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Finger Wag edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• Claire continues to put fries in the bag
• B*nl*aks has been exposed as a creepy stuttering and shaking sperg.

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

https://pastebin.com/raw/xj8PNqG1 (embed)
>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203878581
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i miss jimmy time :(
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Who will be the first one to solve the season 3 ARG and unlock the secret trailer before October 4th?
there's no ARG
is this stupid melungeon for real? can't spell 2nd grade vocab
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me too
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I posted it again
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Keegan looks like THAT?
hey, remember that epic jimmy time meme
what if it was called Extreme Green Penis
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Love TJ
Love Taylor
Cherish TJ
Cherish Taylor
Cuddle TJ
Cuddle Taylor
Hope they have better camera placements because this angle horrible if it's the only one for that area.
extreme nazi porn
that open area is way too large for one camera, they will fore sure have more
haha I think you specifically accidentally killed it yesterday
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he did go to retard school after all
I don't like jet and I feel kind of bad for sam, but he's kind of pathetic
Thankfully, we didn't get any DERANGED WHITE BOARD MANIFESTO this time around.
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>me waiting for jet to announce S3 has been pushed back again
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Can't wait for more bits from Scott
seething pedo
i love and cherish both
i have a psychic connection with jet neptune and i can feel that is currently feeling an intense emotional pain coming from deep within. please send good energy his way. he needs it tonight more than ever
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making the worse cockail ever sounds like a classic recreation
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Same with bicflame he either sends dick pix or flashes them in person
don't care not watching
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I need to cum really fucking hard to Letty
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Claire is a nasty filthy dyke and I have proof
which would you prefer to bottom for?
>people simp for this
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Claire is a princess and /ftl/ is team Clabi
i do care and i am watching
Crash is king
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they also simp for methleigh and that bbc queen who's jewish
Nigga is so tall makes josie look regular height
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MrBeast was raped and Kris Wept
Thank you for your contribution, anon. I am so happy to walk amongst you in society. Anal gape is a beautiful thing when you get it from someone you love
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Sex magic!
That’s fair
Ben's had a hard 43 years of his life
do you think they have the cast yet?
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This is a TJabi board now faggot
dude so like what going on in roku city right now? like wtf is that?
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>do you think they have the cast yet?
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jimmy hurt jimmy
He's not going to fuck you Abi.
they probably have 4 for sure, 2 almost for sure and are currently trying to convince 2 more.
that's fair
They have some couches, wires, and a dollhouse :)
tj don't fuck with that rat faced lookin bitch
Tayleigh is a disgusting whore and so is Creature
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Shut up slapdick bitch
i miss this
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what does jet do all day?
Replace creature with that one dog faced cunt
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careful dont look at this
Is Jimmy just showing the X-Files on his stream? Is this what "content" is going to be forever? Recycled shit from the 90's with the occasional zoomer wigger interjection?
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we got her!
thanks Sam Hyde for giving me jokes to steal so I could trick my highschool friend group into thinking I’m funny
“Sargon of mossad” was a real hit back in the day.
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moderate the eliza thread on that endchan board
she's gutter trash
Abi just called herself "S tier"
Reddit, mostly
I love how she's responding to everything I post lol
lmao I heard her say something about smega earlier and your name. She's seething because she knows she's gutter trash nasty burping whore.
looking trannies up on twitter
Also that shark punch guy calling you an incel is a fat neckbeard (literally)
Shh, let them. Still gathering evidence to submit to Stripe.
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this guy sent a shitload of hate tts to zoltar, FUCK HIM
Who are you people talking to? Is there someone else here that I can't see?
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Few will understand but, in the end, Creature actually turned out to be more pathetic than Jimmy. I never would have believed it.
it's just zake samfagging some worked creature shoot on /ftl/ to get her more viewers and seethe tts.
>Creature actually turned out to be more pathetic than Jimmy.
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newfag they are streaming on the ftl streaming site
zoltards never forget
No I didn't. I love zoltard
this tbqh
She is 30. Jimmy is just almost 30.
creature's clown makeup tonight is giving me borner
Sinful. She needs a decent, faithful Catholic man.
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If creature isn't recreating pictures like this then i dont care about her
Jimmy isn't sitting in a room full of children's toys with his face painted.
Very grim indeed.
she seethed when her grandma took all the money and called her own grandma out like a cunt, and she's a disgusting gutter whore who farts and burps and is poor and fat and stinks, and she's 30...
Good to see Sam's message is really resonating with this base.
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I'm here at all hours but feel like i have no idea what's happening sometimes
what ftl streaming site?
I remember tards here were going "Wow, this OnlyFans whore actually isn't all that wholesome".
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i only watch creature streams when critter is there
didn’t you wanna fuck her a couple days ago
Totally arrested development but without any autism or "hideousness" excuses to fall back on. This bitch is going to be 40, then 50, with these same Funko Pops and Bart Simpson plushies strewn around her filthy room.
how many hours of sleep do you get a night to be here so much
Rare good post from you
God I hate this ironic wigger faggot muh uggs
she also doxxed her grandma so she could be targeted by scammers
creature is a scumbag
It's simply amazing to see you retards flip back and fourth sometimes multiple times per day on these people
You're acting like /ftl/ is some kind of collective.
Feeling really Hyped as Fuck right now for The New Fishtank season starting Oct.4
I can really feel the energy ITT there's nothing quit e like It
So people baseding out about their love for Dave is ironic, right? If you unrionically like Dave, why?
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It basically is
Kill yourself, Cryokeen
Stop being so hateful
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Wouldn't surprise me. That account "from /ftl/" that she's responding to is brand new also.
wait is it jimmy time already?
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because alternating between stammering apologies and asking a girl to gape her asshole is hilarious
rip daddy dave
Sperm Semen Content inbound
Megs discord friend was so disgusting even Summer wouldnt sleep with him. A magnificent truecel
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dead meme
that's definitely not what reddit liked about him
these bitches are annoying because they actually think pathetic simps will want them after their eggs are dried up after 40 and she's already 30 and this pathetic and acts like a child with her little kiddie voice.

