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Carpenter's "I am old and out of fucks to give" arc is kind of amazing.
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Kek based angry old man
Has he reviewed the Thing yet?
Now I gotta see it again. Every single time an artist wants to wreck every copy, it's utterly kino.
This isn't the real Carpenter sadly, just some tard larping.
Aside from the PR agency moves with Scroshitty and Coppola there are two authentic director accounts on Lbxd, Flanagan and Sean Baker. Although both rarely write anything or give out ratings. Uwe Boll had an account but tranny mods deleted it.
>This isn't the real Carpenter sadly, just some tard larping.
Dunno, man, Carpenter has been unfiltered since forever and he told way too much truth in "They Live" to the point where the fucking system SHUT THE FILM DOWN after two whole weeks, even though it was kicking ass.
>i had faith in rick rosenthaul and he did not deliver
Hold up, this is actually the real JC account, I mistook it for another one which is a LARP. Major kek then.
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S Craig Zahler imdb profile
>9/10 to the Crust episode
Zahler bros....
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And the 2011 one:
Im glad he lived long enough to see people appreciate the movie. Not a lot of people that make something ahead of its time get to do that.
It's yet another testament to the movie's greatness that the once "all-time classic" has become a footnote to Carpenter's masterpiece
>i have always liked mary elizabeth winstead
Fucking kek god I wish more directors were this open
Carpenter is based but he's too harsh on Halloween 2. Yeah the sister thing is retarded but overall it's a good movie and one of the best horror sequels.
Though I dislike his shitty hippie take on Reagan, his other opinions are insightful and to the point. Good thread anon
Reagan is a terrible movie
Agreed. The TV version of Halloween 1 fixes some of that, or makes it worse depending on how far a stick is rammed up your ass.
But his rant is content-free and obviously politically motivated
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Reagan was pro gun-control (gun banning and confiscation is directly responsible for the bum/homeless/ problem we have now. Sort of. His VP made him do a lot of it,but following orders is still following orders.
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But the Stranger Things kids had a The Thing poster in 1983!
Did he post about Prince of Darkness?
Honestly it's not, he's just an attention-seeking old git who for some reason has had a permanent chip on his shoulder ever since his films started flopping and he quit filmmaking despite that it was all his own choice to go down the path of pot smoking and video game addiction. Even so he made some great films in his heyday but like Stephen King can't stand him as a person
>gun banning and confiscation is directly responsible for the bum/homeless/ problem we have now
Americans will just say anything before picking up a single book to check if it's true.
>I-I was just pretending to direct this movie
Cope, fag. You made a terrible movie because there was a sexy actress involved.
That film is criminally underrated. What it has isn't something that can easily be described, except suffice to say that it feels like it took place in another dimension.
>Stephen King can't stand him as a person
Yet one more reason why I love Carpenter despite disagreeing with his politics
It's true, anon. Reagan spearheaded the banning of full autos and he gleefully nodded his head and did all he could to let literally one Jewish liar alter the system into what we have now.
Yeah it has an uncanny dreamlike atmosphere. That short found footage sequence is scarier than 90% of horror.
The problem with this was the cast. Niggers acting like space niggers in the hood. Change ice cube with Denzel and Pam Grier with Sigourney and this would've been great
it's absolute fucking dogshit.there really is no accounting for taste when even the screen writer can admit it's terrible but you have to run defence for it.
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>the artist is ze ahlee wan who understands, grasshoppah

