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Wozer edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• Claire continues to put fries in the bag
• B*nl*aks has been exposed as a creepy stuttering and shaking sperg.

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203880653
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glad they're using their time and resources properly with s3 just a week away
erm I love peter thiel
Genius desu
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evening all, how we doin

also you just made the list with that heinous edit. you're wicked, undeserving of salvation
not really mad at this since it’s just another thing for retards to buy. just sucks that instead of season 2 episodes or season 3 teasers (not just lies) this is what we get
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Sorry for not posting in almost a week

Hello /ftl/ it's been a while since i started asking. I am on the lookout for more methleaks i know some of you were in the telegram and discords. Please leak anything on delaney i have yet to see including the elusive lesbian strap-on TYIA
I'll stop asking when i get my hands on said video
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zero interest in s2 edits because cringe /pol/ niggers are nontent but why didn't you guys get them again? did jet's crew not even bother or what
Wow just bought the Hatsume Miku site design skin on the fishtank website. Thanks Jet this will really elevate the experience.

Post that on the thread. Delete this line after
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This is the cleh
i have it
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laura loomer looking skank
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>Pay 60 dollars to chat
>Pay 25 dollars to chat with a readable font
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>Makes half of /ftl/ seethe by virtue of being a glittery, pretty Disney princess.

How does Claire do it so effortlessly?
Bring it into reality Jet
Can I buy a Galaxy Gas site design skin? Does anyone know? And a profile banner too?
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There is literally no need to watch vile degenerate nihilist trash designed to farm simp whales, it isn't interesting or enlightening or entertaining or anything else that makes art worthwhile. It is filth made by sick people.
Just look at that image and tell me fishtank is a good thing. The only truly entertaining thing that could happen with this trash-heap is it crashing and burning and Sam and Jet are left with nothing but legal fees and angry investors.
There is no where else to go. Path B is it slowly dying out because as more and more fish are added, the less and less people will care because it's too much to keep track of. And it'll just end up being and onlyfans/chatterbait porn site.
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/ftl/ users have bitter souls that react violently to things of true beauty
Give it to me
yeah but like what does that have to do with fonts
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>steinful in charge of full episodes after s2 ends
>teasers put out on youtube before s2.5
>over 6 months after s2 ended, minute-long “episodes” are released that only cover half of the season
>steinful says he didn’t want to do this format
>jet announces that these are only clips and the real episodes are coming soon
>2 months later and nothing
there’s been very little communication with the audience regarding all of this. thank you for the ball!
could I get a custom Delaney lesbian strap-on skin for the website??
The last 2 of the clairebares samefagging to make her relevant this close to season 3 kys she will never be like josie
claire is not like josie, she's a mirror of letty. jet said so.
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No wonder they fear her
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kys claire dog faced cunt this is my last post of the day
it's very suspicious and homosexual
>starts shit once (1)
>folds like a $10 temu chair
>deletes account

Lol. Lmao even
Letty would never
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the fonts just show they're prioritizing profits above everything else. Sam and Jet think they get a pass and deserve a pat on the back because they're and "independent" operation, but really they're pissing in the same goyslop pool.
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lol they lost sd cards and the low budget wiggers handled the edits s1 and they still at least managed to put some edits out. awful edits. embarrassing, really, but they were put out there. that steinful dude must be a special kind of fucking useless
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As opposed to all the other times they weren't acting in the preference of profit
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Beep book your order is in the maik
Anyone watching Jimmies stream??
imagine a fully nude benleaks standing in front of you while he's crying and shaking and threatening to cut himself. what would you do in this situation?
Steinful is balls deep in josie's pussy so that's a real distraction

All jokes aside jet said "make clips not episodes" before changing his mind so it's all in the shit now.
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A lot of Sam Hyde fans struggle to focus their minds on the good, the true, and the beautiful. Ironic given his own words, but unsurprising.
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Jet here

