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MILFtank edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• Claire continues to put fries in the bag
• B*nl*aks has been exposed as a creepy stuttering and shaking sperg.

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203851809
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Take the Vancepill
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Are the Betty butthole pictures real or am I being fucked with
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Benjamin Taylor's Fishtank:

Hot girls
Cool pranks
Funny moments
greg really is autistic

he just fell for the "selfless JC" meme
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evening artist guys, how we doin
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these two are mid at best, bums and reek of desperation but i need to see them fuck. i'd like to throw them a bitcoin or two to make that happen. get me in touch
greg's existence is depressing

he had a million followers on tiktok, appeared on fishtank paypig paradise, and he still makes barely enough money to live

also he gets no pussy and pretends to not want it
go to fucking rehab
why is the news so anti claire and taylor? i like them a lot
If you're in shape, have a good career, aren't retarded, and are financially stable, it's not hard to buy Letty & Claire; those two date absolute losers
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Fishslop is NuMDE garbage and you should all be ashamed for lapping it up like the easily amused serfs that you are.
>those two date absolute losers
Exactly why they wouldn't date someone who's in shape, have a good career, aren't retarded, and are financially stable.
It's pretty bad yea
you're ahead of the curve bro slow down!
we get it, we enjoy slop
I just like shitposting
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so true, sister
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NuMDE won. Think it dream it do it!
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greg has 1000 tiktok followers, you're confusing him for jacob. he also clearly gets enough to quit his gas station job and do streaming full time

outside of procreation, pussy is more trouble than it's worth
Was it ever confirmed if the cast was leak real? As unexcited as I am for 3 it’s still fishtank and I’ll be no lifing it
You call this winning?
>greg has 1000 tiktok followers, you're confusing him for jacob
wrong, greg had a million but started over because he doesn't want to be associated with mrbeast anymore

>he also clearly gets enough to quit his gas station job and do streaming full time
wrong, he had to get his dad to move in with him and pay half his bills

>outside of procreation, pussy is more trouble than it's worth
wrong, you are gay
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It doesn't have to be this way, watch Texas toast IRS fort time out
That is true, you got me
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would you like some chili
I'd like you to go to rehab
why won't you go to fucking rehab?
>4chan's UI is so bad that I have no idea how to use it
greg is legit RETARDED
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time to start smoking again jimbo
None of the fishtank.live streamers are rich they're either living with their parents or working as a waitress or dog groomer
It's been basically the same for over 20 years
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i desire a mid qt with fent aura
Woah. Rare cute and comfy Claire.
>j*sie is on fent
you're going to od before that can ever happen
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Most people may have missed it, but Evil Kevin, the most enigmatic character of two point five, was a spirit of dead guy
wrong, josie has always been on ketamine
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the beautiful ck on greg's stream
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I thought that was letty and tax
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wow she's beautiful
The clothes and hair make her look feather indian
I never was able to tell she had a septum ring on the cameras, but of course she did bc that was the Season 2 theme.
We really need to give these poor heathens a Bible and an Iphone
and big purple too
What does Gilligans Asshole mean?
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They killed a man. People go on living their ordinary little lives and they killed a man.
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Sup faggots and cripples, just dropping in to say I love raping children, I'm going to beat my wife Emily and fuck my child Amelia in our home in San Francisco tonight. Fuck all of you!
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any bliccy updates on bliccy?
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Bloodgames lived and died with Evil Kevin
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Mission accepted
Letty better
That’s not how it works
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>that hairline
i thought everyone on this show was 20 somethings who still lived at home
nta but do women like them actually want successful spouses?
Which Fish needs to get a skill?
>No hype in any of these threads for the season that’s a week away

