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Lynchian edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• Claire continues to put fries in the bag
• B*nl*aks has been exposed as a creepy stuttering and shaking sperg.

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203859122
failed thread and show. Tranny jannies on suicide watch
why do you guys think about sam hyde's butthole and penis so much
>attempt at investment scamming actual investors instead of internet retards directly results in Sam Hyde's anus being permanently repossessed by Peter Thiel
>wp2 still not released
>no s3
>just sad djing with fellow queers
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I'm horny
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>cute monkey
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Season 3 status update?
that's fair
The idea of an alpha male self help guru begging to blow tranny dick is pretty funny.
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What was Thomas doing here?
And hot
closing the door
arguably the funniest thing sam's ever done, by quite a large margin (pun intended)
s2 house > s1 house
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Taytay's taytays...
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Holding out for a hero that can give us our first full motion Josie deepfake porn. I know you're out there and I believe in you. Please make this a (virtual) reality.
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>Age regression
>Uses pacifiers
>Plays toddler games
>Has a weirdly large and wide head
>Abused drugs to the point she's stuck mentally at 13 years old
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Left: Airsoftfatty
Right: Tayleigh
gooning to josie is an instant no return ticket to hell
sure man
gotta dj for homos until Daddy Thielbucks tells you to stop
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>repeats 20x
What did he mean by this?
Extreme Peace status?
True in reality as well, Chris was a loving son and tayleigh got kicked out for being a junkie.
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he loves his leonard cohen
Currently receiving the Pariah the Troon release edit for after the election
>Chris was a loving son
lol, nope.
Who told him that weird chinless goatee looks good
Its a peter thiel psyop
Made up shit to feel morally superior award
Holy kek
It's actually grounded in reality, jacking off to porn is more moral, same reason fucking prostitutes wasn't as bad as fucking random women back in the day.
>He's not big purple-pilled
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>why do you guys think about sam hyde's butthole and penis so much
We are all going to hell
But I really want to.
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Kill Jontards
Take the Vancepill
Anyone else enjoying the marketing campaign for Season 3?
ftl’s loudest failson returns to post all day again!
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new josie?
ai generated
Tricking the ftl community into making announcement memes was clever marketing
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>gets 1m+$ from investors
>show becomes noticeably worse
how did he do it?
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It's a sad queer show
every comparison i’ve seen to a prior contestants is so cringe. i wish the “fans” of the show would disappear forever.
I'm impressed at this rate they'll get over 2000 viewers day one.
why would I when your best webm is of him pretending to bash him in the head behind his back like a pussy?
7D coomer logic. "Porn is fine because it's trad, like going to a prostitute or something"
he focused on short term profitability rather than making the show good in the long term
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no such thing. she's one of a kind.
LGBT icon Sam Hyde pictured at NYFW
They feel like they tried really hard with season 2 and it made no difference so now they're phoning everything in
There was more sexual charge in 10 seconds of wrestling the Goblin than in a whole week of hand holding an pecks on the cheek. Vile succubus played both him and you. Shinji W
Ask about it
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this and no one can come even close
she's just on a whole another level
when did I say it was fine?
It's less bad because porn actresses are already broken and hellbound and can't be tarnished any more than they already are.
yeah i feel very informed and interested in season 3 it seems like they're really putting the work in this time
Sam definitely wants you asking about it, you've been trolled into doing exactly what he wants.
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If that was true they would let it through TTS and farm money.
Josie doesn't believe in God so at least we'll be together for eternity when it's all said and done.
keegan won
>Chris was a loving son
You need a better example of love and obedience if that's what you're going for kek
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yeah they really put the work in with season 2 like when production did nothing for 2 weeks straight and then made a joke out of it
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>uhhhhhh do something funny and il give you a slice of pizza
is that really them trying really hard?
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Greg is the white Sinbad
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If sinbad was a cross-dressing pedophile, yeah.
gradually i began to hate them
I have no idea about his childhood I just assumed he was overprotected and overfed by his retarded mother, creating some weird codependence.
It's not less bad you're retarded and trying to justify it
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This is true we rive in da matrix
What are the occult implications of BIG PURPLE equaling 137 in gematria, where 137 is the 33rd prime number?
Oliver is just the best.
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>and you
i was calling her a clout chasing whore from the start and people mocked me and called me a schizo for it
Terrible. Take a lap.
>"manslaughter is less bad than murder"
>"y-you're just trying to justify manslaughter!!"
you're an idiot.
To be fair, Sam Hyde IS a crossdressing pedophile.
It's just funny Josie hold herself in such high regard when running a discord escort server, hanging out with littering drunk driving trash humans. Catfishing women for beer money.

