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/tv/ - Television & Film

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Classics & Arthouse

Blonde edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous: >>203871935
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Queen of /film/
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Two dedicated shitposters in deadlock.
Waifufagging aside, which actress has the strongest career in the history of cinema?
The Canadian actress Sarah Gadon
>dandruff in unkempt hair
>pudgy fingers

>Waifufagging aside
That’s impossible.
Her career is actually quite weak. Born in the wrong era.
>in the history of cinema

Marilyn Monroe probably. I'm not even a fan of hers but as far as I can tell she is the global meme of Le Starlette. Please prove me wrong.
She’s actually quite attractive but it’s hard to ever admit that when Gadonfag elevates her to the level of a celestial being and shits on literally every other actress/waifufag.
nell tiger free
Who was more degenerate with the years, Tinto Brass or Marco Ferreri?
this. mogs anything akerman ever did.
would defo blow ropes over her fat arse
literally who
watch more movies is who
Marguerite Duras, published author, filmmaker and creator of the "Roman Nouveau" literature (with Robbe-Grillet)
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>filters an entire generation of zoomers
Rameau’s Nephew (1974)
Kek not this shit again.
Based. I love Sarah Gadon.
I forgot to rec on the last thread (the guy who did copying my writing style was not me), so i'll think of two recs for this thread.
Not a bad answer.
What post was the copycat?
Some big girls: Huppert, the Hepburns, Gish, the Ozu woman, Blanchett, Binoche, Leigh, Davis, Vitti, Karina, Bergman, Ullmann
my rec for lil bros round here is super citizen ko
None of those are big, anon, they're a very healthy weight.
Kill yourself
hey the movie aint that bad lil bro
watch it before u judge it
You have countless other places to play your gimmicks and be a ghoul. Why the fuck /film/?
What do you get from this?
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cumgenius is back
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Thanks. My reasoning is that you can ask any random Zoomer on the street if they know who Marilyn Monroe is and they will probably say "Yes." If you were to ask them about Greta Garbo, Grace Kelly etc. they would have no idea what you are talking about. Sad but true.
Tripfag sisters... we got too cocky...
You have a weird way of saying Sarah Gadon.
I wouldn't be surprised if he did it intentionally
>Mia Wasikowska will never look at you like that and then ask if you just farted

