno what? They beg for us to conquer them
There was an unironic black dude in here sometime ago. I guess he is still in here
Fucking girls is overrated. I’d rather watch /film/ or enjoy the other aspects of life.
Mentally it seems cool, but the sensation isn't all that I'd say. Might be because of my crooked diq
They say Griffithfag was black
Lucky bastard. I wish I had a crooked peen.
You know what, I'm down. Usually, I'm the grinch, but it seems okay this time
lil bros tryna tell themselves discord gon go down good this time
True, but this other guy actually seemed normal

I think girls don't like it very much
Drop the link nikka
TB is black-ish.
There are no blacks on 4chan. And i wonder which percentage of /film/ is american.
I want Fight Harm to be released
There was a black guy who kept posting photos of his video game collection with his hand always in the frame
>And i wonder which percentage of /film/ is american.
Are you? The lowercase "i" makes me think you're not. And I guess the percentage might be like 40% or 50% lol
Was it a good collection?
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Griffithfag is black, yes
There were like dozens of photos of mostly weeb games, modern and retro, he probably spent a fortune on that shit. Oh and also obviously everyone remembers madthad, the most (in)famous black 4channer
There used to be black tripfag on /mu/ who would always hang around in post-hardcore threads and go on these weird anti-women rants. Think he might have finally killed himself, haven't seen him in a while
love that nigga like you wouldn't believe
Oh my!!! Good job, black people!!
>There were like dozens of photos of mostly weeb games, modern and retro, he probably spent a fortune on that shit.
Based. Need to demonstrate your style from time to time.
How is not ideal that we should have a discord server? Do you all even care about /film/. These threads are not enough.
I was shy, but I'm not anymore.
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any chance anyone recognizes any of these films?
Looks like Poughkeepsie Tapes
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>released 2007
probably not it because that one was from a best of 2012 list
we already had a few lil bro
Non sequitur.
Why not just use The Avant Garden?
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Tsai's cat's.
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Invite me big bro
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Don't even joke about it, lad
they dead lil bro
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I’d rather be with you guys. <3
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with some of the people who are on them they better off dead lil bro
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last one. these are all from different films that were released in or around the year in their filename. any help would be appreciated
Redpill me on the /film/ discord server
I've heard that crooked penises hit the G spot easier
Imagine these threads if only the worst schizos were around. Died as quickly as you'd think.
Very shitty rip of Mirror
We were talking about /film/ though.
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Are there any movies similar to Daisies? Peak CGDCT kino. Tried Céline and Julie Go Boating but oh my god was it bad
Some girls I've been with say that it hurts them (I'm 7 inches, crooked to the left), while others say that my dick gets out of their pussy due to the curvature. "Complaints" only happened twice, but still, I don't feel very comfortable with my dick shape. Would prefer if it was straight. There have been girls who would ride with it, though. I guess it's just a matter of compatibility
I'm getting so horny rn, ungh, I can't stop...
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found this one. looks like it's a film called 13 Returns
possibly also called 13 Summers Underwater
>Something for lil bros.
That is just more art ho trash, like Possession and the Substance
best genre to be honest, more creativity and mayhem than male films, which are pretentious
I liked Possession too
just got back from a 3 day ban, just wanna say it wasn't for nigga posting, it was because I posted a series of lewd photos on another thread.
No i'm not, i'm one of the brazilians.
the pseud's folly, being so preocuppied to not be pretentious, chastising pretentiousness, but in the end being essentially a pretentious snob. Lmaoing at you, lil bro.
lil bro always horny
Filtered by Rivette
thank you for your service
The movie was just so ugly, I couldn't endure more than 8 minutes
Damn dey be like, posting in other threads n shit. Dey once tell me like anon you be on dis thread dat thread, and I'm telling em like straight up fr, hell nah I be only posted up on my block on my /film/ block you feel me, I ain't no hoe nigga I be only representing /film/ ya feel me. No crossboarding when I'm in da 4chan town I'm only here my nigga you feel me? Devotion shit ong
Word up nigga. Rep yo hood.
>CGDCT kino
Lots of good Asian movies in that genre. Even Kdramas if that's what you're looking for.

das rite, lil bitty thirssy thirss and sippy sipps, din mean da get banished. ah wel.

no worries ma nigga
>representing /film/ ya feel me.
ya mane i feel'chu. I juss saysin I gots be watchin my bak from now on ya dig? cuz dees niggas be poppin out from like the bushes en shiet and be all up on me wit der boolshit ja'know? I jus tell'em I won' be talkin no shit, but dey jus want strut round and glock me up mane. SHEEEESH homies be trippin, ja'know.