It's pathetic and Josie is too stupid understand how pathetic it makes her look.

It was ok, some high points but overall a completely pathetic display from Josie, Jon, and Van. Jon and Van are trash people and Josie is ok hanging out with them
Women want men that excites them.
I don't want to be fair, I want that faggot gone too. Sam and Greg need to be banned from Fishtank.
You're a stinky homeless pajeet and no one cares about your opinion.
You're argument is that murder is less bad than manslaughter. Retard.
guys would it be bozzible to like, sign up for this show, steal all the nasty girl's stinky socks, and show them / sniff them in front of the stream cameras? Like could you get away with that an entire season long or would people be able to tell the other contestants somehow?
I have nowhere else to post this, but I am in the trucking business and if I have speak to another fucking Indian on the phone today I may just quit and camp out in the woods behind the fishtank house.
If it's true he's her stepdad I feel like her mom wears the pants in the household. We already know single moms raise single moms.

Because it's clear there is no man leading the household. Josie's lifestyle is going to lead to very bad things. Car crash injury, DUI, get raped by a "cool friend," or become a single mom.

Josie has zero guidance in her life from her parents. Josie's pathetic display is the fault of her parents as well for failing to raise her properly.
>you're argument
kek double digit IQ
fucking do it and haunt that place like a ghost with elaborate pranks
Show hasn't exited very long and meaningless statements like that make it seem like less. Just like radio playing the same 10 songs for 30 years.
When you understand production is funding shills on all the fishtank threads, it becomes easy to sniff them out. Really makes you wonder why a FSB/CIA honeypot site has guys shilling in the threads.
Really makes you wonder why a bunch of freemason kiddie diddlers team up to make contrived situations where they leech of those around them while providing no value or meaningful work to those around them.
All to win the hearts of zoomers so they can die in Iraq for Israel. Just like daddy Thiel commands of his acolytes. JD Vance. Sam Hyde. A few other politician Thiel has "made."
What's the over under on Sam sucking Thiel's cock for a few million?
Sorry faggots. If Josie ever spoke to me the first thing would be talking about how you are occult psychopaths. I won't lie about my opinions. You've soured me on the idea of life. No point in trying for anything if you're going to hire people to manipulate me or threaten to murder me.

You've proven there is no point in life. If I liked Josie or not, it doesn't matter. Josie your bait isn't relevant to the situation. You will hack my accounts, break into my house, harass me, hire people to entrap me, or kill me if none of it works. All of it has already happened multiple times except the murder.

There is no point in the genuine interaction with people I've met or known. You've proven it yourself. I will drink and play video games until the freemasons murder me. You proved life is fake and you will manipulate anyone to do anything.

If the masons wanted Josie to be an informant for me they would brainwash her into loving me and drop her on my doorstep. They have always had my dox and me pretending to be secure is LARPing anyways.

At this point it's too late. You've proven life is fake. I will do nothing. You will get zero help from me to further humanity. Zero medical hardware development. Zero romance. Zero friends. Zero kids. I will drink and play video games just as you have instructed me to do!

