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Classics & Arthouse

Midori edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous: >>203847987
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thread for lil bros
Nigga I wasn't done baking
King of /film/
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Queen of /film/
if u say u gon bake then u better be done in 3 minutes tops
It's over, we lil bros in here
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Never seen Strange Circus but i've always assumed it's like Midori
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from the ones I've seen from all his lists, he's got some fantastic films in there, along with some good ones, and some just alright ones, but I don't doubt that he actually watched and enjoyed all the films he listed. I chatted with him back in the day and he was very knowledgeable and able to explain what he liked about certain films if asked
Bau really upsets certain "people"
10/10 bunda
This is the same anon that posts Hank Hill’s ass right?
Lil bro be like: Vampyr is not about vampires.
Ha, ha! I wonder what other sick take will lil bro come up with in the future.
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Queen of /film/
finally a lil bro with some taste around here
I never engaged with this guy, but if you did and came to that conclusion, okay, then it might be true. It's just that it rings of posing, but I might be too cynical.
No joke I thought she was in Haneke's early films but it turned out to be a different actress. Actual Binoche was only in Code Unknown and Cache
die gimmickers
Why do people mad at Bauposters have always this preference for meek-looking women, feminine in a bland non-luscious way?
She was only really beautiful in those Carax films, in every other film she looks mid.
That's a favorite type of terminally online millenials and zoomers. The kind of girl nerds fall in love in high school and never get over.
Rififi, I soliti ignoti, Seven Samurai
>le anti-gimmicker gimmick
/film/ is a gimmick general
all bishhes here be mid af
/film/ has horroble taste in women
u can tell erryone here be a lil witeboi either simpin for a fat hog who goes for arabs or some skinny bishhes with 6/10 faces
name 1 (ONE) bad bitch.
Just go away please.
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Roberta Vasquez
she is in sum classic andy sidaris kinos
now there is a moviemaker who is straight
die faggot.
you just called out 90% of this general that isn't drunk on fat ass
Better than Rosemary's Baby.
lil bros wit taste
just watched magnetic rose
>Midori edition
Fucking based
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lil bros gon go crazy when this come out
It’s a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake
I know you're a shitposter, but in what world would someone think Bau is mid?
I wish the whole world had that average level of women....
Never got around to watching this, actually worth a shit or just good cause Godards in it?
This shouldn't be allowed.
I just wanted to post a pic of Catherine Deneuve but yes, I also like Repulsion way more than Rosemary's Baby
This was good enough and included thin man on fat woman sex that would make The Architect proud
It's great, very melancholic. Touched me more than I would've expected.
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>Midori on /tv/
>destryoing and negrofying best kurosawa film
he deserves all the worse in the world x2
>I know you're a shitposter
You should rest in that knowledge. Do'bt engage them, just report.
Not that it'll matter, since they samefag non-stop and jannies don't give a fuck.
The real challenge is to watch the live-action version
Hiroshi Harada made A N I M E
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Yeah it's really great. Have you seen pic related? Absolute classic as well.
obese hog with a generic face
i aint no cellulite fetishist nigga
No but i did watched O Padre e a Moça and was good too. I have the Garrincha documentary too
>check film info
redpill me on brazilian cinema
The dialogue is absolutely hilarious. And sexing watermelons is a practice as old as time, anon, tsai didn't do nothing new.
Limite (1930), Humberto Mauro, Anselmo Duarte, Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, Rogério Sganzerla, Ozualdo Candeias, Carlos Reichenbach, José Mojica Marins, Andrea Tonacci, Paulo César Saraceni, some Julio Bressane, some Ivan Cardoso (just pure fun). Ignore Glauber.
So no actual argument? Shitpost away, then.
O Pagador de Promessas its their highest non-normie kino. São Bernardo is pretty good too.
>Garrincha documentary too
A failure in several levels, works only- as all films do- as a document of itself and of what it shows.
if obesity aint no argument there no helping you chubby chaser
simp away
he's right tho