This one is Nostos the Return
Don't worry anon, i also don't like that one, it's too silly goose in the worst way possible, like a lot of Godard from the 60s is as well.
This thread had a very evil atmosphere
Evilcord. Invite me to a discord server
Is this shit actually good or is it yet another experimental film in the vein of To The Wonder, Knight of Cups and Song to Song?
It's very good and isn't experimental in that vein.
Good to hear, I'll definitely watch it as a fan of Malick's older works
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Now, when I say "Stop posting his shit", what part is difficult to understand?
>This one is Nostos the Return
are you sure? it's on a best of 2015 list
Kek, once more a nigga poster exposes himself as a complete retard. And with Nostos of all things
>Greatest vampire movie ever made
>Isn't really about vampires
Wtf are you on lil bro
But that's not [insert whatever vampire movie here just for the sake of arguing]
The Addiction
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any respect for the greatest American filmmaker, Damon Packard on /film/ ?
Daisies is a piece of shit and the worst Chytilova flick. Celine and Julie is much much better.
New Moon (2009)
Respond lil bro
follow the thread (of ariadne)
No, stop talking like a retard and I might give you a answer
A'ight, I'll finna be makin' a sizzlin' hot real nigga OP next. Stay tuned, lil bros
If this happens everybody ignore it and make another one.
lmao, lil bro seething
/film/ continuing its proud lifelong tradition of being a terrible place, easily the worst general
at least you arent speaking german
Don't get offended man, just wanted to read more of your opinion.
What lists are these from? Maybe they will make more sense in context
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I don't imagine the full charts will help at all, but I'll post them anyway for anyone who hasn't seen them. these are year end lists posted by some anon since 2012. I'll provide the names for the ones I know, but all the ones I posted earlier I'm not sure on or have no idea at all
Century of Birthing (Lav Diaz) / Holy Motors (Leos Carax) / It May Be That Beauty Has Strengthened Our Resolve - Masao Adachi (Philippe Grandrieux) / The Legend of Kaspar Hauser (Davide Manuli)

Low Definition Control - Malfunctions #0 (Michael Palm) / Life, A Long Way Away (Marc Weymuller) / Two Years at Sea (Ben Rivers) / Inni (Vincent Morisset)

Beyond the Black Rainbow (Panos Cosmatos) / Bunohan (Dain Said) / Hanezu (Naomi Kawase) / Nightfall (James Benning)

Love Story (Florian Habicht) / The Towrope (William Vega) / Differently, Molussia (Nicolas Rey) / Daimon?

Kuichisan (Maiko Endo) / Kotoko (Shinya Tsukamoto) / Samsara (Ron Fricke) / Mondomanila, or: How I Fixed My Hair After a Rather Long Journey (Khavn)

The Sound of Insects: Record of a Mummy (Peter Liechti) / Alps (Yorgos Lanthimos) / Under Snow (Ulrike Ottinger) / Shock Head Soul (Simon Pummell)
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White Epilepsy (Philippe Grandrieux) / Venus in Fur (Roman Polanski) / Post Tenebras Lux (Carlos Reygadas) / Stranger by the Lake (Alain Guiraudie)

P-047 (Kongdej Jaturanrasmee) / Goltzius and the Pelican Company (Peter Greenaway) / The Last Time I Saw Macao (João Pedro Rodrigues & João Rui Guerra da Mata) / Fat Shaker (Mohammad Shirvani)

Metéora (Spiros Stathoulopoulos) / The Summer of Flying Fish (Marcela Said) / Lightning (Manuela Morgaine) / Norte: The End of History (Lav Diaz)

