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Wincest edition
prev: >>203841299
This is the thread
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Wincest >>>>> nigga gimmick posting
Based brother-sister love.
What we really need is a new Friday the 13th film with a comfy summer camp setting.
Girl with moustache phenotype.
Were it not for its cringe negative portrayal of ALL male characters and a plot detail or 2, Last Straw could have been a much better movie. Still watchable with low expectations
Watched pic related with my mom when I was a kid. It was a little awkward.
English language remake when??
Back to your containment thread.
Finally a good topic, I can return from my boycott.
Your thread is bad and you should feel bad
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/hor/ will always be an Anti-Christian general
Cope and seethe
Man what a weird movie, some weord cameos too, good songs though. I don't get why cats are against them when they look like cats too, I thought it would've been clever if they were more like anubis for example.
And I don't know if the name is a play on skinwalkers but sleepwalking literally doesnt appear once in the whole movie. Just in that poem he reads and nothing else.
Don't you have a banana to be shoving up your ass?
Nobody finds this funny. Stop.
Remakes of movies should be at least 20 years old
sniff kiss lick sniff kiss lick
You're posting in an Anti-Christian general right now, retard
Incest = Anti-Christian
Dark Knight of the Scarecrow is boring as fuck. Are you guys sure it is the best scarecrow horror movie?
>demon looks like the average american
You'd need a different design for the remake
>can't use guns
This would never be made in usa lol
Incest kino? Society (1989)
I loved the movie for its ideas, the way it portrayed demons and the lore behind it and the ballsy scenes it had but I just can't really take the Spanish language seriously. I watched it dubbed in my language on second viewing. Much better.
Liar. Society is cuck kino.
Hot and high testpilled.
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Suspiria boxset
I need to rewatch it. I remember being baffled at the time but I was like 12.
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Jason figure
>Incest = Anti-Christian
Disagree there, incest is catholic as fuck.
Jason figure
The superior female form.
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I have the New Blood one
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Jason figure general
I actually liked the nigga horror general. But its good to build a tolerance to "first thread always wins" now because you just know the biggest faggot in the world will be trying to snipe them 20 posts early in October.
How is Blacula? Fun or just a meme.
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If you can’t enjoy all of these simultaneously:
>Amityville II
>The Conjuring
>The Exorcist
Are you really even a horror fan?
I saw Alien: Romulus and I was very impressed with how good she was as a scream queen. If she does a few horror movies, she could make a name for herself in the genre. But apparently, she's going to play a superhero in DC stuff.
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That's me he's talking about
horrorbros what are some movies where a woman fucks devil or a demon? like in Haeckels Tale or in Valerie on the Stairs? bonus points if she fucks him willingly
It’s probably the anon from /film/ that’s been pulling the same shit lately (niggaposter)
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Apparently there a Part 5 figure but it’s the dream sequence/hallucination Jason rather than Roy and it comes with the box art mask and a Part 6 tombstone.
The Pope's Exorcist
They have a Roy figure too
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The Lords of Salem
>Part 6 tombstone
Whoops, that’s the dream sequence tombstone. But there’s a Part 4 split hand which is odd.
>The Conjuring
Only one i haven't seen there.
I'd like to make her scream.
The Bruce Campbell episode of The X-Files.
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I didn’t post this but for your penance, repeat it 100 times >>203841525
Do not engage
That's the Part 5 dream tombstone, anon.
The Bruce Campbell and Alucarda look amazing. will check out the rest too. thanks!
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Unrelated but does anyone else start craving Tombstone pizzas this time of year?
>NPM banned/MIA
>Satanposting in full swing
Last few threads have been so comfy bros. It’s gonna be a great October, I can feel it…
No, i actually wouldn't care if i never had pizza again.
>the post with the black guy is (dead)
life imitating art
Post your top 10 favorite skeletons
Until NPM comes back from his ban, that is
We also have Cock Lodge, and now the Spongebob gay porn Christian schizo too
The one from House on Haunted Hill with Vincent Price is kino
Yes, but they suck, unlike Jason Lives.
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Jason Lives is good but I don't understand why it's the only Friday the 13th without booba
These guys: https://youtu.be/vOGhAV-84iI?si=T7coSIpUaX6CMa7D
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>mindbreak someone into posting gay porn of SpongeBob
heh, nothin’ personnel jesus…
Crypt Keeper
The Spooky Scary Skeleton
House on Haunted Hill
Army of Darkness
Jack Skellington
Jason and the Argonauts
Mr Bones and his Wild Ride
Ghost Rider
The Pirates of the Caribbean

