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Scuffed Realtor edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• Claire continues to put fries in the bag
• B*nl*aks has been exposed as a creepy stuttering and shaking sperg.

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203854582
I missed you guys for a second there it felt like there was never going to be another bake
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>TJ streams more than Taylor
What happened?
Why are you like this?
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Everytime i look in the mirror (i try not to, makes me feel bad about myself) i tell myself this
Chat, I fucking hate my life. It's going nowhere
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Only one more week until the official delay announcement!
>faggots won't let this shit die until they -ACK!
Sam and Jet are gay and blow trannies
Big Purple Did Nothing Wrong
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You don't have an answer then?
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Not canyon!!!!
Nah not yet
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A beautiful poster from the beautiful CC
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hi jan
It's pretty simple when you think about it. egirl attention whore who's spend the past decade cultivating discord simp farms. Use her to attract guys to grift off of and build your network. 4chan is the easiest way to make her stick around since all it takes is text posts and a VPN. Productions real sockpuppets are never able to verify their identity. They only push narratives.
Like the unskilled retard is a successful streamer thanks to Sam. 100% of whale fish donos are production with a budget. Gotta keep her around to attract people who aren't spending his own money.

>psychopathy and rejection of morality is a religion!
>you know what happened to witches and warlocks in ye olden times, right?
Skinny Trish
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im just a teenage dirtbag baby
how did Trish and TJ ended up having the most entertaining streams?
Love and Life won.
by everyone else being terrible, it's mind boggling that people try to compete with giant streamers by doing the exact same thing they do, at least get a shtick.
Fucked up and wasted my life. No re-rolls. I’m living like I’m already dead.
Nasty dude
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do you think jacob actually has a chance?
Hey guys, Vance here, your fave S1 contestant

How should I make my mark on S3?
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You could try rape
they were vibing
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Sylvia lookin like a snack
Impregnate Josie
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this is my new look chat i fink i look really cool
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>won't bring me talcum powder
>won't bring me my jimmy cd's
Sylvia will be a big titty chubby goth mom that posts pics like this online and there’s nothing wrong with that.
so on some real shit maybe she should've treated her friends better and she wouldn't have gotten the scissors?
One of the worst things i see people say they want back is the fucking white walls look from season 1, literally why? the season 2 set design was actually beautiful and fit the vibe perfectly and the people who say they don't want them doing themes again
They probably kind of like each other but over all it’s just for content. And she wants to clout mine Jacob and learn his tik tok success secrets. Same reason why Claire was clingy with him.
Jimmy calls everyone faggot constantly but ironically acts like the biggest faggot in ftl history
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what people want is for you to kys groomer
I think people are mixing up two things when talking about themes. Set design? Great. Having to play pretend on said theme? Horrible
who gives a shit about decoration, faggot?
They should be in a totally neutral house and let the test of time and whatever the contestants want to do to it give the house personality, it's just another minor way for Jet to insert himself in to the show even more.
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what do you fink chat?
Fuck, I love Alessandra so fucking much.
anyway to find the lore behind keegan/taylor?
Sad that /ftl/ sweetheart power couple of Tjaylor is over.
If they cant make it…..true love does not exist :(
She's just the perfect woman. Loveable in so many ways...
Typical Benleaks TRVTHNVKE
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this is simply untrue, literally everything is what makes the season, if it was 70s theme and they were in some white walled house it wouldn't work, the decorations, clothing, and just about everything have just as much as importance to the season , white walled houses for seasons should never be used again
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>Keegan is the biggest Taylor simp in whole fanbase
>Keegan made edits of TJ and Taylor during s2
>Taylor started streaming and acknowledged his edits
>Keegan has been her editor/mod/handler ever since (for free)
>Gives shitty advice to Taylor, for example collab with Eggy
>Hates TJ, never included him in any edits, leaves chat whenever he is on her stream
>TJ and Taylor breakup
>TJ is streaming on ftl site
>Someone starts talking mad shit to him in chat (pic rel)
>Someone notices this account has greenshark mentioned in the profile (Keegan online name)
>Whole community lols at Keegan, including TJ
>Keegan has not been seen ever since
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The biggest travesty was what they did to the house. It was such a nice place...
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I don’t like Sam Hyde, but I respect how he took fatty under his wings and tried to get his life on a better path even if it was solely for content. I want to do stuff like that.
explain why season 1 was better then.