A Spell to Ward Off the Darkness (Ben Rivers & Ben Russell) / Lukas the Strange (John Torres) / Leviathan (Lucien Castaing-Taylor & Véréna Paravel) / Sieniawka (Marcin Malaszczak)

Stemple Pass (James Benning) / Never Die (Enrique Rivero) / Inori (Pedro González-Rubio) / Leones (Jazmin López)

Distant (Yang Zhengfan) / Bestiary (Denis Côté) / Lily (Matt Creed) / Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari (Aleksey Fedorchenko)

Big Joy: The Adventures of James Broughton (Eric Slade & Stephen Silha) / 36 (Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit) / Fogo (Yulene Olaizola) / BAD FILM (Sion Sono)
Shut the FUCK up, pigskin cracker piece of shit.
>Nicolas Rey
Lmao what a name, like Nicholas Ray
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The Distance (Sergio Caballero) / Story of My Death (Albert Serra) / Joy of Man’s Desiring (Denis Côté)

Journey to the West (Tsai Ming-Liang) / 15 Corners of the World (Zuzanna Solakiewicz) / Concerning Violence (Göran Olsson)

Belleville Baby (Mia Engberg) / Manakamana (Stephanie Spray & Pacho Velez) / White Shadow (Noaz Deshe)

Barbaric Land (Yervant Gianikian & Angela Ricci Lucchi) / When I Will Be Dictator (Yaël André) / Hard to Be a God (Aleksey German)

Jauja (Lisandro Alonso) / Parasite (Anka Sasnal & Wilhelm Sasnal) / Mary Is Happy, Mary Is Happy (Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit)

Atlas (Antoine D’Agata) / Mouton (Gilles Deroo & Marianne Pistone) / Self Made (Shira Geffen)

What Now? Remind Me (Joaquim Pinto) / The Real Life (Arnaud Gerber) / Goodbye to Language (Jean-Luc Godard)

For the Lost (Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd) / The Strange Color of Your Body’s Tears (Hélène Cattet & Bruno Forzani) / My Seven Places (Boris Lehman)
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Vanishing Point (Jakrawal Nilthamrong) / Horse Money (Pedro Costa) / La Sapienza (Eugène Green) / Motu Maeva (Maureen Fazendeiro)? / The Pearl Button (Patricio Guzmán)? / Paradise (Alain Cavalier) / Corn Island (Giorgi Ovashvili) / Son of Saul (László Nemes) / Moses und Aron (Romeo Castellucci)

The Forbidden Room (Guy Maddin) / From What Is Before (Lav Diaz) / Ícaros (Pedro González-Rubio) / The Move (Marat Sarulu) / Fish Tail (Joaquim Pinto & Nuno Leonel) / The Visitor (Katarina Schröter) / Field Niggas (Khalik Allah) / La zuppa del demonio (Davide Ferrario) / Winter Song (Otar Iosseliani)
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Godless (Ralitza Petrova) / Innocence of Memories (Grant Gee) / In the Last Days of the City (Tamer El Said) / Chamisso’s Shadow (Ulrike Ottinger) / Lily Lane (Benedek Fliegauf) / Maestà, The Passion of the Christ (Andy Guérif) / The Son of Joseph (Eugène Green) / Staying Vertical (Alain Guiraudie) / River of Fundament (Matthew Barney)

The Death of Louis XIV (Albert Serra) / The Family (Liu Shumin) / Cemetery of Splendor (Apichatpong Weerasethakul) / Homo Sapiens (Nikolaus Geyrhalter) / Cosmos (Andrzej Źuławski) / Baba Vanga (Aleksandra Niemczyk) / The Sprawl (Propaganda About Propaganda) (Metahaven) / The Academy of Muses (José Luis Guerín) / Mariupolis (Mantas Kvedaravičius)
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Makala (Emmanuel Gras) / Spring Equinox (James Benning) / A Heart of Love (Łukasz Ronduda)

The Woman Who Left (Lav Diaz) / Let the Sun Shine In (Claire Denis) / By the Time It Gets Dark (Anocha Suwichakornpong)