Did they boil their frogs too quickly?
All of them
do they want my uncle?
You can have that hairline at any age
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Let's all send Jet our energy and wish him the best in making S3 great YEAAAAHHHH
No he’s too old
what about my cousin (the one who doesn't have aspergers and wasn't molested)?
s2 and bitchtank made people sceptical about the quality of s3. Im remaining pessimistic in case its another fucking fan tank.
It’s possible
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Kato's mom absolutely mogs her.
Why would there be hype when there's next to no reliable information to speculate on?
Letty with the look of lust in her eyes.
Josie clearly picturing Vance as some kind of animated hotdog with birds flying around it.
The wiggers boiled their brains in galaxy gas
Letty looks disgusted
Sorry all those manosphere vidoes you've watched don't exactly add up with girls like Letty and Claire but they are literally attracted to losers.
imagine if we all met up and watched fishtank season 3 while comfy and cozy in a bed... :)
Personally I think Ben is smart enough to understand the show needs marketing, why is Jet refusing to do it?
No they aren’t
that is not the look a disgusted woman makes.
by his moobs or receding hairline?
God s2 was so cringe
You're delusional.
I don't think it's happening anytime soon
But they're just going to keep lying to they don't lose their entire audience (futile)
Not an argument
The majority of women are attracted to sexy and attractive men who have ambition
doesn't mean he's not right. Letty has dated 3 verifiable losers. One right after the other.
Well you never provided a counter argument to begin with other than "that's not how it works."
Yes, but we're talking about Letty and Clarie. How can anyone look at Letty's ex's and say she's attracted to sexy and attractive men who have ambition? Tacxin is the closest thing to that and even that's a stretch.
Because of terrible self esteem
The counter argument is common sense
are we friends? i always think youre all my friends and i hope we can meet up one day and play video games. maybe we can build legos?
doesn't change the data. losers. all of them.
Letty and Claire are both young. One only cares about drinking and the other only about ketamine and pills. They'll change their minds eventually.(usually happens around the same time they hit the wall)
friendship to me means that for $3 I can beat you with a pool cue till you have detached retinas.
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Got it you have none. My stance is backed up with objective evidence while yours is entirely based on something you're unwilling to explain.
Doesn’t mean she’s attracted to them, your argument is that she wouldn’t be attracted to a non loser guy which is just ridiculous
also i think we should be more positive here, instead of being mean to people we can bring them up. it makes me sad when i see you guys be mean to people here.
At least this anon has a reasonable explanation.
Letty doesn’t care about ketamine and pills fuck off and she’s said numerous times she wants a husband and kids now, stupid blackpill nigger
It's a mean show
what the hell dude... come on...
How can you say it doesn't mean she's attracted to them (losers) when she's dated three losers in a row? One is an outlier, 3 is a pattern.
Your “objective evidence” doesn’t prove your point, dating losers was because that’s where her self esteem was at, your argument is she wouldn’t date a non loser, you haven’t proved that at all
>she’s said numerous times she wants a husband and kids now
she's said it so many times and for so long it's almost like she would have a husband by now if she tried and wanted one.
What women say and what they want aren't always the same especially at her age
She’s only said it for a few months lmao >>203855569
Because how is she attracted to them? She dated losers because she saw herself as a loser, pretty simple, you act like she was overlooking successful men to date losers
real friends would do it for free
What makes you think she wants something else than what she’s saying?
so you opine to have insight into the unknowable inner workings of her mind, but refuse to see the objective truth staring you in the face. okay.
Is she currently dating a loser? Why did she break up with tacxin? Fucking nigger
>your argument is she wouldn’t date a non loser, you haven’t proved that at all
Fair enough I can concede to that but we'll have to see what the future has in store for them. Letty has admitted countless times during S1, bloodgames, and cell that she usually dates losers and likes those types of men which is why I stand with what I said plus her track record with her ex's.
>She’s only said it for a few months lmao
she's said she wanted to be a housewife for a years now since she first said it on season 1, and she's attractive enough to attract a partner in less than a week if she wanted one.
She’s said it for 3 months, you’re literally lying
You're clearly some kind of autistic faggot that doesn't understand people. It's not your fault, your parents probably had you in their late 40's. You were destined to fail.
letty is a stupid whore and probably smells bad... why are you fighting over her?
You’re a bitter projecting 35 yo khhv who just wants to bring others down
Because she's still getting high and NEETing around with losers. You really think any of the wiggers are going to marry her and give her children? Doubtful unless she's waiting for an open spot in Sam's harem.
I want her to get back with Jezza. That's the only true good ending.
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I love Letty despite the things I've said about her above.
she got raped by tristan tate
>Because she's still getting high
She literally isn’t
>You really think any of the wiggers are going to marry her and give her children?
She’s not with any wiggers, she literally broke up with tacxin for this reason
Niggas be desperate
Even Tayleigh had simps like that and b*ttypedos still simp for their deranged waifu even after she pissed on the floor, cut herself on camera, and made all sorts of werid porn
you think saying someone has dated losers in the past is anything more than stating a known fact? you're too soft for this world. you are nothing. you will never be anything.
>didn't watch season 1
hi newfriend
No one wants that probably not even Jeremy he gets off on being cucked and humiliated.
Jezza deserves what he went through assuming anything he's said is true which I don't believe.
he wants to be her duck
I want that. I need that. This is what will happen.
You are a nigger
You’re obviously wishing the worst for her
She never said any of that during s1
when she starts dating, fuck not even winners, moderately put together men then you have an argument. till then stop being a closet faggot see the forest from the trees. nigger.
I'm not a nigger
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She did mention wanting to have kids during S1. Not the same anon your replying to but maybe that's what's causing confusion.
Stop over punctuating and using all lowercases like a passive aggressive seething faggot
You talk like one
what's Amirs ethnicitiy?
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>She did mention wanting to have kids during S1
Jet is her baby
Meaning:Commander, prince, leader. Amir, meaning "prince," "commander," and "leader," is a male name of Arabic origin. For followers of Islam, Amir is a significant name that enjoys evergreen popularity across the globe.
see right there, he misses her. Jezza WILL get back with Letty and it WILL be the possible outcome for the both of them.