that bitch is balding
What a smile
Lol, can't believe I started a meme
Rare Cumgenus appearance
You've got to be shitting me
Why is she looking so red and bloated?
Good, I missed you guys
I actually stopped reading there.
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Ashamed to admit I had never seen this, but that has been corrected tonight.
Good cinematography but I feel like Sternberg has done much better in his other films. The performance by Dietrich is the highlight and of course gets me rock hard. Imagine a three way with her and Wong, good god.
For me it's Morocco.
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The Sternberg-Dietrich films are all much more about style than substance, Shanghai actually has a more tangible plot than many of their films. Agree on that threesome, I wouldn't survive it but wouldn't complain either.
Gtfo shill
Eh, it’s really lame. Plot wise it isn’t that good but it’s the visuals you watch it for. Also old time Swede playing a chink. Lmao
>Brian de Palma does a pastiche of Hitchcock films, but worse in every way
What was he THINKING?
What exactly do you think I'm trying to sell? I don't particularly like Sternberg's films, Dietrich is ok in some roles but I wouldn't necessarily recommend either one unless someone had a particular interest in something specific to their films.
don't particularly like Sternberg's films
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Agreed. I went to see Body Double on the big screen a few years ago (hadn't seen it since it came out), and realized I should just have watched Rear Window and Vertigo.
My retarded ass forgot to >
Gtfo substance shill
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Filtered hard, Body Double is a masterpiece 80s sleazy and excess.
Women can't direct, they can't think, they only imitate an aesthetic. The movie is Lanthimos + Aronofsky + Cronenberg but it never surpasses any of them. It is just a glib facsimile of better films.
>Women can't direct, they can't think, they only imitate an aesthetic.
Rear Window is the film that should get the love that Vertigo gets. No one has been able to create a whole 3dimensional world in a setting the way he did in that movie. Directors who tried to emulate him in that movie always fail. They even come closer to Stanley Kubrick than they do Alfred Hitchcock. Alfred Hitchcock is the world's greatest auteur, always was, always will be.
You say cumgenesis I say gadonfag
Wrong. What Rear Window achieves in the eexternal, Vertigo achieves in the internal. Vertigo is the holy trifecta of /film/ alongside Mulholland Drive and Persona.
Rear Window is entertaining and well made but Vertigo is a movie that sticks to my soul
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Ok, this is my first rec for this thread.
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Ok, this is my second rec for this thread.
Meme film, the ending is pure clownish nonsense, and Kier Dullea is terrible in it
I've seen this, it's shit
Leave my thread right now.
Seriously, that other anon said 'pure clownish nonsense' and it perfectly describes how the vast majority of ol mystery/thriller/horror films feel. I believe this is also the reason why Vertigo or Hitchcock films in general are held in such high regard, they are miles better than all of that trash
Preminger creates and amazing maze of madness that keeps you tense and questioning everything you ser and hear the whole time until it just descends into complete lunacy (what you uncultured tards called "clownish nonsense"). He was a real master and it saddens me how underappreciated he is. This is one of his best films.
>Be Ridley Scott
>Make a classic and a masterpiece
>Otherwise make nothing but mediocriry or outright bad movies
Why does this happen?
>Make a classic and a masterpiece
I assume you mean The Duellists and Blade Runner.
Alien and Blade Runner
I will agree though that Kier Dullea is not a good actor.
Oh shit, forgot about Alien. I say he has three good ones then.
What the fuck is wrong with everybody in this general? I ask a question, trying to have an actual conversation, and all I get is this idiot babble.
recommend me veronica lake kino
Sullivan's Travels and noirs she did with Alan Ladd (This Gun for Hire is the first iirc)
Sullivan's Travels 1941
This Gun for Hire 1942
Ramrod 1947
i've seen both
any other noir with ladd you reccomend?
>Ramrod 1947
wow she starred in westerns, didn't know that
What was your question again, i don't remember it.
Slattery's Hurricane.
>Ramrod 1947
Nice, anon.
Yeah you could make the case for the Duelists being better than mediocre. Otherwise my point stands.
is a top kino André De Toth with Joel McCrea (underated as hell) western
>Joel McCrea (underated as hell)
*beep beep*
Heh this had to be intentional, it was the only title card like this
is this only available in dvd and not hd? gay
He peaked late in his career with The Counselor tho
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You will always recognize a child by their insistence that Alien and Blade Runner are Scott's best.
Parker Posey
I should’ve added she has had the strongest career since the 90’s. She is unironically one of the greats, and should be respected as such.
I fucking love Duras I would ruin her with my love
Can Ichi The Killer be considered cinemà?
A romp at best.
either a joint or flick
nobody is impressed by your contrarianism
Had a dream Tsai's cat caught rabies and had to be put down :(
Back to r/movies
"Wesley Anderson" did elicit a small smile from me
lolll what it is
she used to be cute
Didn't we all?
Reply fail on cuteness >>203891308
What the fuck am I doing, I mixed it again. Very uncute

Don't do drugs, kids
too late, i WILL watch my kinos with a bunch of booze and cigs and there's nothing you can do about it
>elevates her to the level of a celestial being
every waifufag is like that
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my wife Audrey
ur wifes dead lil bro
time is a flat circle
Kino and one of his best films.
Their worst collaboration.
>Vertigo is the holy trifecta of /film/ alongside Mulholland Drive and Persona.
Kino. He's a pretty good director, quite underrated here. I would say you posted his best film.
I think you could have gotten way worse answers than those, pretty civilized if you ask me.
Nope, I think it's cine. Too stylish and substantial to be a movie, and way beyond what a joint or flick can offer. If it was a joint, where are the famous A list actors in it? If it was a flick, where is the commercial intention in it? If any, Ichi is a movie tailor made for filtering the uninitiated, hence cine
Serra on his upcoming fiction film.

>What is the latest news on your next fiction feature, Out Of This World?

>We are shooting early next summer. It will be shot in English. Our company Andergraun Films (Spain) is producing with Les Films du Losange, Ideale Audience Group (France), Pandora Film (Germany), Rosa Filmes (Portugal) and Forma Pro Films in Latvia, because we will be shooting there. We will be using Latvian locations to stand in for Russia, since we cannot shoot there.

>What is the film about?