Who was the bitch from bitchtabk that had the leftist bangs? I look at the socials pastebin list and none of the names look familiar?
Black hair and looked kinda goth/punk
it wasnt they were all dogshit we were only watching to donate money to mid egirls
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S1 house will always have a special place in my heart.
nobody here pays for this garbage, newfriend.
Kek thats actually really funny
but please anon I wanna coom
i bet some of you paid $100 a year to use the live chat
He only did it because Tayleigh rightfully told Chris and the audience that he was just a comedy prop and a laughing stock of production.
I've been capturing evidence for infractions against Stripe's terms of service. Saving it for when Season 3 just starts before submitting it, along with GDPR violations among others.
Wes, you better have a backup plan.
are you asking about Kato?
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Kato. Skip her and go straight for appreciating her mom instead though
her name is Kato but idk her socials
this is has to be the most retarded taytriot headcanon. also tays "trvthnvke" was her just repeating what ben told her before
You men are GODS
I kept think Kit or something and I knew it was wrong but didnt want to make a fool of myself
Thank you bros.
That’s fine. I still respect him doing it. Still hate Sam though
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Bex did such a good job picking The Clothes The fish wore during season 2, it basically defined them and added 2 them as characters. Jimmy's Bourbon Shirt, Cole's sweater, Brian's white button up,and TJ's Yellow and White. basically iconic
there are no unironic taytriots any more, doesn't change the fact that she hit the nail on the head and it pissed Sam off enough to try to disprove her on camera.
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>getting mogged by mommy
but....sam was helping Fatty way before season 2..?
Are we going to ignore that these two have the same cut?
helping him how?
And having him in a video/stream so people can laugh about how fat and ugly he is doesn't count.
>not a taytriot but heres some more taytriot headcanons
shut up
he literally saved him from homelessness
who started the gofund me so he had a place 2 stay??
just got back the the thread, thanks anon!
/ftl/ is always more crazy in between seasons
Chris literally saved S1, Dave got paid more than Fatty.
sam didnt save dave from homelessness kek
move the goalposts some more, nigger
>Fishtank contestant telling anyone that they are a comedy prop and a laughing stock of production.
Tayleigh yet again with zero self-awareness
How? Her mom doesn’t have bangs
Sam didn't actually pay Chris anything, setting up a gofundme isn't the same as giving someone money.
he set up the gofundme, and it reached its goal thanks to fishtank. pls stop being retarded
He got some fish bucks
also the issue is "sam helping chris", not "sam giving chris money"
>sam didn't trust fatty with the money (rightfully) so that means he didn't care for him until late season 2
That anon is a TJaylor self insert seether and almost all of that post is headcanon that he spams in every thread, do not respond to him
the main complaint when the gofundme went up was that chris would spend it on something else so sam made sure he didn't
Hi keegan
Hi Mike
Josie has been sick
Now steinful has been sick
I thinks that’s all the confirmation needed
Steinful x Josie is real
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do you think sam will have sex with froggyfresh now that he's a troon?
>the only man Sam ever paid for sure was Edie
He's legally required to pay child support for his hapa children too.
only if the mother asks for it. people have a strange way of not asking and not receiving shit from mr. marky raper.
ugh, it's like 4 pm in the states and these threads are deader than the show. is it really ogre?
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>it's like 4 pm in the states
hhahah so based dude, get it dude, transphobia bro, funny dude hahahah I'm transphobic so funny. I'm just obsessed with transfolx 4 the epic gag bit dude lol
thank you for replying to me and letting me know that someone else is here. you have fallen for my ruse and you should feel very embarrassed. also, thank you for the (you) and also for posting scott and also for the green text and the repeating midgets.
what if there's no mothers because there's no children and it's just sam hyde coping with homosexuality?
You're very much welcome anon. I consider it charity.
I want to fuck Pariah the Doll
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Same bwo
nigger its 4pm in europe its like 8am on the west coast
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Do you think it's cheating to try and hook up with another girl and move in with her behind your girlfriend's back? If not, would you be okay with your girl hooking up with a niggy behind your back?
Only if she sends me vids
He didn't cheat!!!!
There is no proof of anything like that happening Keegan
TJ doesn't have sexual thoughts he's too pure. Taylor on the other hand is a documented whore
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someone had 2 say it
>thread is dead
>criticize lubecooch
>chatgpt activates and replies to the same post several times
kek, like clockwork.