If Mr Bones Wild Ride doesn't count because it is a game then that Astronaut Skeleton from Scooby Doo
Alucarda mindbroke a few retards into posting tranny images in the previous two threads also
How can one mexican girl be so powerful bros?
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What? That's a duck.
>no one's posted the webm.
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cheeky OP
Most re-watchable horror films?
face like a catcher's mitt
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No, but really, look at this cocky teenage Latina coming to destroy your fragile ego with a look. I love this image so much.
For me it has been Suspiria, Phenomena, Halloween (1978) and The Beyond, probably have watched all of them 20+ times, in a span of like 15 years.
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It's true, I feel the power of Halloween growing.
What the H are you talking about, she's cute as hell. Give your head a shake!
from beyond
the first Elm Street and Alien, for me.
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Based and gordonpilled.
look how fucking leathery her skin is
she looks like she's been a smoker for 40 years
jesus christ she looks like shit, this is "white women" now?
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Love look at pics of horror babes of bygone eras. You see a lot of rare beauties in lesser known films. This actress was in Let Sleeping Corpses Lie.
>Can you undress so I can see your formed breasts?
>Sure, bro.
please stop i'm this close to catching a crush
I'd fuck me
I'd fuck me so hard
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>but sleepwalking literally doesnt appear once in the whole movie
Well, the song Sleepwalking plays several times throughout.
You have bad taste. Dark Night of the Scarecrow is not boring.
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I tried to post a webm of baboon masturbating and eating its cum here, but the upload falied. Anyway, why is the girl in the op so fucking hot? Does she have nudes?
Barely any scarecrow. It's almost all country stereotypes dying while it is off screen.
heard it's a good Halloween film so I'm saving it for the day
There isn't anything Halloween specific about it.
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I have been lied to
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>they didn’t include material from Argento’s unrealized prequel The Four Mothers (1971) on a bonus disc
Hellraiser 1 and 2 for some reason, braindead, return of the living dead
>Adolescente Pervertida
Wait a minute...
>he didn’t catch a crush within the first 20 minutes of Alucarda
Grim. Satanic, even.
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Nope lmao
They did include Mother of Tears though, and for some reason that boxset is one of the only ways to get it on blu-ray.
I find From Dusk Til Dawn incredibly rewatchable for some reason
It's set around Halloween. The other anon is lying. There are scenes at a Halloween dance with costumes and decorations.
What a gay thing to lie about.
Nice. How come Japanese posters are always so kino?
Japan still has thriving physical media market
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Do you wanna party?
Any chance this turns out to be decent?
Not even remotely, considering the first one was shit.
Who's the dude? Has the Hunter Schafer vibes.
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I finally watched Timecrimes yesterday. Enjoyable, I'd like to thank the anons who have consistently been shilling it for years.
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Does watching /hor/ movies get you those emo/goth/alt girls?
It was a nice gimmick flick, this one lacks even that. I had a good time watching it in the theater but
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the real freaks are the plain looking ones who spend all their time on true crime
>Does watching /hor/ movies get you those emo/goth/alt girls?
I find it's either normie nerdy girls that are average or below average looking, or fatties on Tinder with tapestry like in that regretful wojak meme.
It's possible.
It was good for nu-horror. Had that nonstop-scare feel like a haunted house attraction, would be a good movie to put on with normalfags who want to watch a horror movie.
Los cronocrímenes? Watch •REC for more Spanish kino
I rec that one sometimes, so you're welcome.
My favorite bro/sis scene.

