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>Spent years building a drug empire
>Took on the cartels and won
>Built an international distribution chain
>Created a delicious fried chicken food chain with impeccable standards to peddle your drugs
>All it took was an autistic chemistry teacher and his dope addict side kick to read it down
You think he was pissed that this was how he went down?
the international distribution chain was done by others and used many other fast food restaurants to distribute drugs
Turns out agreeing to work with an amateur gangster with a fed for a brother in law, and an idiot high school dropout wasn't the best idea. He was still only human I guess.
And he ran it all from a small office in a backroom.
BCS really recontexualizes Walter White. He becomes an ang of vengeance wrought up Albuquerque
>gay beaner built his international drug manufacturing and distribution network thanks to whitey
lol. Didnt know Gillgan was a based white supremacist chud.
Considering his initial judgment was Walt was a sloppy amateur who would get him caught or killed, yeah he's probably seething.
>Gale can provide it at 70% pure
>Waltuh's product is 90%
why didnt he just settle with 70%?
The Breaking Bad world felt empty. The gangs were small and the characters barely had any friends or relatives. It's like the main characters were the only people that existed and Albuquerque was a ghost town.
gus was also clearly on the spectrum and was obsessive beyond reason
Why even have a drug empire?
His chicken empire was more than enough while also being legal.
cant escape his past
eternal revenge fantasy
"gotta show them"
(((Interest Loans)))
You have to pay the vig off first before you can ever touch the principal.
This, Gus just had luck
His chicken franchise did well but the margins on it if it were legit would not be as bit as it showed, he's also very likely using it to launder cash through
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He listens to David Goggins
youre just looking for reasons to complain
an autistic scientist can kill anyone, they are the most dangerous people
It's still one of my favorite shows.
I listen to Walton Goggins.
>Why even have a drug empire?
he had to keep in contact with the cartel to get revenge for killing his bf
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>Vince why are you shooting this scene like Im getting raped?
his chicken restaurant was the best. the meth needed to be the best
plus Lydia said it in season 4 or 5, a better quality meth meant higher price and happier costumers. specially in Europe. it meant higher status.
Gus and Walt are both victims of their ego
Not only that, but a higher quality meth would mean:
You would need less of it to reach the same high.
Retards could cut it with more shit compared to shitty meth, meaning they could get higher margins on it.
>Cut 98% pure meth 10x
>It's 9.8% meth
>Cut 90% pure meth 10x
>It's 9% meth
i didn't say they could cut it MUCH more, just that they could cut it more.