Why are you so against Fishtank making money? We throw in a little feature for the fans and suddenly you all lose your shit. Fishtank is a business, grow up and get hype for S3!
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Just bought a custom Sarge site theme. How's it looking bros? worth every penny imo
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Jet in a height of delusion and arrogance did say something to the effect of fishtank being a cultural contribution
don’t even know if he’s a good editor but i think he’s been given 3 different sets of directions from jet at this point
Sam and Jet probably told steinful to not include anything that makes them look like incompetent and bad people and because of that a lot of context and narrative was lost and all that was left was shitty clips.
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>Both sisters mog her
>Lost bitchtank
>Hates being compared to Letty
>Life is miserable except for that small moment in bitchtank
>Folds when starting shit
Lets all hope Claire goes to season 3 to speed up her eventual suicide
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Jet is a smart guy. He gets the intricacies of the mythic archetypes and patterns that permeate his show. His mirror explanation was not unlike George Lucas expounding on the poetic callbacks of The Phantom Menace.

Come up with some new material, dude. Geez.
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ftl's bratty Italian princess <3
this is literally myspace but preying on lonely crypto bros and full on money laundering. they're gonna nail these dudes like diddy in a few years
>Gassing up the least popular contestant into thinking she is the most popular
>Demolorizing the most popular contestant into thinking she is least popular
Now thats A good looking site brother he’ll yea……
She is stupid simple not much to work with
booming loud Claire greasebraps
Who are the two girls he did this to?
I was supposed to reply to this
fishtank is becoming star citizen tier
>The demolorization of Claire was a DISGRACE and it should have never happened!
What are the odds that any of these are licensed
crazy that they got away with global paid chat for the streams and end up adding this
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oct 4th

imagine if real thought and effort was put into this season. halloween theme and the normie cast gradually gets more spooked... wait a minute, is that a heckin hockey mask?!
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i get this reference
did CryoDOG have a drink tonight? thats all i care about, thx
Offer the contestants $1000 upfront if they can be waterboarded for 30 seconds straight
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Fuck the audience! :3
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it's a good site
Jet tried to imitate him trying to tell us to hang ourselves
excellent purchase, just bought the Princess Ben skin
Is The Beautiful CK™ site theme available to buy yet
>letty would never disappear into a substance abuse hole in her bedroom
i seriously hope you dont think this
its crazy the javascript font unlocker already dropped
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who are you quoting nigger?
s3 has a really complicated horror themed murder mystery going on but the contestants are too retarded to understand what goran is going for so its gonna be boxing and rice by the week 3
lmao stupid ass
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too accurate
They're too busy adding the font feature to come up with anything elaborate that might actually play out properly
How far will they make it in s3 before the first person quits?
It came off as impotent rage because the audience had too much influence over them/the show both times
Six hours
Calling the cops ASAP cause that motherfucker underage as hell I ain’t his guardians. Put him in the city mental clinic LOL
they said they're taking a s1 approach and easing the fish into it. it'll be a week of group therapy/bonding and then out of nowhere