Love Coco freaking the fuck out at 32 when the incest begins.
Love the size contrast between the girls.

>"It's not that bad"
She says sarcastically before deep throating her brothers cock.
This type of girl. She likes horror, metal, shoegaze, dreampop, goth rock which means she listens to The Cure sometimes, she has mild leftist/pozzed views but nothing unsalvageable. She's probably a bit fucked in the head but fun to be around before a mood swing. I dated a girl exactly like this. Exhausting but hey, you gotta start somewhere.
>She likes horror, metal, shoegaze, dreampop, goth rock which means she listens to The Cure sometimes, she has mild leftist/pozzed views but nothing unsalvageable. She's probably a bit fucked in the head but fun to be around before a mood swing.
Sounds worth it to me.
Good times. Those kinds of girls didn't seem to be into horror in my experience, they tended to like what they thought was obscure or artsy, like Tarkovsky films and that kind of thing.
>king kong 1933
>son of kong 1933
>mighty joe young 1949
>godzilla 1954
>godzilla raids again 1955
>rodan 1956
>mothra 1961
>king kong vs godzilla 1962
>mothra vs godzilla 1964
>ghidorah, the three-headed monster 1964
>invasion of astro-monster 1965
They like horror alright but be sure to read up on European horror. Not American horror. Even though if you pester them about it, they can watch an Elm Street film just fine. They like shit like Martyrs and Suspiria or pretend to.
Watch The Company of Wolves

guess i have to watch it now
Frogman was good once it got started but needed more frogman and less girl faking a southern accent.
Also I am not good with the blurry face. Was the granddaughter the girl in the ceremony or the pregnant girl in the cocoon?
Definitely would have been nice if the action started earlier but overall it was a solid found footage flick.
Can't answer your question because I watched it earlier this year and can't remember.
>less girl faking a southern accent.
gonna disagree, personally I liked the build up and was mainly disappointed it went too far into the silly V/H/S territory at the end. I thought the creepy effects in the forest was a better tone.
still liked it though.
Came out today, heard good things about it.
I'm sceptical given it comes from youtubers, but you never know.
Yeah you need a girl who listens to The Cure a lot for her to have austisticly deep thoughts about The Crow in all its incarnations and aspects
Now you have to watch the sequel Timecop
>too far into the silly V/H/S territory at the end
Nta but if they cut it at the end of the found footage and just credit him for issuing it instead of showing him doing a circuit, it's a perfect movie
I REFUSE to watch horror films that do not have attractive and cute females in them. Give me some of your best ones, /hor/.
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Watch Freeway
I had half a dozen wanks over this when I recorded it on vhs
what incest, older sister or younger sister?
>no night of the eagle 1962
Aren't you gay?
Let the faggot look at qts
Unironically Kolobos
Where do I find this film in decent quality?
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Psyched for October bro's.
Thanks for helping me with charts and lists yesterday I was asking.
Here's my 2024 October list, I picked only stuff I have not seen before.
Why only 14 movies? There's 31 days in October
Also I'd suggest taking "Heusera" off, it's not good lmao
>refusing to watch things that don't have attractive women in them makes you gay
october is longer than 14 days anon
Ha. Looks like we tricked another one into watching that movie /hor/.
I don't care about your lifestyle choices, either Cat People is universally appreciated Qts of the Female Variety
I've watched that. I wonder where Kinskibro is now..
Pulse is fine, and comparison the thief of joy
>He's only seen Harper and not Russell
Now I feel a little sad about your lifestyle choices
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I have
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for me, it's Aisling Franciosi
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Did NOT like this, but I still wouldn't call it a bad movie.
Have you seen the Hansel and Gretel sequel?
Can you explain what you mean by this post? I've only seen one of those.
No, I was disappointed that Reese wasn't in it, so I didn't bother. Is it good?
It's turned up to eleven with lesbians and Vincent Gallo
Ok, I''l have to watch it then. Thank you.
Enjoy anon, it's brilliant
This was a pretty fun movie. Rachel Cook put on a good performance as a manipulative whore, presumably because she is a manipulative whore.
Pressing F for Eddie, you were a good nigga also it was really fucking funny that Ron Perlman implied the succubus seduced some Muslim dudes as a goat.
why thread die
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I've barely watched any horror movies this year
It’s not even October yet
I think my love for the chick from Blind Beast is roughly on par with Alucarda anon
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Um, Paul? What's going on big guy? That's your sister youre lusting after.
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Just got this, about to marathon these kinos
What am I in for? I've only ever seen the second one
Based and same.
2 is unironically the best one.
The first one is a decent boilerplate 70s haunted house movie. 3-D is crap, but it has some really fun goofy moments that make it worth a watch.
I just saw creep, very uncomfortable movie, proof that yo don't need much resources to make a nice little horror movie, you cringe at many moments and I laughed at some bits. I think if it didn't had horror elements I also would've liked it though. I may watch the sequel now.
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I'm samefagging, I just watched this again and it still holds up today. And yes, I'm still in love with 12 year old Sarah Patterson.
>I REFUSE to watch horror films that do not have attractive and cute females in them. Give me some of your best ones, /hor/.
The Slumber Party Massacre
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1 is shit, 2 is good, 3 is schlocky fun
Also Slumber Party Massacre 2, it's even more kino
Fuck 3 and the remake
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The Vampire Lovers
Not a single one of them is cute.
lel, when you're done with the Freeway series maybe check out Lemora and Black Moon and the obligatory Valerie and her week of wonders
I liked your thread anon, it was a good list and was made first
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Why does Alucarda anon keep being mean to me?
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Digits and dangerously based
You should probably watch the movie
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1971 kino
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Based and check'd
I don't watch satanist movies.
I hope you really really like arthouse "technically" horror and weren't just duped by algo sorted high-ratings
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There's a few really good movies in there, a couple of middling ones, and a few I haven't seen so I have no opinion
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What do you guys think about this? Personally I like it more than Creepy. the scene where a man randomly tried to stab a woman in a cafe made me think that this was a stealth cure sequel
One every other day is fine
It's not horror though, stupid.
>new serial killer biopic comes out
>killer looks like a twink
>person he's based on looks like a basement dweler