>The historical rivalry between the US and Russia, set at the start of the war in Ukraine. I am interested in the idea of Russia, and its role in world politics. Out Of This World is about Americans trying to negotiate certain things with the Russians. The Americans are played by well-known Hollywood actors. We are still closing the cast so I cannot confirm any names yet.

>Has the plan to work with American actors changed the way you write?

>Not really, but we’ll see when we shoot. The true challenge of this film is seeing if my style, my way of working, fits with Hollywood actors. I think it can work and that it will be original for them. My style won’t change.
>Too stylish and substantial
good one
Biggest kek in a while seeing him explaining how AIDS originated.
Also why Andesson was so assblasted with Galop that took him 25 years to make a new film and change his film style in the process? More interested in the second part at whom he copied from, Galop and Swedish Love Story weren't like that.
I can see how you can deny "substantial" if you didn't get the film, but denying that it's stylish is an atrocious take
Because it flopped massively, plenty of directors do not even make other films after some of their films flop critically/commercially like Gallo and Laughton. He moved into commercials where he developed that style and then made films like that. He was mostly inspired by painters, pretty sure he said so in some interviews.
I see, thanks. Swedish Love Story was pretty good but to behonest, Galop was a mess.
I’m gone fuck you in yo tranny asshole faggot
>I can see how you can deny "substantial" if you didn't get the film, but denying that it's stylish is an atrocious take
good one
I liked both but prefer his later films. The best one is You the Living for me.
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>quite underrated here. I would say you posted his best film.
Yes to both and why i recced it. Thanks anon.
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>any other noir with ladd you reccomend?
The Blue Dahlia is another great Ladd/Lake kino
no. maybe if it was a closer adaptation.
Is the manga kino?
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yes. the movie is so fucking tame in comparison.
Based still.
General rankings as of 9/26/2024
/niggas/ > KDG > hor > ftl > film
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Most people would say Gena Rowlands, right?
No one said her yet so no.
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Laurie Bird
>Two-Lane Blacktop
>Annie Hall
Dead at 25.
What year has the best Sight and Sound greatest films list so I can go through the ones I haven't seen?
1952-1992 are all great
He was not a master, Ophuls was a master. Preminger was mid, made films for 1950s redditors
I think you can safely ignore the one that had Nolan's The Dark Knight on it
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She starred in a film by pretty much every major director in Hollywood
Based Barbara
Damn so there was a list even worse than the current one? Okay who am I kidding, I'd take Nolan shit over literal meme trash like Moonlight and Jeanne Dielman
Cute Snowman, wonder why the japanese always make their snowmen angry tho
>Ophuls was a master.
Never got him, apparently
Ophuls is incredibly inconsistent tho, I really liked many of his movies but he has done uttershit films such as Komedie om geld, De Mayerling à Sarajevo or La tendre ennemie. In fact best Ophuls was the first at german film and the latter after the war. His son is a hack fraud tho.
>Preminger was mid, made films for 1950s redditors
That's retarded and makes no sense.
That one is pretty good, Shindo did some cool biopics.
So realistically, if I have absolute shit taste in cinema and almost only watch shlock, how can I get good taste? Any good beginners /film/ chart that's not meme shit?
He needs jelqing therapy before he can write. That and watching all of Ophüls work 24/7 on a VCR
>almost only watch shlock
Why are you doing this to yourself, anon?
Need to watch the following:

From What Is Before

All in one day, on acid. Only way to break with previous slop and start with a clean slate
This thread fucking sucks man lol
Think about yourself first. Focus on what YOU liked about a movie or why anyone likes a movie. Forget film criticism or technique or film history
Because that's all I have done my entire life, I have always just consumed slop and I'm finally tired of it
I don't even know where to start with actual "good" films, besides maybe IMDB top 250 shit like Godfather and Citizen Kane, though I imagine that's also probably considered slop
>Godfather and Citizen Kane, though I imagine that's also probably considered slop
Only by tryhards, sadly you'll most likely be like that for a brief period of time after a couple months of kino watching. And it is with great sadness that I have to tell you that some people never really outgrow that 'phase'
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Start with the end
>Godfather and Citizen Kane
Yeah just start with those, it's fine.
watch Paths of Glory, it was one of the first classics I watched and liked it a lot
IMDB top 250 is not a bad place to start
Ok, this is my first rec for this thread.
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Ok, this is my second rec for this thread.
Top 250 is OK, but very unevenly selected because of how it works. You can also pick some films off of slightly more niche listings, like Sight & Sound, which will be more oriented toward people into film but usually still of broad enough appeal that you won't get whiplash.
Alternatively, you can look up some major directors and watch their biggest film(s), seeing more by them if something clicks.
>Paths of Glory
There was a moment in that film that's ingrained in my brain: one of the soldiers is on a scouting mission during nighttime, it's dark as fuck, he throws some sort of a flare and it lights up the ground revealing a shitton of corpses for a brief moment. I can't find a screencap of this and I don't know if people even remember that moment but I love it a lot
you are projecting hard, we are not being insincere by our love of kinos
start with the New Hollywood classics. don't watch any Golden Age Hollywood films yet, because you will most likely get filtered. if you insist on watching old Hollywood stuff, stick to noirs or screwball comedies for now. then after watching the best of New Hollywood, find what directors you like and watch more of their films, and the films/directors that inspired them. come back in a year with your progress updates
Nope I'm not the one shitting on Tark because 'normies and reddit love him' sorry
Ayyy was waiting for you to finally show up. Thanks for the recs, haven't seen either of those, the first one i never even heard of.
Mediocre recs
>2 and a half days until niggaposter's ban is lifted

I miss him so much bros
listen here punk. I've got a headache and those were the first things that came to my head
and if you want specific recs for New Hollywood stuff, I'd say start with Apocalypse Now, Taxi Driver, Dog Day Afternoon, Badlands, The Long Goodbye, The Sting, Chinatown, The French Connection, and Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia. that should hit most of the big directors, and they should all be enjoyable enough for someone who has been on a diet of slop
First time I see /film/ not beating up the newfag. What happened?
comin here wit another film rec for lil bros

hope u enjoy this medieval war movie by my boi ermanno olmi
I was wondering the same thing, but I'm always a niceposter
Add Days of Heaven too, imagine if Malick kept making films like that instead of going full retard, he'd probably be as popular as Marty now
No Deer Hunter?
>The Sting
certified con-man kino
he didn't come in here acting like he was hot shit, and asked nicely for help. plus, I've given the same advice (start with New Hollywood) to other newfags before. /tv/ helped me get into /film/ back in the day, so it only feels right to pass it on
I meant to include that. I typed up the message twice because my first post got eaten (it never showed up), and I forgot it on the second try
You have to rec your all time favorites or the last good films you watched, my last 5 here:

Oblomok imperii
Ja milujem, ty milujes
Der letzte Akt
Il Tetto
In jenen Tagen
Me too, but it's weird still

Cool, you a nice guy too. The myriad of posts about New Hollywood confirms my theory that /film/ is actually in the closet about Hollywood Rennaisance. Never thought it was worse than FNW for example (just a little maybe, but not too much).
What am I in for?
All time favs:

The Ascent
Seventh Seal
Eyes Wide Shut

Last good films watched (forgot many, just the ones that came to my head):
John the Violent
Red Sorghum
The Crucified Lovers
Serpent's Egg
North by Northwest
Hehe niggas gaht no chill deez homies be kneecappin me n shiet. Took my black ass ova to KDG wheyz be layin’ lo’ ja’feel me brudduh? I saws 1a duh niggas gaht got and he be postin’ sus ass shit so canlet no nigga be larpin as yo 1aonly kang jafeel me? 1ce duh udda niggas sho’up we be comin back fo a drive by on deez punk ass newfag niggas GYATT
This reads more like zoomer speak honestly
This is just how zoomers (and probably gen alpha) talk
Frfr str8 cappin no bussin 24/7 all day errday SHEEEEEEEESH
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Can you guys recommend me a mystery thriller film in the vein of Blow Up, Klute, The Conversation and Blow Out?
Lost Highway and Cache also have elements of that shit so if you know what I mean then P L E A S E
>Eyes Wide Shut
Very based anon.
Left of /nigga/film
why do zoomers love this genre so much
That's literally how Spike Lee talks on Instagram
Have you seen The Lives of Others, lil bro?
Because zoomers want to feel their lame ass life is actually a big truman show level conspiracy that they are the star of. A neo noir mystery full of memes, and an unsolveable plot. This is also why they're obsessed with Epstein, pizzagate and hollywood parties. It is all just zoomer narcissism at work.
>full of memes
What do you mean?
>You can't enjoy mystery films now or you're a zoomer
Thanks, haven't seen these
Do they? Didn't know, I love that stuff
This. The essential fisting kino.
More like, it's over for you. Mass reporting, as usual
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here are the last five great films I watched
no a good Agatha Christie mystery is great, but that is not what zoomers are talking about. They want it full of:
>memes they can post about on reddit for upvotes: see David Lynch's spooky howdy man.
>groovy vibes
>preferably electronic or synth scores like tangerine dream
>unresolveable plot because it makes them not have to pay attention, zoomers never understand plots anyway
>a big secret that rewards the protagonists laziness and stupidity: see the swimmer, inherent vice, the ninth gate, and pool boy
What laziness did Dean Corso have in Ninth Gate? Dude worked his ass off for that pussy
I'm a NEET who barely even goes outside and spends most of his time online but even I don't act like this poster>>203901248 I genuinely don't know why some people here are like this, I don't understand it
Zoomer hatred is just the flavor of the month for haters, that's it. They need to vent.
What do you mean by memes in movies?
It makes the cardinal mistake of storytelling that the whole plot of the Ninth Gate didnt even need its protagonist. Boris Balkan would have made the same mistake no matter what. Depp also joined the devil and entered hell, creating a film celebrating sin.
No, I understand zoomer hatred but some people just make up stuff to get mad at, always going on about reddit and all that, shit's insane. In every thread
This general has a way above average number of unironic mentally ill people.
Do you have a dog in this fight? Are you a jew?
Lool you are this butt blasted that you are a walking reddit normie bitch ass zoomer
And there's proof of that in every single thread. Law of generals and all that
>Hiro activated the ragebait bots
lil bro youse still offended? Why don't you explain your Vampyr hot take
Nah I'm a zoomer (born 1996) and none of what you said is true about us, and none of my friends watch those films or spread memes about them.
Traffic is the only thing he cares about, no matter how
Mentally ill people don't act like tryhard normalfaggots though. Like look at these fucking posts, legitimate bot behavior, nothing but buzzwords. Why try so hard to fit in on an anonymous forum? I don't understand, never will
Bitch you are almost 30 you are talking to people itt born in the year 2010. Let that sink in
ALright bros why don't we calm down and watch some films.
It's not unique it's basically the same problem everywhere that keeps getting repeating because it matches our cultural trends. People want intellectual security and substance without doing the number 1 that would grant it to them (submission to God) so it just turns into blind rage at the god they're trying to worship and create for being so everlastingly retarded and then directed at rage towards themselves and everyone else in a endlessly downward spiral.
>It makes the cardinal mistake of storytelling that the whole plot of the Ninth Gate didnt even need its protagonist
Not sure if that's that's really a mistake as much as a conscious choice by Polanski. A lot of his movies have that sort of fatalistic "we're just pawns in the game of life and whatever you choose to do or not do won't change anything" thing going on
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The king is back
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Watching films is too hard, shitposting is easier dopamine.
am I the only one whom pics in 4chan load slow?
The Ascent is the best one there, good.
Happens to me at times too, but not right now. What really irks me is the fucking captcha, sometimes that fucking cloudflare check takes an eternity (not only on 4chan, btw). Cloudflare is GARBAGE
Gabbeh is good. Will check the rest, thanks.
More like born in the year 2016 xd
Timeless post. Someone screen cap this.
lol that is a lot of judgment for rightfully calling out this trend of shitty ass lynchian neo-noir