Thank you psychopaths for proving life truly has no meaning! Can you complete your previous murder threats already?
greg was just a boy
who would stop you, Jet or Ben (5'6)?
This shit sucks, when is Ice doing Hunger Games again?
we picked out vintage clothing bro
it was the 70s
this be the hero that saves S3 and fishtank as a whole
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I unironically believe you. I'm sorry for mocking you anon, we should have listened.
You should have kept that bandana on
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>Enters the thread
they would probably just have dollar signs in their eyes and be in on it. I mean would viewers be able to message the babes and tell them or something????
>What is autocorrect
hell yeah
Yes but you could just deny it and say TTS is lying, people have gotten away with shit before.
No reason Josies mind shouldnt be retarded when her body is. Like, she obviously has some hermaphrodite thing going on, youd think anyone would be sane dealing with that?
Her mom and dad have been together since high-school. Stop projecting.
Season 1 ended 2 years ago bro. Get over it. Conversation is over.
No reason Josies mind shouldn't be perfect when her body is*
Yeah it's clear she had some gender dysphoria when she was younger but just decided to stay female
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Will there really be 16 contestants next season? They can barely handle 8. There’s no way this won’t be a clusterfuck.

They’re going to need two jets
Thank god for that.
don’t worry about that
They'd be better off with zero jets
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I think it would be fascinating to watch these two have sex.
6 of them will be nontent and quit in first week
Stop posting your dumbass image. We've already found these people and know it's fake, retard.
i want to suck on her clitsie like its the last whippet on earth and im jet neptune
don't worry chip and tayleigh will handle the day shift while jet sleeps until 5 pm every day no problem
there won't be a next season
Sam better thank YHVH he wasn't famous enough for a Diddy party invite.
Instead of moaning there is "erm" and "uhhh"
Who came up with the idea of Sam suing Josie? Really retarded. He's the one pimping her online to grow a fake community.

Sam will just release any number of pics he has of her fucking someone or doing drugs or whatever then "end" the career he's funding. She's degraded, he gets to claim victimhood for associating with such a SCALLYWAG, CIA recruitment wheel of fortune rolls on.

You sound like you're from production!
i genuinely gag whenever i see a pic of tayleigh
don't reply to him
Gonna be epic when Jet stumbles out of the basement shirtless and newly awoken at 5pm with no idea what's going on to tell them to be more interesting and do impressions or pretend to be animals.
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Country queen is comfymaxxing today
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How about now?
oh you guys are still arguing in circles about the girls
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Total Josie death. She let her simps groom children on her pedocord.
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Josie has an enormous brown clit. Steinful doesn't seem to mind tho.
My beautiful evil ruthless demonic queen...
Based todd
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Yo Vance can I have my job back
didn't know she was back, how long did the ban last?
The funniest thing about the streams on the website is that Scott has been reduced to just another fish trying to stay relevant and get a few bucks.
Before Bitchtank he was viewed as a production insider and looked up to by all the orbiters.
How big is the clit
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Don't worry about it, it's for my eyes only.
regular sized
When has it been anything than that
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What's next for Ben after season 3 inevitably fails?
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is that Jet next to him?
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Only nu-mde person who's got actual comedic talent, because of that Sam will fire him.
Back to the tunnels
why did vance like abi so much
He probably just hated Jimmy like he hated Jon, both loud retards.
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Fake FishTank, I don’t fuck with that
Fake Fish Challenges, no, I don’t fuck with that
They don’t do any bits, I don’t fuck with that
And they’re working with Goran Laiden, we can handle that, we can handle that
Opps fucking with Goran Laiden, I don’t fuck with that, I don’t fuck with that
Stop them dead in their tracks and I get the Josiestan back
satanic webm satanic trips
dark energy
being my husband
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POV you are watching wendigoon and meatcanyon creepypasta podcast with your trad gf
S3 Leak: Ben is a faggot
quints* sorry
Will S3 have more boxing or will they scale it back because of all the backlash of Sam and Ben intentionally hurting contestants?
this checks out
they're probably still into the whole "making the audience mad = funny" thing so expect more boxing
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Kalei belongs to Scott's harem, sorry cuck.
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It's pretty simple when you think about it. egirl attention whore who's spend the past decade cultivating discord simp farms. Use her to attract guys to grift off of and build your network. 4chan is the easiest way to make her stick around since all it takes is text posts and a VPN. Productions real sockpuppets are never able to verify their identity. They only push narratives.
Like the unskilled retard is a successful streamer thanks to Sam. 100% of whale fish donos are production with a budget. Gotta keep her around to attract people who aren't spending his own money.