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season 3 is off to a great start i see
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Everything is cool until Sam comes in day 4 pissed off about some bullshit and announces "give fatty a rimjob while shitting in diaper" challenge which results in 3 contestants leaving.
That TTS was from Jet jacking off through his underwear in the basement
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Sam did this because he's "in the club" now, same trick his bosses use to absolve themselves of karmic debt using things like predictive programming. Sam obv couldn't do that with FTL so he just straight up says what he's doing to you.
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Working on my machine
the beautiful theme
Jet will never be a modern dionysus no matter how hard he satyr maxxes
miss this TTS voice
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what an angel
Remember when they tested having people on who didn’t know about fishtank during bitchtank? The black girl and the fat girl? Remember how they just kind of politely laughed and then quit? That’s going to be season 3. Get ready for Jimmy, Letty, Creature, Kato, Tai and Fatty to be the season 3 cast after week 2.
>see clarie pic/in text
>skip post without reading
anyone else does that?
If lettys there I’m fine with that
I really don't want Jimmy back.
They had ftl fans and normies at the same time. Haley trying to impress daddy Sam by repeating nigger-word 10 times probably didn't help with the black girl leaving.
Taylor stole this whole shtick, trying to look and act cute while poking your ass out.
That's going to be Taylor's schtick in a year when what's left of her sad life collapses and she has to whore out for sugar daddies at the casino
anyone except jimmy please!
wow she's beautiful
Did anyone buy the Galaxy Gas theme? I want to see what it looks like
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a lot of them did at one point or another
That’s what happens on a 24/7 live show
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>October 4
>Cameras come on
>It's Jet lying naked on a mattress surrounded by whippet canisters
>Ben comes in and wakes him
>He comes to and then panics
>"Oh shit, it's Friday already?"
>He gets up and runs off, showing his cock to the camera
>The title 'FISHTANK SEASON 3' slowly rolls down the screen
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Kratom wiggers
This would actually be a great start
Bex pusy
This would be a pretty funny cold opening. Also the production running around frantically cleaning the place before the first fish arrives.
It would require comedic talent to pull off, something only Ben has in the wigger crew.
>thinking there won’t be fans
I remember one time in bitchtank the rat girl was talking to the camera and he gave a shout out to some random nobody orbiter saying "you guys probably know who Im talking about" and that drove me into unreasonable anger and im praying there will never be single fan on the show.
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im not paying $60 for this shit man wtf
Why did shinji get fat?
just use the javascript unlocker
>i educate myself extensively on Any substance i Take
isn't this the same guy who started taking wellbutrin because he was bored and some guy in his DMs told him to?
For the reunion season when everyone goes to fat camp
Yes it’s that guy
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>s3 day 1
>"niggeraidsrapist69 THANK YOU FOR THE BALL!"
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>s3 day 16
>dylan and daniel, the only two contestants left are sitting on the couch in silence
>dylan still has a black eye and a broken rib after losing the 10th "box sam while shitting yourself in diaper full of broken glass challenge"
>shadi and airsoftfatty are having a fake argument over nothing in the kitchen
>can be heard throughout the entire house
>oddbod in full catboy get-up is wagging his tail to 10 viewers in bedroom 8
>ben and jet walk into the living room in just their boxers
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>s3 day 1
>One of the contestants finds a toy phone
>"I sure hope nobody breaks this thing"
>Starts jimfacing the camera
Y’all are corny
where are my black queens at am I right guys
so hyped for S3

can't wait to see Tayleigh again. love that cat.
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Grim and fucked
this looks fucking disgusting.
>There's a fish in my percolator
Kratom sucks but so do whippets
>I educate myself on any substance I take.
typical burnout cope.
why are you still here after all this time?
they're trying to collect whatever preseason crumb they can, because no preseason money coming in like last year and the s2 house is still for sale lmfao get fucked sam and jet
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Fousey x letty kino inbound
i would drop s3 in a second to watch that
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I'm just chillin'
Jet is an idiot for letting Letty slip out of the mde grasp
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Not much of a skyline
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abi's gone crazy and is dual wielding girl fonts
Would be kino. Hope Fousey hits her up so they can colab.
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I sure love how this bozo took the screenshots from 4chan and then had all the twitterfags thinking he’s part of production now. Unreal lmao. Fishtank clout accounts are the worst
he probably cut his wrists when letty went live on kick instead of the fishtank site
That shits gotta be botted right? The most views I ever got on a #fishtanklive tag on a new account was like 4k
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Holy shit, this is HUGE. I think Jet's actually gonna do a good job this season
A simple compressor?
you realize that since it's the wiggers and they're incapable of being genuine there's an 80% chance they've not changed a thing and there's still going to be TTS blaring into the mic and drowning out everything else right?
100% botted. The likes tell a more honest story and even half or more of that is bot accounts too
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>Bex hasn't posted anything on insta in a few days

Flying back to the East Coast CONFIRMED
How was your flight?
We love her nose Abi don't worry