All me
>Posts same tired loobcooch stuff in every thread
>Expect different answers
Think about how much time you wasted on this shit already. Was it really worth it? Maybe it's time to move on
Does that really make you "kek"
who are you trying to convince? us or yourself? why are we both still here? just to suffer?
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>was it really that kekworthy anon
i can feel my lubed cooch.
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Chatgpt should write for season 3
Anyone using the word kek is automatically a loser in my eyes
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i'm kekkin' pretty heavily.
chances of valley sightings in s3?
yes because it's a gay show
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chances of Fatty sack sightings in s3?
poor little sexless tj just stuck watching his love get fucked by other guys cocks
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what do we call him now that he's no longer fat? airsoftskinny?
there's already a chris
Lucky bastard
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Bitchtank sucked and brought out the worst of an already cancerous audience.
No information about season 3 is a fucking mistake.
Lynch will either be known as "Chris Lynch" exclusively or "Bisexual Chris". Fatty is far more deserving of being known as the "Chris" of Fishtank.
depends on if he runs out of money for ketamine
it's called "keeping them guessing"
i bet you like watching movie trailers that spoil the entire movie.
He’s not skinny yet. Keep fat shaming him until he is
true and true
You can promote something without showing all your cards.
I like to watch movies I know will be released.
Unfortunately the wiggers are so incompetent anything they could tease is already making promises they're incapable of fulfilling.
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Bitchtank was good but not enough to warrant taking place this year.
more than 1 season ever 12 months is still a fucking mistake.
But if you promote something you build expectation, which makes it harder for Jet to just laugh it off when he undoubtedly fucks up.
>things confirmable by checking the archives are headcanon
Lol fag
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Fuck you clabi would never have happened
Still no evidence this happened, meanwhile we all know Taylor's dumb and impulsive
>No information about season 3 is a fucking mistake.
There's zero hype for season 3, you're right, huge fucking mistake
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>sexual assaults nifty
>becomes blinded by incel rage
Claire is so flaky, Abi needs to lock her down tight
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Classic Jimbo, you gotta love him
>Wake up.
>Open fishtank.live.
>No Cleh.
>Go back to sleep.
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>Wake up.
>Open fishtank.live.
>No Scott.
>Go back to sleep.
What’s the real consensus on TJ being a porn addict or not? He seems like the type of nigga to browse /d/
How do we know Taylor is dumb and impulsive
TJ is a pure soul, that nigga Thomas on the other hand...
doesn't matter
None of this matters. We’re all gay…..
Speak for yourself. Faggots creep me the fuck out and I stay far away from that shit. So much so to the point where I don't even wash my asshole and I couldn't care less, skidmarks and all.
he looks like one
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You can’t run from it….. Greg is coming….. and he’s going to take what he’s owed………
THE greg? He's a wholesome lovable chungus who could do no wrong
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why didn’t they brought back the drunk pos challenge for s2?
The possibility of rape was too high
They leaned on alcohol a lot for content so it would be kind of pointless.
Need a burst of content?
>ring da bell
>get fish drunk
S2 in a nutshell
Probably, everyone who grew up with the internet is to some degree
because they monetized alcohol with chris lynchs bar (which was a terrible idea, to no ones surprise as the wiggers are retarded)
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jet neptune dies today.
Can't wait for them to double down on this in season 3.
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Jacking off to Tayleigh out of pity.
You're a trooper Sarge
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>made cole rage quit
Chip won

hi taylor
>Cole BTFO by a nigga who can't tie his shoes
Are you guys going to watch the lolcow live camp keemstar streams this weekend. Should be some kino. Keem mentioned some eceleb would be involved hopefully its Sam or Ice
Nigger she fucked da gobwin get over it
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>now we hate the bar from season 2
lmao, what's wrong with this thread, you complain about them not building social interaction than when they do have something that helps, it's a bad idea and they're retarded
damn not a good pic of #10 here
what emotion was she trying to convey?
Kek he's back
"What do you mean I'm back what am I saying exactly"
$200k/month only fans income face
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so we just dont care about this cast leak. does that mean its real
If all the leaks are real then s3 has about 100 contestants.