Yeah nah, I like what I like. Tough shit if Carpenter can't handle it.
i don't think this is real
no you old fart
this is a good bad movie in my humble opinion. he succeeded.
Even if it turns out not to be, it's still pretty entertaining.
Oddly comfy too.
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>digital was taking over, studios were getting more abusive and powerhungry
>The turn of the 21st century were dark, dark times for cinema
Man, I wonder what he thinks of George Lucas and the Star Wars prequels that caused all of this.
>I'd rather make 10 Ghosts of Mars-type flicks than one Disney Star Wars or Marvel movie.
I seriously doubt Carpenter hates Reagan for being a gun-grabber or immigration enabler. To liberals, Reagan was the Blumpf of the '80s. (And Nixon the '70s, Bush the '00s, etc.)
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yeah you like trash. I'm pretty sure it's not actually Carpenter. probably some anon, right?
Shallow contrarian nonsense
Your mistake is thinking that Carpenter is the neo-liberal anti-gun-at-all-costs puke; at al, when I know for a fact that he's one of the most conservative men to have ever lived.
Kek that's what I'm talking about
FUCK Stephen King
ah yes, the massage shit that leaves a lasting memory and you thinking about where your friend is now on their magical sewer adventure
So? You can label anything in this world and it won't tarnish my enjoyment. And it's most likely the real Carpenter.
Btw one of my favorite films is "The Spy Who Loved Me", just wondering if you consider it trash.
Honestly I want Carpenter to review Cronenberg movies
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His not giving enough of a fuck was the magic that gave the film that element of other-worldliness.
This is most likely fake but Uwe Boll really is on there and for some reason he reviewed the Big Bad Beetle Borgs movie.
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>I did not enjoy working with King on Christine. That guy is on fucking crack.
TOPKEK!! Absolutely based old man.
>This is most likely fake
I'm also confused, he would made a tweet about his new letterboxd account, but there is none.
>This is most likely fake
Why do late summerfags keep saying this? Anyone who knows anything about John Carpenter knows that these reviews are real.
Holy based, what site is this?
Must be nice to be a psychopathic leech on society and get millions for doing nothing like that retarded faggot so you can say whatever you want without risk of dying in a ditch.

I just don't get why you guys who are also slaves to him are praising for it.
>when you go so contrarian you go full circle back to genuine

Letteboxd is a garbage site though. Can't even find shit unless I use google to do it.
That's because your spergout of a comment suggests you don't actually have a nuanced opinion
Does he have a review for Body Bags you can pull up. I want to know what he thought of it. He was trying to do his own style of Tales from the Crypt
Does he have the Vampires one?