I hardly think the crew would mess up the sound 3 seasons in a row, I mean, you'd have to be seriously incompetent to do that
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stop culturally appropriate nosie posting you thieving elf
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Short and sweet the jump to light speed was very smooth
Abi has been on 4plebs again taking it too seriously.
Hi Mike
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I found the top left girl in this "leak"
Inferior to Trish
Dylan will try the Tayleigh/Haley strategy of being a huge cunt 24/7 for no logical reason
Trish is a dog face
But makes up for it with a heart of gold.
And that succulent BUNDA.
Dylan will not be on fishtank bc it's fake.
she's here right now. HI ABI!
I unironically like her nose, but most of all, I like her smile. It makes me feel warm inside.
And Abi has to rub it in my face that I'll never see those in person... why is she so rude?
>week 3
Thats very optimistic of you. I predict day 9 is when he gives up
I skip most posts nowadays because its 99% ritual posters, rage bait or stalkerfags
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>everyone can be put in a box except for me, I'm just a cool detached guy
I love you, Alessandra.
Don't expect any significant leaks until october at least. last time we only got any the day before. that was probably from production to hype it.
Oh boy more doll activity!!!
Abi is sneak dissing claire about that nose of hers? shes been very cunty towards her
I named 3 boxes, which 1 are you that got you so upset?
By day 9 Jet becomes desperate and just starts telling them what to do. He worked so hard on his Neptunian cosmic horror murder mystery which forces the contestants to seek for their inner fears to crack the case that he will not give up so easily.
>Day 1
>Two fish start talking about their favorite singers
>"Oh, I'm really into Nina Simone"
>"I prefer the post-punk stylings of Mark E. Smith"
>Sam comes in, furious and kicks them both out
rage bait considering your reply
Her subtlety in doing that is great. She did it on season 2 and many didn't notice
what did claire mean by this?
spaghetti is straight until it gets wet
Spagetti is straight until it gets wet
Incompetence is Maejok's specialty. He'll be the guy to go after. It took him over an hour to set up the bitchtank tv with his fucking doll on the screen. It wasn't until max called him gay and told him he should put the bitchtank logo on the screen instead
>Two Fish talking about they favorite music.
>One goes into rock bands, mostly dadcore.
>TTS comes in
>[Sindy, name every Ramones band member or else you are a poser ||||]
>"Oh, let's see... I remember C. Jay, Dee Dee, Joey, Marky, Tommy, Ritchie and... ohh, there's another one!"
>Sam breaks in through a window.
>With glass shards on his face and blood dripping over his white blazer, he tells them to go to the basement right away for no reason.
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looks just like sam pepper from 2009
its a line from a musical that sounds like something Claire has memorized along with the endless other musicals and girl shows she can recite with photographic memory for some reason.
>Two Fish talking about they favorite music.

Are you a nigger for real?
Our frolicking fish princess
>My guess is since it interacts with GABA receptors, it is Slowing my brain waves and inducing a deep meditative state

I love when these HS burnout, coddled, know nothing wiggers try to sound like they have a fucking clue about anything let alone the complex biochemistry of the human body. Bicflame you absolute FAGGOT 7-Hydroxymitragynine is an opioid receptor agonist and thus its pharmacological action is centered around the opioid system. It has no direct/significant effect on gamma-aminobutryic acid (GABA) receptors. Stick to huffing nitrous you absolute failure of a person.
Hey guys, Jet here