That shark punch fat faggot is a neckbeard and obese and every one of her simps is either a fat neckbeard or a skinny pathetic druggie fag with long hair.
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it was kinda funny for a couple days but got pretty lame after that
I hope you all don't expect to see new faces. A certain someone has signed a contract this time around.
few realize this
incel rage is crazy dawg
Yeah but he has the rare 120lb masturbation video.
this made b***y seethe and she then demanded her telegram simps to dox jon
You guys know there's no difference between being 30 years old and being 25 years old, right?
he's just like me!
pics of cryokeen's asshole?
Yes there is one was born 5 years earlier
Still looks better than zake
i know you know it didnt make "her" seethe and just her handlers
Yes. you're old. Embrace low T and balding anon
wosie dreams are incredible but the waking up part is very tough
there's 5 years last time i checked
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did he really die?
it did
dont worry about it
List of people who should be blacklisted from /ftl/ for being complete attention whores and also unfunny faggots:
-Any other namefag really
now that's what im talking about, good friends..... need nothing more yeah mmmmmmmmm
-Current and former Gaytriots
my bad
creature needs to be brought down a peg. she's getting too cocky
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y'all hate when you see a nigga smile
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>You guys know there's no difference between being 30 years old and being 25 years old, right?
There's supposed to be though, anon. When there isn't, there's a problem.
Benleaks has more notoriety in Fishtank circles than you though so I think he’s more qualified however.
you clarielosers are so pathetic
>No Betty
Come on, man
Those retarded Clairequeers aren't as bad as the rest of you and they worship some ugly dog faced bitch
>-Any other namefag really
Isn't Betty still banned lol
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I've watched the entirety of fishtank and the only thing I know about this "Benleaks" is what I see posted in here
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your constant seething is beginning to make me think claire is cool
you need to stop
remember when jimmy thought creature was gonna fuck him in the woods at night
Does he post here?
She looks like she smells like garlic bread
she never was, just whatever IP her cellphone data had when she was partying in myrtle beach
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3 nights in a row
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kys claire you dog faced cunt
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>cole literally begging everyone to leave him alone and let him move on from fishtank
>colecels proceed to do this to him
the uglier you make her look the hotter she is. your seething literally makes her more attractive. i will marry this cleh
the wiggers did nothing with this
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this is a powerful image
a retard denied his pussy
one of the most pathetic things ive ever seen
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>implying some mid italian girl cooking with garlic all day isnt what i want
you are the bottom of the barrel to simp for anyone on bitchtank much less claire
Her grandma sounds like a piece of work though.
claire's garlic farts directly in my face. inhaled through a tank while i work from home
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sorry your girl didn't get the call but even one second of letty makes it a top tier season
Guys Claire is so fucking hot tho
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This minxy fucking bitch
Let's be real, Claire is boring if she isn't a drunken mess.
where are the screenshots of the cam coming from?
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thanks bro
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epic neptunian gaslight
Yeah but he got Letty in the end so
Didn't even get Letty in the end. Turned out it was a bit all along.
Most users in this thread would give anything for the opportunity to simp this hard. Jimmy waited vicariously for the.
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but then everything he enjoys in life got censored by parasites
he got sent to a fucking summer camp and didnt have fun
what a psycho
Good thing Claireseethers are all low IQ troglodytes who post the same lame catchphrases and shopped images in every thread. Makes it much easier to filter their spam.
8 Days Left
If there's no delays the contestants should be arriving like a day before maybe?

