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Obscure Found Footage Edition
previous: >>203855731
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the first episode of Forbidden Files particularly I think is worth a watch (only like 6m long, breddy good for 1989)
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The last 15 minutes of Dagon are so fucking good.
Blehbara Cravmpton!
Is that anon's mom?
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Extremely based. Hope you enjoy it, anon!
Adding to the list.
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>the last
the entire film is fucking good you prick
It’s her.
Hop in losers we're watching They Live
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Yeah I agree, Night Swim was pretty bland
Since we're coming off the amytincest thread, i think one of the reasons i love Harper so much is that she has similar features to my mom (very pale face with big brown eyes and dark brown hair).
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>5 more days until October
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I remember this one being decent.
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I liked this movie a lot
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>Messiah of Evil
Niiiice. Can't believe this one came out in 1973, it looks so good! And the borderline psychedelic soundtrack/sound design only added to the comfiness.
It's fine for the genre but it's exactly the same as every other one
>36°C (96,8°F) here right now
/hor/ for this feeling?
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94 here anon, not comfy at all
You're pretty much right, but I have a soft spot for them. Anything that looks semi-watchable really. Especially the Blackwell Ghost series.
And i have no ac, i'm dying.
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It's a /hor/ and /ff/ staple, you cannot convince me otherwise.
Hills Have Eyes.
Original or remake?
I look like this, drink Monster, and own a pistol very similar to that one
She looks like she’s around 5 feet tall, that’s probably why.
Remake is such bad taste it's hard not to rec it over the OG which tries but doesn't really follow through on the premise. Given the miserable heat, you'll want the remake.
Tales from the Crypt
Masters of Horror
Fear Itself
Cabinet of Curiosities

What other comfy horror anthology shows are there?
Monsters, Tales from the Darkside.
Night Gallery
I've seen both, many many years ago, i remember liking the remake better.
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Reccomend me horror movies where men get raped/sexually assaulted by women
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I'm watching through my Hooptober list (it started on Sept 15) and tonight's films will be The Visitor and Transylvania 6-5000, both first time watches
Based Freudposter. She’s quite stunning, isn’t she? Someone on /ck/ once told me Jess unironically looks like their mother which was pretty damn funny. It weirds me out how much Babs looks like my mom in that one pic though
Tales From The Cryptkeeper
Are You Afraid Of The Dark
Freaky Stories
Grizzly Tales For Gruesome Kids
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Why do so many horror movies have a white woman getting blacked?
because it's a horror movie
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Reminds me of these things.

How long do you think we will have to wait to see Terrifier 3 hit streaming services?
The Terrifier 3 popcorn bucket looks awful too, what the FUCK is this
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might fuck around and watch all 1,225 episodes of Dark Shadows
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>when your brother finally gives in to your constant demands for octopussy
Best horror movie about how no woman will ever love you?
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Addams Family is betterer. But you do you, bro.
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>bigass popcorn “vessel” holds like a handful of popcorn
I didn't like it.
all the terrifier merch looks like repurposed temuslop
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Ok, recs let's go.
Night Visions
The Twilight Zone (80's version) (mixed H/non-H
The Twilight Zone (00's version) (mixed?)
Hammer House Of Horror
Ray Bradbury Theater (mixed H/non-H)

00's TZ might have some potentially proto woke stuff but it's got sequels and remakes of classic stuff,
>The Twilight Zone (00's version
Do not watch this, is terrible.
Black Mountain Side
Close Calls
NTA But I thought they were decent. Not the best but I didn't regret watching them. There was a few pretty good episodes.
Much better than having ugly moms, anon, imo.
I couldn't even finish it, usually anthology stuffnis very hit or miss and i'm aware of that, but that was ALL misses.
As someone who just finished watching all of them, I have some thoughts for you.
The initial 100 episodes was written by the very talented Art Wallace, who would also write a show bible for the other writers to follow for future ideas going forward. These episodes are pretty fantastic (some of my favorite), but keeps the paranormal aspects VERY restrained.
Quickly after Wallace left, you get one of the worst early arcs of the show, involving David's mom. From then on the show has many peaks and valleys. Sometimes I question if it was worth watching every episode, but now I know specifically which arcs I loved.
Barnabus (the guy the show is known for) starts out great but I eventually came to hate him being around.
Only one I couldn't finish was the one that came out a few years ago.
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Hot babes being eaten by zombies in desolate public places in the middle of the night is a recipe for kino.
Women are so repulsive and disgusting
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Not rape
I love Addams Family but when I tried to watch it from start to finish, I quickly grew tired of how formulaic it was.
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desu I was fucking around BUT I did make a foray into the show during the pandemic and it sounds like my impression of the first ~200 episodes or so was the same. the sustained atmosphere of mystery in those first 100 episodes is incredible and the whole thing serves as a real eye-opener to what TV was capable of back then. unfortunately I really started to burn out once the supernatural elements hit the forefront even though it still had its moments.