Crew this season will feature the most popular S1 and S2 fish... Can you guess who they are?
were u a biochem major
As long as Tayleigh isn't there, I'm fine.
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It's literally a lower bio course in college. You'd learn these things taking a class at your local community college. I did molecular bio in college.
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Extremely gay hope-and-change song from a gay Sondheim musical that of course Claire loves. Why does she commit so much queer Jewish bullshit to her exceptionally large memory instead of actually useful information?
>s3 day 12
>Elimination challenge
>The challenge is fun to watch, easy to understand, forces contestants to strategize and messing with others is a viable option
>Seems like a fan favorite is winning and least popular is struggling
>Jet rushes upstairs
>"Guys new rule, now you can buy Timmy tokens With D'Shawn dollars and with Timmy tokens you can remove or add points from other fishes"
>Sams pulls fan favorites friend aside
>"Samanthlay I need you to start messing with Cayrawn"
>"Just do it ok"
>Fan favorite wins despite production interference
>"Ok guys nobody gets eliminated because Jenny, the freeloader who arrived yesterday, is leaving"
That's a size queen
>Jet gets in someone to replace Bex
>Shows them the ropes
>Leaves them on TTS duty
>Goes upstairs to do a challenge, Sam is here!
>Everyone's having fun and jamming
>TTS sound plays
>Time stands still for a moment
>Jet realises he didn't tell them about the banned TTS list
>Jet suddenly sweats as he sees Sam turn his angry gaze upon him
These are both weak, not funny, and tired. 3/10.
Imagine Haley cooking a traditional mexican meal for you.
First time getting an uber ride from a Dimitri from Belarus. I bet his sisters are hot as fuck.
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Let's say I have a man(or woman) on the inside. What's the best way to edierock covertly?
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peppah live
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Haley is pretty underrated she played the villian role much better then letta nina. Also the fact that she went on the show specifically to dress slutty and suck dick while her cuckold husband watches her disappear into the bathroom with another man for 20 minutes is pretty hot I bet he was hard as fuck.
She repeated like 4 lines throughout the whole 2 weeks and started punching people over stupid shit, it got really boring really fast.
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The beautiful DN
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Peter I love you and can't stop thinking about you. Every day without seeing your smile hurts me. I know it's pathetic but you're the only thing I look forward to anymore. Seeing you laugh and enjoy yourself. Listening to you talk about your interests. I wish I wasn't obsessed with some handsome tech guy from LA I'll never have a chance with.
wow she's beautiful
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The beautiful Peppah
Yea she was pretty low IQ and violent. Definitely not where near Letty tier. More like angry bitchy summer.
Wow he's beautiful
Peter, I hope you can feel my love, even though we're thousands of miles away from each other. I love you.
The beautiful Edie
wtf happened to his hair?
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Erm I love Pariah the Doll
You really thought you could slip her in without people noticing
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give it up ck, it's over
Kato's ghost baby confirmed for season 3
i want to fuck Peter Thiel
Worst fan base on the internet right here.
I'm not a fan though
The haters are pretty cool tho
do you htink thati f letty had one seaosn one, there would hae lees tiey in seon tow?>
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we're only here for sam pepper, the rest is trolling and bait
keep up newfag
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8 inch sperm semen content
His thai ladyboy gf cut it.
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Does cleh really have 135 iq?
Speaking of Kick. Free my nigga DBR. He was the first guy to greet Jon and Letty. He has done nothing wrong.
So Trish is dating this bozo?
post a pic of trish i didnt watch fishtank
This is 100% a dude. Does Pepper feel no shame?
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not a single fishtank or bitchtank contestant or freeloader is above average intelligence
>not allowed to live in the states anymore
>not allowed to live in Britbong land either
>forced to live on a bunker in Thailand with his ladyboy prostitute gf
Is this based or not? I can't tell.
>some freak has jerked off to this image before
It wasn't one of you guys here, right?


Letty and Tayleigh
Who said they were supposed to be funny and basically not a prophetic greentext based off of Jet incompetence?
Not Tayleigh
lmao you really tried to sneak that retarded methdyke in
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Claire is minor coded
Claire smells like garlic bread
start talking about erectile dysfunction, aka ED
make a lot of weird okcupid references
weasel in opportunities to bring up "QTs" and "waifus"
claire is major LOSER!!!
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Could be worse
Good idea
qrd on benfreaks actually being black?
Nah, she's just a retard.
I'm going to pretend s3 is the greatest season of fishtank to piss off s2fags
This is boring. What's going on in Kick?
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We call him brownleaks now. Sounds like zesty molesto.

He's actually Hispanic
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The beautiful NV (don't google her real name unless you wanna fap to revenge porn hehe)
She's so crazy! I love her so...
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I'm klaus
So fucking BASED OP. Thank you.
Big Purple was right
Rockystreams was right
ReactSimply was right
DonJolly was right
its over
jet was right about sam in that one post a long time ago.
How did B*ttys house catch fire?
Do you think the threads will pick up after S3 starts or are we circling the drain?
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she started the fire
she didn't start the fire
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I fucking love you so much Alessandra
>Letty confirmed of endorsing Sargeposting.
Oui oui
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don't worry anon, i'll revive the thread for you!