Yall hyped? I know I am not. Not like the other seasons. But I'll watch this Goran slop
the contestants in main seasons arrive on the first day
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The Troubled Teen Industry is not legit anon.
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I know some freakz here wanna suck that lint between her toes off lol
I’m hype to shit post in these threads again during a live season, it’s always funny
Watch.The.Video the nose is not shopped
yeah those awful programs that made him swim, play sports, camp out, and socialize with others
just awful, I dont know how he survived it
>1 week away
>no trailer
>not even a confirmed date
>only promotion is retarded unfunny memes

its either not the 4th or they're retarded
Kind of fucked up that he killed Shinji
Frank is such a pussy lol
yeah but no it's just like youd be a weirdo too if your mom locked you in your own room your whole life claimed you were younger than you were, and misdiagnosed you with countless terminal illnesses and sent you to the utah programs for some clout it's like on some real shit tho actually watch the documentary and see for yourself
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Don't make me post the Sperm Semen Content
they've spent no time getting the house ready this whole time too
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It'll be on the 4th and they are retarded
genuinely have no clue what the fuck they've been doing this whole time. they've had the s3 house for many months at this point and it seems like they've done absolutely nothing at all
Uncensored version plz
Jet worked really hard to paint one room grey though. Be greatful tard
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Sam hates God and loves shoving phallic objects up his ass
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S3 will be bad. You will not enjoy it. Trust me you guys. I got a feeling about this one.
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Hello hi how do I quit alcohol without going to rehab
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Sing, nigger!
go on fishtank and embarrass yourself real bad
switch to heroin and then you'll forget about drinking
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Thannks so much guys my video is getting a lot of new viewers !!!!
440k & rising!!!!!