I never understood the hate, to me it's a very entertaining and well done vampire flick.
I don't think it deserves hate but its definitely sort of cringey
And he was a KINO master of ceremonies in the wraparound segments
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OP would be good to tell us how he searched that website because it's trash and can't be easily searched. A troon designed it for sure.
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stephen king is a massive faggot with incredibly shit opinions. He's just human chatgpt
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The man's too modest, he did fine
grow up
What are you talking about you fucking sperg?
Go away reddit
Sam Neill is an angel confirmed :3
I really like horror anthologies and this is one of the best. He's too hard on himself. He's right that it just felt like a ripoff Tales From the Crypt though.
Amazing, thanks for posting. So used to Hollywood being so hopelessly full of shit that hearing Carpenter being this honest is like seeing a unicorn fly past the window.
True. His sincerity is truly exhilarating
On They Live
>Roddy did a great job without any real prior acting experience. He was a real sport and he put his body on the line like few actors I've worked with.
I think he ultimately went to far with it though. All those head injuries caught up to him in his last couple of years. We met up in June 2015 to watch They Live one last time together, and he died in July. He told me didn't think he'd make it to the end of the year, and I knew deep down he was probably right.
RIP to Roddy, a great man and great friend.
Damn, right in the feels.
>He's right that it just felt like a ripoff Tales From the Crypt though.
What else could it have felt like? Don't get me wrong, I liked it, but it's horror vignettes, so what was he or anyone else expecting?
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Pretty cool Piper got to watch it with him one last time.
>he shits on The Fog
Ok, he needs to put down the bong.
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Is it really that good?
It's a damn good movie for the work put in and the money invested
Did he review escape from l.a.?
I'm hesitant to see what he says about Assault in Precinct 13 bc I love The Fog and even more Precinct
Definitely one of those show me your scars, I'll show you mine moments I bet, like from Jaws. Comfy, yet melancholy, the situation, not the film.
I want him to write multiple paragraphs shitting on the rob zombie halloween movies
That's nice. But anon being surprised by Carpenter doing this is weird, because he always went off in interviews. There's some interview years/decades out from They Live and he's like
>it's a current documentary, society has refused to wake up
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>Okay, the CGI is godawful. It's satan-awful. Why do you think I fucking hate CGI so much? The movie was put into the hands of people I didn't know and I was told "trust them, they'll make effects that'll blow you away." Never again.
But I actually really like this one. It was a good middle finger to Hollywood and all the jerks who yanked me around. Kurt Russell is a blast to work with as always.
In terms of cinematography, I think this is one of my better films.
I prefer it to the first one. It's funnier, has better action, better performances, better set pieces. I think the script is more clever this time around too.
I'd love the CGI to be better but what can you do.
This movie bombed really hard, which was sad and shocking. It got beat opening weekend by the Francis Ford Coppola movie where Robin Williams pretends to be a toddler. Now, you tell me, which movie is worse?
>I am very proud of this one, but it's not perfect.
We had $95k to a make a million-dollar movie. I think we did a damn good job.
I like all of these movies a lot, but I can also very much empathize with hating your own work and seeing all the flaws no one else would ever think about.
Absolutely based old man posting
>We had $95k to a make a million-dollar movie. I think we did a damn good job.
It is kino and one of the greatest action movies of all time
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Agreed, that one and They Live are my favorite Carpenter movies
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It was scary, though.
How did that movie even flop? It was great
Different times, people were used to slop.
I hate 1 and almost like 2, but 3 smashed it outta the park. Not sure why he hates the ending.
It came out against Aliens for one.
Why do you hate 1? It's great, even if 3 is better
I do agree on almost liking 2, it's better than the later sequels/prequels for sure
Disagree with him on both: The Fog is quite scary with a superb sense of place and Assault on Precinct 13 is quite simply a masterpiece
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>one of the best movies ever made
>I've never seen the whole thing"
It was heavily marketed on Kurt Russell as the leading man and an adventure movie, so people went in expecting Indy when they should have expected a Shaw Brothers flick.
I love that film.
>Why do you hate 1?
The realest answer I can give you is that I was raised Catholic. Part 2 is just frustrating because it seems to have all the elements needed to be cool, but it just mostly makes no sense and is silly. Love the James Earl Jones scenes of course.
Well fair enough.
You do know he's talking about the 2011 remake of Carpenter's remake there, yeah?
Don't agree on this take, Halloween should have had a sequel and the one we got was pretty decent, it also sounds like he personally picked Rick Rosenthal and apart from 2 that dude directed Resurrection which was the worst Halloween movie and one of the worst slashers period
Exorcist is pretty pro-catholic movie though when you think about it.
Yes. It’s a shame the 3rd one is apparently having production issues and probably won’t be as good.
>Exorcist is pretty pro-catholic movie though when you think about it.
It probably is, but it just offends me. Yes, everyone else loves it, that's ok.
A bunch of movies set in the 80s have The Thing poster on main character's wall, but even Carpenter admits it didn't become popular until the 90s
>it didn't become popular until the 90s
That's a myth that for some reason he's perpetuating, I mean, I saw The Thing (1982) on TV during the 80s and loved it like everyone else.
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> Almost tied with the original in terms of suspense & mood.
> Score is surprisingly unique from the original but still fantastic.
> Film fits with the original almost seamlessly and works perfectly as one long film.
> Great finale.
> Best nudity of the series by Pamela Susan Shoop.

> The original mask is reused and does not fit the new actor as well + has damage to the nose. It looks bad in a few specific shots under bright/harsh lighting but looks fantastic in others (when Myers looks back after slashing the Marshal's throat or when Loomis points his gun in Myers face at close range near the end). Generally it looks fine through most of the film.
> Some dislike the reveal of Laurie being Myers sister. I am fine with it.