nigger i'm taking a shit right now. this is all you merit of me. my attention while I shit. fucking peasant.
nta but using two commas aren't "over punctuating"
Using one word in between periods is over punctuating “nta” nigger
You’re a subhuman and evil
no. it isn't.
jeremy is the personification of true love. the fact that nina hurt him is proof that shes evil... she deserves to be killed.
Looks so ugly and emanates seethe
He's the personification of mental illness and alcoholism
are you lettyknight? i thought u died?
no. it doesn't.
>letty got blacked
lettybros I don't feel so good
dont forget the mommy issues
So are you tbf
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The real cope here is wanting to believe they're attracted to successful men so you can feel better about yourselves for being losers who still can't bag Letty & Claire gf's.
trvth nvke
we need to figure out how to mute anyone who ever liked betty. i don’t care if you dropped betty after she posted a video fucking a black dildo or pissing. if you ever liked the “nazi girl” who flashed her tits on fishtank you should probably kill yourself. especially if you lie about how you found her and claim it wasn’t fishtank.
Not a loser, letty gfs don’t exist and Claire just objectively doesn’t date losers, not sure why she’s even included in this
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30 ON ME
you go ahead and figure it out
>Claire just objectively doesn’t date losers
She did though and she herself is one
>letty gfs don’t exist
She literally exists you fucking moron and she isn't the only one out there like that.
>Claire just objectively doesn’t date losers
She's dating one right now.
>Not a loser
Biggest one here no doubt.
Was he lying when he said Letty had a fart fetish? They can be pretty weird. One time when I was alone with a female in a car she put a finger up her butt and tried to get me to smell it.
>after she posted a video fucking a black dildo or pissing.
that's just what jewish girls do, you anti-semitic jerk
>She did though
its a dangerous world out there for sensitive young men
>zero advertising
>Jet still making inept decision after inept decision and blaming everything on "entitled fans"
>no hype on either 4chan or twitter
>Sam is clearly seething at Jet 24/7

Tell me, how worthless and grim will season 3 be?
Her last bf
>she isn't the only one out there like that.
She is, name someone else
>She's dating one right now.
How is Isaac a loser lmao, he’s literally 30 years old, attractive and has a job, he mogs 99.9% of people on 4chan
>Biggest one here no doubt
I’m not a 40 year old jobless khhv, so no
strike posting will be glorious
Why hasn't Sam posted anything about S3 yet? Isn't it starting next week?
he works at radioshack anon...
Where do you work?
>he mogs
he's balding, pudgy, and works in retail
we're all praying for him
Has Sam been seen anywhere near Jet since Sam ended Bitchtank early? It’s definitely a money thing
>okay with pissing and BBC
>gets mad at tits and Nazis
You are such an annoying kike. And this is coming from a Blacked Betty hater.
He let his alcoholic gf go on fishtank and flash her panties and tell some British kid she wanted to fuck him Infront of like 3k viewers.
General Dynamics
McKinsey but I hate it desu
Letty isn't special anon. Claire's bf may not look like a loser at first glance but the way he talks to her and behaves around her gives it away that she's the best he can do and that alone isn't a sign of a successful man.
He’s literally not balding and looks well above average, idk how tf 4chan niggers think they can call him a loser lmao, 90% of the people here are 0/10 truecels like cryokeen
>You are such an annoying kike
nta but so is blacked b***y
I liked betty when she exposed the wigger drug use and pey rape but since then she's been pretty lame
can management consulting be fun sometimes?
>Went from like 6 packed out threads a day to two faggots arguing over Letty and Claire