Sam hyde CRYING!!!!!
So we’re all gonna shit on the galaxy gas wiggers when they announce the seasons pushed back right?
Sometimes I walk through the hood hoping I'll get shot or offered heroin
Christ I need that spicy latina on my DICK
just stop. i haven't drank since sunday and i'm fine.
take note of how much you usually drink and force yourself to slowly reduce that amount
I'm trying Librium and walks every other day. Also try to stay busy.
if you cant maintain being a fuctional alcholoic in this society just kill yourself
How much did you drink daily
I've been trying to do this but easily lose count of how much I've had once I get drunk. I guess I need to start writing it down.
I didn’t smoke weed tonight so no Teej streams. 3 nights in a row was rough I need a break
Lmfao classic... I didnt know you posted here
Why bother? Jet literally said don't be surprised if it gets delayed during the Oct 4th announcement
Why stop what makes you interesting?
No, there's not. They're both just adults. If you're a 25-year-old loser and you're thinking "at least I'm not 30," you're going to be the same person when you're 30. Nothing changes and you're not better than Creature
Just don't quit and blame others for your alcoholism That's how most do it. Bonus points if you are jobless and beat your wife
was sam actually crying?
>muh functional alcoholism
You have 2 beers a day nigger you aren't a real alcoholic
Why is it so wrong to want to smoke weed and do nothing all day with Creature why can't i have that
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If they're gonna delay it they should announce it now instead of doing this shitty meme promo campaign
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do you take everything on the internet at face value?
Need snugglez and fuck Josie
my last post for the night. failling asleep. i want to fuck creature.
yeah he got so emotional he had to cut the camera and take a break. you can hear is voice breaking pretty bad here :(
you and half this board would kill themselves if they had my liquor intake
Cuz it's making me fat and I'd rather die than be obese
Just die from obesity retard.
At least you'll go out a merry fat mad kunt.
feeling real choaked up right now about the state of season 3
12-20 drinks daily since january, excessive daily drinking for 10+ years
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hi cole
He legitimately was crying, idk what the other two people are talking about.
Genuinely based anon. I'm happy for you and that gives me some hope because I'm also at roughly 15 drinks.
Insider here. Season 3 is delayed indefinitely, but Gaytank starts Friday night with Mauro, Dunye and Codi from Floribama Shore as hosts.
Are zoomers just going to all kill themselves en masse when they hit 30 and are still working as a fucking cashier and living with their parents? Their entire identity seems to be based around their rapidly fleeting youth.
Just curious what size do you buy when you go to the liquor store?
yeah he was real chocked up
No, they're gonna keep moving the goalposts. Once they're 30 it'll be 35 that's too old, then 40 and 45
jimmy stream rn is giving failed serial killer vibes
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Nothing wrong with crying as a male
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Is he on the site ?
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shame Jon couldn’t save Summy
French Gay Oi Oi Joker movie premiere or fishtank on 10/4? Tough choice to be made
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make the call jet
We are all born naked screaming crying and we get old and lose our minds and bodies to age. Obsessing over superficial displays of fake courage seems fleeting.
Why would zoomers be working as cashiers and living with their parents at 30
mentally ill girl socks
i honestly haven't even felt like drinking yet. i'm sleeping horribly though.
i always keep a 12 pack in the fridge and a fifth of liquor. it would save me a fortune to buy bulk instead of going every other day but i like to mix it up, never the same beer or liquor twice in a row.
*unemployed and living with their parents at 30