every fucking time
I've shilled that one a few times over the years, glad you enjoyed it
Well they need the fat women who listen to true crime podcasts to watch it and endlessly discuss it on social media
Charlie Hunnam is playing Ed Gein for some reason.
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Top 10:
The Love Witch
The Conjuring
The Craft
The Witches of Eastwick
disgusting fedora freak
The Conjuring is awful even if you don't have a problem with it being blatant christian propaganda about famous sex traffickers Ed and Lorraine Warren
Terrible list since many of these movies do not have many (Love Witch) or even one pretty woman (Alucarda)
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Right here:
>He's only seen Harper and not Russell
True, I never got around to the original Cat People. How is Harper related though?
Dude released two thrillers and one horror movie this year alone and, from what I heard, they're all pretty good.
Second and first are good, 3-D is garbage.
God owes me twin sex.
Any Edwige Fenech giallo.
What site/app do you guys use to keep track of horror stuff?
txt and excel fags do not apply
txt you dumb faggot.
>Terrible list since many of these movies do not have many (Love Witch) or even one pretty woman (Alucarda)
Sure they’re not all strictly ensemble casts filled with bombshells, but you’re absolutely wrong.
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Can't believe I forgot to mention Tenebrae, top tier qts in that one (plus, a couple are lesbos). Also Frankenhooker
How would you write a reboot set in 2024?
You don't understand the concept of female beauty and your list reeks of a homosexual listing what he assumes to fit the bill but fag hags aren't what most os us have in mind when we think of attractive women
I'd release the exact same movie but cut out the jumpscare ending 1ms before it swaps the mom to the stuny dummy and then put myself as the writer, director and producer.
This is a horror film general, retard
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Finally watched the original Amityville, and after all these years of hearing so many great things about it....that's it?
That was a 5/10 at best, part 2 is way better. Though it seems part 2 barely tried to actually get the details of this film right despite being a prequel lmao.
A few interesting scenes but nothing great. How the fuck did this become an influential classic and get so many sequels (both official and unofficial)?
It came out when people thought dungeons & dragons was communing with satan.
Why would i do such a thing? Just watch the original.
Hostel 3 was cool but like 2, the ending was not as good as the rest of the movie.
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she needs another horror kino
The 80s were a scary time.
Why does she have the proportions of a child?
Always thought she was just skinny but there's some delicious definition in those thighs.
Waifu posting in the waifu posting thread and Harperfagging is the most common one. Kinski's playing the role played by Simone Simon, but more sexualised than the original, obviously. Elizabeth Russell appears for about one minute to speak a line dubbed by Simone Simon in a foreign language to tell language nerds the MC might have family, but she does it while looking like Elizabeth Russell and therefore eats all the scenery in film and adjacent screens.
>tfw no alucarda gf
Watching A Haunted House. It is the 00s-most thing ever (2013).
Fuck off you fedora-wearing freak
This is a Christian general for Christian horror films
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she ruined her face. shes an ugly whore now
I Saw The TV Glow: Is it worth watching or tranny bullshit?
Any fellow frenchfrog know when the fuck will we be allowed to pre-order tickets for Terrifier 3