These threads need to be Old Yeller’d it’s fucking JOEVER
You’ve posted your ass, gun, gfs nudes and neck on 4chan and have admitted to being unable to survive without methadone, you also have nearly 7 figures worth of posts seething about Sam, fishtank, etc. you have zero room to call anyone a loser
>Claire's bf may not look like a loser at first glance but the way he talks to her and behaves around her gives it away that she's the best he can do
That’s just every man in 2024, you’ve probably never even had a gf lol
Cryokeen, can you please give us some hard 8 inch sperm semen content? I really want it.
Damiel Bernaldo might be the most annoying Filipino to ever walk this earth which is quite the accomplishment considering how annoying Filipinos are in general.
The TJTaylor hours are even worse if you can believe it
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You just happen to be the 10% that's a chad yet spends his time in /ftl/ gossiping about girls personal life.
Its a soulless scam industry where people who Dont actually know anything tell people who do the real work what they should do. And Im tired of flying around. If tech hiring wasnt dogshit rn I'd try to switch over to product management. Dont fall for the prestige traps anons, do something meaningful
I’ve never once claimed to be a chad, nice job shifting the goalposts though definitely doesn’t just confirm the fact that you’re a complete loser that’s throwing stones in glass houses
Not just neck but yea the withdrawals would suck but I would live. Opiate withdrawals aren't usually fatal like with alcohol or xanax.
PMs also literally do fuck all. So if it's fullfillment you want, you won't get it there
Then do act all high and mighty when your just as bad as the rest of us with some exceptions that is.
I know that, but if I'm traveling less, I'll have more free time to start laying the ground work to start my own business. I wasnt a liberal arts guy, I have a MechE, but dont really want the pay cut. Would like to go into robotics after some PM work
That’s what you all are doing not me lmao
He's right tho Letty isn't special she can't be the only terminally online mid faced girl with big tits and a quick wit.
You don’t have a job you’re literally posting on 4chan at 4 am
This guy >>203856011
and this guy >>203856052
and Benleaks should have a 3some
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I'm out of their league
Its only 2am and I sleep like 5 hours until the next miserable work day
She literally is though
That's statistically impossible
Unless you travel a lot, why not use your education reimbursement at work to do some part-time grad program so you can scratch that itch? Could be fun?
She isn't. I love Letty and she is unique to an extent but there's definitely Letty like girls out there for sure.
You don’t know how statistics work
grad programs are just mechanisms to siphon international money from Indians and the Chinese
How long have you been posting here?
I mean I guess, depends how specific you want to get and what you like about her
I have been watching Kick streams more and more because of how much Fishtank started to suck. I'm glad Hunger Games opened my eyes t real content and real streamers. Fuck Jet.
Yea she may be the only girl like that involved with MDE (as far as we know) but who cares
I forget
especially unfunded, course-based master's programs but you could meet a qt (small chance of that actually happening tho)
I doubt she wants to date any fishtank fans either because of all the nudes and shit talking her ex has dropped on here and twitter and reddit etc etc
if you're going to bicker about the contestants at least attach a pic so i've got something to look at while reading your post
I rape and beat retarded old men for being uppity.
How? I thought it got you better positions
"X is not 'special' because there has to be people similar to x out there"
no shit retards, there are 7 billion people "out there". what even are you arguing here
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He put him in a self defense situation
Depends on the program and school
Season 3 is supposedly one week away and there is zero hype. Actually there seems to be anti hype to how its only mentioned just to rightfully shit on it. What happened?
Heard it’s impossible to get a job with just a bachelors in aerospace
We're saying go meet real people and stop obsessing over e girls. If letty is serious about KCIP she'll probably end up with someone that streams on kick with more clout or someone that works for kick or stake.
I’m hyped
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Jet is going back to working at McDonalds
Long enough to know all the lore of that long-necked recovering dopehead who loves Channing
You and him need a fucking break from this place
That was the olden days when there werent a lot of options, now with the new spaceage, jobs are more plentiful.
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I don't get why some Clairebears (probably just one) feel the compulsion to defend Isaac. If he does work at, and not even manage, a Radioshack at 30 years old and psycho-analyze his girlfriend through the prism of Eminem lore, then he is a loser and we should root for her to leave him.