The Last Land (Pablo Lamar) / Let the Corpses Tan (Hélène Cattet & Bruno Forzani) / Sleep Has Her House (Scott Barley)

Those Shocking Shaking Days (Selma Doborac) / A Yangtze Landscape (Xu Xin) / Maison du bonheur (Sofia Bohdanowicz)

Araby (João Dumans & Affonso Uchôa) / Dead Slow Ahead (Mauro Herce) / Caniba (Lucien Castaing-Taylor & Véréna Paravel)

Another Year (Zhu Shengze) / All the Cities of the North (Dane Komljen) / El mar la mar (J.P. Sniadecki & Joshua Bonnetta)

Children Are Not Afraid of Death, Children Are Afraid of Ghosts (Rong Guang Rong) / Fall Equinox (James Benning) / Untitled (Michael Glawogger & Monika Willi)
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Unicorn (Eduardo Nunes) / De sperme et d’eau fraîche (Yann Gonzalez) / Let the Summer Never Come Again (Alexandre Koberidze)

The Shape of Water (del Taco) / Still Life (Maud Alpi) / Obscuro Barroco (Evangelia Kranioti)

Drift (Helena Wittmann) / An Elephant Sitting Still (Hu Bo) / Meteors (Gürcan Keltek)

High Life (Claire Denis) / Sfumato (Christophe Bisson)? / Such a Morning (Amar Kanwar)

13 Summers Underwater (Wiktoria Szymańska) / Jonaki (Aditya Vikram Sengupta) / Possessed (Rob Schröder & Metahaven)

Knife in the Clear Water (Xuebo Wang) / What Happens to a Displaced Ant (Shirin Abu Shaqra) / The Wild Boys (Bertrand Mandico)

Ága (Milko Lazarov) / Tower. A Bright Day. (Jagoda Szelc) / Little Crusader (Václav Kadrnka)
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Personalien (Albert Serra) / Information Skies (Metahaven) / Birthday (Hilal Baydrov)

Symphony of the Ursus Factory (Jaśmina Wójcik) / Atlantis (Valentyn Vasyanovych) / The Tree (André Gil Mata)

So Pretty (Jessica Dunn Rovinelli) / L. Cohen (James Benning) / White Noise (Antoine D’Agata)

Around the World When You Were My Age (Aya Koretzky) / In Touch (Paweł Ziemilski) / Living and Knowing You Are Alive (Alain Cavalier)

Heimat is a Space in Time (Thomas Heise) / Leaning Into the Wind: Andy Goldsworthy (Thomas Riedelsheimer) / Long Day’s Journey Into Night (Bi Gan)

Then Comes the Evening (Maja Novaković) / Earth (Hiroatsu Suzuki & Rossana Torres) / Koko-di Koko-da (Johannes Nyholm)

? / It Must Be Heaven (Elia Sulieman) / Island of the Hungry Ghosts (Gabrielle Brady)
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Sanctorum (Joshua Gil) / The Painted Bird (Václav Marhoul) / Ecstasy (Moara Passoni)

This is Not a Burial, It’s a Resurrection (Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese) / Red Moon Tide (Lois Patiño) / Cenote (Kaori Oda)

Gunda (Viktor Kossakovsky) / The Metamorphosis of Birds (Catarina Vasconcelos) / Los conductos (Camilo Restrepo)

? / Last and First Men (Jóhann Jóhannsson) / White on White (Théo Court)

Bird Island (Maya Kosa & Sérgio da Costa) / Stories from the Chestnut Woods (Gregor Božič) / Purple Sea (Khaled Abdulwahed & Amel Alzakout)

Vitalina Varela (Pedro Costa) / February (Kamen Kalev) / The Trouble with Being Born (Sandra Wollner)
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A Shape of Things to Come (J.P. Sniadecki & Lisa Malloy) / Zeus Machine. The Invincible (David Zamagni & Nadia Ranocchi) / Wood and Water (Jonas Bak)

Titane (Julia Ducournau) / Family Constellations (Robert Cambrinus) / ?