she's overweight with an unremarkable face. there's nothing to warrant her being spammed in every single /film/ thread
Would watch.
Was his Oldboy remake shit too? I’ll watch it eventually, but it’s behind thousands of other movies.
I told you. Don't engage, just report.
what's wrong with glauber?
>Ignore Glauber.
Most definitely don't, he's an essential brazilian director. It'd be like ignoring Ford or Godard.
It's widely seen as one of his worst films, and I'll sign that as well.
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Also pic related. And some of Walter Hugo Khouri's work as well.
>>negrofying best kurosawa film
to be fair a terrone wrote the original
mods don't give two shits about niggaposting retard
Ok FINE OP i'm going to watch some Robert Bresson kino, maybe I'l start with L' Argent
lil bros losin they minds when anons not simpin fo some mid bishes
Is it good? Is it gory? Genuine interest.
yeah i often see white devil black god at the top of "goat brazilian movies" lists and i think scorsese has praised it too
True, but it's the only thing available to do against the cancer in this general.
>white devil black god
That's the english title? Wtf.
Waifufags always derail these threads.
Good for you. Working on watching all of his films atm; have like half of them left
Waifufags are a minor issue. You're literally in a general dominated by retards nigga posting.
You guys are right, some of it is very good (dragão da maldade, idade da terra), i just have a chip on my shoulder about him being our "main guy".
>lil bros losin they minds when anons not simpin fo some mid bishes
They don't at all, they just post a couple of pictures, which are nice to look at and that's it. Nigga/lilbro posting is what ruins the threads.
Agree but mine is Ima Iwashita and she's better than yours.
Waifufags invite more niggaposting and simping with their incessant spam.
I picture somebody much uglier, maybe some chink
lil bro u almost got me but i dont wear glasses an i aint blond
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>le anti-gimmicker gimmick
But there's no incessant spam in any of the threads. People just post once or twice and most don't engage in shitflinging.
And niggaposters don't need any excuse to shitpost, they just samefag if no one pays them attention.
Cool as ice is kino
Once or twice is too much when it attracts half a dozen replies and ongoing arguing about who's mid or obese or whatnot. No one gives a shit who your waifu is.
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This should be at the top of every /film/ posters list. Literally kino.
Great taste:
The yellow bike is cool
imma tell u lil bros that big bro here loves this kino
They post the same pictures over and over. Worse than the Lee faggot.
This is why we need a discord server. A discord server would encourage high quality post.
Fuck off spammer
>A discord server would encourage high quality post.
deluded newfag
Gimmickposting is the best part of /film/ aside from niggaposters
lil bro stop simpin n be a man
Again I’m not a newfag. I actually was in a high quality server in here, but I deleted my account.
decent taste lil bro
>organizing +5000 movies in 4:3 and 16:9 folders, to subsequently organize them in proper Country, Genre and Runtime sub folders each
Lil bro posting is ruin /film/. Don’t blame it on niggaposting.
its just regular postin lil bro
aint ruining nothin
discuss movies dont discuss me
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You really get this angry over lil bro posting? It's so harmless.
I like the part where that guy who complains about off-topic stuff never says anything while this shitshow is happening. Makes you think
big dog > nigga > lil bro

iz da hierarchy.
Cool stuff, you high rn? Why write with so much typos lol
>The kind of girl nerds fall in love in high school and never get over.
But enough about Bau.
midori was not meant to be seen online. but in some side-show type of attraction. saw the guy who made it fly to japan to do an odd song and dance before it played in theater just to make sure his odd wish was respected. it was awkward. but in retrospect one of my fondest memory at the movies
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lil bros this one made me feel the heat
/film/ is :skull
I wish, someone like that is very rare in any place
Donald Trump on the left, OJ Simpson on the right. Kino.
"fly from japan". it was not even in a typical cinema either for some reason. maybe it was being put down or under construction or maybe it was another whim of the director. we ha lil school chairs. i hardly remember the room but it was in some nether-place, maybe near the entrance but in the back-ish, in some university type of building.
This thread is so cooked lmao
darby o'gill n the lil bros
for u who want a wacky special effects classic
Feel the need for discord yet “/film/“?
Lil bro niggas
Waifu niggas
Tsai nigga
MEGA nigga
Horse nigga
Antigimmicker niggas
Brazilian niggas
Nigga niggas
My nigga TB