> Laurie is bedridden most of the film and does not get to fight back directly as much as in the original.
> Not enough of the adorably cute Jill.
He literally just explained how, you dope.
Based love sam
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My closest brush with fame is that Uwe Boll once followed me on Letterboxd just because I liked one of his reviews one time.
Unfortunately, he was banned like a week after that, maybe even sooner.
I love this man
Is that you in your pic? Fucking retard
I really really like Body Bags and his performance.
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>I'd rather make 10 more ghosts of mars type movies than 1 disney wars or marvel movie.
And I'd rather watch 10 more ghosts of mars type movies than 1 disney wars or marvel movie.
Strongly agree.
The Thing is a classic on the level of Alien or Star Wars (if not better, IMHO it is) and deserved that kind of world-shattering impact upon release. It's like it fell down the back of the couch for 20 years when suddenly people realised "Hang on, this is actually a masterpiece."
The lack of recognition upon release will be repaid in dividends by the passage of time. Like a Van Gogh painting, its reputation and acclaim will continue to grow to the point it eventually dwarfs most of the shit people think of as "classics" today.
Did I miss the Halloween 1 review or hasn't it been posted yet?
based. my boomer coworker keeps recommending me this tripe and I don't have the heart to tell him reagan sucks
have to agree. people always told me how good the Fog is and when I watched it, it was boring as fuck. Vampires was more entertaining to me. Maybe because James Woods is the man and Jamie Lee Curtis just looks like a man.
Where’s the proof this is actually a genuine account by Carpenter and not just someone doing a pretty good impersonation based on his interviews?
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>John Carpenters Stephen Kings It
How could he not? It ended the series far better than II ever could. That and the fact that the entire thing is perfect for what it is.
>......Goddamn you
he told me it was his while we were playing Halo

IMDB also confirms. So rejoice.
To me it feels exactly like what a boomer would do if someone showed him this "new" thing he didn't knew before and became addicted before the novelty wore off.
To this day still makes me seethe
holy shit lmao
Can confirm, my Dad is a Nintendo
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forgot pic
but he is the Halloween guy... he made the score and everything
>Space Jam (1996)

>Now this is a real man's movie. I wish I could've made it. Seriously! What a blast it would have been to make basketball and Looney Toons. Every studio on planet earth would've balked if I tried it though.
I probably would've cast an actual actor, like Denzel Washington, Samuel L Jackson, or Laurence Fishbourne for example, to play a fictional basketball player and not a real NBA player to play himself. I would have given MJ a smaller role. But the film would not have gotten made without MJ front and center.
This one is a guilty pleasure, except I'm not guilty.
>This one is a guilty pleasure, except I'm not guilty.
Incredibly based. Everyone going on about "Muh guilty pleasure" is just a fag scared of honesty.
It's only decent animation-wise. The plot, pacing, and most of character work is absolute nonsense, but everyone just overlooks it because of the pretty visuals.
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Not gonna lie. I like that movie
Nta, but this is why I am happy to say that Return of the Jedi is fundamentally the best Star Wars film ever made. I've never been ashamed and in fact I hate the tryhards who say it's weak because it has deadly teddy bears. Like, sorry you have a stick up your ass and can't understand allegories.
>the film about a Catholic ritual and with a priest as the main character based on a book written by a Catholic man is pretty pro-Catholic
Stop the fucking presses
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>this elderly man who quickly wrote a review made a minor spelling mistake in one word that autocorrect probably did anyway
>this means he poops on the film as he watches it
>the thing that commercializes good and evil is totally good trust me
Hmmmm maybe it IS Catholic.
the teddy bears are lame, but the first half and ending is great. vader's duel with luke at the end is all time great cinema
What is he talking about? Year before you had G.I. Joe: The Movie, prince's braid and the predator.
/hor/ suggested this to me a few weeks ago, its one of the best movies i have ever seen
Halloween 2 isn’t even that bad
His spelling is terrible. Christ, he’s retarded
He did this job for money and Chevy Chase was insufferable.
Chase was convinced this was his big moment to become a dramatic actor, original director Ivan Reitman and writer William Goldman could not wrap their heads around these script demands Chase wanted and so walked off the project.
Daryl Hannah behaved the same way as Chase.
>I did not care about the quality of my work and it showed and I am not to blame
>the teddy bears are lame
That's fine, I can accept that for some people it doesn't work, or so they claim. As for me, being the son of a Vietnam vet, I got the references and it enhanced it. Even my dad liked it, although when I told him what Lucas meant it did piss him off for a bit, then he stopped caring and watched it anyway.