what'd you think of the show's transition to color? obviously I never got that far but I always wondered if it suffered from that change
>Black Mountain Side
I recall starting and stopping this several times when it came out on VOD. Never got past the first 20 minutes. It struck me as a thriller/survivalist type movie. Can you confirm for me, without giving spoilers, if there is a rewarding spooky or scary interesting payoff?
Yeah, that was kinda questionable hence the disclaimer. I didn't watch much of it but I remember it having some ok ones.
Not a thriller at all imo. A little bit of survival. Def worth a watch. It's pretty spooky especially if you live near woods and even more so if those woods have deer.
Happy to see that there is a fellow appreciator of the earlier episodes. It's crazy to me that some streaming services split off the series in "pre-Barnabus" and "post-Barnabus" sections.
>my impression of the first ~200 episodes or so
Did you burn out around the arc involving the blackmail of Elizabeth Stoddard? I almost had trouble getting through that. Funnily, that is right before Barnabus' debut, which picked up my interest again for a while.
>what'd you think of the show's transition to color?
It was kind of cool at first, but I quickly realized that the transition to color killed what little gothic and gloomy feel was left of the show. A lot of the dresses they wore during those times were quite colorful, and many of the actors looked better in black and white (Barnabus and Carolyn)
So is there any supernatural, demonic, spiritual or occult angle or just atmospheric spookiness set within our laws of science and nature? And also not a slasher film?
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Not a slasher. There is supernatural/spiritual/science spookies
>Black Mountain Side
I really liked that
I'm looking forward to it so I can start my yearly binge, at least one a day. I think last year I watched like 45
Based. Throwing it in the list.
Watched the Depp movie last night followed by Scary Movie 3. Of the 2, Depp's was better.
>It's crazy to me that some streaming services split off the series in "pre-Barnabus" and "post-Barnabus" sections.
even the DVDs did that by splitting up all the pre-Barnabus stuff into "Dark Shadows: The Beginning" which makes it sound like a later prequel. really dumb
I might have actually been deeper in than 200 episodes. the last plots I remember are Maggie being kidnapped and some doctor showing up to help her (I think?) who knows, I may pick it back up again some time. I was always curious about the various time travel plots that come in later.
that was unfortunately what I figured for the addition of color. my impression of '60s/70s TV is that its use of color tends towards the garish and I also can't imagine the production design of a show with such a low budget holding up without the kind of tricks you can pull with black and white.
>I was always curious about the various time travel plots that come in later.
Looking back, they were often the stronger plots of the show (which is probably why they ended up relying a bit too heavily on them). The very first travel into the past (starting on episode 365) is probably the strongest one, but also introduces my least favorite character in the entire series (Peter Bradford, and the actor in general).
The problem that persisted with most of the series is that they would come up with a great initial idea, only to have it fall apart midway through, then they'd quickly wrap it up so they can run off to the next idea.
You should consider picking it up again some day. You'll get to see some interesting characters like Angelique (who ends up outstaying her welcome, but the initial plot was good), Nicholas Blair (great actor), Quentin, and Count Petofi (Thayer David's best character, ridiculous wig though)
>literally the first image to show up on duckduckgo if you search "nick frost shawn of the dead"
Sometimes, the world ain't so bad.
Oh, also want to mention that my least favorite plot was the frankenstein crap (Adam). Absolute dogshit that almost made me quit.
I'd do, maybe, a top 40 list of best horror films of all time. But I'm not doing a top 10. Can't do it.
go ahead, I'm waiting
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Feel free to talk to us and our kids.
>they would come up with a great initial idea, only to have it fall apart midway through, then they'd quickly wrap it up so they can run off to the next idea.
the only other "soap" i've ever watched is Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman and it was very much the same experience - an incredibly strong 130 episode run followed by the same kind of peak-and-valley fumbling for ideas. this is also basically my mother's description of watching Days of Our Lives for like...fifty fucking years so I guess it just comes with the territory of having to produce an extraordinary amount of material almost nonstop.
I look back on watching DS fondly though so maybe one of these days. there's something really fascinating about the soap format even though I need it to have a little something "extra." of course any TV show starts to feel like a part of your life after awhile but the effect is exacerbated to a wild extent when it's sustained over such huge periods of time and often in a nearly glacial manner
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Come visit the Halloween General too if you haven't.
it was good but just ended abruptly like they ran out of money
/x/ gives me too much of a headache. It's like everyone is always yelling over there.
It's a strange place.
They are a much more earnest bunch. They don’t hide behind much irony when explaining things that may sound schizophrenic to most people. I dig it
That's just the hex placed on the board. Drink some water.
You can. I will.
Why are horror movies so comfy?
His voice is so cool.
You might find Passions interesting if you can get access to it. Largely conventional but they added a lot of weird stuff to it reminiscent of DS from the get-go.
This thread is sorta slow tonight compared to recent nights. Everyone must be watching movies!
Very true.
I'm watching anything but horror until October
Throw in some family Halloween movies and some classic sci-fi into your October watchlist and then you can fit some horror watches into September too.
Real Horror?