Das /film/. Da best general on all mf 4chan.
playin for the king of lil bros
I'm starting to agree with that guy who said he wished to kill every regular on /film/...
any lil bros into classic scifi
good stuff lil bro
Yeah I'm thinking this is the worst /film/ thread of all time
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im makin this thread about friendship n movies n not hate
lil bros join me
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Niggaposting is le based!
It’s basically a /film/ meta thread.
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nothing like a good adventure movie right lil bros
good masculine hijinks n heroes savin women
this is what i love
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here some technicolor secrets for lil bros
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Who’s taking the thread out back and pulling an old yeller?
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did lil bros know that 35mm film could carry so many audio formats
well now u know
Nothings going to change until we create a discord server. It’s the year of nigga/lilbroposting. This year will be cursed.
did lil bros know that vistavision is also 35mm but it has a larger image area than normal 35mm
this is because vistavision runs horizontally!!!
that means vistavision is same size as 35mm film used for still photography
u bitchin lil bro while im celebratin cinema
look in the mirror lil bro
Ok, my rec for this thread.
thanks for the rec lil bro
what else do u like
i dream of movies with this feel lil bros
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lil bros this is the camera of cameras
the mitchell bnc used throughout the 1940s all the way to well into the 1960s

It's so bad. /film/ has been completely invaded by chaos and the true anons have been relegated to nothingness. RIP.
start postin quality lil bro
fireflies in the north
quality rec for weeb lil bros
I'm going to shoot myself.
dont do it lil bro
Is this a discord trying to kill the general or what?
Bro I got hemorroids, no way you're worse off than me
Ironic ebonics and goonstyle apathy means it's South American sharty teenagers.
you're welcome bro, I like many fings in my movies. In Calabuch, you find characters that have a very warm humanity with them, their passions, their hopes and flaws... they are part of a cruel world but there is always a chance for redemption namsayin. Other titles that come to muh mind like this are Sansho the Bailiff, Terje Vigen and The Killing of a Chinese Bookie. But Calabuch has a more comedic side.
Alright, big bro, but how can I, when I've gotten range banned due to you stupid motherfuckers? Can't upload pics because of you.
ill be sure to see Calabuch lil bro
genuine thanks
how is that my fault lil bro

thanks im serious with all my recs
>how is that my fault lil bro
Because of your retarded monkey antics, I can't upload pics. That's how. Need any more clarification? Motherfucking retards man
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big time rec for lil bros
watch this n maybe ull become a roeghead like me
just check the cast goddamn
No you're not, you're a nigga poster, so anything you post can only be a shitpost. Kill yourself
hey it was ur own posts that got u punished lil bro

u r wrong
im lil brostin not niggapostin

another rec here
here a great old timey rec for jewish lil bros

>of the last 100 posts about 5 aren't shitposts from the raid
bolexes r cool n all lil bro but i need dat crystal sync in the camera
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this aint no raid lil bro
i just have nuthin better to do rn
this is actually a lost film i pranked u lil bro
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but fr
r any of u lil bros also into silent horror?
Time for the Discord, this shit is just too cringe
No one wants that except you.
STFU, you brainless monkey
And people think fishtank is the worst place on the board...
In no possible criterion /hor/ manages to be worse than this current state of /film/
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lil bros u cant be this mad just cause i call u lil bros
at least im tryna get this thread back on track
happy 80th birthday to big bro michael douglas!!
But you're only shitposting, that's it. Any post you make with this gimmick- or any of the other ones you stopped using- is a bad post. Not hard to understand. Just post like a human being and no one would complain.
Are you doing all this for attention?
lil bro get ur priorities straight
we are all here fo cinema
Why did you post that hot take about Vampyr without explaining further
where da "corr" anon @ i miss dat nigga
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why u gotta do me like that lil bro

lets celebrate classics and arthouse together and hav a normal thread
u people derail this
>Are you doing all this for attention?
You think? Generalsaa re containment zones, remember that. Jannies and mods are happy when the worst schizos stay in one place.
Too busy playing his other gimmicks
If directors have distinctive approaches to filmmaking, why shouldn't /film/ posters have distinctive posting styles? Think about it.
I certainly am critical and avoid directors who are retarded or have terrible 'distinctive styles'. Unfortunately you can't filter by flag or ID here.
?? You know what to do- I’m doing that and not commenting on it
What's the point of these posts? It's so random, like why is he talking like a nigger
You're sick. Then again I'd do the same if I had enough disk space.
That's new from you. I hope you're actually being honest and not one of them.
lil bros im off for today got other stuff to do