>but the first half and ending is great. vader's duel with luke at the end is all time great cinema
Isn't it? As a kid I didn't appreciate how Vader wanted to have his cake and eat it too, but then at the last second the Emperor forces Vader's hand and brings about his own end. For a kid, it has to happen because...of course daddy will save me, but for adults it feels like so much more, when it really isn't.
Is that one that got sued for being escape from new york rip off
Ahead of its time. Its pure scifi.
... that's a really good insult.
What about Starman?
>This one redeemed me in the public eye for one movie. Even Spielberg called me up to tell me this was one of his favorites of the year.
People congratulated me for directing Jeff Bridges to an Oscar nomination, but I barely directed him at all. He came onto the set with this weird robotic alien act and I thought it was awful! But he's a great actor so I let him do it. I hardly told him what to do. Maybe I should not admit that.
I do enjoy this one, even if it was a film-for-hire.

I hope it's western. Time is right. There is resurgence of westerns happening right now. He could get funding to do it. And it has always been one of his goals.
Or maybe western adjust but strangers. Like civil war battle field looting gang movie
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I like Dark Star
>that guy is on crack
mid-1980s King was on a lot of drugs, dunno about crack but certainly cocaine and pills
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>John Carpenter's Stephen King's IT
it's held together by good pacing and editing for the first 45 minutes
but then it becomes another Carpenter "people trapped in building" flick
>oh that crazy bodyhorror stuff? teehee
Carpenter is on another frequency
Just remember that something made him make it. Something makes us all do things. With that in mind, who needs a license from its mother to care for it?
If Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula got away with it, Carpenter could have too
horror anthologies were big in the 1980s I wouldn't call it a rip off
Maximum Overdrive were those drugs, just the right amount of them.
Oh yeah, I forgot Sweeney was in it.
Wrong. The Running Man had Jesse Ventura in it.
Carpenter is seething because Dan O'Bannon was more talented than him
I hope he's making a film about video games.
pretty sure he is drunk writing these
>abuse your actors and setting them against each other is top flight filmmaking
Maybe so, but you can't except every guy to adopt that style.
How is that not covered in MSM?
* abusing **expect [fuck]
Ouch, fair enough.
It sounds like him so I think it is real
if you do not tell people a great movie is being released how will they know and go see and buy tickets
he is gonna direct a film from his living room while the second unit is on set, like George Miller did with the truck chase scene in Furiosa
Huh, this is interesting. For me Hereditary was one of those rare times you think everyone must've been on drugs when they saw it because what you saw was a load of nonsensical bullshit bordering on self-parody. No idea why people love that movie so much.

Haven't been interested in Aster since but this just became a must-watch to see if Based Carpenter is right about Aster farting out proper kino.
Yeah and John won the case I believe.
Fucking based
john carpenter is a pretentious prick
It's him
He was baked
Dude's a pal with Tarantino, he'd probably pull some strings for the guy if John asked him to.
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lmao. the man is a treasure
this kills the drumpfsters!!!
Is Treasure of Sierra Madre good or boomer slop?
he's anything but pretentious, mister i-don't-know-what-words-mean
I love this guy
>It should've been called "Who Goes There?" and not The Thing
WTF he's already got debilitating dementia or what
Who goes there is the original name iirc
fucking uneducated pleb
That's fine. It should star James Woods and take place in acades and in some nice forest lands. I want a mystery flick that uses sci-fi as misdirection.
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shit taste, what a stupid irrelevant old toothless dweeb, unless he did it to troll in which case good job but i doubt it as the hollywood bubble and that gay website adore that piece of crap.
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>Instead of scaling down action scenes, we just kept everything the same scene-by-scene until we had used up the budget.
actual absolute madman...
It's well animated and has a decent story. Not the best Spider-Man film but certainly shits all over the Tom Holland ones.
>uses a social media site by and for troons