>psychopathy and rejection of morality is a religion!
>you know what happened to witches and warlocks in ye olden times, right?
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Only mtf vs ftm kino
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>Will S3 have more boxing
We're in for quite the Jimmy hour tonight
it's weird that sam hasn't acknowledged season 3 at all since jet made the announcement last month, or even since bitchtank happened. at this point i wouldn't blame people for thinking he won't be involved with it.
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>tfw trish will never femdom penis humiliate you
Looks nothing like tacxin
I wonder if they'll ever make the connection between the "haha its boring and unfunny on purpose, are u le mad haha we're so ironic and above it all" stuff and Jet having to beg on camera for more tts.
s3 leaks confirmed by inside sources:
>shitty challenges
>production high every day
>annoying fans as contestants
>multiple returning freeloaders
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never say never
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She's totally going to return in S3.
She's out of money lol.
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We were robbed
If only only sam put out 100 bucks and wasn't a jew
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I'm just hoping for another spergout from Jet where he screams at the paypigs who complain about the show to hang themselves.
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Low tier pits
holy shit that's a kino shot
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new oc unlocked
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What she looking at? Some Dunkin' employee throwing out the old doughnuts?
"Sexy and attractive" is one of the funniest phrases to come out of FTL, Taylor really #ate with that one she's so funny.
I'd post the edit if I had it at hand, but she's looking at some tasty crumbl cookies in the distance.
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reminds me of sam pepper from 2009
Technically that was TJs work
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peppah pals stay winning
couldnt they have picked prettier autistic girls for s1? josie is so fucking ugly
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surely S3 will fix everything r-right?
i miss japan bros
it was peak...
god i want to eat her ass so bad
a real human moment
such a retarded thing to post
doesn't work like that, there isn't a single conventionally attractive girl who's not loud and opinionated.
They seemed pretty blindsided by Josie's popularity, I don't think they expected her to actually get a simpbase.
Probably not because she has been cutting ties and they would rather have TJ because he has a basic sense of comedy.
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what do you fink chat?
Not quite because he didn't actually say that, it's something she imagined in a fit of schizophrenic mania
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erm josie is beautiful
makes it even funnier
peak angelina jolie vibes
what did jet eat for breakfast this morning
>doesn't know when girls fake laugh at whatever a guy they don't like says just because they wanna get something from them
O-Oh wait... that's just me...
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bets on how long it takes them to swat S3?
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looks like sam pepper from 2009
>hasn't posted anything since his last appearance on bitchtank
Jan L
She was the one that they both "preferred"
>you'll never get to snuggle and comfymax with kalei
I do this girls successfully but then I’m too retarded to capitalize on it
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>demure beauty in 360p
>hermaphrodite squaw in 1080p
I'm not saying they didn't like her, just didn't expect the audience to become completely infatuated with her too.
>demure beauty in 360p
No she’s still ugly as sin and looks like a Mexican hermaphrodite
Why even live?
Probably never since it's in the same location as 2.5 and they're already in direct contact with the police to know about swatters attempting to fuck with them.
get your eyes checked buddy
a little over a week
going to be fun trying to wrangle that situation with the "unaware" contestants
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josie has divine beauty to her on all resolutions
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back to the comfy supporting act spot he had with shed
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check this
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need more st6 desu
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sam pepper from 2009
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beautiful in both
Sam pepper from 2009 mogs
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>when you find a cute white man and he's NOT autistic
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hes hotter and cuter than her though
her nose looks massive when she doesnt do the dirststain make up thing.
erm i love peppersie
Season 3 finna be a movie…A DISASTER MOVIE!