I dont know if its because of the better cameras they used, the color grading, or just the fact that they got a new special effects team on board or what, but the gore in Saw X was on a whole other level compared to the older films like 3D and the more obvious fake blood they used. Something about the leg sawing trap just made me really grossed out.
It was also really great of them to bring back Tobin Bell and other returning cast members outside of just keeping them to flashbacks. I do kind of wish that it could have a bit shorter though, the pacing really does slow down quite a bit in the second half, but it had a fuck win awesome twist to make up for it. I'm just worried that Saw 11 won't live up to this and that X was just a fluke.
/lit/fag here. Just dropping in to let you know the entire board shits on and mocks Stephen King and considers him a disgrace to writing.
I encourage you people to share the same sentiment.
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Has anyone seen The Strain?
Almost everyone agrees that King film adaptations are better than anything he's done himself.
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>still gets her tits out in her 60s
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Pure kino
This was such a fun movie, it was basically an un-official Creepshow sequel.
It basically is official, because Romero created Tales from the Darkside. He just didn't have the backing of the producers of Creepshow at the time, so he came up with a new name.
Cat's Eye is another Creepshow-esque movie to check out.
Holy shit, I haven't thought about those things in 20 years
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Movie about a painter going camping with his buddies but it goes wrong. The painter/protag is in the middle of painting a portrait but he can't get the face right, so it's blank. The blank faced painting is also the poster.
What is the name of the movie?
Some episodes, but the coff started as they were running the 3rd season - it got too real.
3D has weird blood compared to all the other Saw movies.
Stephen King doesn't agree
He is gay.
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What about this?
I wish there were 35mm horror screenings in my area
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Used to love those I Spy books.
If any of you anons remember these Scholastic book fair monster books then you're truly based. These helped nurture my interest in horror as a kid.
Should I be embarrassed if my taste in films is literally just horror shlock?
Example of the contents of these books.
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I had the PC game as a kid. Some of my earliest memories using a computer.
>enter if you dare
>you're in for a scare
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for me it was these
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You're definitely not alone, but we are a lonely group of people for a reason.
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Looks comfy.
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Man, american halloween culture is so comfy, it makes me sad that i missed out on it as a kid.
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The ending is very underwhelming, but other than that the movie is ok.
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I think maybe I played the Halloween one but I’m not so sure..I mainly remember this one.
In the Poughkeepsie Tapes, the camera guy is the killer, right?
I consider most SK books like 80's B movies. Sure they're not high quality, but there is a feeling to them I can't find anywhere else so from time to time I indulge myself with them
>Man, american halloween culture is so comfy
It really is. Every year I was always waiting for October so all the decorations would go up and the Halloween specials would start playing on tv.
Tell me more about number 1, 3, 4 and 7
It used to be comfy for me, but now my neighborhood is filled with orcs.
But as a kid you still enjoyed it a lot, i would have loved it as a kid, october for me was just october.
Mexicans like Halloween. Enough of them came up to my neighborhood from the south side that I actually ran out of candy last year. They also started late as fuck, like 9 o'clock.
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>mention to friend that I’m looking forward to October for Halloween season
>tell him I’m gonna watch a horror movie everyday and it’ll be fun
>”you can do that any time of year, why does it matter that it’s October?”