I've tried to watch it
when it shifts to an empty hotel, cause they apparently ran out of money, it just dies
pfhahaha. the movie had good tits thoughever, its the one positive i'm willingy to give it
Fuck knows. Carpenter's movies always seem to be ahead of their time, they fly under the radar or totally bomb on release then the normies catch up a decade or two later and go "yeah bro such a classic movie I liked it before it was cool"
>According to the Peacock network, John Carpenter never visited the sets to direct. He remote-directed a crew on a faraway soundstage from a leather easy chair at home.
It's very entertaining and has great performances.
same thing happened to The Thing, came out two weeks after ET
He's old as the hills and long out of fucks.
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Me too, it had a certain charm.
>>Instead of scaling down action scenes, we just kept everything the same scene-by-scene until we had used up the budget.
>actual absolute madman...
He had Quint energy: https://youtu.be/hSbbc06EW9g?t=2
>and Chevy Chase was insufferable
Absolutely everyone who's ever worked with Chevy Chase has come out of it loathing him. He's just a turd in the shape of a human being.
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>Stephen King can't stand him as a person

Badge of honor for Carpenter.
The book is great. The only good book the author ever wrote. I was really looking forward to the movie. It was okay, but only the first few minutes are about the book, after that it's a completely different story. But now at least I know why.
Hey, that's E3M2!
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i feel like he could be posting here just to vent in an open forum lol
That show was fucking shit garbage. And I have a high tolerance for shitty shows of that type. I would put it on a list of worst shows/movies ever made.
I really enjoyed it. Just randomly caught it one evening.
It was just fun, in a weird kind of way.
I can see why he wouldn't like it today, because it's basically "fucking around with a bunch of buddies", but that's what I like about it.
Hating your own work is cringe and reddit, just saying.
Everyone has off days(or off months). Man with his output has got to have a bunch of stuff he hates in hindsight.
They Live was a smash hit upon release for two weeks and then all theaters "were told" to remove the film. I'm not making this up. Carpenter, Piper, and Keith David all confirmed this. David even said that they pissed someone off.
Ask me how I know you've never created anything or tried to improve.
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Nah, he's got a point. I remember thinking the exact thing when I saw Christine. It's a fine enough movie but not as graphic as the book. Seems like he's just honest about his own movies' flaws.
Fletch is still my favorite movie. I don't care how awful the guy is.
to repost everytime this turd is meme'd here, jokertards really need to stfu
Okay bros, this is NOT based and redpilled. MAGApedes assemble!!
Fletch Lives is a masterpiece that craps all over the original.
Carpenter is old as dirt and made several classic movies and pieces of music. He's more than earned the right to say and do whatever he wants.
>earned the right to say and do whatever he wants
Oh so now you have to "earn" your right to speak your mind?
In hindsight, the only good thing about Reagan were the jokes he would tell, and admittedly he had a good sense of humor. But Reaganomics were a fail and actors shouldn't become politicians to begin with.
I don't think he's doing it to be self-depricating, since he's jacking himself off to the others he does like.
I think they just didn't work out the way he wanted and honestly hates them
you can say whatever you want
will anyone listen or care?
> all reviews marked as Watched 20 Sep 2024
Did he write all those reviews in one day?
>will probably delete this
Seems so. His account was made spontaneously >>203888334
I hope he writes more reviews because he seems pretty honest and I agree with most of his takes.
what is this, twitter for disgruntled directors?
the written ones yes, but there's a lot more movies on his "watched" list
It's what Rottentomatoes should be.
i think it's just another social media site where you give your shitty opinions on every movie you've ever seen
He gave Raimi Man 1 and 2 the same rating. I think he's just a Spider-Man fan who didn't expect to like not-Peter.
you have to be joking
King doesn't like hom? Automatically based.
tldr? whos this dude
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>actors shouldn't become politicians to begin with
>gave Rope a 2 star rating
Finally a disappointment, I was finding myself agreeing with him too much.
made Friday the 13th
>low-class scum defeating the elite, and I figured rockstars represented that to an extent
What a boomer
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he really is one of the most honest and relatable filmmakers ever
Rockstars become popular because they represent that attitude
No, not at all. The original Fletch is mildly amusing with a lame payoff, but the sequel is sublime in its parody of basically everything. I saw it at an AMC theatre at its release with my mom and one of my aunts and everyone loved it. The actors in it were amazing too. Have you even seen this flick?