ill leave u wit this rec
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Kill yourself or just get killed in any other way
We don't use that word with the hard r around these parts.
2 options: mass report plus contact jannys for IP banning these sick fucks or Discord. You choose, you know who.
I nearly purchased an Arriflex 16ST, been used on so many classic films
I would unironically kill these scumbags if I could. Subhuman pieces of shit
later big bro
This nigga doesn’t even talk like this in real life.
just like nigga posters
I vote discord cuz I <3 trannies
Watched this last year, it was great
Same. Very unironically.
Where does this lil bro shit originate from? It’s kinda gay ngl.
Sit down lil bro, I'll tellyou a story of how it began, cus we are all storytellers here.
It's shit like this that took me from "compassionate human being" to "cleanse the Earth of retards" mindset. Smart people will have to do something, we are two completely different types of beings. I unironically think we need artificial selection now, as so many trash roams the Earth right now. And they are dangerous too.
Commenting on it isn’t necessary anymore, hopefully everyone inherently knows what to do now. Plus I’ve been more busy with work this week.
Yes, I think we've all been slacking way too much on the reporting. As it's been shown on the past, it actually works. Next niggaposter or lil bro that I see will get insta-shotgunned by me. Urge other serious /film/ regulars to do the same. These retards are not even usual /film/ contributors, but rather griefers. They deserve the IP ban for repeated abuse.
So can we talk about films now
Yes, but sadly I got range banned due to the actions of the retards. Can't upload pics, and I got a review ready for a chinese film. Send something that you've seen recently.
You forgot Perreira dos Santos, he's THE cinema novo director imo, even more than Rocha. Very good list otherwise, maybe add Khouri, Guerra or Ainouz
That's what we've been doing for the entire thread. Too bad if you can't keep up.
>trailer, not full film
nigga you gay
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Been watching Chabrol films recently. Don't really understand why he seems so underrated nowadays. Just talking about the Cahiers five, he's certainly better than Truffaut
>he's certainly better than Truffaut
Easily, no question
Where should I start with him? Wanted to see La femme infidèle some time ago, but I've never seen one of his films. Appropiate pic rel name for the thread btw lol
>Where should I start with him?
Don't think it matters much but might as well check his earlier works first. The Third Lover is a great one.
Cool, I'll check it out. Maybe he is in fact underrated, no one talks about him anymore, it seems.
Crime films aren't cinema
Weak bait.
You know this dude invented the FNW right?
>As it's been shown on the past, it actually works.
nigga he got banned for posting porn in an unrelated thread
Le beau serge was ridiculous. His later films are better.
>literal melodrama for women films japanese director about to die makes a better movie with the same source material than your best crime film at your prime.
Chabrol only had a good film and was his first one
my film professor told me that Agnes Varda invented the FNW
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>Chabrol is KIN-ACK!
You believe everything they tell you, right? I've seen 3 dudes dissapear in front of my eyes after reporting them in other /film/ threads. You must be one of them btw
What was her reasoning for this? Why was La pointe courte the first nouvelle vague film?
Who was first in FNW, La sonate à Kreutzer or Une femme coquette? Have you GODard fans watched Une femme coquette yet?
something something about how what 400 Blows did and got credit for, Varda did first
La pointe courte
Agnes Varda was first, keep crying mysoginists.
Of course.
Midori isn't even Maruo's best work desu
What is?
Whoa, it's true...
Yes. Watch the Bear's Wedding!
And names from more recent times must not be forgotten: Meirelles, Salles, Furtado, Mendonça Filho, Brant. And Coutinho, of course.
what's that
I watched it right when it came online, amidst the debacle on KG.
Death to Elan, btw.
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nigga this ain't sum kinda conspiracy, take tha tinfoil hat off for once
Getting spooky. October's a few days away...
I'd say Tengoku Paraiso but it stands out and isn't really like any of his other work. I've grown increasingly fond of The Laughing Vampire. Paranoia Star and DDT are some of my favorites and are so far into Maruo's psychotic side. A lot of his short one-off manga are, in fact. He's an incredible comedian believe it or not.
Thanks. I'll check em out.
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Case in point, one of the "people"
This was an okay thread.
/hor/ has been hitting its stride lately.
If by okay you mean a complete sewery shitshow, yes, it was
Worst thread I've ever seen since becoming a /film/ regular. Eye opening, really.
This is the curse from last thread…
I started posting regularly in /film/ just 4-5 months ago and I fully agree. Even the other nigga threads weren’t this bad
Grim. Such a shit thread. Nothing was proven. Nothing was at stake. Nothing ever happens. With discord, each member must take accountability. For example, one poster said La pointe courte was the nouvelle vague film, but offered nothing to support this statement. We could also kick or block every low quality shitposter in the server. These threads often amount to nothing, and I have yet to have a decent experience here, maybe a few recommendations.
thread merge when?
I sense a plot to destroy /hor/.
hell nah niggaposter got smoked again

racist ass mods
Post count just went from 300 to 261.