he raped letty, vance, trish, shinji, and tayleigh
Did sam really kill his friend in an auto wreck?
I have seen it mentioned a few times.
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What's he doing right now at this very moment?
Manslaughter* is the term that his lawyer prefers
Real choked up (on a big purple dildo)
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he gave me this vibe day 1 of s2
When is tacxin going to grow up and get a job, useless zoomer
As long as no one can see or hear you, sure. Just don't make it a regular thing.
Tripping balls off shrooms in the bloodgames forest. At least that's what I'd be doing if I had that fat house/property
oh no
Because they're doing it at 27 which is the same thing
Odds that this is the last fishtank season?
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jet dies today
Immaculate vibe, wish I was doing that right now.
If wiggers make money, the show will go on. Even if viewership is lower, the paypigs will keep it all afloat. This is particularly true if they run the show via viewer polls, which appeals to the trust fund manchildren that keep the cash flows rolling in
Why did you post a picture of Jet getting fucked again?
True after taking the shrooms id play clips from blood games and go to those locations and just pretend it’s happening again in front of me
i like the look ngl
Bitchtank was the last season.
S3 ain't happening.
chat was this a W?
yeah sure i guess
sex with a season 3 cast member
Do TJ and Abi have chemistry?
yeah sure i guess
I am chinese
I don't believe you
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Imagine smashing her head down and that straw piercing her throat causing her to drown on her own blood
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nah i'm good
they both get nervous around each other its cute like watching middle schoolers have a crush.
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I am being serious. We won't get a Season 3.
The wiggers are stalling with the streams, the date will come and they will ask fans for more mone, just to say "we didn't achieve the goal, lol" and bail out.
Buying the Bloodgames estate was the biggest financial mistake Sam could have made so far.
first one in a while
You need to get out of your 4chan bubble, the vast majority of 27 year olds aren’t living at home
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so they're just setting up cameras and mics for fun?
Better looking than any fishtank guy
i have a thing for brain dead and retarded girls. taylor does nothing for me. she is stupid with all the inhibitions and self esteem of a normal girl. the only thing i like about her personality is that she would probably listen to me talk about whatever i wanted to for hours and be fine with it she seems the type to view the world as tv static and incomprehensible as she goes about things.
This brings up a good point; will will get Ozempic chris in season 3?
I dreamt about my oneitis from middle school.
Should I call her? She's full of tats, has a libshit degree and is in a poly relationship.
Abioletta> tbqh
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gonna show these europoors why they needed us in ww2
How is Jet not shitting pissing himself in total terror knowing he's going to have to captain a burning shipwreck in a few days
the leak today shows something. i think they are just lazy and last minute. jet is posting twitter dms and pretending to be unbothered by them hes just immature.
No. They wanted to make S3 but there is no money, no audience and the wiggers are burned out.
Stop avoiding the truth. It's over.
Jet getting fucked again
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They have accepted their fate and they are turning it into an Only Fans/Cam Whore house
regret is better then not doing it whats the worst that can happen?
Bush queens belong to each other.
It's called Nitris Oxide, tiktok zoomies call it galaxy gas
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okay which one of you was this?
either the new leaked pics are a production psyop or s3 is getting delayed again. no other possible outcome
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The Important question is will she watch Star Trek TNG and cuddle with me and give me hand jobs while we watch trek together for hours then she let's me finish(cum) on her face hand feet or tummy?
this was pretty much his mindset going into season 1 so hopefully it helps
im gonna throw up
Benzos keep you calm while the ship burns down around you. There's a reason they are a controlled substance.
she's smart
jet thinks he can shit gold. jet in his own mind has never taken an l and people are interested in him beyond fishtank or mde.
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>she is stupid with all the inhibitions and self esteem of a normal girl
>she would probably listen to me talk about whatever i wanted to for hours and be fine with it she seems the type to view the world as tv static and incomprehensible as she goes about things.
Holy fuck.
I finally get the appeal of Taylor.
You've convinced me, anon.
yep lol
taylor is smarter then she leads on. taylor pretending not to know what online gambling is until this last week. i think shes on drugs that keep her in a dazed and confused state.
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>she's smart
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why do I feel like talking shit is perfectly acceptable and funny but a DM talking shit is over the line and obnoxious
It's not that pressing, though.
I just dreamed I had a coffee with her out of the blue.
I haven't had a single thought about her in 16 years, then I crept through her socials for half an hour today and I couldn't care less after that.
Dreams have meanings, but this one didn't seem to, in my opinion.
Thanks. Got a legit chuckle from this post. Keep up the good work
easily smarter than any fishtank freak
shut up leaf
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I want her to either emotionally manipulate me or just exist the absentmindedly because she's too retarded to have a personality.
I recently dreamt of Mauro cuddling with me
Are you a big booty Latino ?
fuck it who cares do your whims whats the worse that can happen you arent inviting her into your life.
What kind of smart person gambles like an alcoholic as a primary personality trait
a cool person, and it's working out well for her, her interest in gambling led to her getting a job as a poker dealer and now as an influencer, your fish freaks are all neets who have never worked
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Jon is soon gonna be on city council in Bend Oregon you retard. Find christ
Well working at a casino isn't as bad as being a drug dealer or a pimp so I guess she's alright. I guess she just seems like an airhead. What are her long term goals? Also I'm pissy cus she blocked me. Also I hate her fork nose ring