made The Thing
he builds sets for movies, his last name is just a coincidence
Exactly. I don't agree with all of his takes but it's refreshing to see a Hollywood person not censor himself or walk on eggshells all the time.
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>walked into Warner Bros and brought up the gripping tornado scene from The Wizard of Oz (1939). I told them about how they used a giant 30-foot sock filled with sand to create that tornado. It was a practical effect, no computerized crappola. I said I wanted to use a giant sock if I made Twister. They never called me again.
I agree, the tornado effect in The Wizard of Oz still holds up even today.
He gave Close Encounters two stars, so it must be him. He never liked it.
Marvel Presents George Lucas's Star Wars
Hereditary too. I guess this interviewer prompted him to see it >>203888529
only Friedkin was this based
i'm fucking dying. moar
>no Spider-Man 3 rating
it's over..
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>the tornado effect in The Wizard of Oz still holds up even today.
I concur. I just saw it a few days ago on a 4K TV with the Blu-ray (the 4K isn't out yet) and it impressed me so much.
>This film was made in 1939
Went through my mind and caused some mental fun.
The movie is a piece of shit. I know some /tv/ contrarians rate it highly but they fucked up the Venom storyline and it's too crowded to begin with. It's Sony's fault more so than Raimi's though.
yep he's a boomer alright
>movie doesn't need a sequel
>you need to pay rent and it's relatively easy money
What would you have done in this situation?
Cronenberg got away with it because Goldblum added enough levity to The Fly to offset the gore.
The Thing had zero levity and was super serious throughout; the audience had no release.
Horror has the opposite effect of suspension of disbelief: you need to convince the audience every now and then that it's not real else they'll get disturbed.
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>he's always liked a cheating whore
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He's right. Should have at least cut out all of the dream sequence
Maybe, but I'm glad he likes Terrifier 2. He doesn't like that it's so long.
It’s kino
I felt the same way about the first Spiderverse movie, and never saw 2. I thought it looked really pretty
they really should have used the animatronics reeeeeeeeeeee

where's the fuckin raw cut he watched tho
Carpenter is a shitty director. He just had a few successes that made him iconic, but overall he's a shitty director. He's only made two watchable movies, Halloween and The Thing. Everything else is shit.
i want to drink with this guy and hear old war stories from horror hollywood
nah, get a life. you really think you sound smart when you say this kind of shit, but you just seem like a deluded faggot.
post resume
get the fuck outta here, he's a great director
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I thought you guys were meme-ing me but it actually DOES hold up and is one of the best effects I've seen.