Strawberry Mansion (Kentucker Audley, Albert Birney) / Taste (Bao Le) / Bucolic (Karol Pałka)

Anonymous Animals (Baptiste Rouveure) / The Balcony Movie (Paweł Łoziński) / The Fisherman’s Daughter (Uldus Bakhtiozina)

Kala azar (Janis Rafa) / Moon, 66 Questions (Jacqueline Lentzou) / ?

Mad God (Phil Tippett) / To the Moon (Tadhg O’Sullivan) / Feathers (Omar El Zohairy)
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Mariupolis 2 (Mantas Kvedaravičius) / Eniaios (Gregory J. Markopoulos)* / Super Natural (Jorge Jácome)

Safe Place (Juraj Lerotić) / Homes (Laila Pakalnina) / EO (Jerzy Skolimowski)

Herbaria (Leandro Listorti) / See You Friday, Robinson (Mitra Farahani) / The Fabric of the Human Body (Lucien Castaing-Taylor & Véréna Paravel)

The Eclipse (Nataša Urban) / Answering the Sun (Rainer Kohlberger) / After Blue (Dirty Paradise) (Bertrand Mandico)

Alessandro nell’Indie (Max Emanuel Cencic)* / Mutzenbacher (Ruth Beckermann) / A Date in Minsk (Nikita Lavretski)

I HAVE NOT BEEN AFRAID OF GOING BLIND FOR A LONG TIME (Yannick Mosimann) / Under the Sky Shelter (Diego Acosta) / The Kegelstatt Trio (Rita Azevedo Gomes)

Will-o’-the-Wisp (João Pedro Rodrigues) / The United States of America (James Benning) / Mon chéri Soviétique (Karol Radziszewski)

*The picture shown for Eniaios is actually from the Temenos 2022 screening, where Eniaios XII-XIV and Eniaios I-III were shown. I just felt it made more sense to list the actual film shown instead of the screening itself
*This is an opera
>this guy is actually posting everything, one by one
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this last one wasn't actually made by the same anon. I made this one after he had not posted one for 2023 in hopes to draw him out, but it didn't work. I'm not sure if he stopped watching films, died, or just doesn't frequent any sites I'm on anymore, but this is the unofficial 2023 list. and no I haven't seen most of these
>2023 (fake)
The Shadowless Tower (Zhang Lu) / Eureka (Lisandro Alonso) / Samsara (Lois Patiño)

Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell (Phạm Thiên Ân) / AGGRO DR1FT (Harmony Korine) / Shadow of Fire (Shinya Tsukamoto)

Space Necronomicon (Cosmotropia de Xam) / Only the River Flows (Wei Shujun) / Nitrate: To the Ghosts of the 75 Lost Philippine Silent Films (1912-1933) (Khavn)

Dwelling by the West Lake (Gu Xiaogang) / Caviar (Jacob Michael King) / Gasoline Rainbow (Turner Ross & Bill Ross IV)

Man in Black (Wang Bing) / Youth (Spring) (Wang Bing) / Lubo (Giorgio Diritti)

The Plough (Philippe Garrel) / A Prince (Pierre Creton) / She Is Conann (Bertrand Mandico)

Menus-Plaisirs - Les Troisgros (Frederick Wiseman) / Disco Boy (Giacomo Abbruzzese) / Circus Maximus (Travis Scott, Gaspar Noé, Vladimar Jóhannsson, Nicolas Winding Refn, Harmony Korine, Kahlil Joseph, & Andrew Dosunmu)
I already have all the film names saved in a note, so it's just a matter of copying and pasting
Imma bake
the fuck is all this shit nigga
/film/ anon
I'm pretty sure he didn't watch most of those in the other lists either. Looks like a bunch of best of lists from a pseudo-patrician project, the kind of stuff aging NY hipsters post on artforum.
the fucks taking you so long
You gotta do the cookin by the book
Low-key one of the best posters in this general is this guy who says he's gonna bake (with no intention of actually baking) and then leaves tards waiting
Imma bake if that other anon isn't done in 5 minutes.
Based Stephanie from LazyTown.

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