TJ here I didn't cheat. Anyways I gotta go back to playing crusader kings
Well she went on fishtank without knowing anything about the show and after that she moved to michigan for a guy she knew for days which is pretty impulsive. Also judging by her streams she lacks a lot of common knowledge and is very gullible so you could also say she is pretty dumb.
taylor fishtank dies today
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Jet Neptune straight chillin today
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same energy
>was going to hang out with Eggy without knowing anything about him
>moved out to Michigan to be within driving distance of a guy she just started dating
>got on a twitter space with Q because he was shit talking her editor (and TJ, who she didn't defend), thought he was 30
>didn't know who Napoleon was
>made TJ unfollow just about every woman possible, FTL related or not
>broke her lease to move back to Florida
>blocks and unfollows most FTL cast and production
>has her mods ban almost everything in her chat, even inconsequential things
>tries to make money on insta through reel gifts, which almost no one uses
>her car is fucked, so it's time to go gambling and lose $200
We already know King. You streaming later today vro?
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coles mom pussy is so fine, can't get it out of my mind
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this but with benji tight virgin bussy
he deserves it after dropping that dope ass S3 trailer and all the tie in eceleb promotions.
rest well jet kubrick neptune
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>the bull is HIV positive
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>cute monkey
>TJ cheats
Wow based king
TJ won
Big stallion cock
I hate da gobwin
>taylor cheats
What a fucking whore
She played him this whole time
Evil gambler bitch
I hate da gobwin
We need proper beauties to goon to for season 3, Jet.
Get Justaminx in.
all this build up for a boxing match, that doesn’t include headshots
You are creating scenarios in your head to get mad at keegan
These are both made up situations
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so fucking ugly looks like a 45 y old aunt, wrinkled up spider monkey uggo looking ass, stinky spic nigger. this ironic 2000s msn aesthetic will age really badly once she turns 30. Fucking pathetic, suck a shotgun with your butthole man
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>has fucked spic ogre niggers
TJ and Taylor both hit the wall hard. Sad.
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i want to break free
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She cute tho
season 1 was easier to follow visually but people (jet included) act like a theme was a massive issue
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discount asian woman, litterally any ricemonkey off the streets mogs this spicindian tranny man body dyke no questions asked. You are gay!
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open this one too
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mad cute impossible not to fall in love with
been a while since i saw the nigger analogy
I eat it raw
that looks mad ugly man, your already spent libido works overtime to attach to this utterly unremarkable no womanly appeal literal shitskin monkey
I see you've been to Korea
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this is what an attractive, sensual woman actually looks like btw, and yes xe WILL be on season 3
HELL YEAH brother
johnn from korea approves
our friend
Thats a brazilian tranny
he cut his peepee so he might as well be dead to me
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I think Josie is cute but she's a bore.
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/ftl/ MOGGED by creature
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>clairebear shit
yeah I'm out
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she's beautiful and funny and rad and i lover her
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Anyone who was making and sending her content is retarded to begin with. Though it is kind of funny she's asking for less attention, just speeding up her fading into irrelevancy.
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that's fair, everyone is entitled to their DOGSHIT opinions
I think she is funny when it comes to banter
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This but claire
That candy necklace makes this the most sexually charged image in fishtank history
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How does it change shape so much
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Somebody has been going through her photos and editing her nose to look "normal"
if that guy was still around he would say something about it going up a guy’s ass
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True Roman noses
For true Roman clehs
Is this edited
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baesie nose mogs
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Taylor... y-yes?
its perfect
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I love da gobwin
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Josie makes me so horny I can’t stop jerking off to her. Been doing it since S1.
I hope they do just one (1) goblin attack on s3 and never address it to the contestants.
hi taylor
Mikes here
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Keegan fix your bio she removed the "dew" from her handle
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Letty has such a fucking tight beautiful body, especially when she was on the Palace with that red shirt. Fat suckable tits and visible tummy.
i wonder what jet counts as spoiling the surprise. would stuff like the entity and the goblin ruin the “boiling the frog” thing if they showed up early on? some weird shit is bound to happen before the reveal
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He must be proud of the audience he's cultivated.
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Will S3 have Jokerposting? That's the only thing that would make me watch it.
i dont think a good audience exists for anything. every group is bad and shitty in some way.
fuck off with your passive aggressive bitch reply.
In s2 Josies involvement was a huge secret when her job was basically to do cigarette deliveries. No reason to keep some things as a secret.