*huffs galaxy gas*

- Jet Ineptroon
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her nosie is magnificent and incredibly smoochable
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we're just into different things. it's fine.
Keegan won
Dicey dicey
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not fishtank
just fish
Why is she so afraid of hairdressers?
what did he mean by this
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peppah the mogger
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jet neptune dies today
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Jet Neptune is hard at work making Season 3 the very best it can be.
this girl looks like a quadroon or octoroon. am i the only one seeing it?
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i believe it. hehe, just kidding.
the first contestant to say the words content, mog, or production should be kicked off immediately in a humiliating fashion
and raped and set on fire
Gay porn, specializing in being a bareback anal queen known for his princess giggles
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Brian W
anyone who says this in relation to a livestream is a massive retard
don't forget gaslight
What about "pwoduct"
something production would say
What a fat fucking pig! Oink Oink! Fuck you.
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waste of money
Thailands sweethearts
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looking like a southern wholesome chungus asexual pedophile is a lot less funny when you are actually a southern wholesome chungus asexual pedophile
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why is she trying to be him
It's fucking crazy how much of a fucking hog this pig is. JESUS she is fucking huge.
yeah she looks like a quadroon
mog is fine claire the rest yes
Why did you post a picture of Jet getting fucked again?
Who's this guy?
How long until they set up a confessional cam this season?
Will all the fishies constantly be saying production told them to do stuff?
these will be the two strongest factors in terms of quality
No it ain't nigga
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I can't handle FTL anymore
aren't u paying attention we've all been watching him for the last month
Than Cole
She’s just Russian
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Where is the 8 inch sperm semen content? I'm waiting!
I work and have a family. Who is he?
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I don't understand what the whole Fat Taylor forced meme is supposed to imply when you can see she looks about the same now as she did back then.
I don't really get the Taylor hate either in general.
who knows its supposed to start in a week and we have no news. if they are doing the fake reality show they should have it set up day one which means the wiggers will set it up 4 weeks in.
samuel pepperton
shut up bitch
"sam pepper", apparently. whoever tf that is.
Funny to watch the Taylor Hindus seethe.
this predates fishtank by years, its a generic streamer term at this point and since they cribbed the idea of fishtank from Ice Poseidon they can get bent whining about the word content since it comes from him. Maybe they should crib Ice's focus on delivering content as well but that is a hard ask.
hello ranjesh
josie better fucking stream today or ill start cutting again
dont care content baby go play with your ipad
Wouldn't it be funny to see Cryo cum? It would definitely troll /ftl/. Haha!
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What the fuck is Sperm Semen Content
exactly theyre just being mean for no fucking reason
Try it out it's more fun than spamming mold and meatball in chat
Why do you Latinx zoomers like these faggot vloggers
No I don't think I'll partake in your monkey pajeet antics.
If they don't do election night in the tank, then it is confirmed that Bex bluepilled all of the wiggers.

Jet had sex with Pariah the Doll after meeting at Sovereign house 2 weeks ago.
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mood shift in these thread when it starts again so it isn't just all the deranged freaks talking about an internet reality for months without any actual content

will people even know who claire is?
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Its NSFW 8 inch cock sperm semen content. Get it right.
isnt this whole thread about faggot vloggers except the ones you guys mostly post about are total randoms?
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inshallah she will. wednesday streams are always late going up.
>Jet had sex with Pariah the Doll after meeting at Sovereign house 2 weeks ago.
profoundly gay
Why do Pakistanis and Indians hate each other?
There's clearly an "and" there. Never attempt to correct me again
No, I get English isn't your first language. Shitskin poojeetas love Taylor.
same reason why you hate niggers and jews
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its subtle but shes carrying a little more fat or water in the face. her shit lifestyle and frame guarantees that shes going to get fat.
because they hate themselves.
nigger lover
>Josie got fucked by Steinful while sick and got him sick in the process
Why did she do that?
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which one of you is this
different irrational brown religions make
Pretty sure it's about Fishtank Live
another fishtank viewer converted to kick
Ws in the chat!
the british suck at drawing borders
i dont know why people are entertaining josie and betty fags for the past couple weeks but could you all cut it out are you that starved for (you)s
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No she isn't?
it's up
greasy hoe
nice cherry-picked angle
fuck im jewish but that porky slut does it for me
>they tried really hard with season 2
lol. Imagine believing this. Next you are gonna side with Jet and blame the contestants and the fans.
Insider here. Peter Thiel gave Sam the coordinates for Gilgamesh's resurrection chamber and Dave is now alive again.