How do I respond without sounding mad?
Based Mexicans, respect to them for appreciating our traditions.
"It's not the same, anon, like having christmas food outside of christmas, it's still gonna be good, but doesn't feel the same"
Basically melds ideas of Pizzagate, occultism and Project Bluebeam. The effects are pretty cheesy but I'm guessing the film had next to no budget so it's easily excusable.

>Kill List
Some ex-military hitmen get hired to kill off a few high-value targets and get tangled up with a shadowy cult. Overall good movie but the characters' speech is often hard to understand because it's a britbong film and characters will talk with heavy slurred accents, innit cuppa worrer m8

>The Wicksboro Incident
Found-footage. In the 50s an entire town disappears and decades later one witness surfaces to tell about what happened. The cast soon has to go on the run from glowies who are hunting them.

>The Pizzagate Massacre
Crime-thriller/horror with some comedic elements. A militia guy and his filmmaker friend go to investigate a Comet Pingpong-esque restaurant because of Pizzagate-like rumors. It sort of satirizes Pizzagate, but at the same time it doesn't really because of the ending which ends up validating the conspiracy theory.
Tell him it's comfier in October.
"It's more fun in October"
Based neighbors for having a better decoration budget than me. I had a wooden sign on my garage door, some bone chimes hanging in my tree and a gruesome human head jack o lantern in the window and that's it. One of my neighbors decorated go karts and sent his kids out to ride them up and down the block, and had probably a quarter of all the animatronics they sell at spirit.
It's the thought that counts and any amount of decorating is good, but maybe use it as encouragement to go harder this year. Get a skeleton or a spooky scarecrow or something. Help make your neighborhood extra comfy.
Is your friend autistic? Genuine question.
I have some ideas, but I also have a baby now so we're down to one income holding up the house like atlas. I don't like lights, but I have a bunch of Halloween buckets that I'll probably put lights in to let more people know they can come to my door, that'll be cheap. I might have enough towels to do a bodybag, too. I had an elaborate idea to turn my front porch into a crystal lake cabin, but I don't even have half the tools I'd need, and I gotta get a hedge trimmer before that anyways.
>Mexicans like Halloween.
Isn't Halloween and Día de Muertos basically the same thing?
>I have a bunch of Halloween buckets that I'll probably put lights in to let more people know they can come to my door, that'll be cheap.
That's a good idea.
They're on different days, though. They double dip.
>The Meg
>visual effects supervisor Adrian De Wet
Come to think of it, I have a bunch of glow sticks stashed away. Hopefully they're not too expired.
Is F13 Part 2 the one with the most attractive cast?
Every guy looks like a gigachad
I don’t think so, if anything I’m for sure more autistic than he is. He just doesn’t really ever have much holiday spirit. I remember I gave him some socks one year for Christmas and he seemed really weirded out by it. Dude always had holes in his socks so idk I thought it was nice
It's so kino.
Is 480p the best quality that you can find online for Tales From the Darkside?
I saw Tales from the Darkside episodes airing on actual TV last October and they were standard definition.
Should be. I don't think the series has ever had a bluray release.
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Best 60s stuff? For me they're hit-or-miss, because when they're boring, they're REALLY boring. Here are my favorites:

>Eyes Without a Face
Fucking FANTASTIC movie. Very macabre for its time (IYKYK) and holds a tension throughout. This movie was also pre-Hays code, so they could get away with more.
Amazing. Speaks for itself.
>Spider Baby
Fun movie. Includes demented chicks before that was even a horror trope.
>The Devil Rides Out
Good for its cinematography, if anything.
>Black Sunday.
Alright. Liked the gothic vibes.
>Hammer Dracula
Seen all of them, like them all. Dracula Has Risen From His Grave is my favorite.
Others I've seen:
>Carnival of Souls
>Black Sabbath
>The Cremator
You haven't seen Peeping Tom yet?
Also the Hays Code started in the 30s and Eyes Without a Face is well into Hays era. The thing is that it's a French movie and the Hays Code was for American productions, so it didn't matter.
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Blind Beast
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Very disappointed with this one. I'm a big fan of Jean Rollin and I had heard Jesus Franco offered similar fare. I found little charm in this one, though. People gush about how psychedelic, psychological and beautiful this one is but I found it largely dull and sometimes even ugly. Very little happens in this movie and much of it makes no sense, which I would be willing to completely forgive or ignore if it had the dreamy charm and flare of a Jean Rollin film (let's take The Iron Rose as a prime example), but it doesn't. The surrealism and psychedelia feel forced, the music is terrible, even the setting does nothing to contribute to the overall effect. It's just a series of images that Franco seems to have put little thought into. Even Rollin's most disjointed films are better. I hate to be completely dismissive, but I get the feeling people only like this because Soledad Miranda is a very beautiful woman and has an undeniable bit of magnetism about her. I'll still take Jean Rollin and Brigitte Lahaie over Jesus Franco and Soledad Miranda, though.
I've found the majority of people calling something psychedelic just mean as interesting as staring at a lava lamp.
I've seen some very good films described as psychedelic such as All the Colors of the Dark, so I guess I expected something more. Vampyros Lesbos doesn't have the aesthetic cohesiveness or the flare of a movie like All the Colors of the Dark (nor the intrigue and tension).
I'm not saying they don't exist. Just that I see people use psychedelic and surreal as cope for boring a lot.
Yeah it's just plain boring.
Hey man, nice on you for explaining to the guy about the Hays code instead of just laughing and calling him a retard which is what /film/ (and i actually) would do.
We need more Chabert horrors.
Trans or jewish?
Neither..just talented.
zoomzoom detected

pitch some horror ideas to Hallmark
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But anon, they already have Hallmark Horror....not really
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There is actually Hallmark horror
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Just finished All Hallows Eve with the gf. I dunno I think they've established Art the Clown up there with Jason, Freddy & Michael Myers.
>inb4 shill
Fuck you guys we liked it.
>captcha voorhees
Hi Damien
with art, they married the silent type of jason and michael with the humor of freddy. it's pretty good.
In all seriousness, it is annoying that the series now has the "industry plant" status amongst some jackasses. It's just a fun little splatterfest that makes for a nice contrast next to A24 and Jordan Peele films at the theatres.
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Now THIS takes me back to 1st/2nd grade.
For anyone that watched this, what was the deal with the two families that lived next to each other?
Modern 4chan has this mentality of "excess gore = jewish subversion". That is why splatterfests get looked down upon by them.
I prefer Bentley Little.
>Modern 4chan has this mentality of "excess gore = jewish subversion"
If that's true then some of you guys are retarded.
Lifetime had a bunch they used to air in October.
so did he stick his dick in the ghost stalking him or not
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That's a shame, but I'm not quite sure where the "excess gore = jewish subversion" connection comes from outside of maybe The Boys? I think its more likely that because this site is now Twitter screencap material, excess fake movie gore to modern day newfags is "UGH LIKE OH MY GOD I LITTERALLY CANNOT EVEN".
They need to lay off their hate of Art, he's just a funny guy.
the action figure is cool tho
Absolutely absurd. The kind of aliexpress knockoff device that gets a recall after it kills a child in a freak accident.
Eli Roth is very jewish
Roth is based. Hostel and Cabin Fever are comfykinos.
I was just pointing out places you where trying to connect dots with. Clearly you understand Roth and gore, but you missed how Roth is very very jewish. One of the most jewish directors in horror.
Tell me some Halloween appropriate food to round out my diet this October.
>sweet potato
I don't think I can live off only these.
All of Vincent Price's films of course.
>The Haunting (kinooooo)
>Night of the Living Dead
>Kwaidan (long and slow, but beautiful)
>Targets (half is ok, half is incredible and ahead of it's time)
>Yokai Monsters: 100 Monsters (drags in the middle but I loved the rest)
Whatever you do don't eat a bat.
Makes me too horny. It won't work.
the ending is the best fourth wall breaking scene in horror. actually made me want to look behind me.
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Cabin Fever was not comfy for me because it plays hard on germophobia
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I literally have bats living in my apartment attic. “Federally protected” my ass…
I vant to suck your teets
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You should try a japanese sweet potato sometime. I love them more than normal sweet potatoes. Just wrap them in foil and bake them at 220 celsius/425 fahrenheit for an hour and a half. Yum!
This is also the time of year when people are eating their freshly picked apple harvests. I am baking some apple pies with my apples. Apples and cinnamon are the taste of Autumn. I guess you could have cider too.
Corn is also very much an October food (corn mazes!)
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he's literally me
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Succubus (2024)
There's a Russian film with the same title that also came out this year, if you download any releases with Amazon in the filename then you'll know you got the right one.
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I read this as a kid
Oh, and these too obviously
>Leprechauns don't play basketball
I can't believe Disney stole this idea.
>How about I play some ball with you nigg-
>leprechauns don't play basketball
I've seen one rap and smoke weed, so I'm not so sure.
That title made me laugh way more than it should, i feel retarded.
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alright, about to watch a rec from the last thread
any super low budget recos?
bad cgi gator was good
something like that, or more sincere
Rachel Cook is too pretty for b movies, shame on Hollywood for sleeping on so many instagram qts
for me it's Devil Story
but there's a pretty big difference between old school low budget and new-school digital stuff
She does a good job here, so I can see her getting more roles down the line.
either way is good
i was thinking newer stuff along those lines would be less likely to get reco'd than older/classics
either is good
i like that digital is more accessible to average people but film is 100% superior always everytime
The Coffin Joe movies. They cost less than what a McDonald's worker makes in a month.
Is there an actual horror movie with a unicorn or did Cabin in the Woods just pull that out its ass?
Except for Cabin in the Woods and Get Out, I love all of these movies. Still haven't watched Hereditary and Only Lovers Left Alive.
Overall I can understand why they aggravate a certain type of ordinary joe since some ppl see horror and comedy as obligatory providers of certain prepackaged reactions: le scare, le funny, both of which are ofc subjective