I would be proud or at least understanding of my gf if she did all that. Her wilder, often alcohol-aided moments were highly entertaining, brought joy to many people, and made her the indisputable star of the show.
I’m high iq so these things get committed to memory without effort and I can recall them quickly and easily
She’s with chip now
you are not a person, so you don't count
>We're saying go meet real people and stop obsessing over e girls
this is obvious to anyone not retarded/living vicariously through these peoples lives, not what you were arguing
>If he does work at, and not even manage, a Radioshack at 30 years old and psycho-analyze his girlfriend through the prism of Eminem lore, then he is a loser
Where do you work?
Do you have a favorite MDE sketch and Fishtank moment?
Chip is a pedophile
I wanna watch Cryo cum! Who's with me!
I think being a NEET is more respectable than Radioshack
>hes a loser because hes a wagie and cringe
none of that makes you a loser
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it's not that long tho
Plan S and I can’t choose one
slurping up katos moms milf pussy while kato sucks my cock
To be fair anytime Letty hangs out with a guy everyone in here just assumes they're together. In fact any fishtank girl seen hanging out with a guy and anons post "they fucked" every single time.
>I can’t choose one
pretend you're being held at gun point and pick at least one rn
When S3 start?
S1 ending
why did you post your ex-gf's nudes on this site?
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People thought sodafag and Betty hooked up even though she went with her mom to a Sam Hyde show (because she can't drive as a 27 yr old woman)
in what universe would i be cool with bbc dildo fucking videos but not flashing tits? you’re actually so stupid.
Is Betty wearing high heels or is Sodafag shorter than her?
She got her drivers license now
I was horny
Jane Street
Reddit: the thread
learners permit
I think I’m finally free of this fanbase after this thread. I can’t be associated with this faggotry.
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Would she commit infanticide?
Betty spoke truth to power and they crucified her for it.
You're welcome
she's an alcoholic and a retarded basket case, barely anyone takes her seriously
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I hope that's true so you can move on in life for the better but you'll most likely return tomorrow so see you then.
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Thankfully we'll probably never know
he can't sink any lower, he might as well just post it

chuck it on /b/ or something cryo, nobody's gonna pay for it
Does she have a quick wit? She's definitely smarter than the wiggers, but that's not saying much.
Meant for
I run a retail arbitrage business and do some contracting on the side. Pays better and allows me to no-life Fishtank while working from home.
WFH is pretty based. My last job gave me a laptop and monitor to take with me.
What is Sodaman as a devout Ortho bro doing with that harlot?
no one cares, namefag. do you have irl friends?
he has me and (you)
So it was never an act was it?
She said sodaman told her he didn't want to put his arm around her because he has a gf. I wonder how much she weighs.
find friends irl to tell how "based" work from home is faggot lmao
I do but no one cares anon
kill yourself already, youre the worst poster here by a large margin
Bald was a seething faggit for editing this weird shit then trying to claim some were true but the rest were edited
I hope he actually killed himself what a seething loser
Hurr durr jimmy got mad at people who doxxed tayleighs bf I better have a temper tantrum
Why are you sperging i thought you didn't care
>I wonder how much she weighs.
hes dating that fat fuck Jimmy
Why are you still seething over your ex?
you use words like "sperging", "mog" and "based" without knowing what they mean because you are a faggot
i dont care about your shitty life, its annoying that you think this place is your blog
This Klaus faggot needs to go, Jezza levels of cucked insanity. Please mods do something
No these were proven fake by some seething anon named bald
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Gen z girls are attracted to clout not muscles and a good normie career. Funny TikTok influencers
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So jimmy is the "gf" in the relationship? I always figured sodaman to be the bottom with the long hair and everything.
bald being a faggot doesn't negate the fact that jimbo hit a defenseless old man
We need to make pics of them fucking for content
I'm not posting her lewds out of revenge or anything. I don't expect her to see it here like with Letty and Jeremy. I just think she has a nice body.
No one cares anon stop sperging before I based mog you
what kind of faggotry is this? kys
/ftl/ is cucked insanity, all of it
We watched jimmy destroy a wooden sign
Dunyay, trish, oddbod, sodaman, shadi, and rat met hoarderman and there wasnt a single scratch on him
So yeah it's some made up bullshit by fags with nothing better to do other than be eternally miserable and try to drag others down
I know right. Sick of all these namefags.
It's the dream you all want
It's a gay show
its funny that you admit to being a terrible person and spend your time moralfagging about sam and the wiggers
I don't remember admitting to that. How am I terrible person? I don't send people's nudes to their dying grandfather. It would be a dick move anyway since I'm the one that ended the relationship.
People are too hard on Betty considering all the literal brain damage she sustained from multiple skull fractures. You can tell there once was a spark of brilliance in there, but it has long since been snuffed out. It really saddens me to think about it.
even if she never knows that you are sharing the pics she took for only you to some 20 or 30 weirdos on the internet, you are still doing it
All of you complaining about worst posters but the worst ones are still asleep
im gonna use this image to make so many cum tributes
>You can tell there once was a spark of brilliance in there
There never was, you're delusional. Leave that mentally ill retard alone, B*ttypedo
You need to reevaluate your life man. This is so many levels of fucked and you don’t even understand it.
She’s smarter than she leads on
how so?
sure. shes done so many smart things after all!
I don't post her name or face it's not the big of a deal anon
>not a big deal
it means that you are a piece of shit that betrays the trust of people who love(d) you
I've only ever given her words of encouragement.