Probably not, because Redditors are too lazy and uncreative that it devolves into
>on bus
>water no
and then gets everyone banned for spam.
praying for the hurricane to take taylor away
He's dead, bro
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Yep, it's comfy kino watching time
That's every meme that takes off here - there will always be fags who spam the most derivative variants until it's just not funny at all anymore. Hashposting, Traderposting, Sargeposting. Luckily these faggots quickly move on to the next shiny thing.
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this nigger is gatekeeping meme posting on a 30 poster general, you are gay!
it will have joker posting at the beginning but the joke wont hit because the whole first two weeks are meant to be tame and easy. after the “reveal” most likely falling flat joker posting will have a resurgence of anyone is still watching at that point.
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I'm complaining about retards that aren't funny, if you were offended that's your problem
taylor’s car broke down when she was trying to evacuate. dallas wouldnt give her a ride hoping to get rid of her. taylor cant swim and will drown or end up raped in a fema camp.
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This is the cleh
josie dies in her sleep tonight, breathe to agree
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giving this retard a black eye would feel rather satifying and give me an erection
typically don’t want your producer calling your retarded ex retarded at 4 am
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when you get the wind knocked out of you and instinctively pray to jesus
where did she learn to dance so good?
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sloppy awkward lovestarved chud sex with spice bear
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Me reading this thread
Kinda gay bro
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this but with taylor
extreme peace status?
reshooting with claire.
josie is basically a tranny but without any of the effort
Extreme Nazi Porn status?
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schizo sam groupie turned markyposter, ugly femcel stinky right wing pick me type vibe
radio daisy > extreme peace
Honest question: Do you believe Sam fell victim to irony poisoning?
all sketches making fun of blacks edited out by bicflame (editor and wp2 writer) (confirmed, he worships nigs and had a spergout on twitter about it)
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sam fell victim to big purple addiction
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I still don't know whether she's wearing DI6 merch or not.
i know that oldnigger vj maxwell is heartbroken over this
So who's hyped for SEASON THREE Im new to all this and very excited for the biggest and best season yet. I heard they just get better and more insane.
no he fell victim to getting old and tren rotting his brain. sam honestly isnt ironic enough anymore and his genuine self is an antisocial hypocritical freak.
his own mom y'all
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I would have tied Letty to a bed and never let her out of my sight
This is Tayleigh in a couple of years
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now were talking, maybe cut "Jeremy" into her tummy with a steak knife
Well she was a nasty ugly bitch that lead Jimmy on
She seriously had no issues making jimmy think she liked him and then enjoyed calling him a freak and rapist when he tried to shoot his shot.
Fuck this stupid drug addled whore she can die from a heroin overdose in some nigger trap house for all I care
hey guys starting a new job won't be able to be in these threads as much sorry
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it’s wild this girl is 30
if you cant post from work then its a bad job
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"... do you love me anon?"
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It was a great bit desu
I agree
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say something nice about greg
or he's going to hit you with his mace
Nice, wasnt going to watch it anyway.
WP1 was special because of everything surrounding it, same with FT S1. Sam lost his “cancelled/punished” status and it took a lot with it.
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hope this pearhead grooming furry faggot gags and chokes on his own cum, in hell forever
She’s knows who DI6 are but why do you think that’s DI6 merch
yes bliccy my queen i love you please give bobs and vegeta
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He's a good dancer
Yes, just like how funny the but will be when jimmy makes good on what he was promised. I am witness to their verbal contract, creature unironically is breaking laws by not having sex with jimmy.
Looks vaguely like Douglas P's mask. Can't tell though.
never coming out. hopefully.
Supposed to release before Bloodgames
Bitchtank was the best Fishtank related thing of the year. The only good parts of season 2 happened in 2023 and bloodgames was ruined by Tay and Jimmy.
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We are going to do things to Creature that have never been done before.
what are these faggots on about?
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great taste in children
It’s definitely not but now I am curious what it is
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Of all things to post you post that?
>season 3 is the last chance sam has given jet with fishtank
>contestant application leaks 3 times in a row
>confirmed kiwitroons applied and almost got in
>guaranteed markyposters amidst the contestants
Ooh yeah it's going to be glorious, many KEKS to be had! HH14W Deus vult!
Big Ben!!!!