This series is what Halloween Resurrection should've been.
this is whiteface
This is a movie.
I recommend watching it.
that barely counts
the unicorn only kills like 3 or 4 people and its mostly off screen
the fight scene at the ending was good i just didn't know it was legal to film stuff like that back then
What if Michael identified as a transracial white man?
>He wanted on screen live action unicorn goring
I want a full length merman film.
the blood fountain part was great.
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cover looks cool anyway. there needs to be more mid-sized giant demons, monsters etc.
the phrase 'NGMI' was invented to describe people who are invested in movie popcorn vessels, just saying
whoever made this is completely mentally ill
> horror movies don't have to be scary
nice made up strawman lmao. Nobody says that shit except for post ironic memers trying to make you sound mad (and succeeding)
>i just didn't know it was legal to film stuff like that back then
>hunky beach dude all the women crave is actually a bloodthristy merman that tears the unsuspecting women to pieces at night
The clickbait articles LITERALLY write themselves.
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Beezel (2024) is officially worth a watch.
it's not a found footage, but has a found footage influence and you'll like it if you're a ff fan.
if you liked Oddity, Witch in the Window, VHS, kind of thing you'll dig it.
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posting one of the best ghost movies ever
It seems some gore is "Jewish subversion", but oddly enough it's usually not horror movie gore (Outside of a few instances like Eli Roth)
It's usually capeshit/action slop like The Boys, Gen V, Inglorious Bastards, etc. Something about shit like this feels way different from most horror films too, it's the opposite of comfy.
You fuckers are reading this right? The master speaks:
>It would have been titled John Carpenter's Stephen King's IT
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damn imagine They Live starring James Hetfield
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I can't tell if this is a shitpost movie
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H-Halloween 2 bros.........
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So much info, feels and sovl in a few paragraphs
>The master
Disdain is all I feel for you, anon.
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Halloween 4 bros we won
Well he's right, the movie has some good kills but it really is completely unnecessary sequelitis.
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that was a kino moment
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He approves of Halloween 3 too
I can't even feel that you, random who gives a shit. You're not fit to lick Carpenter's shoe soles
here's the account for those interested
>gives a 5/5 to CFTBL
>yeah man, I only made these movies for the money, lmao
When you're done stroking out, consider respecting the very words of your "master". Lmao.
It's called being self-effacing: something only true geniuses can pull off. His comments vary a lot from movie to movie and he describes several as passion projects, but as I said you're outside looking in. Now go and make a bitter/envious youtube review about it
>original fly 5/5
>fly remake 4/5
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not like this foggers
>they paid me more money than I had ever seen
>I spent it on beers
Literally me
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He's a Suspiria chad
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match his freak
What does he think of RZH?
we already know he hates them because of the interviews he's done, said it ruined MMs character of just being an ordinary dude with an ordinary build
didn't review it but he's said before that Zombie "took away the mystique of Michael Myers". also "made him too big" lol.
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i don't get why they were turned into animatronics
The ones he didn't rate but still reviewed are the best.
He's a Space Jam guy.
the segment made no sense. doesn't need to though, I thought it was a great fucked up visual, them thrashing around comically.
Is it just me or do Found Footage films lack re-watch value?
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Stop posting that.
Post this one instead.
Think it's you
Watch bonejangles if you want to see a thick bitch with big titties