I have worked here and there but it's true I have a hard time holding down a regular job.
Jet is being attacked by dark psychological forces tonight. Please keep him in your prayers
no im Albanian
jet... jet was raped..
government employees are on welfare, not working
these threads have manifested trouble for jet. there is a storm coming.
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He won't be. Bend is a nice and wealthy area, having a retard in public office wouldn't bode well.
it's our job to protect him. i'm doing the best i can but i can't do this alone
He'll be fine. His bitty is fitted.
Jet....Jet.... There's still time.....
would unironically be better than most politicians
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I got in contact with my oneitis high school sweetheart after they cheated on me with my then best friend. Apparently they cheated on him shortly after, and kept hopping on relationships until very recently. I thought why the fuck not and got together again. I'd been thinking about them almost every day for those 7 years so I thought that'd be the best thing ever. Eventually I realized I was in love with who they were deceiving me as all those years ago and not who they currently were. Knowing they'd changed so much killed my insane crush and I hardly think about it.
IMO it was a good thing, getting cheated on fucked me up for years and destroyed my ability to trust people probably forever but now I don't really give a shit about relationships or committing to one for the matter. I'd say my life has improved ever since I ghosted them.
TL;DR Go for it, your life can't literally get any worse depending on how bad of a situation you're in right now.
He had it coming
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>Final transmission *BEEEEEEEEEEEEP*
I pray he will be OK and that Season 3 will be good
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Guess who linked up?
all they have to do is find an angle of the most presentable part of the house and take one single picture and most people would stop freaking out
Will Jet call the cops when shoenice shows up? I'd assume he just arrived
>the galaxy gas sponsorship was real
no fucking way
How much are Galaxy Gas fishtoys gonna be.
It would be a shame if his political rival got this video and clips of him on fishtank swearing at people
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Bye pedophiles
yeah dude, "Airsoft Fatty Musk" is a legit flavor
don't know the exact price in tokens but they're discounted if you get the Galaxy Gas Pass iirc
Yo think the wiggers are competent?
why are you trying to ruin future council posting you kiwitranny
This is sick! Couldn't think of a better sponsorship. They probably just pay them in product. I for one want a limited edition fishtank galaxy gas
Fuck man why did Cole have to fuck up after getting Sam and the audience on his side. Coulda been the best Fish in FT history.
Jon is a fake Christian and a lying piece of shit

He's also entertaining like watching Homer Simpson
I'll throw thousands at s3 if they get Jef on
it's a novelty item, dickhead
Paypigs you got to dig deep for s3..... REAL deep
show them the change up kid
Did they bring TJ on stream after S2 like they did with Josie and Letty?
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Creative differences
>Jon is a fake Christian and a lying piece of shit
prove it lying kiwitroon
anyone remember during s1 when jon was gnostic and didnt believe that the old testament god was jesus.
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I don't goto kiwifarms. I just hate how Jon claims to be a pure Christian and against degeneracy then goes to Bara, drinks, does drugs, had a job driving party girls around. Jon himself on fishtank said cheating is okay as long as u get away with it then it's not Cheating. I've watched idk 200-400 hours or Jon. I know what kind of person he is. He'd a grifter. A con artist. He's not a murderer but he's fake.
No, they ended it and flew everyone home ASAP. Even on Sam's post-fishtank stream, the donators barely asked about s2. But to be fair, the vibes were very grim towards the end.
Damn that shit sucked after New Years huh.
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Limited edition!

Also someone post tayleighs panties
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What are his other sins?
Sodomizing summer
Jon made queen Tayleigh sad
Jon and his handlers (40 gay boys) blocked me on twitter and put me on his naughty list
Being on a gay show
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Cole would get the first crack at this one if he didn't like black dick!
this pic is so grim
Being more unintelligible than Tai
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the night scott, jacob and some fat guy were in wife beaters was great
saddest woman on earth
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Ok good night
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I wish there was Taylor flavored Galaxy Gas.
>it’s another #40goys vs kiwitroons episode
I wonder where that anon is who wanted an adapter and tube hooked up to kalei’s asshole so he could get high off her smell
and greg i forgot
No one said they were, you illiterate worthless zoomer wigger faggot.
I've never seen an /ftl/ thread go 10 minutes without a reply
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y'all bought your fonts yet?
yeah man
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Tarde todo, como la hacemos
are they for real selling fonts for the chat
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Your wish is granted
My shift is over I dont post for free
it's the wiggers what do you think?
yeah this is exactly the fix the website needed
No but I bought my favorite wallpaper/site design. Really elevates the experience
Anything happen today? Did Jimmy hour happen?
Jimmy... just...
Just go do something or whatever
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>it's actually real
no fucking way man

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