It comes out on the 9th for us there isn't shit yet
Sombody recommended me Suspiria. Is it mind bogglingly good? Or do you have to be in the mood for it cause its a little dated?
It's more style than substance and PERSONALLY I think Tenebrae is a better movie.
I liked it. There is a whole trans metaphor thing going on because it's supposed to be like become opposite sex or die slowly in a life of quiet desperation at its most basic and popularized lowest common denominator interpretation but it's got a broader and darker moral question you might be dying slowly in a life of quiet desperation but your alternative might be a pipe dream psychosis that's more lethal faster
I'm surprised Billy Corgan hasn't sued them, but it was a horror unlike the last one which was mostly a soundtrack. It's heavy millennial nostalgiabait too so judge how much forgiveness you have for that/reliving your teenage years ahead of the tranny thing
thx anon
Not saying you shouldn't watch it btw, but it's a little overhyped and you have to be in the right mood for it
>Is it mind bogglingly good?
It's an atmosphere movie, I prefer Argento's more plot driven stuff
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>I cannot entertain ideas without accepting them
>I cannot view films critically and actively
Eww… that banana doesn’t belong there.

Go ahead and post your list, then. Otherwise fuck off

>Is it mind bogglingly good?
It was for me but not everyone has the same experience. You have to be in the right mood to watch Argento.
>Randomly mentions homosexual activities with bananas again
Is this your fetish or some shit? You did this in one of previous threads too
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Me replying to someone asking what the shit
Sorry you’ve had to deal with some homosexuality, anon. I’ll try to help:

Messiah of Evil
Daughters of Darkness
Lady Frankenstein
Slaughter Hotel
Black Christmas
Lucifera - Demon Lover
The House That Screamed
Vampire Lovers
anyone know what this is from? I'm not positive it's a horror film, but it definitely feels like it. it possibly released somewhere around 2012
Yep, that and Black Moon are solid movies. Anna and the Wolves is also decent, though not really a horror film
Forgot to mention:
Cat People
To the Devil a Daughter
Invasion of the Bee Girls
Cemetery Man
I'm more of a Nell Tiger Free man myself
More horror movies need to show bush
>Italy has entered the chat
why didnt they just release the demon when they first found it?
They may be perverts but they have taste
Then you may want to star with
To the Devil a Daughter
Cat People
thank you anon
She cute.
The need to suck sum blood is growing the closer we get to October so I'm gonna watch Vamp. BLEH!
Recommend me some horror films with cool visuals like Suspiria and Phenomena
What's the name of this movie again? It's about space zombies and it's really good.
What the hell is this?
cute Italian-Irish mutt
>Is it mind bogglingly good
Yes. One of the greatest film experiences regardless of genre, it's pure magic.
Don't listen to these guys. Unless you're a plotfag too in which case don't even talk to me bro.
>Harperfagging is the most common one
I wouldn’t expect it to let up anytime soon given how much Suspiria has been discussed and it’s not even October yet.
Blood and Black Lace
Messiah of Evil
suspiria is a transcore movie btw
>Tfw an ugly bald manlet got to marry that
Silent gen and boomers had it so much easier when it comes to women it's not fair.
>PLEASE give me attention!
No (You) for (You), sorry
and that's why it's good
I really hope The Evictors anon gets the Harperfags to watch that one this October
Lisa and the Devil
it's because they were men's men and you're a fag who cries about women on the internet
hey that's not true, I'm super manly
And then he kept putting her in tons of his sexually explicit movies, including films where she had actual unsimulated sex on camera. I wonder what he meant by that
>no interracial
it's over...
Spaniards are known cucks.
This is not me, i am indeed a sad pathetic fag that doesn't get women.
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Evictorsanon is based considering it’s so obscure no one ever brings it up on /tv/ or really in general lol. Personally I plan on raising awareness of her three main horror films for the non-regulars.
Not /hor/ but i'm downloading Inserts right now.

> MADMAN >>> THE BURNING (overrated as fuck)
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Coomer Hall of Fame kino.
Enjoy clambert as well.
Anyone seen this? Looks like it sucks
kek retard
Never heard of it
Vampyr is the best movie ever made
>H20 was a perfectly servicable conclusion to the series
>yet always planned this from the beginning
genuinely what the fuck were they thinking? did they really think people were going to respond well to this?
The Halloween franchise is cursed to ruin every single story reboot by the second film in the arc, there's a dark aura created by John Carpenter delving in the dark arts in the 70s.
I like it
>genuinely what the fuck were they thinking?
Same as every other sequel. Money
They should've stopped after III.
I disagree but i'm perfectly fine with this opinion.
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Watch Vampire Circus
But if they just wanted money why not just reboot it again or just do a standalone Michael Myers story like F13 did, why the active shitting on the fans who liked the last one?
Need an Italian horror waifu
Evil Dead 2
The Shining
Hellraiser 2
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They were making attempts to prevent the birth of a debbil baby. They failed. Is it really hard to understand why the protags didn't want a debbil baby running around? Rapin' ur churches, burnin' ur womenz? It's no fun, man.
>inb4 that one comic panel
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There are lots of attractive and cute females in 3 though
Watched "Night Swim", it was crap
>there's a dark aura created by John Carpenter delving in the dark arts in the 70s
>puts on sunglasses to see anon's true form and the real meaning behind his slanderous words
I'm going to rewatch They Live
One of the hottest casts to grace film. Sad the one at the bottom dies so early, she's my fav.
Just finished watching Deadstream, what a fun fucking movie, damn. Thanks for recommending it, guys.
What recent and underappreciated /hor/ movie should I see next?
Any recs for lesser known 90s slashers?
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good choice
Mute Witness
Deadstream rubbed me the wrong way, but if you liked it you'd absolutely enjoy Death of a Vlogger. If you want something different that I never see rec'd, try Sea Fever.
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Bloodmoon 1990
but all the bad shit in the movie only happens because they tried to stop it from being born. Nothing in the movie suggested that the "demon" was bad other than what people attributed to it. All the demon did after being born was lead a bunch of kids into the woods.
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I finally got to watch The Profane Exhibit last night. It was pretty mediocre but it had moments. The scariest most fucked up part of the movie was an intense scene of Clint Howard molesting his daughter.
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Forbidden Files should be featured film for next thread.
baking new thread
>Death of a Vlogger
>Sea Fever
never heard of them, will check them out!
cheers, anon!
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If only Veronica Carlson was also in it. It would have been that much better.
It's one of the few horror films that improves with further viewings.
There's a lot of stuff that you don't notice on the first viewing because the direction that the movie is taking isn't obvious.

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