S3 is delayed until Dave builds up his strength
chinese taylor be like i love gambring and arcohor
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>looking up
nice fat girl angle. Now here's one straight on.
It's quite the coincidence
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Taylors fanbase is rapidly growing
different flavor of vloggers. kick and most other streamers are bland sociopaths that will do anything for views in the name of content.
Imagine the conversations Jon and Enkidu would have
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youre just showing a screencap where her face looks different than normal
>posting AI images
Do you think anyone is falling for that, you dumb faggot?
what is wrong with her eyes. i want whats best for taylor hit she needs to eat normal fucking food and drink water.
Sam is going to tranny heaven this week (skank fest)
I know it's a struggle being an undercover wigger mole but your work has not gone unnoticed. Thank you soldier
I will never stop thinking about her. She must not die.
hopefully no
tales of wape screening!
learn about focal lengths you retard. thats what she looks like closeup.
That would just be like fucking a clone. Might as well be masturbation at that point.
it's up
You can literally open Taylor's most recent stream and see she looks the same. You pack of projecting curry munchers are just obsessed with hating on the prettiest Fish Tank girl.
it's a claireshow so probably yeah
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Taylos ass do be kinda fat doe
Daily reminder that if you believe in re-incarnation then you have a roughly 1 in 6 chance of being born Indian.
ill post pics of her with everyone of my posts and never explain who she is.
kitten <3
What does this have to do with Ben?
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Who edits Charls' videos and why don't they get credited?
>watching schizo babble
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she looks more and more like him in every photo
still down with the sickness... damn
eggy was on this shit?
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taylor streams are a natural phenomenon. during her absences you want her to stream then 5 minutes in you get bored close the tab and ask yourself why you asked for it in the first place. repeat.

what is this called?
she looks like you took caricatures of every minority and mixed them together. what is wrong with her pay piggies?
Very trashy physiognomy. She will forever be in the spiritual trailer.
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why are charls and eric always so low energy together.
Bleech does
I think Jet is cute but just because he's cute, he thinks he could get away with everything. Someome needs to rape him right now and put the little shit in his place.
being a taylor viewer is a self realized purgatory of the heart and soul.
She has good physiognomy imo
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yeeaaahhhh buddy
nah fr tho..
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idk i think she's a cutie patootie. i love muttsie.
Brownoid confirmed
Cryoneeds to build up his cum guys he shot like 5 loads yesterday during recovery
she really looks like him here i think cus it looks like she has shorter hair
Taylor was on a path to becoming a real girl with a real soul being with tj but she threw that all away to be a casino goblin. That’s sad as fuck
mary is kind of hairy besides that she looks good naturally.
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Crediting the talent is some fucking nerd shit. You wouldn't get it.
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what about here?
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here's an actual leak for you guys
notice they haven't done much lol
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will Alex have more of a roll in season 3?
Be interesting if instead of jet's retarded bits we have more stuff from people like alex/xavier who are actually funny.
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Why are Taylorseethers such angry brownoids?
oct 4th is cooked
Holy shit lmfao
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She's a hot and thin goblin tbf
really looking forward to hearing how bad the audio is in this room!
they bought a dollhouse at least that's a pretty good start
what strike are we at jet?
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Are you saying I'm the most based thing ever?
zero surprise there
wigger work ethic in action
Hi Doveman
>not even done with the wiring

what have they been doing for the past 2 months?
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looking good jet!
First two weeks of Season 3 will be the Streamstars bit where fish have to compete as social media influencers. Jet did a test run with Claire during Bitchtank, so they probably plan to bring her back to reprise her role.
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I haven't gotten a single (You) in the last month for any of the funny OC I've posted here because people are too busy spamming about Fat Taylor
No I'm calling you a brownoid.
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The hacker known as 4chan
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You mean Scott, who has a channel he streams on, including restreaming the seasons, got added to the site? A streamer got added to a streaming program? And you think it means anything other than he will stream on the site?