It seems like it sometimes yeah, and that's why I said you can see there's still a spark there but I do think the head trauma did a number on her.
pissing on the floor is really efficient and that gross porn she made was her just trolling her haters. falling for fake dms and then burning bridges with nearly everyone was also a bit.
I told her once I was posting her nudes on bant she didn't care it's all Gucci Mane anon
Seething this late into the night is gay, not engaging with you
No you can see it constantly
There was never a spark before the head trauma
cope all you want. you are a piece of shit
She's kind of a cunt. Summer is way more of a tragic figure she seems like a genuinely nice person when she's not having a mental breakdown.
You're delusional and a lot more retarded than she is, B*ttypedo
Leave her alone
please, recount some smart things betty has done! I think >>203856793 is not being sincere...
Which one of you bettyfags was crying over not being invited to a discord ?
that shit was so funny
Summer would destroy your reputation
Like I said, it’s gay to start a back & fourth this late into the night when you are being disingenuous
I could have sworn she said she got a full ride to attend some state university. They don't give those out to dummies anon.
You're being more disingenuous than anyone here with your bullshit narrative.
how am i being disingeneous? im asking for literally one smart thing shes done
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Calm down anon it's not that big of a deal
Youre acting like I took shirtless photos of myself with an underage girl and then posted a sketch comedy video about her where I described her disgusting poopy butthole
They do for shitty schools and she probably never got into any good ones anyway
She's also a serial liar
>sam hyde is worse than me anyways!
cope. you are a piece of shit
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It's a piece of shit show
There’s not narrative here, you are trying to start shit desu & again that’s some gay shit. No Mayer what I say you’ll use dumb it down to “lol bettyfag gay” (I’m not even a bettyfag)
She’s not stupid, if you can’t see that idk what to tell you
did she attend and finish her degree? was this way way before the head trauma and yucky whoring
>idk what to tell you
then shut the fuck up about your retarded e-maiden and go back to bant
>She's not stupid
shes proven time and again that she is with her actions and everytime she speaks
>(I’m not even a bettyfag)
Youre a bad liar you retard and also way more deranged than she is
If you’ve been in these threads long enough you know she’s not dumb. Quite the opposite
not even ur e-whore would agree with that kek
nice astroturfing
You take this way too seriously desu
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>She's smarter than she leads on.
Youre the one trying to push a bullshit narrative as sincere
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reminds me of sam pepper from 2009
what do you like the most about betty?
She’s not the brightest but that is totally different from what you idiots call stupid
She is really fucking stupid though kek
She never finished her degree, no. I'm not sure as to the timeline but it happened before dropping out college I think? There's been multiple instances of head trauma actually. One of those times being related the orbital bone fractures she suffered on the left side of her face. If you look closely you can see one of her eyes appears to be larger than the other because of it.
What “narrative”
would you say what this anon lists >>203856793 was a bit stupid to do?
that she isn't retarded you retarded pedo
It’s simple…she’s a silly bitty. What’s so hard to understand?
She isn’t retarded that’s what you keep trying to double down on
and you still simp for that? where's your fucking self-respect?
so shes a bit silly but also smart? thats what you think?