>98% pure meth cut 11x = 8.91 % shit meth
>89% meth cut 10x = 8.9 % shit meth
So that's an extra 9% or so margin for the retard doing the cutting.
Jesse being sold to the cartels was funny. He would have been treated well.
you would be surprised how the real world is empty like that
>>Gale can provide it at 70% pure
It was actually 96% i think whilst Walters was 99%
Gus didn't care until Gale stated just how vast that 3% difference actually was in terms of quality
>>>203866307 (OP)
>The Breaking Bad world felt empty. The gangs were small and the characters barely had any friends or relatives. It's like the main characters were the only people that existed and Albuquerque was a ghost town.
> Anonymous 09/25/24(Wed)19:31:13 No.203866624▶
>gus was also clearly on the spectrum and was obsessive beyond
He only got the chicken business because of the drug empire and he was beholden to the cartel. They wouldn't let him just go legit like that
I feel like Albuquerque is actually like a ghost town.
Far better than the nazis would treat him. Look at how the Cartel had a meth chemist and he seemed pretty well off.
mr, witte, wers mi 4200 km/s methé ?
apparently junkies have standards towards fake statistics
I remember when the Godfather's Pizza chain was being used to move cocaine. Was honestly some top tier za back in the day, the name has been sold as a gas station franchise now tho.
Also, using a mafia don as the logo of your drug-peddling pizza chain is rather bold.
Can someone explain why did he kill his hand instead of main characters? I mean he filmed how to do drugs, his goon proved he could produce the drugs and didn't need main character anyway.
That was the dumbest thing in the entire show.
And the tragedy is that it was Gale that essentially talked himself out of having his own super lab (despite doing all the work of setting it all up). Even when Gus was presented with the purity of Walts product he was not convinced the risk was worth the extra few % of purity
It was bad writing, imo. There's a lot of fan theories about it since the show clearly doesn't provide one beyond some mind reading from Jessie of all people.
true the complaint box was filled within a day when it was the standard stuff. Gus had to issue a public apology
It's funny watching the scene in BCS where Nacho dies and literally every character in it dies either directly or indirectly because Walt got involved. Walt managed to do more to take down the drug trade in the American southwest than the DEA could've ever done in years. A force of pure destruction who was willing to just kill whoever got in his way because he wanted to and knew he didn't have anything else left to live for.
The nazi gang in the final season felt forced and rushed out.
Victor was seen so his usage was now limited.
He needed to show Walt that this isn't an epic W that he thinks it is.
Just by filming which barrel goes after which meth you won't get the knowledge of how to actually get the 99%, otherwise he would have an army of Gales running around.
Walter might have been coping when he was shitting at Walter but he is right.
And most importantly Gus was seething.
There is a strong transient vibe there. It’s a major crossroads town (I40 and I25 intersect). Lots of shady people passing through. I lived there for 10 years and made no close friends. BB was fairly good at portraying it, outside of the cartoonish vatos. Burque cholos are way grimier.
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todd was a good guy and didn't deserve to die
Should have listened to his uncle then.
i think its at least partially that he can tolerate the clown show with walter and jesse because they're more like partners and admittedly he did antagonize them a bit, but he can't handle total negligence, incompetence and hubris from his hired goons
Who would have thought that Jesse Plemons would mog those other 2 career-wise? Cranston was cast in too many projects after BB. Most were forgettable.
the only things i remember seeing aaron paul do after breaking bad was that garbage need for speed movie and voicing the one guy in bojack horseman.
I thought that guy was caught by multiple people on his way out from Gail‘s apartment considering Hank was already snooping around the place. It wouldn’t make sense to keep a guy around. that could draw additional heat. At least that was my theory
is meth really that hard to manufacture to the point highschool teacher is worth risking a life of crime over it?
>is meth really that hard to manufacture
no, not really but it still sells for big money compared to something like weed.
He was in the last 2 seasons of Westworld, which were so bad HBO deleted the entire series from its library,
>Hello industrial chemicals? I need 2 barrels of Methylamine.
>What are you planning on doing with that?
Thought on El Camino?
i thought it was shit for the most part. only liked seeing the todd and skinny pete scenes.
He doubted his own instincts one single time. He was absolutely correct not to get Walter involved but heer that fag chemist convince him otherwise. if that last bit of purity was so important he should have had Mike torture Walt to get the recipe.
It's okay. I'm more fascinated by people who are unreasonably mad at it because it didn't fundamentally change anything about the outcome of the story as if this is something it set out to do.
I didn’t hate it. Kinda pointless and chubby Todd was distracting. Scott MacArthur elevates it.
he hired a drug addict and his partner, that was the cause of his downfall.
>You think he was pissed that this was how he went down?
I think his last thought was AAAHHH FUCK A BOMB
Also why didn't he just hire all 3? Walt, Jesse, and Gale?
Walt obviously liked Jesse, and worked best with him, but having Gale also around would be a good backup, and could probably help out the two "main cooks" in other ways.
What did he mean by this?
I can't remember what happened in it
Too many cooks in the kitchen.
Best parts of the show were always the whacky schemes.
I wish pollos hermanos was a real place, looks tasty af

Victor was seen at the crime scene. The dea have a pretty good sketch of him in season 5.

Aryan brotherhood is a legit and dangerous prison gang. they were introduced similarly to how Gus was, Walt has a problem and Saul/todd knows a guy who knows a guy who can help him. Mike also mentions some of todds connections before the ab is introduced. Still, I understand why people don't like them very much.

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