What if I want to see a thin bitch with small titties?
most old slashers have at least one chick with small tits
>true geniuses
You don't even understand what I am talking about. You can't respect the man enough to read his words yet you call him a master. A master of what? Not film, that is certain. A genius in regards to taking the money and not giving a shit? Yeah, no one would argue against that anon. The man says so himself. What a farce.
Pics or it didn't happen. The trailer looks like hot fucking garbo and there are ZERO milkers. ZERO anon.
Little girl down the lane, I guess. Honestly that movie is so confounding when taken at face value. There are no less than seven different red herrings throughout. For what purpose? All to see an underage jodie foster in the nude? I dunno man... I was hoping for more.
i've seen thicker bitches than this
I mean he's right. Mike never needed or should have gotten a sequel.
And this is why 3 is a masterpiece. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
It's not a masterpiece, it's just good.
It's the genre - it is a thing that shouldn't be.
>Ooh, look at the shaky camcorder!
>Hey, now we are showing a surveilance camera screen in your movie - spooky!
No, it's not spooky. All the ones I've seen would have benefitted from better cinematography and straight storytelling.
They look cheap to make, but still cost as much or more than their horror movie contemporaries.
way late but I have watched a little bit of Passions / read about it and it seems insane. building a plot around a black hermaphrodite serial killer is fucking incredible. i'd just like to track it down in better quality than those 240p youtube uploads
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I haven't seen any the newer VHS movies.
Best segments?
The zombie wraparound story in the most recent one is pretty good but the ones that interrupt it are mostly bad
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>here's that devout Catholic nun we were telling you about
Why the long face?
El Greco had an outsized impact on religious iconography
Only the finest Jersey Jewess genetics.
bit the bullet and watched Megan is Missing.
kinda meh, but a couple scenes stuck with me, the fetish site photos and the blink-and-you-miss--it Megan in the barrel.
There's a fan edit out there that actually did this.
Based. I still have my copy of The Celery Stalks at Midnight.
It deserved to be forgotten. Zoomers really have low standards if they dredged it up a few years ago.
Maybe I'm a pussy but the whole last ten minutes really stuck with me.
Has to be one of the worst fates in a movie.
That's what made it a great horror movie. Most FF movies have an hour long buildup with 20 minutes of cheap jump scares and cheap effects as a "payoff." Megan is Missing isn't a slam you over the head horror movie but it's an incredibly potent and effective one because of the absolutely irredemptive, nihilistic fate of everyone involved. If you were more upset that it didn't "deliver" on classic horror movie mechanisms than you were with the vacuum that it created inside you after watching it then I don't know what to tell you.
This nigga has seen Megan is Missing but not Halloween.
Yeah I definitely felt hollow afterwards. It was a strange feeling. Not many movies illicit that kind of response. I felt the same after Se7en.
One movie that did that for me is Der Todesking
is there any horror film with gypsies are protagonists or villains? looking for something atmospheric, as in gypsy secretive atmosphere.
Looks like a young Nun from The Nun/Mulholland Drive.
Thinner and Drag me to hell. You also have real life.
Gonna make a new thread.
Prove it
thanks, but i was looking for a more atmospheric film. Gypsies appear in many films in some roles but i have not yet found one where their world is a deep framing device and they are the villains. Some sort of gothic horror with them playing a great part. Showing some habits, rituals, something more.
Drag me to hell
>You also have real life.
yes but that is just crimes all the time
It's not just crimes, they can ruin your whole family from a misunderstandment, it would be more similar to a zombie siege movie
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I love found footage films
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Check out Vampire Circus
same here bro
these screenshots are fake fyi

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