You fucking retard lmao
Are you retarded yourself? Multiple things can be true at once desu
Who said anything about simping?
was this >>203856793 retarded to do?
show me a screenshot of your b**ty folder
I already responded to that tho
you are the worst type of bettypedo. you know well shes an awful human being and still follow her like a dog. kys
What are you trying to prove here?
so its not retarded to do all that, its "silly"?
This describes her pretty well.
are you the long file name guy who cuts himself like benfreaks does?
hes an enabler with bpd
She’s really not awful desu, that’s your ftl narrative right there. Do better
go back to /bant/ bettypedo
you do better and stop being so delusional you retarded faggot
I dont enable anything, that’s your ftl narrative about me
>are you the long file name guy who cuts himself like benfreaks does?
Is he here?
very telling that you deny that and not that you follow her like a dog lmao seriously kill yourself, you are worthless
It’s a long story
No, he's easy to spot.
Is it true?
Noticing a lot more posters around these hours, the threads are usually dead.
You guys told me the marketing by the wiggers wasn't working?
You’re on a hate crusade, come at this from an unbiased perspective
Do you believe everything they say of Benji?
Just keeping our favorite bettypedos company
You're more biased than he could ever be
I might have biases but i can talk about others in a fair fashion unlike you guys
Only that he's black and fat.
There was never more than 70 people in these threads at the peak of actual seasons, when the poster count was still here. There’s less than 20 people in these threads at all times now in the off season
I wanna fuck Katos mum
That's what i thought, everyone quiet now
you still follow a mental patient ewhore around like a dog, you cant be fair about anything
explain how we are being unfair to betty
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He can't
If you're trying to imply that i'm a simp, no, i am not a simp but there are simps out there like with any fanbase
It's more of a general issue with posters here
Were you the one who made her make black dildo videos?
>i am not a simp
show us your folder of her
See now you're trying to use my folder (everyone on 4chan has folders) as some sort of gotcha
youre the guy with that big folder tho
Again that applies to everyone
nta but the narrative /ftl/ has constructed for Betty does not appear accurate. Multiple people who have met her IRL have stated as much.
she was cutting herself and pissing on the floor earlier this year, she's batshit insane and needs help
youre the betty folder guy with the long file names who used to cut himself like benfreaks
1. whats that narrative
2. who has stated that whatever you answer 1 with does not appear accurate?
>general issue
name a specific one. just one
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And now you keep mentioning Benji for some reason
She's a sweetheart & that makes you guys mad
Hey guys Jet here

WHO'S READY FOR S3 WOOO? Only 13 days to go...
Again I think a lot of that behavior can be explained by the head trauma. She still suffers from pretty bad seizures to this day from it.