Man what a fucking retard you are. Imagine being so negatively obsessed with someone who doesn't know you exist. This is why the threads suck dick now.

Even my captcha is laughing at your ass
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Whippets and video games
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Jet isn’t Bosnian or Balkan of any kind, stop associating us with that ugly loser
alex would do well as a "real" reality tv host for the first couple of weeks
make ai lewds of the fishtank girls if you want (you)
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are these mics?
lol someone's seething rn is that u Scott
rizzler edits
Hi Scott
if you make deepfake porn of the fishtank girls i'll give you (you)s
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no fucking way man
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this is what abi leaving did
Guess that answers my questions about the lack of promotion. Delay is inevitable.
rug looks like shit just from living in it. can only imagine it after the first vomit challenge
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Keegan fucks this daily btw
These threads used to be so fun and now it's a bunch if schizos doing no better than the bettyposters.
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>same couch as from s2
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Fishtank is so over.
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in my head i've been imagining production working hard for the past two months: building cool set pieces, fully furnishing the house, testing audio and video. i'm so retarded
Drinking and huffing whippets on Sam's dime
This is an open area of the house. Looks like they just need to move a few things around and it'll be fine. You guys overreact to much.
How did you access this camera feed?
fuck off jet you have to be joking. surely this is a screenshot from a few weeks ago, right?
why were you thinking that come on now
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idk looks like lighting. it’s not in the listing for the house.
You're replying to Jet
taylor already has a soul and is the only person with one youre the sad fuck
let me know if bex starts jumping on a mattress again
look at the timestamp
>can barely see the common area from the main camera
jet it the fuck up
I bookmarked flowstreams months ago and now it takes me to some other site? Does Flowstreams not exist anymore or what? Is there a replacement
you don't have a soul?
I don't enjoy looking at SHIT
wrong again leaf
installed stage lights and the standup comedy leak was real.
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are we going to get another 60,000 dollar price decrease before season 3?
fed just cut rates and mortage rates are going down. My main interest in that is how it will effect jet's standing with sam. Will the prices fall or go up?
Aww, the widdle Canadian's gonna cwy
this post was funnier when i didn't know what you were replying to and i thought you meant "i don't enjoy looking at ANYTHING"
They got arrested or something and the site was taken down due to some other copyright stuff they had, was in the OP for a bit idr
i have borner
After they bought that House S3 was only ever gonna be a S1 reboot. I think ppl got spoiled by the more elaborate sets of S2 and 2.5. Look S1 is great because it focuses on the fish, their interactions, not the window dressing
That rug is begging to be desecrated from the first baby diaper poop vomit challenge
shot of the interior a week before it's live and niggas are talking about taylor season 3 is cooked
Do you have any fathomable idea where you are rn? This fanbase is filled to the brim with incels that latched onto TJ as a parasocial personal journey. If they were still together these freaks would be saying she was beautiful.
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for fucking real
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>like Taylor
>like TJ
>like TJaylor
>post all 3
I do what I want, and I like what I do.
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Production will always be wiggers
i like leaning in for a kiss towards my monitor every time this is posted
Kinda gay bro
that sunken living room looks dangerous. what a shit design
>2 entire weeks were spent in an elaborate campsite
>Giant seance bit in the garage