lubecooch is a pedophile and he never deserved taylor. he's responsible for the failure of their relationship and taylor doesn't deserve even an ounce of the hate she's getting. fuck pedocooch.
Hi keegan
This is a new low for the wigger crew. Pathetic.
Probably blood memory. Her mom and grandma were probably drama and music fags too and she inherited it. Rich Catholics are often very musical, very good at the piana and choral music. But she never got a role in a highschool play for some reason.
Im just surprised that a sweet, pure, innocent little muffin like Taylor would break it off with TJ. I thought she was one of those girls who want to be married and be more old school. Its just shocking to me. She played around with yugioh and D&D stuff. Just assumed her to be a sweet good natured girl. But if thats the case why did she end things with TJ? I know TJ is kinda weird so maybe that was it? She just wants to find the right guy that will lead her and their family and maybe TJ wasnt that. She is a pure untainted beauty so i suppose that makes more sense. But im still just not sure, like everything about her screams thise girls who would always dream about their future husbands and if she had any relationships at all before TJ (im pretty sure tj is her first) she would think that they were the one. She would be committed and ready for all the steps needed in a relationship.
So the issue must be with tj
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Taylor's decision to remain a virgin until she finds the right guy showcases her purity and innocence. By choosing to wait for someone special Taylor is valuing herself and her body showing self-respect and self-worth. This decision also reflects Taylor's maturity and patience in a society that often pressures individuals to rush into intimate relationships. Taylor's commitment to waiting for the right person demonstrates her strength and determination to uphold her values and beliefs.
This is why I love Taylor
To the guy who says Claire appreciation is age regression fetishism: that applies a lot more to Taylor. This is an 8 year old girl's painting style.
She is a virgin and TJ kept trying to stick his gross penis in her. What a fucking asshole
now we're getting chatgpt bait posts. end it.
what does her inability to stop gambling reflect?
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TJ was forcing her to give up her purity and she wanted to wait for an actual marriage ceremony. TJ gave empty promises just to get in her pants and she was strong and resisted temptation and broke it off with him for not valuing her commitment to her beliefs
I commend her for staying so pure in such a dark time of humanity. I know she will find the right guy that wont make her compromise anything. Ever.
We all have our short comings
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Its not gpt
I just like to write and sometimes it sounds botish i guess
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Sausage tank
when you think about it, most adults have the drawing capability of a child
Christ minus the mohawk he looks like a 9/11 hijacker, was he always so semitic looking?
Taylor is just a sweet pure little pumpkin
She paints like that because she never felt pressured by the world to be something else.
Again more instances of Taylor being strong and resolute.
Someone needs to wife her up quick.
betty was failed in life. People needed to help her more than they did.
Not online/anons like there were years of life they just let betty slip deeper down and did nothing clearly.
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man y’all need to get the fuck off my back fr you have no idea how hard it is getting work done when your boss lines you and everyone else up every night to ream us. y’all don’t know how hard it is to balance being a hit reality show while being daddy’s little cum dump but I fucking manage bitch. kill yourseges we’ll show you fags one oct 4th and then y’all bitching and complaining will kill yourselvesvxsnjqf. Dqual zdr
How do I check out the /bant/ archives during bloodgames from June 30th to July 4th? Looking for something hilarious.
im fitted
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Shadi's beautiful big ass
wow the thread is dead
sam doesnt "go easy" on jet so just be considerate guys
the eternal anglo-jew
I would have framed the bitchtank poster if i were her honestly.
Just google 4chan bant archives, and when you put in your archive search terms, there should be a set of fields that drop down that let you specify the dates
nvm I found it
Thanks, friend.