One year in here, only time I think it's comparable was a NegroPissMan raid back then.

We did it, lads. Time to get druk in celebration
These threads really are just a handful of people nowadays, huh.
It really started going to shit with the nigga stuff. After we cook their asses I think the threads will get reformed. Same with lil bros, etc. Just report and report until the nail has gotten through their thick skulls
always been
Always has been that way
I remember when the Pissman invaded /film/ once. That shit was honestly hilarious, like the rare occasions when Gadonfag and Baskintranny somehow stumble into /hor/. Or when two infamous spammers start flinging shit at each other before getting their posts deleted en masse.
Nah, the poster count could reach 30s and 40s back when that was still a thing.
>niggaposter is also the melody marks fag

Least surprising thing ever.
I'm glad my, nay ours reporting worked. Should have removed the imbecile copycats too.
>niggaposter confirmed to be asian
The second least surprising thing ever.
I thought it was the stupidest shit I ever saw up to that point lol. I think it was during a /filmhor/ day right, we were talking about Argento and shit. NegroPissMan sucked the aura out of that thread.

More proof of the justice system actually working.
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Cocksucking lips
Pretty much. Try 60+ posts by one spammer deleted just a week ago:
I look exactly like him, not even joking btw
Prove it.
No reason to worry about being recognized. Can always just say it was Anger's ghost.
It's a shame Anger never made a feature.
>Pereira dos Santos
I did forget them in my original post but then >>203871935
Chabrol is only behind Rohmer for me. Love him.
Les bonnes femmes.
>And names from more recent times must not be forgotten
All of those names, with the exception of Coutinho (i'm very sorry i forgot him), absolutely do must be forgotten.
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Retard here. Never knew this existed.
Worth watching?
The book's a decent read if you dig (or are at least tolerant/receptive to) hard sci-fi
Is this like a sequel to 2001?
Yes. It continues the story.
Too afraid to, but telling the truth. Dude looks just like a gayer me, same haircut and all
>gayer me
heh, sure
>Les bonnes femmes.
Looks cool. Will watch it after Io la conoscevo bene
>asian poster obsessed with porn and black people
why are they like this
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The most important American filmmaker of the last 50 years.
True statement, I think. Bay probably on his level
Certainly in terms of influence, for better or for worse.
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>I think it was during a /filmhor/ day right, we were talking about Argento and shit.
I post in both gens and Argento gets mentioned in both frequently enough lately that literally any day is a /filmhor/ day lmao.
To anyone actually interested in brazilian cinema and its filmmakers, they absolutely must not be forgotten.
I guess you're one of the typical /film/ snobbish types: ''too mainstream", "it's genre", the usual bullshit, but here applied to brazilian cinema.
Varda and Adjani linked up???

/film/ feels exactly like the place which would seethe at City of God and Elite Squad, kek
Not him but only Brazilians care about Brazilian cinema.
Best brazilian film of the last years coming up
whos that
Not necessarily, I'm a gringo and I think it's one of the more underrated world cinemas. Definitely the most /film/ Latin American country
I disagree since I'm not brazilian. But I care about everywhere, really. How could any cinephile not to?
corr melody marks is cute

was watching a podcast interview with her on just now

seems like good wife material
fuggin ell woops dunno why i didnt just read filename

even more beggared belief that just realize i dont know what stevem spielberg looks like
No, they're all just insufferable bad hacks, that's all.
Yes i absolutely do seethe at those two pieces of horribly shot shit that are a national embarassment.
I can see you're one of the usual spergs here too. Not a surprise. Your angered snobbery doesn't make you any more convincing or right. They're important directors with very good and interesting films.
I'm neither a sperg nor an angry snob, i'm just a brazilian that's jaded and disappointed at the state of our cinema for the past 20, 30 years.

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