Yeah definitely not anything else but the fish
You will all spin on a dime th3 moment s3 airs and be obsessing over the new contestants there will be some negativity but most of you will flip into obsession mode and YOU WILL give Sam Jet your money again
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we don't know when that screenshot was taken
for all we know that could've been taken shortly after bitchtank ended
people are going to get injured in this house.
>that sunken living room looks dangerous
feel like this is a good thing for the viewers
Ngl I thought the same thing too, especially after what a disaster S2 was. Any person with an ounce of integrity would be putting their all into salvaging their project, but these are wiggers we're talking about here.
you're right except for the money part
I haven’t given them money since season 1
it has a time stamp
jet/production could have put that on a really old image to gaslight us and that would be very funny, which makes the chances of production actually coming up with it extremely low. Production is not funny enough to do that.
i'm sure someone could match the new furniture from the truck picture with some of these pieces
How did he just get away with this? It was weird and uncalled for
not canadian and not going to cry youre just all losers for being mean and saying something so wrong
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i'm just going to believe that jet posted this with a fake timestamp so people have low expectations going into s3 and then they'll have their socks blown off when it actually goes live, yeah.
lol dont you remember how the bitchtank room looked hours before they started? theyre always doing everything last minute
smartest jimmycel
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The world doesn't seem to bad from up here
well at least the camera is up!
when you have to bet between jet being funny or incompetent, funny is not the thing to put your money on.
They've had literal months to set this up and it's now a week away and they haven't done fucking anything
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Wrong. S1 house was the ideal house
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>another "le epic neptunian gaslight"
can you just get the season right and get it to launch on time you inbred gas inhaler
every time i see a picture of the sky i can only think of jon’s hunger games stream.
giving people low expectations isn't exactly a great way to get people to watch your show
What are you referring to?
Think of this realistically: do you think they have enough money or self awareness to set things up properly? How much money did Sam alone lose with Fisthank? Did they sell the season 2 house yet?
it's not a gaslight you fucking moron
Drunken, molly fueled primal sex with josie in the bathroom of a seedy nightclub in downtown Phoenix




Paypigs already funneled in a million dollars for S2, they haven't lost anything.
damn weren't they painting murals and shit weeks before season 2. not saying this house needs that but the effort was there
thats the dream
thoughts on matan even in a mask for s3 late game?
Over long term prices always go up, in this case it was overpriced and they need the money that is locked up in the house, hence the price drops
Before they built a literal town and surrounding area for 2.5
he would unironically mog jon, that’s all I know
sounds retarded
Having sex with Josie is like having sex with every wigger and #40boy
Sam should be smart enough not to trust the kid to follow their bit
the show is dead
Stop bringing on ecelebs fuck you it always sucks
You're an unfunny faggot, CryoKeen
hell no
maybe. hed probably preform the best of the celebrity fishtank guests that have been on.
whatever gets new eyes on the show
matan even should be the interrogator similar to sam in the attic
Wrong namefag
Second to putting a ring on her finger, having sex with Josie is the only thing in this world that matters.
jacob is seeing aiden ross today. why hasnt jet made him ambassador at this point for advertising.
i dont even have the energy to post the bring on spiderman and spongebob stuff, this idea fucking sucks and i dont think i care about fishtank anymore
Everyone I don't like is CryoKeen

If we don't bake, we die
Josie runs a pedocord and rewards her top paypigs with e sex and she looks like she smells of poverty and feet(confirmed)
announcement 7pm
That would imply Jet has a fully functioning brain
Stfu boomer
Oh boy more fake cast leaks
Kalei expects us to watch her as she lays in bed and watches TV?

WTF is she doing?
Headcanon. Also I've met her and she unironically smells really good.
go fuck yourself these threads suck and season 3 is gonna suck
Wasting her life trying to leech clout off a dying show. She should be in college or looking for a husband
Hi Mike!
Taylor's stream is up in an hour!
new >>203865452
So have I. She's ugly and smelly and poor.
Stay mad nigga. She's got so much money lol
you just told us what she is doing
If we don't bake, we die
Sounds like she's laying in bed and watching tv

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