It's a shame it's one of those films that's a cult classic but has never breached into mainstream. Most people not into horror have never heard of it.
I like how the font on "Predators" is near-identical to the font they use for the actual Predator series
Delightfully devilish
they fucked up the ending too. no pods with life form specimens, no alien pilot and the dog and helicopter chasing it suddenly spawn into existence from nowhere at the end. otherwise a decent side story
Being a chevy chase movie, it's completely understandable.
it's trooncore my friend
>that's it! I'm going to start my filmmaking career al lthanks with my crusty cumsocks!! Emmerich is finished!!!!
I really hate reviewers who do the whole "It's more than JUST a horror" thing. Patronising little shits.
I don't remember this Blue Pill Men scene...
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i quite liked it when it came out. i guess i'm wrong
Always kinda wondered why Daryl Hannah kinda disappeared. Guess she a was Julia Roberts level pain in the arse without the Julia Roberts box office.
The animatronics and props looked great tee bee aych, not sure why they didn't use them
No, the sequel is trooncore. Or at least troons want it to be, but there's no indication Gwen is trans. She's just an ally.
new thread please autosage
it certainly was wayyy cheaper and faster to create and animate CGI than just animate animatronics and old stuff
Uwe Boll's account was amazing, shame it was deleted
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>I took a look at this phonebook of a novel
post it
Never seen it. Never even heard of this movie. Is it any good?
In defence of It, the book is essentially a story and its sequel put together.
except they DID create all that animatronic shit and the test audiences made fun of it so the studio demanded they just coat over everything with terrible cgi to be more cogent with what irritatingly stupid audiences expect today. it's a fucking tragedy
Yeah, it's low budget and made for TV but it's got some strong Dario Argento vibes
Is Cigarette burns the last good thing to come from Carpenter?
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ugh that sad.
regardless i hope there's a practical effects renaissance; CGI will always be uncanny
still wouldn't have saved that film
Jesus christ, it's like looking at Woody from Toy Story in drag
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Great shot. Carpenter is truly the greatest director.
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I think the core problem is they replicated 70s makeup in a film where everything else is done to modern standards. Looks completely out of place.
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I always mix up Adrienne Barbeau & Kate Jackson
>That guy is on fucking crack
>I took a look at this phonebook of a novel and pondered why the fuck a novel about a killer clown needed to be 1008 pages

What'd you like about it?
I kept waiting for the jokes, but they never came; just Chevy being smarmy.
..i-it's not just a killer clown, it's actually an evil god-spider from outer space, t-this is not much different from The Thing!
Don't forget the turtle
How would Carpenter know that? If he sees a killer clown, he sees him as a killer clown. Anything more complicated than that, he doesn't understand.
Shit he does kinda look like one of those goobers
i just liked the story and characters i guess. i think the reason why it got so much backlash is everyone expecting it to be a comedy. it's not. i think i remember reading chevy chase thought it was going to be his big dramatic break too. huh
These aren't real you retards
Retard faggot
Well deserved digits. For once, not wasted.
Good post
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The film felt tone def. Everything about the production screams comedy (script, cast, sfx/gags, etc.) but it never delivers. It's like the whole film edges on a joke and there's never a payoff (even the ending is unsatisfactory).
I've watched it a few times trying to understand the film, but it just makes more sense that Chevy used his star power to muddle the film up and use it as a dramatic vehicle instead of its obviously intended design.
Like it's definitely one of those films that checks all the boxes but when you watch it, it sucks on the tier of Modern Problems.
It's a pretty timeless movie because the clothes and the setting never really change.
Agree it's a better movie than either Star Wars or Alien.
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Extremely over-hated movie. It's a Dreamcast era Resident Evil clone in movie form, how could you hate it?
>but then it becomes another Carpenter "people trapped in building" flick
Yeah that’s why it’s kino
>Dreamcast era Resident Evil clone
Because Code Veronica SUCKS! SUCKS!!!!!
NTA but Code Veronica is literally the best RE. The epitome of the traditional formula that learned from all past mistakes and become the best version it could be. Afterwards RE became an action game series with 4.
Just check below the neck and you'll never be wrong.
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>the chad John Carpenter unleashed and not giving a fuck VS the virgin 'I have a secret Letterboxd' Edgar Wright
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Imagine it'll get a remake soon
4 is when they finally got the formula right, dummy. no one wants to play as a shopping cart that can never see what's in front of them because fixed camera angles. so glad they dropped the irritating alone in the dark shit
What an absolute chad
Is there any info on what his ending would have been?
See, this is why nobody likes 4babbies, especially after your spergout over the remake.
Fucking beautiful.
Oh holy shit.
What a retarded logic, literal brain rot
These are all equally fantastic.

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