Do it fuck their shit up fr
Holy shit sam's asshole is stretched as wide as a a 5'7 man, crazy how gay this nigga is
i'm still not sure how people confirmed that either of the leaks this past week were real
don't get me wrong, the leaked casts look fucking hilarious, but why are people not just brushing it off as a prank
Oh no no no no no *nigger laugh.mp3*
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>the real reason s3 got cancelled
Why do the ugliest women have the most inflated egos?
remember when sam and jet would do streams or whatever to hype fishtank and hang with fans. They are too good for that now?
i can guarantee you all of those leaks were an "epic neptunian gaslight" and that jet put more time and thought into it than coming up with challenges/structure for S3
they hate the fans
The reason why there's no promo is because they have absolutely no ideas for season 3
If that dox WAS real those cops missed shitloads of cp Greg had.
Also getting rid of jimmys best friend yeah lets isolate him and making him fucking stand in the corner with no food for like a whole fucking day yeah try living through that you sheltered bitch I'll fucking destroy you

>There's something about this video, I think it's because of how she's shaking and knows that she needs to go to a hospital,but is just sitting in public after a long session of cutting, literally ART.
That’s not bad anon plus his dick was probably small. She’s still breedable.
They already sucked all the money they could of the paypigs with the investor bullshit they pulled. There are only crumbs left to sweep up. Why bother streaming and hyping it? anyone that will shell out any more cash will still be watching. after season 3 this shit is getting retired. it's really a more convoluted mondo megabits , still a rugpull
>fishtank fans supposed to be super based bisexual artist guys
>end up being standard issue unemployed discord troons
this + sam is a standup celebrity now, he doesn't need us anymore
More like laundry tank
clearly. I guess stand up comedy shows are the priority. I thought having a internet cult following would be better than doing some dying form of entertainment but i know nothing
Why didn't Cryokeen listen to Jon about channelling his inner Hitler? Would he have escaped from the lolcow pasture had he done so?
>sam is a standup celebrity now, he doesn't need us anymore
funny joke
That’s badass, to think legit fat ugly niggas were sending memes thinking they were making progress
Eating josies pussy
he's not mainstream popular at all, its just the mde fanbase is enough to somewhat fill seats at the shows, for now. but he isn't even on the radar for the average standupfag watcher
Sam is not your friend
Sam is just the distraction while he slips his hand into your pocket like the rat kike he is
Hi Steinful
Eat that pussy anon I wanna see it
Creature owes everyone sex and is “too good” to fulfil her promises
how many many seasons would it take for you types to disappear? Asking realistically.
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seething wefunder piggy, hook line and sinker. sorry you lost money on mondo and this too kek maybe next samuel whitecum hyde project you'll turn a profit! LOL!
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Beautiful cute marky <3
Ask that yourself? How many slop shit seasons and lack of any content can sam churn out and you still stand there bag in hand ready to give it to him?
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>attempt at investment scamming actual investors instead of internet retards directly results in Sam Hyde's anus being permanently repossessed by Peter Thiel
>wp2 still not released
>no s3
>just sad djing with fellow queers
lol i didnt see it coming
why does this guy feel like he’s owed a job? he was brought in as a fat joke
PLEASE stop vandalizing the MDE article on Wikipedia!!!

Josie is a sleeper agent hermaphrodite free martin. Notice how she only turned up out of nowhere when fishtank began? Deepstate op.
I would give my life for hers, without question. If she said my name and thank you/goodby before i died I would walk for eternity in purgatory for her.
It’s still hilarious all her OG fans were really just TJ fans who wanted updates on the nigga. I was one of them she was just a gateway to TJ she had no actual personality except laughing in the camera instead of answering chat questions. Stupid bitch
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crystal clear limpid sparkling thrvtnvke
the forbidden fruit
so juicy and tempting
its such a far cry from the pre season one fishtank feels
He mad that dragged out last 1/3 of the show a little entertaining
Dr. Fred Zeppelin fucking the page up
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Why are you shaking?
I wonder what chuck thought when he came back and realized that sammy became a fed.
Looks like a young Tony Hinchcliffe in
He cute
Freemartinry and it's consequences
Im not
Im here to defend Markys honour
And it IS personal
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i really dont care about your weird schizo fantasies man i just like short blondes with big taytays
she cut herself and its beautiful
Why does it say MDE doesn't exist anymore? Can someone fix this?