Holy shit, is this really Jet?
Lol. You fucking losers thought you could do this without me?
How come Sam only lets people without talent work for him (except for Ben) and fires everyone else in an embarrassing fashion making sure they're shunned by his fans?
sam seems like he would yell at you just to yell.
>are you fucking kidding me jet *throws something to show how angry he is* *gets in jets face* listen you fucking idiot you stop fucking this up for me or we are going to get antagonistic. Got it? Good.
Im so sorry sweet baby jet. You don't deserve that.
The likelier answer is that she's a bit of a headcase from the divorced parents, drunk of a mother, and dead dad, so she's overly sensitive to being abandoned.
he wouldn’t say that
Cheers, if it's funny enough, share what you find
her mom taught her about witchcraft and her dad wasn't all that present during her childhood
she also has a gay brother and 1 tranny sibling
Because he's my little fucking slut?
Jet here, new Fishtoy sneak peak

Whippet Wipeout - The production member of your choice gets a whippet!
We're starting with half off if you decide to send it to me.
I always though Sam wanted to be Harry Potter, but it seems like he is nothing but a Draco Malfoy
hope sam sees this one, oooweeee its gotta sting suce he loves HP.

Such a weird thing for him to try to deny. Like why cant he admit he read the books and liked it when he was younger. He mentions things when he rants only bookfags would know.
Just an odd hill to die on.
Im nazi and I loved HP as a kid, see sammy its okay….
Jet here, new season feature

If we get enough season passes, Sam will do one of his comedy shows in the tank! This will be restricted to pass holders only.
This place has somehow got even worse
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cooling down on abi and claire always using chat.

always use Palanq, archived.moe sucks balls
Of course. Might take a minute but you’ll know.
Too little going on, streams on the site drying up. I hate bant, but these threads should be there on off-season, so we can at least point and laugh at the outted samefags shitting these up.
hell yeah shout out my nigga plac
Thanks for pointing this out in every thread faggot, most people are just here waiting for the news of Jets suicide.
sorry if my jokes arent funny
i laugh at them
Was her dad actually a navy seal or is that another lie?
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Greg is the white Sinbad
This. If you still haven't figured out you're being milked by this serial grifter then you deserve it.
Sam milked me. I got fucking milked, dude. I've never felt so embarrassed. I hate this.
who really knows anymore?
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clabi is over
Abi is confirmed to only date fat ogres
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I'll never get milked by Sam
Imagine getting pinned down and violently milked by Sam.
ok now what
Desperate for attention and clinging to relevancy. Season 3 will help.
now would be a perfect time for s3.
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Member when S3 was going to start 8/24?
imagine that but at the same time Jet is doing the little piggies thing to your tosey wosies
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Are thread replies turned on?
real one

Sam has an Indian vibe. If I got raped by him I'd feel tainted.
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What if it's a cute indian girl bros
She will probably fart and shit a lot
different cow same shit
She should cook curry for the other fish
Wao imagine if the Indian from India pooped and shitted in the corner of the room and everyone walked around it and reacted to it surprised like OMG that Indian shit in the house... Fuck that would be crazy can't believe what Fishtank is doing for the world keep it up guyz. Let's go bros.
yeah those bastard doods
S3 idea, Sam 'fires' Jet due to incompetence and he becomes a Fish for a bit (But it's a bit)
>taylor is fat
>she a big op mtn
another audience gaslight bit? awesomesauce!

S3 idea, Sam fires Jet due to incompetence
S3 idea: peter thiel makes sam and jet start a joint OF
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s1: josie
s2: wes
s2.5: pizza guy
cell/bitchtank: daddy doolie

great this confirms that they will count rice for the first challenge
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I hope so
The photo of Jet on Blacked changed me. Please, troon out and go on. I need to see it happen for real.
In my fishtank dream I cried a lot when I realized most of you guys hate me and that I'm so weak

I'll do better
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cryo i sort of want to intervene for you like we did for rocky
u need to stop bro, unplug for awhile
otherwise the only place you have to go is spamming nudes at sam
Just post anonymously, there is nothing interesting about you, let alone anything that warrants showing your fat retarded face
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Just remembered its Thursday one of my designated tay seeth days hell yeah
>still playing victim
just kill yourself faggot, you'll never get it through your head why people actually hate you.
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jet neptune dies today.
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Let's face it, we're due for a competently run, engaging Fishtank season
Another morning with no Claire. Why am I still here? Just to suffer?
Another morning with no Scott. Why am I still here? Just to suffer?
this would bweak the fishtank
Maybe you could tell me instead of killing myself?
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