The narrative of her being some kind of terrible crazy monster meant only to be mocked and ridiculed. You're bullying someone with a TBI anon.
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Can't wait!!!!
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non answers like these only prove that you know that shes trash and you ar ok with that
she isnt a sweetheart, she shittalks people whove been nice to her and then sucks up to them
people despise your kind more than they do her, delusional bettypedo
can't wait to see this cat in S3
Do you agree that she needs help then?
Headcanon lead response. She isn't trash. Simple as. Your hate for certain fish/freeloaders go back to headcanon created since s1 threads went to bant. It's time to turn a new page
Things happened in the beginning, why are you so stuck on that?
why do people make her to be "some kind of terrible crazy monster meant only to be mocked and ridiculed"? Give one reason, i know you guys dont like to think too hard
>You're bullying someone with a TBI anon
whats your point?
Absolutely. She herself has admitted this.
What's with the guys who encourage the self-harm and peepee stuff?
youre more fucked in the head than she ever could be bettypedo
retarded enabler fuck
>shes a sweetheart!
>no shes not, heres one example
>but that was in the past, shes a sweetheart!
why are you so blindly loyal to this person? just because you have a crush on her, really?
>"Betty is a cunt"
At least when summer talks shit it's just to acuse her ex bfs of rape. Which is fairly accurate 2bh. Taking advantage of a mentally ill individual for sex is pretty rapey imo.
Never enabled anything, that's a whole 'nother group involved
A lot of what she has been vilified for has been proven to be stalkers/anons doctoring tweets/comments. The cutting and pissing on the floor is something else, but again, that's the TBI.
I don't know that there are? If so they're pretty fucked in the head. According to her she's done with the cutting. Here's hoping that's true.
>A lot of what she has been vilified for has been proven to be stalkers/anons doctoring tweets/comments
This is a bigger issue that needs to be addressed. Everyone here falls for bait too easily & takes fakes at too much face value. Use deductive reasoning skills.
>The cutting and pissing on the floor is something else
she was mostly villified for this and shittalking people who were nice to her and the grifting and the gross porn and for being jewish, not the doctored tweets/comments
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Her discord was really cringe and edgy. People would post pix of girls cutting and b*tty would go "that's nothing check this out" she's super crange
youre incapable of deduction and reason, you have bpd
Doesn't take away from what i say though
>I don't know that there are?
him >>203857526
Anon I brought this up earlier but the skull fractures clearly fucked her up. You can hear it when she speaks, her processing ability is very diminished. People would make fake tweets about so and so calling her a bitch or whatever and she would buy into it every time. You can't really hold her accountable for a lot of these things post TBI. She's doing her best and people keep trying to take advantage of her and mislead her. It's very sad honestly.
No, never partook in any of that. There you go spinning that headcanon on me
That is a very rational take. Good on you for being the sanest b*ttyfaggot
I don't remember saying this
It's because of your brain tumor bald
God is judging you
>people keep trying to take advantage of her and mislead her.
Like who?
ask summer
what did you think of those things when she did them
The same people working on Summer at the moment.
Januki and his rapist gang?
She was being a bad bitty & should refrain from doing that
They would descend on her general on /bant/ the minute anyone brought them up. Even after she tried to distance herself from them they would not leave her alone.
What's their endgame?
Wish I knew. The only thing I know for sure is that Summer is danger. #SaveSummer
brb going to make me an 'fee
Who you calling bald?
I have a full head of hair
what do you put in it usually
Milk or black, rarely sugar. Nothing special
Trolls went to sleep i take it
are you black?
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carry on
I bought a magic wand and I use it to stimulate my clitty when I go limp from gooning too much to Letty.
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That was supposed to be a secret
Hey wise guy how do we save summer in this joint? Haha..just kidding!
what's your highest level of education?
Not very high
Drop out teebeeaych
Got the original /pol/ thread screenshot?
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that's okay
maybe we should all just turn the computer off
Can't i'm too invested atp
I'm phone posting
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Jacob status?
2 beautiful Jewesses
How old are they?
>A B seething
Another Jacob W
a million bots on tiktok does not mean real followers dumb bitch. you could go on tiktok and get 1 million easily
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Y not
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One on the left is early 20s the other one is late 20s
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Just beat the heart in slay the spire for the first time after 200 hours.
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consider the following plz
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Looking mad cute here
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he found himself a wife
Looking mad cute here
You have to admit she looks pretty Faeish in that photo
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its insane how much better looking letty is
>Not denying the pedo accusation
Maybe i've become so used to being called a bettypedo that i just don't notice it anymore, that would be your fault
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her clone disagrees
Do any of you still check the website before checking out these threads? I sure as hell don't.
nobody does its fucking dead we're all watching sam pepper
betty is retarded, its been established in this thread. its actually insulting to letty to call betty her clone
her clone is an ugly cunt
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built for sam peppers bwc
What website
I wasn't calling you a "bettypedo" just a "pedo"
it's only been "established' by 2 idiots, they are pretty equal in beauty
or lack thereof.
she is retarded and youre more retarded than her
who the fuck is betty
i didnt see her on the hunger games
who are all these randoms?
bettypedo cope
>she is retarded and
there's a difference between retarded and a little slow
>youre more retarded than her
that's fair desu, she is smarter than me
see above
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bettypedo cope
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If you're a lettycel there's no need to argue between them
letty is right to not like her
Sam very obviously made Fatty the butt of every joke until Tayleigh basically called him out on it, then he immediately started retconning and asked him to work out with him and told him they were friends in front of the cameras.
Was fishtank ever good?
Don't pit them against each other
anyone that likes letty should dislike betty. anyone claiming to like both is a sleeper lettyseether
I'll let you know there is enough love to go around for both 'ettys
>imagine living with your parents and going through court drama because because you sent videos of you fucking guys to your ex
pretty surprising she's only got surface wounds on her arms to be honest.
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the 'etty shit you keep pulling is retarded. theyre nothing alike
Tommy sent those videos supposedly not letty
>because you sent videos of you fucking guys to your ex
it was her ex who sent those to her other ex, you seether
Oh it's you from the other day. You had to be there since day 1 getting to know Letty to get it.
It stimulates the autistic mind much like an antfarm, which is why I like it.
we know its you, bettypedo
Letta-nina was serving mad cunt during s1
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no, its not me. you dont get shit
Well if you're so insistent then tell me how they're so dissimilar

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