He's right desu
She did do Jimmy the worst out of the bloodgames teams and NPC’s. I hated seeing my mans get all worked up over her
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really thats crazy man i still dont care
You can see the regret in his eyes. Kinda comforting that even though he sold out so hard he cant embrace it. He does look like a metrosexual ketamine addict bear in that image huh.
i'm surprised it took us this long to cycle back to samseething, i guess it's better than the 50th consecutive day of TJaylorseething.
FTL niggers be like
>Omg zimpo was caught DMing lumpy
>But that was only after goomba and deepo broke up
>The Quimby DMs were leaked in the BrinCord
>Toppy is going to fight Gomper!
>Are you team glubbo or team shimby?
Just shut the fuck up
you are her target audience now
Him & Fatty held down that last third of the show when it was a borefest to watch
lmao https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Million_Dollar_Extreme
troon on troon has got to stop
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yea I stopped watching her after she moved to Michigan
do you watch her streams?
I’ve never paid for the show, just answer the question normally please. I don’t know what you are talking about .
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does that mean I won?
He should open up a babysitter business and start working with kids I think he’s 100% trusted to be alone with children no questions about it.
Teedocord maulding with this post
ugh i'm fucking sick of quimbyposting will you just shut the fuck up
I don't see how
Why did Taylor delete her twitter?
that's fair
im sorry you're retarded
samseething just comes from people that wish they were sam’s friend so it’s not a marketable improvement in any way
Because they gotta keep the illusion they are hard to get but really no one wants them
she didn't, she just got rid of the "dew"
She died in a motor vehicle collision
so whatever happened to those huge paypig whales that always gave sam money that one guy that he blew up for being a free speech absolutist?
The shimbycord has fucking ruined these threads
Hi Brine
God is good
embracing all the weight she's gained, i see
epic gaslight, fellow redditor!
What was he thinking?
can i get a qrd on the taylor rebrand? why did she do it and what is it supposed 2 mean now?
They were production sockpuppets
>What was he thinking?
my eyebrows are on fleek
She's a big old mountain now
How did any of you get past week 2 of season 1 without realizing none of this is worth watching
I'm mentally slow
i thought it was funny
theyre terminal discord troons
That video is fucking disgusting
I'm a masochist and slop connoisseur
what does that make you if you're here
Eat that motherfucker you gotta tie her to the bed so she can’t escape and has an orgasm overdose spazzing out
They give him money through gumroad
like this whole thing is a Truman show type of flypaper that gets people like cryokeen or the tayleigh “stalker”/s2 houseviewer to make absolute fools of themselves. Everyone is in on it except the mark.
Aww she looks tired here :( but still cute
The show is good, cope
someone who never wanted sam's fellow faggots advertising on this board i guess
>claire was doing marky cosplay when she had red around her eyes
This type of person doesn’t actually exist on here. You’re just another fan of his. All the seethers are.
Tucking Marky in must be fun in a totally paternal way of course
again, why are you here then? do you actually think you're gonna change people's minds
it's not like this board can get any worse. most of the threads here are about superhero movies being too woke.
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season 1 i watched for she
season 2 i watched to shit on neptune and see his dynamics with sam
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the Beautiful
He looks content here desu like finally satisfied
She probably thinks she'll be sued by PepsiCo if she didn't change it from "mtwndew"
That's kinda gay bro
gay sex party in NY
keegan got to her mind yet again
Crazy frog cunt
no but the consequences of edierocking and big purple posting have been profound
More like bigolmtwnpoo
He's a fine editor, but if he's really helping as "producer", holy shit are his decisions dumb and unhelpful
Sam finally got to beg to kneel in front of Pariah the Troon and jerk off
I didnt watch it
I was emotionally overwhelmed seeing letty and jon flirt with each other. It was the first time in years i felt these sort of emotions. Also, just generally seeing people socially interact with each other was a pretty intense experience.
He's a serial child molester
keegan wormtongue broke asunder one of the most passionate romances I have ever seen.
owes us..
Do you think he brought big purple with him or is pariahs micropenis with no balls good enough for him?
you guys are obsessed with sam hyde's butthole and penis
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Keegan fucks this daily btw
they were all right
Its just only one dude and channing
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yeah but like twice the weight
Is the beautiful CK single?
https://x.com/evilomens/status/1838809597139914919 update on shadi

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