>this trend of shitty ass lynchian neo-noir
This feels more like a tv show HBO slop trend. Moviecels are still watching serious stuff
Flavor of the month? Fuck zoomers forever
yes like true detective
This "fuck zoomers" stuff is as cringe as the tradcath larping that started some years ago. I still remember when red pill and MGTOW was taken seriously by 4chan.
>born 1996
Isn't that the latest of millennials? I thought zoomers began in 1997.
Zoomers are genuinely terrible though.
Same boomer energy as "back in my day..."
kermode is back - fucking great review of megalopolis
"worse than jack"
beautiful woman
I'm so sorry friends I fell for the memes and am seeing megalopolis now. Ultimately we will all cave in
Don't be sorry, we are in a meme age. There are only memes, nothing more and nothing less.
Jack has been so mocked and mistreated that it's underrated nowadays
I know but I am cringing hard I am sitting here about to watch an adam driver movie made by a senile 90 year old boomer. WTF is wrong with me
Especially when they all sucked off benjamin button so hard
dawg you aren't /film/ if you don't see it
body double is good but dressed to kill is even better
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Just saw this, why is it considered to be Cocteau's masterpiece? Just because it's accessible and everybody's seen it? It's a nice old movie for kids but nothing that special compared to Orpheus
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what a comfy movie
What did Godard meant by this?
What will /film/ be watching for October?
Yep. Wild kino
He was often the Master of Comfy
Nazareno Cruz y el Lobo
Suspiria (and eventually the Suspiria remake)
The usual eclectic mix from every month, but as with all Octobers, a special attention to horror, with some important rewatches.
Ophüls, and whatever horror movies my local kinoplex is showing
mon pubis 0.0
based Ophulshead
I didn't like Lola and neither Le plaisir. Just doing it for understanding purposes; maybe I'll like some of his stuff eventually.
Watch the american ones.
lmao I’m not wasting a second of my life on that garbage
Based Godard.
Bunch of /hor/ stuff.
Based humble anon. I tend to do the same with important directors I've watched I and disliked so far (Mizoguchi, Bava, Sokurov, etc.), to continue watching to enlarge the canvas and comprehend.
A shitload of horror like usual. Just looked at my downloads and I’ve got 90 horrors downloaded surprisingly. I’d say a 50:50 slop to /film/ ratio, so probably won’t be posting much about my watches here.
I always end up angry at myself and regretting all the shitty horror films I watch in October, when I could’ve been watching actual good cinema instead. But the spooky month always gets me…
And yet you're on /film/ everyday...
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/film/ needs a bigger horror film chart
It's hard finding horror that's not slop, and I've seen all the basic /film/ approved ones multiples times
>and disliked so far (Mizoguchi
This saddens me, which ones did you watch?
Yeah, I agree, My mentality is that I enjoy both good and bad experiences with kino because of the understanding that it gives me in the overall appreciation of the art. I didn't like Tark at all until I had watched 4 films by him.
>It's hard finding horror that's not slop
>Posts a chart that has Von Trier's Antichrist in it
Yeah that's the only slop on there, otherwise it's a good chart
We could do something like the /film/ canon in october, for horror films only. Similar to how we have been talking about some events and stuff for Halloween with the /hor/ themes.
Check out The Reflecting Skin.
you've never heard of it
You need to watch more movies
Beware. Ophuls filters /tv/ constantly. There were some anons shit talking Lola Montes last week
I just don't feel like that film has aged in the best of ways...
I've watched his three main canonical works: Sansho the Bailiff, Ugetsu and The Life of Oharu. However the one I consider the best so far is A Geisha, by far the more subdued of the four. His very heavy-handed melodramatics don't make me a fan. Up next on my Mizoguchi schedule will be Portrait of Madame Yuki.
watch 47 Ronin instead
She had a man hater vibe like helen hunt. this is why no one loves her
I will eventually, as probably all the available ones. But next is Yuki.
Same as usual plus comfy fall horror
>by far the more subdued of the four. His very heavy-handed melodramatics don't make me a fan.

all tonefags must die
Based and physiognomypilled
Tone matters
and the tone he's going for is important. stop thinking you know better.
Favorite Von Trier? For me, it’s Melancholia or The Idiots.
And I don't like it or think it works- and I know it does for most people-, specially since that's not his sole mode, as A Geisha shows. But I'm sure he's an artist confident in whatever he was doing .
what are some hypotonic films?
Bread and butter
The sex video between your mom
and dad when they bred you
Crucified Lovers is kino. Very interesting exposition of moral dilemmas in old time Japan
Is ''La Cienega'' worth watching?

Any arthouse argentinian movie worth watching btw?

Yes. Martel is a decent director. So I recommend her whole (small) filmography.
And don't forget to watch Joker too.
Yep, better than that garbage
Fuck it, I’d be down to vote and do a new horror chart
Why the fuck didn’t you watch the FOTW
>this garbage is better than that garbage
All garbage to waste one's life on

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